Academic literature on the topic 'Electron trajectory'

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Journal articles on the topic "Electron trajectory"


Suga, Hiroshi, Takafumi Fujiwara, Nobuhiro Kanai, and Masatoshi Kotera. "Secondary Electron Image Contrast in the Scanning Electron Microscope." Proceedings, annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America 48, no. 1 (August 12, 1990): 410–11.

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An image contrast given in the scanning electron microscope(SEM) is due to differences in a detected number of secondary electrons (SE) coming from the specimen surface. The difference arises from the topographic, compositional and voltage features at the specimen surface. Two kinds of approaches have been taken for the quantification of SE images. One is to simulate electron trajectories in vacuum toward the detector, assuming the typical angular and energy distributions of electrons emitted from the specimen surface. However, the typical angular and energy distributions are not always applicable if a topographic or a compositional feature is present at the surface. The other is to simulate electron trajectory in the specimen. It is possible to obtain angular, energy, and spatial distributions of electrons emitted from the specimen surface. However, in order to discuss the SEM contrast based on these data, one has to assume that, for example, all slow electrons (<50eV) may be collected by the SE detector, or fast electrons ((>50eV) electrons may take a straight trajectory in the vacuum specimen chamber of the SEM. In a practical SEM picture of, for example, an etch-pit, different crystallographic plane surface shows different contrast even if the angle of the primary electron incidence toward all those surfaces is the same. This is because of the acceptance of the signal detection system. In a present study we combined two electron trajectory simulations mentioned above and calculated electron trajectories both in and out of the specimen, to simulate the trajectory from the point of the signal generated until the signal is detected.Although several simulation models of electron scatterings in a specimen have been reported to estimate the SE intensity at the surface, the model should be available to trace low energy (<50eV) electron trajectories. The model used here is basically the same as that reported in previous papers, and only a brief explanation is given in the following. Here, we made several assumptions as; [l]the energy loss of the primary and excited fast electrons is proportion to the number of SEs generated in the specimen, [2]the generated SE has an energy distribution as described by the Streitwolf equation, [3]the energy of the generated SEs are transferred to free electrons of the atom by the elastic-binary-collision, then one SE excited by the primary electron produces a ternary electron after the collision, and each one of the SE and the ternary electron produces higher order electrons in a cascade fashion. The simulation continues until the energy of each electron is less than the surface potential barrier. Angular and energy distributions and number of electrons emitted at the surface agree quite well with each experimental result in a typical case.
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Yahalom, Asher. "Pauli’s Electron in Ehrenfest and Bohm Theories, a Comparative Study." Entropy 25, no. 2 (January 18, 2023): 190.

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Electrons moving at slow speeds much lower than the speed of light are described by a wave function which is a solution of Pauli’s equation. This is a low-velocity limit of the relativistic Dirac equation. Here we compare two approaches, one of which is the more conservative Copenhagen’s interpretation denying a trajectory of the electron but allowing a trajectory to the electron expectation value through the Ehrenfest theorem. The said expectation value is of course calculated using a solution of Pauli’s equation. A less orthodox approach is championed by Bohm, and attributes a velocity field to the electron also derived from the Pauli wave function. It is thus interesting to compare the trajectory followed by the electron according to Bohm and its expectation value according to Ehrenfest. Both similarities and differences will be considered.
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Wang, Xiaoping, Shusai Zheng, Zhen Li, Shaoming Pan, Weibo Fan, Daomin Min, and Shengtao Li. "Radiation electron trajectory modulated DC surface flashover of polyimide in vacuum." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55, no. 20 (February 17, 2022): 205201.

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Abstract Improving surface flashover voltage on vacuum-dielectric interface irradiated by electrons is a long-standing challenge for developing high-voltage and high-power spacecraft technology. The basic issue is understanding the role of radiation electrons in the process of surface flashover. In this paper, a ‘three-segment’ curve concerning the surface flashover properties under electron irradiation is discovered experimentally. As the gap distance of electrodes increase, the surface flashover voltage of polyimide during electron irradiation presents a trend of firstly increasing, then decreasing, and finally stabilizing. According to the simulation of the trajectory distribution for kinetic electrons, this trend is found to correspond with three typical stages respectively. In stage A, the kinetic electrons are completely deflected and the varying electrode parameters mainly affect the electric field distribution. In stage B, the kinetic electrons can irradiate the part of polyimide. The promoting effect of those electrons on flashover process enhance with the enlargement of the irradiated region. In stage C, trajectories are no longer seriously deflected and the role of kinetic electrons do not vary with electrode parameters. Combining with the results above, a model with combined effects of both kinetic and deposited electrons on surface flashover in vacuum is thus proposed, base on which the guidance for the methods of improving surface flashover voltage during electron irradiation is provided.
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Ose, Youichi, and Kiyomi Yoshinari. "Axially symmetric electron beam trajectory simulation." Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 17, no. 3 (October 2000): 357–70.

