Academic literature on the topic 'Efficience productive'

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Journal articles on the topic "Efficience productive"


Henriet, Patrick. "Monachisme ancien, efficience productive et modernité." Revue de l'histoire des religions, no. 238 (September 1, 2021): 501–14.

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ALAKONON, Calixe B., and Alastaire S. ALINSATO. "Effet de l’efficience productive de la fonction publique sur la croissance économique dans l’UEMOA : Une approche à deux étapes." Revue d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée 11, no. 2 (December 30, 2021): 149–66.

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Résumé : Ce papier analyse l’effet de l’efficience productive de la fonction publique sur la croissance économique dans les pays de l’UEMOA de 2003 à 2017. Pour ce faire nous avons estimé d’abord les scores d’efficience productive par la méthode d’enveloppement des données (DEA) puis, régressé le taux de croissance économique sur les scores d’efficience productive des fonctions publiques par la méthode des variables instrumentales. Les résultats nous montrent que les scores d’efficience productive expliquent positivement la croissance économique dans les pays de l’UEMOA. Ces résultats suggèrent des politiques économiques d’amélioration de l’efficience productive des fonctions publiques pour stimuler la croissance économique dans l’UEMOA. Mots clés : Efficience productive - Fonction publique - Croissance économique - DEA. 4 Effect of the productive efficiency of the public service on economic growth in WAEMU: A two-step approach Abstract: This paper analyzes the effect of the productive efficiency of the public service on economic growth in the WAEMU countries from 2003 to 2017. To do this, we first estimated the scores of productive efficiency by the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, then we regressed the rate of economic growth on the productive efficiency scores of public services by the method of instrumental variables. The results show that the productive efficiency scores positively explain economic growth in the WAEMU countries. These results suggest economic policies to improve the productive efficiency of public services to stimulate economic growth in the WAEMU. Keywords: Productive efficiency - Economic growth - Public service - DEA. J.E.L. Classification : D24 – D73 – H83 – O43 – O47.
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Hofman, Lucile, and Patrick Plane. "Électricité en Afrique et performance productive." Articles 77, no. 3 (February 5, 2009): 385–408.

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RÉSUMÉ Au milieu des années quatre-vingt, les sociétés africaines d’électricité se sont engagées dans des programmes de réforme ayant pour objet d’améliorer leur efficience productive. Douze de ces réseaux sont étudiés dans cet article. Des frontières de production paramétriques sont d’abord estimées sur données de panel. La société ivoirienne, dont la privatisation a été effectuée en 1990, révèle que cette réforme institutionnelle a aidé à accroître la performance productive tandis que le même résultat a été difficile à obtenir lorsque l’opérateur est resté totalement public. Une analyse plus détaillée du cas ivoirien est ensuite réalisée en considérant des frontières de type DEA. Des indices de Malmquist non paramétriques sont calculés. Ils prennent en compte les dimensions économiques et sociales de l’activité du service public. L’output multiple est notamment mesuré par l’électricité produite (kWh) et le nombre de consommateurs. Une diminution de la productivité totale des facteurs (PTF) est mise en évidence, dont l’effet est principalement imputé au mouvement de l’efficience technique. On conclut sur le rôle potentiel de la régulation publique pour faciliter la compatibilité entre l’accès au service universel et l’objectif de profit.
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DE LA TORRE, A., and J. AGABRIEL. "Prendre en compte l’efficience alimentaire des vaches allaitantes dans les recommandations alimentaires à travers la quantification de leurs dépenses non productives." INRA Productions Animales 30, no. 2 (June 19, 2018): 153–64.

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La vache allaitante utilise près de 70% de l’énergie qu’elle ingère pour son besoin d’entretien. L’importance de cette dépense non productive détermine fortement son efficience d’utilisation de l’énergie. Les nouvelles recommandations alimentaires de l’INRA permettent de mieux quantifier cette dépense non productive afin d’en maîtriser les principaux facteurs de variation. Une base de données a été constituée en regroupant 30 expérimentations, présentant notamment des niveaux alimentaires contrastés (soit au final 101 traitements expérimentaux), menées en stations expérimentales avec des vaches allaitantes. L’Énergie des dépenses non productives (EDNP) exprimée en énergie nette (UFL) a été calculée pour chaque traitement comme la différence entre l’énergie nette ingérée et celles des besoins de lactation, de gestation, et des variations de la masse corporelle par estimation de sa composition chimique. La production de lait moyenne est de 8 kg/jour et prioritaire, quel que soit le niveau alimentaire subit. Estimée par sa composition chimique (respectivement 37 et 21% de lipides), la valeur énergétique de la variation de poids s’élève en moyenne à 2,4 UFL/kg pour les multipares et 1,8 UFL/kg pour les primipares. Les dépenses non productives peuvent s’estimer à partir d’une seule équation dont les variables sont le besoin d’entretien (Eentretien), les conditions d’activité (Iact), la variation de poids (ΔPV) et l’état initial au vêlage (NEC) : EDNP = (Eentretien x Iact) + (0,0073 x ΔPVc x NEC). Le terme interférant (ΔPVc x NEC) traduit les adaptations du métabolisme en situation nutritionnelle contraignante ou pléthorique. Cette quantification nouvelle de l’épargne énergétique associée à la baisse des apports (ou l’inverse) permettra aux éleveurs de mieux gérer l’alimentation de leurs vaches. Les variations de dépenses non productives et leurs nombreux facteurs de variation devront devenir la cible des recherches dans les années à venir.
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Suhartono, Suhartono. "Productive efficiency of banks in ASEAN countries." Banks and Bank Systems 12, no. 2 (June 27, 2017): 91–99.

