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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Energy selective'

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Yao, Libo. "Sustainable, energy-efficient hydrogenation processes for selective chemical syntheses." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2021.

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Harris, Derek B. "The Photoelectrochemistry of semiconductors : solar energy conversion and selective photoetching." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.

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Wardle, Peter. "The selective heating of pyrite in coal using microwave energy." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2011.

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The objective of this research project was to investigate the effect of microwave treatment on the conversion of pyrite in coal in order to enhance its magnetic properties and to aid subsequent desulphurisation by magnetic separation. Key areas of this investigation include:- a review of the fundamental theoretical aspects of heating in an applied microwave field, a detailed literature survey of the potential applications of microwave heating to aid coal desulphurisation, a study of the transformation mechanisms of pyrite by microwave and conventional heating methods, a comprehensive review of the influence of heterogeneity on the dielectric properties of coals and the effect of high power microwave heating on the decomposition of pyrite in a high sulphur coal. A detailed survey of the literature has shown that although a significant amount of work has been reported on the microwave heating of coal, little information is available which examines the mechanism through which different coals heat in an applied microwave field. A study is therefore presented in this thesis which quantifies, for the first time, the structural ordering of carbon in a range of coals of various ranks and the relationship with their dielectric properties. The results show a clear relationship between the structural ordering of carbon in coal and dielectric loss factor. Essentially, as the structural ordering increases, the level of free charge (per unit volume) increases together with electron mobility which results in an increase in dielectric loss factor. The transformation of pyrite to form the more magnetic pyrrhotite and other related decomposition products by conventional radiant heating has been the focus of much research. However, little attention has been given to the effect of microwave heating on the mechanisms of pyrite transformation in inert and oxygen-containing atmospheres. The study presented in this thesis investigates the effect of temperature, particle size and heat treatment time to establish how these affect the transformation process and the subsequent nature of the final product. This study showed that exposure of pyrite to both conventional and microwave heating methods enhanced its magnetic properties as a result phase alterations at the particle surface. Conventionally heated pyrite samples showed the highest magnetic susceptibility increases, speculated to be due difficulties surrounding the temperature control and measurement of the microwave heated samples. From a review of the literature in this field of research and by SEM observations made for each sample test in this work a general pyrite transformation model as a result of microwave exposure is proposed. The effect of microwave radiation on the conversion of in-situ coal derived pyrite was also investigated. The study presented here extends previous work by others by assessing quantitatively the influence of higher applied microwave power levels on the conversion of pyrite in coal. Samples of run-of-mine high pyritic sulphur content (~12%wt) Kentucky coal were microwave pre-treated at varying exposure times using 8kW and 15kW of microwave power operating at a frequency of 2.45GHz. This work included initial material characterisation which consisted of TGA, optical microscopy and dielectric property measurement, followed by SEM/EDAX characterisation of both microwave treated and untreated sample specimens. This is the first time that microwave treated coal, embedded in a carnauba wax mounting medium, has been observed by this method with focus on the thermal alterations of the pyrite phase. It was demonstrated that with sufficient power and residence time, the conversion of pyrite to the more magnetic pyrrhotite is achievable using microwave irradiation. The amount of pyrrhotite formed as a result of microwave exposure varies with microwave residence time and forward power level. Comparisons of change in the iron sulphide species in the coal was made between microwave treated and untreated material. Using a multimode microwave cavity it was found that significant amounts of pyrrhotite were formed in 20s when using 15kW of microwave power. Treatment at lower power levels in this type of cavity was found to be less effective. The overall effect of treatment on the coal proximate character was minimal.
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Wojciechowski, Konrad. "Electron selective contact in perovskite solar cells." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016.

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Over the last 4 years, perovskite solar cells emerged as an attractive, highly efficient, and low-cost alternative to established, conventional photovoltaic technologies. The power conversion efficiency of these devices recorded an unprecedented rise, currently exceeding certified values of 20%. This thesis covers a number of technological advancements which lead to improved photovoltaic performance, as well as vital insight into some more fundamental aspects of the perovskite device operation. The focus of this body of work is primarily directed towards the electric contact in the PV stack which is responsible for electron collection. The motivation of the study presented here is given in Chapter 1, and includes a brief summary of the current energy landscape. Chapter 2 introduces the theoretical background of photovoltaic technology, starting from the basics of semiconductor physics, through to the principles of solar cell operation, as well as some characteristic properties of the perovskite materials. Details of the experimental methods used in this study are reported in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 reports the development of a low temperature process (sub-150 °C) for the manufacture of perovskite solar cells. Dispersions of pre-synthesised, highly crystalline TiO2 nanoparticles were used as an electron selective contact, which eliminated the high temperature sintering step. Chapters 5, 6 and 7, report the interface modification of an n-type contact, resulting in a substantially improved device operation and suppression of hysteresis phenomenon which is characteristic of perovskite photovoltaics. Fullerene-based materials have been found to make excellent electronic contact with halide perovskite materials, and are shown to be far superior to commonly used metal oxides. The facilitated electron collection allows enhancements in the photovoltaic performance of these devices. Furthermore, the organic layers used in this study can be processed at low temperatures. Finally, the development of transparent conductive electrodes based on silver nanowires is presented in Chapter 8. The fabricated electrodes exhibit low sheet resistance, high degree of transparency, and can be processed at low temperatures, allowing them to be compatible with processing on flexible substrates and multi-junction architectures. The application of silver nanowires in different perovskite solar cell architectures is also reported.
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Humphrey, Tammy Ellen Physics Faculty of Science UNSW. "Mesoscopic quantum ratchets and the thermodynamics of energy selective electron heat engines." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. Physics, 2003.

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A ratchet is an asymmetric, non-equilibrated system that can produce a directed current of particles without the need for macroscopic potential gradients. In rocked quantum electron ratchets, tunnelling and wave-reflection can induce reversals in the direction of the net current as a function of system parameters. An asymmetric quantum point contact in a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructure has been studied experimentally as a realisation of a quantum electron ratchet. A Landauer model predicts reversals in the direction of the net current as a function of temperature, amplitude of the rocking voltage, and Fermi energy. Artifacts such as circuit-induced asymmetry, also known as self-gating, were carefully removed from the experimental data, which showed net current and net differential conductance reversals, as predicted by the model. The model also predicts the existence of a heat current where the net electron current changes sign, as equal numbers of high and low energy electrons are pumped in opposite directions. An idealised quantum electron ratchet is studied analytically as an energy selective electron heat engine and refrigerator. The hypothetical device considered consists of two electron reservoirs with different temperatures and Fermi energies. The reservoirs are linked via a resonant state in a quantum dot, which functions as an idealised energy filter for electrons. The efficiency of the device approaches the Carnot value when the energy transmitted by the filter is tuned to that where the Fermi distributions in the reservoirs are equal. The maximum power regime, where the filter transmits all electrons that contribute positively to the power, is also examined. Analytic expressions are obtained for the power and efficiency of the idealised device as both a heat engine and as a refrigerator in this regime of operation. The expressions depend on the ratio of the voltage to the difference in temperature of the reservoirs, and on the ratio of the reservoir temperatures. The energy selective electron heat engine is shown to be non-endoreversible, and to operate in an analogous manner to the three-level amplifier, a laser based quantum heat engine. Implications for improving the efficiency of thermionic refrigerators and power generators are discussed.
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Kobayashi, Hiroaki. "Simulation of solar selective absorbing coatings with needle optimization method and sputtering of simulated coatings." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskaper, 2012.

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Weigt, Carmen. "Impact of estradiol, estrogen receptor subtype-selective agonists and genistein on energy homeostasis." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2013.

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The prevalence of obesity is dramatically increasing and thus constitutes a major risk factor for developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, and certain forms of cancer. High-caloric nutrition and a lack of physical activity are the main contributing factors for this global epidemic. Estrogen receptors (ERs) are recognized to be involved in many processes related to the control of energy homeostasis. In my studies, I investigated the impact of estrogens (17beta-estradiol (E2)) on energy homeostasis. Special emphasis was given to the effects of two synthetic ER subtype-selective agonists, 16alpha-LE2 (Alpha) and 8beta-VE2 (Beta), to determine to what extend the two distinct ER subtypes are involved in the underlying molecular mechanisms. Because of its estrogenic activity and also its widespread use as a nutritional supplement the influence of the isoflavone genistein (Gen) was examined. For this purpose two different female rat models were used: Wistar rats with nutrition-induced obesity and leptin resistant Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats. In both experiments, the animals were ovariectomized (OVX) and treated with vehicle (untreated controls) or the estrogenic compounds. The most important finding was that treatment of OVX animals with Beta enlarges soleus muscle fiber sizes in both animal models compared to untreated OVX animals. This anabolic effect may in turn improve the muscle/fat ratio of the body that enhances muscular uptake and utilization of fuels. By contrast, in the gastrocnemius muscle of OVX ZDF rats substitution with Alpha increased expression and distribution of the insulin-dependent glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4). Consequently, systemic insulin sensitivity in both animal models was improved by treatment with estrogenic compounds compared to untreated OVX animals. The strongest effect was observed in E2-treated rats that indicate an additive effect through activation of both pathways. In all OVX rats, treatment with either ER subtype-selective agonist showed an anti-lipogenic effect in adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle of nutrition-induced obese Wistar rats in comparison to OVX animals without treatment. Decreased visceral fat mass, adipocyte sizes, serum leptin levels, triglyceride accumulation in liver and muscle as well as mRNA expression of genes that are involved in lipo-/adipogenesis reflected this. Therefore, the lower visceral fat mass as well as decreased accumulation of triglycerides in non-adipose tissues such as liver and skeletal muscle most likely contributes to the improved insulin sensitivity in such treated animals. Gen exerted effects similar to those of the ER beta-selective agonist (except on adipose tissue in Wistar rats). Especially, the similar ability to induce anabolic activity in the soleus muscle might be highly relevant. Gen-treated animals might have a more effective utilization of fuels compared to untreated OVX animals because they showed a lower TG content in muscle and liver as well as improved glucose metabolism. In conclusion, because of my studies and the fact that ER beta signaling is not involved in proliferation of uterus and mammary gland, an effective way to treat obesity and co-morbidities in postmenopausal women might be substances that only activate ER beta. A combination with physical activity may support the therapy of obesity and co-morbidities. The isoflavone Gen is able to activate both ER-subtypes. This compound is already placed on the market for treatment of postmenopausal complaints, although adverse effects of Gen cannot be excluded so far (e.g., increased risk of breast cancer). However, Gen might be a natural alternative – not only to the conventional hormone replacement therapy, but also as a strategy for treatment of obesity and co-morbidities – that deserves further research with respect to these new data
Die dramatisch zunehmende Prävalenz der Adipositas und das damit verbundene Risiko für Folgeerkrankungen wie Diabetes mellitus, Hypertonie, Dyslipidämie und koronare Herzkrankheiten stellt eine große Herausforderung für das Gesundheitswesen dar. Als Hauptursache wird ein chronisches Missverhältnis der Energiehomöostase aufgrund permanenter Überernährung und Bewegungsmangel postuliert. Estrogene beeinflussen den Glukose- und Lipidstoffwechsel und sind somit in die Regulation des Energiehaushaltes involviert. Estrogene vermitteln ihre Effekte über zwei Estrogenrezeptor (ER)-Subtypen, den ER alpha und den ER beta. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es mittels tierexperimentellen Studien den Einfluss von Estrogenen, speziell 17beta-Estradiol, auf den Energiehaushalt zu untersuchen. Um einen tieferen Einblick in die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen zu erhalten, wurden zwei Subtyp-selektive ER-Agonisten, 16alpha-LE2 (Alpha) and 8beta-VE2 (Beta), synthetischer Herkunft eingesetzt. Aufgrund der estrogenen Aktivität und der Verfügbarkeit als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel wurde des Weiteren der Einfluss des Isoflavons Genistein untersucht. Für die Studien wurden zwei Tiermodelle genutzt: zum einen weibliche Wistar-Ratten mit ernährungsinduzierter Adipositas und zum anderen weibliche leptinresistente „Zucker diabetic fatty“ (ZDF)-Ratten. Die Tiere wurden ovarektomiert (OVX) und entweder mit einem Vehikel (unbehandelte Kontrolltiere) oder mit der entsprechenden estrogenen Substanz behandelt. Die interessanteste Erkenntnis war, dass im Vergleich zu unbehandelten OVX-Tieren beider Tiermodelle die Behandlung mit Beta zur Vergrößerung der Faserquerschnitte im Soleusmuskel führte. Dieser anabole Effekt könnte die muskuläre Aufnahme und Verwertung von Brennstoffmolekülen verbessern und sich insgesamt positiv auf die Körperzusammensetzung auswirken. Den stärksten Effekt hinsichtlich einer erhöhten Expression und Translokation des insulinabhängigen Glukosetransporters 4 (GLUT4) in die Zellmembran des Gastrocnemiusmuskels zeigte sich dagegen durch die Behandlung von OVX ZDF-Ratten mit Alpha. Im Endergebnis zeigten die Tiere beider Modelle durch die Behandlung mit estrogenen Substanzen eine verbesserte systemische Insulinsensitivität im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Kontrolltieren. E2-behandelte Tiere tolerierten die Glukose am besten und lassen einen additiven Effekt aufgrund der Aktivierung beider Signalwege vermuten. Im Vergleich zu unbehandelten OVX Wistar-Ratten führte die Behandlung mit E2 oder mit jeweils einem der beiden ER-Subtyp-selektiven Agonisten zu einer geringeren viszeralen Fettmasse, kleineren Fettzellen, niedrigeren Leptinspiegeln im Serum und geringeren Triglyzeridwerten in Leber und Muskel. Auf der Ebene der Genexpression waren zudem geringere mRNA-Spiegel von lipo- und adipogenen Genen messbar. Somit scheinen beide ER-Subtypen in die antilipogene Wirkung von E2 involviert zu sein. Sowohl die reduzierte viszerale Fettmasse als auch die geringere Anreicherung von Triglyzeriden in Leber und Muskel tragen sehr wahrscheinlich ebenfalls zur verbesserten Insulinsensitivität bei. Die Behandlung von OVX Tieren mit Gen führte zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen wie die Behandlung mit Beta. Eine alleinige Ausnahme stellte das Fettgewebe dar, da hier eine Gen-Behandlung keine antilipogenen/-adipogenen Effekte zeigte. Speziell die Fähigkeit von Gen ebenfalls anabol zu wirken, könnte die molekulare Grundlage sein, weshalb Gen-behandelte Tiere im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Tiere eine verbesserte Toleranz gegenüber Glukose und eine geringere Anreicherung von Triglyzeriden in Muskel und Leber zeigten. Der ER beta ist nicht in die estrogenvermittelte Proliferation von Uterus und Brustdrüse involviert. Vor diesem Hintergrund lassen meine Ergebnisse vermuten, dass eine Behandlung mit ER beta-selektiven Substanzen eine effektive Möglichkeit darstellt, um Adipositas und deren Folgeerkrankungen in postmenopausalen Frauen zu behandeln, ohne deren Risiko für estrogenabhängige Krebsformen zu erhöhen. Eine Kombination mit regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität könnte die Erfolge bei der Behandlung von Adipositas und deren Folgeerkrankungen noch maximieren bzw. eine geringere Dosierung der verwendeten Substanz bei gleichbleibendem Behandlungserfolg ermöglichen. Das Isoflavon Gen mit seiner Fähigkeit beide ERs zu aktivieren ist eine bereits auf dem Markt befindliche Substanz und wird zur Behandlung von postmenopausalen Beschwerden eingesetzt, obwohl mögliche negative Effekte (z.B. ein erhöhtes Brustkrebsrisiko) noch nicht abschließend geklärt sind. Falls diese Risiken von Gen ausgeräumt werden können, könnte diese Substanz eventuell eine kostengünstige Alternative darstellen, um sowohl postmenopausale Beschwerden als auch Adipositas und deren Folgekrankheiten zu behandeln
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Ferguson, Lucian Garret. "Spectrally selective, matched emitters for thermophotovoltaic energy conversion fabricated by tape casting process /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2000.