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Kotel'nikov, I. A., and G. V. Stupakov. "Adiabatic theory of nonlinear electron-cyclotron resonance heating." Journal of Plasma Physics 45, no. 1 (February 1991): 19–27.

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Plasma heating at the electron-cyclotron frequency by an ordinary wave propagating at right-angles to a unidirectional magnetic field is considered. The injected microwave power is assumed to be sufficiently large that the relativistic change in electron gyrofrequency during one flight through the wave beam is much greater than inverse time of flight. The electron motion in the wave field is described using the Hamiltonian formalism in the adiabatic approximation. It is shown that energy coupling from the wave to electrons is due to a bifurcation of the electron trajectory, which results in a jump in the adiabatic invariant. The probability of a bifurcational transition from one trajectory to another is calculated analytically and used for the estimation of the beam power absorbed in the plasma.
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Chen, H., H. Gong, and C. K. Ong. "Classical electron trajectory in scanning electron microscope mirror image method." Journal of Applied Physics 76, no. 2 (July 15, 1994): 806–9.

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Price, Joseph E. "Electron trajectory in an e/m experiment." American Journal of Physics 55, no. 1 (January 1987): 18–22.

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Kotera, M., and K. Tamura. "Simulation of the Spin Polarization Transfer of Electrons in a Solid." Microscopy and Microanalysis 3, S2 (August 1997): 511–12.

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The electron spin polarization scanning electron microscopy (Spin-SEM) has been used to image the surface magnetic structures of magnetic materials in the order of nra scale. However, the sensitivity of the Spin-SEM so far used is very low. To improve the sensitivity, it is necessary to find the best condition for the electron detection system. The Mott polarimeter has commonly been used in the Spin-SEM. In the present study the performance of the Mott polarimeter is discussed. The geometrical configuration and the value of the post acceleration of secondary electrons to the detector have been experimentally determined or analized by a simple theoretical consideration. On the other hand, in the present study the condition to obtain the highest intensity and the highest signal contrast is seached by using an electron trajectory simulation in the Mott polarimeter. A series of electron scattering events and the electron energy loss in the target of the polarimeter is calculated, and not only the three dimensional scattering trajectory of electrons, but also the spin polarization transfer at every scattering event are traced in the target.
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Sadighi-Bonabi, R., H. A. Navid, and P. Zobdeh. "Observation of quasi mono-energetic electron bunches in the new ellipsoid cavity model." Laser and Particle Beams 27, no. 2 (March 19, 2009): 223–31.

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AbstractIn this work, we introduce a new ellipsoid model to describe bubble acceleration of electrons and discuss the required conditions of forming it. We have found that the electron trajectory is strongly related to background electron energy and cavity potential ratio. In the ellipsoid cavity regime, the quality of the electron beam is improved in contrast to other methods, such as that using periodic plasma wakefield, spherical cavity regime, and plasma channel guided acceleration. The trajectory of the electron motion can be described as hyperbola, parabola, or ellipsoid path. It is influenced by the position and energy of the electrons and the electrostatic potential of the cavity. In the experimental part of this work, a 20 TW power and 30 fs laser pulse was focused on a pulsed He gas jet. We have focused the laser pulse in the best matched point above the nozzle gas to obtain a stable ellipsoid bubble. The finding of the optimum points will be described in analytical details.
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Elliott, C. J., and D. C. Quimby. "Analytical treatment of electron-trajectory straightener issues in free-electron lasers." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 296, no. 1-3 (October 1990): 368–82.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Electron trajectory"


Östlin, Christofer. "Single-molecule X-ray free-electron laser imaging : Interconnecting sample orientation with explosion data." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för biologisk grundutbildning, 2014.

