Academic literature on the topic 'Engrais et amendements – Effets du soufre'
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Journal articles on the topic "Engrais et amendements – Effets du soufre"
Aboubakar, Amina, Bertrand Zing Zing, Aline Béatrice Nzeket, Diane Armelle Moussima Yaka, Armelle Nadine Tchudjo Tchuente, Yvette Clarisse Mfopou Mewouo, and Charly Raymond Birang A. Madong. "Effets des amendements sur la croissance, le rendement et la composition chimique de la morelle noire (Solanum nigrum L) en zone périurbaine de Yaoundé, Cameroun." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 6 (October 6, 2020): 2134–46.
Full textOumarou, Traoré, Ouédraogo R. Adèle, Dianda Z. Oumarou, Boro Fousseni, Bouda Etienne, and Wonni Issa. "Effets des Amendements Organiques sur la Gale Bactérienne et la Pourriture Apicale de la Tomate à Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 19, no. 33 (November 30, 2023): 17.
Full textNgoyi, Adolphe Nsomue, Gustave Kishiko Masanga, Hubert Mulungu Bila, Alphonse Yangoy Yashima, Médard Matala Milambo, Laurent Nsapu Ndjibu, and Louis Longanza Baboy. "Effet des amendements organiques sur la croissance et le rendement de la pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum) cultivée sur un sol dégradé dans la région de Kabinda, République Démocratique du Congo." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 5 (September 14, 2020): 1812–19.
Full textKpan, Wondouet Hippolyte, Affi Jeanne Bongoua-Devisme, Brahima Kone, Franck Michael Lemounou Bahan, Konan-Kan Hippolyte Kouadio, Kouassi Pla Adou, and Anselme Kan Louis Koko. "Effets combinés de la roche phosphatée et des fertilisants chimiques sur les paramètres agronomiques du riz pluvial dans trois zones agroécologiques de la Côte D’Ivoire." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 17, no. 7 (February 22, 2024): 2984–97.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Engrais et amendements – Effets du soufre"
Vidal, Agathe. "La fertilisation soufrée est-elle un levier efficace pour limiter le transfert sol-grain du Cd chez le blé dur ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textCadmium (Cd) is a non-essential and highly toxic metal, generally occurring at trace level in soils. Its origins are natural, linked to pedogenesis, but also anthropogenic (contamination by agricultural inputs, industrial wastes, etc.). By taking up Cd from the soil through their roots, plants accumulate this contaminant in their aboveground parts, threatening the food safety. This is the case for durum wheat, which is the cereal that accumulates the most Cd in its grains, and therefore is a strong contributor to the chronic dietary exposure of the French population to Cd. Cd is carcinogenic and highly toxic to humans especially for kidneys and therefore, the European Union has established regulatory limits setting maximum levels of Cd in numerous foodstuffs. As a result of recent toxicological studies, numerous new regulatory limits have been established and existing ones have been decreased. For durum wheat grain, the limit has recently been revised downwards from 0.20 mg Cd kg-1 to 0.18 mg Cd kg-1 (EC 915/2023). Further decreases are expected in the future, pointing out the need to find solutions to limit the transfer of Cd from soil to grain. Cd has a strong affinity for sulfur (S), with which it forms complexes that are highly stable with the thiol (-SH) groups of organic molecules, and more labile with sulfates. The literature shows that the addition of S to soil can modify not only the phytoavailability of this metal in soil but also its distribution between plant organs. Cd-S ligand complexes are known to detoxify this metal by sequestration in vacuoles, particularly in roots. However, literature mainly concerns polluted soils and phytoextraction, with little work on weakly contaminated agricultural soils. The aim of this thesis work was to test whether the addition of S at doses and chemical forms used in cereal cultures could limit Cd accumulation in durum wheat grains in the context of agricultural soils. We showed, under controlled conditions, that the solubility of Cd can be increased by the addition of ammonium sulfate, not by the direct effects of sulphates, but by the acidification resulting from the nitrification of ammonium. In hydroponics and in the field, the addition of S slightly reduced the Cd concentration in durum wheat grains, sometimes in association with greater retention of Cd in roots, as expected. We observed that most of the Cd was stored in the roots and that, during the grain filling, it was remobilized and transferred to the aboveground parts concomitantly with S. By reducing the remobilization of S from the roots, sulfur fertilization could then help to also limit the remobilization of Cd from the roots to the grain. Besides, our results showed that S fertilization could also affect the distribution of biomass between organs, thus affecting their Cd content. Overall, our work suggests that in durum wheat, ensuring that the S requirements of the plant are met could slightly reduce the Cd content of the grain through indirect effects on biomass and possibly through direct S-Cd interaction mechanisms. Even if its effect is not very strong, it is worth considering S fertilization as a lever to reduce cadmium contamination in durum wheat
Lévesque, Vicky. "Amendement en biochars : effets sur l'activité et la structure des microorganismes et sur les rendements de la tomate et du poivron de serre." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017.
