Academic literature on the topic 'Elkem A/S'
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Journal articles on the topic "Elkem A/S"
Tenerowicz-Zaba, Monika, and Maciej Sulowski. "A comparison of mechanical properties and microstructures of PM steels with chemical compositions Fe-(1-3)%Mn-0.8%C." Science of Sintering 50, no. 4 (2018): 457–66.
Full textHengsbach, Friedhelm. "Verzaubert vom Implementieren? - Elke Mack ́s theologische Wirtschaftsethik." Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik 3, no. 2 (2002): 201–4.
Full textLorenzo-Rodríguez, Abel. "More infantie a tergo corporis emendari: violencia y disciplina en los ámbitos escolares hispanos (siglos IV-XII)." En la España Medieval 43 (April 2, 2020): 205–22.
Full textLeonhard, Elke. "Standardisierte Tests und ihr Nutzen." physiopraxis 2, no. 06 (June 2004): 30–33.
Full textBonno, Isabelle. "Hypermobilität aus Patientensicht – Wie der Segen zum Fluch wurde." physiopraxis 16, no. 01 (January 2018): 22–25.
Full textBorsos, Árpád. "A magyar mozihálózatról tértudományi megközelítésben." Tér és Társadalom 18, no. 3 (September 1, 2004): 77–89.
Full textBergmann-Leitner, Elke. "Editorial [Hot Topic: Anti-Cancer Drugs (Executive Editor: Elke S. Bergmann-Leitner)]." Current Pharmaceutical Design 11, no. 9 (April 1, 2005): 1077–78.
Full textJohn, Jürgen, and Elke Scherstjanoi. "„Perestrojka“ in der sowjetischen Besatzungspolitik 1947." Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 65, no. 3 (July 1, 2017): 395–446.
Full textMichel, Sascha. "Elke Hentschel (Hg.). 2016. Wortbildung im Deutschen. Aktuelle Perspektiven. Tübingen: Narr/Francke/Attempto. 339 S." Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft 12, no. 1-2 (December 1, 2020): 42–48.
Full textCiepielewska-Kaczmarek, Luiza. "Elke Hentschel, Theo Harden, Einf ührung in die germanistische Linguistik, Peter Lang Verlag, Bern 2014, 238 S." Lingwistyka Stosowana 1/2016, no. 16 (March 28, 2016): 139–41.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Elkem A/S"
Pietschmann, Elke [Verfasser], Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Peschel, and Katharina S. [Akademischer Betreuer] Götze. "Die Rolle von Cks1 in der murinen Hämatopoese / Elke Pietschmann. Gutachter: Katharina S. Götze ; Christian Peschel. Betreuer: Christian Peschel." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2012.
Full textAlbrecht, Elke [Verfasser], E. [Akademischer Betreuer] Peschke, G. [Akademischer Betreuer] Stangl, and S. [Akademischer Betreuer] Reuss. "Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von Melatoninrezeptoren für die pankreatische β-Zelle / Elke Albrecht. Betreuer: E. Peschke ; G. Stangl ; S. Reuss." Halle, Saale : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2013.
Full textReichwaldt, Elke S. [Verfasser]. "The effects of diel vertical migration of Daphnia on zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions : laboratory and field experiments / vorgelegt von Elke S. Reichwaldt." 2004.
Full textSteinmeier, Elke [Verfasser]. "Plasma- und Serumspiegel von S-100B und GFAP nach Schädelhirntrauma : Aussagekraft in der Akutdiagnostik und möglicher prognostischer Wert / vorgelegt von Elke Steinmeier." 2007.
Full textBooks on the topic "Elkem A/S"
Helgeland, Astrid. Dumping og antidumping: EFs dumpinganklage mot ferrosilisiumindustrien : et nærmere blikk på ferrosilisiumprodusenten Elkem A/S. Oslo: Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt, 1994.
Find full textRosen, Kenneth H. I/S/M Elem Number Theory. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1988.
Find full textNA. Elem & Intermed Alg& S/S/M& Aw Alg Review Pkg. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2005.
Find full textNA. Elem Stat Using Ti83+& MML& Stat S/Card Pkg. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2004.
Find full textNA. Elem STATS Updt& MML& S/Minitb14& LM& WB& Ssc Pk. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2005.
Find full textNA. Elem STATS Updt Alacart& Dvt& S/M& Ia Mathxl Pkg. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2006.
Find full textTaylor, Elke Neumann. Passport to the Orient: The continuing story of Elke and her life in Japan during the 1950's. AuthorHouse, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Elkem A/S"
"Grandparents "athe1"S~ _______." In Elem Folk Psyc:Esc V7, 63–65. Routledge, 2013.
Full text"It regardeda s an." In Elem Folk Psyc:Esc V7, 176–82. Routledge, 2013.
