Academic literature on the topic 'Electroactive Molecules'

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Journal articles on the topic "Electroactive Molecules"


Gorman, Christopher B. "Encapsulated electroactive molecules." Advanced Materials 9, no. 14 (1997): 1117–19.

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Dai, Yunlong, and Xianwen Kan. "From non-electroactive to electroactive species: highly selective and sensitive detection based on a dual-template molecularly imprinted polymer electrochemical sensor." Chem. Commun. 53, no. 86 (2017): 11755–58.

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A selective and sensitive detection of non-electroactive and electroactive molecules has been achieved on a dual-template imprinted electrochemical sensor. And the proposed dual-signal strategy can be used for highly sensitive detection of electroactive analytes.
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Coronado, E., J. R. Galán-Mascarós, and C. J. Gómez-García. "Hybrid molecular magnets incorporating organic donors and other electroactive molecules." Synthetic Metals 102, no. 1-3 (June 1999): 1459–60.

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Tirado, Jorge D., David Acevedo, Richard L. Bretz, and Hector D. Abruna. "Adsorption Dynamics of Electroactive Self-Assembling Molecules." Langmuir 10, no. 6 (June 1994): 1971–79.

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Yamamoto, Yohei. "Electroactive Nanotubes from π-Conjugated Discotic Molecules." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 84, no. 1 (January 15, 2011): 17–25.

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Clair, Sean, and Michael R. Norris. "Strategy for functionalization of electrodes with discrete, unmodified small molecules exhibiting aqueous stability." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, no. 31 (2020): 15681–86.

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Rybakiewicz, Renata, Łukasz Skórka, and Roman Gańczarczyk. "Dithienopyrrole-based Organic Electroactive Materials and Their Photovoltaic Aspects." Current Organic Chemistry 24, no. 23 (December 28, 2020): 2695–736.

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4H-dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]pyrrole has recently become a useful building block in the synthesis of donor-acceptor molecules with practical application in various organic technologies. The DTP molecule itself consists of a pyrrole ring with two fused thiophenes providing an alternative for the related dithieno[3,2-b:2′,3′-d]thiophene. Most notably, the significance of DTP-based low- and high-molecular weight species has increased in recent years since, upon proper processing, they allow to improve the performance of many fields of organic electronics. This review is a trial of a brief report on recent advances in modern DTP chemistry with examples of their applications, mostly in the area of organic photovoltaics. The scope of this manuscript was to present the structure-property relationships that had been found together with the development of DTP-based materials.
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Vela, Sonia, José Augusto Berrocal, Carmen Atienza, E. W. Meijer, and Nazario Martín. "Mesoscopic helical architectures via self-assembly of porphyrin-based discotic systems." Chemical Communications 53, no. 29 (2017): 4084–87.

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Breitwieser, R., M. Marsault, V. Repain, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, et al. "Long-range ordered nanodomains of grafted electroactive molecules." Journal of Chemical Physics 139, no. 20 (November 28, 2013): 204703.

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Pshenichnyuk, S. A., A. V. Kukhto, I. N. Kukhto, and N. L. Asfandiarov. "Resonance capture of electrons by electroactive organic molecules." Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 4, no. 6 (December 2010): 1014–27.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Electroactive Molecules"


Dahlstedt, Emma. "Synthesis of Electroactive Molecules Based on Benzodioxins and Tetrathiafulvalenes." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Chemistry, 2003.

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This thesis deals with the synthesis of electroactiveorganic compounds. The synthesis of ethylenedioxy-benzodioxinstri-dioxin and tetra-dioxin are described. These molecules wereprepared with the aim of creating donor molecules for cationicradical salts. The symmetric analogs of tri-dioxin,methylenedioxy-derivative and ethylenedioxy-naphthalene werealso synthesized. Three different cation radical salts with 2:1stoichiometries were obtained from tri-dioxin, whiletetra-dioxin merely provided polycrystalline materials.Tri-dioxin and tetra-dioxin were also successful as operationalmatrixes in PALDI-TOF.

