Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Embedding techniques'
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Thanh, Trung Huynh. "On leverage embedding techniques for network alignment." Thesis, Griffith University, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/416055.
Full textThesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Info & Comm Tech
Institute of Integrated and Intelligent Systems
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
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Chochlidakis, Georgios. "Mobility-aware virtual network embedding techniques for next-generation mobile networks." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2018. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/mobilityaware-virtual-network-embedding-techniques-for-nextgeneration-mobile-networks(174e714f-2a4a-447a-bcd5-d526170377fd).html.
Full textObidallah, Waeal. "Multi-Layer Web Services Discovery using Word Embedding and Clustering Techniques." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/41840.
Full textOjike, Uzoma. "Combining tools and techniques for embedding an ecosystem approach in spatial planning." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10044/1/11196.
Full textAlain, Martin. "A compact video representation format based on spatio-temporal linear embedding and epitome." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REN1S001/document.
Full textEfficient video compression is nowadays a critical issue, and is expected to be more and more crucial in the future, with the ever increasing video traffic and the production of new digital video formats with high resolution, wide color gamut, high dynamic range, or high frame rate. The MPEG standard HEVC is currently one of the most efficient video compression scheme, however, addressing the future needs calls for novel and disruptive methods. In fact, the main principles of modern video compression standards rely on concepts designed more than 30 years ago: the reduction of spatial and temporal redundancies, through prediction tools, the use of a transform to further reduce the inner correlations of the signal, followed by quantization to remove non-perceptive information, and entropy coding to remove the remaining statistical redundancies. In this thesis, we explore novel methods which aims at further exploiting the natural redundancies occurring in video signals, notably through the use of multi-patches techniques. First, we introduce LLE-based multi-patches methods in order to improve Inter prediction, which are then combined for both Intra and Inter predictions, and are proven efficient over H.264. We then propose epitome-based de-noising methods to improve the performances of existing codecs in a out-of-the-loop scheme. High quality epitomes are transmitted to the decoder in addition to the coded sequence, and we can then use at the decoder side multi-patches de-noising methods relying on the high quality patches from the epitomes, in order to improve the quality of the decoded sequence. This scheme is shown efficient compared to SHVC. Finally, we proposed another out-of-the-loop scheme relying on a symmetric clustering of the patches performed at both encoder and decoder sides. At the encoder side, linear mappings are learned for each cluster between the coded/decoded patches and the corresponding source patches. The linear mappings are then sent to the decoder and applied to the decoded patches in order to improve the quality of the decoded sequence. The proposed scheme improves the performances of HEVC, and is shown promising for scalable schemes such as SHVC
Raahemi, Mohammad. "Intelligent Prediction of Stock Market Using Text and Data Mining Techniques." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/40934.
Full textSenjean, Bruno. "Development of new embedding techniques for strongly correlated electrons : from in-principle-exact formulations to practical approximations." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018STRAF035/document.
Full textThe thesis deals with the development and implementation of new methods for the description of strong electron correlation effects in molecules and solids. After introducing the state of the art in quantum chemistry and in condensed matter physics, a new hybrid method so-called ``site-occupation embedding theory'' (SOET) is presented and is based on the merging of wavefunction theory and density functional theory (DFT). Different formulations of this theory are described and applied to the one-dimensional Hubbard model. In addition, a novel ensemble density functional theory approach has been derived to extract the fundamental gap exactly. In the latter approach, the infamous derivative discontinuity is reformulated as a derivative of a weight-dependent exchange-correlation functional. Finally, a quantum chemical extension of SOET is proposed and based on a seniority-zero wavefunction, completed by a functional of the density matrix and expressed in the natural orbital basis
Paoli, Roberto. "Cell culture interfaces for different organ-on-chip applications: from photolithography to rapid-prototyping techniques with sensor embedding." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/668376.
Full textEn los últimos años está emergiendo una nueva propuesta para mejorar los modelos actuales en el estudio de nuevos fármacos. Mediante la fusión de cultivos celulares y microfluídica ha nacido un nuevo campo de aplicación denominado “Órgano-en-un-chip” (OOC), donde se recrea un entorno fisiológico capaz de reproducir unidades funcionales mínimas de diversos órganos del cuerpo humano. Un elemento importante para el desarrollo de dispositivos OOC es la reproducción de zonas de interacción entre varios tejidos formados por diferentes tipos celulares. Esta tesis, titulada “Interfaces de cultivo celular para diferentes aplicaciones de OOC: desde fotolitografía a técnicas de prototipado rápido con inclusión de sensores”, tiene como objetivo el diseño, simulación y evaluación de dispositivos OOC capaces de reproducir superficies de contacto de tejidos contiguos expuestos a flujo. El trabajo está enfocado a la exploración de nuevas técnicas de fabricación que permitan el prototipado rápido de dispositivos OOC, reduciendo costes, tiempo y mano de obra asociada a dicha fabricación. El objetivo final es demostrar la utilidad de los dispositivos como herramientas de investigación para problemas biológicos, aplicándolos en esta tesis al estudio del túbulo renal y de la barrera hematoencefálica. Para ello se han fabricado tres versiones de dispositivos: 1) OOCv1 fabricado por litografía suave en múltiples capas de PDMS; 2) OOCv2 fabricado con cortadora de vinilo y cortadora láser en múltiples capas de materiales termoplásticos y con electrodos integrados en la versión OOCv2.2; 3) OOCv3 fabricado mediante impresión 3D por esterolitografía. Todos los dispositivos están hechos de materiales biocompatibles de alta calidad óptica, con conectores fluídicos y una membrana comercial integrada. Los experimentos biológicos sobre túbulo renal, realizados en los dispositivos OOCv1 y OOCv2, han demostrado la viabilidad de los dispositivos, integrados con un sistema de flujo, para estudios de la metabolización de ácidos grasos en el riñón relacionados con condiciones diabetogénicas. Los experimentos biológicos sobre la barrera hematoencefálica han confirmado la viabilidad de OOCv2 para el cocultivo compartimentado de células endoteliales de cerebro y pericitos. La integración de electrodos en el OOCv2.2 ha demostrado ser una técnica fiable para la medición de la integridad de barreras biológicas de modo no-invasivo, libre de etiqueta (“label-free”), y a tiempo real gracias a la espectroscopía de impedancia.