Full text"m of ona itoring is therefore an important component as US$5,while the importin real-ti nmyedm ro oungih to t rin p g re p m ar eetdhnoedsssuss tr eadt eg iines. Ke TnhyeatbiamgesofasmhaiigzheadsurU in S g $ 2a0dw ro g price fo it uhg in htapsepra io rdtihse so sa mmee d n (d eip sc eunsdselda rg aeb ly ovoen ). th Seom raingauge network design three months. Such drought industries omftuwsotb to eisnucclhudreedc or sdas te l h li atvee -d enro iv t ed e rece be erna in cfaanltl me libr eas te ti t m ho a ds have discouraged. rainfall es d fo te r s , pob in utt8dFiiangannocsiiasl , prreesdoiucrtcieosn , faonrdddrroouugghhttpm re opnairteodrn in es g s , t to hreingg lo bmaettih mates in Kenya. Other drought moni are limited in Kenya. Kenya has, however, 3 Efficient lccoloi ds de mmm at uenc pend ic eanttiroeson (e . cgl . i , mEaN te SpO ro ducts from invested heavily in meteorological training, edu for the collection, dis n facilities ar feo re re ca qsutisr ) e . d9cTa im tio e n ly , an a d va bia la si bcilfia ty c ilit o ie f s. drought products and ndeattwa/ o in rk fo irsm ation. Th seemaivnaaitliaobn le , acnodmem xc uhnaincgae ti oonfm ser e v te ic oerso lo fr g o ic m al g se lo rv bia ce lsc in li mtahtee re cgeinotn re s r el Myaonny4pRreespeaarrecdh nes nsoatndadeeaq rl uyaw te arfnoirng an syesftfeem ct . ive drought tdhreo ug d h ev tea lo dpve is d o ri w es orflrdo . m Su th cehcp li r m od at uectcsenitnrcelsudoefadcrto io ungsh . t pr ios ce re s q se usira ed to understand the complex ENSO advisories and global circulation data. very limi R te edso in urK ce esnyfaon . rdm th e e te ir orsoolcoigoieccaolnroem se iacrcihntaerre S tim uc e h . iTnh fo erm in a st t a io ll n a ti is onsoomfetth im eensewnoitntaecrcneestsifbalceilo it ny5D re rqouu ir geht sp m ec oinailtoe ri qnugiyp diagnosis, and predic at the Kenya Meteorological Department will facilities including s ment and high techno t lo io gny 10 A sig nne if diu ca cnattleyd im an pdrowveellt -h iinsfoprrm ob eldem pu . blic is likely to 6 p Sk uitle le rs d , hwuhm ich are limit peedciianlK in esnty ru a m . ents and com rceastp io onndanbdetttrearin to in agnyofntehweppoulbilciyc, / mmeatnhaogdesr . s , Eadnud tHhue ma mnulrte id so iasn ci prleisnoaurryc es di a m re e n required in handling policy makers is an important component of any ological conc uerpctessof fo drrohuagnhdtliansg io n th seo ba f s ic drm ou e ghts. drought preparedness strategy. This has not been However, they need speci re available in Ke tneyoa r . coopm tim pl u ex mmiunl ti K di esncy ip a l , ineasrpyed ci raolu ly ghitn in ltiegrhatc ti oofnst . he ecfofm ec p ti o vely address the co amltprlaeixn in mgutlo ti d b is eciapb li lneatroy 11 iSnttrruocdtuuc ra ed laadnjeuw st m di e m nt eno si fon th ientW he orrledgiB on ansk in ce haist7M ba iss ic mcahnaeln le ts that could be required to address the discourages government subsidy, which has been a mation n ag henm ge esntofadn ro dugahbtupsree pa orfeddnreo ss ave u . ght infor pmraojvoirdipnogst-bdarso ic u gh fo toedmeirng en tchye re dlr ie ofug st hrta -t setg ri yckfeonrpdo ro li u ti gch al t , in afnod rm baete io nnohbasse rved in some cases when region. The method was adopted during the citizens, dono rs o , ther gai b ns e en byu se sdom fo ereicnodn iv oim du ic al , A dr cotuognht28ofJ1 an 9u9a6r -y 71b9y9i7n . v W ok iitnhgou th teem Pu e b rg li ecnSceycfuoro it dyh general public. Inansdomoe th ecrasseast , tdhreouegxh pe tnasdeviosfortiheesrceolm ie mfoadnid ti es g ov in e rn t m he e nt dr souubgsh id t-ys tr o ic n k en b asi rce gi foonosd , cmo av memboedein ti eas bu an sed through hoarding of essential including provision for subsidised seed prices when aft aerrkertecweiitvh in in gaidnffeow int rmm rod a o ti n u th ci sng at thhiekm ed bpa ri cckes to the the rains started, the impacts of the 1996-7 experience drought with oinn that one countr . yEw ve il n l dro Iutgm ht aywobueldcohnacvleubdeeedntvheartyadle th va osutg at h in K g. enya has cdoounnotrrsyhatvoebeexepn known to caon fe ti wnumepornetshssi , ngso th maetm an i tt ieneteu rm nd in eirs te th ri ealod ff iiscaes te orfm th aenapgreem sid eenntt, co a m nd fmuinndisma fo l prices boyrtgu th ar e a ir n te gerianigntrheesye rv weis ll p at r ov viedreyvm id aenyreo le th va enrtm se in citsotrearliadl ro su ubgchotm in m fo it rtm ee ast io th nattoptrhoe export pr ricgerafionra im b p ag oro ts f m in aiczaese is o so f m dr e o ti umgehstsa . s T lo hweiann te irnm te in girsa te te r d ia lna co tu m ra mlitdtiesea , stK er epnryeapadroeedsnensostphoa li vcey." In Droughts, 96. Routledge, 2016.
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