Academic literature on the topic 'Electrophysical action'

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Journal articles on the topic "Electrophysical action"



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The methods of electrophysical influence on the structure of silicate binders and liquid-glass mixtures to improve their properties are generalized. Methods of influence such as ultrasonic, magnetic, electric and electrohydraulic are considered. Of great interest are The possibilities of combining physical and chemical methods of modification of liquid glass are lucrative ones. Application of electrophysical methods of influence allows to reduce quantity of expensive and scarce binding materials, to increase labor productivity at mixed preparation sites and at production of forms and cores shops. The electrophysical methods allow to reduce duration of preparation of silicate binding materials.
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Moldabayeva, G. Zh, Sh R. Tuzelbayeva, Zh B. Shayakhmetova, A. S. Karimova, and G. E. Suyungariev. "REDUCING THE OIL VISCOSITY OF USING ELECTROPHYSICAL ACTION." Problems of Gathering, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Oil Products, no. 6 (January 2021): 70.

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Makara, V. A., L. P. Steblenko, Yu L. Kolchenko, S. M. Naumenko, O. A. Patran, V. M. Kravchenko, and O. S. Dranenko. "Magnetic-Field-Induced Modification of Properties of Silicon Lattice Defects." Solid State Phenomena 108-109 (December 2005): 339–44.

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A possibility of magnetic-field-induced modification of structural defects in silicon crystals is studied. It is shown that magnetic field action essentially affects the structuredependent properties of Si (mechanical and electrophysical)
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Bulat, Anatoly D., Vladimir M. Filenkov, Vladimir A. Seleznev, and Igor A. Lushkin. "Agentless Water Disinfection by Electrophysical Method." Materials Science Forum 931 (September 2018): 1001–4.

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The problems of increasing the efficiency of water disinfection by means of nature-friendly technologies that can restore the balance between the biosphere and the technosphere disturbed by man are considered. For this purpose, it is proposed to use the aspects of thunderstorm activity as a promising technology for cleaning and disinfecting the air-water basin of the Earth. Based on the principles of similarity and analogy methods, it is proposed to implement a method of electrophysical influence on water, by means of a device for producing electromagnetic fields in the regime of vortex-wave resonance. The force action of crossed electromagnetic fields on the bacterial cell, at a certain level of field strength, will lead to its lysis. In addition, the dispersion of various inclusions, clusters and water molecules, allows the saturation of water with ions of oxygen and hydroxyl groups, and, consequently, its disinfection.
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Guliy, Olga I., Oleg V. Ignatov, Lubov N. Markina, Victor D. Bunin, and Vladimir V. Ignatov. "Action of ampicillin and kanamicin on the electrophysical characteristics ofEscherichia colicells." International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 85, no. 12-13 (October 15, 2005): 981–92.

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Панич, А. Е., Г. С. Радченко, А. В. Скрылев, А. А. Панич, and А. Ю. Малыхин. "Твердотельный изгибно-вибрационный датчик низкочастотного магнитного поля на основе пьезоэлектрического эффекта." Журнал технической физики 89, no. 2 (2019): 206.

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AbstractOptimal geometrical and electrophysical parameters are calculated theoretically; the effective response of a solid-state hybrid “magnet–carbon—piezoelectric” sensor is studied experimentally. Experiments are performed under the action of an external magnetic field of low-frequency flexural resonances (from 1 to 230 Hz). Theoretical calculations have formed the basis for designing an experimental prototype of the instrument. The frequency dependence of the direct piezoelectric response to the applied small-signal varying magnetic action is constructed.
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Kudryashova, Tatiana A., Sergey V. Polyakov, and Nikita I. Tarasov. "Mathematical Modelling of Electrophysical Water Treatment." Defect and Diffusion Forum 412 (November 12, 2021): 149–62.