Antici, Francesco. "Advanced techniques for cross-language annotation projection in legal texts." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/23884/.
Full textSakarya, Hatice. "A Contribution To Modern Data Reduction Techniques And Their Applications By Applied Mathematics And Statistical Learning." Master's thesis, METU, 2010. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12612819/index.pdf.
Full textChammem, Afef. "Robust watermarking techniques for stereoscopic video protection." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00917964.
Full textVan, Huyssteen Rudolph Hendrik. "Comparative evaluation of video watermarking techniques in the uncompressed domain." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/71842.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electronic watermarking is a method whereby information can be imperceptibly embedded into electronic media, while ideally being robust against common signal manipulations and intentional attacks to remove the embedded watermark. This study evaluates the characteristics of uncompressed video watermarking techniques in terms of visual characteristics, computational complexity and robustness against attacks and signal manipulations. The foundations of video watermarking are reviewed, followed by a survey of existing video watermarking techniques. Representative techniques from different watermarking categories are identified, implemented and evaluated. Existing image quality metrics are reviewed and extended to improve their performance when comparing these video watermarking techniques. A new metric for the evaluation of inter frame flicker in video sequences is then developed. A technique for possibly improving the robustness of the implemented discrete Fourier transform technique against rotation is then proposed. It is also shown that it is possible to reduce the computational complexity of watermarking techniques without affecting the quality of the original content, through a modified watermark embedding method. Possible future studies are then recommended with regards to further improving watermarking techniques against rotation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Elektroniese watermerk is ’n metode waardeur inligting onmerkbaar in elektroniese media vasgelê kan word, met die doel dat dit bestand is teen algemene manipulasies en doelbewuste pogings om die watermerk te verwyder. In hierdie navorsing word die eienskappe van onsaamgeperste video watermerktegnieke ondersoek in terme van visuele eienskappe, berekeningskompleksiteit en weerstandigheid teen aanslae en seinmanipulasies. Die onderbou van video watermerktegnieke word bestudeer, gevolg deur ’n oorsig van reedsbestaande watermerktegnieke. Verteenwoordigende tegnieke vanuit verskillende watermerkkategorieë word geïdentifiseer, geïmplementeer en geëvalueer. Bestaande metodes vir die evaluering van beeldkwaliteite word bestudeer en uitgebrei om die werkverrigting van die tegnieke te verbeter, spesifiek vir die vergelyking van watermerktegnieke. ’n Nuwe stelsel vir die evaluering van tussenraampie flikkering in video’s word ook ontwikkel. ’n Tegniek vir die moontlike verbetering van die geïmplementeerde diskrete Fourier transform tegniek word voorgestel om die tegniek se bestandheid teen rotasie te verbeter. Daar word ook aangetoon dat dit moontlik is om die berekeningskompleksiteit van watermerktegnieke te verminder, sonder om die kwaliteit van die oorspronklike inhoud te beïnvloed, deur die gebruik van ’n verbeterde watermerkvasleggingsmetode. Laastens word aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing aangaande die verbetering van watermerktegnieke teen rotasie gemaak.
CONTINO, Salvatore. "Study and identification of new molecular descriptors, finalized to the development of Virtual Screening techniques through the use of deep neural networks." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/10447/554714.
Full textAl-Nu'aimi, Abdallah Saleem Na. "Design, implementation and performance evaluation of robust and secure watermarking techniques for digital coloured images : designing new adaptive and robust imaging techniques for embedding and extracting 2D watermarks in the spatial and transform domain using imaging and signal processing techniques." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/4255.
Full textAl-Nu'aimi, Abdallah S. N. A. "Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Robust and Secure Watermarking Techniques for Digital Coloured Images. Designing new adaptive and robust imaging techniques for embedding and extracting 2D watermarks in the spatial and transform domain using imaging and signal processing techniques." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/4255.
Full textRilk, Albrecht Johannes. "The flicker electroretinogram in phase space embeddings and techniques /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2003. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=969749384.
Full textGezahagne, Azamed Yehuala. "Qualitative Models of Neural Activity and the Carleman Embedding Technique." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2009. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/1875.
Full textClarke, John-Paul Barrington. "An improved technique to determine the mount embedding impedance of SIS mixers." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/43267.
Full textDzacka, Charles Nunya. "A Variation of the Carleman Embedding Method for Second Order Systems." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2009. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/1877.
Full textBouaziz, Mohamed. "Réseaux de neurones récurrents pour la classification de séquences dans des flux audiovisuels parallèles." Thesis, Avignon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AVIG0224/document.
Full textIn the same way as TV channels, data streams are represented as a sequence of successive events that can exhibit chronological relations (e.g. a series of programs, scenes, etc.). For a targeted channel, broadcast programming follows the rules defined by the channel itself, but can also be affected by the programming of competing ones. In such conditions, event sequences of parallel streams could provide additional knowledge about the events of a particular stream. In the sphere of machine learning, various methods that are suited for processing sequential data have been proposed. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks have proven its worth in many applications dealing with this type of data. Nevertheless, these approaches are designed to handle only a single input sequence at a time. The main contribution of this thesis is about developing approaches that jointly process sequential data derived from multiple parallel streams. The application task of our work, carried out in collaboration with the computer science laboratory of Avignon (LIA) and the EDD company, seeks to predict the genre of a telecast. This prediction can be based on the histories of previous telecast genres in the same channel but also on those belonging to other parallel channels. We propose a telecast genre taxonomy adapted to such automatic processes as well as a dataset containing the parallel history sequences of 4 French TV channels. Two original methods are proposed in this work in order to take into account parallel stream sequences. The first one, namely the Parallel LSTM (PLSTM) architecture, is an extension of the LSTM model. PLSTM simultaneously processes each sequence in a separate recurrent layer and sums the outputs of each of these layers to produce the final output. The second approach, called MSE-SVM, takes advantage of both LSTM and Support Vector Machines (SVM) methods. Firstly, latent feature vectors are independently generated for each input stream, using the output event of the main one. These new representations are then merged and fed to an SVM algorithm. The PLSTM and MSE-SVM approaches proved their ability to integrate parallel sequences by outperforming, respectively, the LSTM and SVM models that only take into account the sequences of the main stream. The two proposed approaches take profit of the information contained in long sequences. However, they have difficulties to deal with short ones. Though MSE-SVM generally outperforms the PLSTM approach, the problem experienced with short sequences is more pronounced for MSE-SVM. Finally, we propose to extend this approach by feeding additional information related to each event in the input sequences (e.g. the weekday of a telecast). This extension, named AMSE-SVM, has a remarkably better behavior with short sequences without affecting the performance when processing long ones
Alu, Kelechukwu Iroajanma. "Solving the Differential Equation for the Probit Function Using a Variant of the Carleman Embedding Technique." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2011. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/1306.
