Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Educative power'
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Schirato, Maria Aparecida Rhein. "O percurso do jovem executivo na arquitetura do poder das organizações sob o ponto de vista psicanalítico." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/48/48134/tde-06032008-113154/.
Full textThe scope of this essay is to analyze, from a psychoanalytic point of view, the life of young business men and women: their education, their cultural formation, their insertion in the market and their access to high levels of power in organizations. Therefor I had as reference Sigmund Freud\'s theories and some of his disciples. I imagined how a visit of Freud to a currently existing organization would be: which his comprehension and interpretation would be about the young business men and women upon access to the different levels of power and the consequence thereof. The development of essay required some certain considerations regarding: business administration, with respect to Human Resources and Quality Policies, and Education, with respect to the intervention of parents and educators in the choices of the students. Interviews with 4 (four) young businessmen and women about carrier evidenced the validity of the psychoanalytic theory contained in this essay.
McKeever, Mary Geraldine. "Workers' education for workers' power." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.364737.
Full textMgijima-Msindwana, Mirriam Miranda Nomso. "Implementing Educational Innovations: The case of the Secondary School Curriculum Diversification Programme in Lesotho." University of the Western Cape, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/8434.
Full textBetween 1974 and 1982 the MOE introduced in two phases the diversification programme [SSCDP] which sought to establish practical subjects in the secondary school curriculum. This study examines the sustainability of implementation efforts beyond project expiry. It was hypothesised that SSCDP is not working as originally intended. The broad research problem was framed thus: What implementation response arises from an open-ended innovation policy? Subsidiary questions are: 1. How far have the policy-makers communicated the meaning of SSCDP and what factors account for mismatches between policy intentions and innovation practice? 2. What is the response of Project schools and what factors explain variation in response? 3. What is their significance for the sustainability of SSCDP? The analysis draws key concepts from the innovation literature on models and strategies of planned change; relationships in the implementation hierarchy; determinants of and orientations to the implementation process. Centred around qualitative research methods, the investigation utilises data from project documents, semi-structured interviews and from observations during school visits. Findings show an overall low level of implementation that varies among project schools. This is attributed to: Poor interpretation of SSCDP goals; Deficiencies in the implementation management; Idiosyncratic school behaviours. The study concludes that the 'practitioner-policy-maker' discrepancy is significant, hence the gap between policy intents and innovation practice. The gap is not regarded so much as an ultimate failure of the programme but as a necessary condition that allows for mutual adaptation between the innovation and its setting. This is reflected in the varied patterns of implementation response, classified as the: faithful; negotiators; selective adaptors; expansionists; and reductionist. As a policy-oriented study aiming at providing an 'improvement value', the findings lead to a proposal of improvements in the strategies of managing change in three areas: shifting focus from an adoption to an implementation perspective. Recognising implementation as a process dependent on a mutual linkage relationship among participants. Recognising schools as important bearers of change. These three are crucial factors in the implementation-sustainability relationship.
Pascual, Medina Javier. "Relaciones de poder y empoderamiento docente para la innovación educativa." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/670115.
Full textLa demanda por el cambio y el mejoramiento educativo nunca se había posicionado tan fuertemente en la historia de Chile como lo ha hecho recientemente. El surgimiento de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, sumada a las numerosas revueltas estudiantiles y sociales, han puesto a la educación en el punto de mira de la opinión pública y la agenda política. La Innovación Educativa – entendida como cualquier cambio en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje orientado al mejoramiento educativo – se sitúa como un concepto fundamental en el que los docentes se convierten en pieza clave como agentes de cambio. Paradójicamente, el sistema educativo ha avanzado hacia un modelo de reformas basadas en estándares que, mientras se plantean como un mecanismo que intenta dar mayor autonomía a las comunidades educativas convirtiéndolas en protagonistas de su propio mejoramiento, en realidad, se consolidan como mecanismos rígidos que presionan a los establecimientos y a los docentes a desarrollar su trabajo bajo una racionalidad instrumental. En ese contexto, la dificultad de innovar es evidente, pues el cambio requiere de profesionales empoderados que logren superar las barreras impuestas por los estándares educativos. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar, desde una perspectiva sociocrítica y transformativa, la influencia que tienen las relaciones de poder que se ejercen sobre los docentes de escuelas y liceos en Chile y el empoderamiento docente en los procesos de innovación educativa. Entendemos las relaciones de poder como intentos de una persona o institución por controlar las acciones de otros – en este caso, la acción pedagógica de los docentes – y el empoderamiento como el proceso de los docentes para recuperar el control sobre las propias acciones. Para cumplir con los objetivos, desarrollamos una metodología mixta secuencial y transformativa en dos fases. En una primera fase hemos elaborado Producciones Narrativas con nueve docentes, mediante las cuales conocimos innovaciones educativas propias de su trabajo, las relaciones de poder asociadas y sus formas de empoderamiento y resistencia. Construimos en base a ellas las categorías de análisis para la segunda fase, una encuesta aplicada en escuelas y liceos en Chile, rescatando y enalteciendo así la voz de los docentes. Los resultados indican que el rol exigido a los docentes por el sistema educativo y sus instituciones dista del que los profesores consideran como ideal. El currículum educativo, las evaluaciones estandarizadas de aprendizaje y los estándares de desempeño docente se han convertido en mecanismos de presión constante para los docentes, y los establecimientos y sus directivos han formado estructuras para transmitir y reproducir esta presión. Así, los docentes consideran la innovación educativa como una resistencia o fuga de esas obligaciones, la cuál logran empoderándose individual y colectivamente. Las diversas relaciones de poder y procesos de empoderamiento docente inciden en cómo se desarrollan las innovaciones educativas, en sus orígenes, objetivos, objetos de cambio y sostenibilidad.
Social demand for change and educational improvement had never positioned itself in Chilean history as strongly as it has during the past decade. The emergence of Knowledge Society and the numerous student and social revolts have put education in the spotlight of public opinion and political agenda. Educational innovation – meaning any change in the teaching-learning processes aimed to improve them – turned into a fundamental concept, and teachers have become a key piece as agents of change. Paradoxically, Chilean educational system has advanced towards a model of standards-based reforms. While explicitly has been considered as a mechanism that aims to give grater autonomy to educational communities, making them protagonists of their own improvement, in reality, they are consolidated by rigid accountability mechanisms, pressuring schools and teachers to develop their work under an instrumental rationality. The difficulty of innovating becomes evident, since change requires empowered professionals who need to overcome the barriers imposed by educational standards. The main goal of this study is to identify, from a socio-critical and transformative perspective, the influence that power relationships exercised over teachers and teachers’ empowerment have in educational innovation processes in schools and high schools in Chile. We understand power relationships as attempts by one person or institution to control the actions of others – in this case, the pedagogical action – and teacher empowerment as the process of teachers to regain control over their own actions. We developed a sequential and transformative mixed methodology in two phases. In a first phase, we developed Narrative Productions with nine teachers, through which we learn their educational innovations, the associated power relationships and their forms of empowerment and resistance. We built on them the analysis categories for the second phase, a survey applied in schools and high schools in Chile, thus rescuing and exalting the voice of teachers. Results show that the teachers’ role demanded by the educational system and its institutions is far from what teachers consider as the ideal role. The educational curriculum, standardized tests for students and teacher performance standards have become mechanisms of constant pressure for teachers. Schools and their principals have formed structures to transmit and reproduce this pressure. Thus, teachers consider educational innovation as a resistance or an escape from these obligations, which they achieve by empowering themselves individually and collectively. The various power relationships and teacher empowerment processes influence how educational innovations develop, in their origins, goals, objects of change and sustainability.