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X-ray crystallography has been around for 100 years and remains the preferred technique for solving molecular structures today. However, its reliance on the production of sufficiently large crystals is limiting, considering that crystallization cannot be achieved for a vast range of biomolecules. A promising way of circumventing this problem is the method of serial femtosecond imaging of single-molecules or nanocrystals utilizing an X-ray free-electron laser. In such an approach, X-ray pulses brief enough to outrun radiation damage and intense enough to provide usable diffraction signals are employed. This way accurate snapshots can be collected one at a time, despite the sample molecule exploding immediately following the pulse due to extreme ionization. But as opposed to in conventional crystallography, the spatial orientation of the molecule at the time of X-ray exposure is generally unknown. Consequentially, assembling the snapshots to form a three-dimensional representation of the structure of interest is cumbersome, and normally tackled using algorithms to analyze the diffraction patterns. Here we explore the idea that the explosion data can provide useful insights regarding the orientation of ubiquitin, a eukaryotic regulatory protein. Through two series of molecular dynamics simulations totaling 588 unique explosions, we found that a majority of the carbon atoms prevalent in ubiquitin are directionally limited in their respective escape paths. As such we conclude it to be theoretically possible to orient a sample with known structure based on its explosion pattern. Working with an unknown sample, we suggest these discoveries could be applicable in tandem with X-ray diffraction data to optimize image assembly.
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Lewis, Christopher James. "Development of a Methodology for Numerical Simulation of a D C ARC Discharge in a Liquid Dielectric." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2009.

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The majority of literature regarding the numerical simulation of arc discharges in gaseous environments has used a plasma physics approach. Virtually all simulations treat the discharge as an idealized gaseous plasma, which can be described by temperature, pressure, and electric field. This approach can work well if the media is a shielding gas such as Argon; however, the approach does not work well for processes such as underwater welding, EDM, and underwater discharges used to generate high purity particles. The reason these discharges do not have many extensive simulation efforts as described in the literature is because they occur in liquid dielectric media (Oil and water) which complicates the simulation efforts. Most research efforts in these areas describe experimental methods to evaluate discharge properties In this research a new method to investigate discharges in a dielectric media using an electrostatic and particle physics approach is proposed and validated. A commercial code that has been developed to simulate charged particle beams, dielectric materials, and perform multi-physics analyses, is the Vector Fields suite of solvers from Cobham Technical Services. This research demonstrates a simulation methodology that can be used to simulate a DC electric arc discharge in a lossy dielectric media using the Vector Fields environment. This simulation is the first of its kind to simulate this type of a discharge with a commercial FEA code. As such there are some limitations to the simulation. However, the simulation can be used to investigate the following: 1.Any metal, electrode geometry, discharge gap, or dielectric media can be studied 2.Primary Beam Physics – Electron velocity/acceleration (direct calculation of electron temperature) – Energy deposition on the anode from all emission sources – Effect of dielectric media on beam physics (trajectories, velocity, constriction, beam induced magnetic fields, space chare, and secondary emission) – Beam current – Particle trajectories (including relativistic effects) 3. Secondary Particle Generation and physics – Atomic species (neutral particles or ions) and secondary electron emission – Particle trajectories – Back ion bombardment on the cathode
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Suares, Ian Greg. "Ice particle trajectory simulation." Thesis, Wichita State University, 2005.

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Large ice particles shed from an airframe can cause damage to downstream aerodynamic surfaces and aft mounted engines. A simulation tool was developed to compute the trajectories of shed ice particles and determine the probability of these particles passing through a particular downstream location. The flowfield into which the ice particles shed was determined using CFD. The aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the ice particles were obtained from published literature and experimental data. Three, four and six degree of freedom trajectory simulation models were developed to compute the trajectories of shed ice particles. Monte Carlo simulations were performed by varying the aerodynamic and geometric properties of the ice particles to obtain a probability map depicting the regions where the ice particles were most likely to strike.
Includes bibliographical references (p.117-120)
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Kozák, Josef. "Scintilační detektor sekundárních elektronů s řízeným prouděním plynů pro EREM." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2009.

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This master’s thesis deals with a design and optimization of an experimental scintillation secondary electron detector for the environmental scanning electron microscope and with a description of a detector operation principle. The experiment is founded on simulations of a gas flow in detector inner sections and on simulations of secondary electron trajectories in electrostatic fields of the detector. On the basis of the simulations, new solutions of the detector designs are proposed. For these designs, same simulations as previous are performed and designs that seem to be feasible for the secondary electron detection in environmental scanning electron microscope are selected.
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Santiteerakul, Wasana. "Trajectory Analytics." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015.