Full textHuddlestone, Grant E. "Implementation and evaluation of two prediction techniques for the Lorenz time series." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/53459.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis implements and evaluates two prediction techniques used to forecast deterministic chaotic time series. For a large number of such techniques, the reconstruction of the phase space attractor associated with the time series is required. Embedding is presented as the means of reconstructing the attractor from limited data. Methods for obtaining the minimal embedding dimension and optimal time delay from the false neighbour heuristic and average mutual information method are discussed. The first prediction algorithm that is discussed is based on work by Sauer, which includes the implementation of the singular value decomposition on data obtained from the embedding of the time series being predicted. The second prediction algorithm is based on neural networks. A specific architecture, suited to the prediction of deterministic chaotic time series, namely the time dependent neural network architecture is discussed and implemented. Adaptations to the back propagation training algorithm for use with the time dependent neural networks are also presented. Both algorithms are evaluated by means of predictions made for the well-known Lorenz time series. Different embedding and algorithm-specific parameters are used to obtain predicted time series. Actual values corresponding to the predictions are obtained from Lorenz time series, which aid in evaluating the prediction accuracies. The predicted time series are evaluated in terms of two criteria, prediction accuracy and qualitative behavioural accuracy. Behavioural accuracy refers to the ability of the algorithm to simulate qualitative features of the time series being predicted. It is shown that for both algorithms the choice of the embedding dimension greater than the minimum embedding dimension, obtained from the false neighbour heuristic, produces greater prediction accuracy. For the neural network algorithm, values of the embedding dimension greater than the minimum embedding dimension satisfy the behavioural criterion adequately, as expected. Sauer's algorithm has the greatest behavioural accuracy for embedding dimensions smaller than the minimal embedding dimension. In terms of the time delay, it is shown that both algorithms have the greatest prediction accuracy for values of the time delay in a small interval around the optimal time delay. The neural network algorithm is shown to have the greatest behavioural accuracy for time delay close to the optimal time delay and Sauer's algorithm has the best behavioural accuracy for small values of the time delay. Matlab code is presented for both algorithms.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word twee voorspellings-tegnieke geskik vir voorspelling van deterministiese chaotiese tydreekse ge"implementeer en geevalueer. Vir sulke tegnieke word die rekonstruksie van die aantrekker in fase-ruimte geassosieer met die tydreeks gewoonlik vereis. Inbedmetodes word aangebied as 'n manier om die aantrekker te rekonstrueer uit beperkte data. Metodes om die minimum inbed-dimensie te bereken uit gemiddelde wedersydse inligting sowel as die optimale tydsvertraging te bereken uit vals-buurpunt-heuristiek, word bespreek. Die eerste voorspellingsalgoritme wat bespreek word is gebaseer op 'n tegniek van Sauer. Hierdie algoritme maak gebruik van die implementering van singulierwaarde-ontbinding van die ingebedde tydreeks wat voorspel word. Die tweede voorspellingsalgoritme is gebaseer op neurale netwerke. 'n Spesifieke netwerkargitektuur geskik vir deterministiese chaotiese tydreekse, naamlik die tydafhanklike neurale netwerk argitektuur word bespreek en ge"implementeer. 'n Modifikasie van die terugprapagerende leer-algoritme vir gebruik met die tydafhanklike neurale netwerk word ook aangebied. Albei algoritmes word geevalueer deur voorspellings te maak vir die bekende Lorenz tydreeks. Verskeie inbed parameters en ander algoritme-spesifieke parameters word gebruik om die voorspelling te maak. Die werklike waardes vanuit die Lorentz tydreeks word gebruik om die voorspellings te evalueer en om voorspellingsakkuraatheid te bepaal. Die voorspelde tydreekse word geevalueer op grand van twee kriteria, naamlik voorspellingsakkuraatheid, en kwalitatiewe gedragsakkuraatheid. Gedragsakkuraatheid verwys na die vermoe van die algoritme om die kwalitatiewe eienskappe van die tydreeks korrek te simuleer. Daar word aangetoon dat vir beide algoritmes die keuse van inbed-dimensie grater as die minimum inbeddimensie soos bereken uit die vals-buurpunt-heuristiek, grater akkuraatheid gee. Vir die neurale netwerkalgoritme gee 'n inbed-dimensie grater as die minimum inbed-dimensie ook betel' gedragsakkuraatheid soos verwag. Vir Sauer se algoritme, egter, word betel' gedragsakkuraatheid gevind vir 'n inbed-dimensie kleiner as die minimale inbed-dimensie. In terme van tydsvertraging word dit aangetoon dat vir beide algoritmes die grootste voorspellingsakkuraatheid verkry word by tydvertragings in 'n interval rondom die optimale tydsvetraging. Daar word ook aangetoon dat die neurale netwerk-algoritme die beste gedragsakkuraatheid gee vir tydsvertragings naby aan die optimale tydsvertraging, terwyl Sauer se algoritme betel' gedragsakkuraatheid gee by kleineI' waardes van die tydsvertraging. Die Matlab kode van beide algoritmes word ook aangebied.
Lammersen, Christiane [Verfasser], Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Sohler, and auf der Heide Friedhelm [Gutachter] Meyer. "Approximation Techniques for Facility Location and Their Applications in Metric Embeddings / Christiane Lammersen. Betreuer: Christian Sohler. Gutachter: Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide." Dortmund : Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1103231618/34.
Full textMieth, Therese [Verfasser], Dorothee [Gutachter] Haroske, Hans [Gutachter] Triebel, and David E. [Gutachter] Edmunds. "Entropy and approximation numbers of weighted Sobolev embeddings : a bracking technique / Therese Mieth ; Gutachter: Dorothee Haroske, Hans Triebel, David E. Edmunds." Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2016. http://d-nb.info/117761152X/34.
