Academic literature on the topic 'Efficience productive'
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Journal articles on the topic "Efficience productive"
Henriet, Patrick. "Monachisme ancien, efficience productive et modernité." Revue de l'histoire des religions, no. 238 (September 1, 2021): 501–14.
Full textALAKONON, Calixe B., and Alastaire S. ALINSATO. "Effet de l’efficience productive de la fonction publique sur la croissance économique dans l’UEMOA : Une approche à deux étapes." Revue d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée 11, no. 2 (December 30, 2021): 149–66.
Full textHofman, Lucile, and Patrick Plane. "Électricité en Afrique et performance productive." Articles 77, no. 3 (February 5, 2009): 385–408.
Full textDE LA TORRE, A., and J. AGABRIEL. "Prendre en compte l’efficience alimentaire des vaches allaitantes dans les recommandations alimentaires à travers la quantification de leurs dépenses non productives." INRA Productions Animales 30, no. 2 (June 19, 2018): 153–64.
Full textSuhartono, Suhartono. "Productive efficiency of banks in ASEAN countries." Banks and Bank Systems 12, no. 2 (June 27, 2017): 91–99.
Full textKhan, H., and F. Ali. "Measurement of productive efficiency of tomato growers in Peshawar, Pakistan." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 59, No. 8 (August 28, 2013): 381–88.
Full textEl-Shater, Tamer, Amin Mugera, and Yigezu Yigezu. "Implications of Adoption of Zero Tillage (ZT) on Productive Efficiency and Production Risk of Wheat Production." Sustainability 12, no. 9 (May 1, 2020): 3640.
Full textSojková, Z., Z. Kropková, and V. Benda. "Slovak agricultural farms in different regions – comparison of efficiency." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 54, No. 4 (April 23, 2008): 158–65.
Full textBÄCKMAN, S., and A. LANSINK. "Crop and soil specific N and P efficiency and productivity in Finland." Agricultural and Food Science 14, no. 3 (December 4, 2008): 264.
Full textZhang, Congying, Qian Chang, and Xuexi Huo. "How Productive Services Affect Apple Production Technical Efficiency: Promote or Inhibit?" Sustainability 11, no. 19 (September 30, 2019): 5411.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Efficience productive"
Hamieh, Reem. "Concurrence, stabilité et efficience productive des banques dans la région MENA." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024.
Full textThe objective of this thesis research is two-fold: on the one hand, to examine the relationship between competition, cost efficiency, and banking stability; and on the other, to assess the relationship between governance and banking stability both of which relate to commercial banks operating in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The research covers the period from 1999 to 2020. To meet this two-fold objective, we based our analysis on theories of industrial organization economics and competition (i.e. structure-conduct- performance paradigm; Lerner index; Panzar-Rosse model), productive efficiency (stochastic frontier model) and governance. The results obtained using panel data models and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM-System) demonstrate that cost efficiency, capital ratio, liquidity ratio, profitability, and investment rate of economic growth positively affect banking stability in the MENA region. In addition, the results show that there is a negative relationship between market power and banking stability. Regarding the relationship between governance and banking stability, the results indicate the existence of a negative relationship between stability and the role duality of the chairperson and CEO on the one hand, and a positive relationship between risk committee, board size, gender diversity, and banking stability on the other. Finally, the results demonstrate that institutional factors (i.e. control of corruption, quality of regulation, rule of law, etc.) are considered as explanatory factors for banking stability in the MENA region
Monsanto, Pierre Marcel. "Efficience productive agricole de neuf pays de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013.
Full textFrancis, Merwin. "A model for assessing the anticipated relative financial impact of implementing the tools of lean manufacturing on a manufacturing concern." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011.
Full textPathomsiri, Somchai. "Assessment of productive efficiency of airports." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2006.
Full textThesis research directed by: Civil Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Ben, Zekri Mghirbi Yosser. "Analyse des compromis entre la production et l’efficience de l’eau et de l’azote dans les systèmes céréaliers méditerranéens à base de blé dur." Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2017.
Full textThe low efficiency of non-renewable resources such as water and nitrogen is a constraint for a sustained increase in cereal production. The simultaneous increase in water and nitrogen use efficiency and yields is a major challenge for cereal production in the Mediterranean, mainly for durum wheat production. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the variability of durum yields in Tunisia with respect to the two factors of production water and nitrogen and the opportunities of jointly increasing productivity and efficiency in a durum wheat-based cropping systems. This study is based on experimental data, regional statistics and farm surveys conducted on a sample of 537 agronomic situations (the combination of a farmer’s field, a year and a previous crop) which are representative of the diversity of farmers’ practices in four grain-producing regions that provide a major part of cereal production. Based on the efficiency decomposition approach and the concepts of limiting factor, eco-efficiency frontier and yield gap, data collected allowed us to establish a framework allowing to analyze trade-offs between the resource (water and nitrogen) use efficiency and yield. Tested with experimental data and applied to farmers' data for the case of nitrogen, this framework demonstrated that non-cereal preceding crops, especially legumes, result in a higher potential for N uptake by durum wheat than with a monoculture. Diversified rotations result also to an increase in both yield and N-use efficiency of the following durum wheat. The increase in the efficiency frontier of nitrogen capture is partly of-set by increased N uptake gaps in farmers’ fields indicating the presence of other limiting factors. Water and its interactions with nitrogen could be considered among the main factors that may affect nitrogen uptake and hence yields of durum wheat. This work would allow combining, on the one hand, the diagnosis of limiting factors at the level of farmer’s fields and on the other hand the analysis of scenarios for the management of trade-offs between production efficiency with farmers and decision-makers
Guesmi, Bouali. "The productive efficiency in agriculture: recent methodological advances." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014.