Darne, Sophie. "Pas sans l’obéissance : nouages du sujet dans le lien social." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022REN20020.
Full textObedience puts us off. Associated with courage in Ancient Greece, seeked as a permanent frame of mind in the age of monasteries, and morally suspicious since the atrocities of World War II, obedience is, to say the least, infinitely complex. Although often likened to passivity, obedience veritably is an action on the part of the subject in its dealings with the social. It is one aspect of the subject’s general positioning within the social and the various utterances it involves, with the latter coming from a place of authority or domination in certain power dynamics. However, obedience works in specific ways for the educators responsible for teenagers in a children’s care home. It reveals itself as an ambiguous notion that this thesis attempts to conceptualise through a psychoanalytic exploration of the historical, philosophical, and sociological, discourses, from Antiquity to this day. I mobilise the notion of obedience to investigate the complex positionings of social education professionals. Being the paradigm of social relations, obedience brings us face to face with the question of the individual’s knotting together of its subjective position, the contingencies of the outside world, and the relationships the subject creates with authority and power. As at once a knotting in itself and that with which the subject has to negotiate, obedience either leads to a position of submission or to a choice, a decision. When this knotting does not happen, symptoms irrupt and set the subject in motion again, putting it to work. We could therefore say that it is as impossible not to obey as it is to be outside of any social rapport. It is, however, necessary to choose from the various subjective knottings of, and with, obedience; an inescapable, complex, and dynamic, choice, if ever there was one
Saville, Marco. "Power playground." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/25425.
Full textMartinez, Pedro Plaza. "Language, education and power in Bolivia : bilingual education classroom practices." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.367008.
Full textRaimzhanova, Aigerim [Verfasser]. "Hard, Soft, and Smart Power – Education as a Power Resource / Aigerim Raimzhanova." Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1167658957/34.
Full textCripps, Sandra Florence. "The influence of language as a tool for policy implementation : further education after the 1988 Education Reform Act." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1999. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/2217/.
Full textKay, Brent William. "Education directors' perspectives on power and value." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/nq23944.pdf.
Full textColvin, Randall A. "Alexander Campbell and the Power of Education." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2020. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1707277/.
Full textOlivera, Rodríguez Inés. "¿Desarrollo o bien vivir? Repensando la función social de la Universidad Intercultural desde el cuestionamiento al efecto educativo." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/78725.
Full textThe educative institution is the result of a modern-colonial socialorder determined by a euro-centric knowledge that responds to the logic of capitalism as a world order of power. the debates about schooling that understands its function as the efficient insertion of individuals into society are proof of this. In the order of current public policies, the logic of human development still rules over the national educative projects. this problem worsens when one considers intercultural contexts once the logic of capital, productivity, and economic growth are not the base of other ways of seeing the world. Interculturality as a dialogue and interaction of different symbolic universes demands the incorporation of other epistemologies and schooling logics. Thus, mexican Intercultural universities demand new responses from the formal educative system. these proposals seem to approximate to the construction of plural societies, capable of including everybody in life projects. the purpose is the construction of a true dialogue between forms of knowledge. therefore, the main question that is asked here is: how can educative effects be thought in an intercultural context? to answer it, I have made a critical reading of Anibal Quijano’s theory of the coloniality of power which gives an understanding of interculturality based on the real inclusion of other epistemologies that allow seeing the world from other angles and other forms of knowledge.
Dutra, Maristela. "Especialista em educação ambiental - constituição de subjetividades num curso na modalidade educação a distância." reponame:Repositório Institucional da FURG, 2013. http://repositorio.furg.br/handle/1/6070.
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Nesta dissertação apresento uma pesquisa de investigação sobre a constituição de subjetividades com um grupo de dez egressos do Curso de Educação Ambiental Lato Sensu, ofertado pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, através do Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil, no município São Lourenço do Sul/RS. Para desenvolver, metodologicamente, esta pesquisa a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, optei por utilizar alguns recursos sugeridos pela história oral temática, realizando dez entrevistas semiestruturadas. Como objetivo principal, este estudo busca problematizar e perceber a Educação Ambiental e o curso de especialização como mecanismos capazes de subjetivar e de incidir, produtivamente, sobre os estudantes que por ele passaram. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa surgiu a partir de algumas reflexões e inquietações acerca do questionamento sobre como e em que condições nos constituímos como sujeitos. Entendo que currículo, poder e subjetivação são elementos produtivos e constitutivos de condutas, ações e sujeitos. Para perceber as marcas e os atravessamentos do referido curso na constituição desses sujeitos da ação ambiental, utilizo como referência teórica algumas pistas das problematizações desenvolvidas pelos estudos de Michel Foucault sobre poder e subjetivação, bem como, estudos desenvolvidos por Tomaz Tadeu da Silva sobre currículo. Para tanto, ao longo desta investigação, procuro mostrar que a Educação Ambiental e a sua profissionalização se estabelecem como mecanismos eficazes para a constituição de subjetividades desejadas. Através de técnicas e procedimentos relacionados ao campo ambiental se instituem tecnologias de poder e de subjetivação com a finalidade de governar as condutas dos sujeitos que, atravessados por essas relações, tendem a desenvolver determinados modos de se relacionar consigo mesmos e com os outros. A partir desta investigação pude perceber que o curso de especialização em Educação Ambiental se apresentou como uma possibilidade de produção de subjetividades constituídas dentro de um processo que ocorre no interior de práticas sociais previamente articuladas. Ao legitimar as práticas pedagógicas desses estudantes, o referido curso lhes autorizou a falar sobre Educação Ambiental, conduziu e movimentou um conjunto de atividades, de técnicas e de procedimentos com os quais esses egressos atuaram sobre si mesmos, produzindo suas subjetividades.
In this dissertation I present a research on the formation of subjectivities with a group of ten graduates of Curso de Educação Ambiental Lato Sensu offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande, through Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil in the city of São Lourenço do Sul/RS . To develop this research methodologically from a qualitative approach I chose to use some resources based on thematic oral history theory, performing ten semi-structured interviews. The main objective of this study is to raise questions and understand environmental education, and this specific specialization course, as mechanisms capable of produce the students as subjects constructed by the course curriculum. The origin of this research is the questioning about the conditions in which we build ourselves as a subject. Curriculum is part of one's construction and conduct. I analyze the marks of the course curriculum in the constitution of the environmental action subject through the theoretical reference of Michel Foucault studies on power and subjectivity, as well as studies conducted by Tomaz Tadeu da Silva on curriculum. Through this approach I argue that environmental education and professionalization are established as effective mechanisms for the formation of subjectivities. Pedagogical technologies of power and subjectivity are instituted through techniques and procedures related to the environmental field in order to govern the conduct of individuals who tend to develop certain ways of relating to themselves and others that attend the kind of subject willed by curriculum. This investigation was able to show the Environmental Education course as a possible strategy of producing subjectivities that are built in a process which happens inside existent social practices. By legitimating students' pedagogical practices the course authorized them to talk about Environmental Education. It also has conducted and moved a assemblage of activities, techniques and procedures that allowed the graduated students to work on themselves producing their own subjectivities.