Tetrathiafulvalenes with the2-dialkyl-amino-1,3-dithiolium-4-thiolate mesoion asbuilding-block was also synthesized. A series of doublyalkylthiol-substituted TTFs were prepared with the aim offorming self-assembly monolayers on gold surfaces in theapplication of organic thin film field-effect transistors.Film-formation for two TTFs were studied and they providedrelatively dense packed monolayers with a discrete distance ofthe TTF moiety from the gold surface.

The mesoionic compound was also for the first time used inanumpolungreaction. The electrophile obtained in situ bytreatment of mesoion with sulfuryl chloride was reacted with avariety of electron-rich aromatic compounds. From the receivedproducts three new arylthio-substituted TTFs weresynthesized.

Keywords:Synthesis, Benzodioxin, Tetrathiafulvalene,Mesoion, Organic Conductor, Cation Radical Salt, CyclicVoltammetry, Electrocrystallization, Self-Assembly Monolayer,SAM, Organic Field-Effect Transistor, OFET

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Marchante, Rodríguez Elena. "Self-assembled monolayers of electroactive molecules for the preparation of memory devices." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017.

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El objetivo fundamental de los circuitos eléctricos es la miniaturización utilizando moléculas, de manera individual o el conjunto de ellas, como bloques de construcción electrónicos. Se espera que el pequeño tamaño de los componentes electrónicos reduzca el consumo de energía a la vez que aumente la sensibilidad y el rendimiento del dispositivo. Los esfuerzos que se hacen en investigación están orientados en dos direcciones: la primera está enfocada en el estudio, a nivel fundamental, de nuevas moléculas con propiedades o funcionalidades específicas, que proporcionan un conocimiento más profundo de la estructura molecular, dinámica y reactividad. El segundo se dedica al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas para la implementación de estas moléculas in dispositivos electrónicos. A menudo, para fabricar un dispositivo molecular se necesita depositar las moléculas o materiales en un sustrato adecuado. Es importante controlar cómo afecta el disolvente, el sustrato o la funcionalización molecular en el ensamblaje molecular final y las interacciones moleculares, ya que el ordenamiento y el empaquetamiento de las moléculas son aspectos clave para el funcionamiento de los dispositivos. Esta Tesis Doctoral está enfocada en el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos moleculares electrónicos basados en monocapas auto-ensambladas de moléculas electroactivas, y en el estudio electroquímico de los procesos de transferencia electrónica asociados a ellos. En la primera parte de la Tesis, se describe el uso de diferentes moléculas redox inmovilizadas en sustratos de oro como interruptores moleculares. El estado de los compuestos electroactivos se puede modular aplicando un potencial específico sobre el sustrato, y se ha implementado satisfactoriamente la respuesta en capacitancia como señal de salida del interruptor. Es importante destacar que se han obtenido estos interruptores moleculares eléctricos usando también geles iónicos como electrolitos sólidos, demostrando la viabilidad de integrar estos sistemas en futuros dispositivos electrónicos y/o flexibles. En la segunda parte de la Tesis, se presenta el estudio del mecanismo de transferencia electrónica, por medios electroquímicos, en una familia de compuestos derivados de radicales de policlorotrifenilmetilos (PTM), enlazados a sustratos de oro. La familia de moléculas de PTM contiene un grupo tiol en el extremo conectado al PTM a través de una cadena alquílica de distintas longitudes. Se ha estudiado el proceso de transferencia electrónica a través de SAMs de PTM en distintos medios electrolíticos y en función del grado de recubrimiento de la superficie del sustrato de oro modificado. Por lo tanto, se ha demostrado que la interacción de los disolventes juega un papel importante en el carácter adiabático del proceso redox. Además, el acoplamiento electrónico entre centros de moléculas de PTM adyacentes favorece la disminución de la constante