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The numerous surveillance videos recorded by a single stationary wide-angle-view camera persuade the use of a moving point as the representation of each small-size object in wide video scene. The sequence of the positions of each moving point can be used to generate a trajectory containing both spatial and temporal information of object's movement. In this study, we investigate how the relationship between two trajectories can be used to recognize multi-agent interactions. For this purpose, we present a simple set of qualitative atomic disjoint trajectory-segment relations which can be utilized to represent the relationships between two trajectories. Given a pair of adjacent concurrent trajectories, we segment the trajectory pair to get the ordered sequence of related trajectory-segments. Each pair of corresponding trajectory-segments then is assigned a token associated with the trajectory-segment relation, which leads to the generation of a string called a pairwise trajectory-segment relationship sequence. From a group of pairwise trajectory-segment relationship sequences, we utilize an unsupervised learning algorithm, particularly the k-medians clustering, to detect interesting patterns that can be used to classify lower-level multi-agent activities. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing the activity classes predicted by our method to the actual classes from the ground-truth set obtained using the crowdsourcing technique. The results show that the relationships between a pair of trajectories can signify the low-level multi-agent activities.
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Kayumbi-Kabeya, Gabin-Wilfried. "Algorithms for trajectory integration in multiple views." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2009.

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This thesis addresses the problem of deriving a coherent and accurate localization of moving objects from partial visual information when data are generated by cameras placed in di erent view angles with respect to the scene. The framework is built around applications of scene monitoring with multiple cameras. Firstly, we demonstrate how a geometric-based solution exploits the relationships between corresponding feature points across views and improves accuracy in object location. Then, we improve the estimation of objects location with geometric transformations that account for lens distortions. Additionally, we study the integration of the partial visual information generated by each individual sensor and their combination into one single frame of observation that considers object association and data fusion. Our approach is fully image-based, only relies on 2D constructs and does not require any complex computation in 3D space. We exploit the continuity and coherence in objects' motion when crossing cameras' elds of view. Additionally, we work under the assumption of planar ground plane and wide baseline (i.e. cameras' viewpoints are far apart). The main contributions are: i) the development of a framework for distributed visual sensing that accounts for inaccuracies in the geometry of multiple views; ii) the reduction of trajectory mapping errors using a statistical-based homography estimation; iii) the integration of a polynomial method for correcting inaccuracies caused by the cameras' lens distortion; iv) a global trajectory reconstruction algorithm that associates and integrates fragments of trajectories generated by each camera.
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Anjum, Nadeem. "Trajectory based video analysis in multi-camera setups." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2010.

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This thesis presents an automated framework for activity analysis in multi-camera setups. We start with the calibration of cameras particularly without overlapping views. An algorithm is presented that exploits trajectory observations in each view and works iteratively on camera pairs. First outliers are identified and removed from observations of each camera. Next, spatio-temporal information derived from the available trajectory is used to estimate unobserved trajectory segments in areas uncovered by the cameras. The unobserved trajectory estimates are used to estimate the relative position of each camera pair, whereas the exit-entrance direction of each object is used to estimate their relative orientation. The process continues and iteratively approximates the configuration of all cameras with respect to each other. Finally, we refi ne the initial configuration estimates with bundle adjustment, based on the observed and estimated trajectory segments. For cameras with overlapping views, state-of-the-art homography based approaches are used for calibration. Next we establish object correspondence across multiple views. Our algorithm consists of three steps, namely association, fusion and linkage. For association, local trajectory pairs corresponding to the same physical object are estimated using multiple spatio-temporal features on a common ground plane. To disambiguate spurious associations, we employ a hybrid approach that utilises the matching results on the image plane and ground plane. The trajectory segments after association are fused by adaptive averaging. Trajectory linkage then integrates segments and generates a single trajectory of an object across the entire observed area. Finally, for activities analysis clustering is applied on complete trajectories. Our clustering algorithm is based on four main steps, namely the extraction of a set of representative trajectory features, non-parametric clustering, cluster merging and information fusion for the identification of normal and rare object motion patterns. First we transform the trajectories into a set of feature spaces on which Meanshift identi es the modes and the corresponding clusters. Furthermore, a merging procedure is devised to re fine these results by combining similar adjacent clusters. The fi nal common patterns are estimated by fusing the clustering results across all feature spaces. Clusters corresponding to reoccurring trajectories are considered as normal, whereas sparse trajectories are associated to abnormal and rare events. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated on standard data-sets and compared with state-of-the-art techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms both in terms of accuracy and robustness.
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Bereza-Jarocinski, Robert, and Therese Persson. "Autonomous Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik (EES), 2017.

