Academic literature on the topic 'Enseignantes – Dans les représentations sociales'
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Journal articles on the topic "Enseignantes – Dans les représentations sociales"
Carugati, Felice, and Carlo Tomasetto. "Le corps enseignant face aux technologies de l’information et de la communication : un défi incontournable." Articles 28, no. 2 (February 11, 2004): 305–24.
Full textJeziorski, Agnieszka, Geneviève Therriault, and Émilie Morin. "Représentations sociales, rapports aux savoirs et pratiques enseignantes autour de questions socialement vives environnementales : quels croisements, quelles tensions ?" Phronesis 10, no. 2-3 (September 24, 2021): 176–93.
Full textMinier, Pauline. "Des représentations de l’apprentissage de parents et d’enseignants d’élèves du primaire qui éclairent les interactions vécues." Dossier thématique 32, no. 3 (August 20, 2007): 623–48.
Full textLanoix, Alexandre. "L’identification à la nation dans les représentations sociales des enseignants d’histoire québécois." Articles 52, no. 1 (August 14, 2017): 173–96.
Full textImmongault, Marthe Christine, and Claire Lapointe. "Représentations sociales de la réussite scolaire dans un pays dit en voie de développement : le cas du Gabon1." Revue des sciences de l’éducation 43, no. 1 (November 21, 2017): 1–36.
Full textAsdih, Carole. "Collaborer avec les parents pour accompagner la scolarité? Représentations des enseignants et pratiques professionnelles." Enfances, Familles, Générations, no. 16 (October 22, 2012): 34–52.
Full textCarignan, Nicole, Nosisi Feza, and Roland Pourdavood. "Diversité culturelle, enseignement des mathématiques et rapports ethniques : expériences scolaires sud-africaine et états-unienne." Éducation et francophonie 36, no. 1 (June 4, 2008): 123–41.
Full textLegardez, Alain. "L’utilisation de l’analyse des représentations sociales dans une perspective didactique." Revue des sciences de l'éducation 30, no. 3 (January 18, 2006): 647–65.
Full textFortier, Marie-Pierre, Isabelle Noël, Serge Ramel, and Geneviève Bergeron. "Intégration scolaire, éducation inclusive et représentations des enseignants : de la formation initiale à la communauté éducative." Revue des sciences de l’éducation 44, no. 1 (November 29, 2018): 12–39.
Full textLanoix, Alexandre. "Représentations sociales comparées. Le regard des enseignants et des conseillers pédagogiques sur les finalités de l’enseignement de l’histoire." Revue des sciences de l’éducation 44, no. 2 (March 18, 2019): 77–102.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Enseignantes – Dans les représentations sociales"
Astolfi, Françoise. "La représentation de la féminité chez les enseignantes." Nice, 1993.
Full textSummary of the thesis this is a phenomenalogical study of the representation of the feminine self in a socio-scholastic environment the summary is as follows : book one specificity of a strategy for a pedagogicla communication book two : based on different kinds of situations in the field of the sciences of education book three : phenomenology in pedagogy book four : communication and education based on interviews with teachers book five : analses and conclusions about the training of a female teacher the purpose of this thesis has been to intentionally direct the discussion to the hidden dimension of the act of teaching because it appears that "what has the most important impact is what is not discussed ans above all what the female teacher has not been trained for that which remains unsaid in this occupation, or the entire subjectivity of practising pedagogy"
Hétu, Michael. "Les représentations sociales des savoirs dans l’enseignement du français chez des futurs enseignants du secondaire." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
Full textBouyssières, Patrice. "La representation sociale du metier, lieu d'expression strategique dans la construction socio-cognitive du projet professionnel. Un exemple : les etudiants et la representation sociale des metiers de l'enseignement." Toulouse 2, 1992.
Full textThe first part of the thesis attempts to describe the specific social representation of the teaching profession from a psychosocial viewpoint. It presents the historical, sociological, philosophical, psychoanalytical and pedagogical components of the profession. Il also reviews the work done on the concept of social representation and the building of career plans. The second part is a study of the representation and the of the teaching profession by students in competitive exams for primary and secondary school positions. The responses to questionnaires are analyzed multi-dimensionally and used to describe the representation of teaching in terms of content and structure, interpreted via the psychosociological theories of attribution, retionalization and commitment. The interpretations are next brought together in an oveview, including the cosefd temporal " mean - objectives" behaviour model. The paper then presents and analyzes the data gathered during interviews with a representative sub-sample of the group studied
Peixoto, Joana. "Les formateurs parlent : les représentations des formateurs d'enseignants dans le domaine de l'informatique appliquée à l'éducation." Paris 8, 2005.