Full textThe biochar, charcoal produced by pyrolysis and used as an amendment, has several advantages and is a promising avenue for sustainable agriculture. However, the production methods, the pyrolysis conditions and the biomass types produce biochars with variable properties which have different effects on soil productivity and crop yields. Presently, there are no studies to elucidate the influence of the physicochemical properties of biochars on the structure and the diversity of soil microbial communities. The purpose of this PhD project was to understand how the physicochemical properties of biochar affect its ability to : (i) mitigate greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) improve growth of greenhouse tomato and pepper; (iii) improve fertilizer and water use efficiency; and (iv) modify the structure and the diversity of bacterial communities in a growing medium and a mineral soil. Five biochars were produced and evaluated: maple bark pyrolyzed at 400˚C, 550˚C and 700˚C, pine chips pyrolyzed at 700˚C, and willow chips pyrolyzed at 400˚C. The results demonstrated that some physicochemical properties are key drivers of the ability of biochars to efficiently mitigate N2O emissions, to reduce fertilizer inputs and to improve water use efficiency while promoting plant growth. Moreover, the results show that biochar amendment can stimulate specific bacterial groups involved in carbon and nitrogen cycles and possibly those involved in plant development. This work identifies key physicochemical properties of biochars that could better guide agricultural producers and industries producing peat-based growing media, in the choice of biochar promoting tomato and pepper growth and contributing to a sustainable agriculture.
Azouaou, Zahia. "Contribution à l'étude des effets de la nutrition en cuivre sur le rendement du blé : incidence des carences sur la formation du pollen." Toulouse, INPT, 1992.
Full textRousseau, Guillaume. "Analyses multidimensionnelles des effets de la rotation et d'un compost urbain sur la sclérotiniose du soja et la santé du sol." Thesis, Université Laval, 2005.
Full textNyiraneza, Judith. "Effets à long terme de différents modes de fertilisation et de systèmes de rotations sur certaines propriétés du sol et les coefficients réels d'utilisation d'engrais azoté." Thesis, Université Laval, 2009.
Full textBiron, François. "Effets des extraits de compost (EC) fortifiés sur la croissance du soya (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textIn organic agriculture, there are few certified products that can be used to favor plant growth. This study was conducted to determine the soluble compounds from water extract of compost (WEC) that could benefit soybean growth. In the presence or the absence of aeration, six composts were macerated into water up to 14 days. Following the characterization of WEC, four were selected, enriched and applied on foliage of soybean grown in sand and watered with a nutrient solution or water. Over time, most soluble mineral salts went into solution, but N could be lost trough denitrification. To enhance mineral contents and minimize N loss, WEC should be produced within two days. When treated with the nutrient solution, the water extract of vermicompost enhanced soybean development, biomasses, and plant mineral contents. This WEC appears to favor plant growth through the provision of soluble growth substances, other than soluble mineral elements.
Tallec, Tiphaine. "Effets d'un double gradient azote/soufre sur la structure des communautés végétales de prairies bas-normandes : dynamique de l'acquisition des ressources minérales et des interactions compétitives." Caen, 2008.
Full textThe importance of soil S depletion, due to an increased export from plant harvest combined with a decreased atmospheric S deposition, requires to study its impact on the dynamics of grassland communities, under different N supplies. A pluri-scale study was carried out in situ, and in mesocosm consisting of populations or of model communities with 4 dominant species. Before and after defoliation, the relative production, the abundance and the competitiveness of the species were analyzed through their N and S use efficiency using a simultaneous 15N/34S labelling. Their response was conditioned by their physiological ability to mobilize resources, but also to compete for the latter in N-rich soil. A strong co-regulation between N and S metabolisms was highlighted. An increased S availability enhanced production for all scale situations. The S effects on Poaceae appeared only at high N availability, by a stimulation of their soil N use efficiency, optimizing N fertilizer use. Those on clover induced the stimulation (i) of the atmospheric N fixation, even at high N availability, (ii) of its vegetative multiplication and (iii) of N reserves accumulation in stolons. In situ and in community, S input increased the abundance of dominated species and, with high N fertilization, maintained or increased specific diversity. Overall, a rational S input appeared as an important tool for grassland management
Fortier, Elisabeth. "Utilisation d'indicateurs des besoins en azote pour atténuer les pertes en nitrate associées à l'irrigation et à la fertilisation du brocoli." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Full textBoulanger, Pelletier Jade. "Rôle des nutriments dans l'enracinement et le rendement en fruits chez la chicouté (Rubus chamaemorus)." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Full textCloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) grows naturally in ombrotrophic peatlands. Cloudberry cultivation in peatland after peat extraction has ceased could maintain economic activities on these sites and increase fruit availability for future commercialization. However, the establishment of cloudberry cultivation face some problems, such as low survival rate of the transplants during the first year and a very variable fruit yield. Fertilization and auxin treatments were tested to increase root production on transplants at planting in order to reduce their mortality. Fertilizers increased root length but only at the end of the season. Plant growth was also improved by the fertilization treatments. On the contrary, the application of auxin led to a high mortality of transplants. None of the treatment applied improved transplant survival at planting. In order to better understand the nutritional limitations that cause low yield, we used a compositional nutrient diagnostic (CND) to identify nutrient imbalances. CND analysis indicated that low yield plots are characterized by higher foliar concentrations of manganese, iron, sulfur and copper. The present results will help improve fertilization of cloudberry when planted in cutover peatland, but more research is needed to reduce transplant mortality at planting.
De, Coninck Arnaud Sidney. "Phytoextraction induite et fractionnement du cuivre dans un résidu minier riche en cuivre et en calcium amendé par un compost." Thesis, Université Laval, 2008.
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