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Autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs), such as selfdrivingcars, are expected to become a central part of infrastructurein future smart cities. There are many technicalchallenges with making vehicles autonomous. They have to beable to find their way in both free environments as well asin environments with obstacles and other vehicles. To achievethis, they require many sensors to analyze their surroundings.The aim with this paper is to investigate the sensor typesnormally used in AGVs, describe their functionality and alsoprovide a model of how an autonomous vehicle can navigate indifferent environments, and verify this model through simulation.Lidar, Radar, accelerometers, gyroscopes, positioning systems andcameras are the sensors that are listed. It is described whatthey measure and what this data can be used for. To model theautonomous vehicle, a car-like vehicle model is used. A trajectorytracking controller is proposed, together with a proof of itsstability using Lyapunov functions. A way to avoid stationaryobstacles using potential fields is also described. Both the trackingcontroller and the obstacle avoidance controller are shown towork as expected through simulation. The used model only allowsfor the vehicle to travel in directions within a span of ±45 of itsforward direction. Lastly, a new application for AGVs in smartcities is also proposed.
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Bereza, Robert, and Therese Persson. "Autonomous Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik (EES), 2017.

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Autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs), such as selfdrivingcars, are expected to become a central part of infrastructurein future smart cities. There are many technicalchallenges with making vehicles autonomous. They have to beable to find their way in both free environments as well asin environments with obstacles and other vehicles. To achievethis, they require many sensors to analyze their surroundings.The aim with this paper is to investigate the sensor typesnormally used in AGVs, describe their functionality and alsoprovide a model of how an autonomous vehicle can navigate indifferent environments, and verify this model through simulation.Lidar, Radar, accelerometers, gyroscopes, positioning systems andcameras are the sensors that are listed. It is described whatthey measure and what this data can be used for. To model theautonomous vehicle, a car-like vehicle model is used. A trajectorytracking controller is proposed, together with a proof of itsstability using Lyapunov functions. A way to avoid stationaryobstacles using potential fields is also described. Both the trackingcontroller and the obstacle avoidance controller are shown towork as expected through simulation. The used model only allowsfor the vehicle to travel in directions within a span of ±45 of itsforward direction. Lastly, a new application for AGVs in smartcities is also proposed.
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Lam, Hoi-yee. "Voltage-current trajectory a 2-dimensional approach to understand electrical load signatures /." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2007.

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Books on the topic "Electron trajectory"


Andrée, Michel. Siemens: Trajectoire d'une entreprise mondiale. Paris: Institute, éditeur, 1990.

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Predicting Vehicle Trajectory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Motai, Yuichi, and Cesar Barrios. Predicting Vehicle Trajectory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Motai, Yuichi, and Cesar Barrios. Predicting Vehicle Trajectory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Motai, Yuichi, and Cesar Barrios. Predicting Vehicle Trajectory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Motai, Yuichi, and Cesar Barrios. Predicting Vehicle Trajectory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Motai, Yuichi, and Cesar Barrios. Predicting Vehicle Trajectory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Staff. Trajectory Optimization of an Interstellar Mission Using Solar Electric Propulsion. Independently Published, 2018.

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Real-time trajectory optimization on parallel processors: Final report. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University, 1993.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., ed. Real-time trajectory optimization on parallel processors: Final report. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "Electron trajectory"


Kinjo, Ryota, Koji Nagahara, Toshiteru Kii, Naoki Kimura, Mahmoud A. Bakr, Yong Woon Choi, Mohamed Omer, et al. "Simulation of Electron Trajectory in Bulk HTSC Staggered Array Undulator." In Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2011, 193–98. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2012.

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Dong, C. Z., P. Nordlander, and T. E. Madey. "Trajectory Calculations of Electron Stimulated Desorption of Positive and Negative Ions." In Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 34–40. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.

