Academic literature on the topic 'Elena'

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Journal articles on the topic "Elena"


Silva, Érica Quinaglia. "ELENA." Ilha Revista de Antropologia 16, no. 1 (December 5, 2014): 260.

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Busch, Trent. "Elena." College English 51, no. 6 (October 1989): 583.

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Rihaczek, Karl. "ElENA." Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD 34, no. 10 (October 2010): 677.

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Goldberg-Smith, Pam. "Elena Matsa." Circulation Research 121, no. 9 (October 13, 2017): 1034–35.

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Marx, Vivien. "Elena Goun." Nature Methods 16, no. 6 (May 13, 2019): 449.

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Podzamczer Palter, Daniel. "Elena Ferrer." Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica 36, no. 10 (December 2018): 670.

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KIKILO, N. I. "ELENA VERIZHNIKOVA." Lomonosov Journal of Philology, no. 2, 2024 (June 16, 2024): 272–75.

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The text is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Elena Vladimirovna Verizhnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Slavic Philology, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Honorary Doctor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
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Schröpel, Daiana. "Elena Landkraut: apontamentos biográficos | Elena Landkraut: biographical notes." Revista PHILIA | Filosofia, Literatura & Arte 3, no. 2 (December 8, 2021): 16–26.

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Adros, Faridul, and Nina Oktarina. "ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN E-LEARNING (ELENA) UNTUK MENDUKUNG KUALITAS LAYANAN PERKULIAHAN." Economic Education Analysis Journal 7, no. 3 (January 21, 2019): 1071–82.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui pengaruh ease of use Elena dan usefulness of Elena secara simultan terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan (2) mengetahui pengaruh ease of use Elena terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan (3) mengetahui pengaruh usefulness of Elena terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan pada mahasiswa FE UNNES. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu 365 responden dan 4.218 mahasiswa sebagai populasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan proportionate cluster sampling. Uji validitas menggunakan korelasi product moment, sedangkan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus alpha croanbach. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu secara parsial ada pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara variabel Ease of use Elena (X1) terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan (Y). Sedangkan, thitung untuk variabel Usefulness of Elena (X2) lebih besar dari ttabel yaitu sebesar 15,4 lebih besar daripada 1,97, dengan probabilitas 0,00 kurang dari 0,05 yang berarti bahwa variabel Usefulness of Elena (X2) secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu (1) Ada pengaruh positif antara ease of use Elena dan usefulness of Elena secara simultan terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan pada mahasiswa FE UNNES. (2) Ada pengaruh antara ease of use Elena terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan pada mahasiswa FE UNNES. (3) Ada pengaruh antara usefulness of Elena terhadap Kualitas Layanan Perkuliahan pada mahasiswa FE UNNES. The purpose of this research was (1) the influence of ease of use and usefulness of Elena simultaneously toward the Quality service in Learning (2) the influence of ease of use Elena toward Quality service in Learning (3) how the usefulness of Elena toward Quality service in Learning at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Semarang. The sample in this research was 365 respondents and 4,218 people as the population. The data gathering methods used proportionate cluster sampling. Product Moment correlation method from Personis used to conduct validity test of items. Meanwhile, Croanbach Alpha equation isused to conduct reliability test. The data were analyzed using a double linear regression analysis and descriptive of percentage. The results of this research showed that there was significant influence among variables Ease of use Elena (X 1) toward Quality service in Learning (Y) partially . Whereas, tcount to the variable Usefulness of Elena (X 2) greater than ttable is greater than 1.966539 15.427, with probability of 0.000 less than 0.05 means that variable Usefulness of Elena (X 2) for has partial effect toward the Quality service in Learning significantly. The conlusion of this research was (1) There was a positive influence between ease of use and usefulness of Elena toward the Quality service in Learning on the student faculty of Economics State University of Semarang simultaneously. (2) There were influences between ease of use Elena toward Quality service in Learning at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Semarang. (3) There were influences between the usefulness of Elena toward Quality service in Learning at the Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Semarang.
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Damayanti, Mayang, and Yekti Wirani. "PERANCANGAN TAMPILAN ANTARMUKA APLIKASI MOBILE ELENA STT NURUL FIKRI MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN USER CENTERED DESIGN." Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) 6, no. 1 (December 30, 2023): 606.