de transferencia electrónica. Finalmente, en la última parte de la Tesis, se han fabricado transistores orgánicos de efecto campo (OFETs) utilizando un gel iónico como material dieléctrico, y se han estudiado sus propiedades. Los OFET se fabricaron con geometrías tipo “top-gate” y “side-gate”, donde el gel iónico se colocó encima del sustrato con el canal semiconductor. Las propiedades de estos transistores con gel iónico se compararon con estructuras similares como referencia, las cuales están basadas en oxido de silicio convencional, resultando ser bastante interesantes para aplicarlos en transistores orgánicos flexibles y económicos.
The ultimate goal of electrical circuits is miniaturization by using single molecules or collections of single molecules as electronic building blocks. It is expected that the smaller size of the electronic components will decrease the power consumption while increasing the sensitivity and the performance of the device. Research efforts are concentrated in two directions. The first one is focused in the study, at a fundamental level, of new molecules with specific properties or functionalities, which provides a deeper understanding of molecular structure, dynamics and reactivity. The second one is dedicated to develop new techniques for the implementation of these molecules in electronic devices. Often, to construct a molecular device it is necessary to deposit molecules or material on a suitable substrate. Since the ordering and packing of the molecules are crucial aspects for the operation of the devices, it is important to have a good control of how solvent, substrate or molecular functionalization influences on the resulting molecular assemblies and the intermolecular interactions. The present Doctoral Thesis is focused on the development of new molecular electronic devices based on electroactive self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), and on the electrochemical study of the electron transfer phenomena associated to them. In the first part of the Thesis, it is described the use of different redox molecules immobilized on gold substrates as molecular switches. The state of the electroactive compounds can be tuned when a specific potential is applied to the substrate, and the capacitance response has been successfully implemented as the read-out of the switch. It is important to highlight that these electrical molecular switches have been also obtained using ion gels as solid electrolytes, demonstrating the feasibility to integrate these systems in future electronic and/or flexible devices. In the second part of the Thesis, it is reported the electron transfer (ET) mechanism study, by electrochemical means, in a family of polychlorothriphenylmethyl radical (PTM) derivative compounds attached to gold substrates. The family of PTM molecules contains a thiol terminal group connected to the PTM through an alkyl chain with different lengths. It has been studied the ET process through PTM-SAMs in different organic electrolytic media and as a function of the surface coverage of the modified gold substrate. Hence, it was demonstrated that the interaction with the solvent plays an important role in the adiabaticity character of the redox process. Further, with neighbouring molecules, the intermolecular electronic coupling between PTM centers promotes a reduction of the ET constant rate. Finally, in the last part of the thesis, it has been fabricated a functioning OFET using an ion gel as gate dielectric, and its properties has been examined. The OFETs were prepared with top-gate and side-gate geometries, where the ion gel was placed on top of the substrate with the semiconductor channel. The ion gel gated OFET properties were compared with a reference OFET structure, which had a conventional SiO2 gate dielectric, demonstrating that the ion gels are highly attractive to be applied in low cost and flexible organic transistors.
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Nguyên, Lê‎ Trung Nghia. "Molecular functionalization of few-layer and monolayer MoS₂ with electroactive molecules for tuning charge transport properties." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Rennes (2023-....), 2024.

