Academic literature on the topic 'Educazione di Comunità'
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Journal articles on the topic "Educazione di Comunità"
Bompiani, Adriano. "Caratteristiche delle comunità terapeutiche e norme per il corretto comportamento degli operatori." Medicina e Morale 43, no. 2 (April 30, 1994): 231–72.
Full textAlessandra Augelli and Elisabetta Musi. "Sentirsi parte e prendere parte. Il contributo delle famiglie straniere alla progettazione dei servizi per l'infanzia." IUL Research 2, no. 4 (December 20, 2021): 6–22.
Full textCristina Mecenero, Maria. "Educazione estetica e politica: l'indirizzo CrEA, una sfida per una scuola multiculturale." EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING, no. 1 (June 2020): 105–19.
Full textODONE, A., S. VISCIARELLI, T. LALIC, F. PEZZETTI, F. SPAGNOLI, C. PASQUARELLA, G. FERRARI, and C. SIGNORELLI. "Carcinomi associati al papillomavirus umano: conoscenze, ruolo e attitudini dei medici otorinolaringoiatri in tema di prevenzione." Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 35, no. 6 (December 2015): 379–85.
Full textRossato, Alessia. "Quale famiglia per i bambini con disabilità?" MINORIGIUSTIZIA, no. 4 (July 2022): 32–40.
Full textArnetoli, Maria Vittoria, Irene L'Abate, and Matteo Mazzoni. "Costruire nuovi immaginari per gli spazi aperti della scuola come strumento di educazione alla sostenibilità ambientale." Contesti. Città, territori, progetti 1, no. 1 (October 27, 2022): 50–69.
Full textANNESE, MARIELLA, Maria Raffaella Lamacchia, Vito Cascione, and Cristina Sunna. "I poli per l’infanzia ZeroSei." Contesti. Città, territori, progetti 1, no. 1 (October 27, 2022): 173–93.
Full textfraticelli, E. "Questionnaire on Therapeutic Education in Diabetology. Interest and attitudes in the Italian diabetes community." Journal of AMD 25, no. 2 (July 2022): 130.
Full textALMEIDA, Eliene Amorim de, and Flávio Lyra de ANDRADE. "Tempo Comunidade como estratégia da interculturalidade epistemológica – a experiência do curso de Licenciatura Intercultural indígena da UFPE/CAA." INTERRITÓRIOS 5, no. 9 (December 9, 2019): 96.
Full textPrada, Massimo. "LETTURE MULTIMODALI PER L’EDUCAZIONE LINGUISTICA." Italiano LinguaDue 14, no. 2 (January 17, 2023): 85–130.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Educazione di Comunità"
Ruffino, Milena. "L'educazione di comunità nei processi di lifelong learning in età adulta." Thesis, Università degli Studi di Catania, 2011.
Full textThe research activity concerning Community education in the strategies of Lifelong learning for adults. Learning communities of place is addressed to analyze models of community education and learning community and to describe educational and learning processes as they come to be in local contexts and, specifically, in the communities. It is assumed, in fact, that in communities the dimension of proximity (physical and relational) as far as it bridges the individual, the group, and general society makes local environments the favorable place for both facing disorientation, emigration, and social exclusion phenomena and the implementation of education policies for reviving the desire of learning in adults. The objective of the research is to evaluate the hypothesis according to which there is a positive relationship between community education and adults engagement in lifelong learning activities. The research develops into three phases. During the first phase we try to improve on the analysis of the historical and theoretical origins of community education. Then, we shall explore the theoretical and epistemological dimension of learning community and, as they are tightly linked, the social nature of learning processes. Finally, we shall employ the comparison between models of learning city and those of comprehensive community initiatives in order to formulate some considerations on the possibility of adapting and/or transferring Anglo-Saxon models of learning community of place into Italian contexts.
PETRAGLIA, FEDERICA. "Le comunità di pratica come metodologia per l'educazione degli adulti." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2007.
Full textThe theoretical and empirical reflections about communities of practice constitute fundamental elements to support the idea that education is a natural process throughout life of human beings. The main theoretical position is characterized by the assumption that knowledge is created through discussion and dialogue with others, and that knowing is a social and situated phenomenon. Communities of practice become centres where processes of sharing experiences and creating knowledge take place. Consequences of the participation to the community are both the creation of a common repertoire of experiences and the possibility for the single to acquire new competencies, as well as to discuss his¬/her story and relationships. The typical way of building relationships inside communities of practice makes explicit the shift from a conflictual typology of working to a consensual one. This dissertation aims to make a synthesis of literature on communities of practice, starting from their first theorization by J. Lave and E. Wenger up to most recent studies. Thanks to its own features, communities of practice show a high educative potential: In fact, through an analysis of them from the pedagogical point of view, communities' of practice peculiarities allow to the adult education researcher to support educational training.
PETRAGLIA, FEDERICA. "Le comunità di pratica come metodologia per l'educazione degli adulti." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2007.
