Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Effets de l’expérience utilisateur'
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Chainon, David. "L’effet de l’expertise sur l’expérience-utilisateur dans le cadre de l’utilisation des Serious Games." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100181/document.
Full textThis thesis aims to study the relation between the expertise in video games and the motivational and emotional aspects of the user experience in the context of using Serious Games. This research is articulated around two axes: a first axis concerning the construction and validation of an interest for Serious Game scale and an evaluative test of expertise in video games, and a second axis concerning the study of the relation between expertise in video games and user experience in Serious Games, or “useful games”. We propose a measure of expertise in video games based on the lexical, pictorial and semantic knowledge acquired in this practice, based on theories on expert memory, the theory of working memory and the theory of encyclopaedic memory. Otherwise, we propose a measure of interest for Serious Games. The development of theses scales resulted successively in validation of an interest scale in Serious Games – the IS2G scale- and an expertise in video games test –the TECEJV. Finally we propose to study the relationship between expertise in video games, and motivational aspects in the user experience. This work led us to demonstrate that there is an effect of Serious Game's expertise and type on the motivational and emotional aspects of the user experience in the context of using Serious Games. Indeed, the Serious Game's expertise and Gameplay significantly affect the situational interest maintained and the Flow. This new light has thus been built in the light of a context of learning via the Serious Games in full swing
Eynard, Rémy. "Investigation de l’impact de l’interaction sociale vocale sur l’expérience utilisateur dans les environnements 3D temps-réel immersif." Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ENAM0013/document.
Full textUser experience has recently become a central issue regarding to the design of products or services. With the democratization of Virtual Reality (VR), more and more economic actors start to being aware of the potential of VR in their respective sectors.In this increasingly dynamic context, user experience (UX) allows the anticipation of users’ and designers’ expectations in order to offer the most satisfying experience as possible. In addition, through the anticipation of user experience, we are able to predict more precisely the adoption level of a technological solution by future users. We have understood today that the only technological dimension is no longer enough to ensure the success of a hardware and/or software product. However, this must fit to the use that user will have of it, and more, it must provide a unique experience, through sensations, perceptions, emotions and thinking, inducing the highest satisfaction possible.A consensus has been established since a long time about the fact that play, create, learn together are more effective and fun than a lonely activity. Share and communicate is a primary need, it is through social interactions with our peers that we are able to fulfill many of our needs, from the most pragmatic to the most ethereal. We have, through the empirical study conducted as part of this thesis, brought a better understanding of the impact of social interactions (vocal mode) on the user experience process in a 3D-IVE (3D Immersive Virtual Environment). Through a literature review based on existing studies of the impact of social interaction on virtual presence (feeling of being there) or on users’ engagement (flow), we propose a more holistic view of this impact by a study focused on the overall user experience.With this aim, we have conducted three experiments immersing pairs of users in a 3D-IVE. By the division of participants into two samples, one being able to vocally communicate, the other not being so, we were able to compare quantitative and qualitative data to highlight the impact of social interactions (voice) on the user experience. Obtained quantitative results have confirmed our assumptions regarding the beneficial impact of social interaction (voice) on user performance. Surprisingly, we also observed that the perceived virtual presence tended to be higher when participants that were not able to communicate vocally, relied on the natural phenomenon of “translucence”. However, we had to balance these results, given to focus groups that have arisen differences regarding to the apprehension of performances, virtual and social presence. This triangulation between objective quantitative, subjective quantitative and qualitative data has confirmed the variable nature of the UX (depending on the user and time) and the strong influence of the nature of the activity of the experimentation.Our studies have validated the ability of simple immersive environments (Minecraft game software) to generate a high level of virtual presence and engagement, and in general, a high level of satisfaction among users. We also provide an insight into methods to be used in this type of context regarding to the design of tasks. Indeed, the same task presented differently can induce a quite dissimilar experience. Despite the difficulty to generalize a result due to the highly variable nature of user experience, we believe that our work will contribute to a greater understanding of the impact of vocal social interactions on UX in 3D-IVEs
Lavignotte, Antoine. "Prise en compte de la qualité de l’expérience utilisateur au sein des protocoles de streaming HTTP adaptatifs." Thesis, Saint-Etienne, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STET4008/document.
