Academic literature on the topic 'Encéphalites'
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Journal articles on the topic "Encéphalites"
de Broucker, T. "Méningoencéphalites — Encéphalites paranéoplasiques: les encéphalites limbiques." Réanimation 20, S2 (December 29, 2010): 422–29.
Full textEmile, Carole. "Encéphalites infectieuses." Option/Bio 30, no. 599-600 (June 2019): 24.
Full textDidelot, A., J. Serratrice, J. Honnorat, and G. Serratrice. "Encéphalites limbiques." EMC - Neurologie 8, no. 2 (January 2011): 1–13.
Full textBard, D., and J. Lambrozo. "Les méningo-encéphalites et encéphalites à amibes libres." Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 22, no. 8-9 (August 1992): 698–705.
Full textBertholom, Chantal. "Épidémiologie des encéphalites." Option/Bio 32, no. 629-630 (March 2021): 15–16.
Full textKahlmeter, Gunnar. "Encéphalites épidémiques abortives." Acta Medica Scandinavica 64, S16 (April 24, 2009): 226–33.
Full textBertholom, Chantal. "Méningo-encéphalites virales." Option/Bio 32, no. 665-666 (March 2023): 15–18.
Full textBertholom, Chantal. "Méningo-encéphalites bactériennes." Option/Bio 32, no. 665-666 (March 2023): 19.
Full textDumez, Pauline, Géraldine Picard, and Jérôme Honnorat. "Encéphalites auto-immunes à anticorps anti-NMDA récepteurs suivant une encéphalite herpétique." Revue Neurologique 178 (April 2022): S107.
Full textCuvellier, J. C., and L. Vallée. "Encéphalites aiguës de l'enfant." EMC - Pédiatrie - Maladies infectieuses 2, no. 1 (January 2007): 1–14.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Encéphalites"
Autard, Thierry. "Méningo-encéphalites à listeria." Montpellier 1, 1989.
Full textBérard-Badier, Magdeleine. "Essai de classification des encéphalites." Aix-Marseille 2, 1987.
Full textBost, Chloé. "Encéphalites à anticorps anti-NMDAR : étude clinique et mécanistique." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textAnti-NMDAR autoimmune encephalitis is a newly described pathology, characterized by the presence of IgG antibodies (Abs) directed against NMDA receptor (NMDAR). Glutamatergic synapses are the main component of excitatory transmission in the adult brain and the ionotropic glutamate receptor NMDAR has a key role in synaptic plasticity. Synaptic plasticity is defined by the synapses property to modify their transmission strength and seems to be the cellular correlate of learning and memory. In vitro and in vivo studies on anti-NMDAR Abs effects showed an altered dynamic at the membrane followed by an internalization of NMDAR. Thus, Abs seem to have a pathogenic effect, able to explain clinical symptoms. During my thesis, I wanted to deepen the understanding of this pathology on the clinical and mechanistic level. To this end, I studied the clinical and histological features of patients with an associated tumor. Results obtained allow me to establish management recommendations considering the high mortality rate in these patients and a higher frequency of immature ovarian teratomas than in the general population. Simultaneously, I studied the effect of anti-NMDAR Abs on synaptic transmission and plasticity in a murine model allowing chronic Abs infusion. These results obtained by electrophysiology on acute slices allowed me to demonstrate an effect of CSF Abs on synaptic plasticity but of less amplitude that the in vitro studies had suggested. Results also highlighted the importance of the duration to antibodies exposure
Mailles, Alexandra. "Epidémiologie, optimisation du diagnostic et pronostic des encéphalites infectieuses en France." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012.