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Dans cette thèse, la fonctionnalisation redox du MoS₂ a été considérée pour le développement de dispositifs électrocommutables. Des monocouches de MoS₂ exfoliées mécaniquement ont été fonctionnalisées avec du 6-(ferrocényl)hexanethiol et caractérisées de manière approfondie par un large éventail de techniques expérimentales. La combinaison de ces techniques à de la modélisation théorique a permis d’accéder à une meilleure connaissance des propriétés électroniques du MoS₂ fonctionnalisé par du ferrocène. De plus, une étude de microscopie électrochimique (SECM) a permis de mieux comprendre l’alignement des bandes d’énergie à l’interface MoS₂/électrolyte. Enfin, des nanofeuillets de MoS₂ ont été fonctionnalisés par du ferrocène et une autre molécule électroactive donnant lieu à deux processus redox réversibles, le tétrathiafulvalène (TTF). Le succès de la fonctionnalisation a été confirmé par des techniques de caractérisations à plusieurs échelles. Les mesures électriques des dispositifs à base de TMD ont conduit à des résultats prometteurs vers l’objectif de la mise en oeuvre de dispositifs électrocommutables à partir de MoS₂ fonctionnalisé par des molécules électroactives
In this thesis, the molecular functionalization of MoS₂ with electroactive molecules was explored for the development of electroswitchable devices. Mechanically exfoliated MoS₂ monolayers were functionalized with 6-(ferrocenyl)hexanethiol and thoroughly characterized by a broad range of techniques. The electronic properties of the ferrocene-functionalized MoS₂ were investigated through the combination of multiple experimental techniques and theoretical modeling. Further insights on the energy band alignment at the MoS₂/ electrolyte interface were gained through scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) investigations. Finally, solution-processed MoS₂ nanosheets were functionalized with ferrocene and multiredox tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) derivatives. The successful functionalization was confirmed by multiscale characterization techniques. Electrical measurements of TMD-based devices showed promising results toward the goal of the implementation of electrochemically switchable devices from redox-functionalized MoS₂
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Chen, Feixiong. "Dual functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles by electroactive molecules and antibodies for platelet antigens detection." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.

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Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans un projet plus large qui vise à développer avec le laboratoire Ampère et l’Etablissement Français du Sang un microsystème capable de réaliser un phénotypage plaquettaire pour le diagnostic de la thrombopénie néonatale. Ce microsystème doit permettre d’isoler les plaquettes du sang total et de détecter les antigènes plaquettaires présents à leur surface. L’isolation des plaquettes se fera grâce à un module de magnétophorèse et un module de diélectrophorèse. La détection sera électrochimique. Le cœur de ce travail de thèse a donc consisté à développer des nanoparticules magnétiques pour le module de magnétophorèse. Ces nanoparticules doivent permettre la capture spécifique des plaquettes et servir de marqueur pour la détection électrochimique. Pour ce faire, des nanoparticules magnétiques ont donc été doublement fonctionnalisées en une seule étape avec un anticorps anti-CD32 dirigé contre l’antigène CD32 présent à la surface des plaquettes et avec une molécule électroactive. Après optimisation des différents paramètres de greffage, les propriétés électrochimiques de ces particules ont été caractérisées. Leurs propriétés de bioreconnaissance ont été testées sur l’antigène purifié puis sur plaquettes entières. Enfin la faisabilité de la manipulation des structures nanoparticules/plaquettes par magnétophorèse avec des micro-aimants a été démontrée
Fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (F/NAIT) represents a great threat to new-borns or fetus. It occurs when a woman becomes alloimmunized against fetal platelet antigens. With the aim to improve fetal and neonatal survival, in collaboration with Ampere Laboratory and Etablissement Français du Sang, we plan at developing a Point-of-Care (POC) platform for platelet phenotyping. The final POC microsystem will be able to perform magnetophoresis and dielectrophoresis for platelets isolation from whole blood, and their selective electrochemical detection allowing for their phenotyping. The development of nanoparticles (NPs) with magnetic, electrochemical and bio-selection properties is a key issue. Herein, we have focused on the elaboration of magnetic NPs bearing 1) anti-CD32 antibody for specific interaction with CD32 antigen, which is present at the surface of platelets and 2) ferrocene carboxylic acid, an electroactive molecule for detection. To achieve this, the coupling reactions of this electroactive molecule and this antibody were optimized and a one-pot reaction for double functionalization was developed. The bioactivity of the immobilized antibody was tested at the molecular and cellular level. The dual-functionalized NPs voltammetric signals were also investigated. Finally the feasibility of platelets capture and actuation by magnetophoresis with micro-magnet array were demonstrated
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Zhao, Xiaohong. "Electron transfer and energy transfer in photoactive and electroactive molecules in solution and at interfaces." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994.

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Blanchard-Desce, Mireille. "Molecules polyeniques electroactives : modeles de fil moleculaire conducteur." Paris 6, 1989.

