Academic literature on the topic 'Énergie de la biomasse – Recherche'
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Journal articles on the topic "Énergie de la biomasse – Recherche"
Pinta, François, and Philippe Girard. "Production d'énergie à partir de forêt tropicale humide : une étude de cas en Guyane française." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 302, no. 302 (December 1, 2009): 53.
Full textGond, Valery, Emilien Dubiez, Marine Boulogne, Morgan Gigaud, Adrien Péroches, Alexandre Pennec, Nicolas Fauvet, and Régis Peltier. "DYNAMICS OF FOREST COVER AND CARBON STOCK CHANGE IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: CASE OF WOOD-FUEL SUPPLY BASIN FOR KINSHASA." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 327, no. 327 (December 19, 2015): 19.
Full textDalpe, Robert, and Yves Gingras. "Recherche universitaire et priorités nationales: l'effet du financement public sur la recherche en énergie solaire au Canada." Canadian Journal of Higher Education 20, no. 2 (August 31, 1990): 27–44.
Full textTritz, Yvan. "Valorisation locale de la biomasse dans l'Orne : le projet Bois Bocage Énergie." Pour 212, no. 5 (2011): 67.
Full textRobert, Nicolas. "Énergie issue de la biomasse : un véritable outil pour la transition énergétique ?" Hors les murs N° 506, no. 5 (March 28, 2021): 34–37.
Full textSaïdi, Slim, Laurent Gazull, Abigaïl Fallot, Perrine Burnod, and Jean-François Trébuchon. "Cartographie de la disponibilité ds terres à l'échelle mondiale pour les plantations de bois énergie." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 309, no. 309 (September 1, 2011): 77.
Full textAubertin, Catherine, and Nathalie Cialdella. "Articuler la gestion des ressources forestières et du foncier agricole : le projet biomasse-énergie en Guyane." Sciences Eaux & Territoires Numéro 19, no. 2 (2016): 8.
Full textLandgraf, Markus, Keith Stephenson, and David Hess. "Missions spatiales européennes produire de l’énergie à partir des déchets nucléaires." Revue Générale Nucléaire, no. 4 (July 2018): 50–53.
Full textProces, Pierre, Emilien Dubiez, Franck Bisiaux, Adrien Péroches, and Adeline Fayolle. "Production d’Acacia auriculiformis dans le système agroforestier de Mampu, plateau Batéké, République démocratique du Congo." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 334 (January 2, 2018): 23.
Full textDiallo, O., G. Mouze, C. Ythier, and J. F. Comanducci. "Recherche de niveaux de haute énergie de214Po et210Pb par coïncidence, et coïncidence et addition." Il Nuovo Cimento A 106, no. 10 (October 1993): 1321–52.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Énergie de la biomasse – Recherche"
Fadlalla, Mohamed Elyaman. "Rétention, transport de matière et conversion dans un réacteur transpaille." Montpellier 2, 1989.
Full textZandi, Atashbar Nasim. "Modeling and Optimization of Biomass Supply Chains for Several Bio-refineries." Thesis, Troyes, 2017.
Full textBiomass can play a crucial role as one of the main sources of renewable energies. As logistics holds a significant share of biomass cost, efficient biomass supply chains must be designed to provide bio-refineries with adequate quantities of biomass at reasonable prices and appropriate times. This thesis focuses on modeling and optimization of multi-biomass supply chains for several bio-refineries. A data model is developed to list, analyze and structure the set of required data, in a logical way. The result is a set of tables that can be loaded into mathematical models for solving optimization problems. Then, a multi-period mixed integer linear programming model is proposed to optimize a multi-biomass supply chains for several bio-refineries, at the tactical and strategic level. Refineries can be already placed or located by the model. The aim is to minimize the total costs, including biomass production, storage, handling, refineries setup and transportation costs, while satisfying the demand of refineries in each period. Additionally, a multi-objective model is developed to optimize simultaneously the economic and environmental performance of biomass supply chains. The model is solved by using the ε-constraint method. Furthermore, large-scale tests on real data for two regions of France (Picardie & Champagne-Ardenne) are prepared to evaluate the proposed models. Finally, two-phase approaches are proposed to solve large-scale instances in reasonable running times, while evaluating the loss of optimality compared to the exact model
Shah, Narendra. "Carbonisation discontinue du bois en four à combustion partielle : contribution à la connaissance des phénomènes et recherche d'une méthode de gestion." Compiègne, 1990.