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Morrison, John T. "Selective Deuteron Acceleration using Target Normal Sheath Acceleration." The Ohio State University, 2013.

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Yousif, Kamil Mansoor. "Studies of degradation modes of molybdenum black coatings in relation to their use as solar selective absorbers." Thesis, Brunel University, 1992.

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Figgures, Christopher Colin. "The sputtering of zinc oxide thin films for spectrally selective solar energy material applications." Thesis, Oxford Brookes University, 1989.

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Vrána, Radek. "STUDY OF ENERGY ABSORPTION IN MICRO – STRUT LATTICE STRUCTURE PRODUCED BY SELECTIVE LASER MELTING." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2019.

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Předložená dizertační práce je součástí většího výzkumného projektu, který si klade za cíl využití mikro prutové konstrukce vyrobené technologií SLM jako absorbér rázové energie s přesně navrženými vlastnostmi. Hlavním cílem práce je vývoj numerického modelu deformačního chování mikro-prutové konstrukce vyrobeného technologií Selective Laser Melting (SLM) z materiálu AlSi10Mg. Aby bylo možné dosáhnout hlavního cíle dizertační práce, bylo nutné analyzovat vliv procesních parametrů technologie SLM na tvorbu vnitřních materiálových vad a drsnost povrchu při výrobě mikro-prutové konstrukce. Tyto imperfekce degradují její mechanické vlastnosti a jejich odstranění zlepší možnosti a přesnost numerické predikce. Výsledky ukazují významný vliv dvou hlavních parametrů – skenovací rychlosti laseru a výkonu laseru. Na základě těchto poznatků byly dále definovány parametry vstupní energie Ein a lineární energie Elin, které zahrnují oba zmíněné parametry a byly definovány jejich limitní hodnoty pro minimalizaci vzniklých imperfekcí. Deformační chování vyrobené mikro-prutové konstrukce bylo analyzováno na navrženém pádové zařízení, které umožňuje testování s dopadovou energií až 120 J. Deformační chování je vyhodnocováno s využitím obrazové analýzy záznamu vysoko rychlostní kamery a silového průběhu z tenzometru. Výsledky analýzy byly využity pro validaci numerického modelu v programu ANSYS Explicit, do kterého byly implementovány poznatky o reálném tvaru vyrobeného mikro-prutového materiálu ve formě eliptického modelu geometrie a informace o reálných mechanických vlastnostech ve formě vyvinutého materiálového modelu. Výsledné porovnání výsledků experimentu s predikcí numerického modelu ukazují dobrou shodu v místě maximálního zatížení Fmax (odchylka 5 %) i průběhu celé deformace vzorku. Tyto poznatky budou v budoucnu využity při návrhu absorbéru energie s definovanými mechanickými vlastnostmi.
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Morfeldt, Johannes. "Optically Selective Surfaces in low concentrating PV/T systems." Thesis, Örebro University, School of Science and Technology, 2009.

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One of the traditional approaches to reduce costs of solar energy is to use inexpensive reflectors to focus the light onto highly efficient solar cells. Several research projects have resulted in designs, where the excess heat is used as solar thermal energy.

Unlike a solar thermal system, which has a selective surface to reduce the radiant heat loss, a CPV/T (Concentrating PhotoVoltaic/Thermal) system uses a receiver covered with solar cells with high thermal emittance.

This project analyzes whether the heat loss from the receiver can be reduced by covering parts of the receiver surface, not already covered with solar cells, with an optically selective coating. Comparing different methods of applying such a coating and the long-term stability of low cost alternatives are also part of the objectives of this project.

To calculate the heat loss reductions of the optically selective surface coating a mathematical model was developed, which takes the thermal emittances and the solar absorptances of the different surfaces into account. Furthermore, a full-size experiment was constructed to verify the theoretical predictions.

The coating results in a heat loss reduction of approximately 20 % in such a CPV/T system and one of the companies involved in the study is already changing their design to make use of the results.

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Zhao, Shuxi. "Spectrally Selective Solar Absorbing Coatings Prepared by dc Magnetron Sputtering." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2007.

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A literatura recente tem revelado o potencial de uso de estirpes microbianas na biotecnologia mineral. Pela afinidade com diferentes sistemas minerais, tais estirpes microbianas podem modificar as propriedades de superfície, e, dessa forma, mudar as características de uma superfície mineral. A bioflotação de minerais utiliza microrganismos como reagentes de flotação. No presente trabalho foi estudado o comportamento eletrocinético das partículas de quartzo e hematita, antes e após a interação com duas cepas da bactéria Bacillus subtilis. Os experimentos mostraram um deslocamento do ponto isoelétrico (PIE) da hematita que passou de 4 para 2,5 após interação com a cepa B. subtilis BAM, sugerindo um mecanismo de adsorção química. Já, a interação entre hematita e B. subtilis GLI, apresentou-se bem mais acentuada na faixa mais alcalina de pH. As medidas experimentais de ângulo de contato (método da gota séssil) foram realizadas para as superfícies das partículas minerais (hematita igual 27,4 graus; quartzo igual 13,0 graus) e das cepas B. Subtilis BAM (32,0 graus) e B. subtilis GLI (41,0 graus). A estirpe B. subtilis GLI foi capaz de modificar a superfície da hematita (46,0 graus) e, em menor proporção, a do quartzo (23,3 graus). Os valores de ângulo de contato foram utilizados para calcular as componentes de energia livre interfacial do quartzo, da hematita e das cepas. Os ensaios de microflotação realizados em tubo Hallimond modificado evidenciaram a aplicação da B. subtilis GLI como biorreagente. A melhor flotabilidade isolada de quartzo e hematita, conduzida por uma solução de B. subtilis GLI (600 mg.L(-1)), foi obtida em pH 6, com uma recuperação de 40 e 80 por cento, respectivamente. A seguir, o desempenho da flotação de uma mistura sintética, quartzo e hematita (na proporção 1:1), na presença de 600 mg.L(-1) da cepa B. subtilis GLI e em pH 6, foi avaliado, obtendose um concentrado contendo um teor de 74 por cento de Fe2O3.As teorias DLVO e XDLVO foram aplicadas para avaliar as energias de interação entre as cepas e os minerais em função da distância. A teoria X-DLVO foi capaz de prever a interação entre B. subtilis GLI e hematita justificando os resultados dos ensaios de flotação. Os resultados deste trabalho evidenciaram que a cepa B. subtilis GLI é promissora como biorreagente na flotação seletiva da hematita em relação ao quartzo.
The recent literature has unveiled the potential use of microbial strains in mineral bioprocessing. Because of their affinity for different mineral systems, such microbial strains may modify the surface properties and in this way change the characteristics of a mineral surface. Mineral bioflotation uses microorganisms as flotation reagents. In the present work, the electrokinetic behavior of particles of quartz and hematite, before and after interaction with two strains of Bacillus subtilis, was studied. The experiments revealed a shift of the isoelectric point (IEP) which of hematite that changed from 4 to 2.5 after interaction with the strain B. subtilis BAM, suggesting a chemical adsorption mechanism, while the interaction between hematite and B. subtilis GLI presented itself much more pronounced in the alkaline pH range. The experimental measurements of the contact angle (sessile drop method) were taken for the surfaces of the mineral particles (hematite equal 27.4 degrees, 13.0 degrees equal quartz) and for the B. subtilis BAM (32.0 degrees) and B. subtilis GLI (41.0 degrees) strains. The B. subtilis GLI strain was capable of modifying the surface of the hematite (46.0 degrees), and to a lesser extent, the quartz (23.3 degrees). The contact angle values were used to calculate the interface free energy components of quartz, hematite and the bacterial strains. The microflotation tests on a modified Hallimond tube evidenced the application of B. subtilis GLI as bioreagent. The best isolated flotability of quartz and hematite conducted by a solution of B. subtilis GLI (600 mg.L(-1)) was obtained at pH 6, with a recovery of 40 and 80 percent, respectively. Subsequently, the flotation performance of a synthetic mixture, quartz and hematite (in ratio 1:1) in the presence of 600 mg.L(-1) of the strain B. subtilis GLI at pH 6, was evaluated and showed a concentrate with a content of 74 percent Fe2O3. The DLVO and X-DLVO theories were applied to assess the energies of interaction between strains and minerals depending on the distance. The X-DLVO theory was able to preview the interaction between B. subtilis GLI and hematite, justifying the results of the flotation tests. The results of this study indicated that the strain B. subtilis GLI is promising as a bioreagent in the selective flotation of hematite relative to quartz.
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Sasi, Abdalla Suliman. "Energy efficiency of solar heat concentrators using glass coated Al doped ZnO transparent conducting oxide as selective absorber." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017.