Full textThe theoretical and empirical reflections about communities of practice constitute fundamental elements to support the idea that education is a natural process throughout life of human beings. The main theoretical position is characterized by the assumption that knowledge is created through discussion and dialogue with others, and that knowing is a social and situated phenomenon. Communities of practice become centres where processes of sharing experiences and creating knowledge take place. Consequences of the participation to the community are both the creation of a common repertoire of experiences and the possibility for the single to acquire new competencies, as well as to discuss his¬/her story and relationships. The typical way of building relationships inside communities of practice makes explicit the shift from a conflictual typology of working to a consensual one. This dissertation aims to make a synthesis of literature on communities of practice, starting from their first theorization by J. Lave and E. Wenger up to most recent studies. Thanks to its own features, communities of practice show a high educative potential: In fact, through an analysis of them from the pedagogical point of view, communities' of practice peculiarities allow to the adult education researcher to support educational training.
Magnani, Martina. "Spazi in/di attesa per una nuova socialità a supporto del benessere del cittadino." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Full textVISIOLI, SONIA. "Pratiche educative di inclusione territoriale: dai servizi alla comunità. Lo studio di caso della Cooperativa Sociale Il Cardo di Edolo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2023.
Full textThe dissertation is about community and social inclusion. The research is a the case study of a concrete experience of community education. The aim if the research work is to retrace the history of the “Il Cardo Social Cooperative” exploring the educational settings that characterized its educational work from 1988 to 2018. The purpose of the case study is to conduct an analysis on the steps that led the Cooperative, moving from services, to be an educational reference for its territory. Research, starting from a single experience, aims to reflect broadly on the social and cultural changes affecting contemporary society. The dissertation is divided into three main themes: the first consists in the theoretical study of the concept of community and social inclusion today; the second explores the theoretical aspects of possible research approaches, in this part a significant work is dedicated to the review of the literature on the "case study"; the last part is dedicated to research itself (data and analysis) and is the contextual and "material" part of this work.
Full textThe most general theme of school education in Libya, from Italian colonialism in 1911, until 1934, the Italian authority in Libya allowed access to the school only for males, using the Arabic language and the Italian language for teaching. On 24.12.1951, Libya had its independence, the new Libyan government laid the foundations of a complete educational system that could form a qualified national leadership to manage the state. The programs and methods of teaching, with the obligation to study for everyone up to the third year of middle school, can be seen in the cultural and political changes in Libya. In 1969, the Libyan revolution brought more commitment to the development of education to combat illiteracy, and also gave the opportunity for students to have scholarships abroad. With the difficulty of finding texts and material, due to the chaos and the dramatic situation that Libya was going through after the revolt of 17.02.2011, changes had to be made in school programs due to the scarcity of supply of books in almost the whole country. In fact, to make up for these shortcomings, new reforms have had to be implemented to conform the school buildings damaged by the war. The delays in the restoration of buildings, the problems of the lack of school books, all this has put education in front of challenges that the two governments are still unable to deal with today. Due to the rise of the Libyan community resident abroad, the Libyan government decided to open Arab-Libyan schools in foreign countries, in Italy there are two, located respectively in Rome and Milan, that followed the official Libyan educational programs. In these schools were also accepted students from other Arab countries.
Full textThe most general theme of school education in Libya, from Italian colonialism in 1911, until 1934, the Italian authority in Libya allowed access to the school only for males, using the Arabic language and the Italian language for teaching. On 24.12.1951, Libya had its independence, the new Libyan government laid the foundations of a complete educational system that could form a qualified national leadership to manage the state. The programs and methods of teaching, with the obligation to study for everyone up to the third year of middle school, can be seen in the cultural and political changes in Libya. In 1969, the Libyan revolution brought more commitment to the development of education to combat illiteracy, and also gave the opportunity for students to have scholarships abroad. With the difficulty of finding texts and material, due to the chaos and the dramatic situation that Libya was going through after the revolt of 17.02.2011, changes had to be made in school programs due to the scarcity of supply of books in almost the whole country. In fact, to make up for these shortcomings, new reforms have had to be implemented to conform the school buildings damaged by the war. The delays in the restoration of buildings, the problems of the lack of school books, all this has put education in front of challenges that the two governments are still unable to deal with today. Due to the rise of the Libyan community resident abroad, the Libyan government decided to open Arab-Libyan schools in foreign countries, in Italy there are two, located respectively in Rome and Milan, that followed the official Libyan educational programs. In these schools were also accepted students from other Arab countries.
Full textThis paper describes a research on the processes of learning and of knowledge construction occurring within the family contexts. The aim of such research is the development of educational action logics able to intercept, promote and validate the knowledge and repertoires of practice that the family systems generate.
Full textThis paper describes a research on the processes of learning and of knowledge construction occurring within the family contexts. The aim of such research is the development of educational action logics able to intercept, promote and validate the knowledge and repertoires of practice that the family systems generate.