Full textPoggi-Parodi, Dante. "Une approche de biologie systémique pour développer des souches industrielles performantes de Trichoderma reesei." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2014.
Full textA lot of progress had been done in recent years to understand the regulation of synthesis and secretion of cellulases in the fungus Trichoderma reesei. However, the production cost of cellulases still remains one of the most important limiting steps in the production of bioethanol from lignocellulose. It is in this context that my PhD project has been developed: to genetic engineering T. reesei strains to increase its cellulase production and its adaptation to industrial conditions. First, we conducted a transcriptome analysis to an improved lineage of industrial strains during cellulase production following conditions close to the industrial process (lactose as inducer and fed-batch culture in bioreactor). We found specifically regulated genes for the most performant strain, possibly involved in its high cellulase production capacity. Then, we identified which regulated genes from transcriptome were involved in cellulase production. For this purpose mutated strains for highly regulated genes were constructed and their phenotype assessed. Three mutated genes showed to impact cellulase production and their function gave us an insight into new mechanisms being regulated. Finally, we explored the expression differences when we used a lignocellulose hydrolysate as cellulases inducer instead of lactose. A transcriptomic study of cellulases production on lignocellulose hydrolysates and lactose, allowed us to characterize the differences in regulated genes between these inducers. In addition, a group of genes probably related to detoxification was identified and could be used in the future to develop an inhibitor resistant strain
Ba, Birome Holo. "Modélisation et optimisation de chaines d'approvisionnement en biomasses pour des bioraffineries." Thesis, Troyes, 2016.
Full textThe research works of this thesis address the problem of modeling and optimizing biomass supply chains for biorefineries. Indeed, efficient supply chains are essential to provide conversion facilities with sufficient quantities of quality biomass at reasonable prices. The problem is described and modeled.A network model and a data model are developed to allow to describe the structure of the supply chain and its data, without affecting the underlying mathematical model. The latter is a mixed-integer linear programming that combines for the first time various aspects, either original or tackled separately in the literature. For given refinery needs, its exact resolution by CPLEX specifies the logistic activities in the network (amounts harvested, baled, transported, stored etc.) and the necessary equipment, in order to minimize a total cost including harvesting costs, transport costs and storage costs. Case studies are described to illustrate this multi-biomass and multi-period tactical planning model.A more compact model is also elaborated to cope with large-scale instances. It is illustrated using a real case study for a bio-refinery planned near Compiègne, France.Finally, the developments conducted for the implementation of a prototype of decision-support application are presented and recommendations for coming to a commercial software are proposed
Lê, Ngọc Huyền Trân. "Transformation de la biomasse aérienne de Miscanthus giganteus : aptitude à la dégradation enzymatique et valorisation des coproduits en agro-matériaux." Amiens, 2011.
Full textThe use of plant resources in renewable materials and energy is receiving increased interest. In this respect, Miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus) is a perennial grass showing great potential as a raw material for bioethanol production. The plant biomass can be harvested at different dates, in autumn (early harvest) in order to maximize yield, and in winter (delayed harvest). The main objectives were first to evaluate the impact of harvesting date (early, late) on the chemical composition susceptibility to enzymatic saccharification of miscanthus aiming at production second generation bioethanol, second to explore the use of lignocellulosic byproduct into agromaterials. The proportion of soluble fraction is mainly affected by the harvesting date while few change occurred in the cell wall composition. Chemical heterogeneity according to the type of organ leads to variation in susceptibility to saccharification. Owing to its high recalcitrance towards enzymatic conversion, a chemical pretreatment is required. Ammonia pretreated biomass is more prone to saccharification compared to acid treated samples. Following ammonia treatment, early harvested biomass is shown to be more efficiently converted by enzymes than a diluted acid pretreatment. Then the use of solid byproducts into cementitious material and self-binding fiberboards is explored. The obtained cementitious material had a great workability and interesting mechanical properties. Enzymatic treatment does not improve the delay in the setting time of the lignocellulosic composite. In contrast to the raw miscanthus, fiberboards are obtained by hot-pressing of byproducts from the saccharified biomass. Nevertheless, industrial applications would still require further improvements of the composites properties
Le, Brech Yann. "Analyse des mécanismes primaires de pyrolyse de la biomasse." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015.