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This study examines the determinants of productive efficiency of banks operating in 8 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This study uses the economic theory approach to examine the existence of economies of scale on the ASEAN banking market, especially its impact on cost efficiency. The author applies a concept of average cost (AC) as a proxy for the productive efficiency. He finds that economies of scale exist on the banking market and economies of scale and scope should be considered in the industrial policy. Stronger capital position is also positive to banks’ efficiency and means that stronger capitalized banks are more efficient. Bank that remunerates better tends to be more efficient as a result of economic capital effect.
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Khan, H., and F. Ali. "Measurement of productive efficiency of tomato growers in Peshawar, Pakistan." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 59, No. 8 (August 28, 2013): 381–88.

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The present paper estimates the technical, allocative and economic efficiency of tomato growers. The study was conducted in two villages, namely, Tarnab and Akbarpura of the District Peshawar, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan. The data were collected by conducting a farm level survey of 300 tomato growers in the study area. The findings show that there was a big gap between the maximum and minimum technical efficiency indices, with an average technical efficiency index of 66%. There was also a huge gap between the highest and the lowest index of allocative efficiency of tomato growers. Economic efficiency indices also varied significantly. The study concluded that the farmer education, extension visits, age and access to credit were the significant determinants of these efficiencies. One of the most important policy implications of this study is that there is enough potential to increase the present level of efficiencies for tomato production in the study area.  
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El-Shater, Tamer, Amin Mugera, and Yigezu Yigezu. "Implications of Adoption of Zero Tillage (ZT) on Productive Efficiency and Production Risk of Wheat Production." Sustainability 12, no. 9 (May 1, 2020): 3640.

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The impacts of zero tillage (ZT) on soil physical, biological, and chemical properties have been fairly documented in the literature. However, there is still an information gap in the developing world in general and in integrated crop–livestock production systems in dry areas of the world in particular. Using a sample of 621 farmers in Syria, this study assessed the implications of adoption of ZT technology on productive efficiency, input-specific resource use efficiency, and production risk. A stochastic production frontier model, which explicitly and simultaneously accounts for technical inefficiency and production risk, was used to estimate total factor and input-specific technical efficiencies and the risk of obtaining lower levels of yields for each of the sampled farms. Model results show that adoption of ZT proved to be an effective risk management strategy in this dryland production system, where it led to 95% and 33.3% reductions in the risk of obtaining wheat yield levels below 1000 kg/ha and 1500 kg/ha, respectively. Overall, the results have a clear indication that using ZT leads to improvements in productive efficiency as the adoption of ZT led to 93% reduction in the risk of obtaining efficiency levels below 40%. Future research will be needed to shed light on whether coupling ZT with the other components of conservation agriculture will reverse some of these effects.
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Sojková, Z., Z. Kropková, and V. Benda. "Slovak agricultural farms in different regions – comparison of efficiency." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 54, No. 4 (April 23, 2008): 158–65.

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This paper presents the results of stochastic parametric approach used in estimation of production frontier. The estimation of output oriented technical efficiency was based on the Stochastic Frontier analysis with Cobb-Douglas production function. The model also included a dummy variable which expressed production conditions in which Slovak farms are operating. We divided farms into two groups regarding production conditions: productive regions (PR) and less favorable area (LFA) regions. The data set included 79 Slovak farms operating in different regions in the 2003–2005 time periods. The following input variables are included in the model: capital, material, labour and agricultural land according to the LPIS system. Total output was used as the output variable. From the achieved results, we can conclude that the significant statistical differences in average technical efficiency were detected only in year 2005 between the farms of the mentioned production conditions. A higher level of variability in technical efficiency was detected in farms operating in productive regions compared to technical efficiency of farms in the LFA regions.
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BÄCKMAN, S., and A. LANSINK. "Crop and soil specific N and P efficiency and productivity in Finland." Agricultural and Food Science 14, no. 3 (December 4, 2008): 264.

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This paper estimates a stochastic production frontier based on experimental data of cereals production in Finland over the period 1977-1994. The estimates of the production frontier are used to analyze nitrogen and phosphorous productivity and efficiency differences between soils and crops. For this input specific efficiencies are calculated. The results can be used to recognize relations between fertilizer management and soil types as well as to learn where certain soil types and crop combinations require special attention to fertilization strategy. The combination of inputs as designed by the experiment shows significant inefficiencies for both N and P. The measures of mineral productivity and efficiency indicate that clay is the most mineral efficient and productive soil while silt and organic soils are the least efficient and productive soils. Furthermore, a positive correlation is found between mineral productivity and efficiency. The results indicate that substantial technical efficiency differences between different experiments prevail.;
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Zhang, Congying, Qian Chang, and Xuexi Huo. "How Productive Services Affect Apple Production Technical Efficiency: Promote or Inhibit?" Sustainability 11, no. 19 (September 30, 2019): 5411.