Full textAbstract Background Despite a better knowledge about pathophysiological mechanisms and the generalisation of molecular biological Tools, the aetiology of encephalitis is still undetermined in most cases. Their incidence, the short-term and long-term prognosis of the disease and the persistence of sequelae are unknown. The objectives of this work were to improve the knowledge about the aetiology of encephalitis in France and to describe the patients hospitalized in France with encephalitis according to clinical, biological, demographic, epidemiological and outcome data. Methods Patients aged 28 days or more, who fitted the case definition, were enrolled in 2007. The investigation of aetiological diagnosis was carried out according to a previously defined diagnosis strategy. Epidemiological, clinical and biological data were collected using standardised questionnaires on admission, on day 5 of hospitalisation and on discharge. The study was carried out in accordance with French regulations. The long-term outcome of patients was assessed in 2010. Data collected encompassed persisting symptoms, resuming leisure activities, return to wok or resuming education and quality of life. Cognitive decline was assessed with patients' relatives using IQCODE. The main outcome measure was the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS). Results 253 patients presenting with acute encephalitis were included. A causative agent was identified for 131 (52%) of them. Most frequent causative agents were Herpes simplex virus (HSV, n=55), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV, n=20), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (n=20) and Listeria monocytogenes (n=13). Twenty-six patients (10%), died during hospitalisation. In 2010, 176 patients could be included and assessed. The outcome of encephalitis was favourable for 61% of patients and 39% had a poor outcome. Among patient employed before onset of encephalitis, 24% had not returned to work at the time of evaluation. Patients who presented with herpes encephalitis in 2007 had a lower score on GOS than other patients. Discussion Our study resulted in a important improvement of the proportion of encephalitis with a causative agent identified. We demonstrated that bacteria play a significant role as causes of encephalitis, and are responsible for most death occurring during the acute stage of encephalitis. An important proportion of patients presented long-term sequelae, illustrating the evolution of encephalitis from an acute infectious disease toward a chronic neurological disease. The high frequency of sequelae following herpes encephalitis is a shadow on the success of aciclovir. Conclusion Considering our results, we can propose recommendation for the everyday management of encephalitis patients, both to achieve aetiological diagnosis and a long-term follow-up that should be extended to all encephalitis patients. Herpes encephalitis should be more studied on pathophysiological aspects to explicate the severity of the disease despite the existence of a specific treatment, and to propose better prevention and management of sequelae
Bayle, Laurence. "Encéphalites virales aiguës de l'enfant : étude de l'évolution d'une population de 53 enfants atteints entre 1984 et 1994." Bordeaux 2, 1995.
Full textKoessler, Marie-Cécile. "Le virus TBE (tick borne encéphalitis) en Alsace : données épidémiologiques et intérêt actuel de la vaccination." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1998.
Full textBernoin, Marielle. "Développement de modèles d'infection de cellules neurales équines par des arbovirus neurotropes et contribution à l'identification de molécules antivirales pour le traitement des encéphalites équines à virus West Nile." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textEquine viral encephalitis are of great concern for the equine industry (fifth cause of mortality) and represent a significant health and economic threat for the industry. Among the viruses involved is the West Nile virus (WNV). It is an arbovirus of the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus, transmitted by mosquitoes and responsible for encephalitis that can be fatal or lead to serious neurological sequelae in horses but also in humans. WNV is currently endemic on all continents; its distribution area is expanding in Europe and for the last twenty years, it is considered as a re-emerging virus. In horses, although vaccines are available, vaccination coverage is insufficient and no therapeutic treatment is available. In this context, the objective of this thesis was to identify antiviral molecules that could block WNV replication in the brain of horses.In recent years, many studies have aimed at identifying antiviral molecules. But for many of them, cell models with little physiological relevance (e.g. human cell lines) have been used. The results obtained may therefore not be transposable to cells of the equine nervous system. Therefore, in order to be able to identify molecules with a stronger antiviral potential in the equine brain, our first objective was to develop a cellular model of WNV infection, based on equine neural cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). With this new model, we were able to achieve our second objective: a phenotypic screen of a small library of 45 selected molecules. This screen revealed that molecules, already known to block WNV replication in other models, behaved either in the same way in equine neural cells (case of 2'CMC), or on the contrary, had no antiviral activity in these cells (case of favipiravir and sofosbuvir) or, surprisingly, had an opposite role to the one expected (case of statins). These last results led us to initiate a research that aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying opposite roles in cells of human or equine origin.With the objective of being able to identify broad-spectrum antiviral molecules, we have also initiated a work with the Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (EEEV). This other zoonotic neurotropic arbovirus responsible for fatal encephalitis in humans and equids, belongs to the Togaviridae family, genus Alphavirus. It is present exclusively on the American continent at the moment. Our results showed that equin neural progenitor cells (eNPCs) are highly permissive to EEEV, providing a new model of infection that could be used in the future to test the antiviral potential of small molecules.This work has therefore allowed 1/the establishment of two new models of infection by equine arboviruses, belonging to two different families (WNV and EEEV), 2/ the development of automated microplate assays based on cell imaging and 3/to confirm or deny the antiviral role of selected molecules in equine brain cells. Our results also outlined the importance of using physiologically relevant in vitro models for evaluating the antiviral potential of molecules
Herpin, de Fritsch Elsa. "Diagnostic étiologique des méningo-encéphalites aiguës virales par techniques de biologie moléculaire : évaluation d'une trousse commercialisée pour la détection de génomes viraux." Bordeaux 2, 2001.