Full textMajed, Aliah. "Sensing-based self-reconfigurable strategies for autonomous modular robotic systems." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022ENTA0013.
Full textModular robotic systems (MRSs) have become a highly active research today. It has the ability to change the perspective of robotic systems from machines designed to do certain tasks to multipurpose tools capable of accomplishing almost any task. They are used in a wide range of applications, including reconnaissance, rescue missions, space exploration, military task, etc. Constantly, MRS is built of “modules” from a few to several hundreds or even thousands. Each module involves actuators, sensors, computational, and communicational capabilities. Usually, these systems are homogeneous where all the modules are identical; however, there could be heterogeneous systems that contain different modules to maximize versatility. One of the advantages of these systems is their ability to operate in harsh environments in which contemporary human-in-the-loop working schemes are risky, inefficient and sometimes infeasible. In this thesis, we are interested in self-reconfigurable modular robotics. In such systems, it uses a set of detectors in order to continuously sense its surroundings, locate its own position, and then transform to a specific shape to perform the required tasks. Consequently, MRS faces three major challenges. First, it offers a great amount of collected data that overloads the memory storage of the robot. Second it generates redundant data which complicates the decision making about the next morphology in the controller. Third, the self reconfiguration process necessitates massive communication between the modules to reach the target morphology and takes a significant processing time to self-reconfigure the robotic. Therefore, researchers’ strategies are often targeted to minimize the amount of data collected by the modules without considerable loss in fidelity. The goal of this reduction is first to save the storage space in the MRS, and then to facilitate analyzing data and making decision about what morphology to use next in order to adapt to new circumstances and perform new tasks. In this thesis, we propose an efficient mechanism for data processing and self-reconfigurable decision-making dedicated to modular robotic systems. More specifically, we focus on data storage reduction, self-reconfiguration decision-making, and efficient communication management between modules in MRSs with the main goal of ensuring fast self-reconfiguration process
Chinea, Ríos Mara. "Advanced techniques for domain adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/117611.
Full text[CAT] La Traducció Automàtica Estadística és un sup-camp de la lingüística computacional que investiga com emprar els ordinadors en el procés de traducció d'un text d'un llenguatge humà a un altre. La traducció automàtica estadística és l'enfocament més popular que s'empra per a construir aquests sistemes de traducció automàtics. La qualitat d'aquests sistemes depèn en gran mesura dels exemples de traducció que s'empren durant els processos d'entrenament i adaptació dels models. Els conjunts de dades emprades són obtinguts a partir d'una gran varietat de fonts i en molts casos pot ser que no tinguem a mà les dades més adequades per a un domini específic. Donat aquest problema de manca de dades, la idea principal per a solucionar-ho és trobar aquells conjunts de dades més adequades per a entrenar o adaptar un sistema de traducció. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi proposa un conjunt de tècniques de selecció de dades que identifiquen les dades bilingües més rellevants per a una tasca extrets d'un gran conjunt de dades. Com a primer pas en aquesta tesi, les tècniques de selecció de dades són aplicades per a millorar la qualitat de la traducció dels sistemes de traducció sota el paradigma basat en frases. Aquestes tècniques es basen en el concepte de representació contínua de les paraules o les oracions en un espai vectorial. Els resultats experimentals demostren que les tècniques utilitzades són efectives per a diferents llenguatges i dominis. El paradigma de Traducció Automàtica Neuronal també va ser aplicat en aquesta tesi. Dins d'aquest paradigma, investiguem l'aplicació que poden tenir les tècniques de selecció de dades anteriorment validades en el paradigma basat en frases. El treball realitzat es va centrar en la utilització de dues tasques diferents. D'una banda, investiguem com augmentar la qualitat de traducció del sistema, augmentant la grandària del conjunt d'entrenament. D'altra banda, el mètode de selecció de dades es va emprar per a crear un conjunt de dades sintètiques. Els experiments es van realitzar per a diferents dominis i els resultats de traducció obtinguts són convincents per a ambdues tasques. Finalment, cal assenyalar que les tècniques desenvolupades i presentades al llarg d'aquesta tesi poden implementar-se fàcilment dins d'un escenari de traducció real.
[EN] La Traducció Automàtica Estadística és un sup-camp de la lingüística computacional que investiga com emprar els ordinadors en el procés de traducció d'un text d'un llenguatge humà a un altre. La traducció automàtica estadística és l'enfocament més popular que s'empra per a construir aquests sistemes de traducció automàtics. La qualitat d'aquests sistemes depèn en gran mesura dels exemples de traducció que s'empren durant els processos d'entrenament i adaptació dels models. Els conjunts de dades emprades són obtinguts a partir d'una gran varietat de fonts i en molts casos pot ser que no tinguem a mà les dades més adequades per a un domini específic. Donat aquest problema de manca de dades, la idea principal per a solucionar-ho és trobar aquells conjunts de dades més adequades per a entrenar o adaptar un sistema de traducció. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi proposa un conjunt de tècniques de selecció de dades que identifiquen les dades bilingües més rellevants per a una tasca extrets d'un gran conjunt de dades. Com a primer pas en aquesta tesi, les tècniques de selecció de dades són aplicades per a millorar la qualitat de la traducció dels sistemes de traducció sota el paradigma basat en frases. Aquestes tècniques es basen en el concepte de representació contínua de les paraules o les oracions en un espai vectorial. Els resultats experimentals demostren que les tècniques utilitzades són efectives per a diferents llenguatges i dominis. El paradigma de Traducció Automàtica Neuronal també va ser aplicat en aquesta tesi. Dins d'aquest paradigma, investiguem l'aplicació que poden tenir les tècniques de selecció de dades anteriorment validades en el paradigma basat en frases. El treball realitzat es va centrar en la utilització de dues tasques diferents d'adaptació del sistema. D'una banda, investiguem com augmentar la qualitat de traducció del sistema, augmentant la grandària del conjunt d'entrenament. D'altra banda, el mètode de selecció de dades es va emprar per a crear un conjunt de dades sintètiques. Els experiments es van realitzar per a diferents dominis i els resultats de traducció obtinguts són convincents per a ambdues tasques. Finalment, cal assenyalar que les tècniques desenvolupades i presentades al llarg d'aquesta tesi poden implementar-se fàcilment dins d'un escenari de traducció real.
