Academic literature on the topic 'Éléments finis, Méthode des – Simulation numérique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Éléments finis, Méthode des – Simulation numérique"
Mnasri, Aida, and Ezzeddine Hadj Taieb. "Simulation numérique par éléments finis des écoulements transitoires à surface libre." La Houille Blanche, no. 5-6 (December 2019): 81–92.
Full textDemesy, Guillaume, André Nicolet, Frédéric Zolla, and Christophe Geuzaine. "Modélisation par la méthode des éléments finis avec onelab." Photoniques, no. 100 (January 2020): 40–45.
Full textLe Roux, Daniel, and Hassan Manouzi. "Simulation numérique des modèles de O.A. Ladyzhenskaya par la méthode des éléments finis." Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis 2, no. 4 (January 1993): 517–34.
Full textSecretan, Y., M. Leclerc, S. Duchesne, and M. Heniche. "Une méthodologie de modélisation numérique de terrain pour la simulation hydrodynamique bidimensionnelle." Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 187–212.
Full textDassargues, A., A. Monjoie, J. Lambert, and A. Pierlot. "Etude régionale par éléments finis d'une nappe libre située dans les craies du crétacé en Belgique." Revue des sciences de l'eau 4, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 39–63.
Full textLeclerc, M., and P. Boudreault. "Méthodologie d'analyse détaillée de la contamination par tronçon du fleuve Saint-Laurent par modélisation numérique : le cas du lac Saint-Pierre." Revue des sciences de l'eau 6, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 427–52.
Full textZhang, Yi, Stéphane Commend, and Marc Groslambert. "Analyses et modélisations sur les argiles plastiques du Sparnacien du Bassin parisien." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 171 (2022): 3.
Full textMajdoub, R., J. Gallichand, and J. Caron. "Modélisation du lessivage des bromures dans des cases lysimétriques par la méthode numérique des lignes." Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 465–88.
Full textComodromos, E., K. Pitilakis, and T. Hatzigogos. "Simulation des excavations des sols élastoplastiques par la méthode des éléments finis." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 58 (1992): 51–66.
Full textSergent, Philippe, Jean-Michel Tanguy, and Hassan Smaoui. "Calcul analytique et numérique des seiches et des oscillations portuaires pour des bassins de forme rectangulaire et de profondeur constante avec des digues semi-infinies parfaitement réfléchissantes." La Houille Blanche, no. 3-4 (October 2019): 117–29.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Éléments finis, Méthode des – Simulation numérique"
Laribi, Imen. "Approximation par éléments finis, analyse a posteriori et simulation de coques anisotropes." Rouen, 2014.
Full textThe aim of this work is to propose the a posteriori error estimator of a finite element discretization. These estimators are particulary used to have a mesh adaptivity for a Naghdi's problem for anisotropic shell model with little regularity. In a first step, we propose an existence and uniqueness result of the anisotropic Naghdi solution. We introduce a mixed formulation on a relaxed functional space with an orthogonality constraint. We prove, also, the existence and uniqueness of the solution for continuous and discrete mixed problems. Then, we propose the a posteriori analysis that leads to the construction of error indicators which satisfy optimal estimates that we use to describe a mesh adaptivity strategy. Finally, we present a constraint-free formulation of the Naghdi's problem without any orthogonality constraint that enables us, in particular, to approximate by conforming finite elements the solution with less degrees of freedom instead of the one introduced previously. We formulate the error estimator in terms of quantities of interest and in particular the upper and lower bounds on the error. Numerical tests are given that validate and illustrate our approach
Barrière, Thierry. "Expérimentations, modélisation et simulation numérique du moulage par injection de poudres métalliques." Besançon, 2000.
Full textAbsi, Joseph. "Les paliers à rainures : approche expérimentale et simulation numérique." Poitiers, 1994.
Full textColin, Claire. "Analyse et simulation numérique par méthode combinée Volumes Finis - Éléments Finis de modèles de type Faible Mach." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019.
Full textIn this thesis, we study some flows characterized by a low Mach number. In a first part, we develop a numerical scheme allowing the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in the low Mach number approximation. The continuityequation is solved by a finite volume method, while the momentum and temperature equations are solved by finite elements. The scheme ensures the preservation of constant states. In a second part, we analyze a specific low Mach type model, in which the thermodynamic pressure is considered constant, and the viscosity is a particular function of the temperature. We show the existence, the uniqueness and the regularity of the solutions, as well as a maximum principle result for the temperature. Finally, in a third part, we develop a numerical scheme to simulate the equations of this model. Emphasis is placed on the discretization of the temperature equation, which is of finite volume type. Several schemes are studied and compared on criteria of precision and respect of the maximum principle. The momentum equation is discretized by finite elements, defining a new combined scheme
Petrau, Agnès. "Simulation numérique multidimentionnelle d’écoulements estuariens." Pau, 2009.