Full textSaint-Martin, Margaux. "Caractérisation des anticorps anti-CASPR2 de patients atteints d’encéphalite limbique auto-immune et impact sur le complexe CASPR2/TAG-1/Kv1.2." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textAnti-CASPR2 autoimmune limbic encephalitis is a central nervous system disorder characterized by memory disorders and epilepsy. CASPR2 (Contactin-associated protein-like 2) with its partner TAG-1, is known for its role in the clusterisation of voltage-dependent potassium channels (Kv1.1 and Kv1.2) in the juxtaparanodal region of node of Ranvier; which are essential for the rapid conduction of nerve signals. In addition, an increasing number of studies suggest a role of CASPR2 in synaptic plasticity and neuronal excitability, in relation with the symptoms observed in patients with anti-CASPR2 antibodies. However, the pathogenic role of anti-CASPR2 antibodies in limbic encephalitis remains far from clear. During my thesis I wished to improve our understanding of the mechanisms mediated by anti-CASPR2 antibodies in limbic encephalitis. To this end, I determined the biological characteristics of anti-CASPR2 antibodies, suggesting a direct role of antibodies on CASPR2 function by targeting its N-terminal domains. Furthermore, I identified two potential mechanisms of anti-CASPR2 antibodies on CASPR2/TAG-1 interaction and on Kv1.2 cell surface expression. These works further implicate anti-CASPR2 antibodies in the pathogenicity of autoimmune limbic encephalitis
Tauril, Eve-Lyse. "Encéphalite aigue au décours d'une lymphoréticulite bénigne d'inoculation." Montpellier 1, 1988.
Full textBooks on the topic "Encéphalites"
Branch, Canada Agriculture Canada Research. A manual on guidelines for the control of arboviral encephalitides in Canada. [Ottawa]: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, 1990.
Find full textFrederick, Andermann, ed. Chronic encephalitis and epilepsy: Rasmussen's syndrome. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991.
Find full textDo I Know Me? Helping People Live with Face Blindness. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textWilson, Barbara A., Claire Rytina, and Joe Mole. Do I Know Me? Helping People Live with Face Blindness. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textCalmeil, Louis-Florentin. Traité des Maladies Inflammatoires du Cerveau: Ou, Histoire Anatomo-Pathologique des Congestions Encéphaliques, du délire Aigu, de la Paralysie Générale Ou Périencéphalite Chronique Diffuse À l'état Simple Ou Compliqué, du Ramollissement CéR... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.
Find full textCalmeil, Louis-Florentin. Traité des Maladies Inflammatoires du Cerveau: Ou, Histoire Anatomo-Pathologique des Congestions Encéphaliques, du délire Aigu, de la Paralysie Générale Ou Périencéphalite Chronique Diffuse À l'état Simple Ou Compliqué, du Ramollissement CéR... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.
Find full textEaston, Ava. Life after Encephalitis: A Narrative Approach. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Encéphalites"
Isapof, A. "Encéphalites." In Urgences Pédiatriques, 601–7. Elsevier, 2018.
Full textCharroppin, P., and M. Harion. "Encéphalites." In Urgences Pédiatriques, 625–32. Elsevier, 2023.
Full textEy, Henri, P. Bernard, and Ch Brisset. "Troubles Mentaux des Autres Encéphalites." In Manuel de psychiatrie, 783–98. Elsevier, 1989.
Full textGay, Cynthia, and Joseph J. Eron. "Encéphalite." In Médecine interne de Netter, 781–90. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textOlivier, Pierre-Yves, Julien Demiselle, Pierre Asfar, Alain Mercat, and Nicolas Lerolle. "Méningite et méningo-encéphalite." In Petit manuel de survie en médecine intensive-réanimation, 185–89. Elsevier, 2023.
Full textBecker, François, Jean-Michel Baud, Jean-Noël Poggi, and Muriel Sprynger. "Artériopathies cervico-encéphaliques." In Maladies Artérielles, 189–98. Elsevier, 2016.
Full textBourgeot, Ph, J. Bigot, S. Joriot, and D. Parzy. "Anomalies cranio-encéphaliques." In Échographie en pratique obstétricale, 295–336. Elsevier, 2014.
Full textBourgeot, P., J. Bigot, S. Joriot, and D. Parzy. "Anomalies cranio-encéphaliques." In Échographie en Pratique Obstétricale, 385–447. Elsevier, 2021.
Full textFleury, H. J. A. "Alphavirus du Nouveau Monde : encéphalite équine du Venezuela, encéphalite équine de l'Est, encéphalite équine de l'Ouest, Mayaro." In Virus émergents et Ré-émergents, 165–68. Elsevier, 2023.
Full textCamirand, Nathalie. "Prédispositions génétiques, épigénétiques et encéphaliques." In Axe Cerveau-Intestin-pelvis et Ostéopathie, 69–71. Elsevier, 2019.
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