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Agricultural productive services provide a new entry point to solve the “labor dilemma” and contributes to the sustainable development of the apple industry. In this study, we establish a random frontier model with the Translog production function to analyze the influence of productive services on the technical efficiency of apple production based on a microscopic survey data of 661 apple farmers. The results indicate that the purchasing proportions of productive services are obviously different among the different links of apple production, while those among different regions are not obvious. Overall, productive services have a positive effect on improving the technical efficiency of apple production, but productive services in different links have a different effect; specifically, productive services in the bagging link have a positive effect on the technical efficiency of apple production, productive services in the pest controlling link have a negative effect, and productive services in other links have no significant effect. We suggest that policymakers should promote the orderly development of agricultural productive services, focus on improving the popularity of productive services in bagging links, and improve the quality of productive services in the pest control link.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Efficience productive"


Hamieh, Reem. "Concurrence, stabilité et efficience productive des banques dans la région MENA." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024.

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Cette thèse vise à étudier la relation entre la concurrence, l'efficience coût et la stabilité bancaire d'une part et, la relation entre la gouvernance et la stabilité bancaire d'autre part pour un échantillon des banques commerciales opérantes dans la région MENA au cours de la période 1999-2020. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous nous sommes basés sur les théories de l'économie industrielle, de la concurrence (modèle structure-comportement-performance ; indicateur de lerner ; la Statistique H de Panzar-Rosse), de l'efficience productive (modèle de frontière stochastique) et de la gouvernance. Les résultats obtenus à l'aide des modèles des données de panel et de la méthode des moments généralisés (GMM-Système) ont montré que l'efficience coût, le ratio de capital, le ratio de liquidité, la rentabilité et le taux de croissance économique affectent positivement la stabilité bancaire. Cependant, les résultats ont révélé l'existence d'une relation négative entre le pouvoir de marché et la stabilité bancaire. En ce qui concerne la relation entre la gouvernance et la stabilité bancaire, les résultats ont montré l'existence d'une relation négative entre la stabilité et la dualité de fonction de président et de directeur général d'une part, et d'une relation positive entre le comité de risque, la taille du conseil d'administration, la diversité des genres et la stabilité bancaire d'autre part. Enfin, les résultats ont révélé que les facteurs institutionnels (contrôle de la corruption, qualité de la régulation, l'État de droit, etc.) sont considérés comme des facteurs explicatifs de la stabilité bancaire dans la région MENA
The objective of this thesis research is two-fold: on the one hand, to examine the relationship between competition, cost efficiency, and banking stability; and on the other, to assess the relationship between governance and banking stability both of which relate to commercial banks operating in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The research covers the period from 1999 to 2020. To meet this two-fold objective, we based our analysis on theories of industrial organization economics and competition (i.e. structure-conduct- performance paradigm; Lerner index; Panzar-Rosse model), productive efficiency (stochastic frontier model) and governance. The results obtained using panel data models and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM-System) demonstrate that cost efficiency, capital ratio, liquidity ratio, profitability, and investment rate of economic growth positively affect banking stability in the MENA region. In addition, the results show that there is a negative relationship between market power and banking stability. Regarding the relationship between governance and banking stability, the results indicate the existence of a negative relationship between stability and the role duality of the chairperson and CEO on the one hand, and a positive relationship between risk committee, board size, gender diversity, and banking stability on the other. Finally, the results demonstrate that institutional factors (i.e. control of corruption, quality of regulation, rule of law, etc.) are considered as explanatory factors for banking stability in the MENA region
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Monsanto, Pierre Marcel. "Efficience productive agricole de neuf pays de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013.

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L'objectif de ce travail est de mesurer l'efficience agricole de neuf pays de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes (Haïti, Cuba, République Dominicaine, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Suriname, Venezuela) longeant la mer des Caraïbes et qui comportent certaines caractéristiques du point de vue institutionnel. Dans un premier temps, nous avons appliqué le modèle DEA (Data Envelopement Analysis ) à travers des données extraites de la FAOStat pour le calcul des scores d'efficience. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons simultanément utilisé un modèle MCO et un modèle Tobit à travers des données extraites des sources diverses (FAOStat, Banque Mondiale, UNESCO) afin d'analyser les facteurs déterminants de la capacité de gestion des exploitants agricoles. Ainsi, les résultats ont révélé que seulement 10 % des unités évaluées sont techniquement efficientes (score d'efficience technique totale égal à 1), 16 % obtiennent une efficience pure maximale (score égal à 1) et 9 % atteignent une efficience d'échelle optimale (score d'efficience totale et d'efficience pure égal à 1 simultanément). Parallèlement, nous avons remarqué que, dans l'ensemble, les pays seraient en mesure de conserver leurs niveaux actuels de production tout en réduisant de 24 % l'utilisation des ressources à leurs dispositions (score d'efficience totale moyenne étant égal à 76 %). Dans le même temps, nous avons constaté l'existence des problèmes de gaspillage d'intrants agricoles dus à la mauvaise pratique agricole assez considérables au niveau des pays (score d'efficience pure égal à 20 %). L'inefficience totale ainsi révélée serait plutôt due à des faiblesses de capacité managériale des agriculteurs qu'à des problèmes de taille des exploitations (efficience d'échelle moyenne étant égale à 96 %). Il est à noter qu'Haïti détient le score d'efficience totale le plus élevé (97 %) durant la période considérée. Cette situation serait attribuable à la faible taille des structures productives haïtiennes dans le sens que celles-ci se trouveraient sans comparaison dans l'échantillon et deviennent artificiellement efficientes. À l'opposé, avec une efficience totale de 59 %, le Honduras se retrouve en dernière position, place peu enviable par rapport aux voisins de l'étude. Ce faible niveau d'efficience serait particulièrement attribuable à l'adoption des cultures traditionnelles à faibles valeurs marchandes. Par ailleurs, les résultats issus des deux modèles économétriques (Tobit et OLS) soutiennent, comme il fallait s'y attendre, une corrélation positive entre la capacité managériale des agriculteurs et le prélèvement en eau agricole, les dépenses en santé et en éducation et le revêtement routier.
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Francis, Merwin. "A model for assessing the anticipated relative financial impact of implementing the tools of lean manufacturing on a manufacturing concern." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011.