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STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam segala proses pendidikan termasuk pembelajaran mahasiswa menggunakan sistem e-learning yang biasa disebut dengan eLena STT NF. Namun, pemanfaatan eLena tidak memungkiri terjadinya kendala dan masalah. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil kuesioner yang menyatakan bahwa pengguna seringkali mengalami masalah karena tidak tersedianya fitur-fitur yang dibutuhkan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan pengembangan eLena dalam bentuk aplikasi mobile untuk menunjang terpenuhinya segala fitur yang dibutuhkan. Aplikasi mobile eLena dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna dengan mengadaptasi pendekatan user centered design. Perancangan aplikasi sampai pada bentuk akhir prototype. Prototype yang telah dibuat selanjutnya diuji dengan menggunakan metode usability testing dan system usability scale. Hasil pengujian menggunakan usability testing menyatakan bahwa prototype aplikasi mobile eLena STT NF sudah memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna. Selain itu, prototype aplikasi mobile eLena memiliki usability yang sangat baik dengan skor system usability scale sebesar 91.56. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah analisis perbandingan sistem dan rekomendasi pengembangan. Analisis perbandingan dilakukan dengan membandingkan prototype aplikasi mobile eLena STT NF dengan website eLena STT NF. Kemudian penyusunan rekomendasi pengembangan ditujukan untuk membantu pihak lain dalam mengembangkan sistem eLena STT NF dikemudian hari.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Elena"


Chadzis, Athina. "Die Malerin und Bildhauerin Elena Luksch-Makowsky (1878-1967) Biographie und Werkbeschreibung /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2000.

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Blobel, Elena [Verfasser]. "Miturhebergemeinschaft und Miturhebergesellschaft / Elena Blobel." Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2014.

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Naumann, Marcel [Verfasser], Elena [Akademischer Betreuer] Hassinger, Elena [Gutachter] Hassinger, and Clemens [Gutachter] Laubschat. "The longitudinal magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals / Marcel Naumann ; Gutachter: Elena Hassinger, Clemens Laubschat ; Betreuer: Elena Hassinger." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2019.

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Morelock, Ela Molina. "Cultural memory in Elena Poniatowska's Tinisima." Oxford, Ohio : Miami University, 2004.

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Vicens, de Sanchez Lizette. "Dona Elena twenty-seven years later /." Access Digital Full Text version, 1986.

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Attvall, Joanna. "Möten i gränslandet : St Elena, Venedig." Thesis, KTH, Arkitektur, 2012.

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Projektet undersöker det lokala landskapet som potentiell värdeskapare i en tid av ekonomisk nedgång. Projektet utgår ifrån staden Venedigs planer på stadsförnyelse på den tidigare båtvarvstomten på ön St Elena. Metoden har varit att studera det befintliga och utifrån det försöka finna nya rumsliga lösningar på dagens och framtidens krav. Förslaget innefattar gestaltning av en planerad park och de två närmast angränsande kvarteren. Det består av en inplanterad biotop i form av en salt våtmark som är en viktig livsmiljö för djur och växter ute i lagunen. Det byggda tillägget är en träkonstruktion som fungerar som en länk mellan de tätare planerade kvarteren och det nya grönområdet. Mot gatan är arkitekturen en solid vägg med entréer medan mötet med parken består av en mjukare, sekventiell övergång mellan arkitektur och landskap. Projektet visar på hur en attraktiv stads- och boendemiljö kan skapas då biologisk mångfald och matproduktion blir en del av staden. På så vis skapas värde och mening i staden.
The project investigates the local landscape as a potential creator of value in a time of economic decline. The project is based on the city of Venice's plans for urban renewal on a former boatyard site on the island of St. Elena. The method has been to study the existing structure as a starting point to find new spatial solutions to current and future requirements. The proposal includes the design of a planned park and the two neighboring blocks. It consists of an implanted salt marsh which is an important habitat for animals and plants around the lagoon. The built addition is a wooden structure that serves as a link between the denser parts of the planned district and the new green area. The architecture arrange itself in the orthogonal urban structure towards the street side, while the meeting with the park consists of a softer, sequential transition between architecture and landscape. The project demonstrates how an attractive urban and residential environment can be created where biodiversity and food production becomes part of the city. Thus creating value and meaning in the city.
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Mateev, Matej D. Daskalov Dimităr S. "Nov sbornik za istorijata na selo Konstantin : razkaz za seloto i negovite chora : 1879-2008 /." Veliko Tărnovo : Izdat. "Rovita", 2008.

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Beucker, Veronica. "La vida es un horrible engaño - Leben und dramatisches Werk der mexikanischen Autorin Elena Garro." Frankfurt, M. ; Berlin ; Bern ; Bruxelles ; New York, NY ; Oxford ; Wien Lang, 2010.̲ibrary=BVB01&docn̲umber=018807523&linen̲umber=0001&funcc̲ode=DBR̲ECORDS&servicet̲ype=MEDIA.

