Academic literature on the topic 'Emmanuel Levina'

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Journal articles on the topic "Emmanuel Levina"


Bikauskaitė, Renata. "RŪPESČIO ETIKA IR EMMANUELIS LEVINAS." Problemos 82 (January 1, 2012): 112–25.

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Rūpesčio etika šiuolaikinės moralės filosofijos lauke yra gana naujas, vienalytiškumu bei griežtai apibrėžtu žodynu nepasižymintis darinys. Rūpesčio etika užima kritinę poziciją tradicinių etinių teorijų atžvilgiu, tačiau kai kurie jos atstovai, ieškodami tvirtesnio filosofinio pagrindo, siekia įtraukti ją į dorybių etikos teoriją. Šiame straipsnyje siūloma kitokia strategija: įtraukti rūpesčio etiką į Emmanuelio Levino filosofijos kontekstą. Analizuojant vienos žymiausių rūpesčio etikos atstovių Nel Noddings idėjas ir lyginant jas su Levino filosofija siekiama atskleisti abiejų etinių diskursų sankirtos taškus ir bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad Levino etika suteikia Noddings natūralistinei rūpesčio etikai gilesnį normatyvinį pagrindą ir platesnį filosofinį kontekstą jos kontroversiškoms sąvokoms.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: rūpesčio etika, Noddings, Levinas.Ethics of Care and Emmanuel LevinasRenata BikauskaitėSummaryIn the context of the contemporary moral philosophy ethics of care appears to be quite a new discipline that lacks homogeneity and a well-defined moral vocabulary. Ethics of care is highly critical of the traditional ethical theories, though a few representatives, who are looking for well-established philosophical grounds, try to subsume it under the category of theory of virtue ethics. In this paper a different approach emerges which seeks to incorporate the ethics of care within the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. By analysing the ideas of Nel Noddings – one of the best known representatives of the ethics of care – and comparing them with the philosophy of Levinas an attempt is made to describe the overlaps between these two ethical discourses and explore the possibilities of their cooperation. This paper claims that Levinas’ ethics provides a deeper normative ground for the naturalistic care ethics of Nodings and a wider philosophical context for its controversial notions.Keywords: Ethics of care, Noddings, Levinas.
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Saldukaitytė, Jolanta. "E. LEVINAS IR ETINĖS FILOSOFIJOS ĮTEISINIMAS– ATSAKYMAS A. MICKŪNUI." Problemos 84 (January 1, 2013): 123–37.

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Straipsnyje aptariama Algio Mickūno kritika Emmanuelio Levino etinės filosofijos atžvilgiu, klausiant, ar radikalia išorybe paremtas mąstymas gali būti laikomas filosofija. Viena vertus, Mickūnas Levino fenomenologijoje įžvelgia spekuliatyvumo momentą, nuo filosofijos vedantį link teologijos. An­tra, jis tvirtina, kad etinis santykis, esminis Levino mąstyme, galiausiai yra dar vienas ontologinis galios diskursas. Ši Mickūno kritika seka iš jo filosofijos sampratos, kuri atpalaiduojama tiek nuo transcenden­cijos mąstymo, tiek nuo Vakarų metafizikos apskritai. Laikomasi nuomonės, kad Levino filosofijoje trans­cendencija nėra tapati spekuliatyviosios teologijos Dievo sampratai. Teigiama, kad Levino filosofijoje ji nurodo į intersubjektyvų santykį, reikalaujantį fenomenologinės prieigos. Autorė gina požiūrį, kad Levi­no etinė metafizika nėra grindžiama galios santykiu, nėra ji ir Vakarų filosofijos atmetimas. Pripažįstant intersubjektyvumo svarbą, Levino filosofijoje veikiau atskleidžiamas gilesnis, etinis, metafizikos prasmės matmuo, taip drauge pagilinant pačią Vakarų filosofiją.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Levinas, Mickūnas, fenomenologija, metafizika, etika. E. Levinas and Legitimization of Ethical Philosophy – an Answer to A. MickūnasJolanta Saldukaitytė Abstract This article presents counter-arguments to Algis Mickūnas’s critique of Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical philosophy, delving into the question whether thinking based on radical exteriority can remain philosophy. First, Mickūnas argues that there is an erroneous speculation in Levinas’s phenomenology which leads out of philosophy into theology. Second, he argues that the ethical relation, central to Levinas’s thought, is but another ontological discourse of power. The present article shows that Mickūnas’s criticism comes from his concept of philosophy which is free from transcendence as well as Western metaphysics. The author argues that the specific notion of transcendence in Levinas is not the same as is found in speculative theology, which is concerned with God, but is rather the one required by the pursuit of phenomenological research of inter-subjectivity to its limits. The author also argues that the ethical metaphysics defended by Levinas is not the discourse of power nor does it reject Western philosophy. Rather, by recognizing the full significance of inter-subjectivity deeper ethical dimension of meaning is revealed, and hence Western philosophy is deepend and Levinas kept within the bounds of philosophy. Keywords: Levinas, Mickūnas, phenomenology, metaphysics, ethics.
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Saldukaitytė, Jolanta. "ATSISKYRIMO NUO ANONIMIŠKUMO PRASMĖ: EMMANUELIS LEVINAS." Religija ir kultūra 12 (January 1, 2013): 35–47.