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Moskvin, V., L. Papiez̃, T. Tabata, and I. J. Das. "Calculations of Electron Deep Penetration Using the Method of Trajectory Rotation." In Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 199–204. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Raviart, A., R. Ducros, P. Ferrando, C. Rastoin, B. Heber, H. Kunow, R. Müller-Mellin, H. Sierks, G. Wibberenz, and C. Paizis. "Variations of the High Energy Electron Flux Along the Ulysses Trajectory." In The High Latitude Heliosphere, 409–14. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.

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Sambe, H., and D. E. Ramaker. "Electron-Stimulated O− Desorption from O2 Condensed on a Rare-Gas Film: Evidence for an Indirect “Bounce” Trajectory." In Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 251–55. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.

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Zelmann, Rina, Silvain Beriault, Kelvin Mok, Claire Haegelen, Jeff Hall, G. Bruce Pike, Andre Olivier, and D. Louis Collins. "Automatic Optimization of Depth Electrode Trajectory Planning." In Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical Imaging, 99–107. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Zelmann, Rina, Silvain Beriault, Kelvin Mok, Claire Haegelen, Jeff Hall, G. Bruce Pike, Andre Olivier, and D. Louis Collins. "Automatic Optimization of Depth Electrode Trajectory Planning." In Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical Imaging, 99–107. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Hendrix, Eligius M. T., Ana Maria A. C. Rocha, and Inmaculada García. "On Trajectory Optimization of an Electric Vehicle." In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2019, 249–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Barker, John R., Scott Roy, and Sharif Babiker. "Trajectory Representations, Fluctuations, and Stability of Granular Electronic Devices." In Science and Technology of Mesoscopic Structures, 213–31. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 1992.

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Yang, Jian, Mi Dong, and Yan Tang. "A Real-Time Optimized Trajectory Planning for a Fixed Wing UAV." In Advances in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, 277–82. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "Electron trajectory"


Birmurzayez, S. B., and E. M. Yakushev. "Method of parameterization of exact electron trajectory equations." In SPIE Proceedings, edited by Anatoly M. Filachev. SPIE, 2004.

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Walker, D. G., and T. S. Fisher. "Electron Transport and Anode Heating Due to Field Emission From Carbon Nanotubes." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002.

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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are being considered for field emission applications because of their low turn-on voltage and ability to support large current densities. The localization of emission and large currents from CNTs result in significant anode heating. The present work investigates the electron energy distribution at the anode surface through simulation of the field emission process and the trajectory of electrons across the vacuum gap. Field emission is modeled by Fowler-Nordheim-like expressions where the emission site is assumed to be a ring with the diameter of a nanotube. The electron trajectory is determined through a Monte Carlo simulation including Coulomb interactions between electrons. Results indicate that the electron beam spreads due to Coulomb interaction, but that the initial ring is preserved. In fact, the ring diameter at the anode spreads to 3μ per 10μ of vacuum gap in a field of 10 Vμm. This estimate matches well with reported observations. Further, the spreading becomes more significant with increased fields due to the higher current density of field emitted electrons.
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Chen, Kuo-Yi, and Bei-Jing Zhong. "Electron Trajectory Simulation in compact Hexapole ECR ion thruster." In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022.

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Suprapto, Taufik, Djoko Slamet Pudjorahardjo, Ihwanul Aziz, Saefurrohman, and Agus Purwadi. "Electron beam extraction trajectory as a function of extraction voltage on pulsed electron irradiator." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND APPLIED SCIENCE (ICSAS) 2019. AIP Publishing, 2019.

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Vorobjov, G. S., A. G. Ponomarev, and A. A. Drozdenko. "Calculation of structure of electric field and trajectory analysis of electron beam in the axial-symmetric electron-optical system." In 2003 13th International Crimean Conference 'Microwave and Telecommunication Technology' Conference Proceedings. IEEE, 2003.

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Kambarova, Zh T., A. O. Saulebekov, and K. B. Kopbalina. "The electron-optical scheme of the energy analyzer of small-sized electron spectrometer." In 8th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects. Crossref, 2022.

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The electron-optical scheme of the axially-symmetric electrostatic mirror-type energy analyzer of charged particles beam based on a multipole electrode system is proposed. The field of the energy analyzer is designed as a superposition of the base cylindrical field and set of circular octupole coaxial with base field. The trajectory analysis of the electron-optical system was carried out by a numerical method. Corpuscular-optical parameters of system are calculated. The “ring-ring” type third-order angular focusing scheme is found. The proposed energy analyzer has compactness and high corpuscular-optical parameters. The instrumental function of device is calculated.
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Goel, Vanya, Amitava Roy, and Namita Maiti. "3-D Particle Trajectory Tracking and Characterization of Electron Beam Parameters of High Power Electron Gun." In 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference On Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES). IEEE, 2021.