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Thesis (Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017.
Transparent conductive oxides (TCOs), which are widely used in transparent electronics, possess a spectral selectivity that is suitable for a solar material absorber. TCO materials have a plasma wavelength in the infrared region. Consequently electromagnetic waves shorter than a plasma wavelength are transmitted through the material, while longer electromagnetic waves are reflected on the surface. In contrast to the opaque solar selective absorbers, the plasma wavelength in TCO materials can be easily tuned by controlling the heavy doping process to match the peak shift of thermal radiation at higher temperatures. Furthermore, the use of TCO in conjunction with a solar absorber relaxes the spectral selectivity of the latter and thus widens the selection of the solar absorber; subsequently the only requirement is a thermally stable black body. Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) is a class of TCO materials which is cost effective to manufacture due to abundance ZnO, and Aluminum raw materials. This thesis is based on the synthesis of Al doped ZnO thin films nanostructure using radio frequency RF magnetron sputtering process. The influence of the deposition parameters, including argon working pressure and substrate temperature, on the structural and optical properties of the AZO thin films is investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical spectroscopy (UV-VIS-NIR). The optical constants of AZO films are extracted from transmittance and reflectance spectra using a combination of Drude and Lorentz dielectric function model. A computer simulation is developed to calculate the radiative properties of Al doped ZnO thin films nanostructure. The thermal emittance and solar absorptance is predicted indirectly from optical reflectance and transmittance of AZO films by invoking Kirchhoff’s law. A Special attention has been paid to the parameters that influence the spectral properties of the AZO films including carrier’s mobility, Al doping concentration and film thickness. Carrier’s mobility turned out to have the most significant influence on the spectrally selective performance of AZO films.
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Lundstedt, Anna. "Development of Mild Methods for Selective Covalent Functionalization of Graphene." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för kemi - BMC, 2017.

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This thesis discusses methods for the comparatively mild covalent functionalization of graphene. Several graphene models were investigated: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-graphene on SiO2/Si substrate, graphite foil, graphite flakes, kish graphite and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. The PAHs were viewed as graphene edge analogs with the following molecules representing different edge motifs: pyrene, perylene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[e]pyrene, triphenylene, acenapthylene, and anthracene. Ozone was used in combination with different solvents to functionalize PAHs, graphite, and CVD-graphene on SiO2/Si. Ozonation in water or methanol resulted in trapping of the carbonyl oxide intermediate that was formed in the reaction, producing a variety of functional groups. Ozonation in hydrogen peroxide solution with sonication promoted radical formation, possibly resulting in edge-oxidation of graphite. The regioselectivity for addition reactions (ozonolysis) and electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions with graphene edges is discussed. To achieve functionalization of the basal plane of graphite or graphene, white light irradiation was used in combination with several transfer hydrogenation reagents. Formic acid treatment under irradiation resulted in the expected hydrogenation, whereas iso-propanol treatment resulted in iso-propanol attachment to the graphene. The developed methods provide opportunities for graphene functionalization without the need for metal based reagents or harsh conditions.
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Gallo, Nelson José Heraldo. "Preparação e caracterização de revestimentos seletivos para conversão fototérmica de energia solar." Universidade de São Paulo, 1985.

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Processos para a produção de revestimentos seletivos de baixo custo foram desenvolvidos utilizando-se técnicas de eletrode posição e imersão. A utilização de substratos facilmente encontra¬dos no comércio a custos relativamente baixos, como o alumínio e o ferro galvanizado e a simplicidade dos métodos utilizados, tornam esses revestimentos altamente competitivos com os melhores já de¬senvolvidos. Valores de absorbância solar em torno de 0,95 e emitância térmica (100Low cost production of selective surfaces were developed using immersion and electroplating techniques. Substrates easily found in the market, like aluminium and galvanized iron, and the simplicity of the methods make those coatings highly competitives. Properties like solar absorptance of 0,95, thermal emittance (100OC) of 0,10 and the good resistence against thermal and chemical degradation give indications that those coatings can be used for industrial and residential solar heating systems. Spec¬troscopy measurements in the visible and infrared range were used to characterize the surfaces. A detailed description of the methods are given, allowing a fast action to get the selective surfaces even by people who are not familiarized with electro¬ plating techniques.
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Gorski, Dmitri. "ATMP Process : Improved Energy Efficiency in TMP Refining Utilizing Selective Wood Disintegration and Targeted Application of Chemicals." Doctoral thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, teknik och matematik, 2011.

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This thesis is focused on the novel wood chip refining process called AdvancedThermomechanical Pulp (ATMP) refining. ATMP consists of mechanical pretreatmentof chips in Impressafiner and Fiberizer prior to first stage refining atincreased intensity. Process chemicals (this study was concentrated on hydrogenperoxide and magnesium hydroxide) are introduced into the first stage refiner.It is known that the use of chemicals in TMP process and first stage refining atelevated intensity can reduce the energy demands of refining. The downside is thatthey also alter the character of the produced pulp. Reductions in fibre length andtear index are usually the consequences of refining at elevated intensity. Additionof chemicals usually leads to reduction of the light scattering coefficient. Usingstatistical methods it was shown that it is possible to maintain the TMP character ofthe pulp using the ATMP process. This is explained by a separation of thedefibration and the fibre development phases in refining. This separation allowsdefibration of chips to fibres and fibre bundles without addition of chemicals orincrease in refining intensity. Chemicals are applied in the fibre developmentphase only (first stage refiner). The energy demand in refining to reach tensileindex of 25 Nm/g was reduced by up to 1.1 MWh/odt (42 %) using the ATMPprocess on Loblolly pine. The energy demand in refining of White spruce, requiredto reach tensile index of 30 Nm/g, was reduced by 0.65 MWh/odt (37%).Characterizations of individual fibre properties, properties of sheets made fromlong fibre fractions and model fibre sheets with different fines fractions werecarried out. It was established that both the process equipment configuration (i.e.the mechanical pre‐treatment and the elevated refining intensity) and the additionof process chemicals in the ATMP process influence fibre properties such as external and internal fibrillation as well as the amount of split fibres. Improvementof these properties translated into improved properties of sheets, made from thelong fibre fractions of the studied pulps. The quality of the fines fraction alsoimproved. However, the mechanisms of improvement in the fines quality seem tobe different for fines, generated using improved process configuration andaddition of process chemicals. The first type of fines contributed to better bondingof model long fibre sheets through the densification of the structure. Fines whichhave been influenced by the addition of the process chemicals seemed in additionto improve bonding between long fibres by enhancing the specific bond strength.The improved fibre and fines properties also translated into better airpermeability and surface roughness of paper sheets, properties which areespecially important for supercalendered (SC) printing paper. The magnitude offibre roughening after moistening was mainly influenced by the processequipment configuration while the addition of process chemicals yielded lowestfinal surface roughness due to the lowest initial surface roughness. There was nodifference in how fines fractions from the studied processes influenced the fibreroughening. However, fines with better bonding yielded model fibre sheets withhigher PPS, probably due to their consolidation around fibre joints. Hence, thedecrease in PPS can probably be attributed to the improvements in the long fibrefraction properties while the improvement of fines quality contributed to thereduction of air permeability.The process chemicals, utilized in the ATMP process (Mg(OH)2 and H2O2) alsoproved to be an effective bleaching system. Comparable increases in brightnesscould be reached using the ATMP process and conventional tower bleaching.Maximum brightness of the pulp was reached after approximately 10 minutes ofhigh‐consistency storage after refining or 40 minutes of conventional bleaching.This study was conducted using a pilot scale refiner system operated as a batchprocess. Most of the experiments were performed using White spruce (Piceaglauca). In Paper I, Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) was used. It is believed that theresults presented in this thesis are valid for other softwood raw materials as well,but this limitation should be considered.
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Jiang, Chu-Wei School of Photovoltaic Engineering UNSW. "Theoretical and experimental study of energy selective contacts for hot carrier solar cells and extensions to tandem cells." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. School of Photovoltaic Engineering, 2005.

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Photovoltaics is currently the fastest growing energy source in the world. Increasing the conversion efficiency towards the thermodynamic limits is the trend in research development. ???Third generation??? photovoltaics involves the investigation of ideas that may achieve this goal. Among the third generation concepts, the tandem cell structure has experimentally proven to have conversion efficiencies higher than a standard p-n junction solar cell. The alternative hot carrier solar cell design is one of the most elegant approaches. Energy selective contacts are crucial elements for the operation of hot carrier solar cells. Besides the carrier cooling problem within the absorber, carrier extraction has to be done through a narrow range of energy to minimise the interaction between the hot carriers in the absorber and the cooler carriers in the contacts. Resonant tunnelling through localised states, such as associated with atomic defects or with quantum dots in a dielectric matrix, may provide the required energy selectivity. A new model in studying the properties of resonant tunnelling through defects in an insulator is proposed and investigated. The resulting calculations are simple and useful in obtaining physical insight into the underlying tunneling processes. It is found that defects having a normal distribution along the tunnelling direction do not reduce the transmission coefficient dramatically, which increases the engineering prospects for fabrication. Silicon quantum dots embedded in an oxide provide the required deep energy confinement for room temperature resonant tunnelling operation. A single layer of silicon quantum dots in the centre of an oxide matrix are prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. The method has the advantage of controlling the dot size and the dot spatial position along the tunnelling direction. The presence of these crystalline silicon dots in the oxide is confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). A negative-differential resistance characteristic has been measured at room temperature on such structures fabricated on an N-type degenerated silicon wafer, a feature that can be explained by the desired resonant tunnelling process. A silicon quantum dot superlattice can be made by stacking multiple layers of silicon quantum dots. A model is proposed for calculating the band structure of such a silicon quantum dot superlattice, with the anisotropic silicon effective mass being taken into account. It suggests a high density of silicon quantum dots in a carbide matrix may provide the bandgap and required mobility for the top cell in the stacks for the recently proposed all-silicon tandem solar cell. The resonant tunnelling modeling and silicon quantum dot experiments developed have demonstrated new results relevant to energy selective contacts for hot carrier solar cells. Building on this work, the modeling study on silicon quantum dots may provide the theoretical basis for bandgap engineering of all-silicon tandem cells.
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Jahan, F. "Characterization of molybdenum black coatings with reference to photothermal conversion of solar energy." Thesis, Brunel University, 1987.