Full textWhile streaming video services (Netflix + YouTube} represent more than 50% of US households consumed bandwidth, the growth of mobility (4G LTE + LTEa) and the arrival of 3 next generation networks (NGN) with the distinction between network operator and service operator may change the business model of service providers. The Best-Effort model currently used by streaming services will decrease due to its hight cost. It is therefore necessary to consider a model optimizing the service flow based on real users expectations. The main objective of this thesis is to propose a solution which take into account the QoE in streaming services. In the first art of this thesis, we highlight the very personal nature of the quality of experience during viewing multimedia session. This is achieved by subjective tests on fifty users. Then, we present an architecture for the QoE consideration in HTTP adaptive streaming protocols (HTTP Live Streaming, DASH ...) to make adaptation decisions based on implicit expectations of the user. A proof of concept is illustrated through an open source project (http://ipfhas.github.io/)
Schwing, Maximilian. "Adoption Factors and Outcomes of Shared Micromobility Solutions – An Empirical Examination in Closed-Campus Environments." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse 1, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023TOU10002.
Full textAs an application of the sharing economy, shared micromobility refers to the shared use of light-weight transportation modes (e.g., e-scooter sharing). It is considered an integral part of sustainable urban mobility, as it reduces the reliance on individual motorized vehicles and solves the first-and-last-mile problem of public transportation. However, shared micromobility is controversial with consumer-related issues. Consequently, it has attracted interest outside and inside academia, and service providers innovate their solutions. In this context, this dissertation aims to understand how consumers adopt innovative shared micromobility by focusing on the application in closed-campus environments. First, we use the theory–context–characteristics–methodology systematic literature review protocol (Paul & Criado, 2020) to provide a holistic overview and research agenda of theoretical and empirical aspects at the intersection of marketing research on the sharing economy. Thus, we define our research questions related to 1) adoption factors and real user behavior 2) satisfaction and continuance intention to use 3) longitudinal effects of user experience on the perceptions of closed-campus micromobility. By setting up a field laboratory for shared micromobility in a closed-campus setting, we collect empirical survey and behavioral data to answer the related questions. Regarding the first question, we examine the antecedents of behavioral intention to adopt closed-campus micromobility and its influence on real user behavior. We draw on the UTAUT2 (Venkatesh et al., 2012) and integrate consumer perceived value theory (Holbrook, 1994), employee enablement theory (Adler & Borys, 1996) and privacy calculus theory (Martin & Murphy, 2017). The results indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, task enablement, and hedonic and utilitarian value are significant antecedents of behavioral intention, which positively affects real use. Regarding the second question, we examine the antecedents of satisfaction and continuation behavior of closed campus micromobility. We draw on the expectation-confirmation model (Bhattacherjee, 2001) and integrate the theory of well-being (Diener et al., 1999) and consumer perceived value theory (Holbrook, 1994). The results reveal that subjective well-being is an antecedent of service satisfaction, which in turn is influenced by hedonic and economic values. Finally, regarding the third question, we examine the longitudinal effects of user experience. Based on UTAUT2 (Venkatesh et al., 2012) and regulatory focus theory (Avnet & Higgins, 2006), we add consumer perceived value theory (Holbrook, 1994), employee enablement theory (Adler & Borys, 1996), theory of well-being (Diener et al., 1999) and social identity theory (Ashforth & Mael, 1989). Through a within-subject design and two independent samples (short-term and long-term experience), we reveal that performance expectancy and task enablement are stable antecedents of usage intention, whereas hedonic value decreases. Concerning outcomes, we highlight the role of subjective well-being and organizational identification from the perspective of users and organizations. Our research offers contributions to the literature on technology adoption and shared micromobility, by highlighting important factors and outcomes that influence the decision to use shared micromobility solutions in closed-campus settings. We also offer methodological contributions. Thanks to the implementation of the field laboratory, we combine declarative survey data with real behavioral data and analyze longitudinal effects. To conclude, we present implications for both managers and policymakers who want to implement shared micromobility services