Chinea Ríos, M. (2019). Advanced techniques for domain adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117611
Tai, Wei-liang, and 戴維良. "Image Steganography and Reversible Data Embedding Techniques." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/19593007137305362660.
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Steganography is the science of data hiding, which is proposed for undetectable communication. The sender embeds a secret message into the cover media, such as a digital image, with a slight distortion, so as to enable the receiver to extract the embedded message from the stego media, which is the distorted cover media. At the same time, the very existence of the embedded message must be impossible to be detected by any third party. The main requirement of steganography is statistical undetectability. That is, any attacker can not distinguish the cover media from the stego media with success rate better than guessing. In the first and second subjects of this proposal, we are going to present some steganographic schemes. Inevitably, embedding some data will change the cover media even though the distortion caused by embedding is imperceptible to the human visual system. Although the distortion is often quite small, it may be unacceptable for medical or legal images or images with a high importance in some applications. To make sure an important image can be completely recovered after embedded messages are completely extracted, reversible data hiding, or so-called lossless data hiding, has been proposed. Reversibility allows original media to be completely recovered from marked media without distortion after embedded message has been extracted. Thus, we propose some reversible data hiding algorithms in the third and fourth subjects.
Chen, Chang-Chu, and 陳昌助. "Efficient Image Encoding and Information Embedding Techniques." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/98218762506643291291.
Full text國立中正大學
Due to the progress made with computer hardware and software, the Internet has become the most popular channel for transmitting various forms of digital media. Since the environment of the Internet is insecure, covert communication via the network has become an important research topic in recent years. Data hiding is one useful solution to meet the security requirement. However, to save transmission bandwidth and storage space, digital media must be compressed first. Recent researches have examined hiding secret data in compression codes. In this dissertation, we aim to design data hiding schemes with different compression domains to solve the problems of secure transmission and protection of secret information. For the data compression techniques, we utilize the vector quantization (VQ), side match vector quantization (SMVQ) and Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) coding. The encoding process of VQ is computational complex and time consuming. We present two methods to improve the encoding complexity of the traditional full-search VQ, first one is using two-bounds triangle inequality and second one is based on the Torres and Huguet’s double test method and Huang et al.’s three fast searching method. For the information embedding technique, a method for the lossy compression codes and a method for lossless compression codes are described. In the first method, data hiding based on side match vector quantization (SMVQ) was proposed for improving the compression rate of VQ-based data hiding schemes. In the second method, we propose a high-capacity data-hiding LZW (HCDH-LZW) method that hides data in LZW compression codes reversibly by shrinking the symbol length. The hiding scheme increases capacity for the number of symbols available to hide secrets but also the capacity of each symbol. The performances of all the aforementioned proposed methods have been evaluated via some experiments. The experimental result support that they are indeed superior to other state-of the-art methods.
Herath, Samudra Dilrukshi. "Embedding Techniques to Solve Large-scale Entity Resolution." Thesis, 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/2440/135396.
Full textThesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mathematical Sciences, 2022
Tseng, Chun-Sen, and 曾春森. "Various Secret Embedding Schemes for Binary and Gray Level Techniques." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/37990572791021308352.
Full text國立中正大學
The rapid advancement of the Internet and the technologies concerned has made the Internet the most popular channel for digital data exchanges. Generally speaking, digital data traveling or hanging around on the Internet can be in the form of text messages, images, audios, or videos. Despite the convenience the Internet offers for data exchanging, one major problem occurs. That is, the data on the Internet are vulnerable to attackers’ tampering, wiretapping, or stealing during the transmission processes. In order to deal with this problem, an approach has been proposed: steganography, which works by hiding a secret message in a widespread cover material to avoid arousing attackers’ attention. The security technique, steganography or data hiding, is discussed mainly in this thesis. There are three data hiding scheme in this thesis. The first steganography scheme uses a binary image as a cover image for hiding secret. However, most cover images of the above schemes are gray-level images or color images because of getting easily detected when a single pixel is modified in a binary image. Therefore hiding data in binary image is a challenge task. The second method proposes a secret image sharing method based on the (t, n)-threshold. The (t, n)-threshold function shares the secret image among n shadows, and only a collection of t (or more) out of the n shadows can reconstruct the secret image. The third scheme shows a reversible data hiding scheme for DCT-based compressed images. In reversible data hiding, receiver can invert the stego-image back to the original media after receiver extracts the hidden data he can repeatedly use the reconstructed cover images.
Liu, Jin-Rung, and 劉津榮. "Watermarking Scheme for Digital Images Using PSK、FSK Embedding Techniques." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/51278756286329285122.
Full text國立勤益科技大學
Nowadays, effective tools and equipment can be easily duplicated, manipulated, and digital multimedia materials broadcast without confinement. A duplication of a digital article can be undistinguishable from the original. Manipulation and editing of digital copies can deceive even the human eyes. Distribution without permission can spread over the world by the internet. Misappropriation of digital assets greatly concerns content owners and creators, especially when the content is made available through the internet. Without the assurance of proper protection against lost revenues, the owners of digital content will be reluctant to make these assets available. From the internet, the illicit user and hackers can easy to accept, tamper, destroy, and reproduce the valuable message include personal privacy, product skeleton, industrial technique, commercial secret, the military security or multimedia (music, audio, video and texture). Thus, protection of valuable products becomes an important and emergent problem for anyone and anywhere. And developing an effective and secure information hiding method is a task of the engineer. Watermarking is a potential method for copyright protection and authentication of multimedia data on the internet. In this paper, a novel watermarking scheme using phase shift keying (PSK) modulation and techniques are used to construct a robust Watermarking scheme. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation . In our scheme, with amplitude boost (AB) and low amplitude block selection (LABS) is proposed to achieve superior performance in terms of robustness and imperceptibility. AB is hired to increase the robustness while LABS is employed to improve the imperceptibility. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, simulations under various conditions were conducted. The empirical results show that our proposed scheme can sustain most common attacks including JPEG compression, rotating, resizing, cropping, painting, noising and blurring etc.
Lu, Che-Wei, and 呂哲緯. "DWT Watermarking Techniques Based on Translation Map and Embedding Rule." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/15021774649852561337.