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A study of thermal, structural, electrical and optical characteristics of molybdenum black surface coatings on various substrates has been made. The suitability of these coatings for use as selective absorbers for solar collector applications has been assessed. Molybdenum black (Mo black) coatings were prepared by electrodeposition (on aluminium) and a chemcial conversion method (on zinc and electroplated cobalt on nickel plated copper substrates). The solar absorptancer (αs) and thermal emittances (εth) of the coatings were determined from room temperature spectral reflectance measurements in the solar (0.3 to 2.5μm) and infrared regions (2.5 to 50 μm) respectively. The effect of different preparation parameters and substrate pretreatments on the spectral selectivity has been investigated in order to optimize the thermal performance. The spectral selectivity is related to the Mo-black coating thickness and surface roughness together with the microstructure, of the substrate and the intermediate layer. Dip coatings on polished zinc have significant selectivity (αs/ εth = 8.4 when αs = 0.76). The absorptance of the dip coatings is increased to 0.87 with εth = 0.13 by chemical etching of zinc prior to coating deposition. For coatings on electroplated cobalt on nickel plated copper (cobalt (NC) substrate), an absorptance as high as 0.94 has been obtained with an emittance value 0.3. By using an addition agent in the plating solution of cobalt the high emittance can be reduced to 0.1 with αs = 0.91 giving a coating with a relatively high efficiency (82.5%) for photo-thermal energy conversion. A study of the surface composition and microstructure of the coatings has been made using scanning and transmission electron microscopy together with electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The structural investigations indicate that Mo-black coatings contain polycrystals of orthorhombic Mo4O11 with a small proportion of Ni(OH)2. Presence of water and also Mo4O11 in the coatings are evident from IR spectroscopy study. The bandgap of the coating has been determined from optical transmission spectra (1.66 eV) and also from reflectance spectra (0.85 eV). The discrepancy between these two values has been discussed. The refractive indices of the coatings have also been estimated. The band gaps and refractive indices are found to be related to the spectral selectivity of the coatings. The durability test of the coatings shows that the coatings on etched zinc are more resistant to heat treatment than the coatings on unetched zinc. The coatings on cobalt (NC) substrates also show good stability for relatively short periods at temperatures ~400ºC. A study of the electrical properties of Mo-black coatings suggests that at electrical field strengths (greater than 106v/m the dominant conduction process is of the Poole-Frenkel type. The activation energy of the conduction process has been estimated to be -0.56 eV at higher temperatures. The effect of heat treatment on the electrical properties of the coatings has been examined. The dielectric constant of Mo-black has been estimated from A. C. measurements. At high frequency (20 kHz) the value of the dielectric constant is about 4.0.
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Sharma, Saumya. "Design, Fabrication and Characterization of MIM Diodes and Frequency Selective Thermal Emitters for Solar Energy Harvesting and Detection Devices." Scholar Commons, 2015.

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Energy harvesting using rectennas for infrared radiation continues to be a challenge due to the lack of fast switching diodes capable of rectification at THz frequencies. Metal insulator metal diodes which may be used at 30 THz must show adequate nonlinearity for small signal rectification such as 30 mV. In a rectenna assembly, the voltage signal received as an output from a single nanoantenna can be as small as ~30µV. Thus, only a hybrid array of nanoantennas can be sufficient to provide a signal in the ~30mV range for the diode to be able to rectify around 30THz. A metal-insulator-metal diode with highly nonlinear I-V characteristics is required in order for such small signal rectification to be possible. Such diode fabrication was found to be faced with two major fabrication challenges. The first one being the lack of a precisely controlled deposition process to allow a pinhole free insulator deposition less than 3nm in thickness. Another major challenge is the deposition of a top metal contact on the underlying insulating thin film. As a part of this research study, most of the MIM diodes were fabricated using Langmuir Blodgett monolayers deposited on a thin Ni film that was sputter coated on a silicon wafer. UV induced polymerization of the Langmuir Blodgett thin film was used to allow intermolecular crosslinking. A metal top contact was sputtered onto the underlying Langmuir Blodgett film assembly. In addition to material characterization of all the individual films using IR, UV-VIS spectroscopy, electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, the I-V characteristics, resistance, current density, rectification ratio and responsivity with respect to the bias voltage were also measured for the electrical characterization of these MIM diodes. Further improvement in the diode rectification ratio and responsivity was obtained with Langmuir Blodgett films grown by the use of horizontally oriented organic molecules, due to a smaller tunneling distance that could be achieved in this case. These long chain polymeric molecules exhibit a two-dimensional molecular assembly thereby reducing the tunneling distance between the metal electrodes on either side of the insulating layer. Rectification ratios as high as 450:1 at ±200mV were obtained for an MIM diode configuration of Ni-LB films of Arachidic Acid films-(Au/Pd). The bandwidth of the incident radiation that can be used by this rectenna assembly is limited to 9.5% of 30THz or ±1.5THz from the center frequency based on the antenna designs which were proposed for this research. This bandwidth constraint has led to research in the field of frequency selective emitters capable of providing a narrowband emission around 30THz. Several grating structures were fabricated in the form of Ni-Si periodic arrays, in a cleanroom environment using photolithography, sputtering and deep reactive ion etching. These frequency selective samples were characterized with the help of focusing optics, monochromators and HgCdTe detectors. The results obtained from the emission spectra were utilized to calibrate a simulation model with Computer Simulation Technology (CST) which uses numerous robust solving techniques, such as the finite element method, in order to obtain the optical parameters for the model. Thereafter, a thorough analysis of the different dimensional and material parameters was performed, to understand their dependence on the emissivity of the selective emitter. Further research on the frequency selectivity of the periodic nano-disk or nano-hole array led to the temperature dependence of the simulated spectra, because the material parameters, such as refractive index or drude model collision frequency, vary with temperature. Thus, the design of frequency selective absorbers/emitters was found to be significantly affected with temperature range of operation of these structures.
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Muto, Shunsuke, and Kazuyoshi Tatsumi. "Local electronic structure analysis by site-selective ELNES using electron channeling and first-principles calculations." IOP Publishing, 2009.

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McFadden, Kathrine D. "Reverse-selective zeolite/polymer nanocomposite hollow fiber membranes for pervaporative biofuel/water separation." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.

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Pervaporation with a "reverse-selective" (hydrophobic) membrane is a promising technology for the energy-efficient separation of alcohols from dilute alcohol-water streams, such as those formed in the production of biofuels. Pervaporation depends on the selectivity and throughput of the membrane, which in turn is highly dependent on the membrane material. A nanocomposite approach to membrane design is desirable in order to combine the advantages and eliminate the individual limitations of previously-reported polymeric and zeolitic membranes. In this work, a hollow-fiber membrane composed of a thin layer of polymer/zeolite nanocomposite material on a porous polymeric hollow fiber support is developed. The hollow fiber geometry offers considerable advantages in membrane surface area per unit volume, allowing for easier scaling and higher throughput than flat-film membranes. Poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) and pure-silica MFI zeolite (silicalite-1) were investigated for these membranes. Iso-octane was used to dilute the dope solution to provide thinner coatings. Previously-spun non-selective Torlon hollow fibers were used as the support layer for the nanocomposite coatings. To determine an acceptable method for coating fibers with uniform, defect-free coatings, flat-film membranes (0 to 60 wt% MFI on a solvent-free basis) and hollow-fiber membranes (0 and 20 wt% MFI) were fabricated using different procedures. Pervaporation experiments were run for all membranes at 65C with a 5 wt% ethanol feed. The effects of membrane thickness, fiber pretreatment, coating method, zeolite loading, and zeolite surface treatment on membrane pervaporation performance were investigated.
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Yildirim, Ismail. "Surface Free Energy Characterization of Powders." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2001.

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Microcalorimetric measurements and contact angle measurements were conducted to study the surface chemistry of powdered minerals. The contact angle measurements were conducted on both flat and powdered talc samples, and the results were used to determine the surface free energy components using Van Oss-Chaudhury-Good (OCG) equation. It was found that the surface hydrophobicity of talc increases with decreasing particle size. At the same time, both the Lifshitz-van der Waals (gSLW) and the Lewis acid-base (gSAB) components (and, hence, the total surface free energy (gS)) decrease with decreasing particle size. The increase in the surface hydrophobicity and the decrease in surface free energy (gS) can be attributed to preferential breakage of the mineral along the basal plane, resulting in the exposure of more basal plane surfaces to the aqueous phase. Heats of immersion measurements were conducted using a flow microcalorimeter on a number of powdered talc samples. The results were then used to calculate the contact angles using a rigorous thermodynamic relation. The measured heat of immersion values in water and calculated contact angles showed that the surface hydrophobicity of talc samples increase with decreasing particle size, which agrees with the direct contact angle measurements. A relationship between advancing water contact angle qa, and the heat of immersion (-DHi) and surface free energies was established. It was found that the value of -DHi decrease as qa increases. The microcalorimetric and direct contact angle measurements showed that acid-base interactions play a crucial role in the interaction between talc and liquid. Using the Van Oss-Chaudhury-Goodâ s surface free energy components model, various talc powders were characterized in terms of their acidic and basic properties. It was found that the magnitude of the Lewis electron donor, gS-, and the Lewis electron acceptor, gS+, components of surface free energy is directly related to the particle size. The gS- of talc surface increased with decreasing particle size, while the gS+ slightly decreased. It was also found that the Lewis electron-donor component on talc surface is much higher than the Lewis electron-acceptor component, suggesting that the basal surface of talc is basic. The heats of adsorption of butanol on various talc samples from n-heptane solution were also determined using a flow microcalorimeter. The heats of adsorption values were used to estimate % hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity and the areal ratios of the various talc samples. In addition, contact angle and heat of butanol adsorption measurements were conducted on a run-of-mine talc sample that has been ground to two different particle size fractions, i.e., d50=12.5 mm and d50=3.0 mm, respectively. The results were used to estimate the surface free energy components at the basal and edge surfaces of talc. It was found that the total surface free energy (gS) at the basal plane surface of talc is much lower than the total surface free energy at the edge surface. The results suggest also that the basal surface of talc is monopolar basic, while the edge surface is monopolar acidic. The results explain why the basicity of talc surface increases with decreasing particle size as shown in the contact angle and microcalorimetric measurements. Furthermore, the effects of the surface free energies of solids during separation from each other by flotation and selective flocculation were studied. In the present work, a kaolin clay sample from east Georgia was used for the beneficiation tests. First, the crude kaolin was subjected to flotation and selective flocculation experiments to remove discoloring impurities (i.e., anatase (TiO2) and iron oxides) and produce high-brightness clay with GE brightness higher than 90%. The results showed that a clay product with +90% brightness could be obtained with recoveries (or yields) higher than 80% using selective flocculation technique. It was also found that a proper control of surface hydrophobicity of anatase is crucially important for a successful flotation and selective flocculation process. Heats of immersion, heats of adsorption and contact angle measurements were conducted on pure anatase surface to determine the changes in the surface free energies as a function of the surfactant dosage (e.g. hydroxamate) used for the surface treatment. The results showed that the magnitude of the contact angle and, hence, the surface free energy and its components on anatase surface varies significantly with the amount of surfactant used for the surface treatment.
Ph. D.
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Gönüllü, Yakup [Verfasser]. "Functionalization of titanium dioxide nanotubes by various doping methods to use as selective gas sensing and energy storage applications / Yakup Gönüllü." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013.

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Abboushi, Belal Khalid. "The Effects of Adaptive Shading and the Selective Reflector Light Shelf on Office Building Energy Efficiency and Daylight Performance in Hot Arid Regions." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2013.

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Highly glazed facades have been increasingly built for aesthetics, to achieve green buildings ratings, and to maximize daylight admission. In general, when the window area increases, building energy consumption increases. The objective of this thesis is to provide architects and engineers with a method to increase window area, attain daylight benefits, improve indoor environmental quality, and enhance connectivity to outdoors without increasing the building energy consumption. Adaptive shading was utilized to control solar heat gain and improve daylight performance. Additionally, this research proposed a new type of light shelves, Solar Reflector Light Shelf (SRL), which helps improve daylight while reducing heat gain. COMFEN 4.1 and Energy Plus software were used to simulate different system combinations and options, and to evaluate their performance based on monthly energy consumption, illuminance, luminance, and DGI levels.
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Rodrigues, Felipe Pereira. "Manufacturing process and study of a selective surface for flat plate solar collectors by using granite residue." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2014.