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Straipsnyje aptariama ankstyvuosiuose Emmanuelio Levino tekstuose pristatoma egzistencijos anonimiškumo samprata. Keliant klausimą, kokia yra išsivadavimo iš anonimiškumo prasmė, parodoma, kad tai yra viena intersubjektyvaus santykio prielaidų ir pačios etikos galimybės sąlyga.Levino egzistencijos samprata taip pat padeda atskleisti jo santykį su Vakarų, ypač su Martino Heideggerio, filosofija. Autorė laikosi nuomonės, kad Levino egzistencijos ir egzistuojančiojo atskyrimas nėra tik heidegeriškojo ontologinio skirtumo apvertimas ar jo modifikacija, bet pirmasis žingsnis link šiuo skirtumu neparemtos kitybės.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Levinas, Heideggeris, egzistencija, egzistuojantysis, anonimiškumas, atskyrimas, ontologija, etika.
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Bacevičiūtė, Danutė. "SUBJEKTO TAPATYBĖ ETINIAME DISKURSE." Religija ir kultūra 6, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2009): 102–16.

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Šiame straipsnyje susitelkiama į etinio diskurso problematiką, konkrečiai – į tai, kaip etiniame diskurse apibrėžiama subjekto tapatybė. Šiuo tikslu analizuojamos Immanuelio Kanto ir Emmanuelio Levino filosofinės pozicijos, kurias sieja etikos viršenybė teorinės prieigos atžvilgiu. Vis dėlto, nepaisant šio bendrumo, minėtos pozicijos radikaliai išsiskiria apibrėždamos etinio subjekto tapatybę. Kantiškasis etikos pagrindimas remiasi subjekto valios autonomija, o Levino aprašytas etinis santykis randasi kaip reikalavimas iš Kito pusės. Taigi pirmuoju atveju postuluojama „kieta“ subjekto tapatybė, antruoju – tapatybės netekusi pažeidžiama subjektyvybė. Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, ar šių pozicijų radikalumas netampa kliūtimi suvokti etinį matmenį jo neredukuojant į savitą estetinį žavesį turinčią patologiją. Radikaliai tapatybės ir kitybės priešpriešai mėginama atrasti alternatyvą iškeliant kitybės manyje sampratą, grindžiamą konkretaus santykio su kitu asmeniu aprašymu.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Kantas, Levinas, subjekto tapatybė, kitybė, kitas manyje.IDENTITY OF SUBJECTIVI TY IN ETHICAL DISCOURSEDanutė Bacevičiūtė SummaryThis article deals with the problem of the ethical discourse, specifically with the manner in which ethical discourse describes identity of subjectivity. The positions of Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas are being analysed to this end. Both philosophers give precedence to the ethical over the theoretical. However, despite this common feature, these positions radically diverge when they describe identity of ethical subjectivity. Kantian grounding of ethics appeals to the autonomous will of the subject, whereas Levinasian ethical relationship emerges with the Other’s demand. Thus in one case there was postulated “firm” identity of subjectivity, in another – vulnerable subjectivity without identity. The question is: whether the extremeness of these positions not turns into the peculiar pathology or aesthetical perversity which is perceived as obstacle for the ethical? The article makes attempt to find an alternative to the opposition of identity and alterity. The description of concrete relation with another person enables us to speak about oneself as another.Keywords: Kant, Levinas, identity of subjectivity, alterity, oneself as another.
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Valantiejūtė, Lina. "DIALOGO PRINCIPAS KAIP RELIGINIO PLIURALIZMO PAGRINDAS." Religija ir kultūra 9 (January 1, 2011): 45–57.