Full text淡江大學
Information hiding has become an important research issue in recent years, since developing techniques to solve unauthorized copying, tampering, and multimedia data delivery through the internet has been more and more urgent. The information hiding techniques mainly include steganography and digital watermarking. In this paper, we present two approaches that are able to reach image authentication and ownership protection even tampering detection. For the first approach, we use Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) as major components. In order to gain the best translation maps, we use Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to train. On the other hand, the second approach embeds watermark in the HL and LH subbands of DWT associated with an embedding rule. The experimental results show that DWTMPSO is more efficient in computational time and more robust than the method proposed by V. Aslantas et al.. Furthermore, DWTMPSO is not only capable of image authentication and ownership protection but it is also able to detect exactly where the image has been tampered with. On the other hand, DWTER indeed produces better results than the compared method in terms of quality of the stego images and robustness of watermarks, and time efficiency.
Cho, Hsiu-Ying, and 卓秀英. "High-Performance Slow-Wave Transmission lines and Improved De-embedding Techniques." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/56359136905052179804.
Full text國立交通大學
The patterned ground shield (PGS) must be well designed; otherwise they may not at all able to improve the quality factor. Investigations into different strip length, strip spacing and metal layer positions of the slot-type floating shields for wavelength, attenuation loss, and characteristic impedance, which have not yet been conducted before, are performed in this work. In general, the assumption for lumped-equivalent-circuit-model-based techniques is valid only if the lengths of the DUT devices are much smaller than the distances between two ports. However, this is not always true for larger DUT devices and may result in over de-embedding when intrinsic device performance is involved. Therefore, the proposed de-embedding technique can address the problem of over de-embedding. The contribution of the interconnection and the via stack becomes important as the frequencies increase. Unfortunately, currently existing techniques do not account for via stack parasitic contributions. In this dissertation, high-performance transmission lines and improved de-embedding techniques are presented. The slow-wave concept has been used in order to design high-performance transmission lines and reduce the size of the transmission lines. Accurate models that describe the behavior of RF devices are critical for the circuit designs, and improved parasitic de-embedding techniques are proposed as to achieve accurate device characterization. A novel slow-wave transmission line with optimized slot-type floating shields in advanced CMOS technology is presented. Periodical slot-type floating shields are inserted beneath the transmission line to provide the substrate shield and shorten the electromagnetic propagation wavelength. This is the first study that demonstrates how the wavelength, attenuation loss, and characteristic impedance can be adjusted by changing the strip length, the strip spacing, and the metal layer positions of the slot-type floating shields. Wavelength shortening needs to be achieved with a trade-off between the slow-wave effect and the attenuation loss. The slot-type floating shields with different strip lengths, strip spacings and metal layer positions are analyzed. It is concluded that the minimum strip length provides the most optimal result. A design guideline can be established that enables circuit designers to achieve the most appropriate slot-type floating shields for optimal circuit performance. Transmission line test structures were fabricated by using 45 nm CMOS process technology. Both measurement and electro-magnetic (EM) wave simulation were performed up to 50 GHz. Transmission lines are frequently used at a length of half- or quarter-wavelength. With a shortened wavelength, a saving in silicon area of more than 67% can be achieved by using optimized slot-type floating shields. Experimental results demonstrated a higher effective relative permittivity value, improved by a factor of more than 9, and a better quality factor, improved by a factor of more than 6, as compared to conventional transmission lines. A novel transmission line de-embedding technique is presented. With this technique, the left- and right-side ground-signal-ground (GSG) probe pads can be extracted directly using two transmission line test structures of length L and 2L. An additional through structure is designed using via stack de-embedding, which is unique amongst current de-embedding methods. The advantages of the proposed method include the following: (1) a smaller silicon area; (2) the consideration for discontinuity between the pad and interconnect; (3) the consideration for substrate coupling and contact effects; (4) the employment of via stack de-embedding; and (5) the solution to the over de-embedding. The proposed novel methodology could be considered as a breakthrough in the area of ultra-high frequency de-embedding and should enable more accurate RF models to be developed. In the proposed methodology, intrinsic slow-wave coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission line structures are placed on the inter-level metallization layers, as they are the most appropriate RF device for a cascade-based de-embedding method involving the via stack de-embedding technique. Experimental results have demonstrated that attenuation loss and wavelength can be optimized by changing the metal density and the metal layer positions of the floating shields. With a shortened wavelength, a reduction in silicon area of more than 66% can be achieved by using optimized slot-type floating shields located both above and below the CPW structure.
Liu, Tien-Chung, and 劉典忠. "The Study of Digital Images Embedding Techniques and Visual Secret Sharing Schemes." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/97818057453425691880.
Full text國立中正大學
With the effect of world information technology, people transmit numerous digital data via the Internet in their daily life. Some of these digital data include the secret information of which the security and the safety is paid attention by scholars. To enhance the protection of the secret information, many encryption schemes are proposed. One of these schemes to encode the secret information into the digital images is called visual cryptography scheme. In this thesis, we propose two image encryption schemes which are non-reversible and reversible to embed a mount of secret information into the digital gray-level images called stego-images. After the simple computing, the receiver can get the secret data using the stego-images and the little extra information. For the digital images which are non-important or with local important region, the non-reversible data hiding scheme are used. This non-reversible scheme uses simple exclusive or (XOR) calculation, and can prevent to damage the region of interesting (ROI) according to the location map. However, some images like military images or maps which are sensitive and intolerant with distortion, then, the reversible data hiding scheme is used. This reversible data hiding scheme can not only extract the secret data from the stego-image, but also recover the stego-image to the original one. The receiver only needs the threshold for extracting the secret data from the stego-image. This threshold is produced when the preprocessing phase of data embedding process. Besides, we also proposed a visual secret sharing (VSS) scheme for images transmission. The transmitted gray-image are turned into the corresponding halftone image, the random-like images called shadows can be obtained using the blocking distribution. After stacking the set number or more than the set number random-like shadows, the receiver can obtain the secret image information. This scheme not only improves the security but also ensures that the receiver can obtain the secret information when some shadows are missed. According to the experiment results and the visual quality, the two proposed schemes in this thesis are demonstrated both the high hiding capacity and the well image quality. The visual secret sharing scheme in this thesis also achieves required security and improves the visual quality.
Kratochvíl, Jakub. "Dimension Reduction Techniques in Morhpometrics." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-313740.