Full textCurrent research studies focus on biomass thermochemical conversion to produce other energetic vectors more appropriate to be conveyed, such as electricity, gas or liquid products. Pyrolysis is the first mechanism occurring in all thermochemical processes for solid fuels conversion (combustion, gasification, pyrolysis). It controls in a large extent products (gas, condensables and char) distribution and composition. The prediction of pyrolysis products and the understanding of the chemical mechanisms are thus pivotal for developing thermochemical reactors. Extensive work has been conducted for more than one century but the important heterogeneity of biomasses and pyrolysis conditions make it difficult to encompass a global chemical mechanism. The aim of this study is to develop complementary analyses of pyrolysis products. Pyrolysis is conducted in a fixed bed reactor under slow pyrolysis conditions (5 K/min), for a wide range of final temperature (200°C and 500°C) and for different biomasses (miscanthus, douglas and oak). Various analytical methods have been used in order to characterise the pyrolysis products: nuclear magnetic resonance (carbon 13C and proton 1H NMR), Calorimetry, Thermogravimetry, GC/MS (Gas Chromatography and Mass spectrometry), LC/MS (Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry) and soft ionization mass spectrometry (Single Photo Ionisation SPI). Original analytical methods such as 2D NMR HETCOR 1H-13C (for the analysis of chemical moieties in char) and high temperature 1H NMR (for in-situ analysis of mobile protons) have been used. The latter allowed a novel characterization of the interaction between biomass and minerals during pyrolysis
Ndiaye, Fatou Toutie Lédé Jacques Ferrer Monique. "Pyrolyse de la biomasse en réacteur cyclone - Recherche des conditions optimales de fonctionnement." S. l. : INPL, 2008.
Full textLobos, Buschmann Jorge Alejandro. "Dynamique de populations épuratives en réacteur ferme et en bioréacteur à membranes continu et séquencé : influence du critère "substrat/biomasse"." Montpellier 2, 2006.
Full textThe aim of this memory is to provide a fundamental understanding of the metabolic ways and bacterial processes in submerged membranes bioreactors (MBR) operated at high solid retention times. The intensification of the membrane separation was studied as well. In a first experimental batch study, the role of the ratio S0/X0 (substrat/biomasse) was clarified. A cellular multiplication process is favoured at high ratios S0/X0 while a storage compound synthesis process is dominant at low ratios. The membranes bioreactors operation was carried on under continuous and sequencing feeds, with a synthetic effluent based on acetate and Viandox®. Comparatively, the performances of the MBR operated in continuous way were more satisfactory with respect to organic matter removal, sludge production and separation. The lower conversion yields substrate to biomass obtained, were associated to the intensification of maintenance cells functions, lysis process and predation activity. The modelling of the system, with the models of Pirt and ASM3, shows a stabilisation of the active biomass concentration and a constant inert materials accumulation (resulting from endogenous respiration). The interest of estimate this fraction of active biomass (lower than 20% in our operational conditions) is underlined. With regard to membrane separation, the biomass accumulated around the fibres seems not play a crucial role in the fouling process. The influence of the macromolecular compounds has been also studied
Pelletier, Chloé. "Analyse environnementale et économique des filières bois-énergie." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to conduct the environmental and economic analysis of several wood-to-energy production chains based on various wood combustion technologies. The material and energy balances of the production chains are determined with modeling of forest growth and of wood combustion. The wood combustion models use the emission factors from real-scale experimental tests on stoves and boilers. Forest growth is modeled for maritime pine and beech plantations, according to several forest management schemes. The data on the harvest, transformation, and transport steps, as well as the economic data, were taken from the literature. The environmental analysis compares the impacts calculated by two methods: ReCiPe and CML 2001. A dynamic analysis of the “climate change” impact complements the discussion on the environmental impacts of energy wood. Finally, we open a broader perspective with modeling of land use and production costs of bioenergy on a global scale. The results of the Life Cycle Analysis show the importance of both combustion quality (linked to combustion technology), and the transformation and transport steps. For instance, pellet stoves and boilers have excellent efficiencies, but suffer from the consumption of fossil fuels to dry the biomass. These technologies are also much more expensive to buy than log stoves or boilers. The dynamic analysis shows that the intensification of wood production via the shortening of growth cycles leads to higher impacts that are not completely offset by the higher production rate
Books on the topic "Énergie de la biomasse – Recherche"
Bichat, Hervé. La biomasse: Énergie d'avenir? Versailles: Éditions Quae, 2013.