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Šiame straipsnyje siekiama parodyti, kad dialogas, suprantamas visų pirma kaip santykis su Kitu, leidžia ne tik esmingai (per)interpretuoti vyraujančią tarpreliginio dialogo kaip formalių sąveikos modelių tarp religijų sampratą, bet ir religinio pliuralizmo fenomeną atskleidžia kaip iš pagrindų dialogišką. Martino Buberio dialogo kaip santykio samprata bei Emmanuelio Levino įžvalgos ir dialogo, kaip pažintinio santykio, kritika leidžia ne tik parodyti pliuralizmo fenomeno vidinį paradoksą – neredukuojamą daugio ir įvairovės reikalavimą tuo pat metu siekiant tą daugį valdyti ir institucionalizuoti, – bet ir paaiškinti angažavimosi tarpreliginiam dialogui galimybę.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: dialogas, Buberis, Levinas, pliuralizmas, Kitas.THE PRINCIPLE OF THE DIALOGUE AS A BASIS FOR THE RELIGIOUS PLURALISMLina Valantiejūtė SummaryThe main aim of this article is to show that the dialogue, primarily understood as a relation with the Other, allows us not only to essentially (re)interpret the dominating streams of understanding of inter-religious dialogue as a formal interaction between the religions as systems, but it also enables us to see the phenomena of religious pluralism as fundamentally dialogical. The concept of a dialogue as a dual relationship by Martin Buber combined with the philosophical insights of Emmanuel Levinas and the criticism of the concept of the dialogue as a cognitive relation allows us to reveal the internal paradox of the phenomena of religious pluralism (a fundamental demand for a non reductive quantity and diversity as well as need to control it) and to explain a possibility of engagement in an inter-religious dialogue.Keywords: dialogue, Buber, Levinas, pluralism, the Other.
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Saldukaitytė, Jolanta. "Gelbstint Kitą: karas ir taika Emmanuelio Levino filosofijoje." Religija ir kultūra, no. 18-19 (December 20, 2016): 38–49.

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[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Šiame straipsnyje svarstoma karo ir taikos tema Emmanuelio Levino filosofijoje. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama jo veikalui Totalybė ir begalybė (1961) ir siekiama parodyti, kad Levinas karą supranta kaip moralės suspendavimą. Teigiama, kad Levino filosofijoje karas atsiskleidžia, viena vertus, kaip istorinis įvykis, o antra vertus – kaip ontologinis principas. Savo ruožtu taika taip pat suprantama nevienodai – ir kaip opozicija karui, ir kaip eschatologija. Karo ir taikos santykis taip pat atskleidžia politikos ir etikos santykio problemą Levino filosofijoje. Šios temos savotiškai įrėmina Totalybę ir begalybę ir, jei totalybė yra karas, o begalybė – taika, alternatyvus šios knygos pavadinimas galėtų būti Karas ir taika.
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Harvey, Lawrence R. "Emmanuel Levinas." Philosophers' Magazine, no. 21 (2003): 53.

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Maloney, Cathy. "Emmanuel Levinas." Symposium 13, no. 2 (2009): 185–88.

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M., T. "Emmanuel Levinas." Les Temps Modernes 664, no. 3 (2011): 93.

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Mosès, Stéphanè. "Emmanuel Levinas." Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20, no. 2 (1998): 13–24.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Emmanuel Levina"


Morrison, Glenn, and res cand@acu edu au. "Levinas, Von Balthasar and Trinitarian Praxis." Australian Catholic University. School of Theology, 2004.

