Academic literature on the topic 'Églises – France – Corse (France)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Églises – France – Corse (France)"
Mottier, Damien. "Sociogenèse des Églises pentecôtistes africaines en France." Social Compass 61, no. 1 (February 26, 2014): 73–91.
Full textRoberti, Jean-Claude. "Les églises orthodoxes dans la France de l'Ouest." Norois 174, no. 1 (1997): 369–71.
Full textSimeoni, Edmond, and Robert Bistolfi. "La France et la Corse : l'heure de vérité ?" Confluences Méditerranée N° 36, no. 1 (2001): 45.
Full textLegros, F., F. Gay, M. Belkaid, and M. Danis. "Imported malaria in continental France in 1996." Eurosurveillance 3, no. 4 (April 1, 1998): 37–8.
Full textFanga, Jean Patrick Nkolo. "La question de l’immigration et la nécessaire reformulation des formes d’autorité en pastorale." Thème 25, no. 2 (March 4, 2019): 97–122.
Full textConchon, Odette. "Le littoral de Corse (France) au Quaternaire [Corsica coast (France, Western Mediterranea) during the Quaternary]." Quaternaire 10, no. 2 (1999): 95–105.
Full textVerspeeten, Frederic. "L’influence des Églises luthériennes dans l’Église Protestante Unie de France." Revue du Nord 421, no. 3 (2017): 613.
Full textFornerod, Nicolas, and Philip Benedict. "Les 2 150 « églises » réformées de France de 1561-1562." Revue historique 651, no. 3 (2009): 529.
Full textLe Bourdonnec, François-Xavier, Gérard Poupeau, Françoise Lorenzi, Pierre Machut, and Jean Sicurani. "Typologie et provenance de l’obsidienne du site néolithique d’A Guaita (NW Cap Corse, Corse, France)." Comptes Rendus Palevol 13, no. 4 (May 2014): 317–31.
Full textTorre, André. "La Corse, une expérience de décentralisation originale pour la France." Revue Organisations & territoires 12, no. 3 (September 1, 2003): 5–10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Églises – France – Corse (France)"
Mattei, Nicolas. "Les Eglises baroques de Corse, étude historique et artistique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994.
Full textFollowing an historical and sociological study of preexisting substratum of baroque art during xvith century, then its evolution during the xvii and xviii centuries, we continue with an analysis of the dating problems of these monuments. We then analyse the materiality of the structures (building technies, design and elevation) before mooving to interior decorations, majors and especially laterals altars, and a deciphering of their language. We end hour study with an inventory of about sixty churches classified according to their diocese. Following this are 78 plate drawings of the plans, section and elevations and 110 photographics plates designed to pemit the reader and vrify the developpement and foudation of an aesthetics analysis
Ajaccio, François-Xavier. "Représentations peintes dans les chapelles et églises de Corse (XVe - XVIe siècles) : Sens, fonctions et portées historiques." Thesis, Corte, 2022.
Full textThis historico-iconographic study of the frescoes deployed in Corsica, in the second part of the XVth century, seeks to enrich knowledge of the history of religious fact in Corsica. It is a question of gaining more insight into the matter of the insular evangelization at the end of the Middle Ages, which suffers from a lack of qualitative knowledge. In the context of a redeployment of the Franciscan Observance, the investigation aims at bringing out the essence of this pastoral and the nature of the evangelization of the people in the countryside. The exploitation of the iconographic corpus, revealing a semantic unit of the painted programs, expresses a transformation of the pastoral message and a new dynamic as well of the sacred space of the old places of worship as of the communities of the faithful, huddled round isolated chapels, dispersed throughout the countryside of the inland area. The detailed study of these images, applied to the Christian iconographic tradition, to their theological and pastoral foundation, to the context of their production, consequently provides many teachings relating to their functions and their iconic directions. Those enrich our apprehension of the level of evangelization of Corsica and the spirituality which was diffused before the Tridentine Reform, and still widely afterwards. This research underlies three questionings: which visions of the evangelization of Corsica, of the religious practice and of the faith of the faithful, do these representations give us, in this last part of the XVth century ?
Bartolini, Michelacurina. "Tempi e' lochi di pudere : a liturgia e' u cantu tradiziunale." Corte, 2003.
Full textLetournel, Marine. "Vivre sa foi catholique en Corse, à Gênes et dans le comté de Nice du XVe au XVIIIe siècle : Essai d'histoire comparée." Thesis, Nice, 2015.
Full textThe council of Trent held at the end of the 16th century embodies main reforms to carry out in order to restore the Church’s image. A new structural and human approach is put forward in response to the critics addressed by Protestants and some Catholics. The regaining of the faithful’s trust, wanted by the Church, has led to a modernization and to the creation of local ecclesiastic structures. Training and learning have been put at the center of the policy conducted by the roman Curia and local episcopacies. This principles are supported by the renewal or the creation, of both religious societies and non-religious associations, able to meet the daily requirements of populations. Process of evangelization also goes through spreading of a new type of art, fostering a sense of glory and wealth. By doing so, the baroque asserts itself as a necessary educational tool, traces of which remain present until today and bear witness to its magnificence. However, the renewed catholic message, after the council of Trent, was not put in application equally in all the provinces. In this regard, it is interesting to study the impact of this counter-reformation on the way to live out is faith in this three culturally and geographically linked areas that are Corsica, Genoa and the county of Nice
Colonna, Romain. "Transformations diglossiques : l'exemple corse." Corte, 2011.
Full textPardini, Gérard. "L'État et la Corse : la République à l'épreuve /." Paris : l'Harmattan, 2003.
