Academic literature on the topic 'Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole"
Alencar, G., V. B. Bezerra, C. R. Muniz, and H. S. Vieira. "Ellis–Bronnikov Wormholes in Asymptotically Safe Gravity." Universe 7, no. 7 (July 10, 2021): 238.
Full textYusupova, Rosaliya M., Ramis Kh Karimov, Ramil N. Izmailov, and Kamal K. Nandi. "Accretion Flow onto Ellis–Bronnikov Wormhole." Universe 7, no. 6 (June 2, 2021): 177.
Full textKirillov, A. A., and D. P. Krichevskiy. "Evaluating Possibility of Registering Scattered Gravitational Radiation on Wormholes." Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Series Natural Sciences, no. 4 (91) (August 2020): 89–102.
Full textMustafa, G., S. K. Maurya, and Saibal Ray. "On the Possibility of Generalized Wormhole Formation in the Galactic Halo Due to Dark Matter Using the Observational Data within the Matter Coupling Gravity Formalism." Astrophysical Journal 941, no. 2 (December 1, 2022): 170.
Full textNovikov, I. D., and A. A. Shatskiy. "Stability analysis of a Morris-Thorne-Bronnikov-Ellis wormhole with pressure." Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 114, no. 5 (May 2012): 801–4.
Full textBhattacharya, Amrita, and Alexander A. Potapov. "On strong field deflection angle by the massless Ellis–Bronnikov wormhole." Modern Physics Letters A 34, no. 05 (February 20, 2019): 1950040.
Full textArsenadze, G., and Z. Osmanov. "Particles on the rotating channels in the wormhole metrics." International Journal of Modern Physics D 26, no. 13 (October 22, 2017): 1750153.
Full textBlázquez-Salcedo, Jose Luis, Marina-Aura Dariescu, Ciprian Dariescu, Eugen Radu, and Cristian Stelea. "Probing the Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole geometry with a scalar field: Clouds, waves and Q-balls." Physics Letters B 827 (April 2022): 136993.
Full textIzmailov, R. N., and R. F. Lukmanova. "Can Weak Field Lensing Distinguish Between a Naked Singularity, an Ellis-Bronnikov Regular Wormhole and a Black Hole?" Gravitation and Cosmology 26, no. 1 (January 2020): 7–15.
Full textSokoliuk, Oleksii, Sanjay Mandal, P. K. Sahoo, and Alexander Baransky. "Generalised Ellis–Bronnikov wormholes in f(R) gravity." European Physical Journal C 82, no. 4 (April 2022).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole"
Full textIn this thesis I deal with the linear stability analysis of static, spherically symmetric wormholes supported by phantom self-interacting scalar fields, in the framework of General Relativity with arbitrary spacetime dimension. In the previous literature, a gauge-invariant stability analysis of wormhole configurations often succeeds in decoupling the linearized field equations, yielding a wave-type master equation which, however, is typically singular where the radial coefficient of the metric has a critical point, that is, at the wormhole throat. In order to overcome this problem a regularization method has been proposed in previous works, which transforms the singular wave equation to a regular one; this method is usually referred to as “S-deformation” (and sometimes requires a partly numerical implementation, especially, in the case of scalar fields with nontrivial self-interaction). The first result of my work is the reduction of the linearized field equations to a completely regular, constrained wave system for two suitably defined gauge-invariant functions of the perturbations in the metric coefficients and in the scalar field; the second result is a strategy for decoupling this system, obtaining a single wave-type master equation for another gauge-invariant quantity. No step of this construction causes the appearing of singularities at the wormhole throat or elsewhere (provided that the unperturbed scalar field has no critical points, which occurs in many examples); therefore, it is not necessary to regularize a posteriori the master equation via the S-deformation method. This gauge-invariant and singularity-free formalism, which generalizes to arbitrary spacetime dimensions the approach of my paper [1], is then applied to some known static wormhole solutions (most, but not all of them considered in [1]). The most relevant application is a certain Anti-de Sitter (AdS) wormhole, whose linear stability analysis does not seem to have been performed previously by other authors; by using the present method, it is possible to derive a completely regular master equation describing the perturbations of the AdS wormhole and prove that the latter is actually linearly unstable, after providing a detailed analysis of the spectral properties of the Schrödinger type operator appearing in the master equation. A partial instability result is derived along the same lines for the analogous de Sitter (dS) wormhole, a technically more subtle case due to the presence of horizons. As a further application, I rederive in a singularity-free fashion the master equations for the perturbed Ellis-Bronnikov and Torii-Shinkai wormholes. As a supplement, the linear instability results for the AdS and for the Torii-Shinkai wormholes are also recovered using an alternative, singularity free but gauge-dependent method: in this case a regular master equation is derived for the perturbed radial coordinate, and the gauge-independence of the instability result is tested a posteriori. This alternative, gauge-dependent approach generalizes that introduced in my paper [2] for the reflection symmetric Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole. Let me also cite [3], from which I report some facts about the previously mentioned wormholes in absence of perturbations. BIBLIOGRAPHY: [1] F. Cremona, L. Pizzocchero, and O. Sarbach. Gauge-invariant spherical linear perturbations of wormholes in einstein gravity minimally coupled to a self-interacting phantom scalar field. Physical Review D, 101, 05 2020. [2] F. Cremona, F. Pirotta, and L. Pizzocchero. On the linear instability of the Ellis-Bronnikov-Morris-Thorne wormhole. Gen. Relativ. Gravitat., 51:19, 2019. [3] F. Cremona. Geodesic structure and linear instability of some wormholes. Proceeding for the conference: Domoschool 2019 (submitted).