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CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior
The using of alternatives materials to replace selective surfaces is a natural trend, because it usually looks for improvements on efficiency of surfaces at the same time that it tries to reduce costs. Composites are already used on obtainment of some selective surfaces, however, if the possibility to use residue that would be discarded was associated to these characteristics, providing an added-value, it would brings some benefits like a possible reduction of manufacturing costs. Thus, this thesis proposes the obtainment and study of selective surfaces for flat plate solar collectors for low cost by using residue from granite industry. Three different surfaces was studied, two of them of obtained on the laboratory, one is granite powder made and the other is a surface composed by a mixture of granite powder and CRFO (Cr0,75Fe1,25O3); the third surface is a commercial one, known as TiNOX. To perform the tests of the surfaces it was built an experimental stand, it allows simulating a solar collector conditions. The tests was performed in a stagnation condition, in other words, there wasnât any water flow inside tubes. Through this experimental apparatus it was possible to test the three surfaces simultaneously. The field tests showed that the highest temperatures were reached by granite powder surface, which reached an average temperature of 119 ÂC, while the granite powder and CRFO mixture surface reached an average of 96 ÂC. The TiNOX achieve an average temperature of 101 ÂC. The three surfaces was compared each other through an equation that gives a global heat loss coefficient. The granite powder surface was the one which achieved the lowest global heat loss coefficient.
O uso de materiais alternativos com objetivo de substituir superfÃcies seletivas à uma tendÃncia natural, pois geralmente se busca melhorias na eficiÃncia das superfÃcies ao mesmo tempo em que se tenta diminuir os custos. SubstÃncias compÃsitas jà sÃo utilizadas na obtenÃÃo de algumas superfÃcies seletivas, no entanto, se for associado a estas caracterÃsticas a possibilidade de utilizar resÃduos que iriam ser descartados, conferindo aos mesmos um valor agregado, isso traria alguns benefÃcios, como uma possÃvel reduÃÃo de custos de fabricaÃÃo. Desta forma, o presente trabalho propÃe a obtenÃÃo e o estudo de superfÃcies seletivas para aplicaÃÃes em coletores solares de placa plana de baixo custo originÃrio do resÃduo da indÃstria de granito. Foram estudadas trÃs diferentes superfÃcies, duas delas foram obtidas no laboratÃrio, a superfÃcie a base de pà de granito e a superfÃcie composta pela mistura de pà de granito e CRFO (Cr0,75Fe1,25O3); e a terceira superfÃcie foi uma superfÃcie comercial, conhecida como TiNOX. Para a realizaÃÃo dos testes foi construÃda uma bancada experimental de madeira, de forma que fosse possÃvel simular as condiÃÃes de um coletor solar de placa plana. Os testes foram feitos em condiÃÃo de estagnaÃÃo, ou seja, nÃo havia fluxo de Ãgua atravÃs de tubos no coletor. AtravÃs desse aparato experimental foi possÃvel testar as trÃs superfÃcies seletivas simultaneamente. Os testes de campo mostraram que a superfÃcie composta por pà de granito foi a que atingiu as maiores temperaturas, com uma mÃdia de atà 119 ÂC, enquanto a superfÃcie obtida com uma mistura de pà de granito e CRFO chegou a temperatura mÃdia de 96 ÂC, jà a superfÃcie comercial atingiu uma mÃdia de 101 ÂC. As superfÃcies foram comparadas atravÃs de uma equaÃÃo que fornece o coeficiente global de perda de energia tÃrmica. Os menores coeficientes foram obtidos pela superfÃcie de pà de granito
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Voulot, Didier. "An experimental study of state selective electron capture by state prepared low energy (<25 keV amu'-'1) ions in atomic and molecular hydrogen." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2000.

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Porous organic polymers (POPs) with high physicochemical stability have attracted significant attention from the scientific community as promising platforms for small gas separation adsorbents. Although POPs have amorphous morphology in general, with the help of organic chemistry toolbox, ultrahigh surface area materials can be synthesized. In particular, nitrogen-rich POPs have been studied intensively due to their enhanced framework-CO2 interactions. Postsynthetic modification (PSM) of POPs has been instrumental for incorporating different functional groups into the pores of POPs which would increase the CO2 capture properties. We have shown that functionalizing the surface of POPs with nitro and amine groups increases the CO/N2 and CO2/CH4 selectivity significantly due to selective polarization of CO2 molecule. In addition, controlled postsynthetic nitration of NPOF-1, a nanoporous organic framework constructed by nickel(0)-catalyzed Yamamoto coupling of 1,3,5-tris(4-bromophenyl)benzene, has been performed and is proven to be a promising route to introduce nitro groups and to convert mesopores to micropores without compromising surface area. Reduction of the nitro groups yields aniline-like amine-functionalized NPOF-1-NH2. Adequate basicity of the amine functionalities leads to modest isosteric heats of adsorption for CO2, which allow for high regenerability. The unique combination of high surface area, microporous structure, and amine-functionalized pore walls enables NPOF-1-NH2 to have remarkable CO2 working capacity values for removal from landfill gas and flue gas. Benzimidazole-linked polymers have also been shown to have promising CO2 capture properties. Here, an amine functionalized benzimidazole-linked polymer (BILP-6-NH2) was synthesized via a combination of pre- and postsynthetic modification techniques in two steps. Experimental studies confirm enhanced CO2 uptake in BILP-6-NH2 compared to BILP-6, and DFT calculations were used to understand the interaction modes of CO2 with BILP-6-NH2. Using BILP-6-NH2, higher CO2 uptake and CO2/CH4 selectivity was achieved compared to BILP-6 showing that this material has a very promising working capacity and sorbent selection parameter for landfill gas separation under VSA settings. Additionally, the sorbent evaluation criteria of different classes of organic polymers have been compared in order to reveal structure-property relationships in those materials as solid CO2 adsorbents.
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Weigt, Carmen [Verfasser], Patrick [Akademischer Betreuer] Diel, Günter [Akademischer Betreuer] Vollmer, and Sabine [Akademischer Betreuer] Kulling. "Impact of estradiol, estrogen receptor subtype-selective agonists and genistein on energy homeostasis / Carmen Weigt. Gutachter: Günter Vollmer ; Sabine Kulling. Betreuer: Patrick Diel ; Günter Vollmer." Dresden : Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2013.

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Chielle, Eduardo. "Selective software-implemented hardware fault tolerance tecnhiques to detect soft errors in processors with reduced overhead." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2016.

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A utilização de técnicas de tolerância a falhas em software é uma forma de baixo custo para proteger processadores contra soft errors. Contudo, elas causam aumento no tempo de execução e utilização de memória. Em consequência disso, o consumo de energia também aumenta. Sistemas que operam com restrição de tempo ou energia podem ficar impossibilitados de utilizar tais técnicas. Por esse motivo, este trabalho propoe técnicas de tolerância a falhas em software com custos no desempenho e memória reduzidos e cobertura de falhas similar a técnicas presentes na literatura. Como detecção é menos custoso que correção, este trabalho foca em técnicas de detecção. Primeiramente, um conjunto de técnicas de dados baseadas em regras de generalização, chamada VAR, é apresentada. As técnicas são baseadas nesse conjunto generalizado de regras para permitir uma investigação exaustiva, em termos de confiabilidade e custos, de diferentes variações de técnicas. As regras definem como a técnica duplica o código e insere verificadores. Cada técnica usa um diferente conjunto de regras. Então, uma técnica de controle, chamada SETA, é introduzida. Comparando SETA com uma técnica estado-da-arte, SETA é 11.0% mais rápida e ocupa 10.3% menos posições de memória. As técnicas de dados mais promissoras são combinadas com a técnica de controle com o objetivo de proteger tanto os dados quanto o fluxo de controle da aplicação alvo. Para reduzir ainda mais os custos, métodos para aplicar seletivamente as técnicas propostas foram desenvolvidos. Para técnica de dados, em vez de proteger todos os registradores, somente um conjunto de registradores selecionados é protegido. O conjunto é selecionado com base em uma métrica que analisa o código e classifica os registradores por sua criticalidade. Para técnicas de controle, há duas abordagens: (1) remover verificadores de blocos básicos, e (2) seletivamente proteger blocos básicos. As técnicas e suas versões seletivas são avaliadas em termos de tempo de execução, tamanho do código, cobertura de falhas, e o Mean Work to Failure (MWTF), o qual é uma métrica que mede o compromisso entre cobertura de falhas e tempo de execução. Resultados mostram redução dos custos sem diminuição da cobertura de falhas, e para uma pequena redução na cobertura de falhas foi possível significativamente reduzir os custos. Por fim, uma vez que a avaliação de todas as possíveis combinações utilizando métodos seletivos toma muito tempo, este trabalho utiliza um método para extrapolar os resultados obtidos por simulação com o objetivo de encontrar os melhores parâmetros para a proteção seletiva e combinada de técnicas de dados e de controle que melhorem o compromisso entre confiabilidade e custos.
Software-based fault tolerance techniques are a low-cost way to protect processors against soft errors. However, they introduce significant overheads to the execution time and code size, which consequently increases the energy consumption. System operation with time or energy restrictions may not be able to make use of these techniques. For this reason, this work proposes software-based fault tolerance techniques with lower overheads and similar fault coverage to state-of-the-art software techniques. Once detection is less costly than correction, the work focuses on software-based detection techniques. Firstly, a set of data-flow techniques called VAR is proposed. The techniques are based on general building rules to allow an exhaustive assessment, in terms of reliability and overheads, of different technique variations. The rules define how the technique duplicates the code and insert checkers. Each technique uses a different set of rules. Then, a control-flow technique called SETA (Software-only Error-detection Technique using Assertions) is introduced. Comparing SETA with a state-of-the-art technique, SETA is 11.0% faster and occupies 10.3% fewer memory positions. The most promising data-flow techniques are combined with the control-flow technique in order to protect both dataflow and control-flow of the target application. To go even further with the reduction of the overheads, methods to selective apply the proposed software techniques have been developed. For the data-flow techniques, instead of protecting all registers, only a set of selected registers is protected. The set is selected based on a metric that analyzes the code and rank the registers by their criticality. For the control-flow technique, two approaches are taken: (1) removing checkers from basic blocks: all the basic blocks are protected by SETA, but only selected basic blocks have checkers inserted, and (2) selectively protecting basic blocks: only a set of basic blocks is protected. The techniques and their selective versions are evaluated in terms of execution time, code size, fault coverage, and Mean Work To Failure (MWTF), which is a metric to measure the trade-off between fault coverage and execution time. Results show that was possible to reduce the overheads without affecting the fault coverage, and for a small reduction in the fault coverage it was possible to significantly reduce the overheads. Lastly, since the evaluation of all the possible combinations for selective hardening of every application takes too much time, this work uses a method to extrapolate the results obtained by simulation in order to find the parameters for the selective combination of data and control-flow techniques that are probably the best candidates to improve the trade-off between reliability and overheads.
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Medeiros, Ithyara Dheylle Machado de. "Superfícies Seletivas a base de Polímeros Inorgânicos para Coletores Solares de Média e Alta Temperatura." Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2016.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-08T11:50:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4720590 bytes, checksum: c0e901cb90be3c102d0bd3f7a4bce0bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-04
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
The development of new materials and technologies have been shown to be very important when the goal is to make solar energy will be more economically attractive. One way to promote this attractiveness is increasing the efficiency of solar collectors, which can be done by use of so-called selective surfaces, or deposited coatings on absorbing plate solar radiation, which allow a maximum of absorbance in the solar spectrum while maintaining a minimum emittance in the infrared. Absorbers for producing films, it is necessary to use materials technology, energy and environmental efficiency, such as inorganic polymers (geopolymers). In the Earth's tropical regions, such as the state of Paraiba, there are materials with potential use for the synthesis of inorganic polymers that have not been evaluated, the Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) is one of them. So that this study sought to assess the SCBA's potential use as raw material for production of solar absorbing films. Through the use of two deposition techniques in three types of substrates, it was concluded that the SCBA has intrinsic selectivity, having potential use for the production of solar absorbing films. So that the best result set (film + substrate) exhibited peak and average absorption of respectively 88% and 65%. This surface was obtained from the SCBA.5.250 diluted in 10 g of H2O deposited by painting techniques on the glass substrate.
O desenvolvimento de novos materiais e tecnologias tem se mostrado de extrema importância quando o objetivo é fazer com que a energia solar venha a ser mais atrativa economicamente. Um dos modos de promover essa atratividade é aumentando a eficiência dos coletores solares, o que pode ser feito por meio da utilização das chamadas superfícies seletivas, ou seja, revestimentos depositados sobre placas absorvedoras de radiação solar, que permitem um máximo de absortância no espectro solar enquanto mantêm um mínimo de emitância no infravermelho. Para a produção de filmes absorvedores, faz-se necessário a utilização de materiais com eficiência tecnológica, energética e ambiental, tais como os polímeros inorgânicos (geopolímeros). Nas regiões tropicais da Terra, como é o caso do Estado da Paraíba, há materiais com potencial de utilização para a síntese de polímeros inorgânicos que ainda não foram avaliados, a Cinza do Bagaço da Cana-de-açúcar (CBC) é um deles. De forma que o presente trabalho procurou avaliar o potencial de uso da CBC como matéria-prima para produção de filmes absorvedores solares. Através da utilização de duas técnicas de deposição em três tipos de substratos, concluiu-se que a CBC apresenta seletividade intrínseca, tendo potencial de uso para produção de filmes absorvedores solares. De maneira que o melhor resultado do conjunto (filme+substrato) exibiu pico e média de absorção de, respectivamente, 88% e 65%. Essa superfície foi obtida a partir da CBC.5.250 diluída em 10 g de H2O depositada pela técnica de Pintura sobre o substrato de vidro.
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Hartmann, R. (Robert). "Flotation using cellulose-based chemicals." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2018.