Roux, Michaël. "Les effets de la pleine conscience sur l’expérience et les pratiques managériales : élaboration d’un modèle explicatif." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100149/document.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to develop a mechanism to explain how mindfulness affects how middle managers experience and carry out their managerial role. We first reviewed a corpus of literature on mindfulness and middle and first line managers. The research question arises from a twofold observation: firstly, existing research into mindfulness and management does not offer an explanatory approach to the relationship between mindfulness and its impact in organizations and, secondly, the research on mindfulness has not examined the leadership practices of middle managers. Our research follows an interpretative paradigm and develops an abductive approach in order to propose a grounded theory as suggested by Glaser and Strauss (1967). We applied a hybrid exploratory and quantitative approach based on case studies and action research implemented through a protocol of mindfulness development of thirteen managers in two different organizations. This enabled us to classify the perceived effects of mindfulness on managerial perceptions and practices and to propose an explanatory mechanism for how these effects come into play. This mechanism shows how mindfulness can free managers from reactive behavior patterns at work, allowing them to develop their emotional intelligence, reduce stress levels and gain greater self-confidence. By changing the participants’ experiences as managers, mindfulness changed their managerial practices in three key areas: they learned to communicate in a less conflictual manner and listen more to their professional entourage, they tend to delegate more and have developed closer relationships with their teams, and they have improved their ability to organize and prioritize their work. These changes were corroborated by their teams who reported improved motivation and well-being as well as less work-related stress. The research underscores the influence of mindfulness on the day-to-day experience of managers, the importance of taking into account emotions in the workplace and the need to give managers working under strong professional constraints greater liberty
Zéphir, Stéphane. "Des différentes modalités de l’expérience minoritaire dans l’espace urbain d’une Zone d’Education Prioritaire : les effets paradoxaux d’une action positive." Nice, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NICE2011.
Full textThis research, based on an extended period of fieldwork and empirical, inductive observations in an Educational Priority Area, analyzes the different educational modalities used in the creation and educational treatment of otherness among students and families by education professionals. The analyse aims to take into account the diverse schooling experiences of certain students, using a phenomenological approach, while taking care to recreate the interaction dynamic that governs relationships between different parties. Emerging the principle of normative neutrality of the universalist model of the Ecole Républicaine and the interactive dynamics observed in the field, one observes pragmatic adjustments that give rise to phenomena of reification and ethnicization of certain populations. The present analysis seeks to describe, based on a corpus collected during this research, the way these adjustments emerge, are redefined and sometimes contested even within interactive situations. From these descriptions, it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the significant changes to the educational experience in this context, namely the degradation of relationships between education professionals and students. This deterioration has led to a process of delegitimization of the educational process in this Educational Priority Area by some middle-school students and a loss of confidence in the school’s supposed effectiveness in protecting students from social relegation
Touboul, André. "Les effets de l’expérience et de l’expertise dans les pratiques enseignantes en EPS : étude didactique clinique en Savate Boxe Française." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOU20043/document.
Full textThis thesis takes into account the effects of the experience and expertise on the practice of teaching in physical education. This research in “Savate Boxe Française” questions the meaning that the physical education teacher gives to his professional practice which was analysed from the crossing of theoretical data of the clinical didactics. This scientific direction based on the theory of the subject in teaching, "divided" between often conflicting constraints, allows the researcher to identify the personal relation of the practitioner with the activity that is taught, that is the subject of the contingency of the knowledge transmission. It specifies and justifies the use of a methodological point of view of the three times of the clinical didactics analysis: analysis of “déjà-là” that provides information on the intention of the teacher, the observation in situ “l’épreuve” of teaching and the interviews of “après coup” that enable the teacher to reflect about his own activity and the researcher to infer the causes of the didactic phenomena observed. Inter and intra sites analysis compares them in order to identify the specific effects of the experience and expertise.Our final project is to present a "generic framework" analysis and interpretation of the teaching practice articulating the didactic and clinical dimensions to test our hypotheses
Boufath, Olfa. "La complexité de l’interface des sites web marchands et la qualité de l’expérience de magasinage en ligne : rôle de l’évaluation cognitive." Thesis, Lille 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL12007/document.