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Lean manufacturing has seen its creators, Toyota, rise from insignificance in the middle of the previous century, to the biggest selling car manufacturer in the world today. Another Japanese car manufacturer, Honda, which has also been practising the principles of lean avidly during the last few decades, has also made huge strides towards becoming a dominant force in the car market. These Japanese companies‟ adoption of lean has seen many of their mass producing United States (US) and European counterparts struggle for survival. Maynard (2003:10) predicted that by the end of the decade, at least one of the „Big Three‟ auto makers in the US – Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors (GM) – would be forced to undertake significant restructuring to continue in operation. At the time of this writing all indications are that this prediction will come true. GM is in the process of major shareholding restructuring in an attempt to keep the company afloat, having run up insurmountable debts in the face of the current global economic downturn. Adopting the lean methodology has become a matter of necessity. The continued use of mass production methods alone is no longer viable; companies need to also employ lean methods intelligently in order to remain competitive. This study is regarded as a crucial endeavour to assist operations managers of manufacturing concerns in developing lean implementation strategies which will maximise the benefits to the organization.
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Pathomsiri, Somchai. "Assessment of productive efficiency of airports." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2006.

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Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2006.
Thesis research directed by: Civil Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
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Ben, Zekri Mghirbi Yosser. "Analyse des compromis entre la production et l’efficience de l’eau et de l’azote dans les systèmes céréaliers méditerranéens à base de blé dur." Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2017.

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La faible efficience des ressources non renouvelables comme l’eau et l’azote, constitue un frein à un accroissement durable de la production des céréales. L’augmentation simultanée de l’efficience de l’utilisation de ces deux facteurs et des rendements constitue un défi majeur pour la production céréalière en méditerrané, principalement la production de blé dur. L'objectif de la thèse est d’analyser la variabilité des rendements de blé dur en Tunisie vis-à-vis des deux facteurs de production l’eau et l’azote et les possibilités d’augmenter conjointement la productivité et l’efficience dans les systèmes de culture à base de blé dur. Cette étude s’appuie sur des données expérimentales, de statistiques régionales et d’enquêtes entreprises auprès des agriculteurs sur 537 situations agronomiques (la combinaison d’une parcelle de blé dur, une année et un précédent cultural) de blé dur dans 4 régions qui fournissent une partie importante de la production céréalière. Les données collectées nous ont permis d’établir un cadre d’analyse des compromis entre l’efficience de l’utilisation de la ressource (eau et azote) et le rendement, en se basant sur l’approche de la décomposition de l’efficience et les concepts de facteur limitant, de frontière d’éco-efficience et d’écart de rendement. Testé avec des données expérimentales et appliqué sur les données d’agriculteurs, pour le cas de l’azote, ce cadre a démontré qu’avec un précédent non céréalier, particulièrement des légumineuses, on peut obtenir un potentiel d’absorption d’azote beaucoup plus élevé qu’en monoculture. Les précédents culturaux diversifiés ont permis aussi d’augmenter simultanément la production et l’efficience de l’utilisation d’azote. En revanche, l’augmentation de la frontière d’efficience de la captation d’azote a été marquée par un accroissement des écarts d’absorption à cette frontière, indiquant un effet plus marqué des autres facteurs limitants dans le cas de rotations diversifiées. L’eau et ses interactions avec l’azote pourraient être considérées parmi les principaux facteurs qui peuvent affecter l’absorption azotée et par conséquent les rendements de blé dur. Ce travail permettrait de combiner d’une part le diagnostic des facteurs limitant la production au niveau des parcelles d’agriculteurs et d’autre part l’analyse des scénarios de gestion des compromis production efficience avec les agriculteurs et les décideurs
The low efficiency of non-renewable resources such as water and nitrogen is a constraint for a sustained increase in cereal production. The simultaneous increase in water and nitrogen use efficiency and yields is a major challenge for cereal production in the Mediterranean, mainly for durum wheat production. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the variability of durum yields in Tunisia with respect to the two factors of production water and nitrogen and the opportunities of jointly increasing productivity and efficiency in a durum wheat-based cropping systems. This study is based on experimental data, regional statistics and farm surveys conducted on a sample of 537 agronomic situations (the combination of a farmer’s field, a year and a previous crop) which are representative of the diversity of farmers’ practices in four grain-producing regions that provide a major part of cereal production. Based on the efficiency decomposition approach and the concepts of limiting factor, eco-efficiency frontier and yield gap, data collected allowed us to establish a framework allowing to analyze trade-offs between the resource (water and nitrogen) use efficiency and yield. Tested with experimental data and applied to farmers' data for the case of nitrogen, this framework demonstrated that non-cereal preceding crops, especially legumes, result in a higher potential for N uptake by durum wheat than with a monoculture. Diversified rotations result also to an increase in both yield and N-use efficiency of the following durum wheat. The increase in the efficiency frontier of nitrogen capture is partly of-set by increased N uptake gaps in farmers’ fields indicating the presence of other limiting factors. Water and its interactions with nitrogen could be considered among the main factors that may affect nitrogen uptake and hence yields of durum wheat. This work would allow combining, on the one hand, the diagnosis of limiting factors at the level of farmer’s fields and on the other hand the analysis of scenarios for the management of trade-offs between production efficiency with farmers and decision-makers
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Guesmi, Bouali. "The productive efficiency in agriculture: recent methodological advances." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014.