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Des molecules polyeniques conjuguees de differentes longueurs et comportant des groupes pyridinium aux deux extremites ont ete synthetisees. Ces composes qui reunissent les caracteristiques structurales des carotenoides et des viologenes ont ete designes sous le terme de caroviologenes. Des molecules de ce type, suffisamment longues pour traverser une membrane lipidique, sont susceptibles de presenter des proprietes de fil moleculaire conducteur, c'est-a-dire de pouvoir transferer des electrons a travers la membrane a l'aide des groupes electroactifs terminaux qui changent les electrons, et de la chaine conjuguee qui permet leur propagation. Leur incorporation dans les membranes bicouches phospholipidiques des vesicules a ete realisee. En utilisant un reducteur externe et un oxydant interne appropries, l'aptitude de caroviologenes zwitterioniques de longueur adequate a transferer des electrons du reducteur externe vers l'oxydant interne a pu etre etablie. Des molecules polyeniques donneur-accepteur de taille croissante et comportant differents groupes electrodonneurs et electroattracteurs a leurs extremites ont ete preparees. L'etude de leur solvatochromie permet de mettre en evidence l'existence de transition de transfert de charge intramoleculaire. Dans ces composes, le segment polyenique joue le role de fil conducteur moleculaire assurant le transfert de charge d'une extremite a l'autre de la molecule. Ces composes presentent des proprietes tres interessantes dans le domaine de l'optique non lineaire
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Faiz, Jonathan Antony. "Directional molecular wires constructed from photo- and electroactive cyclodextrins." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2005.

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Pous, Rodríguez Narcís. "Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Girona, 2015.

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The presence of nitrates (NO3-) in groundwater is a worldwide concern. The high energy demand and environmental impact of available technologies requires investigating new technologies. This thesis was focused on investigating the usage of bioelectrochemical systems (BES) for treating nitrate-polluted groundwater. BES uses microorganisms able to catalyze oxidation/reduction processes by delivering/obtaining electrons from an electrode. In this thesis, microorganisms able to use the electrode as an electron donor (biocathode) to reduce nitrates into dinitrogen gas (inert) were investigated. As a result, a process could be patented, in which BES are able to treat nitrates at high denitrification rates (up to 700 gN•m-3NCC•d-1), with a competitive energy demand (0.68•10-2 – 1.27•10-2 kWh•gN-1treated), without sludge generation nor chemical dosing. Moreover, the microorganisms were electrochemically characterized, and the key subcommunities of the process were elucidated. In summary, bioelectrochemical systems have the potential for becoming a competitive alternative for the treatment of nitrate-polluted groundwater
La presència de nitrats (NO3-) en aigües subterrànies és una preocupació global. L’alt cost energètic i ambiental de les tecnologies actuals requereixen la investigació de noves estratègies. Aquesta tesi ha investigat la utilització de sistemes bioelectroquímics (BES) pel tractament d’aigües subterrànies contaminades per nitrats. Les BES es basen en microorganismes capaços de realitzar oxidacions/reduccions tot alliberant/captant electrons d’un elèctrode. Aquesta tesi ha investigat l’ús de bactèries capaçes d’utilitzar l’elèctrode com a donador d’electrons (biocàtode) per reduir el nitrat a dinitrogen gas (compost inert). Com a resultat, s’ha patentat un procés que permet desnitrificar a altes velocitats (700 gN•m-3NCC•d-1), a un cost energètic competitiu (0.68•10-2 – 1.27•10-2 kWh•gN-1tractat), sense generar fangs ni addicionar substàncies químiques. També s’ha caracteritzat electroquímicament els microorganismes i s’ha elucidat les subcomunitats microbianes responsables de la desnitrificació. En definitiva, aquesta tesi demostra que els sistemes bioelectroquímics poden esdevenir una alternativa competitiva pel tractament d’aigües subterrànies contaminades per nitrats
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BERGAMINI, JEAN-FRANCOIS. "Modulations chimique et electrochimique de l'inclusion de molecules electroactives dans les cyclodextrines. Application a l'elaboration d'oligomeres conjugues encapsules." Paris 7, 1999.