Lima, Karina de Oliveira. "Menor: um problema para sociedade disciplinar." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/47/47131/tde-05102011-114106/.
Full textThis research investigated and on the child emergency in the period 1889-1927. Was used as the research methods literature review on the subject and the research of primary sources. Foucault\'s ideas about society disciplinary power, governmentality know, archeology and genealogy allowed the analysis of the case found on the child evidencing power relations and the process of placing the child for the work and education. We have thus found, as pointed out by authors writing on this topic that work and education constituted the central elements in public policies directed to the child since the study period until the present day
Benedicto, Ricardo Matheus. "Afrocentricidade, educação e poder: uma crítica afrocêntrica ao eurocentrismo no pensamento educacional brasileiro." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/48/48134/tde-29032017-161243/.
Full textThis thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of Eurocentrism in the Brazilian educational thinking. For both guided by afrocentric philosophy of Abdias do Nascimento, Molefi Kete Asante, Marimba Ani and by the works of Cheikh Anta Diop, Asa Hilliard, Carter G. Woodson and Wade Nobles we performed an afrocentric review of the educational thought of Rui Barbosa, José Veríssimo, Fernando de Azevedo, Anísio Teixeira, Darcy Ribeiro and Paulo Freire and the educational models advocated and implemented by these important thinkers of education in the country. To reinforce this criticism, this work assesses the manner in which Afro-Brazilian intellectuals understood and reacted to education systems developed by those thinkers. Our analysis also showed that the Eurocentric model of education implemented in the country has as one of its main objectives to maintain the power and white European hegemony. In a society oriented and organized by ideology of white supremacy non-whites descendants of Africans and Indians have no power, and thereby, at the conclusion of this study, argue that only the quilombista educational model (afrocentric) is able to offer an education that meets satisfactorily the needs of Afro-Brazilians.
Mena, Portocarrero Magrith. "(De)construyendo ilusiones. Cambios intergeneracionales y de género en las aspiraciones educativas y ocupacionales en las zonas rurales de Ayacucho." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/115064.
Full textin addition, in poorer households girls keep higher aspirations than their male peers. Despite all this, hard evidence shows that tertiary education is rarely reached in Ayacucho, and women still have less opportunity to access and finish secondary and tertiary education. Therefore, this genealogy of desires not only should be seen as a social construction, but also as an expression of voice and agency, where social hierarchies are questioned.
La investigación presenta una genealogía de las aspiraciones educativas y ocupacionales abarcando a dos generaciones de niños y niñas pertenecientes a familias de las zonas rurales de Ayacucho, Perú. En el marco del conflicto armado desarrollado entre los anos 1980-2000, así como de otros acontecimientos que marcaron la historia reciente de estas zonas, se exploran las dinámicas de las aspiraciones en un nivel intergeneracional, prestando especial atención a las diferencias de genero. Los resultados muestran el establecimiento de la educación terciaria como el horizonte a futuro más anhelado, así como un desplazamiento en el deseo de ser campesino o campesina. Estos cambios se presentan más acentuadamente entre las niñas, quienes en los hogares más pobres muestran aspiraciones más ambiciosas que sus pares varones. En tanto la educación terciaria es alcanzada por muy pocos en Ayacucho y los indicadores educativos continúan mostrando brechas que favorecen a los varones frente a las mujeres, la dinámica de las aspiraciones puede ser entendida no solo como una construcción social, sino como una expresión de voz y agencia, en tanto revela anhelos que cuestionan un orden social establecido.
Idema, Timo. "Brain power : the political economy of higher education." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:1f92e1b3-ddfa-4467-a36e-8ea3273b7e7e.
Full textViviani, Maria Cristina Simões. "Corpo e poder em acampamentos educativos de lazer para adolescentes." Pós-Graduação em Antropologia, 2018. http://ri.ufs.br/jspui/handle/riufs/8373.
Full textEducational camps are companies that offer leisure services for teenagers during school vacations. They have the particularity of promoting a service where teenagers are deeply involved in the activities, in a place focused on the social interaction of individuals from the same age group, through the mediation of the camp's facilities and counselor's supervision and without the presence of their parents. I have the goal to understand, based on the dialogue with the teenagers' perception that go to this place, how they experience and build their notions regarding the body and the implications that those notions have for them. I sought to understand the negotiations and power struggles between campers and their counselors by analyzing which reasons led to questioning and confrontation. Therefore demonstrating how they produce and compare the adult meanings and the camp's control over the body and what it means for the relations of power.
Os acampamentos educativos são empresas que oferecem serviços de lazer para adolescentes durante as férias escolares. Eles têm a particularidade de promover um serviço em que os adolescentes estão envolvidos intensamente em atividades, em um espaço destinado exclusivamente ao convívio entre indivíduos da mesma faixa etária, com a mediação da infraestrutura do acampamento e do acompanhamento dos monitores, sem a presença do seus pais. Tenho como objetivo compreender a partir do diálogo com as percepções dos adolescentes frequentadores deste espaço, como eles experimentam e constroem suas noções sobre corpo e as implicações que tais noções têm para eles. Procurei entender as negociações e disputas de poder entre os adolescentes e seus monitores analisando quais são os motivos que os levavam ao questionamento e embate. Assim, demonstrando como eles reproduzem e contrapõe os sentidos adultos e o controle do acampamento sobre o corpo e o que ele significa nas relações de poder.
São Cristóvão, SE
Khama, Dira. "Church and state partnership in education : perceptions of education administrators and community members in secondary schools in Lesotho." Thesis, University of Reading, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.367334.
Full textHedges, Michael N. "Standardized power a rhetoric of performance evaluation in education /." Connect to this title online, 2007. http://etd.lib.clemson.edu/documents/1193079520/.
Full textLe, Roux Moses Jakobus. "Principals and their possible power to influence quality education." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20015.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: The National Department of Basic Education is aware that it is not succeeding in providing quality education for all school children. At present the performance of grade 3 and grade 6 learners, in both international and local assessment, is a matter for great concern. The results suggest that most learners lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. Learners’ performance in the National Senior Certificate Examinations is also far from what it should be. The way in which schools are managed largely determines the quality of education learners receive. As the managers of schools, therefore, principals are held responsible for the poor performance of learners during these annual systemic evaluations. The study aimed to investigate whether the school principals are aware of their powers and whether they perceive themselves as able to use their power to influence school practices positively and thus promote quality education. The study indicates that principals rely on a combination of positional and personal power sources to promote quality education. The study also indicates that principals are aware of their power but have a limited understanding of the concept of power. They also seem to lack the knowledge and understanding to exercise these powers effectively. Although they seem able to exercise considerable power in different situations, principals are reluctant to use their power. It seems that various external and internal factors influence their ability to use their power effectively.
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Pinard, Gretchen. "The Power of Dignity: Propelling Change in Public Education." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2011. http://repository.cmu.edu/theses/20.
Full textPaige-Smith, Alice. "Choosing inclusion : the power of parents in special education." Thesis, Open University, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.385864.