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Firm-level productivity and efficiency analyses have important implications for the evaluation of their economic viability and sustainability. The assessment of a firm's performance requires the use of an adequate methodological approach to derive sound efficiency estimates. By targeting economic sectors not previously investigated and using new methodological approaches, this thesis contributes to the literature both from a methodological and empirical point of view. Three specific objectives have been pursued in three papers that constitute the main body of the present thesis. The main purpose of the first paper is to compare the efficiency ratings of organic and conventional grape farms in Catalonia. To do so, we fit a stochastic production frontier to cross sectional, farm-level data collected from a sample of 141 Catalan farms that specialize in grape growing. Results show that organic farmers, on average, are more efficient than their conventional counterparts (efficiency ratings are on the order of 0.80 and 0.64, respectively). Apart from adoption of organic practices, experience is also found to improve technical efficiency. Conversely, technical efficiency tends to decrease with the relevance of unpaid family labor, farm location in less favored areas, and farmers' concerns for environmental preservation. In the second paper, local maximum likelihood (LML) methods, recently proposed by Kumbhakar et al. (2007), are applied to assess the technical efficiency of a sample of arable crop Kansas farms. LML techniques overcome the most relevant limitations associated to mainstream parametric and nonparametric frontier models. Results suggest that Kansas farms reach technical efficiency levels on the order of 91%. These results are compared with data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis efficiency estimates. The last paper focuses on the assessment of technical and environmental efficiency of Catalan arable crop farms. Specifically, we apply the methodology recently developed by Coelli et al. (2007) and extend it to a consideration of the stochastic conditions under which production takes place, as proposed by Chambers and Quiggin (1998 and 2000). Results suggest that sample farms reach technical and environmental efficiency levels on the order of 93% and 74%, respectively.
El análisis de la productividad y la eficiencia tiene importantes implicaciones para la evaluación de la viabilidad económica y la sostenibilidad de las empresas. Dicha evaluación requiere el uso de un enfoque metodológico adecuado que produzca estimaciones de eficiencia no sesgadas. Mediante el estudio de sectores económicos no analizados con anterioridad y la adopción de nuevos enfoques metodológicos, esta tesis contribuye a la literatura, tanto desde el punto de vista metodológico como empírico. La tesis estudia tres cuestiones principales que se reflejan en tres artículos científicos independientes, que constituyen el elemento central de la misma. El principal objetivo del primer artículo es el de comparar la eficiencia técnica de las explotaciones de uva ecológicas y convencionales en Cataluña. Para ello utilizamos el modelo de la frontera de producción estocástica. El análisis se basa en datos de corte transversal de una muestra de 141 explotaciones catalanas especializadas en la producción de uva. Los resultados sugieren que los agricultores ecológicos son, de promedio, técnicamente más eficientes que los convencionales (los ratios de eficiencia son 0,80 y 0,64, respectivamente). Además de la adopción de técnicas ecológicas, la experiencia también incrementa la eficiencia técnica. En cambio, las explotaciones con una mayor proporción de trabajo no remunerado, que se encuentran en una zona desfavorecida y/o que tienden a tener fuertes preferencias por preservar el medio ambiente, son generalmente menos eficientes. En el segundo artículo, se utilizan los métodos de máxima verosimilitud local (LML) propuestos recientemente por Kumbhakar et al. (2007) para estimar la eficiencia técnica de una muestra de explotaciones agrícolas especializadas en la producción de cereales, oleaginosas y proteaginosas en Kansas. Las técnicas LML permiten superar muchas de las limitaciones asociadas a los modelos de frontera paramétricos y no paramétricos. Los resultados sugieren que las explotaciones de Kansas son técnicamente eficientes, con niveles de eficiencia del orden del 91%. Estos resultados se comparan con los ratios de eficiencia obtenidos a través del análisis de la envolvente de datos y de la frontera de producción estocástica. El último artículo se centra en la estimación de la eficiencia técnica y medioambiental de una muestra de explotaciones Catalanas especializadas en la producción de cereales, oleaginosas y proteaginosas. Para ello se aplica una versión ampliada de la metodología desarrollada recientemente por Coelli et al. (2007), la cual se extiende para considerar explícitamente las condiciones estocásticas bajo las cuales tiene lugar la producción. Para ello se utilizan los métodos estado-contingente propuestos por Chambers y Quiggin (1998 y 2000). Los resultados sugieren que las explotaciones presentan niveles de eficiencia técnica y medioambiental del orden del 93% y 74%, respectivamente.
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Kuwabara, Kazuaki. "Quality and productive efficiency in simple laceration treatment." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2005.