Full textEl análisis de la productividad y la eficiencia tiene importantes implicaciones para la evaluación de la viabilidad económica y la sostenibilidad de las empresas. Dicha evaluación requiere el uso de un enfoque metodológico adecuado que produzca estimaciones de eficiencia no sesgadas. Mediante el estudio de sectores económicos no analizados con anterioridad y la adopción de nuevos enfoques metodológicos, esta tesis contribuye a la literatura, tanto desde el punto de vista metodológico como empírico. La tesis estudia tres cuestiones principales que se reflejan en tres artículos científicos independientes, que constituyen el elemento central de la misma. El principal objetivo del primer artículo es el de comparar la eficiencia técnica de las explotaciones de uva ecológicas y convencionales en Cataluña. Para ello utilizamos el modelo de la frontera de producción estocástica. El análisis se basa en datos de corte transversal de una muestra de 141 explotaciones catalanas especializadas en la producción de uva. Los resultados sugieren que los agricultores ecológicos son, de promedio, técnicamente más eficientes que los convencionales (los ratios de eficiencia son 0,80 y 0,64, respectivamente). Además de la adopción de técnicas ecológicas, la experiencia también incrementa la eficiencia técnica. En cambio, las explotaciones con una mayor proporción de trabajo no remunerado, que se encuentran en una zona desfavorecida y/o que tienden a tener fuertes preferencias por preservar el medio ambiente, son generalmente menos eficientes. En el segundo artículo, se utilizan los métodos de máxima verosimilitud local (LML) propuestos recientemente por Kumbhakar et al. (2007) para estimar la eficiencia técnica de una muestra de explotaciones agrícolas especializadas en la producción de cereales, oleaginosas y proteaginosas en Kansas. Las técnicas LML permiten superar muchas de las limitaciones asociadas a los modelos de frontera paramétricos y no paramétricos. Los resultados sugieren que las explotaciones de Kansas son técnicamente eficientes, con niveles de eficiencia del orden del 91%. Estos resultados se comparan con los ratios de eficiencia obtenidos a través del análisis de la envolvente de datos y de la frontera de producción estocástica. El último artículo se centra en la estimación de la eficiencia técnica y medioambiental de una muestra de explotaciones Catalanas especializadas en la producción de cereales, oleaginosas y proteaginosas. Para ello se aplica una versión ampliada de la metodología desarrollada recientemente por Coelli et al. (2007), la cual se extiende para considerar explícitamente las condiciones estocásticas bajo las cuales tiene lugar la producción. Para ello se utilizan los métodos estado-contingente propuestos por Chambers y Quiggin (1998 y 2000). Los resultados sugieren que las explotaciones presentan niveles de eficiencia técnica y medioambiental del orden del 93% y 74%, respectivamente.
Kuwabara, Kazuaki. "Quality and productive efficiency in simple laceration treatment." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2005.
Full text0048
(主査)教授 福原 俊一, 教授 白川 太郎, 教授 中原 俊隆
Edvardsen, Dag Fjeld. "Four essays on the measurement of productive efficiency /." Göteborg : Dept. of Economics [Nationalekonomiska institutionen], Univ, 2004.
Full textDougherty, Francis Laverne. "A Complex Adaptive Systems Analysis of Productive Efficiency." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2014.
Full textPh. D.
Marklund, Per-Olov. "Essays on Productive Efficiency, Shadow Prices, and Human Capital." Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Univ, 2004.
Full textBooks on the topic "Efficience productive"
Jacob, Sergot. Pourquoi des agriculteurs rationnels sont-ils inefficients?: Capital humain, efficience productive et stratégies paysannes en Haïti. Paris: Publibook, 2009.
Find full textShebeb, Bassim. Productive efficiency in Bahrain economy. Dokki, Cairo: Economic Research Forum, 2009.
Find full textYazici, Hakki. Business start-ups and productive efficiency. [Minneapolis, MN]: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Research Dept., 2008.
Find full textShawna, Grosskopf, and Lovell C. A. Knox, eds. The measurement of efficiency of production. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Pub., 1985.