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"Simulation Of Electron Trajectory In The Cell-Projection Lithography Optical System." In Microprocesses and Nanotechnology '98. 1998 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference. IEEE, 1998.

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Yaqi, Zhao, Zhang Rui, Wang Yong, and Yang Xiudong. "Study on Electron Trajectory of Cathode of 500kW Tetrode and Thermal Analysis Verification." In 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). IEEE, 2020.

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Pendse, Rajendra D. "Fan-out Wafer-level Technology – A New Trajectory for Moore's Law scaling." In 2018 IEEE 2nd Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). IEEE, 2018.

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Reports on the topic "Electron trajectory"


Seletskiy, S., M. Blaskiewicz, A. Fedotov, D. Kayran, J. Kewisch, R. Michnoff, and I. Pinayev. Strategy for alignment of electron beam trajectory in LEReC cooling section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2016.

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Emma, P. Electron Trajectory in an Undulator with Dipole Field and BPM Errors. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2005.

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Lazonick, William, Philip Moss, and Joshua Weitz. The Unmaking of the Black Blue-Collar Middle Class. Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, May 2021.

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In the decade after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, African Americans made historic gains in accessing employment opportunities in racially integrated workplaces in U.S. business firms and government agencies. In the previous working papers in this series, we have shown that in the 1960s and 1970s, Blacks without college degrees were gaining access to the American middle class by moving into well-paid unionized jobs in capital-intensive mass production industries. At that time, major U.S. companies paid these blue-collar workers middle-class wages, offered stable employment, and provided employees with health and retirement benefits. Of particular importance to Blacks was the opening up to them of unionized semiskilled operative and skilled craft jobs, for which in a number of industries, and particularly those in the automobile and electronic manufacturing sectors, there was strong demand. In addition, by the end of the 1970s, buoyed by affirmative action and the growth of public-service employment, Blacks were experiencing upward mobility through employment in government agencies at local, state, and federal levels as well as in civil-society organizations, largely funded by government, to operate social and community development programs aimed at urban areas where Blacks lived. By the end of the 1970s, there was an emergent blue-collar Black middle class in the United States. Most of these workers had no more than high-school educations but had sufficient earnings and benefits to provide their families with economic security, including realistic expectations that their children would have the opportunity to move up the economic ladder to join the ranks of the college-educated white-collar middle class. That is what had happened for whites in the post-World War II decades, and given the momentum provided by the dominant position of the United States in global manufacturing and the nation’s equal employment opportunity legislation, there was every reason to believe that Blacks would experience intergenerational upward mobility along a similar education-and-employment career path. That did not happen. Overall, the 1980s and 1990s were decades of economic growth in the United States. For the emerging blue-collar Black middle class, however, the experience was of job loss, economic insecurity, and downward mobility. As the twentieth century ended and the twenty-first century began, moreover, it became apparent that this downward spiral was not confined to Blacks. Whites with only high-school educations also saw their blue-collar employment opportunities disappear, accompanied by lower wages, fewer benefits, and less security for those who continued to find employment in these jobs. The distress experienced by white Americans with the decline of the blue-collar middle class follows the downward trajectory that has adversely affected the socioeconomic positions of the much more vulnerable blue-collar Black middle class from the early 1980s. In this paper, we document when, how, and why the unmaking of the blue-collar Black middle class occurred and intergenerational upward mobility of Blacks to the college-educated middle class was stifled. We focus on blue-collar layoffs and manufacturing-plant closings in an important sector for Black employment, the automobile industry from the early 1980s. We then document the adverse impact on Blacks that has occurred in government-sector employment in a financialized economy in which the dominant ideology is that concentration of income among the richest households promotes productive investment, with government spending only impeding that objective. Reduction of taxes primarily on the wealthy and the corporate sector, the ascendancy of political and economic beliefs that celebrate the efficiency and dynamism of “free market” business enterprise, and the denigration of the idea that government can solve social problems all combined to shrink government budgets, diminish regulatory enforcement, and scuttle initiatives that previously provided greater opportunity for African Americans in the government and civil-society sectors.
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