Full textÉgal, Emmanuel. "Tectonique de l'éocène en Corse." Lyon 1, 1989.
Full textMarini, Nathalie. "Nature et évolution de différents territoires préhistoriques et protohistoriques en Corse : synthèse et interprétations des données archéologiques et paléo-environnementales." Corte, 2008.
Full textThe notion of territory lies within an environmental and anthropic context that evolves both in time and space. In that case, it constitutes a tool to apprehend the evolutions and continuations of socio-environmental interactions. The nature and establishment of the activities practised by men are conditioned by different factors (natural setting, cultural aspect, economy, technical ability, demography). However, their study amid an insular space with pronounced particularities facilitate the understanding of these dynamics from a long-lasting chronological scale and a multiscalar spatial study. An inventory of the paleoenvironmental data, stemming from archaeological, paleontological or environmental works has been made. The interpretation of the results leads to propose some restitutions of territories from settlements that provided information concerning the fauna and/or flora. The field works carried out have also brought new data to this research. The synthesis of this study presents the state of our knowledge about the ecological insular evolution and endeavours to define the part of the anthropic impact and to assess the influence of the environmental constraints on the development of our societies. Eventually, we also try to determine to which extent the forms of the landscape, the composition of the vegetation and of the present fauna reveal traces of ancient anthropisation
Lahondère, Didier. "Les schistes bleus et les éclogites à lawsonite des unités continentales et océaniques de la Corse alpine : nouvelles données pétrologiques et structurales." Montpellier 2, 1991.
Full textPardini, Gérard. "L'État républicain et la Corse." Paris 10, 2003.
Full textRecent topicality has shed a new light on the Corsican question. The constitutional reform which takes place this spring 2003, and makes France a republic whose organisation is decentralised, would be directly inspired by the different particular statuses the island has known since 1982. Since 1908, date of the first modern report about Corsica, the relationships between the Republican state and Corsica are fostered by many ambiguities. The Republic establishes some standards, but toils at having them applied. The effective reality of the Republican device "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité", key to the awareness of the public interest and emblem of an ideal, has grown less in Corsica, like in the rest of the France. For lack of reforming, the State, during the elapsed century, will go on losing a bit of its credibility, even though it remains in Corsica both a reference value, and a repulsion factor
Books on the topic "Églises – France – Corse (France)"
Brandon, Robin. South France pilot: La Corse (Corsica). St. Ives, Cambridgeshire: Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson, 1991.
Find full textMichel, Leymarie, and Passini Michela, eds. La grande pitié des églises de France. Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2012.
Find full textWenzler, Claude. Églises et cathédrales de la France medievale. Paris: Edition de Lodi, 2006.
Find full textWenzler, Claude. Églises et cathédrales de la France medievale. Paris: Edition de Lodi, 2006.
Find full textPitti-Ferrandi, François. Pages de Corse, de France et d'Italie. [Ajaccio?]: Centre de recherches des lettres et langues de l'Université de Corse, 1996.
Find full textThévenin, Guy. L' aéronautique navale en Corse, 1914-1993. Paris: Association pour la recherche de documentation sur l'histoire de l'aéronautique navale, 2004.
Find full textPassano, Pierre da. Histoire de l'annexion de la Corse. Le Coteau/Roanne: Horvath, 1990.
Find full textL'organisation et l'action des Églises réformées de France. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2012.
Find full textd'Istria, Robert Colonna. De la Corse: De la Corse considérée comme un miroir de la France. Ajaccio: La Marge édition, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Églises – France – Corse (France)"
Kirschleger, Pierre-Yves. "94. Constitution de l’Union des Églises évangéliques libres de France, 1849." In Reformierte Bekenntnisschriften, 227–42. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022.
Full textKirschleger, Pierre-Yves. "98. Déclaration de foi du synode des Églises réformées de France, 1872." In Reformierte Bekenntnisschriften, 265–70. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022.
Full textRavis-Giordani, Georges. "Les enquêtes collectives en Corse." In En France rurale, 333–44. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2010.
Full textMontagné-Villette, Solange. "Chapitre 9 - Corse." In La France. Les 26 régions, 111. Armand Colin, 2009.
Full textVidal, Laurent, and Catherine Rigeade. "Une nouvelle tombe étrusque en Corse." In La fabrique de la France, 90–99. Flammarion, 2021.
Full textStéfanini, Laurent. "La Corse en France : deux cent cinquante ans d’adhésion consentie." In L'action extérieure de la France, 71–90. Presses Universitaires de France, 2020.
Full textBarrès, Maurice. "Chapitre V. Premier discours des Églises." In La grande pitié des églises de France, 70–96. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2012.
Full textBarrès, Maurice. "Chapitre XII. Deuxième discours des Églises." In La grande pitié des églises de France, 132–54. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2012.
Full textBoisson, Didier. "Chapitre 14 - Les Églises réformées aux xviie et xviiie siècles." In Histoire du christianisme en France, 227. Armand Colin, 2014.
Full textConia, Mireille. "10. La guerre vue de Colombey-les-Deux-Églises." In La France en guerre 1954-1962, 127–36. Autrement, 2008.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Églises – France – Corse (France)"
Ribotta, Claudio, José Maria Costa-Saura, Valentina Bacciu, Costantino Sirca, and Donatella Spano. "Mapping Fire Ignition Probability through a Two-Level Approach in a Mediterranean Area: The Corse (France) Case Study." In The Third International Conference on Fire Behavior and Risk. Basel Switzerland: MDPI, 2022.
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