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The problem of mathematical modeling the processes of water treatment from charged particles by electric field is considered. The problem is relevant due to the mass use of cleaning technologies in industry, medicine or the national economy. At the present stage, a significant improvement of purification system quality and the introduction of the technologies for the regeneration of their filtration components are required. Mathematical simulation using computer and supercomputer calculations helps to accelerate the development of new devices and cleaning technologies. On the basis of the chosen purification technology, it is important to create a numerical simulation apparatus with a controlled high accuracy of the calculations. For this purpose, we use a quasi-hydrodynamic (QHD) model of a viscous incompressible fluid flow, a system of convection-diffusion equations taking into account the action of the Lorentz force to describe the propagation of harmful impurities in aqueous medium, and an equation for the electric field potential [1, 2]. The numerical algorithm is based on the finite volume method. It is applied in the case of irregular unstructured meshes. This is important for problems of real two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) geometry. Time integration is performed according to an explicit scheme, which simplifies the procedure for parallelizing the algorithm. The proposed approach was tested on the examples of 2D and 3D geometry with various locations of the electrodes and various values of the potentials. The obtained results of the concentration of the ionic impurities show the possibility of this method to purify water from 10 to 40 percent. A design of a water purifier based on electrophysical purification technology can be developed on the base of this study.
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Bulat, Anatoly D., Vladimir M. Filenkov, Vladimir A. Obrubov, and Igor A. Lushkin. "On the Effect of Electric Fields on Cement Solutions Physico-Mechanical Properties." Materials Science Forum 931 (September 2018): 614–17.

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The increase in the efficiency of the use of raw materials and materials through the intensification of the hydration process of binders, savings based on developments and the introduction of progressive resource and energy saving technologies is shown. It is proposed to use the aspects of the force influence of electric fields on the interfaces of minerals for the activation of binders, taking into account the heterogeneity of cement grains, indicating the prospect of electrophysical cement technology, as a result of the action of an external electric field on the solution mixture.
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Sidorenko, Galina, Mitja Brilly, Boris Laptev, Nikolay Gorlenko, Leonid Antoshkin, Andrej Vidmar, and Andrej Kryžanowski. "The Role of Modification of the Structure of Water and Water-Containing Systems in Changing Their Biological, Therapeutic, and Other Properties Overview." Water 13, no. 17 (September 5, 2021): 2441.

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Based on published research on modifying the structure of water and water-containing systems, we assess external influence methods: temperature, magnetic field, light radiation, and their combination. We evaluate changes in the electrophysical, photo- and pH-metric biological, therapeutic, and other properties of water systems using non-destructive electrophysical research methods, i.e., thermometry, pH, laser interference, dynamic light scattering, microelectrophoresis, conductivity, surface tension, dielectric constant, polarimetric measurements, atomic force microscopy, and UV and EPR spectroscopy. The effects of temperature or magnetic field lead to a change in the content and size of water clusters, and physicochemical, biological, therapeutic, and other changes in the properties of water and water-containing systems. The combined effect of a magnetic field and curative mud and the impact of magnetised mineral water have a more pronounced therapeutic effect than only mineral water or curative mud. The data presented indirectly indicate structural changes in water and water-containing systems. We conclude that the primary mechanism of action of a magnetic field, light, or a combination of these factors on water and water-containing systems, including mineral water and therapeutic mud, is a change in the structure of water.
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Chuchvaga, N., E. Bogdanova, A. Strelchuk, Evgenia V. Kalinina, D. B. Shustov, M. Zamoryanskaya, and V. Shkuratov. "Electrophysical and Optical Properties of 4H-SiC Irradiated with Xe Ions." Materials Science Forum 740-742 (January 2013): 625–28.

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A comparative research of the cathodoluminescence and electrical characteristics of the samples 4H-SiC irradiated with high energy Xe ions (167 MeV) in wide range fluencies 4x109 –1x1011 cm-2 at temperatures 250C and 5000C are presented. After irradiation these samples were thermal annealed at 5000C for 30 min. Far-action effect at a depth of more than one order of magnitude of stopping distance was observed under Xe ions irradiation in 4H-SiC. An increase of the ion Xe fluencies increased the concentration of radiation-induced defects that resulted in rise of the compensation effect of conductivity in samples. Irradiation of 4H-SiC by Xe ions at 5000C was accompanied with "dynamic annealing" some low-temperature radiation-induced defects, which led to a partial recovery of the electrical characteristics of devices. The thermal annealing of irradiated samples led to additional partial annealing of radiation defects, which increases the radiation resource of devices based on 4H-SiC.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Electrophysical action"


Вінніков, Денис Вікторович. "Електрофізичний вплив потужного підводного іскрового розряду на процеси обробки речовин." Thesis, Національний науковий центр "Харківський фізико-технічний інститут", 2017.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.13 – техніка сильних електричних та магнітних полів. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2017. Дисертація присвячена вдосконаленню електророзрядного обладнання, що використовується для обробки речовин сильно струмовим підводним іскровим розрядом. Проведено аналіз здобутих властивостей матеріалів та рідин в залежності від електричних параметрів розрядного кола, розмірів міжелектродного проміжку, конструкцій електрогідравлічних реакторів і тиску у реакторі. Запропоновані технологічні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення обладнання та процесів електрофізичного впливу на матеріали і рідкі середовища. В дисертації вдосконалено математичну модель щодо дослідження ранньої стадії розвитку іскрового каналу потужного іскрового розряду в парі води та у парогазовій оболонці. Вперше виявлено можливість швидкої (5–20 с) зміни окислювально-відновного потенціалу рідин в бік від'ємних значень з помірним підвищенням водневого показника. Проведено діагностику зміни фізико-хімічних властивостей води. Визначено склад та розміри частинок, що утворюються під час електричної ерозії електродів, запропоновано хімічну схему їх впливу на властивості води. Виявлено можливість подрібнення матеріалів, що моделюють відпрацьоване ядерне паливо, з метою вдосконалення методів його переробки. Оптимізовано параметри розрядного кола та реактора для подрібнення гумовотехнічних виробів у середовищі рідкого азоту. Доведено можливість обробки та зменшення розмірів зерен металів, що переплавляються в вакуумно-дугових пічках під впливом механіко-акустичних імпульсів, які утворюються високовольтними потужними підводними іскровими розрядами.
Thesis for the scientific degree of the candidate of engineering sciences by specialty 05.09.13 – Technology of Strong Electric and Magnetic Fields. – National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology", Ministry of education and science of Ukraine National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnic University" Kharkiv, 2017. This thesis is devoted to the improvement of the electric discharge equipment that is used for the substance treatment by heavy-current underwater spark discharges. The properties of materials and liquids were analyzed as a function of the electric parameters of discharge circuit, in particular, the charging voltage, the capacitance and the spark gap size. The structures of electrohydraulic reactors that are used for the treatment of general mechanical rubber goods and materials that simulate in the first approximation the spent solid nuclear fuel were developed and modernized to improve the methods of fuel recycling. The liquid degassing intensification method was suggested to initiate underwater spark discharges in the electrohydraulic reactor under the evacuation. The electrode system was created to provide the ordered motion of a pulsating steam and gas cavity in the water space at a reduced pressure in the reactor. A structure of the electric discharge generator of elastic vibrations that allows us to have an influence on the metal melts in vacuum-arc furnaces has been developed. It has been proved that mechanical acoustic vibrations generated by spark discharges in the liquid have a positive effect on the distribution of admixtures in treated metals and a decrease in the size of crystal grains. Technological recommendations on the improvement of the processes of electrophysical impact on the materials and liquid media were given. A mathematical model used for the investigation of the progress of current conducting channel that short-closes the spark gap at an early stage of its development, in particular a process of the expansion of current conducting channel and steam-gas cavity was improved. An opportunity for a fast (5–20 s) change in the redox potential of the liquid to the side of negative values with a moderate increase in the pH value was revealed for the first time. It has been shown that a change in the redox potential depends on the input of total energy into the treated volume. We established that a change in the redox potential is related to the processes that occur inside the steam-gas cavity, in particular chemical transformations that occur in its volume and the formation of electric erosion products of the electrodes that result in the chemical changes in the composition of treated medium. The size and dimensions of the particles that are formed during the electric erosion of electrodes have been defined. The chemical diagram of their influence on water properties has been suggested. A degree of the change in the redox potential is related to a number of formed polydisperse particles. Nanosize particles (37 % of the total volume of particles) with an increased physical and chemical activity were revealed.
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Вінніков, Денис Вікторович. "Електрофізичний вплив потужного підводного іскрового розряду на процеси обробки речовин." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.09.13 – техніка сильних електричних та магнітних полів. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2017. Дисертація присвячена вдосконаленню електророзрядного обладнання, що використовується для обробки речовин сильно струмовим підводним іскровим розрядом. Проведено аналіз здобутих властивостей матеріалів та рідин в залежності від електричних параметрів розрядного кола, розмірів міжелектродного проміжку, конструкцій електрогідравлічних реакторів і тиску у реакторі. Запропоновані технологічні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення обладнання та процесів електрофізичного впливу на матеріали і рідкі середовища. В дисертації вдосконалено математичну модель щодо дослідження ранньої стадії розвитку іскрового каналу потужного іскрового розряду в парі води та у парогазовій оболонці. Вперше виявлено можливість швидкої (5–20 с) зміни окислювально-відновного потенціалу рідин в бік від'ємних значень з помірним підвищенням водневого показника. Проведено діагностику зміни фізико-хімічних властивостей води. Визначено склад та розміри частинок, що утворюються під час електричної ерозії електродів, запропоновано хімічну схему їх впливу на властивості води. Виявлено можливість подрібнення матеріалів, що моделюють відпрацьоване ядерне паливо, з метою вдосконалення методів його переробки. Оптимізовано параметри розрядного кола та реактора для подрібнення гумовотехнічних виробів у середовищі рідкого азоту. Доведено можливість обробки та зменшення розмірів зерен металів, що переплавляються в вакуумно-дугових пічках під впливом механіко-акустичних імпульсів, які утворюються високовольтними потужними підводними іскровими розрядами.
Thesis for the scientific degree of the candidate of engineering sciences by specialty 05.09.13 – Technology of Strong Electric and Magnetic Fields. – National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology", Ministry of education and science of Ukraine National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnic University" Kharkiv, 2017. This thesis is devoted to the improvement of the electric discharge equipment that is used for the substance treatment by heavy-current underwater spark discharges. The properties of materials and liquids were analyzed as a function of the electric parameters of discharge circuit, in particular, the charging voltage, the capacitance and the spark gap size. The structures of electrohydraulic reactors that are used for the treatment of general mechanical rubber goods and materials that simulate in the first approximation the spent solid nuclear fuel were developed and modernized to improve the methods of fuel recycling. The liquid degassing intensification method was suggested to initiate underwater spark discharges in the electrohydraulic reactor under the evacuation. The electrode system was created to provide the ordered motion of a pulsating steam and gas cavity in the water space at a reduced pressure in the reactor. A structure of the electric discharge generator of elastic vibrations that allows us to have an influence on the metal melts in vacuum-arc furnaces has been developed. It has been proved that mechanical acoustic vibrations generated by spark discharges in the liquid have a positive effect on the distribution of admixtures in treated metals and a decrease in the size of crystal grains. Technological recommendations on the improvement of the processes of electrophysical impact on the materials and liquid media were given. A mathematical model used for the investigation of the progress of current conducting channel that short-closes the spark gap at an early stage of its development, in particular a process of the expansion of current conducting channel and steam-gas cavity was improved. An opportunity for a fast (5–20 s) change in the redox potential of the liquid to the side of negative values with a moderate increase in the pH value was revealed for the first time. It has been shown that a change in the redox potential depends on the input of total energy into the treated volume. We established that a change in the redox potential is related to the processes that occur inside the steam-gas cavity, in particular chemical transformations that occur in its volume and the formation of electric erosion products of the electrodes that result in the chemical changes in the composition of treated medium. The size and dimensions of the particles that are formed during the electric erosion of electrodes have been defined. The chemical diagram of their influence on water properties has been suggested. A degree of the change in the redox potential is related to a number of formed polydisperse particles. Nanosize particles (37 % of the total volume of particles) with an increased physical and chemical activity were revealed.
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Yadikin, Dmitriy. "Resistive Wall Mode Stability and Control in the Reversed Field Pinch." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Department of Fusion Plasma Physics, Alfvén Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, 2006.

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Book chapters on the topic "Electrophysical action"


Vasilyev, Aleksey, Alim Dzhanibekov, Alexey Alexeyevich Vasilyev, Dmitry Budnikov, and Gennadiy Samarin. "How to Manage the Effectiveness of Presowing Treatment of Seeds." In Handbook of Research on Smart Computing for Renewable Energy and Agro-Engineering, 262–86. IGI Global, 2020.

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Variants of seed response to external disturbances were studied to determine the principles that should be followed during pre-sowing treatment. The approach that involves analysis of seeds' adaptive response has been applied. The basic organizational rules have been specified for external disturbance application to seeds. The use of informational method for studying the biological response of seeds on external actions made it possible to find the rules that have to be followed when pre-sawing treatment is performed with the use of electrophysical excitation. The essence of these rules is that the following sequence of operations shall be carried out in the process of pre-sowing treatment: to define the lowest energy level of external disturbance corresponding to the seed's sensitivity threshold, to organize cyclic action of external factors on seeds, to vary the amplitude of external factor within cycles, to vary the mode of external disturbance. The field experiments were carried out for several years, during which the pre-sowing treatment of seeds was determined.
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Conference papers on the topic "Electrophysical action"


Bakulov, D. A. "Development of device for measurement of electrophysical parameters of biologically active points." In 2002 Siberian Russian Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials Proceedings. IEEE, 2002.

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"The impact of active area geometry and electrophysical characteristics on X-ray sensitivity and spatial resolution of GaAs:Cr radiation sensors." In 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2013.

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