Full textThis PhD work aims to understand the relationship between the online shopping experience and the cognitive evaluation generated by the merchant interface, while examining the induced behavioral responses. Our aim is to explain the relationship between on-line behavioral responses and the perception of pleasure on the one hand and cognitive evaluation on the other. We study the direct effect of cognitive evaluation on the pleasure of the online shopping experience but also its indirect effect on behavior through experience. From a managerial point of view, our work aims to provide possible answers to the site designers as to the role of the consumer in the perception of the quality of the online experience. More clearly, it is a question of identifying the combination of variables relating to the site interface and to the consumer, likely to create a favorable behavioral response
Petraq, Milo. "Déficits budgétaires, mode de financement et effets macro-économiques dans les économies post socialistes : l’expérience de l’Albanie, de la Bulgarie et de la Roumanie." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999CLF10207.
Full textThe thesis analyses the impact on economic performance of the budget deficits and their financing in the post socialist economies. The experience of Albania, Bulgaria and Romania are analysed. Following the difference in the post socialist economies between two periods, the central one and the transition toward the market economy the specificity of this study consists to lead in the impact of budget deficits in those different environments, the demand and the supply effects, the monetary impact and inflation constitute the articulation of each part of the present research
Hashish, Yasmine. "Les effets de l’expérience de téléprésence sur internet sur les émotions, les attitudes et les intentions comportementales des touristes : le cas du tourisme domestique en Égypte." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTD031.
Full textNew technologies have changed the nature of the tourist experiences by creating virtual experiences. These virtual experiences, which lead to a telepresence experience, are more and more used by tourism professionals, thanks to, for example, 3D virtual tours or 360° videos. However, few studies have studied the effects of virtual reality in tourism marketing. Thus, it was important to try to understand how these new technologies can allow to meet the tourists’ expectations and to positively influence their attitudes towards the destination as well as their behaviors. Consequently, this research aims to identify the conditions of effectiveness of the online experience of telepresence and to understand how this experience could influence the behavioral intentions of the tourists, but also their affective reactions, their attitudes and the perceived value of the destination.To answer these questions, a literature review was conducted; it allowed to give details about the concept of telepresence and to distinguish it from close concepts. It was followed by an exploratory qualitative study and by an experimentation (conducted with 341 persons). The results confirmed the importance of 3D virtual tours and of websites interactivity to create this telepresence experience. This telepresence experience triggers positive affective states, it positively influences the perceived value of the destination as well as the tourists’ attitude towards the destination. Furthermore, these three last variables are mediators of the telepresence effects on the behavioral intentions (the intention to visit the destination and the intention to search more information about the destination). Finally, the moderating effects of two variables (travel involvement and visual orientation) were studied
Laurent, Sara. "Les effets de l’accessibilité et de la valorisation de l’expérience sur l’adoption de pratiques de mobilité douce : une étude empirique au sein des grands espaces urbains." Thesis, Université de Montpellier (2022-….), 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022UMOND002.
Full textTo meet the environmental challenges in large urban areas, many public policies aim to reduce car use in favour of so-called soft mobility, shared mobility and active mobility. However, users individually and collectively resist these measures: they do not always have the capacity (accessibility problems) or the motivation (perceived value) to change their mobility practices. While marketing has been very interested in the creation of value by the user, perceived accessibility remains an understudied concept, yet it is a major factor in understanding which capabilities encourage changes in practices.This research explains the role of accessibility and the perceived value of the experience - made up of the value in use created at a meso scale, and the value of the context created at a micro scale - in changing mobility practices. A qualitative study with 12 experts involved in urban mobility issues and 10 users allowed us to propose a definition of the perceived accessibility and perceived value of soft mobility experiences. A quantitative study with a panel of 883 users then made it possible to operationalise the measurement scales and to test the hypotheses on the effects of accessibility and perceived value on changes in practices. The moderating role of past practices and distance to future practices is also studied with the help of more precise analyses on regular car users to engage them in shared mobility, and regular public transport users to engage them in active mobility.The results show the important role of relative accessibility on the change of practices of regular or non-regular car users, and of monomodal and multimodal users. This dimension of perceived accessibility refers to the overall perceived ease of pursuing a goal without effort. Conversely, different dimensions of value have a positive or negative influence on the change of practices, depending on the past practices of the users and the distance to future practices
Elandoulsi, Souha. "L’épistémologie pratique des professeurs : effets de l’expérience et de l’expertise dans l’enseignement de l’Appui Tendu Renversé en mixité : analyse comparée de trois enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive en Tunisie." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOU20054/document.