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1. Aim The thesis aims to explore Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy as a fertile resource for Christian theology. In this general context, we focus specifically on the way Levinas opens the possibility of a language of alterity, or radical “otherness”, in theology, in a manner which escapes the limitations of such categories as objectivity, presence and Being. Recent attempts to employ Levinas’ philosophy for the benefit of Christian theology have hesitated to go beyond onto-theology. This thesis, however, aims to show how Levinas’ philosophy opens up a style of thinking and suggests a vocabulary of expression that can serve Christian theology, especially by intensifying its sense of encounter with Christ and of the Other in him. Accordingly, the thesis will make use of a number of Levinasian notions to critique and complement the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. This will lead to the development of what we call a “prolegomenon to a Trinitarian praxis”. 2. Scope The thesis firstly remarks on Christian theology’s discovery of Levinas’ philosophy. We then go on to introducing three of the major influences of Levinas’ philosophy, namely Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Franz Rosenzweig. This will be followed by an introduction to the life of von Balthasar. But the major part of the thesis will be made up of three extensive explorations. The first introduces a number of key terms and concepts in Levinasian thought, taking into account their possible contribution to the theology of von Balthasar. Here we examine especially the notions of “otherness” and “passivity”. The second exploration takes us into what might be called a recontextualisation of the major sections of von Balthasar’s theology (aesthetics, dramatics and logic) through Levinasian analysis. We will concentrate especially on von Balthasar’s treatment of Holy Saturday, the Resurrection, Trinitarian and Soteriological “Inversion”, and truth as participation. The third exploratory exercise attempts to develop a prolegomenon to a Trinitarian praxis. Intrinsic to the very understanding of this Trinitarian praxis is the notion of alterity to such a degree that ethical transcendence is the very inspiration for theology if it is to go beyond the limits of objectivity, Being and presence. This prolegomenon will, therefore, contain an articulation of Trinitarian praxis in the context of ethical transcendence, eschatology and soteriology. To this end, we employ Levinas’ ideas of passivity and otherness to critique von Balthasar’s eschatological conception of Christian existence and his soteriological understanding of the eucharist. Because Levinas and von Balthasar have both used the writings of Husserl, Heidegger and Rosenzweig as sources, there will be abundant references to these writers at various junctures in this study. Likewise, the views of a number of Christian theologians who have been influenced by Levinas (Purcell, Ward, Barnes and Ford) will be critically examined. 3. Conclusions The thesis concludes that, with the aid of Levinas’ ideas, theology is offered the possibility of breaking out of the limits imposed by traditional notions of objectivity, Being and presence. In reaching such a conclusion, the thesis contests von Balthasar’s prioritising of the beautiful by resituating his use of analogical thought. In this context, our study suggests new ways of speaking of Holy Saturday and the Resurrection, in a non-phenomenal manner. It means developing a theology of Gift to understand the unity between Christ’s missio and processio. Here we highlight the deepest problem to be faced by a theo-logic as one of giving priority to the ethical over the ontological. In short, the thesis argues for a conception of Christian life that goes beyond the categories of ontology and experience. From what we have learned from Levinas, we propose a notion of Trinitarian praxis in which we come to God by way of ethical transcendence.
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Nilsson, Mats-Ola. "Emmanuel Levinas urminnes trauma : Om relationen till döden i Emmanuel Levinas filosofi." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Filosofi, 2017.

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This paper argues that the notion of death is omnipresent and essential for Emmanuel Levinas through all periods of his thought, although not always explicitly thematized. It tries to show this through a close reading of, firstly, his early period as an explicit polemic against Martin Heidegger’s analysis of death in Being and Time; secondly, his middle period, as an implicit polemic against Alexandre Kojèves influential readings of Hegel; and thirdly, his late period, in the light of psychoanalytical theories about trauma, loss, mourning and survival. This paper further argues that this notion of death, explicitly or implicitly present through all periods of Levinas’s thought, can be characterized as a traumatic survival experience in which a refusal to mourn holds sway. Finally, the paper sketches some consequences that this survival experience of death might have for contemporary post-Levinasian philosophy, to be examined in future research.
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Brody, Donna Hazel. "Emmanuel Levinas : difficult beginnings." Thesis, University of Essex, 1993.

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Kobayashi, Reiko. "Religion et hétéronomie chez Emmanuel Levinas." Paris 4, 2000.

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Emmanuel Levinas définit la "religion",non par la notion du sacré,comme les autres chercheurs qui tentent d'élucider des phénomènes religieux,mais par la sainteté. Celle-ci est attestée seulement par l'intrigue à trois dans la société. Elle est pensée non à partir de l'ontologie mais à partir de l'éthique de responsabilité impliquant l'estime d'unicité de chacun et de leur proximité. Dans la prmeière partie,les méthodes employées par Levinas sont analysées. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'analyse de la notion de l'hétéronymie qui constitue le centre de gravité de toute la philosophie de Levinas. Ainsi,dans la troisième partie,nous voyons s'ouvrir la nouvelle voie de la phénoménologie de la religion qui a pour objet la description et la critique de la sainteté attestée dans le rapport humain,à travers des analyses concrètes du langage et de la temporalité qui phénoménalisent la religion
Unlike other thinkers who try to understand religious phenomena,Emmanuel Levinas defines "religion" not in terms of the sacred,but in terms of the holy. .
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Schöppner, Ralf. "Das gute Leben und die Sinnlichkeit des Fremden zur Philosophie von Emmanuel Levinas." Berlin Logos-Verl, 2006.