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Kyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)教授 福原 俊一, 教授 白川 太郎, 教授 中原 俊隆
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Edvardsen, Dag Fjeld. "Four essays on the measurement of productive efficiency /." Göteborg : Dept. of Economics [Nationalekonomiska institutionen], Univ, 2004.

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Dougherty, Francis Laverne. "A Complex Adaptive Systems Analysis of Productive Efficiency." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2014.

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Linkages between Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) thinking and efficiency analysis remain in their infancy. This research associates the basic building blocks of the CAS 'flocking' metaphor with the essential building block concepts of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Within a proposed framework DEA"decisionmaking units" (DMUs) are represented as agents in the agent-based modeling (ABM) paradigm. Guided by simple rules, agent DMUs representing business units of a larger management system, 'align' with one another to achieve mutual protection/risk reduction and 'cohere' with the most efficient DMUs among them to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in the least possible time. Analysis of the resulting patterns of behavior can provide policy insights that are both evidencebased and intuitive. This research introduces a consistent methodology that will be called here the Complex Adaptive Productive Efficiency Method (CAPEM) and employs it to bridge these domains. This research formalizes CAPEM mathematically and graphically. It then conducts experimentation employing using the resulting CAPEM simulation using data of a sample of electric power plants obtained from Rungsuriyawiboon and Stefanou (2003). Guided by rules, individual agent DMUs (power plants) representing business units of a larger management system,'align' with one another to achieve mutual protection/risk reduction and 'cohere' with the most efficient DMUs among them to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in the least possible time. Using a CAS ABM simulation, it is found that the flocking rules (alignment, cohesion and separation), taken individually and in selected combinations, increased the mean technical efficiency of the power plant population and conversely decreased the time to reach the frontier. It is found however that these effects were limited to a smaller than expected sub-set of these combinations of the flocking factors. Having been successful in finding even a limited sub-set of flocking rules that increased efficiency was sufficient to support the hypotheses and conclude that employing the flocking metaphor offers useful options to decision-makers for increasing the efficiency of management systems.
Ph. D.
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Marklund, Per-Olov. "Essays on Productive Efficiency, Shadow Prices, and Human Capital." Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Univ, 2004.

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Books on the topic "Efficience productive"


Jacob, Sergot. Pourquoi des agriculteurs rationnels sont-ils inefficients?: Capital humain, efficience productive et stratégies paysannes en Haïti. Paris: Publibook, 2009.

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Shebeb, Bassim. Productive efficiency in Bahrain economy. Dokki, Cairo: Economic Research Forum, 2009.

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Lawlor, Alan. Productivity improvement manual. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books, 1985.

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Yazici, Hakki. Business start-ups and productive efficiency. [Minneapolis, MN]: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Research Dept., 2008.

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Shawna, Grosskopf, and Lovell C. A. Knox, eds. The measurement of efficiency of production. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Pub., 1985.

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E, Caves Richard, and Statistics Canada. Analytical Studies Branch., eds. International competition and industrial performance: Allocative efficiency, productive efficiency, and turbulence. [Ottawa: Analytical Studies Branch], Statistics Canada, 1997.

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da Silva Neves, Marcus Vinicius, and Antonio Felipe Flutt. Energy Efficiency in Oil Production. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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O, Fried Harold, Lovell C. A. Knox, and Schmidt Shelton S, eds. The measurement of productive efficiency and productivity growth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

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O, Fried Harold, Lovell C. A. Knox, and Schmidt Shelton S, eds. The measurement of productive efficiency: Techniques and applications. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

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Bellgran, Monica. Production development: Design and operation of production systems. London: Springer, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Efficience productive"


O’Donnell, Christopher J. "Production Technologies." In Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, 55–92. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Tauer, Loren W. "Production Response in the Interior of the Production Set." In Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, 71–82. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Duflou, Joost R., Christoph Herrmann, and Sami Kara. "Energy Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1–2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.

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Herrmann, Christoph. "Resource Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1–2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.

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Moltesen, Andreas, and Michael Hauschild. "Eco-efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1–2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.

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Duflou, Joost R., Christoph Herrmann, and Sami Kara. "Energy Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 602–3. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.

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Herrmann, Christoph. "Resource Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1456–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.

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Moltesen, Andreas, and Michael Z. Hauschild. "Eco-efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 553–54. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.

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Duflou, Joost, Christoph Herrmann, and Sami Kara. "Energy Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 461–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Herrmann, Christoph. "Resource Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1061. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "Efficience productive"


Tsyganov, Vladimir. "Training in Ranking and Controlling Corporate Production." In 2024 6th International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency (SUMMA), 144–49. IEEE, 2024.

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Wojcik, Grazyna. "TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE BY IMPROVING PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY IN FOOD INDUSTRY." In SGEM2017 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO. Stef92 Technology, 2011.

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Wild, Karl J., and John K. Schueller. "Vertical Panel Agri-Photovoltaic System Design for Efficient and Productive Crop Production." In 2023 Omaha, Nebraska July 9-12, 2023. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2023.

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McCoy, J. N., A. L. Podio, and Lynn Rowlan. "Rotaflex Efficiency and Balancing." In SPE Production and Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2001.

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CZERWIŃSKA, K. "Checkpoint Efficiency Analysis Method." In Quality Production Improvement and System Safety. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.