Full textWhy teachers prepared to work with Educational Informatics (EI) do not transfer to their practice what they learned during their formation? Our hypothesis is that there is, among EI formers, a certain representation of the formation model and a conception on the beneficial aspects of digital technologies that would be automatically transferred to the teachers' practice. The concept of social representation (Moscovici) was adopted to identify on the formers discourse how they conceive the formation and bring it to the practice. The investigation was done with the 21 teachers of the discipline "Informatics and Education" from the Catholic University of Goiás, in Brazil, using the techniques of words associations, semi-structured interview and focus group. The meanings of EI are made evident to those teachers through the many metaphors that constitute their imaginary: from the teaching machine to the bottomless well, and also a partner, a mirror, a miracle. .
Lisée, Véronique. "Représentations sociales de l'importance des sciences et technologies et de la culture scientifique et technologique dans l'enseignement et la formation à l'enseignement primaire au Québec chez des futures enseignantes." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2008.
Full textArtus, Dominique. "La mixité : illusion égalitaire en éducation physique et sportive ? Son étude à travers les représentations sociales des enseignants et des lycéens." Poitiers, 1999.
Full textZeller, Christelle. "Mobilisation collective des professionnels et représentations sociales de la performance organisationnelle : le cas des enseignants-chercheurs dans les universités françaises." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Full textLiterature emphasized how much the professional’s collective mobilization towards the performance of their organization is problematic. In fact, the authors have divided opinions about the compatibility between the professional commitment and the organizational commitment. This thesis seeks to understand the professional’s collective mobilization to their organization performance by asking the social representation of the organizational performance. Our study of quantitative and exploratory nature question the academics of the French University who are facing, since previous years, significant reforms which implemented a management approach based on the performance. Therefore, the managerial logics took a place beside the prevailing professional logics. The results reveal that the academics defined the performance of the university as being the scientific publications and the student’s integration into the workplace. In the face of this representation widely shared about the performance of the university, two opposing groups: the first one, the majority group, is favourable to the concept of the performance, and the second one, in the minority, is unfavourable. From then on, four different profiles of collective mobilization emerge from the results, thus, revealing different identity hybridizations. So, the academics’ professional identity evolves. They identify more to their institution and integrate its needs. However, the emerging results stress, on one hand, that these four mobilization profiles are, more and less, supported by a strong Public Service Motivation. On the other hand, the most mobilized profiles need a high organizational support
Abdollahi, Akbar. "Représentations et médiation culturelle dans la formation des enseignants de français langue étrangère en Iran." Paris, INALCO, 2012.
Full textThis thesis organizes thinking around the concepts of national representations and cultural mediation as two key concepts in training intercultural competence of teachers of French as a Foreign Language. The concept of national representations mobilized in this research includes both those related to the target language (here French as Foreign Language) than on the country where it is taught (Iran in our case). As we understand, representations of languages, the attitudes and motivations of learners are part of the socio-emotional teaching and learning of languages and also rely on building links between sociology and the teaching of languages and cultures. This thesis analyzes the problems encountered in the implementation and improvement of intercultural competence training teachers of FLE in Iran. The case studies were done on the basis of completed questionnaires before the initial training of teachers, recording these sessions, semi-directive interviews with the teachers after the training and the logbook of researcher. We have shown the interest of intercultural competence based on the implementation of cultural mediation activities to address the idealized representation and geopolitical tensions in the training of language teachers and opening proposals for future research
Ghanem, Hiba. "La scolarisation des enfants en situation de handicap dans les écoles primaires du Liban : quelles représentations pour quelles pratiques chez les enseignants ?" Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textIn a social and school context that seeks to be inclusive, many factors hinder a quality schooling process for children with disabilities in mainstream schools in Lebanon. Social representations and practices with regard to these children are the most remarkable signs. This thesis investigates the representations made by teachers of children with disabilities and their actualpedagogical practices, in order to understand the interactions between both parties as well as the teachers’ impact on the success of schooling. It also seeks to reflect the position of the Lebanese School on the diversity of children.This research adopts a comprehensive approach. It is based on the observation of educational and pedagogical practices as well as focus groups and comprehensive interviews with teachers. The use of these methodologies allows, on the one hand, the apprehension of the behavior of teachers and their pedagogical approaches; and on the other hand, the analysis of theirdiscourses and exploration of the social representations that unconsciously structure their ways of thinking and acting. The cross-sectional analysis of data thus highlights the brakes and levers for the implementation of the schooling process.The crossed interpretation of practices and representations finally makes it possible to understand what could lead teachers to modify their conceptions, to transform their usual practices and to consider the possibility developing new ones, more coherent with the inclusive aim
Tine, Cheikh Tidiane. "A la recherche de significations dans le discours et les pratiques des enseignants : Contenus et dynamique des représentations sociales de l’inclusion scolaire des enfants et adolescents en situation de handicap en Italie." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2012.