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De, Wet Daniel Rudolph. "Emmanuel Levinas and the practice of psychology." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2005.

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Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Psychology as a human science is rendered desperate by the human vacuum in its own contents. This paper argues that by adopting the methods and techniques of the natural sciences, psychology and psychotherapy not only transform the patient or client into an a-historical and a-social entity, but also propose an utopian view of reality and lose the inherent moral character of the psychotherapeutic endeavour. It seems as if the Post-Modern theoretical and psychotherapeutic alternatives do not offer a solution that solves the above mentioned problems. This paper aims to introduce the work of the French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, as a stimulus providing a different starting point in the search for solutions to the mentioned problems. Such an approach seeks to understand the radically ethical character of the therapeutic meeting by recognising the fundamental responsibility of the therapist, not to “totalise” (that is to reduce) otherness (the not me) into sameness (the for me) by assigning differences into pre-established characteristics, properties and categories. Only by recognising the otherness of the client in the “face-to-face meeting” and reacting to the call of the other can psychotherapy be ethical and render justice to historical and social situatedness of the other facing us in therapy. Some of the implications that the ethical challenge of Levinas holds for psychology will be explored. This includes the implications for the therapeutic meeting, psychological ethics, and the possibility of a “Levinasanian psychology”.
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De, Bauw Christine. "L'envers du sujet : lire autrement Emmanuel Levinas /." Bruxelles : Éd. Ousia, 1997.

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Bruno, Carmine Giovanni. "La prospettiva etica di E. Levinas /." Roma : Pontificia università lateranense, 1988.

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Ajzenstat, Oona. "Levinas' prophetic ethics : his use of the sources of Judaism /." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Brogan, Michael J. "The good against being ethics and ontology in Emmanuel Levinas /." Click here for download, 2007.

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Books on the topic "Emmanuel Levina"


Lescourret, Marie-Anne. Emmanuel Levinas. Paris, France: Flammarion, 1994.

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Jacques, Derrida. Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1999.

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Emmanuel Levinas: A bibliography. Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Services, 1997.

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Emmanuel Levinas, penseur juif. Reims: ACSIREIMS, 2013.

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1929-, Peperzak Adriaan Theodoor, Critchley Simon 1960-, and Bernasconi Robert, eds. Emmanuel Levinas: Basic philosophical writings. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.

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Levinas, Emmanuel. Emmanuel Levinas: Basic philosophical writings. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.

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The ethics of Emmanuel Levinas. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2008.

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Sansonetti, Giuliano. Emmanuel Levinas: Tra filosofia e profezia. Trento: Il margine, 2009.

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Beyond: The philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 1997.

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Emmanuel Levinas: The genealogy of ethics. London: Routledge, 1995.

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Book chapters on the topic "Emmanuel Levina"


Loidolt, Sophie. "Emmanuel Levinas." In The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion, 168–76. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Routledge handbooks in philosophy: Routledge, 2020.

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Morgan, Michael L. "Emmanuel Levinas." In The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Agency, 147–57. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Routledge handbooks in philosophy: Routledge, 2020.

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Peperzak, Adriaan. "Emmanuel Levinas." In Contributions to Phenomenology, 412–15. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Goodman, David M. "Levinas, Emmanuel." In Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 1014–18. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2014.

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Keehn, Gabriel, and Deron Boyles. "Emmanuel Levinas." In The Wiley Handbook on Violence in Education, 537–57. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018.

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Gander, Hans-Helmuth. "Emmanuel Levinas." In Kindler Kompakt: Philosophie 20. Jahrhundert, 145–48. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.

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Mason, Kelly Murphy, John Pahucki, Daniel Burston, David M. Goodman, Daniel J. Gaztambide, Daniel J. Gaztambide, Jo Nash, et al. "Levinas, Emmanuel." In Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, 512–15. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2010.

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Emerling, Jae. "Emmanuel Levinas." In Theory for Art History, 185–90. Second edition. | London; New York: Routledge, 2019.: Routledge, 2019.

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Flömer, Lars. "Levinas, Emmanuel." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Oberprantacher, Andreas. "Levinas, Emmanuel." In Lexikon der Geisteswissenschaften, 1270–74. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2011.

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Conference papers on the topic "Emmanuel Levina"



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