Academic literature on the topic 'Émigration et immigration – Politique publique – Études comparatives'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Émigration et immigration – Politique publique – Études comparatives"
Darley, Aurélie Mathilde. "Frontière, asile et détention des étrangers : le contrôle étatique de l'immigration et son contournement en Autriche et en République tchèque." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008.
Full textMigration control here is analyzed not only through the study of public policy tools and their discursive presentation but more particularly through observing control practices within places directly dedicated to the control and selection of foreigners on the national territory. The field research conducted in aliens’ confinement centres (administrative detention centres and closed reception centres for asylum seekers in the transit zone of international airports) as well as in frontier posts in Austria and in the Czech Republic have allowed to observe how migration control is exercized. Understood as spaces of interaction between (State or non-state) agents of control and their target groups, these places also constitute a privileged field for observing forms of reception, circumvention or even reappropriation of control by controlled migrants. Putting into perspective the Austrian and the Czech cases between 2004 and 2007, as they were still separated by a Schengen border, reveals the permanence or, on the contrary, the transformations of certain forms of control and brings to light trends that seem to be part of a system at European level. The obviousness of confinement in contemporary security policies and the interpenetration it allows between “humanitarian” and “securitarian” logics makes it both to a tool of migration control policies and to a factor of their redefinition
Davila, Valdés Claudia. "Les réfugiés espagnols de la guerre civile en France et au Mexique : histoire comparée des politiques d'asile et des processus d'intégration (1939-1975)." Paris 7, 2009.
Full textChojnicki, Xavier. "Immigration, finances publiques et bien-être dans les pays d'accueil : une comparaison France - États-Unis." Lille 1, 2004.
Full textTreffot, Anne-Elisabeth. "L'Espagne, un nouveau pays d'immigration : l'exemple des immigrées roumaines (analyse comparative)." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2013.
Full textBartel, Anja. "Parcours de jeunes réfugiés en France et en Allemagne : contextes politiques et expériences biographiques de la reconstruction d'une vie en exil." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2022.
Full textBased on biographical interviews conducted with refugees and inspired by the method of “biographical policy evaluation”, this dissertation examines how young men who fled to France and Germany between 2014 and 2017 reconstruct life in exile. Through the comparison between the case studies different types of “flight dynamics” where distinguished. The research also shows that the logics of reception and integration policies implemented by the two States shape people’s experiences at different stages of their life course after the flight : when entering the category of “asylum seeker”, during the asylum application and after obtaining “refugee” status. However, the study also highlights that the possibilities of reconstructing life in exile do not only depend on the objective living situations of the refugees in the two countries. Subjective interpretations of exile, either as a rupture of a successful life or as a biographical opportunity, also affect refugees’ courses of action
Domínguez, Valverde Cécilia. "Les dispositifs de lutte contre le terrorisme international insérés dans les politiques migratoires et d'asile aux Etats-Unis et en Espagne : une analyse de cohérence et de performance." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.
Full textAdvances in information and transportation technology support transnational terrorist action and require a state response which takes into account the transnational terrorist movement. This response resulted in, for the United States and Spain, immigration and asylum measures that are part of counter‐terrorism strategies. American migratory and asylum measures to combat terrorism are consistent with American migratory tradition and foreign policy, while Spanish measures are consistent with international law, though in conformity with European law. The international doctrine has also justified the adoption of these measures on the basis of social contract and sovereign exceptionalism theories. However, the adoption of migratory and asylum measures to combat terrorism is part of a process of criminalization of migratory law also known as crimmigration. The migratory and asylum measures undertaken to combat terrorism have not been effective in eradicating terrorism, despite their continuous presence during migration control and treatment of asylum‐seekers, though they are valuable instruments for action against illegal migration and preserving cultural "stability". In fact, they are part of a surveillance system of alien people. The construction of this system implies the creation of an "Enemy" migratory and asylum law that considers the alien as a risk to security and consequently gives the alien an exceptional treatment which results in the loss of its legal personality. This "Enemy" migratory and asylum law enables the State to symbolically achieve its goals and obtain a new source of legitimacy
Alimukhamedov, Farkhad. "Des Migrations pour études : Une analyse sociopolitique de trajectoires d'étudiants ouzbeks en France et au Royaume-Uni." Paris 9, 2011.
Full textSaettone, Mariaflavia. "Gérer la présence immigrée : du national au local : trois études de cas : Bristol (Grande-Bretagne), Toulouse (France), Florence (Italie)." Toulouse 2, 1999.
Full textIn the United Kingdom, France and Italy, policies of "intégration" of ethnic minorities have been analysed by researchers according to very different categories. A trans-national comparison thus sets a major problem that can be summed-up in the following question: how can we avoid reducing the analysis to a poorly significant or faulty list of analogous or different categories? Can we define a key, allowing an undistorted and simultaneous analysis of the processes going on in the three countries? In the first section of this work – consisting of an examination of the scientific literature – it was sought to define a general method by which the obstacle represented by the different categories adopted in the three countries can be overcome. It was also attempted to demonstrate that the realities represented by these categories have some basic similarities. After the analysis at a national level, carried out by literature examination, the second section of this thesis deals with an analysis at a local level based on written and oral sources. The elaboration and application of “integration” policies in the three selected cities – Bristol, Toulouse and Florence – was investigated on a comparative basis. It was found that these strategies show some basic analogies, thus supporting the hypothesis, advanced in the first section, that strong similarities exist among the approaches developed in the three countries
Follana, Christine. "La recherche d'une politique migratoire commune en Europe : étude comparative à partir des exemples de la France et de l'Espagne : les cas des migrants d'Afrique subsaharienne." Paris 1, 2004.
Full textKobanda, Ngbenza Dieudonné. "Le parcours de vie des enfant isolés étrangers en France : contextes et situations." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014.
Full textSince the end of the 1990’s, we more and more attend to the arrival in huge numbers of foreign children on the French and European territory. They come from all continents and no one detains on them parental authority. An unprecedent phenomenon in the European immigration history which whips up tensions between authorities and defence associations of children’s rights.The status of these isolated minors on the national territory remains fuzzy and their integration is like more of what is qualified as an « obstacle course » by the associations. Relatively protected by their minority, they can’t ensure positively to carry on with neither an appropriate school project, nor a reliable professional insertion if their administrative situation hasn’t been regularised before they turn age 18. By following the institutional path of about ten youths for nearly 5 years, this thesis analyses the profile of young migrants, assets and pitfalls taken care in a society in legislative, institutional and societal transition.The study reconstructs, questions and analyses path’s stakes and life construction for minors on one hand, support challenges of this population for social actors and institutionals on the other hand. In short, this thesis interrogates and analyses too Belgian practices relating to receiving and caring for these children, thus enabling a comparison with answers brought by both countries to the situation of this public