Full textMarshall, Harriet. "The sociology of global education : power, pedagogy and practice." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.435690.
Full textCalixto, Claudia Ribeiro. "Administração escolar e o governo dos homens: um estudo sobre a governamentalização educacional contemporânea." Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/48/48134/tde-10092009-143113/.
Full textThis study aims to give visibility to the associations of power in modern-day education, and to shed light on the knowledge-power-truth nexus that flows through it. It takes practices of school administration, as they are presently asseverated and which act like a lookout from which to observe the working of power. The concept of governmentality was operative in the development of this study, which has references to the academic works of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Nikolas Rose, Peter Pál Pelbart, Jorge Ramos do Ó and Alfredo Veiga-Neto, among others. The analysis is based on statements extracted from publications on school administration, as well as speeches delivered by the principals of county schools located in the capital city of the state of São Paulo. It aims to investigate the regimes of truth extolled by these practices. The systems of knowledge and reasoning that have guided the direction of conduct in schools since the beginning of the century were investigated with the aid of five images, considered here to be analytical portals. In the first portal, Between lives, the intention was to demonstrate the actualization of pastoral power and the insertion of Psi knowledge into administrative practices which have been responsible for the adoption of a suitable vocabulary for the current reasoning: leadership, persuasion, motivation. In the portal The Scream, the validity of the freedom ethic that harks back to the illustrative project and the liberal reformers, which still resounds in modern times and makes for more sophisticated forms of government that, more and more, stimulates individuals to volunteer for the techniques of power. In the third portal, The Persistence of Memory, the time regime that is currently in force was explored. It is linear, progressive, finalist and has led to fairly widespread practices in the educational field. In Integrity, the fourth image, the issue of liberalism as a modus operandi was revisited, in this approach, expanding on the dissertation of democracy. And, in the portal The Lone Horsemans Weapons, an attempt was made to execute the role of the experts who announced what may have constituted the new mottos of pastoral power in present-day society: entrepreneurialism. Finally, upon scrutinizing the ethics of freedom in the meandering tomes analyzed, which has guided the currently fashionable educational rationality, the study investigates the moral topography that these dissertations shape, the policy of responsibility inherent to it and the manner in which these dissertations, in an inspirational characteristic of power, arrange individuals (each and every one) into civilizing ventures through specific governmental technologies, such as pedagogic projects, further education, pedagogy of projects and democratic management, among others. These are practices whose final objective is the construction of self-gestating individuals.
Broderick, Jane Tingle. "The Power of Materials." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/4236.
Full textChirwa, Catherine Sekanayo. "Partnership for education in Malawi : power and dynamics within the education sector wide approach." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2012. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/40520/.
Full textMarino, Filho Armando [UNESP]. "Relações de poder e dominação no processo educativo." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/91270.
Full textEsse trabalho de pesquisa examinou as relações de poder e dominação no processo educativo, com o objetivo de estudar possibilidades de alteração nas relações de dominação, por meio da produção coletiva de um regulamento orientador das relações sociais no interior da sala de aula. Foi realizado em uma escola pública, em uma classe de Ensino Fundamental, com 30 alunos e um professor como sujeitos da pesquisa. Desenvolveu-se como uma pesquisa-ação, pela utilização de entrevistas, observações durante as aulas e com a colaboração do professor, em uma intervenção no processo de regulamentação da atividade em sala de aula. A fundamentação teórica do presente estudo foi a teoria Histórico- Cultural, baseada essencialmente em Vygotski e Leontiev, inspirada pelo Materialismo Histórico e Dialético marxista, além de outras fontes da psicologia, antropologia, sociologia e pedagogia. Foi observado o desenvolvimento de um processo de estruturação das atividades na sala de aula, que reproduz a estrutura de relações de poder e dominação presentes na sociedade. Também foi possível observar que as relações de dominação aparecem como contradição nas relações no interior da sala de aula e que, portanto, podem ser objetos de reflexão conjunta de aluno e professor. Nota-se que as contradições da regulamentação só aparecem para os alunos e para o professor no processo de produção coletiva da regulamentação quando as necessidades afetivas e emocionais dos alunos são consideradas. Isto não ocorre quando mecanismos de dominação prevalecem na construção das regras; nesta situação, verifica-se uma aparente concordância ou submissão a elas.
The present study examined power and domination relationships in the educational environment, aimed to investigate mechanisms of change in these relationships through collective production of rules for social behavior in the classroom. The study was carried out in a public elementary school, with a teacher and his 30 students as subjects, using an action research approach with the aid of recorded interviews and assistematic observations during the process of rule building in the classroom. The theoretical foundations of the present analysis was the Cultural Historical theory , based essentially on Vygotski and Leontiev’s work (inspired by the marxist historical and dialectic materialism), as well as other psychological, anthropological, sociologicaland pedagogical sources. It was observed that the development of a rule production process mainly reproduces the structure of power and domination relationships present in the surrounding society. It was also noted that domination relationships appear as contradictions in the classroom, which can thus be object of collective reflection by teacher and students. These contradictions appear to the students and teacher only during the collective production of rules, when the student´s affective and emotional needs are considered. They are absent when domination mechanisms are used, leading to an apparent acceptation of, or submission to, the rules produced so far.
Marino, Filho Armando. "Relações de poder e dominação no processo educativo /." Marília : [s.n.], 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/91270.
Full textBanca: Stela Miller
Banca: Lígia Márcia Martins.
Resumo: Esse trabalho de pesquisa examinou as relações de poder e dominação no processo educativo, com o objetivo de estudar possibilidades de alteração nas relações de dominação, por meio da produção coletiva de um regulamento orientador das relações sociais no interior da sala de aula. Foi realizado em uma escola pública, em uma classe de Ensino Fundamental, com 30 alunos e um professor como sujeitos da pesquisa. Desenvolveu-se como uma pesquisa-ação, pela utilização de entrevistas, observações durante as aulas e com a colaboração do professor, em uma intervenção no processo de regulamentação da atividade em sala de aula. A fundamentação teórica do presente estudo foi a teoria Histórico- Cultural, baseada essencialmente em Vygotski e Leontiev, inspirada pelo Materialismo Histórico e Dialético marxista, além de outras fontes da psicologia, antropologia, sociologia e pedagogia. Foi observado o desenvolvimento de um processo de estruturação das atividades na sala de aula, que reproduz a estrutura de relações de poder e dominação presentes na sociedade. Também foi possível observar que as relações de dominação aparecem como contradição nas relações no interior da sala de aula e que, portanto, podem ser objetos de reflexão conjunta de aluno e professor. Nota-se que as contradições da regulamentação só aparecem para os alunos e para o professor no processo de produção coletiva da regulamentação quando as necessidades afetivas e emocionais dos alunos são consideradas. Isto não ocorre quando mecanismos de dominação prevalecem na construção das regras; nesta situação, verifica-se uma aparente concordância ou submissão a elas.