Full textThis thesis focuses to describe and understand the joint didactic activity of three physical education teachers and their pupils in gymnastic learning in Tunisia. It aims to determine the expertise and experience influence on the implementation and the regulation of didactic situations. In order to illuminate the complexity of the observed reality, this thesis is based on the main concepts of the Theory of Joint Action in Didactic. In this context, three teaching units about learning handstand - roll were observed using a method called "clinical/experimental" This method has created the conditions for cross case studies to analyze in detail the didactic interactions related to the educational experience of three teachers and according to their expertise in gymnastics. Their didactic activities have been described from the videotapes of the lessons and interviews data (pre-unit, pre-lesson and post-lesson individual interviews with the teachers). The results highlight the combined effects of the expertise and the teaching experience on the teachers’ practical epistemology. It appears from the comparative analysis that the teacher professional experience and expertise in the specific physical activity have an impact on the observed types of breach and/or micro-dysfunction, reflecting the “underground work" of the didactic contract in its differential aspects in relation to pupils’ gender positions and pupils’ hierarchies of excellence. Research confirms that the teacher’s practical epistemology determines the functioning of the didactic system. It is also shown that teaching experience and expertise may partly explain the ways in which pupils (having different gender positions or gymnastic skill levels) take or not benefit of the education they are provided
Kersuzan, Claire. "Le devenir des orphelins au Burundi : analyse des conséquences de l’expérience précoce du décès parental dans un contexte de crise socio-politique." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR40057/document.
Full textThe aim of this paper is to analyze lifetime effects of parental death during childhood, in a country context where HIV/AIDS isn’t the main cause of death among young adults but deaths caused by a major socio-political crisis. During the 90’s, Burundi hosted the cradle of the regional conflict in the Great Lakes. A 2002 demographic, social and reproductive health survey in Burundi (ESDSR) will provide us the information required to analyze impact of early parental death, on a complex panel of life perspectives for children: mortality, violence and sexual abuse, separation of siblings, schooling, working at early age, resources, heritage, early marriage and age at first birth. These analyses are led by child age at early parental death, along with an attempt to estimate the effect from the cause of this death (crisis or other) on results. The strength of leading conclusions is consolidated by the mean of exchanging results, these results being derived from several analysis methods: bivariate and multivariate logistic models adapted or not to clustered data (standard, multilevel, marginal and fixed-effects logistic regressions).We bring lights on the minor effect of early father loss on child life trajectory. On the contrary, early mother or last living parent death experience affects almost every child life trajectory. Burundi crisis emphases but in some cases, reverses those effects from negative to positive. 1993 mass slaughters orphans are “political” orphans. Their political, military, administrative and humanitarian protections became part of the main goals, in the crisis itself
Ben, Nasr Imed. "Une analyse de l’expérience ponctuelle du site web de marque au travers des bénéfices qu’elle procure et de leurs effets sur la satisfaction et l’attitude de l’internaute : une application aux sites web de marques automobiles." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR40017.
Full textThis research discusses the experience of brand website visit and its consequences on consumer post-visit reactions. In this perspective, a review of the literature related to the theme of consumption experience in general and particularly to online browsing experience is performed. This theoretical approach, combined with an exploratory qualitative study, led to the proposal of a framework model that emphasizes the psychological process - including the way of processing and mental imagery experience - during consumer consultation of a brand website. Similarly, this model reveals the contributions of the utilitarian and experiential components of that consultation on consumer's satisfaction and attitude.To confirm the framework model, a quantitative experiment is performed. The results of the causal model testing - this, using multivariate analyzes and structural equation modeling- put forward the substantial interactions that exist between the antecedent elements and the core components of the brand website experience and the specific influences of these ones on consumer's satisfaction related to the website and attitude toward the brand
Plenchette, Marcel. "Des pratiques participatives en situation de travail aux effets transformateurs dans l’apprentissage du métier de formateur des professionnels de santé." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CNAM1239/document.