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Abstract Flotation is a well-known and widely used technique for the separation of particles smaller than 250 µm, but efficient performance requires the use of various synthetic chemicals which can potentially damage the health of humans and animals and pollute the environment. Consequently, their replacement through a more environment-friendly and sustainable alternative has been demanded. One promising candidate is cellulose, which is an abundant natural polymer that is environment-friendly and can be treated chemically and physically to yield tailored properties and thus a potential for use in processes such as flotation. This work focuses on the use of cellulose-based reagents in flotation processes to replace the often harmful conventional reagents derived from mineral oil, plant oils or animal fats. The physico-chemical properties of cellulose differ from those of conventional reagents, leading to differences in performance during flotation. In particular, the chemical and morphological heterogeneity of cellulose affects its properties and thus its interaction with minerals and water. Consequently, its use requires the study of the fundamentals of flotation and their application including the physico-chemical heterogeneity of cellulose to determine the optimum conditions and enable efficient performance. This work focuses on the determination of the thermodynamic surface energetics of solid particles and changes in this after reagent adsorption, using the inverse gas chromatography technique in a dry atmosphere. Furthermore, interactions between cellulose and minerals immersed in water are investigated using the DLVO theory, the interaction forces between cellulose and the minerals being derived and correlated with flotability. The importance of free surface charges is then considered by investigating the electric surface potential of cellulose-coated minerals in connection with particle-bubble attachment efficiency. At the same time, conventional amphiphilic reagents are used and its performances are related to cellulose-based reagents
Tiivistelmä Vaahdotus on kaivannaisteollisuudessa laajasti käytössä oleva prosessi, jonka avulla saadaan erotettua tehokkaasti pieniä, alle 250 µm kokoisia partikkeleita. Vaahdotuksen apuaineena käytetään erilaisia synteettisiä kemikaaleja, jotka voivat aiheuttaa harmia ympäristölle. Siksi niiden korvaaminen ympäristöystävällisemmillä vaihtoehdoilla on tärkeää. Yksi lupaava vaihtoehto korvaavaksi materiaaliksi on selluloosa. Selluloosa on uusiutuva ja ympäristöystävällinen luonnonpolymeeri, josta voidaan valmistaa kemiallisesti ja fysikaalisesti käsittelemällä erilaisia biokemikaaleja. Näitä voidaan soveltaa erilaisissa prosesseissa, myös vaahdotuksessa. Tässä työssä keskitytään selluloosapohjaisten kemikaalien käyttöön vaahdotuksessa tavanomaisten, usein haitallisten synteettisten kemikaalien korvaamiseksi. Selluloosan fysikaaliskemialliset ominaisuudet eroavat synteettisten vaahdotuskemikaalien ominaisuuksista, mikä vaikuttaa niiden vuorovaikutukseen mineraalien ja veden kanssa. Erityisesti selluloosan kemiallinen ja morfologinen heterogeenisuus on keskeinen tekijä. Selluloosan hyödyntäminen tulevaisuuden vaahdotuskemikaalina edellyttää selluloosan ja mineraalien vuorovaikutuksen syvällistä ymmärtämistä. Tässä työssä tutkitaan selluloosan ja mineraalien vuorovaikutusta sekä IGC-menetelmän avulla, että DLVO-teorian että pintavarausmittausten avulla. Lisäksi tutkitaan selluloosan ja mineraalien vuorovaikutusvoimien yhteyttä vaahdotusprosessin onnistumiseen ja saavutettuja tuloksia verrataan kaupallisten reagenssien toimintaan
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Hamad, Sofian. "Efficient route discovery for reactive routing." Thesis, Brunel University, 2013.

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Information on the location of mobile nodes in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) has the potential to significantly improve network performance. This thesis uses node location information to develop new techniques for route discovery in on-demand routing protocols such as the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), thus making an important contribution to enhancing the experience of using mobile networks. A Candidate Neighbours to Rebroadcast the Route Request (CNRR) approach has been proposed to reduce the deleterious impact, known as the broadcast storm, of RREQ packets flooding in traditional on-demand routing protocols. The main concept behind CNRR is specifying a set of neighbours which will rebroadcast the received RREQ. This is a departure from the traditional approach of all receiving nodes rebroadcasting RREQs and has the effect of reducing the problem of redundancy from which mobile networks suffer. The proposed protocol has been developed in two phases: Closest-CNRR and Furthest-CNRR. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms have a significant effect as they reduce the routing overhead of the AODV protocol by up to 28% compared to the C-CNRR, and by up to 17.5% compared to the F-CNRR. Notably, the proposed algorithms simultaneously achieve better throughput and less data dropping. The Link Stability and Energy Aware protocol (LSEA) has been developed to reduce the overhead while increasing network lifetimes. The LSEA helps to control the global dissemination of RREQs in the network by eliminating those nodes that have a residual energy level below a specific threshold value from participation in end-to-end routes. The proposed LSEA protocol significantly increases network lifetimes by up to 19% compared with other on-demand routing protocols while still managing to obtain the same packet delivery ratio and network throughput levels. Furthermore, merging the LSEA and CNRR concepts has the great advantage of reducing the dissemination of RREQs in the network without loss of reachability among the nodes. This increases network lifetimes, reduces the overhead and increases the amount of data sent and received. Accordingly, a Position-based Selective Neighbour (PSN) approach has been proposed which combines the advantages of zoning and link stability. The results show that the proposed technique has notable advantages over both the AODV and MAAODV as it improves delivery ratios by 24.6% and 18.8%, respectively.
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Kolditz, Catherine-Inès. "Déterminisme nutritionnel et génétique de la teneur en lipides musculaires chez la truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) : étude par analyse de l'expression de gènes candidats, du protéome et du transcriptome du foie et du muscle." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008.

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Ce travail de thèse a eu pour objectif d’identifier les mécanismes majeurs intervenant dans la régulation de l’adiposité musculaire chez la truite arc-en-ciel. Pour cela, nous avons analysé les effets combinés de la sélection génétique et de l’alimentation, facteurs prépondérants de variation de l'adiposité. Deux lignées de truites arc-en-ciel sélectionnées sur la teneur en lipides du muscle dorsal ("muscle gras" et "muscle maigre"), ont été nourries pendant 6 mois avec un régime contenant 10 ou 23% de lipides (% de la matière sèche). Nous avons mesuré l'activité et/ou l'expression d’enzymes clé des principales voies métaboliques intervenant dans l'utilisation de l'énergie, puis développé une analyse différentielle globale à l’échelle du transcriptome (microarray nylon) et du protéome (électrophorèse bidimensionnelle). Ces analyses portent sur le muscle blanc, tissu cible de la sélection, et le foie, carrefour métabolique et site majeur de la lipogenèse chez les poissons. Les résultats obtenus confirment l’effet inhibiteur d’un apport alimentaire riche en lipides sur la lipogénèse et la désaturation des acides gras dans le foie, déjà observé chez des individus de plus grande taille, et fournissent de nouvelles connaissances sur l’effet exercé sur les autres voies, en particulier la protéolyse. Ces analyses ont également permis de mettre en évidence des différences métaboliques existant entre lignées, qui concernent non seulement le métabolisme des lipides mais aussi celui des autres substrats énergétiques. Il apparaît que les deux moyens utilisé pour augmenter la teneur en lipides du muscle mettent en jeu des mécanismes moléculaires différents. Nos travaux ont permis d’identifier deux gènes dont l’expression est augmentée dans le muscle en réponse à un apport alimentaire riche en lipides et par la sélection génétique en faveur d’un indice d’adiposité musculaire élevé, et qui pourraient être des marqueurs moléculaires de l’adiposité musculaire
The objective of the study was to identify genes and proteins that are involved in the control of muscle fat deposition in rainbow trout. We analyzed the combined effects exerted by genetic selection and dietary treatment, which are the two main factors that can be used to manage body fat content. Two lines of rainbow trout, obtained after 3 generations of divergent selection for high or low muscle fat content, were fed diets containing either 10% or 23% lipids (% dry matter), for six months. We analyzed the activity and gene expression of key enzymes involved in energy utilization, and performed a more global approach through transcriptome (nylon microarray) and proteome (two- dimensional electrophoresis) analysis. We analyzed the liver, which is the centre of intermediary metabolism and the main site of lipogenesis in fish, and the muscle, the target tissue of the selection provedure. The results confirmed the depressing effect exerted by a lipid rich diet on lipogenesis and fatty acid desaturation, already described in larger size fish, and provided new insight about the effect exerted on the other metabolic pathways, in particular the proteolysis. These analyses pointed out metabolic differences existing between lines. They involved not only lipid metabolism, but also the other pathways of nutrient utilization. With regard to their muscle-fattening effect, the dietary treatment and the genetic selection appear to act through different molecular mechanisms. These analyses allowed the identification of two genes that are over-expressed in muscle upon both high dietary lipid supply and upward selection for muscle fat content, suggesting that these two genes could be relevant molecular markers of muscle fattening
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Cai, Caifang. "Tomographie par rayons X multi-énergétiques pour l’analyse de la structure interne de l'objet appliquée dans l’imagerie médicale." Thesis, Paris 11, 2013.