Abstract: The present study examined power and domination relationships in the educational environment, aimed to investigate mechanisms of change in these relationships through collective production of rules for social behavior in the classroom. The study was carried out in a public elementary school, with a teacher and his 30 students as subjects, using an action research approach with the aid of recorded interviews and assistematic observations during the process of rule building in the classroom. The theoretical foundations of the present analysis was the Cultural Historical theory , based essentially on Vygotski and Leontiev's work (inspired by the marxist historical and dialectic materialism), as well as other psychological, anthropological, sociologicaland pedagogical sources. It was observed that the development of a rule production process mainly reproduces the structure of power and domination relationships present in the surrounding society. It was also noted that domination relationships appear as contradictions in the classroom, which can thus be object of collective reflection by teacher and students. These contradictions appear to the students and teacher only during the collective production of rules, when the student's affective and emotional needs are considered. They are absent when domination mechanisms are used, leading to an apparent acceptation of, or submission to, the rules produced so far.
Côrtes, Alex Sandro Barcelos. "O Panóptico de Yone: astúcias e táticas contra o poder disciplinar nos espaços de controle da escola." Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2004. http://www.bdtd.ndc.uff.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=249.
Full textThis paper deals stating from Foucautian theoretical assumptions with the power relations and political tecnologies at work in the Escola Municipal Professora Yone Nogueira, located in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, particularly on the disciplinar power and its mechanisms on time, space and body control. Such school has become study object, not only because it is where I have studied and work as History Teacher, but also because its sui generis achitecture, heritage of panoptical model, built to be a realization of the perfect control utopia. Within this achitecture of circular power, where all bodies have their reserved spaces as a form to keep them under permanent control , many teachers, students and administrative workers end by losing their work perspectives and objectiveness or even presenting feelings of discomfort at work. Besides, disciplinatory agents are permanently acting, and, by hierachical vigilance, the exam and normalizing sanction, bodies are developed at maximum productive potential, while rebellion potentials are reduced. The school manufactures subjects through intense and permanent subjection processes. Michel de Certeau is of great value to comprehend many subtle forms, which are daily invented by the school community members who are not mere passive consumers, but transform that space with their daily praxis, inventing new relations, intensificating life. On the attempt to realize experiences of freedom which turn life into art, and to reinforce horizontalized friendship bonds, some school usuaries turn out to develop an aesthetics of existance, result of a collective and not-hierarchical work upon each other. Even within disciplinary institutions planned to be perfect in working it is possible to create temporary autonomous zones, true heteropias, where real experiences of freedom can be lived. This work reports all that reality and points out the experimental and libertary theatre as an widening display of gaps in disciplinary power, and potentializer of singular subjectivation processes.
Ohlweiler, Mariane Inês. "No labirinto da transmissão : a herança do conceito de autoridade." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/95669.
Full textThis dissertation is focused on the concept of authority and power relations connected to family and social discourses of different historical periods and the last decades of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The object of research is constituted from the starting question: "In what ways have the authority figures constructed discursively?". The main theoretical framework embraces the concepts of authority, by Hannah Arendt; relations of power, by Michel Foucault; memory, by Henri Bergson; experience, by Walter Benjamin; narrative and transmission, in a broader sense, through the philosophical and psychoanalytic bias from various authors. As a research methodology, besides historical data review, we adopted the perspective of genealogy inspired from Michel Foucault, associated with the analysis of intergenerational narratives. The empirical material was obtained from twelve open interviews in narrative form, composed by people from four different families, and the following family relationship: grandmother, father or mother, son or daughter (up to ten years old). The acquired data indicate that it is possible to analyze the inherent transferability to family relationships that pervade the generations, regarding the issue of education and relations of power. The obtained narratives give visibility to several processes of establishment, affirmation, questioning and denial of authority figures; of definition power positions, who can order and who must obey; of nostalgia related to one's own childhood. The authority has been seen and understood as a construction of discursive realities, which can be presented and verbalized by bodily or affective dimensions, in intergenerational narratives. The conclusion is that the gradual abdication of physical punishment and the enhancement of conversation on the parentchild relations caused considerable changes in the educational processes. The opportunity of talking given to children has reconfigured their relationships with adults, who seek to establish ways to build and narrate themselves as authority figures, that are molded beyond the authoritarianism and the fear inflicted on past generations. The paper defends the idea that the authority is currently in a place of desire, in a quest for parental responsibilities that aims to be achieved and a place that is desired to be taken. Parents have been feeling entrusted to take over as figures of authority, affection, conversation and more democratic relations; everything in one position, in one person – remaining, yet, somewhat negative impressions and with the content of authoritarianism on the concept of authority. These impressions are concerned to the conceptual construction and their respective ruptures and discontinuities, as well as the collective memory of concepts, transmitted to different generations.
Meireles, Gabriela Silveira. "A infância nas tramas do poder: um estudo das relações entre as crianças na escola." Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), 2008. https://repositorio.ufjf.br/jspui/handle/ufjf/3491.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-02-24T15:37:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 gabrielasilveirameireles.pdf: 656492 bytes, checksum: bd2b59779420a015573e3d3f8d5367a2 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-02-24T15:38:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 gabrielasilveirameireles.pdf: 656492 bytes, checksum: bd2b59779420a015573e3d3f8d5367a2 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T15:38:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gabrielasilveirameireles.pdf: 656492 bytes, checksum: bd2b59779420a015573e3d3f8d5367a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-03
FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
Considerando os avanços relativos aos estudos da infância na contemporaneidade, bem como o surgimento de novos campos teóricos para o seu estudo, busco investigar neste trabalho os diferentes modos de ser criança a partir das relações por elas estabelecidas na escola. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola pública na cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG, em uma turma de Educação Infantil, com crianças de 4 e 5 anos de idade que se encontravam no início do processo de escolarização. O principal objetivo foi o de compreender o que as relações de poder entre as crianças poderiam nos revelar a respeito das configurações que a infância pode assumir a partir das práticas discursivas e não discursivas produzidas no contexto escolar. Neste trabalho, me proponho a fazer uma análise do discurso à moda foucaultiana, a partir da leitura de obras de Michel Foucault e de outros autores como Maria Isabel Bujes e Alfredo Veiga-Neto, que adotam esta perspectiva. Entendendo que a escola foi construída para as crianças e que esta se constituiu como um dos espaços mais importantes para a produção da infância, este trabalho buscou compreender quais seriam as infâncias possíveis neste modelo de escola disciplinar existente ainda hoje. Assim, proponho as seguintes questões: Que infâncias estão sendo produzidas atualmente neste espaço destinado às crianças? Que saberes foram construídos sobre elas e que relações de poder as estão constituindo? Quando e por meio de quais mecanismos estas subjetividades foram e estão sendo instauradas? Foram problematizações como estas que me conduziram neste estudo e que me permitiram perceber como as infâncias são produzidas historicamente nas relações estabelecidas entre os sujeitos.
Considering the advancement related to childhood studies in contemporaneity, as well as the appearance of new theoretical fields for its study, I have looked forward to investigate in this work the different manners to be a child since the relationships for them established in the school. The research has been done in a public school in Juiz de For a, MG, in a class of the first year of Child Education, with four and five year-old children that were in the beginning of the school process the main objective has been to comprehend what the relations of power among children could reveal in relation to the configurations that the childhood can assume since the discursive and non discursive pradices produced in school context. In this study, I propose to analyze discourse in the Foulcaultian fashion, from the reading of masterpieces by Michel Foucault and by other authors like Maria Isabel Bujes and Alfredo Veiga-Neto, who have adopted this perspective. Understanding that the school was constructed for children and that it constitutes it self as one of the most important spaces for children production, this work has looked forward to comprehend which would be the possible childhood for this disciplinary school pattern that still exists nowadays. Thus, I propose the following questions: which childhood has been produced nowadays in this space destinated to children? Which knowledge ha been constructed about them and which relationships of power have been constructing them? When and from which mechanisms these subjectivities have been established? Questions like these ones have conducted myself through out this study and have allowed myself to notice childhood has been produced historically in the relations established among the subjects.