Find full textCanadian Forest Service. Science Branch. Strategic plan for bioenergy research, 1998-2003 : the Canadian Forest Service five-year plan : implementing the Canadian bioenergy research strategy =: Plan stratégique de recherche en bioénergie, 1998-2003 : le plan quinquennal du Service canadien des forêts : mise en oeuvre de la stratégie canadienne de recherche en bioénergie. Ottawa, Ont: Canadian Forest Service = Service canadien des forêts, 1998.
Find full textFusion: The search for endless energy. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Find full textTrade, Canada Dept of Foreign Affairs and International. Nuclear : agreement between Canada and the European Atomic Energy Community for cooperation in the area of nuclear research (with annex), Ottawa, December 17, 1998, in force January 29, 1998 =: Nucléaire : accord de coopération entre le Canada et la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique dans le domaine de la recherche nucléaire (avec annexe), Ottawa, le 17 décembre 1998, en vigueur le 29 janvier 1999. Ottawa, Ont: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada = Ministre des travaux publics et services gouvernementaux Canada, 1998.
Find full textTrade, Canada Dept of Foreign Affairs and International. Nuclear : exchange of letters between the government of Canada and the Swiss Federal Council constituting an agreement concerning the non-proliferation assurances to be applied to tritium and tritium-related equipment transferred, directly or indirectly, from Canada to Switzerland, for use in the fusion programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), and tritium produced or processed with such equipment (with annex), Berne, March 8, 1995, in force March 8, 1995 =: Nucléaire : échange de lettres entre le gouvernement du Canada et le Conseil Fédérale Suisse constituant un accord concernant les garanties de non-prolifération à être appliquées au tritium et aux équipements connexes au tritium transférés, directement ou indirectement, du Canada à la Suisse, pour utilisation dans le cadre du programme de fusion de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique (Euratom), ainsi que le tritium produit ou traité avec ces équipements (avec annexe), Berne, le 8 mars 1995, en vigueur. Ottawa, Ont: Queen's Printer = Imprimeur de la Reine, 1998.
Find full textCanada. Groupe consultatif national sur les sciences et technologies relatives à l'énergie durable. Construire des alliances puissantes: Priorités et orientations en sciences et en technologies énergétiques au Canada : rapport du Groupe consultatif national sur les sciences et technologies relatives à l'énergie durable. [Ottawa]: Groupe consultatif national sur les sciences et technologies relatives à l'énergie durable, 2006.
Find full textKrenz, Kim. Deep waters: The Ottawa River and Canada's nuclear adventure. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004.
Find full textCanadian Forest Service. Science Branch., ed. Strategic plan for bioenergy research, 1998-2003: The Canadian Forest Service five-year plan : implementing the Canadian bioenergy research strategy. Ottawa: Science Branch, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, 1998.
Find full textHerman, Robin. Fusion: The Search for Endless Energy. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Find full textHerman, Robin. Fusion: The Search for Endless Energy. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Énergie de la biomasse – Recherche"
Damien, Alain. "26. La biomasse énergie impacte la biomasse non-énergie." In La biomasse énergie, 249–57. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "4. Quelques considérations énergétiques sur la biomasse énergie." In La biomasse énergie, 17–20. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "21. Les biocombustibles solides en propulsion de véhicules." In La biomasse énergie, 201–3. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "15. La synthèse Fischer-Tropsch." In La biomasse énergie, 175–78. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "5. Les cultures dédiées à la production d’énergie." In La biomasse énergie, 23–86. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "12. La méthanisation." In La biomasse énergie, 147–57. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "18. La production de gaz naturel de synthèse." In La biomasse énergie, 185–86. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "19. La production de biohydrogène." In La biomasse énergie, 187–88. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "11. La torréfaction." In La biomasse énergie, 143–45. Dunod, 2013.
Full textDamien, Alain. "14. Le biogaz des décharges." In La biomasse énergie, 171–74. Dunod, 2013.
Full textReports on the topic "Énergie de la biomasse – Recherche"
Millet, Thomas. Search for gluinos decaying into b-jets and transverse missing energy with the detector D0 at the Tevatron; Recherche de gluinos dans la topologie à jets de quarks b et énergie transverse manquante avec le détecteur D0 au TeVatron. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2006.
Full textGuidati, Gianfranco, and Domenico Giardini. Synthèse conjointe «Géothermie» du PNR «Energie». Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), February 2020.
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