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L'objectif de ce travail est, d'une part, de comprendre les mecanismes mis en jeu lors de l'electrochimie de complexes a base de cyclodextrine et de molecules electroactives et, d'autre part, de realiser la synthese de polymeres conducteurs encapsules. Le premiere axe presente l'etude en presence de cyclodextrine d'une molecule electroactive, le 4-amino n,n-diphenylamine (adpa). Differentes etudes spectroscopiques montrent la formation d'un complexe d'inclusion. L'etude electrochimique du complexe conclut a un mecanisme redox reversible faisant intervenir deux electrons et deux protons et precise que le complexe ne participe pas a la reaction redox. Des etudes par spectroscopie d'absorption in situ et par modelisation moleculaire montrent que l'espece oxydee de l'adpa est complexee par la cyclodextrine avec une meilleure affinite que l'espece reduite. Par ailleurs, la complexation induit la deprotonation de l'espece oxydee a ph quasiment neutre. Le second axe de ce travail est consacre a l'etude d'un second complexe d'inclusion forme entre la biphenylamine (bpa) et la cyclodextrine. La formation d'un complexe d'inclusion est confirmee par des etudes spectroscopiques qui precisent que la forme neutre de la bpa est mieux complexee que sa forme protonee. La modelisation moleculaire montre que la bpa, en raison de sa structure allongee, est entierement incluse dans la cavite de la cyclodextrine. L'etude electrochimique du bpa en milieu aqueux permet de definir un mecanisme redox irreversible impliquant deux electrons et deux protons et montre que le complexe se dissocie lors de son oxydation. La polymerisation electrochimique du bpa en presence de cyclodextrine donne des produits solubles observes a proximite de l'electrode. Leur caracterisation par spectroscopie d'absorption et par spectrometrie de masse a determine que ce sont des oligomeres du bpa et qu'ils sont encapsules dans une ou plusieurs molecules de cyclodextrine.
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Books on the topic "Electroactive Molecules"


Noboru, Oyama, Birss Viola, Electrochemical Society. Physical Electrochemistry Division., and Electrochemical Society Meeting, eds. Proceedings of the Symposium on Molecular Functions of Electroactive Thin Films. Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society, 1999.

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Arnold, Monica M., Lauren M. Burgeno, and Paul E. M. Phillips. Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry in Behaving Animals. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Gaining insight into the mechanisms by which neural transmission governs behavior remains a central goal of behavioral neuroscience. Multiple applications exist for monitoring neurotransmission during behavior, including fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV). This technique is an electrochemical detection method that can be used to monitor subsecond changes in concentrations of electroactive molecules such as neurotransmitters. In this technique, a triangular waveform voltage is applied to a carbon fiber electrode implanted into a selected brain region. During each waveform application, specific molecules in the vicinity of the electrode will undergo electrolysis and produce a current, which can be detected by the electrode. In order to monitor subsecond changes in neurotransmitter release, waveform application is repeated every 100 ms, yielding a 10 Hz sampling rate. This chapter describes the fundamental principles behind FSCV and the basic instrumentation required, using as an example system the detection of in vivo phasic dopamine changes in freely-moving animals over the course of long-term experiments. We explain step-by-step, how to construct and surgically implant a carbon fiber electrode that can readily detect phasic neurotransmitter fluctuations and that remains sensitive over multiple recordings across months. Also included are the basic steps for recording FSCV during behavioral experiments and how to process voltammetric data in which signaling is time-locked to behavioral events of interest. Together, information in this chapter provides a foundation of FSCV theory and practice that can be applied to the assembly of an FSCV system and execution of in vivo experiments.
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Nalwa, Hari Singh. Supramolecular Photosensitive and Electroactive Materials. Academic Press, 2001.

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Book chapters on the topic "Electroactive Molecules"


Pantelis, Philip, Julian R. Hill, and Graham J. Davies. "Poled Copoly(Vinylidene Fluoride-Trifluoroethylene) as a Host for Guest Nonlinear Optical Molecules." In Nonlinear Optical and Electroactive Polymers, 229–41. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988.