Nunes, Mario Luiz Ferrari. "Educação fisica e esporte escolar: poder, identidade e diferença." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/48/48134/tde-21062007-160843/.
Full textThe present debate about identity and difference is associated to the process of social transformation. By this perspective the identity is constructed as the systems of meaning and cultural representation broaden, allowing the subject to locate himself in different forms in society. On the other hand, the educational discussion is how the curriculum influences the identities in such a way to reproduce the relationships of power. Facing this we developed a research with the objective of investigating which positions the individuals take in the presence of the discursive practices of Physical Education e how can these contribute to the constitution of identities and the enunciation of the difference. The theoretical ground was based on the analyses produced in the field of Cultural Studies, prioritizing the reflection about the cultural identity and the discussions of the curriculum. We related these themes with the curricular practices of Physical Education from the starting point of critics of some authors of the area that based their work in the Human Science. The method used in the research was the compilation of life history told by Poirier et. all. (1999). Interviews were done with educated people and subsidy were searched, in their life history, to establish relationship between the lived activities in the classroom and the construction of identity. As a result we were able to infer that beside the affirmation of hegemonic identities, each individual gave different meanings to the practices, and the struggle for validation of its forms of being, confronted with the relationship of power, privileges and inequalities constructed in the Scholar Culture. We considered, in the presumptions of the present educational theories, the search results and overcome - characteristic of the technical approach - facilitate only those that already bring determined knowledge socially valid, leaving slowly on the boarder of knowledge those that do not present themselves in a hegemonic form. Furthermore, we perceive that the propositions of the critical approaches do not confront the questions that consent with the multicultural society in which we live. In this research we could infer that the increase of the cultural manifestations in the classrooms, its historical context and the value of culture plurality do not constitute sufficient conditions for the subordinate groups to stand up to be represented in the game of cultural power. By our analyses we inferred that the cultural relationships between dominant and subordinate groups imply in the construction of repertories of resistance, these occur in a field of struggle for meaning. The cultural practices of transgression and resistance present in the curriculum of Physical Education tremble, although they are not able to dislocate the hierarchic order that regulates any cultural domain, and that express itself in the classrooms of this component through proficiency, through the knowledge of doing best the dominant representation of sport techniques. Facing this, we also suppose that the Physical Education configuration and specificity contribute to the construction of asymmetrical relationship of power inside the classrooms and these broaden to other spheres of scholar culture.
Oliveira, Meire Rose dos Anjos. "A educação e a luta no Araguaia (Mato Grosso)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8136/tde-02052016-114128/.
Full textThis study aims to investigate the relationship between education and the struggles developed at the Araguaia as tools for the constitution of a popular power and an attempt to draw up a popular educational model for the region. That is, an education conducted for the local characteristics from two projects, Inajá, mid-level training course for teachers not qualified and the Undergraduate Plenas Parceled, training at the college level. The North Araguaia is located in the eastern of Mato Grosso limiting with Goiás, Tocantins and Pará. It is a region of diverse cultural events, educational and political. In the second half of the twentieth century it has become attractive hub for migrants from some Brazilian areas, particularly northeast and south of the country. At the time, were migrants demand for land and chances of fruitful life. In the migration process, the indigenous eventually lose their territory to settlers and soon after for big agribusiness companies. It is also for this reason that the Araguaia lived an intense process of political boiling and rights search, even today, there are conflicts between indigenous, squatters and landowners because of different interests in land use and how has developed the work relation. For the analysis it was defined a period of time ranging since the origin of the Inajá to the last year of the first two classes of Parceled, that is, from 1987 to 2002. To understand the yearning of the Araguaia people in search of an educational process that valued the history and established relationships we start from the understanding of important concepts such as region, migration, territoriality, education and power. We verified that both projects became instruments for the strengthening of people, once they have formed teachers since the experience from schools, the countryside and the city, and the community where they were inserted. Although that experiences are located in a period of history do Araguaia, they still resonate in the meetings and educational discussions, that leads to the possibility of constructions, which perhaps aren\'t subversive to the established order, but at least form critical citizens and that they can recognize what is the intention of the educational model established in the state and in the country
Rodrigues, Cristiani Graciano. "FOUCAULT: EDUCAÇÃO E PODER." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2008. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/1265.
Full textThe school, among all of the disciplinary institutions, is the result of a historical process and transformations sinces the XVIIth century, being considered mainly as a educational space, that it seeks, the individual's formation. The modifications for the which it passed, were very important in relation with the school practices, taking us to a better understanding about what is today the modern school. Although Foucault has not made a detailed analysis of the schools, he saw them - as well as he saw the formal education - playing a relevant part in the growth of the disciplinary power. This study parts of the subject of how Foucault themed the power about the subject and the relationships of it, specifically in the XVIIth to XIXth centuries, from the difficulties to the appearance of the disciplinary institutions, and, taking out from the disciplinary power, in the institution school, the way those relationships of power are and the use of the mechanisms of discipline in the contemporary school institution. The present study aimed at to explore the meaning and the importance of the idea of power over the body in the analysis "foucaultiana" starting from the XVIIth century, and also to analyze the contribution that the genealogical studies of Foucault had starting from the relationships of power for the education in the school institution, because it is believed that the analysis of disciplinary power guides us to a better understanding of the disciplinary transformations, the relationships of power and the mechanisms used in the institutions, specifically here, in the institution school. The approach proposed in this study is historical, therefore it is a bibliographical study centered in the genealogical texts of Foucault with literature revision, having as main reference the work to Watch and to Punish (FOUCAULT, 1987). In front of the proposed discussion, it was possible to consider that the relationships of power were always present in the education, mainly because the place where, mainly it happens is at the school, and the institution school is fruit of a historical process of hierarchy, disciplines, normalizations among others. Therefore, note could be that the model of the disciplinary institutions presented by Foucault, from the appearance of the institution school, didn't change a lot, because it is what still today is developed with certain adaptations and innovations, but it doesn't flee to the traditional structure. The society equally, didn't change a lot. It is observed that there were just a change of pictures and government representations, but the hierarchical relationships of power continue, maybe, on a subtler and diplomat way.