Full text賴宣宏. "A Study on Large-volume Data Embedding and Search Techniques for Information Hiding Applications." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/29276029258879526965.
Full text國立交通大學
With the advance of computer technologies and the popularity of the Internet, more and more data can be transmitted speedily and conveniently on public networks. In this study, first we propose a distortion-free and high-capacity data hiding method on GIF. This method duplicates colors of high frequencies to fill the unused color entries in the palette and uses the duplicated colors to hide secret message bits. It is found that more bits can be hidden by the method if colors with higher appearance frequencies are duplicated first. For PNG images, we propose a data hiding method for implanting secret messages in web pages. The hiding capability is achieved by changing the transparency values of the alpha channel of the pixels of the foreground PNG image. A scheme to adjust the intensity values of both foreground and background image pixels to reduce the artifacts caused by data hiding is also proposed. Finally, we propose two fast methods for searching desired BMP images in databases. One is a non-block-level method that hides comments in images sequentially, while the other is a block-level method that divides images into blocks in which comments are embedded. Good experimental results show the feasibility and applicability of the proposed methods.
Yang, Yu-Ze, and 楊渝澤. "The Study on the Application of De-embedding Techniques, Inductors and Pads in Silicon Process." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/85918835108331124049.
Full text國立中央大學
Abstract The purpose of this thesis studies on the de-embedded techniques applied in silicon base processes, such as CMOS and Silicon-Germanium technologies, the de-embedding techniques, parasitic effects, spiral inductors, and PADs will be discussed in detail. The spiral inductor designs are investigated with different shielding techniques. The quality factor Q and self-resonant frequency are the figure of merit of these inductor designs. The inductor with mesh deep trench shielding achieved the best quality factor and highest self resonant frequency. Finally, a PAD model is investigated and the equivalent circuit model is presented up to 20 GHz. The first part in this thesis is to introduce the de-embedding structure. Several de-embedding methods are introduced and given some meaningful comparisons. The completed de-embedding techniques and parameter extraction procedures are presented using straightforward mathematic calculations. The ground-shield de-embedding structure obtains the best results among the others methods. A small signal device model of CMOS is demonstrated by using these techniques. The second part is the study of spiral inductors. The basic inductance principle is first introduced. Modern planar spiral inductor used on the silicon-based technology is then studied including its parasitic effects, device model, quality factor and the method of improving. Finally, compare the difference with inductance value and quality factor by the measurement of inductors with different specifications. The inductor with mesh deep trench shield in silicon germanium obtains the best quality factor. The third part discussion is the parasitic effect of the PAD and improving method of PAD is proposed. Using the guard ring can reduce the resistance loss and the substrate effects effectively. Since the implementation of radio frequency circuits on silicon plays very important role in the recent novel emerging applications, the request for precise processes, accuracy device models get more and more important. However, the silicon process still has existence of limiting. It’s a goal to use existing process under the major premise of maintaining the cost of manufacture which makes the circuit design accomplish the greatest efficiency.
Götz, Kathrin Claudia. "Bond analysis of metal-element interactions in molecules and solids applying embedding and density functional techniques." Doctoral thesis, 2009. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39373.
Full textIm Zentrum dieser Arbeit stand die Analyse von Metall–Element Wechselwirkungen, um ein tieferes Verständnis der chemischen Bindung zu erlangen. Unter Verwendung verschiedener DFT Methoden wurde eine Serie von M–E Bindungen modelliert und anschließend mittels Baders QTAIM, der ELF und dem NBO Ansatz analysiert. Im Fokus standen hierbei besonders Borylen und Carben Komplexe, sowie die Li–C Bindung stellvertretend für Organometallverbindungen der Hauptgruppen. Folglich gliederte sich die vorliegende Arbeit sich in drei Teile: (I) In einem einführenden Kapitel wurden die quantenchemischen Methoden sowie die verwendeten Techniken zur Bindungsanalyse vorgestellt. (II) Innerhalb des zweiten Teils wurden chemische Wechselwirkungen in Übergangsmetallkomplexen untersucht, im Besonderen in Borylen und gleichartigen Carben Verbindungen. (III) Teil III bot einen weitgefächerten Überblick über Modellierung und Natur der Li–C Bindung sowie der intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen in Methyllithium als Beispielverbindung
Hong, Jung M. "Integration of Micro Patterning Techniques into Volatile Functional Materials and Advanced Devices." 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2009-05-791.
Full textSarnari, Alberto Jose. "Numerically Robust Load Flow Techniques in Power System Planning." Thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2440/119928.
Full textThesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2019
Lin, Chi-Yuan, and 林基源. "Embedding Genetic Algorithm, Grey Relation and Fuzzy Clustering Techniques into Neural Networks for Search of Optimal Codebook." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/70055091359056400880.