Full textThis thesis deals with social representations of disability and mainly with school inclusion of children and teenagers living with disabilities in teachers’ practices. In fact, it is important to notice that this school inclusion is analysed from the social representations and the practices they bring about. Better, the analysis of school inclusion is made via the discourse and practices of teachers.The survey is conducted in twelve schools, ten of them located in Rome and the two others in Cagliari in the region of Sardinia. All these schools host students living with handicap and they seek to do their best to observe every student’s irreducible singularity. A resort to a triangulation of the techniques of data collection(questionnaire, interview guide, group focus and direct observation ) has been of great importance to us in grasping the true influence of social representations about the educational practices and the behaviours, individual as well as collective in the sense of school inclusion. This achieved empiric investigation establishes a link between the universe and the thought(social representations) in one hand, and the universe and the action(educational practices) on the other hand. The perception teachers make about handicap and school inclusion has engendered the concrete setting of pedagogic practices which take into account the specific educational needs of students living with disabilities. The welcome and way of dealing with disability at school result from a transformation both in the field of ideas and the organization of the pedagogic practice.Above the study of school inclusion via what teachers do and say, we have also tried to understand the existing links between the actors taking part in the realization of the project of inclusion. The discursive examination and the observations on the ground unveil that the collaboration between teachers , even between the different participants on the field of inclusion still requires a lot of doing. Despite the contradictions and ambivalences noticeable, inclusion is considered as a profit to all and the teachers interviewed are completely behind it
Books on the topic "Enseignantes – Dans les représentations sociales"
Couchard, Françoise. Le fantasme de séduction dans la culture musulmane: Mythes et représentations sociales. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1994.
Find full textCouchard, Françoise. Le fantasme de séduction dans la culture musulmane: Mythes et représentations sociales. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2004.
Find full textLes oiseaux chanteurs: Sciences, pratiques sociales et représentations dans les sociétés et le temps long. Dijon: Éditions universitaires de Dijon, 2014.
Find full textStephen, Mills. The American landscape. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000.
Find full textThe matter of images: Essays on representations. London: Routledge, 1993.
Find full textde Diesbach-Dolder, Stéphanie. Apprentissage scolaire : lorsque les émotions s’invitent en classe… Une analyse socioculturelle des pratiques d’enseignement en éducation interculturelle. Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2022.
Full text1944-, Frank Robert, and Le Puloch Maryvonne, eds. Images et imaginaire dans les relations internationales depuis 1938. [Paris]: Institut d'histoire du temps présent, 1994.
Find full textDarbellay, Frédéric, Zoe Moody, and Maude Louviot. L’école autrement? Les pédagogies alternatives en débat. Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2021.
Full textRichard, Dyer. The Matter of Images: Essays on Representation. Routledge, 2002.
Find full textThe Matter of Images: Essays on Representation. Routledge, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Enseignantes – Dans les représentations sociales"
MIGNOT, Christelle. "Analyse des représentations sociales des langues et de l’enseignement bi-plurilingue auprès d’enseignants et futurs enseignants en Afrique francophone subsaharienne." In Langue(s) en mondialisation, 85–98. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textABOAB, Deborah, Eve-marie ROLLINAT-LEVASSEUR, and Donatienne WOERLY. "L’interculturel au prisme d’une pédagogie de la réussite étudiante." In "L'interculturel" dans l’enseignement supérieur, 193–210. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textGilly, Michel. "17. Les représentations sociales dans le champ éducatif." In Les représentations sociales, 383. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textde Lauwe, Marie-Josée Chombart, and Nelly Feuerhahn. "15. La représentation sociale dans le domaine de l'enfance." In Les représentations sociales, 340. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textPalmonari, Augusto, and Bruna Zani. "14. Les représentations sociales dans le champ des professions psychologiques." In Les représentations sociales, 319. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textLaplantine, François. "13. Anthropologie des systèmes de représentations de la maladie : de quelques recherches menées dans la France contemporaine réexaminées à la lumière d'une expérience brésilienne." In Les représentations sociales, 295. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textBayard, Chantal. "LES REPRÉSENTATIONS SOCIALES DE L’ALLAITEMENT MATERNEL." In Regards critiques sur la maternité dans divers contextes sociaux, 47–72. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
Full text"6. Représentations sociales et culturelles." In Alimentation et nutrition dans les départements et régions d’Outre-mer/Food and nutrition in the French overseas departments and regions, 89–92. IRD Éditions, 2020.
Full textGénolini, Jean-Paul. "Les représentations du sport pour handicapés mentaux dans la presse." In Sport, relations sociales et action collective, 257–67. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 1995.
Full text"Chapitre 9. Positions et représentations sociales : le dehors et le dedans." In Le pouvoir dans la Bonne Ville, 457–510. Presses universitaires du Midi, 2000.
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