CONTINI, VALERIO. "Concezioni della sostenibilità e orientamenti temporali in contesti educativi informali. L’esperienza dei Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale = Conceptos de sostenibilidad y orientaciones temporales en contextos educativos informales. La experiencia de los Grupos de Compra Solidaria." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2012.
Full textThe deep changes in today society point out new educational phenomena. Informal learning takes place spontaneously in people biography and living environment. Many studies show that informal education, more than formal one, can deeply and durably affect attitudes and lifestyles, can educate large masses of people, especially the most difficult to reach, to undertake to build a sustainable planetary community. This study investigates the Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale as informal educational experiences important for promoting a sustainable future. It examines and discuss the concepts of sustainability, the future time orientation and the informal educational dynamics in some Italian GAS. The first part of the work focuses on the complexity and fuzzyness of the concept of sustainability and some key dimensions of sustainable education. The conceptual categories identified have been used in field work to collect, analyze and interpret the empirical material. The second part presents the criteria, methodology, tools, activities (questionnaires, semi-structured individual interviews, participant observation, document analysis) undertaken during the field work. The third part presents the field work conducted on a sample of 148 subjects from four different GAS. The first and the second chapter expose the structure of the sample, the characteristics and mode of administration, the processing, analysis and discussion of the results of two questionnaires used in the field work: the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) and the open questionnaire on the concepts of sustainability (specifically worked out for this research). The third presents the core of the field study. By means of document analysis, participant observation and semi-structured interviews carried out with some key informants the concepts of sustainability, the time orientation to future and the educational dynamics in the four social contexts under study are identified and analyzed. In the final chapter we discuss some critical aspects that came out from the fieldwork, and we assume some clues for further research in the future.
Los cambios profundos en nuestra sociedad de hoy ponen en evidencia nuevos fenómenos educativos. Aprendizajes informales toman forma de manera espontánea dentro de los recorridos existenciales y ambiente de vida. Muchos estudios muestran que la educación informal, más que la formal, puede afectar profundamente y durablemente las actitudes y estilos de vida, puede educar a las masas de personas, especialmente los más difíciles de lograr, a comprometerse a construir una comunidad planetaria sostenible. Este estudio examina el fenómeno de los Grupos de Compra Solidaria en cuanto experiencias educativas informales importantes para promover un futuro sostenible. Se analizan los conceptos de sostenibilidad, la orientación temporal al futuro y las dinámica educativas informales en algunos GAS italianos. La primera parte del trabajo se centra en la complejidad y el carácter fuzzy del concepto de sostenibilidad y algunas de las dimensiones clave de la educación sostenible. Las categorías conceptuales identificadas fueron utilizadas en el trabajo de campo para recoger, analizar e interpretar el material empírico. En la segunda parte del trabajo se presentan los criterios, metodología, herramientas, actividades (cuestionarios, entrevistas semi-estructuradas, observación participante, análisis de documentos) utilizados en el trabajo de campo. En la tercera parte se presenta el trabajo de campo realizado en una muestra de 148 sujetos de cuatro GAS. El primero y el segundo capítulo exponen la estructura de la muestra, las características y el modo de administración, el análisis y discusión de los resultados de los dos cuestionarios utilizados: el Inventario de la Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo /ZTPI) y el cuestionario abierto sobre los conceptos de sostenibilidad (desarrollado específicamente para esta investigación). El tercero presenta el corazón del trabajo de campo. A través de análisis documental, observación participante, entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas con algunos key informants se identifican y analizan los conceptos de sostenibilidad, la orientación temporal hacia el futuro y las dinámicas educativas en los cuatro contextos sociales en estudio. En el último capítulo se discuten algunos de los aspectos críticos que surgieron a partir del trabajo de campo, y asumimos algunos recorridos para futuras investigaciones.
Books on the topic "Educazione di Comunità"
La libera circolazione dei lavoratori e il diritto all'istruzione superiore nella Comunità europea. Padova: CEDAM, 1995.
Find full text1953-, Arcidiacono Caterina, ed. Psicologia di comunità ed educazione sessuale: Verso un modello di educazione socioaffettiva-sessuale. Milano, Italy: F. Angeli, 1994.
Find full textSantamaita, Saverio. Educazione, comunità, sviluppo: L'impegno educativo di Adriano Olivetti. Roma: Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, 1987.
Find full textMancini, Daniele, and Irene Rinaldi. Basic Design. Quaderno #2 Esperienze Di Didattica Inclusiva: Educazione, Comunità e Spazio Pubblico. Lulu Press, Inc., 2020.
Find full textOperatori, strutture, interventi di educazione permanente: Il servizio comunale di didattica territoriale nel comprensorio flegreo : il laboratorio di educazione della comunità e l'"assistenza in servizio". Scandicci: La nuova Italia, 1991.
Find full textMillan, Zak, and Kimberly Smith. Addestramento Cani: Crescere con Amore il Proprio Cane Addestrandolo con I Migliori Esercizi Di Educazione Cinofila, Insegnandogli I Comandi Base e Più Avanzati Affrontando le Più Comuni Problematiche. Independently Published, 2022.
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