Full text國立成功大學
A fundamental goal of image compression is to reduce the bit rate for transmission or data storage while maintaining an acceptable fidelity or image quality. Vector Quantization (VQ) is a popular method for image compression. The purpose of vector quantization is to create a codebook such that the average distortion between training vectors and their corresponding codevectors in the codebook is minimized. Neural networks are well suited to the problem of image compression due to their massively parallel and distributed architecture. The use of neural networks for vector quantization has a significant advantage, that is neural networks are highly parallel computing architecture and, thus, offer the potential for real-time VQ. This dissertation describes the use of neural networks for vector quantization (VQ), two un-supervised neural network with grey relation and fuzzy clustering schemes for training the vector quantizer. A powerful feature of these new training algorithms is that the VQ codewords are determined in an adaptive manner, as compared to the popular LBG training algorithm, which requires that the entire training data be processed in a batch mode. In the first proposed grey-based neural network schemes, the grey theory is applied to a 2-D competitive Hopfield neural network (named GHNN) and two layer competitive learning network (named GCLN) in order to generate optimal solution for VQ. In accordance with the degree of similarity measure between training vectors and codevectors, the grey relational analysis is used to measure the relationship degree among them. In most cases, unsupervised training algorithms attempt to “cluster” or average portions of the training data into representative groups. In the second proposed fuzzy neural network schemes, the codebook design is conceptually considered as a clustering problem. Here, it is a kind of neural network model imposed by the fuzzy clustering strategy working toward minimizing an objective function defined as the average distortion measure between any two training vectors within the same class. In order to generate feasible results, its implementation consists of neural networks and fuzzy clustering with penalty term methods (named FCLN and PFHNN). While the GCLN, GHNN, FCLN and PFHNN algorithms converge to a local optimum, it is not guaranteed to reach the global optimum. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used in an attempt to optimize a specified objective function related to vector quantizer design. The physical processes of competition, selection and reproduction operating in populations are adopted in combination with GCLN and PFHNN and to produce a superior Genetic Grey-based Competitive Learning Network (GGCLN) and Genetic Fuzzy Hopfield Neural Network with penalty term (GFHNN) for codebook design in image compression. Simulation results illustrate that embedding GA, grey relation and fuzzy clustering techniques into neural networks provides an approach for search of globally optimal or near-optimum codebook to image compression. Color images are widely used in our daily lives, and color image compression and cryptosystem are closed related for secure internet multimedia application. In this dissertation an invisible virtual color image system based on Interpolative Vector Quantization (IVQ) using a spread neural network with Penalized Fuzzy C-Means (PFCM) clustering technology (named SPFNN) is proposed. The goal is to offer safe exchange of a color stego-image in the internet. In the proposed scheme, is first compressed the secret color image by a spread-unsupervised neural network with PFCM based on IVQ, then the block cipher Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) algorithms are hired to provide the mechanism of a hybrid cryptosystem for secure communication and convenient environment in the internet. In the SPFNN, the PFHNN algorithm is modified into spread neural network in order to generate optimal solution for color IVQ. Then we encrypted color IVQ indices and sorted codebooks of secret color image information and embedded into the frequency domain of the cover color image by Hadamard Transform (HT). Our proposed method has two benefits. One is the highly secure and convenience offered by the hybrid DES and RSA cryptosystems to exchange color image data in the internet. The other benefit is the excellent results can be obtained using our proposed color image compression scheme SPFNN method.
Martinez-Garcia, Isaac Dutton Robert W. Howe Roger Wong S. "In-situ calibration and direct de-embedding of RF integrated circuits and microwave structures using self-compensating techniques." 2010. http://purl.stanford.edu/vd527pg7763.
Full textMardis, Kristy Lynn. "Studies of rotational-vibrational coupling in coordinate embedding and the methane association reaction and potential energy surface refinement techniques." 1998. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/40807788.html.
Full textGötz, Kathrin Claudia [Verfasser]. "Bond analysis of metal element interactions in molecules and solids applying embedding and density functional techniques / vorgelegt von Kathrin Claudia Götz." 2009. http://d-nb.info/997741392/34.
Full textKrishna, Kumar S. "Blind Detection Techniques For Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking." Thesis, 2007. https://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/588.
Full textKrishna, Kumar S. "Blind Detection Techniques For Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking." Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/588.
Full textLee, Chun-Yi, and 李宗嶧. "Image Characteristics Applied to Data Embedding Technique." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/20953993045840470667.
Full text育達商業技術學院
After the personal computer came out and internet made revolution, the popularization of digitization information was application, also cause the creator’s working were easy to be usurped to did publicly at the same time, the intellectual property rights needed protection urgently. Besides, the secret information while conveying was easier to be intercepted, stolen, altering. Under the urgent demand of security for the information of internet, the good disguises carriers of appearance of the image media, has offered an important information protection method by the image disguised and hidden. The purpose of this research was hiding information among the image, in order to improve the security of secret information and offered the identification of the intellectual property rights. In various study of image disguised and hidden information at present, three main problems appears: The better the visual effect is, the fewer hiding amount is. As to the greater the hiding amount is, the worse the visual effect is. And it is the more complicated the algorithms of hiding perform, the higher the costs of time are, and visual effect and hiding amount are influenced. The critical lies in that the less the image’s record bit is, and the simplicity the image’s color is, and the more distinct image appearance form border, it is the more the degree of difficulty to hide. This research combined steganography and cryptography by way of dividing the work cooperatively, reached the best efficiency of each professional function. This research proposed the data embedding technique with image characteristics, got both of the best visual effect and the greatest hiding amount simultaneously; and reached the security of the data with pre-treatment, hiding algorithm and post-treatment.
Chang, Chia-Chin, and 張嘉欽. "Self-Correction of Digital Images Using Self-Embedding Technique." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/32154163751287343330.
Full text大葉大學
Digital images transferred in the internet maybe be modified by hackers. In this paper, we propose a new self-embedding image watermark to do the error detection and self-recovery of the modified images to improve the image qualities. In the embedding procedure, we use a key-dependent basis transform to transfer an image from the spatial domain into the frequency domain. The basis has arranged so that the number of zero crossing increases with the row number. The similar neighboring-block-direction-codes and the approximation of an original image are extracted and embedded them into the image in the frequency domain. After all, we get an image which is embedded with the recovering data. The embedded image maybe tampered by the attackers. After attack, we need to improve the quality of modified image. In the recovery procedure, we use the secret key to generate the basis which is the same as embedding procedure. Use the key-dependent basis, the approximation and the block-direction-codes can be extracted from the modified image. We can use them to detect error regions of the modified image and use the similar neighboring-block-direction-codes to help us recover the error regions. The experimental results have shown that the proposed self-healing method can detect and recover the error regions and improve the qualities of modified images.
"Qualitative Models of Neural Activity and the Carleman Embedding Technique." East Tennessee State University, 2009. http://etd-submit.etsu.edu/etd/theses/available/etd-0710109-101927/.
Full textCHEN, YING-CHING, and 陳映親. "Scalable Secret Image Sharing based on Adaptive Pixel-embedding Technique." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/z482rv.
Full text逢甲大學
Different from secret image sharing technique, the secret of a scalable secret image sharing is displayed in the way that it could be progressively recovered by a set of shares. In other word, incomplete gathering of shadows cannot be used to reconstruct the whole image S immediately. To improve the security of SSIS, Lee and Chen have designed a selective scalable secret image sharing mechanism (SSSIS) to reduce the awareness of malicious attackers. Nevertheless, the quality of Lee and Chen’s scheme is not good due to the image distortion and storage overhead of static embedding. Thus, we introduce the concept of adaptive pixel-embedding into SSSIS, in which the embedded bits could be uniformly distributed in the stego image. Aside from the human vision perception, experimental results have demonstrated the superiority of new method over related works in terms of two objective indexes, including peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM).