Academic literature on the topic 'Électronique stochastique'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Électronique stochastique"
Huc, Pierre-Emmanuel. "Modélisation probabiliste du couplage d'un champ électromagnétique stochastique sur un équipement électronique dans un système multi-cavités." Toulouse 3, 2004.
Full textBelhaire, Eric. "Contribution à la réalisation électronique de réseaux de neurones formels : intégration analogique d'une Machine De Boltzmann." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 1992.
Full textLassere, Gaëtan. "Implémentation électronique d'un oscillateur non linéaire soumis au bruit : application à la modélisation du codage neuronal de l'information." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011.
Full textGorchon, Jon. "Current and field induced magnetization reversal in Pt/Co/Pt and (Ga, Mn)(As, P) ferromagnetic films." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Full textEffectively manipulating the magnetic state of a ferromagnet has a great interest for possible technological applications. Understanding the underlying fundamental mechanisms is thus particularly important. In some cases, the understanding of some mechanisms may even importantly impact other areas of physics. This is the case for example with field induced magnetic domain walls motion in the creep regime, where the wall can be assimilated to an elastic interface and follows an universal behavior. This thesis presents through an experimental work on Pt/Co/Pt ultra-thin samples, a complete description of the temperature and field dependent domain wall dynamics. A self-consistent analysis allows the extraction of all control parameters, identifying the new Thermally Activated Flux Flow regime, and confirming universal thermal scaling exponents. A second study focuses on current induced domain wall motion in an extended geometry of a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) ferromagnetic film. This study unveils domain wall shape instabilities under a gradient of current. The instability limits are analytically predicted in agreement with the experimental observations. A third work concerns the magnetization reversal mechanism evidenced at the interface between a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) film and a non-ferromagnetic electrode under a current flow. The reversal is shown to be stochastic and mainly governed by the spin accumulation at the interface, which reduces importantly the local magnetization. A simplified model allows the description of the reversal probability and the time scales involved in the mechanism of reversal are accessed and discussed
Olivas, Carrion Marc. "Communications sur le réseau d'énergie électrique d'un véhicule : modélisation et analyse du canal de propagation." Lille 1, 2006.
Full textBordet, Maxime. "Contribution du bruit aux phénomènes de résonance et à la propagation de l'information dans les réseaux électroniques non linéaires." Thesis, Dijon, 2015.
Full textThis manuscript presents research aiming to show possible positive effects of deterministic and stochastic perturbations on the responses of different nonlinear systems. To that end, both numerical and experimental studies were carried out on two kinds of structures : an elementary electronic FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator and an electrical line developed by resistively coupling 45 elementary cells. In the first section, the elementary cell characterization was undertaken in a deterministic regime. In the presence of a bichromatic stimulus, it is shown that when the low frequency component is subthreshold, its detection can be maximized for an optimal magnitude of the second component thanks to vibrational resonance. Next, it is established that this resonance may be enhanced for specific frequencies of the second component ; this phenomenon is referred to as frequency resonance. Furthermore, white and colored noise sources effects on vibrational resonance are reported. Then, for any other bichromatic excitation configuration, attention was focused on ghost stochastic resonance. Contrary to the other phenomena introduced in this manuscript, this one differs in the fact that the frequency of interest in the system output is here not applied on the input. Finally, the last part of the manuscript is devoted to the study of the coupled structure. It is shown that information propagation through line cells can be enhanced by vibrational propagation and noise assisted propagation phenomena. These nonlinear effects respectively occur when the system is under a high frequency deterministic perturbation or a random noise source
Rousseau, David. "Contribution à l'étude du traitement de l'information dans les processus physiques non linéaires : résonance stochastique et rôle bénéfique du bruit." Angers, 2004.
Full textNonlinear physical processes exhibit much richer dynamics than linear processes; some of their specific behaviors are of interest for information processing. We focus on one of these typically nonlinear behavior: stochastic resonance, which manifest the possibility to enhance the transmission or the processing of a useful signal by certain nonlinear systems by means of an increase of the noise in the system. Present developments about stochastic resonance can be organized in three main axes: the pursue of fundamental analysis, the study of stochastic resonance in natural neurons and the search for technological competitive applications of stochastic resonance. In this work, we propose our contribution to these three main axes of development of stochastic resonance. Within this perspective, we examine different signal processing problematics (transmission, detection and estimation) in different nonlinear physical processes. We study the influence of noise on the performance of information processing involving different nonlinear systems like nonlinear sensors with saturations, arrays of nonlinear devices or bistable dynamic systems. We consider different signal--noise mixtures: linear or nonlinear (with the specific case of phase noises)
Mizrahi, Alice. "Jonctions tunnel magnétiques stochastiques pour le calcul bioinspiré." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Full textMagnetic tunnel junctions are promising candidates for computing applications. But when they are reduced to nanoscale dimensions, maintaining their stability becomes an issue. Unstable magnetic tunnel junctions undergo random switches of the magnetization between their two stable states and thus behave as stochastic oscillators. However, the stochastic nature of these superparamagnetic tunnel junctions is not a liability but an asset which can be used for the implementation of bio-inspired computing schemes. Indeed, our brain has evolved to function in a noisy environment and with unstable components. In this thesis, we show several possible applications of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions.We demonstrate how a superparamagnetic tunnel junction can be frequency and phase-locked to a weak oscillating voltage. Counterintuitively, our experiment shows that this is achieved by injecting noise in the system. We develop a theoretical model to understand this phenomenon and predict that it allows a hundred-fold energy gain over the synchronization of traditional dc-driven spin torque oscillators. Furthermore, we leverage our model to study the synchronization of several coupled junctions. Many theoretical schemes using the synchronization of oscillators to perform cognitive tasks such as pattern recognition and classification have been proposed. Using the noise-induced synchronization of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions would allow implementing these tasks at low energy.We draw an analogy between superparamagnetic tunnel junctions and sensory neurons which fire voltage pulses with random time intervals. Pushing this analogy, we demonstrate that populations of junctions can represent probability distributions and perform Bayesian inference. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interconnected populations can perform computing tasks such as learning, coordinate transformations and sensory fusion. Such a system is realistically implementable and could allow for intelligent sensory processing at low energy cost
Ramdane, Saïd. "Identification automatique de types de formulaires par des méthodes stochastiques markoviennes." Le Havre, 2002.
Full textIdentification of forms is a significant operation of an automatic system of reading. No distinctive sign is supposed to mark the form. The treatment starts with the extraction of the rectangular blocks of texts or rectangles including the drawings or the images. Since the forms include handwritten fields, the position, dimensions of the rectangular blocks present are variable. The phenomena of merging and fragmentation resulting from the segmentation induce an additional variability in the number of the rectangles. This double variability of the rectangles is naturally random. A first statistical method carries out the recognition by the calculation of a distance, which generalizes the Mahalanobis distance. Learning requires taking care of the phenomenon of merging/fragmentation. This statistical model appears to be actually a Markovian stochastic model of order 0. A second stochastic method rests on the construction of planar hidden Markov models (PHMM: Pseudo-2D Hidden Markov Model). We describe in particular a new unsupervised training of the states number by a dynamic aggregation method. The recognition is based on the estimation of the conditional probability calculated by an extension of a doubly imbricated Viterbi algorithm. For the two methods, we sought to make automatic all the phases of the training and the recognition. The experimental results confirm the validity of the two methods
Diouf, Fatou. "Application de méthodes probabilistes à l'analyse des couplages en Compatibilité Ealectromagnétique et contribution à la sûreté de fonctionnement de systèmes électroniques." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2008.
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