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La tomographie par rayons X multi-énergétiques (MECT) permet d'obtenir plus d'information concernant la structure interne de l'objet par rapport au scanner CT classique. Un de ses intérêts dans l’imagerie médicale est d'obtenir les images de fractions d’eau et d’os. Dans l'état de l'art, les intérêts de MECT n'est pas encore découvert largement. Les approches de reconstruction existantes sont très limitées dans leurs performances. L'objectif principal de ce travail est de proposer des approches de reconstruction de haute qualité qui pourront être utilisés dans la MECT afin d’améliorer la qualité d’imagerie.Ce travail propose deux approches de reconstruction bayésiennes. La première est adaptée au système avec un détecteur discriminant en énergie. Dans cette approche, nous considérons que les polychromaticités de faisceaux sont négligeables. En utilisant le modèle linéaire de la variance et la méthode d'estimation maximum à postériori (MAP), l'approche que nous avons proposé permets de prendre en compte les différents niveaux de bruit présentés sur les mesures multi-énergétiques. Les résultats des simulations montrent que, dans l'imagerie médicale, les mesures biénergies sont suffisantes pour obtenir les fractions de l'eau et de l'os en utilisant l'approche proposée. Des mesures à la troisième énergie est nécessaire uniquement lorsque l'objet contient des matériaux lourdes. Par exemple, l’acier et l'iode. La deuxième approche est proposée pour les systèmes où les mesures multi-énergétiques sont obtenues avec des faisceaux polychromatiques. C'est effectivement la plupart des cas dans l'état actuel du practice. Cette approche est basée sur un modèle direct non-linéaire et un modèle bruit gaussien où la variance est inconnue. En utilisant l’inférence bayésienne, les fractions de matériaux de base et de la variance d'observation pourraient être estimées à l'aide de l'estimateur conjoint de MAP. Sous réserve à un modèle a priori Dirac attribué à la variance, le problème d'estimation conjointe est transformé en un problème d'optimisation avec une fonction du coût non-quadratique. Pour le résoudre, l'utilisation d'un algorithme de gradient conjugué non-linéaire avec le pas de descente quasi-optimale est proposée.La performance de l'approche proposée est analysée avec des données simulées et expérimentales. Les résultats montrent que l'approche proposée est robuste au bruit et aux matériaux. Par rapport aux approches existantes, l'approche proposée présente des avantages sur la qualité de reconstruction
Multi-Energy Computed Tomography (MECT) makes it possible to get multiple fractions of basis materials without segmentation. In medical application, one is the soft-tissue equivalent water fraction and the other is the hard-matter equivalent bone fraction. Practical MECT measurements are usually obtained with polychromatic X-ray beams. Existing reconstruction approaches based on linear forward models without counting the beam polychromaticity fail to estimate the correct decomposition fractions and result in Beam-Hardening Artifacts (BHA). The existing BHA correction approaches either need to refer to calibration measurements or suffer from the noise amplification caused by the negative-log pre-processing and the water and bone separation problem. To overcome these problems, statistical DECT reconstruction approaches based on non-linear forward models counting the beam polychromaticity show great potential for giving accurate fraction images.This work proposes a full-spectral Bayesian reconstruction approach which allows the reconstruction of high quality fraction images from ordinary polychromatic measurements. This approach is based on a Gaussian noise model with unknown variance assigned directly to the projections without taking negative-log. Referring to Bayesian inferences, the decomposition fractions and observation variance are estimated by using the joint Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation method. Subject to an adaptive prior model assigned to the variance, the joint estimation problem is then simplified into a single estimation problem. It transforms the joint MAP estimation problem into a minimization problem with a non-quadratic cost function. To solve it, the use of a monotone Conjugate Gradient (CG) algorithm with suboptimal descent steps is proposed.The performances of the proposed approach are analyzed with both simulated and experimental data. The results show that the proposed Bayesian approach is robust to noise and materials. It is also necessary to have the accurate spectrum information about the source-detector system. When dealing with experimental data, the spectrum can be predicted by a Monte Carlo simulator. For a variety of materials, less than 5% estimation errors are observed on their average decomposition fractions.The proposed approach is a statistical reconstruction approach based on a non-linear forward model counting the full beam polychromaticity and applied directly to the projections without taking negative-log. Compared to the approaches based on linear forward models and the BHA correction approaches, it has advantages in noise robustness and reconstruction accuracy
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Harris, Jonathan Andrew. "Additively manufactured metallic cellular materials for blast and impact mitigation." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018.

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Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive manufacturing process which enables the creation of intricate components from high performance alloys. This facilitates the design and fabrication of new cellular materials for blast and impact mitigation, where the performance is heavily influenced by geometric and material sensitivities. Design of such materials requires an understanding of the relationship between the additive manufacturing process and material properties at different length scales: from the microstructure, to geometric feature rendition, to overall dynamic performance. To date, there remain significant uncertainties about both the potential benefits and pitfalls of using additive manufacturing processes to design and optimise cellular materials for dynamic energy absorbing applications. This investigation focuses on the out-of-plane compression of stainless steel cellular materials fabricated using SLM, and makes two specific contributions. First, it demonstrates how the SLM process itself influences the characteristics of these cellular materials across a range of length scales, and in turn, how this influences the dynamic deformation. Secondly, it demonstrates how an additive manufacturing route can be used to add geometric complexity to the cell architecture, creating a versatile basis for geometry optimisation. Two design spaces are explored in this work: a conventional square honeycomb hybridised with lattice walls, and an auxetic stacked-origami geometry, manufactured and tested experimentally here for the first time. It is shown that the hybrid lattice-honeycomb geometry outperformed the benchmark metallic square honeycomb in terms of energy absorption efficiency in the intermediate impact velocity regime (approximately 100 m/s). In this regime, the collapse is dominated by dynamic buckling effects, but wave propagation effects have yet to become pronounced. By tailoring the fold angles of the stacked origami material, numerical simulations illustrated how it can be optimised for specific impact velocity regimes between 10-150 m/s. Practical design tools were then developed based on these results.
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Valero, Bresó Alejandro. "Hybrid caches: design and data management." Doctoral thesis, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013.

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Cache memories have been usually implemented with Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) technology since it is the fastest electronic memory technology. However, this technology consumes a high amount of leakage currents, which is a major design concern because leakage energy consumption increases as the transistor size shrinks. Alternative technologies are being considered to reduce this consumption. Among them, embedded Dynamic RAM (eDRAM) technology provides minimal area and leakage by design but reads are destructive and it is not as fast as SRAM. In this thesis, both SRAM and eDRAM technologies are mingled to take the advantatges that each of them o¿ers. First, they are combined at cell level to implement an n-bit macrocell consisting of one SRAM cell and n-1 eDRAM cells. The macrocell is used to build n-way set-associative hybrid ¿rst-level (L1) data caches having one SRAM way and n-1 eDRAM ways. A single SRAM way is enough to achieve good performance given the high data locality of L1 caches. Architectural mechanisms such as way-prediction, swaps, and scrub operations are considered to avoid unnecessary eDRAM reads, to maintain the Most Recently Used (MRU) data in the fast SRAM way, and to completely avoid refresh logic. Experimental results show that, compared to a conventional SRAM cache, leakage and area are largely reduced with a scarce impact on performance. The study of the bene¿ts of hybrid caches has been also carried out in second-level (L2) caches acting as Last-Level Caches (LLCs). In this case, the technologies are combined at bank level and the optimal ratio of SRAM and eDRAM banks that achieves the best trade-o¿ among performance, energy, and area is identi¿ed. Like in L1 caches, the MRU blocks are kept in the SRAM banks and they are accessed ¿rst to avoid unnecessary destructive reads. Nevertheless, refresh logic is not removed since data locality widely di¿ers in this cache level. Experimental results show that a hybrid LLC with an eighth of its banks built with SRAM technology is enough to achieve the best target trade-o¿. This dissertation also deals with performance of replacement policies in heterogeneous LLCs mainly focusing on the energy overhead incurred by refresh operations. In this thesis it is de¿ned a new concept, namely MRU-Tour (MRUT), that helps estimate reuse information of cache blocks. Based on this concept, it is proposed a family of MRUTbased replacement algorithms that randomly select the victim block among those having a single MRUT. These policies are enhanced to leverage recency of information for a few blocks and to adapt to changes in the working set of the benchmarks. Results show that the proposed MRUT policies, with simpler hardware complexity, outperform the Least Recently Used (LRU) policy and a set of the most representative state-of-the-art replacement policies for LLCs. Refresh operations represent an important fraction of the overall dynamic energy consumption of eDRAM LLCs. This fraction increases with the cache capacity, since more blocks have to be refreshed for a given period of time. Prior works have attacked the refresh energy taking into account inter-cell feature variations. Unlike these works, this thesis proposes a selective refresh policy based on the MRUT concept. The devised policy takes into account the number of MRUTs of a block to select whether the block is refreshed. In this way, many refreshes done in a typical distributed refresh policy are skipped (i.e., in those blocks having a single MRUT). This refresh mechanism is applied in the hybrid LLC memory. Results show that refresh energy consumption is largely reduced with respect to a conventional eDRAM cache, while the performance degradation is minimal with respect to a conventional SRAM cache.
Valero Bresó, A. (2013). Hybrid caches: design and data management [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
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CARVALHO, Eduardo Rodrigues de. "Valor nutritivo do glicerol e comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras periparturientes." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:13:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho.pdf: 1237820 bytes, checksum: d8bf044399d1192242219f8c2afee68b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-06
The expansion of the biofuel industry has generated increased availability of glycerol, which can be used as an ingredient in the ration of dairy cows. This study aimed to determine the effects of glycerol on DMI, milk production, production of SCFA in the rumen, blood parameters, selective consumption and feeding behavior of dairy cows periparturientes. Twenty-six multiparous Holstein cows were paired according to performance in the previous lactation and expected date of calving and fed diets containing glycerol or high moisture corn from -28 to +56 DRDP. Glycerol was included in 11.5 and 10.8% of total DM in the diet pre-and post-partum respectively. CMS has not changed (P> 0.05) by feeding with glycerol both pre-partum (14.9 vs. 14.6 kg / day, vs control. glycerol) and the post-partum (19.8 vs. 20.7 kg / day, vs control. Glycerol), as well as production (35.8 vs. 37 kg / day, vs control. glycerol) and milk composition did not differ (P> 0.05) between treatments. The concentration of blood glucose was reduced (P <0.05, vs 59.1. 53.4 mg / dL vs control. glycerol) and ABHB blood was elevated (P <0.05, 0.58 vs. 0.82 mmol / L vs control. glycerol) in cows fed glycerol during pre-partum. The concentration of NEFA in the blood did not differ (P> 0.05) between experimental groups in the pre-partum, and no effect (P> 0.05) on the glycerol blood parameters during the postpartum period. The total concentration of SCFA in rumen (mmol / L) did not differ (P> 0.05) between treatments, but increased (P <0.05) in the molar proportion of propionate (22.7 vs. 28.6% vs control. Glycerol) and butyrate (11.5 vs. 15.3% vs control. glycerol) and reduced (P <0.05) in proportion molar acetate (61.5 vs. 51.5% vs control. glycerol) in cows fed with glycerol. In relation to the selective consumption and ingestive behavior, there increase (P <0.05) the rate of DMI (94.2 vs. MS 144.4 g / h vs. control. glycerol) and preferential consumption (9.2 vs. 17.8% vs control. glycerol) long particle with glycerol in the diet, but decreased (P <0.05) the rate of CMS short particles (383.8 vs. MS 332.5 g / h vs. control. glycerol) and very short (173.9 vs. MS 129.8 g / h vs. control. Glycerol) and increased (P <0.05) in rejecting short particles (42 vs. 37.3% vs control. glycerol) and very short (17.9 vs. 13.6% vs control. glycerol) during pre-partum. No effect (P> 0.05) of treatments on the selective use of particles of the diet in the postpartum period and also on the feeding behavior throughout the experimental period. The data obtained in this study indicated that replacing corn wet grain by glycerol in diets for dairy cows was periparturientes satisfactory.
A expansão da indústria de biocombustíveis tem gerado aumento na disponibilidade do glicerol, o qual pode ser utilizado como ingrediente na ração de vacas leiteiras. Objetivou-se nesse estudo determinar os efeitos do glicerol sobre o CMS, produção de leite, produção de AGCC no rúmen, parâmetros sanguíneos, consumo seletivo e comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras periparturientes. Vinte e seis vacas multíparas da raça Holandesa foram pareadas de acordo com o desempenho na lactação anterior e data prevista de parição, e alimentadas com dietas contendo glicerol ou milho grão úmido desde -28 até +56 DRDP. O glicerol foi incluído em 11,5 e 10,8% do total da MS nas dietas pré e pós-parto, respectivamente. O CMS não foi alterado (P>0,05) pela alimentação com glicerol tanto no pré-parto (14,9 vs. 14,6 kg/dia, controle vs. glicerol) quanto no pós-parto (19,8 vs. 20,7 kg/dia, controle vs. glicerol), assim como a produção (35,8 vs. 37 kg/dia, controle vs. glicerol) e composição de leite não diferiram (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. A concentração de glucose no sangue foi reduzida (P<0,05; 59,1 vs. 53,4 mg/dL, controle vs. glicerol) e de ABHB no sangue foi elevada (P<0,05; 0,58 vs. 0,82 mmol/L, controle vs. glicerol) nas vacas alimentadas com glicerol durante o pré-parto. A concentração de AGNE no sangue não diferiu (P>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais no pré-parto, e não houve efeito (P>0,05) do glicerol sobre os parâmetros sanguíneos durante o pós-parto. A concentração total de AGCC no rúmen (mmol/L) não diferiu (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos, mas houve aumento (P<0,05) na proporção molar de propionato (22,7 vs. 28,6%, controle vs. glicerol) e butirato (11,5 vs. 15,3%, controle vs. glicerol) e redução (P<0,05) na proporção molar de acetato (61,5 vs. 51,5%, controle vs. glicerol) nas vacas alimentadas com glicerol. Em relação ao consumo seletivo e comportamento ingestivo, houve aumento (P<0,05) na taxa do CMS (94,2 vs. 144,4 g MS/h; controle vs. glicerol) e no consumo preferencial (9,2 vs. 17,8%; controle vs. glicerol) de partículas longas na dieta com glicerol, porém houve redução (P<0,05) na taxa do CMS de partículas curtas (383,8 vs. 332,5 g MS/h; controle vs. glicerol) e muito curtas (173,9 vs. 129,8 g MS/h; controle vs. glicerol) e aumento (P<0,05) na rejeição de partículas curtas (42 vs. 37,3%; controle vs. glicerol) e muito curtas (17,9 vs. 13,6%; controle vs. glicerol) durante o pré-parto. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) dos tratamentos sobre o consumo seletivo de partículas da dieta no pós-parto e também sobre o comportamento ingestivo durante todo o período experimental. Os dados obtidos na presente pesquisa indicaram que a substituição do milho grão úmido pelo glicerol em dietas para vacas leiteiras periparturientes foi satisfatória.
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Simmons, Brian Spencer. "Lowest cost building technology selection for energy efficient design." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.