Full textThis research focuses on the process of transforming the frameworks of experience (Goffman E., 1991) resulting from participatory practices in work situations and its effects on learning the profession of trainer of health professionals. The participative practices of these professionals will be the research subject through the choice of a focal point inscribed in the current of microsociology. The observation of the work situations was done lengthwise (considerer a changer longitudinally) over four years, by the recording of in situ work situations carried out by the trainers themselves, followed by group interviews, including a self-confrontation dimension and semi-structured individual interviews. Our theoretical references are originating from the field of workplace learning, including the notion of participative practices (Billett S., 2016), situated learning with the theory of communities of practice (Wenger E., 2005), the analysis of interactions with Goffman's work on the rites of interaction (1974) as well as the frame analysis (1991). Our central hypothesis consists in thinking that learning the profession of trainer through the participative practices of the actors in the work situation entails processes of transformation of the frameworks of the experience. The results show that a process, which we named dynamic enshrined frames, produces a modification of the professional positioning of the actors. The perception of their learning environment is changing and so are their professional practices
Zhong, Zeling. "Comprendre l’appropriation des objets connectés grand public : une approche de modélisation à composants hiérarchiques." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLE017.
Full textAccording to Hoffman & Novak (2018), the smart connected object is presenting new opportunities for usage experience that have the potential to revolutionize consumers' lives. The main challenge for smart connected objects is to integrate their use into the daily practices of consumers by actively producing usage data in the long-term, namely appropriation. This research has validated the explanatory model of consumer smart connected object appropriation through the psychological needs of French consumers regarding their smart connected objects. Our results show that the smart connected object appropriation is strongly correlated with the need for self-identity, the need for having a place, the need for efficacy and effectance. And the smart connected object appropriation has a positive impact on perceived value of smart connected objects by consumers, their extra-role behaviors, as well as satisfaction of their daily life. Moreover, the mediating role of extra-role behaviors in the relationship between appropriation and perceived value allows us to understand in a complementary way the value cocreation mechanisms from the viewpoint of consumers, concerning how the smart connected object appropriation contributes to value creation by consumers
Sabasch, Francelise. "La validation des acquis de l'expérience, un dispositif transformateur : le secteur social et médico-social en exemple." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAG004.
Full textEvery individual has benefitted from some kind of experience (professional or personal).The question is what does one draw from experience ? The Accreditation of previous learning proposes an approach that evaluates this previous experience using a set of historic, legal and philosophical markers. Within the Accreditation of previous learning framework, it is possible to assess the validity and the legitimacy of an action plan concerning professional practices. My dissertation applies this approach to the social and medical-social sector. The Accreditation of previous learning could be considered as a relatively recent training system which could eventually influence other types of training courses and the actors involved in them.The main objective of this qualitative and empirical study is to highlight the effects of the Accreditation of previous learning plan on the candidates as well as on other actors. I analysed the data recorded in the logbook during in situ observation, and the result of twenty semi-directive interviews. The research results show the necessity of designing social and medical-social work, from the perspective of a process of inevitable change, taking place in the candidate’s for the Accreditation of previous learning, and of modifying the way social and medical-social institutions work as well as the way actors participate in them
Consideramos que todo individuo tiene una experiencia que aplicar. Pero ¿ cómo lo hace ? El Procedimiento de evaluación y acreditación de las competencias profesionales (P.E.A.C) implica dar una vuelta por un enfoque reflexivo de la experiencia. Sin embargo, ¿ no deberíamos interrogarnos sobre el interés que pueda tener un ser humano en embarcarse en un proceso tan largo, tan riguroso y que genera tantos cambios? Servirnos de un conjunto de indicaciones históricas, jurídicas y filosóficas y de investigaciones científicas (en Ciencias de la Educación, en Sociología), nos apareció fundamental para poder cercar mejor la validez y la legitimidad de un dispositivo como el del P.E.A.C en las prácticas profesionales, en este caso en el sector social y médico social.El objetivo principal de este estudio cualitativo y empírico es poner de relieve los efectos transformadores del dispositivo del P.E.A.C tanto sobre los candidatos como sobre otros actores. De este modo, hemos analizando los datos del diario de abordo en el transcurso de la observación in situ, y los obtenidos de las veinte entrevistas a subdirectivos. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran la necesidad de concebir el trabajo social y médico social a través de un proceso de cambio ineluctable que se produce en el candidato del P.E.A.C, modificando no solamente el funcionamiento institucional, sino el posicionamiento de otros actores que intervienen