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Beucker, Veronica. "La vida es un horrible engaño - Leben und dramatisches Werk der mexikanischen Autorin Elena Garro." Frankfurt, M. Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York, NY Oxford Wien Lang, 2009.

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Pohl, Elena E. [Verfasser]. "Transporteigenschaften von mitochondrialen Entkopplerproteinen / Elena E. Pohl." Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2008.

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Books on the topic "Elena"


Borovskiĭ, A. D. (Aleksandr Davydovich), Muzeĭ Li︠u︡dviga, and Gosudarstvennyĭ russkiĭ muzeĭ (Saint Petersburg, Russia), eds. Elena Keller: Elena Keller. Bad Breisig: Palace Editions, 2003.

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Stanley, Diane. Elena. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 1996.

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Copioli, Rosita. Elena. Parma: U. Guanda, 1996.

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Castiglioni, Barbara, editor, writer of added commentary, Euripides, and Euripides, eds. Elena. [Milan]: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 2021.

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Lainé, Pascal. Elena. Paris: Le Pré au clercs, 1989.

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Ivanovski, Srbo. Elena. Skopje: Detska radost, 2005.

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Sotto, Vicente. Elena. Diliman, Quezon City: Research funded and published by the Office of Research Coordination, University of the Philippines, 1996.

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Ivanovski, Srbo. Elena. Skopje: Detska radost, 2005.

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Ivanovski, Srbo. Elena. Skopje: Detska radost, 2005.

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Aleksieva, Elena. Elena Alexieva =: Elena Aleksieva : [izbrani razkazi]. Sofia: Soros Center for the Arts Foundation, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Elena"


Finkelstein, Miriam. "Švarc, Elena." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Polukhina, Valentina. "Elena Shvarts." In Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries, 215–36. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.

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Polukhina, Valentina. "Elena Ushakova." In Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries, 94–99. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.

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Wild, Gerhard. "Garro, Elena." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Wild, Gerhard. "Poniatowska, Elena." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Pfeiffer, Erna. "Garro, Elena." In Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon, 187–88. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1998.

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Peron, Playing Eva, and Edith Piaf. "Elena Roger." In Playing for Real, 144–51. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2010.

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Jiménez Palmero, Diego, José Luis Pro, Francisco José Salguero-Lamillar, and José Francisco Quesada. "Chapter 5. ELEna." In Controversies, 95–113. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020.

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Parnell, Christina. "Švarc, Elena Andreevna." In Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon, 525–26. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1998.

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Cordido, Elizabeth, and María Elena Garassini. "Franklin de Martínez, Elena." In The Palgrave Biographical Encyclopedia of Psychology in Latin America, 1–3. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Conference papers on the topic "Elena"


Гринина, Е. Н. "«PICTURESQUE HAIKU» BY ELENA BRANOVITSKAYA." In Месмахеровские чтения — 2024 : материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 21– 22 марта 2024 г. : сб. науч. ст. / ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургская государственная художественно-промышленная академия имени А. Л. Штиглица». Crossref, 2024.

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Японская поэзия и живопись всегда привлекали российских литераторов и художников. Национальная форма стихосложения хайку и в наши дни находит не просто отклик в душах, а становится для некоторых из них формой самореализации. Одним из таких примеров является творчество петербургской художницы Елены Брановицкой. Обращаясь в своей художественной и педагогической практике к технике энергетической живописи, она развивает собственное творческое направление, выражающееся в соединении живописи и слова Japanese poetry and painting have always attracted Russian writers and artists. Even today, the national form of haiku poetry not only finds a response in souls, but for some of them it becomes a form of self-realization. One such example is the work of St. Petersburg artist Elena Branovitskaya. Turning to the technique of energy painting in her artistic and pedagogical practice, she develops her own creative direction, expressed in the combination of painting and words.
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Vasiljeva, Elina. "PHENOMENON OF ELENA KATISHONOK�S OEUVRE." In 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities ISCAH 2019. STEF92 Technology, 2019.

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Gamba, Davide, Davide Aguglia, Bertrand Lefort, Christophe Machado, Fredrik Wenander, and Ralf Gebel. "Operational experience with the ELENA ion source." In SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEGATIVE IONS, BEAMS AND SOURCES (NIBS 2020). AIP Publishing, 2021.