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Abstract. The use of multifaceted quality analyses contributes to increasing the efficiency of production processes and quality control as part of maintaining competitiveness. The aim of the study was to identify an integrally configured method for analysing the effectiveness of control points in the context of their ranking in terms of given variables. Verification of the model was carried out against the production process of an aluminium casting. The obtained ranking of the detection methods indicated the MT method as the most effective, which was influenced by the significant detection of critical non-conformities. The study observed little difference between the performance parameters of visual inspection and endoscopic testing, which is largely due to the detection of non-conformities of lower significance and the relatively low cost of testing. Further work will relate to the implementation of the model against other processes carried out in the company.
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Stoilova, Krasimira, and Todor Stoilov. "Animal husbandry production forecasting." In 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE). IEEE, 2024.

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Lukashenko, V. S., and Ye A. Ovseychick. "Organic poultry production. Prospections and realities." In SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY PRODUCTION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. VNIIPP, 2019.

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"Utilization and development of ICT in greenhouse production using uecs." In Enhancing Farm Management Efficiency by ICT for Young Farmers. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, 2017.

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Baillie, Kevin, and Monique Bradshaw. "Cost efficiency in the cloud." In DigiPro '17: The Digital Production Symposium. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Efficience productive"


León, John Jairo, Eduardo A. Cavallo, Arturo Galindo, and Alejandro Izquierdo. The Role of Relative Price Volatility in the Efficiency of Investment Allocation. Inter-American Development Bank, August 2010.

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This paper estimates the impact of relative price volatility on sector-level investment allocation using a panel of 65 countries with data for 26 manufacturing industries over the period 1985-2003. Results indicate that volatility distorts efficient investment allocation in that investment is not necessarily devoted to relatively more productive sectors, especially in emerging market economies that are highly exposed and may lack the necessary institutions to deal with it successfully. This is evidence in support of theories suggesting that relative price volatility provides incentives for entrepreneurs to adopt more malleable but less productive production technologies, enabling them to accommodate more easily abrupt and frequent changes in relative prices, but at the cost of using less productive technologies.
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Gauthier, Stéphane, and Guy Laroque. Production efficiency and profit taxation. The IFS, April 2018.

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Latorre, Lucía, Eduardo Rego, Lorenzo De Leo, and Mariana Gutierrez. Tech Report: Digital Twins. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2024.

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Digital twins are finding innovative applications in a wide range of industries. In manufacturing, they enable product design optimization, predictive machinery maintenance, and customized production. Healthcare will benefit from precise diagnostics, personalized treatments, and advanced surgical planning. In city planning, they support efficient urban design and complex situation management. Regarding energy, they promote the efficiency and sustainability of systems and infrastructure. Finally, in the agricultural sector, they improve crop management, resource use and animal welfare.
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Schling, Maja, Magaly Saenz Somarriba, and Juan de Dios Mattos. Land Regularization and Technical Efficiency in Agricultural Production: An Empirical Study in Andean Countries. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2024.

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This study evaluates the impact of land tenure security on technical efficiency of smallholder farmers in the three countries of the Andean region, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Using cross-sectional data for 5,288 smallholder farmer households, we employ a multi-stage methodology, including propensity score matching, selectivity bias-corrected stochastic production frontier, and meta frontier analysis to address concerns relating to endogeneity. Results reveal that farmers who hold a formal land title on average exhibit technical efficiency that is 38.6% higher than among farmers without legal title, though effects and magnitudes vary by country. Furthermore, we explore the pathways through which tenure security may affect technical efficiency and find that possessing legal title is associated with higher likelihood of accessing credit and making productive investments in land. Our findings imply that comprehensive land regularization is crucial to enhancing agricultural productivity levels among smallholder farmers in the region.
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Hryn, John, Olga Tkacheva, and Jeffrey Spangenberger. Ultra-High-Efficiency Aluminum Production Cell. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2014.

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Stender, David, James B. Kliebenstein, Richard Ness, John W. Mabry, Gary Huber, and Mark S. Honeyman. Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2008. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2010.

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Stender, David, James B. Kliebenstein, Richard Ness, John W. Mabry, Gary Huber, and Mark S. Honeyman. Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2007. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2010.

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Stender, David, James B. Kliebenstein, Gary Huber, John W. Mabry, and Mark S. Honeyman. Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2006. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2008.

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Spencer, Thomas E., Elisha Gootwine, Arieh Gertler, and Fuller W. Bazer. Placental lactogen enhances production efficiency in sheep. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2005.