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Zhang, Guanxin, Deqing Zhang, and Daoben Zhu. "Electroactive Molecules and Supramolecules for Information Processing and Storage." In Electrochemistry of Functional Supramolecular Systems, 447–76. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010.

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Taylor, N., T. Boddington, I. Dobson, B. Gill, R. Luo, and B. Shaw. "Molecules with Identical Electroactive Centres as a Probe for Dielectric Properties of Electrolytes." In Molecular Electrochemistry of Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Compounds, 467–75. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Yu, L., D. W. Polis, L. S. Sapochak, and L. R. Dalton. "Advances in the Synthesis of Electroactive Materials and in the Characterization of Mechanisms of NLO Activity." In Organic Molecules for Nonlinear Optics and Photonics, 273–99. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.

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Mendolia, Michael, H. Cai, and Gregory C. Farrington. "Solvation mechanisms in low molecular weight polyethers." In Applications of Electroactive Polymers, 113–49. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Li, D., J. Yang, C. Ye, M. A. Ratner, G. Wong, and T. J. Marks. "Molecular Engineering Approaches to Molecular and Macromolecular Nonlinear Optical Materials: Recent Theoretical and Experimental Results." In Nonlinear Optical and Electroactive Polymers, 217–28. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988.

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Mujica, V. "Theoretical Aspects of Electroactive Polymers." In Topics in Molecular Organization and Engineering, 175–85. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1992.

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Golhen, Stéphane, Olivier Cador, and Lahcène Ouahab. "Electroactive Paramagnetic Complexes as Molecular Bricks for л-d Conducting Magnets." In Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, 55–75. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Monkman, A. P. "The Electroactive Nature of Polyaniline. The Nature of the Chromaphores." In Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Molecular Electronics, 273–83. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.

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Zhao, Jinming, and Tao Gao. "Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms with Electroactive Genes for the Fabrication of Electrochemical Microbial Biosensors." In Methods in Molecular Biology, 247–60. New York, NY: Springer US, 2024.

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Conference papers on the topic "Electroactive Molecules"



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Tkachenko, Nikolai V., Alexander Efimov, and Helge Lemmetyinen. "Self-assembled monolayers of photo- electroactive organic molecules: Photoinduced electron transfer as sensing mechanism." In 2008 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2008.

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Sundaresan, Vishnu Baba, and James Patrick Carr. "Active Nanoporous Membranes for Desalination." In ASME 2011 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. ASMEDC, 2011.

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Current water desalination technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) use tortuous structures and cylindrical nanopores to reject salts by size exclusion. The selective rejection of salts dissolved in water using nanopores requires large pressure gradients across the membranes to produce reasonable flow rates. The electrical power required for generating large pressure gradients increases the operational cost for desalination and limits its application as portable units in small communities and in third-world countries. Further, recently proposed desalination methods using carbon nanotubes and nanofluidic diodes have limited lifetime due to clogging and fouling from contaminants in feed water. Thus, existing or evolving technologies are expensive, bulky and not practical where it is needed the most. In order to develop a desalination system that is not limited by the disadvantages of existing systems, this article investigates the feasibility of a novel active nanopore membrane with superior ion rejection and water transport properties. An active nanopore is a shape-changing hyperboloidal pore that is formed in a rugged electroactive composite membrane and utilizes coupled electrostatic, hydrodynamic and mechanical interactions due to reversible mechanical oscillations between the charged pore walls and dissolved ions in water for desalination. This novel approach takes advantage of the shape of the pore to create a pumping action in the hyperboloidal channel to selectively transport water molecules. In order to demonstrate the applicability of this novel concept for water desalination, the paper will use a theoretical model to model the ion rejection properties and flow rate of salt-free water through an active nanoporous membrane.
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Zanchi, Sara, Sébastien Roland, Lena Le Goff, Damien Thuau, Pierre Margerit, Marc Rebillat, Ilias Iliopoulos, and Sylvie Tencé-Girault. "SMART ACTUATORS BASED ON ELECTROACTIVE FLUORINATED POLYMERS: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOLECULAR ORGANIZATION AND ELECTROACTIVE RESPONSE." In 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials. Patras: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics University of Patras, 2023.