A escola, entre todas as instituições disciplinares, é o resultado de um processo histórico e de transformações advindas desde o século XVII, sendo considerada como o espaço, primordialmente, educacional que visa à formação do indivíduo. As modificações pelas quais passou, foram importantíssimas em relação às práticas escolares, nos levando a uma melhor compreensão do que é hoje a escola moderna. Embora Foucault não tenha feito uma análise detalhada das escolas, ele as via - como também via a educação formal - desempenhando um papel relevante no crescimento do poder disciplinar. Este estudo parte da questão de como Foucault tematizou o poder sobre o sujeito e as relações do mesmo, especificamente nos séculos XVII ao XIX, desde os suplícios até o surgimento das instituições disciplinares, e, partindo do poder disciplinar, na instituição escola, como são essas relações de poder e a utilização dos mecanismos disciplinares na instituição escolar contemporânea. O presente estudo objetivou explorar o significado e a importância da idéia de poder sobre o corpo na análise foucaultiana a partir do século XVII, e também analisar a contribuição que tiveram os estudos genealógicos de Foucault a partir das relações de poder para a educação na instituição escolar, pois se acredita que a análise do poder disciplinar nos orienta a uma melhor compreensão das transformações disciplinares, as relações de poder e os mecanismos utilizados nas instituições, especificamente aqui, na instituição escola. A abordagem proposta neste estudo é histórica, portanto trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico centrado nos textos genealógicos de Foucault com revisão de literatura, tendo como principal referência a obra Vigiar e Punir (FOUCAULT, 1987). Diante da discussão proposta, foi possível considerar que as relações de poder sempre estiveram presentes na educação, principalmente porque o lugar onde, por excelência, esta ocorre é na escola, e a instituição escola é fruto de um processo histórico de hierarquia, disciplinas, normalizações entre outras. Portanto o que se pôde perceber foi que o modelo das instituições disciplinares apresentado por Foucault, desde o surgimento da instituição escola, não mudou muito, pois é o que ainda hoje é desenvolvido com certas adaptações e inovações, mas que não foge à estrutura tradicional. A sociedade igualmente, não mudou muito. Observa-se que houve apenas uma troca de figuras e representações governamentais, mas as relações hierárquicas de poder continuam talvez de uma forma mais sutil e diplomática.
Cortes, Maria de Fátima Cóias Faztudo. "Perfis de liderança em contexto escolar: delegação ou concentração de poder e seus reflexos motivacionais." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/10949.
Full textWexler, Dara H. Biklen Sari Knopp. "Shifting pedagogies: intersections of computer-supported technologies, education, and power." Related Electronic Resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available full text, 2003. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/syr/main.
Full textGrace, Lauri Joy, and lswan@deakin edu au. "Language, power and ruling relations in vocational education and training." Deakin University. School of Education, 2005. http://tux.lib.deakin.edu.au./adt-VDU/public/adt-VDU20060927.134645.
Full textJames, Nickolas John. "Power-Knowledge And Critique In Australian Legal Education : 1987 - 2003." Queensland University of Technology, 2004. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/15910/.
Full textCockman, Rachel. "Leadership, downshifting and the experience of power in higher education." Thesis, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.691342.
Full textHaig-Brown, Celia. "Taking control : power and contradiction in First Nations adult education." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/31014.
Full textEducation, Faculty of
Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of
Ukwuani, Godwin Chinedu. "Neutralizing Boko Haram Resurgency: Power of Targeted Holistic Education Policies." ScholarWorks, 2019. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/6748.
Full textThompson, Greg. "The good student : subjectivities and power in secondary schools /." Murdoch University Digital Theses Program, 2009. http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/adt/browse/view/adt-MU20090831.142044.
Full textAshkettle, Bryan L. "The power of the provocative| Exploring world history content." Thesis, Kent State University, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3618923.
Full textThis study addresses how my freshman world history students come to understand controversial issues as provocative within the secondary social studies classroom, and in what ways does their engagement with provocative issues influence their understanding of the content and the world around them. In addition, this research study seeks to discover in what ways does the teaching of these provocative materials inform and influence my curricular decisions, my pedagogy, and my relationship with my students. The three research questions were established to guide this study.
1. How do my world history freshman students come to understand provocative materials in regards to the historical content?
2. How does my students' engagement with these provocative materials influence their understanding of historical events and the world around them?
3. In what ways does the teaching of these provocative materials inform and influence my curricular decisions, my pedagogy, and my relationship with my students?
Self-Study methodology was selected as a way to personally explore and examine my students understanding of provocative issues as well as my instruction. Grounded theory was utilized exclusively as a coding and analyzing device. To address these questions, thirteen student participants were selected for this study based on the criteria assumed by the questions. Data was collected from individual interviews, group interviews, student blog posts, and my own journal.
As the data was analyzed and coded, nuanced constructs of the students' thinking began to coalesce on three distinct perceptions of provocative issues which evolved into the findings of this study. The first finding involved students who advocated for the inclusion of provocative issues. Their rationales for this inclusion were; Real World Phenomenon, Provocative for Grade Sake, Provocative for Interest Sake. A second finding involved a student who opposed the inclusion of provocative issues. This student's rationales were labeled Oppositional. The first two findings were partnered with the six students' rationales. The third finding involved the other seven students who had a varying range of nuanced articulation, varied their opinion across time, or lacked a clear robust rationale. This finding was labeled developing rationales. These students' perspectives were labeled other voices.
In addition to the student data, journaling was utilized to explore my own rationale for using provocative issues within my world history classroom. These journals provided a space for reflection on my practice in regards to the teaching of provocative issues, thus addressing my third research question. The journals, like the other data sources, were coded using grounded theory as the main analytical device. Upon completion of the data analysis of my journals, themes began to emerge that progressed into findings. The self-study findings were categorized as; The Closed Space of Sexuality, The Banality of Violence, and Anti-Americanism Linked to Racism to Foster Critical Thinking.
Senicato, Renato Bellotti [UNESP]. "Na grade do discurso, na teia dos poderes: o sequestro dos sentidos de infância na educação." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/152046.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-10-31T19:40:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 senicato_rb_me_rcla.pdf: 1301313 bytes, checksum: 9bbe49329e4bd70ab064ee428fd9ce31 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-31T19:40:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 senicato_rb_me_rcla.pdf: 1301313 bytes, checksum: 9bbe49329e4bd70ab064ee428fd9ce31 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-15
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta pesquisa objetiva compreender a constituição discursiva da educação infantil tomando como base o conjunto textual enunciativo normativo expresso nas diretrizes curriculares nacionais para a educação infantil (1999; 2009). Para este intento, relacionamos o conjunto das normativas aos princípios teóricos conceituais discursivos apresentados em algumas obras de Michel Foucault (1926-1984). Busca-se, dessa maneira, compreender as ressonâncias existentes entre tais normativas e os pressupostos conceituais discursivos concernentes às categorias de saber e poder inscritas e mobilizadas pela prática discursiva da educação infantil. Partimos do pressuposto de compreensão que recobre a atividade da educação formal como derivada do princípio legalista de governo através da hipótese de que, para formar um indivíduo acabado para os termos da relação política, a educação assenta a prática disciplinar sobre as crianças num movimento que sequestra seus sentidos de infância ao passo em que infantiliza especificamente como condição de produção e controle.
This research aims to understand the discursive constitution of early childhood education, based on the normative enunciative textual set expressed in the national curriculum guidelines for children's education (1999; 2009). For this purpose, we related these norms to the conceptual principles written in some papers by Michel Foucault (1926-1984). In this way, we seek to consider the existing resonances between such normative and the conceptual discursive assumptions concerning the categories of knowledge and power inscribed and mobilized by the discursive practice of early childhood education. We started from the assumption that the understanding that covers the formal education activity, as derived from the legal principle of governmental administration through the hypothesis that to create a finished individual in the terms of the political relationship, the education combine with disciplinary practice over children in a movement that kidnaps his childhood senses while infantilizing them specifically as a condition of production and control.