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The key objectives of this BARD project were to: (1) study long-term effects of immunization of prepubertal ewes against recombinant ovine placental lactogen (roPL) on subsequent birth weights of their lambs and their milk production; (2) optimize the anti-roPL immunization protocol using adjuvant preparations acceptable to producers and regulatory agencies; and (3) determine the physiological mechanism(s) whereby immunization against oPL increases fetal growth and development and mammogenesis. These objectives were based on key findings from a previous BARD project that: (a) immunization of ewes against roPL increased lamb birth weight and ewe milk production during lactation; (b) roPL and recombinant ovine growth hormone (roGH) increased the proliferation and differentiated function of endometrial glands that, in turn, would enhance uterine secretions necessary for fetal and placental growth; and (c) exogenous roPL and roGH stimulated mammogenesis and milk production during lactation. The BARD projects address central problems in sheep production, including reproductive failure due to embryonic/fetal mortality, low birth weight of lambs especially in prolific breeds, and reduced milk yields which affect neonatal survival. The sheep placenta secretes both lactogenic (oPL) and somatogenic (oGH) hormones. The receptors for those hormones are present in the fetus and placenta as well as maternal uterus, and mammary gland. Our research has focused on determining the biological role of these placental hormones in development and differentiation of the uterus during gestation and the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. Studies conducted in the current BARD project indicated that the effects of anti-roPL immunization were variable in ewes and that commercially available and widely acceptable adjuvant preparations were not effective to produce high anti-roPL titers in pre-pubertal ewes. In the non-prolific Rambouillet ewe in Texas and in the Awassi and the Assaf in Israel, anti-roPL immunization increased lamb birth weight; however, the magnitude of this effect and the inherent variability precluded our ability to determine the physiological mechanism of how the immunization increases fetal growth. Collectively, our findings suggest that anti-roPL immunization is not currently feasible as an easy and efficacious tool for the producer to increase flock reproductive and production efficiency. The variability in response of individual ewes to anti-roPL immunization likely includes modifying the recombinant hormone and the type of adjuvant used for the immunization. In particular, the oPL may need to be modified to ensure maximum antigenicity in a broad range of breed types. Nonetheless, the investigators continue to collaborate on identifying fundamental mechanisms that can be improved by genetics or management to enhance the efficiency of uteroplacental function and, in turn, fetal growth and development. High prolificacy is a desirable trait in intensive sheep production systems. One of the main limitations of using prolific breeds of sheep is that increased litter size is associated with low birth weights and increased mortality of lambs. Further, low birth weight is associated with an increased propensity for adult diseases and decreased production efficiency. Indeed, our recent studies find that the birth weights of lambs born in large litters can be improved by both genetics and management. Future cooperative research will continue to focus on reproductive efficiency of sheep that have broader implications for improving production efficiency in all types of ruminant livestock.
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Brosh, Arieh, Gordon Carstens, Kristen Johnson, Ariel Shabtay, Joshuah Miron, Yoav Aharoni, Luis Tedeschi, and Ilan Halachmi. Enhancing Sustainability of Cattle Production Systems through Discovery of Biomarkers for Feed Efficiency. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2011.

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Feed inputs represent the largest variable cost of producing meat and milk from ruminant animals. Thus, strategies that improve the efficiency of feed utilization are needed to improve the global competitiveness of Israeli and U.S. cattle industries, and mitigate their environmental impact through reductions in nutrient excretions and greenhouse gas emissions. Implementation of innovative technologies that will enhance genetic merit for feed efficiency is arguably one of the most cost-effective strategies to meet future demands for animal-protein foods in an environmentally sustainable manner. While considerable genetic variation in feed efficiency exist within cattle populations, the expense of measuring individual-animal feed intake has precluded implementation of selection programs that target this trait. Residual feed intake (RFI) is a trait that quantifies between-animal variation in feed intake beyond that expected to meet energy requirements for maintenance and production, with efficient animals being those that eat less than expected for a given size and level of production. There remains a critical need to understand the biological drivers for genetic variation in RFI to facilitate development of effective selection programs in the future. Therefore, the aim of this project was to determine the biological basis for phenotypic variation in RFI of growing and lactating cattle, and discover metabolic biomarkers of RFI for early and more cost-effective selection of cattle for feed efficiency. Objectives were to: (1) Characterize the phenotypic relationships between RFI and production traits (growth or lactation), (2) Quantify inter-animal variation in residual HP, (3) Determine if divergent RFIphenotypes differ in HP, residual HP, recovered energy and digestibility, and (4) Determine if divergent RFI phenotypes differ in physical activity, feeding behavior traits, serum hormones and metabolites and hepatic mitochondrial traits. The major research findings from this project to date include: In lactating dairy cattle, substantial phenotypic variation in RFI was demonstrated as cows classified as having low RMEI consumed 17% less MEI than high-RMEI cows despite having similar body size and lactation productivity. Further, between-animal variation in RMEI was found to moderately associated with differences in RHP demonstrating that maintenance energy requirements contribute to observed differences in RFI. Quantifying energetic efficiency of dairy cows using RHP revealed that substantial changes occur as week of lactation advances—thus it will be critical to measure RMEI at a standardized stage of lactation. Finally, to determine RMEI in lactating dairy cows, individual DMI and production data should be collected for a minimum of 6 wk. We demonstrated that a favorably association exists between RFI in growing heifers and efficiency of forage utilization in pregnant cows. Therefore, results indicate that female progeny from parents selected for low RFI during postweaning development will also be efficient as mature females, which has positive implications for both dairy and beef cattle industries. Results from the beef cattle studies further extend our knowledge regarding the biological drivers of phenotypic variation in RFI of growing animals, and demonstrate that significant differences in feeding behavioral patterns, digestibility and heart rate exist between animals with divergent RFI. Feeding behavior traits may be an effective biomarker trait for RFI in beef and dairy cattle. There are differences in mitochondrial acceptor control and respiratory control ratios between calves with divergent RFI suggesting that variation in mitochondrial metabolism may be visible at the genome level. Multiple genes associated with mitochondrial energy processes are altered by RFI phenotype and some of these genes are associated with mitochondrial energy expenditure and major cellular pathways involved in regulation of immune responses and energy metabolism.
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