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Zhang, Qiming M., Tian zhang, Biao Lu, and Qing Xie. "Molecular machine: how ferroelectric polymers generate giant electroactuation." In Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XX, edited by Yoseph Bar-Cohen. SPIE, 2018.

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Sundaresan, Vishnu-Baba. "Frequency Dependent Ion Rejection Properties of Active Nanoporous Membranes." In ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Selective rejection of dissolved salts in water is achieved by large pressure gradient driven flows through tortuous structures and cylindrical nanopores. The flow rate through the membrane is dependent on the area of the membrane and pressure gradient that can be sustained by the membrane. The electrical power required for generating large pressure gradients increases the operational cost for desalination units and limits application of contemporary technologies in a wide variety of applications. Due to this limitation, small scale operation of these desalination systems is not economical and portable. Further, recently proposed desalination systems using carbon nanotubes and nanofluidic diodes have limited lifetime due to clogging and fouling from contaminants in feed water. In order to develop a desalination system that is not limited by cost, scale of operation and application, an active nanopore membrane that uses multiphysics interactions in a surface-functionalized hyperboloidal nanopore is developed. An active nanopore is a shape-changing hyperboloidal pore that is formed in a rugged electroactive composite membrane and utilizes coupled electrostatic, hydrodynamic and mechanical interactions due to reversible mechanical oscillations between the charged pore walls and dissolved ions in water for desalination. This novel approach takes advantage of the shape of the pore to create a pumping action in the hyperboloidal channel to selectively transport water molecules. In order to demonstrate the applicability of this novel concept for water desalination, the paper will use a theoretical model to model the ion rejection properties and flow rate of purified water through an active nanoporous membrane. This article examines the effect of the geometry of the nanopore and frequency of operation to reject dissolved ions in water through a multiphysics model. It is estimated that the neck diameter of the active nanopores is the most dominant geometrical feature for achieving ion rejection, and the flux linearly increases with the frequency of operation (between 2–50Hz). The threshold neck diameter of the nanopore required for achieving rejection from multiphysics simulation is observed to be 100nm. The flux through the membrane decreases significantly with decreasing diameter and becomes negligible at 10nm effective neck diameter.
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Huang, Tony Jun. "Towards artificial molecular motor-based electroactive/photoactive biomimetic muscles." In The 14th International Symposium on: Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, edited by Yoseph Bar-Cohen. SPIE, 2007.

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Vatankhah-Varnosfaderani, Mohammad, William F. M. Daniel, Alexandr P. Zhushma, Qiaoxi Li, Benjamin J. Morgan, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Daniel P. Armstrong, Andrey V. Dobrynin, Sergei S. Sheyko, and Richard J. Spontak. "Bottlebrush elastomers: a promising molecular engineering route to tunable, prestrain-free dielectric elastomers (Conference Presentation)." In Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XIX, edited by Yoseph Bar-Cohen. SPIE, 2017.

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Plihon, Aurelia, Vincent Fischer, Fabrice Domingues Dos Santos, and Romain Gwoziecki. "Printed actuators made with electroactive polymers on flexible substrates." In 2014 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS). IEEE, 2014.

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Wada, Tatsuo, and Hiroyuki Sasabe. "Multifunctional Carbazole Polymers for Nonlinear Optics." In Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1993.

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Electric and optical properties of organic charge-transfer (CT) compounds have been attracted a lot of attention from both fundamental science and practical applications. Remarkable progress have been made in development of electroactive CT materials such as organic metals, conducting polymers, and organic photoconductor. Recently organic intracharge transfer compounds have been experimentally and theoretically elucidated to exhibit anomalously large nonlinear optical responses.1 Nonlinear optical properties of several CT complex systems have been studied and recently photorefractive effects have been observed in CT complex crystal and poled photo- conductive polymers. These poled polymers consist of three components: the nonlinear optically active chromophore (NLO-phore) to provide the electro-optic response, a hole transporting molecule and a photosensitizer which exhibit photoconductive properties.2
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