Full textIn this work, we are interested by the hydrodynamical multidimensional modeling and simulation of estuarian river flows. The physical model to be employed is a 3D one, but due to the huge computational cost, it cannot be used on the whole length of the river. Therefore, it is interesting to use different lower-dimensional models on adequate regions of the river, according to its topography and its bathymetry. Therefore, new hydrodynamical models are proposed in 1D, 2D and 2. 5D. We start from the 3D problem based on the instationary and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, which is written in a weak form. Then simpler models are derived by means of a projection method. A 1D model is derived on the median curve of the river, as well as two 2D models called 2D-horizontal and 2D-vertical models, either they are written on the free surface or on the median longitudinal surface of the river. The 2. 5D model is obtained by adding the 2D-vertical and 2D-horizontal discrete spaces. All these models take into account the geometry of the river and provide a 3D velocity and a 3D pressure. The pressure is an unknown of the problem and it is not supposed to be hydrostatic. Moreover, model estimators between the 3D model and any of its lower-dimensional approximations in 1D, 2D or 2. 5D, are defined and justified. These model estimators compute the error between the 3D model and the simpler models, and then also indicate the validity domain of these simpler hydrodynamical models, from a qualitative point of view. All these new hydrodynamical models are implemented in finite element codes written in C++, and coupled numerically with the model estimators
Serre, Benoit. "Simulation numérique 3D de la croissance de grains par la méthode des éléments finis." Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2008.
Full textPhysical properties of material are influenced by microstructure. The main objective of this thesis is a software creation for simulation of microstructure evolution. A finite element approximation based on grain growth model is used. A variable number of degrees of freedom is applied for each node to take into account normal grain growth hypothesis and to reduce the number of degrees of freedom of problem. A dedicated tools for remeshing is used to follow large evolution of microstructures. A single algorithm is able to treated all topological transformations with or without periodic condition. All these tools are used to simulate microstructure evolution with several decades of grains
Klinkova, Olga. "Simulation numérique de la cuisson et de l'usinage des matériaux composites." Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs (Saint-Etienne), 2012.
Full textThe thesis aims to simulate composite molds manufacturing, by curing of prepregs used for LCM processes. We also present solutions for predicting the effects of machining. Numerical simulation of curing involves solving thermo-mechanical problems, together with a trepresentation of the thermo-physico chemical cross-linking resation of the resin. A macroscopic weakly coupled thermo-physico mechanical approach is employed in the three-dimensional numerical model, which is validated by numerical/experiemental comparison on the anhular variation of L-shaped part, from two kinds of composite materials : T300/914 and Hextool. The second part of the work deals the simulation of composite materialsmachining. Numerical simulation of the machining is based on modeling of material removal process and internal stresses redistribution. The machining is modelled as a thermo-mechanical problem using a hybrid model. The mechanisms involved in machining are converted into equivalent thermo-mechanical loadings which are determined experimentally, and then applied to the finished surface of the workpiece. The simulation led to the calculation of the corresponding distorsions. The machining simulation requires preciseknowledge of the residual stresses and the deformed shape induced by curing process. The simulated residual distortions are faced to experimental measurements after machining. The simulations are performed using the Sysply® finite element software, issued by ESI-GROUP
Cherouat, Abel. "Simulation numérique du préformage des tissus de fibres de verre par la méthode des éléments finis." Besançon, 1994.
Full textRenon, Nicolas. "Simulation numérique par éléments finis des grandes déformations des sols." Phd thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2002.
Full textMine clearing (or military breaching) consists in ploughing the superficial layer of the soil with a multi-tine blade located in front of a pusher vehicle: the tine destructure the soil and heave it in front of the blade which pushes it aside, with the mines inside. The aim of the present study is to perform the numerical simulation by the 3D finite element method of the highly non-linear problem of soil ploughing modeling. The numerical tool chosen for this purpose is the implicit finite element code Forge3® (devoted to Metal Forming Processes) which, thanks to its automatic re-meshing routine, is able to model large deformation. We have implemented in Forge3® two hypo-elastic-plastic models: an incompressible one for saturated fine soils, purely cohesive, and a compressible one based on the critical state concept for frictional or frictional-cohesive materials. These worksoftening material models are time-integrated by a generalized radial return technique within an implicit formulation. We show that compressibility yields a non-symmetric stiffness matrix, and that the symmetrization of the system is not robust enough, so that the non-symmetric solver Bi-CGSTAB has been implemented after comparative tests. The implemented models were validated on triaxial tests. For softening models, oscillations occurred in the stress/strain curves after the stress peak. These numerical difficulties were overcome using linearisation and regularisation techniques. As a second step, we performed numerical simulations for different kinds of tools : a single tine, a single tine + a slab of a blade, several tines and several tines + a blade. Tool displacements were simulated until a steady state was reached. This takes displacements all the larger as the tool system is wider, leading to intensive computation. Geometric parameters such as tine rake angle or system stem angle clearly influence the complex material flow patterns, in a way similar to experimental observations. Material model parameters shown dominant are those linked with the concept of critical state, i. E. Corresponding to the large deformation range. Finally the global model was validated from a qualitative point of view, in terms of flow pattern and force distribution for multi-tine tools. Quantitative comparison with experiments must still be refined, returning to the constitutive model and its implementation
Sun, Zhengyu. "Simulation numérique par éléments finis de l'hydrodynamique tridimensionnelle à l'intérieur des cuves agitées." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1989.
Full textBooks on the topic "Éléments finis, Méthode des – Simulation numérique"
Olivier, Pironneau, ed. Introduction to scientific computing. Chichester: Wiley, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Éléments finis, Méthode des – Simulation numérique"
Cuillière, Jean-Christophe. "5. Intégration numérique." In Introduction à la méthode des éléments finis, 77–94. Dunod, 2016.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Éléments finis, Méthode des – Simulation numérique"
Foray, Pierre, Luisa N. Equihua-Anguiano, and Marc Boulon. "Simulation numérique des ancres à succion en deux et trois dimensions en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2008.
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