Find full textE, Caves Richard, and Statistics Canada. Analytical Studies Branch., eds. International competition and industrial performance: Allocative efficiency, productive efficiency, and turbulence. [Ottawa: Analytical Studies Branch], Statistics Canada, 1997.
Find full textda Silva Neves, Marcus Vinicius, and Antonio Felipe Flutt. Energy Efficiency in Oil Production. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textO, Fried Harold, Lovell C. A. Knox, and Schmidt Shelton S, eds. The measurement of productive efficiency and productivity growth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Find full textO, Fried Harold, Lovell C. A. Knox, and Schmidt Shelton S, eds. The measurement of productive efficiency: Techniques and applications. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Find full textBellgran, Monica. Production development: Design and operation of production systems. London: Springer, 2010.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Efficience productive"
O’Donnell, Christopher J. "Production Technologies." In Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, 55–92. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textTauer, Loren W. "Production Response in the Interior of the Production Set." In Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, 71–82. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textDuflou, Joost R., Christoph Herrmann, and Sami Kara. "Energy Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1–2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.
Full textHerrmann, Christoph. "Resource Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1–2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.
Full textMoltesen, Andreas, and Michael Hauschild. "Eco-efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1–2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.
Full textDuflou, Joost R., Christoph Herrmann, and Sami Kara. "Energy Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 602–3. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
Full textHerrmann, Christoph. "Resource Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1456–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
Full textMoltesen, Andreas, and Michael Z. Hauschild. "Eco-efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 553–54. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
Full textDuflou, Joost, Christoph Herrmann, and Sami Kara. "Energy Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 461–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textHerrmann, Christoph. "Resource Efficiency." In CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 1061. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Efficience productive"
Tsyganov, Vladimir. "Training in Ranking and Controlling Corporate Production." In 2024 6th International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency (SUMMA), 144–49. IEEE, 2024.
Full textWojcik, Grazyna. "TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE BY IMPROVING PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY IN FOOD INDUSTRY." In SGEM2017 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference and EXPO. Stef92 Technology, 2011.
Full textWild, Karl J., and John K. Schueller. "Vertical Panel Agri-Photovoltaic System Design for Efficient and Productive Crop Production." In 2023 Omaha, Nebraska July 9-12, 2023. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2023.
Full textMcCoy, J. N., A. L. Podio, and Lynn Rowlan. "Rotaflex Efficiency and Balancing." In SPE Production and Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2001.
Full textCZERWIŃSKA, K. "Checkpoint Efficiency Analysis Method." In Quality Production Improvement and System Safety. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Full textStoilova, Krasimira, and Todor Stoilov. "Animal husbandry production forecasting." In 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE). IEEE, 2024.
Full textLukashenko, V. S., and Ye A. Ovseychick. "Organic poultry production. Prospections and realities." In SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY PRODUCTION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. VNIIPP, 2019.
Full text"Utilization and development of ICT in greenhouse production using uecs." In Enhancing Farm Management Efficiency by ICT for Young Farmers. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, 2017.
Full textBaillie, Kevin, and Monique Bradshaw. "Cost efficiency in the cloud." In DigiPro '17: The Digital Production Symposium. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Efficience productive"
León, John Jairo, Eduardo A. Cavallo, Arturo Galindo, and Alejandro Izquierdo. The Role of Relative Price Volatility in the Efficiency of Investment Allocation. Inter-American Development Bank, August 2010.
Full textGauthier, Stéphane, and Guy Laroque. Production efficiency and profit taxation. The IFS, April 2018.
Full textLatorre, Lucía, Eduardo Rego, Lorenzo De Leo, and Mariana Gutierrez. Tech Report: Digital Twins. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2024.
Full textSchling, Maja, Magaly Saenz Somarriba, and Juan de Dios Mattos. Land Regularization and Technical Efficiency in Agricultural Production: An Empirical Study in Andean Countries. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2024.
Full textHryn, John, Olga Tkacheva, and Jeffrey Spangenberger. Ultra-High-Efficiency Aluminum Production Cell. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2014.
Full textStender, David, James B. Kliebenstein, Richard Ness, John W. Mabry, Gary Huber, and Mark S. Honeyman. Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2008. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2010.
Full textStender, David, James B. Kliebenstein, Richard Ness, John W. Mabry, Gary Huber, and Mark S. Honeyman. Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2007. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2010.
Full textStender, David, James B. Kliebenstein, Gary Huber, John W. Mabry, and Mark S. Honeyman. Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2006. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University, January 2008.
Full textSpencer, Thomas E., Elisha Gootwine, Arieh Gertler, and Fuller W. Bazer. Placental lactogen enhances production efficiency in sheep. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2005.
Full textBrosh, Arieh, Gordon Carstens, Kristen Johnson, Ariel Shabtay, Joshuah Miron, Yoav Aharoni, Luis Tedeschi, and Ilan Halachmi. Enhancing Sustainability of Cattle Production Systems through Discovery of Biomarkers for Feed Efficiency. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2011.
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