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"Designing a Program Management Maturity Model (ELENA)." In ISECT-2017, BDAMTE-17, IDCE-2017, CCES-2017, ICHBES-2017, MBPS-2017, ACBES-17, LHHIS-17, LBETM-17, AFPIS-2017 & EFEAM-2017. Dignified Researchers Publication (DiRPUB), 2018.

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Megía-Macías, A., R. Gebel, and B. Lefort. "The ion source for the commissioning of ELENA ring." In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ion Sources. Author(s), 2018.

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"Implementation of Elena Project Management System in Pishgaman Group." In Dec. 7-8, 2017 Paris (France). ERPUB, 2017.

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Clavijo Ocampo, Andrea, Lianna Carolina Duque Giraldo, María Isabella Hinestroza Blandón, Miguel Ángel Marín Parra, and Mariana Parra Arbeláez. "Entre hilos." In Encuentros Diseño Social RAD 2021. Bogotá, Colombia: Red Académica de Diseño - RAD, 2022.

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El proyecto "Entre Hilos" se centra en preservar la memoria del tejido en la región de Santa Elena, Antioquia, a través de la recopilación y categorización de tejidos creados por Rosa Escobar, fundadora de Tejemaneje. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo, la investigación abarcó revisión de archivos, bases de datos, sistematización de tejidos y entrevistas a tejedoras locales. El tejido, una práctica ancestral, se convierte en una forma de narrar historias y preservar la cultura. Rosa Escobar, pionera en telares artesanales, fundó Tejemaneje en 1974, contribuyendo al desarrollo del tejido en la región. El proyecto busca documentar y exponer la rica tradición tejedora de Santa Elena.
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Kaltseva, Anna D. "Some social aspects of the Secret Doctrine of Elena Blavatsky." In 4th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, 2019.

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Murugan, Subadra, and Neel Gala. "ELENA: A low-cost portable electronic nose for alcohol characterization." In 2017 IEEE SENSORS. IEEE, 2017.

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"The Application of Critical Chain Concept in Elena Project Guidance." In Sept. 8-10, 2017 Istanbul (Turkey). URST, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Elena"


Del Mauro, Diana, and Elena Guardincerri. Elena Guardincerri: Tracking muons to reduce nuclear threats and help preserve architectural treasures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2016.

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Kupfer, Monica E. Perceptive Strokes: Women Artists of Panama. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2013.

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The IDB Cultural Center is proud to host this exhibit honoring the Republic of Panama, host country of the IDB Annual Meeting, which will take place from March 14¿20, 2013. The exhibition highlights the history of modern and contemporary art by Panamanian women and will include paintings, photographs, sculptures, and video art from the 1920s to the present. The 22 artworks, selected by Panamanian curator Dr. Monica E. Kupfer, reveal the ways in which a varied group of female artists have experienced and represented significant geopolitical events in the nation¿s history. Their interpretations also show the position of women in Panamanian society, and their views of themselves through their own and others¿ eyes. Among the artists are: Susana Arias, Beatrix (Trixie) Briceño, Fabiola Buritica, Coqui Calderón, María Raquel Cochez, Donna Conlon, Isabel De Obaldía, Sandra Eleta, Ana Elena Garuz, Teresa Icaza, Iraida Icaza, Amelia Lyons de Alfaro, Lezlie Milson, Rachelle Mozman, Roser Muntañola de Oduber, Amalia Rossi de Jeanine, Olga Sánchez, Olga Sinclair, Victoria Suescum, Amalia Tapia, Alicia Viteri, and Emily Zhukov.
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Taddia, Alejandro Pablo, and Elena De la Peña. Guía BID de apoyo a proyectos de seguridad vial. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2012.

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Presentación de Elena de la Peña de la Asociación Española de la Carretera y Alejandro Taddia, especialista de Transporte del BID donde se muestra esta Guía interactiva para preparación de proyectos de seguridad vial en el contexto latinoamericano. Se realizó durante el Congreso Iberoamericano de Seguridad Vial (CISEV) III de Bogotá DC. Para acceder al recurso mencionado en la presentación, consulte el campo "Related URL" más abajo.
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Vera-Rojas, María Teresa. Hacia una política de la ininteligibilidad: sobre la representación de la transexualidad en Translúcid@ de Elena Guiochins. Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2019.

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Magalhães Eloy, Claudia, Felipe de Jesús Ruiz Hernández, Jorge Armando Guerrero Espinosa, Juan José Cervantes Bautista, Luis Ignacio Joaquín Torcida Amero, and Renato Nardoni. Habitação de interesse social no Brasil: propostas sobre melhorias habitacionais. Edited by María Paloma Silva de Anzorena and Clémentine Tribouillard. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2021.