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The thesis project explores the use of an optimization methodology for selecting the lowest monetary cost combinations of technologies to meet a set operational energy efficiency targets for buildings. The optimization approach, which is operated on a normative energy model, is compared with existing prescriptive methodologies for selecting technology combinations and a metric is developed for ranking their effectiveness; the E/C Ratio. The energy savings/ cost ratio is also the objective function that the optimization algorithm is set to maximize. The optimization routine is coded in to a custom MATLAB script and is used in two case studies to optimize a proto-typical Korean apartment and office building. The optimization methodology finds technology combinations that are much more cost effective than the prescriptive methodology at meeting an energy savings target and can generically be applied to other buildings given a palette of technology alternatives and the corresponding cost data.
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Gustavsson, Johanna. "Energy Storage Technology Comparison : A knowledge guide to simplify selection of energy storage technology." Thesis, KTH, Energiteknik, 2016.

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The purpose of this study has been to increase the understanding of some of the most commonly used energy storage technologies. Also, the work aimed to collect numeric values ​​of a number of common parameters used to analyze energy storage. These numeric values could then be used as basis for a first evaluation of the energy storage technology that is best suited to a given situation.   The method was divided into three main phases. The first phase was to gather information on the different technologies and to assess which of the information that was relevant to present in a technical survey called Energy Storage Technology Mapping. This part was done to achieve the goal of increase the insight of different energy storage technologies. The following phase was, on the basis of the numeric values ​​presented in the technical survey, to develop a tool to facilitate the choice of energy storage technologies in different situations. The final phase consisted of a case study that was done to demonstrate the tool’s utility and evaluate its performance.   Without comparing the studied technologies with a specific application in mind, the following was stated regarding the four categories of energy storage technologies:   Electrochemical: high efficiency, short storage period Mechanical: large capacity and power, high initial investment costs and geographically limited Chemical: very long storage period, low efficiency Thermal: long lifetime and high efficiency, variable depending on the medium studied   From the literature study and the results a number of conclusions were drawn. Among other things, it was possible to conclude that environmental-, social- and ethical aspects should be taken into account as well as the geographical- and geological conditions. It was also possible to conclude that the technologies compared were found at different stages in terms of maturity and commercial use, which was reflected in the ability to find more general numeric values ​​relative to the values ​​linked to a specific application.
Syftet med denna studie har varit att öka förståelsen för några av de vanligaste energilagringsteknikerna. Utöver det syftade arbetet till att samla in numeriska värden för ett antal gemensamma parametrar som kan anses relevanta för att analysera energilagring. Dessa numeriska värden kunde sedan användas som underlag vid en första bedömning av vilken energilagringsteknik som är bäst lämpad i olika situationer.   Metoden var uppdelad i tre olika huvud faser. Den första fasen bestod i att samla in information om de olika teknikerna samt bedöma vilken av informationen som var lämplig att presentera i en teknisk kartläggning vid namn Energy Storage Technology Mapping. Denna del gjordes för att uppnå målet om ökad förståelse för de olika energilagringsteknikerna. Den efterföljande fasen bestod i att utifrån de numeriska värdena som presenterats i den tekniska kartläggningen ta fram ett redskap för att underlätta valet av energilagringsteknik vid olika situationer. Den sista fasen bestod av en fallstudie som gjordes för att demonstrera verktyget användbarhet samt utvärdera dess prestanda.   Utan att jämföra de studerade teknikerna med ett specifikt användningsområde i åtanke kunde följande konstateras gällande de fyra undergrupperna av energilagringstekniker:   Elektrokemiska: hög effektivitet, kort lagringstid Mekaniska: stor kapacitet och kraft, stora investeringskostnader och geografiskt begränsade Kemiska: mycket lång lagringstid, låg effektivitet Termiska: lång livslängd och hög effektivitet, varierande beroende på studerat medium   Från litteraturstudien och resultatet kunde ett antal slutsatser dras. Bland annat var det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att miljö-, sociala- och etniska aspekter bör tas i beaktan liksom geografiska- och geologiska förutsättningar. Det gick också att dra slutsatsen att teknikerna som jämfördes befanns sig på olika stadier vad gäller mognad och kommersiellt bruk vilket återspeglades i förmågan att finna mer generella numeriska värden i förhållande till värden kopplade till ett specifikt användningsområde.
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Nefzaoui, Elyes. "Conception et optimisation d'émetteurs sélectifs pour applications thermophotovoltaïques." Thesis, Poitiers, 2013.

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Le thermo-photovoltaïque (TPV), conversion du rayonnement thermique par des cellules photovoltaïques (PV), est un dispositif qui a suscité un intérêt croissant depuis deux décennies, notamment pour son efficacité supérieure à celle de la conversion photovoltaïque classique. Ceci est essentiellement dû à l'accord entre le spectre du rayonnement de la source thermique et le spectre de conversion de la cellule PV. Les rendements maximaux sont obtenus pour des sources thermiques cohérentes, émettant dans une gamme spectrale étroite, énergétiquement au-dessus de l'énergie de la bande interdite de la cellule PV. On propose dans ce travail d'appliquer une méthode d'optimisation stochastique, en l'occurrence l'optimisation par essaims de particules, pour concevoir et optimiser de telles sources. On aboutit alors à des structures unidimensionnelles simples, à base de films minces de diélectriques, métaux et de semi-conducteurs. Les propriétés radiatives de ces sources, stables pour des températures allant jusqu'à 1000 K, sont aisément contrôlables à l'aide de paramètres simples comme les épaisseurs des films ou la concentration de dopage. Finalement, on propose une étude d'optimisation paramétrique des propriétés optiques des matériaux susceptibles de maximiser l'échange radiatif en champ proche entre deux milieux plans semi-infinis. Cette étude aboutit à un outil pratique, sous forme d'abaques, permettant de guider le choix des matériaux pertinents afin de maximiser les puissances au même temps que l'efficacité des systèmes TPV nanométriques
Thermo-photovoltaic conversion of thermal radiation is a concept that has been thoroughly investigated during the two last decades because of its high efficiency when compared to classical photovoltaics (PV). These high performances are mainly due to the good-matching between the thermal source radiation spectrum and the PV cell conversion spectrum. Maximal efficiencies areobtained with coherent sources that emit in narrow spectral bands, just above the band gap energy of the cell. In this report, a stochastic method to design and optimize such sources, the particle swarm optimization in this case, is firstly presented. This method leads to simple one-dimensional structures, composed of thin films of dielectrics, metals and semiconductors. The radiativeproperties of these sources are easily tunable with control parameters as simple as films thicknesses and doping concentrations. They are stable at high temperatures up to 1000 K. Second, a parametric optimization study of usual materials optical properties models (Drude and Lorentz) is presented in order to maximize radiative heat transfer between semi-infinite planes separated by nanometric gaps. This leads to a simple tool in the form of abacuses which would guide the choice of relevant materials to maximize the output power of nano thermo-photovoltaic devices
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Pukhkaiev, Dmytro. "Energy-efficient Benchmarking for Energy-efficient Software." Master's thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016.

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With respect to the continuous growth of computing systems, the energy-efficiency requirement of their processes becomes even more important. Different configurations, implying different energy-efficiency of the system, could be used to perform the process. A configuration denotes the choice among different hard- and software settings (e.g., CPU frequency, number of threads, the concrete algorithm, etc.). The identification of the most energy-efficient configuration demands to benchmark all configurations. However, this benchmarking is time- and energy-consuming, too. This thesis explores (a) the effect of dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) in combination with dynamic concurrency throttling (DCT) on the energy consumption of (de)compression, DBMS query executions, encryption/decryption and sorting; and (b) a generic approach to reduce the benchmarking efforts to determine the optimal configuration. Our findings show that the utilization of optimal configurations can save wavg. 15.14% of energy compared to the default configuration. Moreover, we propose a generic heuristic (fractional factorial design) that utilizes data mining (adaptive instance selection) together with machine learning techniques (multiple linear regression) to decrease benchmarking effort by building a regression model based on the smallest feasible subset of the benchmarked configurations. Our approach reduces the energy consumption required for benchmarking by 63.9% whilst impairing the energy-efficiency of performing the computational process by only 1.88 pp, due to not using the optimal but a near-optimal configuration.
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Deng, Shuo. "Intelligent network selection and energy reduction for mobile devices." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015.

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Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2015.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 137-142).
The popularity of mobile devices has stimulated rapid progress in both Wi-Fi and cellular technologies. Before LTE was widely deployed, Wi-Fi speeds dominated cellular network speeds. But that is no longer true today. In a study we conducted with a crowd-sourced measurement tool used by over 1,000 users in 16 countries, we found that 40% of the time LTE outperforms Wi-Fi, and 75% of the time the difference between LTE and Wi-Fi throughput is higher than 1 Mbits/s. Thus, instead of the currently popular "always prefer Wi-Fi" policy, we argue that mobile devices should use the best available combination of networks: Wi-Fi, LTE, or both. Selecting the best network combination, however, is a challenging problem because: 1) network conditions vary with both location and time; 2) many network transfers are short, which means that the decision must be made with low overhead; and, 3) the best choice is determined not only by best network performance, but also constrained by practical factors such as monetary cost and battery life. In this dissertation, we present Delphi, a software controller for network selection on mobile devices. Delphi makes intelligent network selection decisions according to current network conditions and monetary cost concerns, as well as battery-life considerations. Our experiments show that Delphi reduces application network transfer time by 46% for web browsing and by 49% for video streaming, compared with Android's default policy of always using Wi-Fi when it is available. Delphi can also be configured to achieve high throughput while being energy efficient; in this configuration, it achieves 1.9 x the through-put of Android's default policy while only consuming 6% more energy. Delphi improves performance but uses the cellular network more extensively than the status quo, consuming more energy than before. To address this problem, we develop a general method to reduce the energy consumption of cellular interfaces on mobile devices. The key idea is to use the statistics of data transfers to determine the best times at which to put the radio in different power states. These techniques not only make Delphi more useful in practice but can be deployed independently without Delphi to improve energy efficiency for any cellular-network-enabled devices. Experiments show that our techniques reduce energy consumption by 15% to 60% across various traffic patterns.
by Shuo Deng.
Ph. D.
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Rutherford, Kieran Thomas. "Autonomous underwater vehicle design considering energy source selection and hydrodynamics." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2009.

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