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As habitações precárias e/ou inadequadas no Brasil, reunidas no conceito de inadequação habitacional, chamam respostas programáticas para promover melhorias e autoprodução habitacional para famílias de baixa renda. Esta publicação apresenta um panorama de diversas iniciativas implementadas no Brasil e na América Latina, elenca premissas e diretrizes para a modelagem de um Programa Nacional de Melhorias Habitacionais, incluindo um sistema de governança visando garantir o controle de finalidade do programa e propõe algumas recomendações de ordem jurídica.
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Avellaneda, Yesid, Edgar Mancipe, and J. Vargas. Suplementación a mínimo costo con baja concentración de proteína para vacas lecheras del trópico alto colombiano. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, 2014.

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La ganadería del trópico alto colombiano produce el 45 % del volumen nacional de leche con el 6.4 % del hato nacional, lo que le confiere un alto nivel de importancia en el ámbito agropecuario. Por otro lado, los sistemas de producción corresponden a modelos pastoriles que usan forrajes con altas concentraciones de proteína cruda, sin embargo, se usan altas cantidades de suplementos alimenticios que no están balanceados (PC mayor que18 %), lo cual eleva los costos de producción de leche (41 % corresponde a suplementación), disminuye la eficiencia productiva del animal y aumenta la excreción de nitrógeno al ambiente
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Navajas, Fernando, Marcelo Catena, and Daniel Artana. El Shock de los Precios del Petróleo en América Central: Implicancias Fiscales y Energéticas. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2007.

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Se estudian las implicancias fiscales y energéticas de la escalada en los precios del petróleo estimando efectos directos e indirectos. Dado que las economías se hallan en una fase expansiva, estimamos, un impacto ¿latente¿sobre el PIB, respecto de las condiciones iniciales (año 2003), que a su vez lleva a una pérdida latente en la recaudación fiscal del 0.7% PIB promedio entre países. A diferencia de este efecto latente, la perdida directa observada en la recaudación de impuestos a los hidrocarburos se estima en 0.4% del PIB, también con diferencias entre países. Adicionalmente, los subsidios explícitos varían según el país pero en promedio representan el 1% del PIB. En suma, la combinación de efectos fiscales directos e indirectos promedio entre países de la escalada en los precios del petróleo se estima en un 1.4% del PIB para el período 2003-06 (que se eleva a 2.1% si se consideran los efectos ¿latentes¿). Luego se examina la evidencia sobre el modo de intervención en la formación de precios y en el grado de ¿acolchonamiento¿ de impuestos a los combustibles de los distintos países. El mayor o menor traslado del shock a los precios domésticos de los combustibles derivo en dificultades diversas que emergieron en el sector eléctrico y de transporte, dando lugar a respuestas en materia de formación de precios, impuestos y subsidios. Finalmente se discuten las estrategias basadas en otros mecanismos posibles como los fondos de estabilización y se hacen algunas sugerencias generales y por país derivadas de la evidencia encontrada.
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Are social networking sites contributing to depression and anxiety symptoms in young people? ACAMH, June 2020.

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Earlier this year, Elena Marie Piteo and Kelly Ward conducted a systematic review to examine the relationship between social networking site (SNS) use and depression and anxiety symptoms in young people.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

New Visions: 2008-2011: A Selection of the Latest Acquisitions from the IDB Art Collection. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2011.

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This catalog belongs to the exhibition that celebrates the 19th anniversary of the Inter-American Development Bank Cultural Center, originally inaugurated on May 15th, 1992 by the President of Chile, Patricio Aylwin. On this occasion the IDB Cultural Center is pleased to present an exhibit of the artworks that became part of the Collection through the acquisition fund, gifts and permanent loans. It features 25 art works by 17 artists featuring: Federico Martino, Sebastián Spreng, and Susana Sulic (Argentina); Gastón Orellana (Chile); Ana Isabel Díez Zuluaga and Omar Rayo (Colombia); Silvia Elena Monge Puig (Costa Rica); Niurka Barroso (Cuba-Canada); Carmen Herrera and Emilio Sánchez (Cuba-United States); Julio Valdez (Dominican Republic); Geovanny Verdezoto (Ecuador); Luis González Palma (Guatemala); Mireille Délice (Haiti); Antonio López Sáenz and Alberto Alejandro Millares Méndez (Mexico); and Naúl Ojeda (Uruguay).
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