ANDRADE, Fellipe Almeida de. "Controle social na política de financiamento da educação: uma análise da atuação dos conselhos do FUNDEB na Região Metropolitana de Campina Grande – PB." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2016. https://repositorio.ufpe.br/handle/123456789/18267.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2017-01-27T16:44:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) FellipeAndrade_Dissertação_VersãoFinal 6 vias.pdf: 2595465 bytes, checksum: aa417f9c06c9f1836959271c7d842b0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-29
O presente estudo realiza uma análise da atuação dos Conselhos Municipais de Controle Social – CACS da principal política de financiamento da educação no Brasil: o Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais do Magistério – FUNDEB. O principal objetivo é investigar o grau de contribuição destes colegiados – que contam com a representação de diversos segmentos ligados ao ensino e também de seus principais beneficiários – para o cumprimento das finalidades do financiamento educacional, tendo como referência a administração municipal. São analisadas a estrutura organizacional, as regras de funcionamento, os meios de execução do controle social e os impactos da atividade do CACS diante do que a legislação outorga-lhe como prerrogativas. O campo da pesquisa é a Região Metropolitana de Campina Grande, no Estado da Paraíba, e o marco temporal é o período compreendido entre os anos de 2010 a 2014. O exame realizado permitiu verificar que os Conselhos existem e são relativamente atuantes, mas padecem de limitações causadas pela sua dependência junto ao Poder Público, pelos vícios persistentes na eleição de seus membros, pela precariedade da formação inicial e continuada dos conselheiros e pelo escopo restrito das informações a que, obrigatoriamente, têm acesso.
This study conducts an analysis of the performance of the main Municipal Social Control Councils (CACS) of education financing policy in Brazil: the Fund for the Development of Basic Education and the Magisterium of the Professional Valuation – FUNDEB. The main objective is to investigate the degree of contribution of these councils - which have representation from various sectors linked to education and also its main beneficiaries - for the fulfillment of the purposes of educational funding, with reference to the municipal administration. Were analyzed the organizational structure, operating rules, the means for the implementation of social control and the impact of the Council's activity before the law grants you as prerogatives. The field of research is the metropolitan area of Campina Grande, in the state of Paraiba, and the timeframe is the period between the years 2010-2014. The examination has shown that the Councils exist and are relatively active, but suffer from limitations caused by their dependence on the government, the persistent flaws in the election of your members, the precariousness of initial and continuing training of counselors and the restricted scope of the information must have access.
Godoy, Elenilton Vieira. "Currículo, cultura e educação matemática: uma aproximação possivel?" Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/48/48134/tde-20012012-094632/.
Full textThis study is part of the research line \"Curriculum, teaching and learning in mathematics\", developed by the Group of Studies and Research in Education and Mathematics Education (GEPEME) from the Teaching of Mathematics and Science area in the Post-Graduation in Education Program of the Faculty of Education - University of São Paulo (USP) and aims to investigate the extent to which mathematical knowledge is used in the contemporary society and how it manifests itself throughout power relations; and also to understand how practices of meaning interfere in the organization and construction of the mathematics curriculum of basic education. Methodologically, this study is a theoretical essay and has adopted a qualitative approach to research. It articulates discursive practices that have rarely been confronted with mathematics education, more precisely, with the curriculum of school mathematics. Theoretically, it is based on studies on different curriculum theories seeking to analyze the role that school subjects play in each of these theories: in studies on the centrality of culture to discuss contemporary issues; and, in studies in the area of mathematics education such as ethnomathematics, mathematical enculturation, critical mathematics education and mathematical modeling, because they are articulated, above all, with the cultural, political and social aspects of mathematics education. When we dealt with school subjects, recovering the concepts of legitimate, powerful knowledge, high and not-high status, the mutual relationship between knowledge and power, the curriculum as a practice of meaning; concepts that give meaning to actions and allow us to interpret others actions and that when understood as a whole, form cultures; we thought about school mathematics and mathematical knowledge whether institutionalized or not. As a social, cultural and political practice, school mathematics should give priority and more attention to the less privileged ones, echoing their voices. It was for such school mathematics, more egalitarian and less representative of the hegemonic thinking, that a proposal was built based on key concepts grounded in educational and curriculum theories in line with: Ethnomathematics, which helps to strengthen the idea that mathematical knowledge is hybridized and is based mainly on restructuring and strengthening the voices that were silenced; with the Critical Mathematics Education, which is largely concerned with the political aspects of mathematics education, that is, issues related to power; with Mathematical Modeling, which is an important part of the discussions involving school mathematics and power relations, and with the Mathematical Enculturation, which proposes a school mathematics curriculum centered on the cultural dimension.
Mullan, Deirdre. "#The feminization of poverty' : education - the inequality of access and opportunity." Thesis, University of Ulster, 1994. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.242010.
Full textDelgado, Antonio. "A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Graduate Education Students' Understandings of Instructor Power in a Higher Education Classroom." FIU Digital Commons, 2012. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/562.
Full textCarvalho, Alexandre Filordi de. "Da sujeição as experiencias de construção de si na função-educador : uma leitura foucaultiana." [s.n.], 2008. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/251522.
Full textTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T22:18:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho_AlexandreFilordide_D.pdf: 54806633 bytes, checksum: a34444d6d15f95b8e0a80a56f816f6cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008
Resumo: O propósito central da pesquisa consiste em investigar a problematização das abordagens voltadas para as experiências de subjetividades na trajetória genealógica do pensamento de Michel Foucault. A hipótese é a de que o sujeito pode mudar de estatuto à medida que seus campos de experiências singulares nos acontecimentos históricos que ele é capaz de produz e nos quais está envolvido se transformam: da sujeição às experiências de constituição de si. Com isto, problematizar-se-á quais são os canais possíveis para ir além das forças normativas, disciplinares, reprodutivas e de dominação que perpassam as experiências de formação humana. A possibilidade de reposicionamento dos sujeitos nestas experiências está ligada com o questionamento de determinadas posições históricas dos sujeitos envolvidos na educação. Deste modo, procurar-se-á desenvolver a noção de função- educador como indicador reversível da dinâmica operatória em que dois ou mais sujeitos se põem em relação, cujo enfoque de formação prepondera. A função-educador tentará problematizar certas perspectivas que podem ser tomadas como canais de criação e produção de experiências dessujeitantes, a partir do campo da educação. Para tanto, serão analisados o papel dos jogos de verdade presentes nas experiências históricas de constituição dos sujeitos; os processos e campos de subjetividades implicados em certas relações de forças cujos domínios de saber-poder, ao serem questionados, liberam alguns canais para que os sujeitos, envolvidos nas experiências educativas, passem a constituir relações consigo mesmos, ou seja, outras subjetividades. A perspectiva de uma relação educativa parrhysiasta, de um posicionamento como intelectual específico, infame e crítico por parte do educador serão preponderantes neste contexto.
Abstract: The main goal of this research is to investigate the way the approaches to the experiences of subjectivity become issues themselves in the genealogical trajectory of Michel Foucault's thinking. The hypothesis is that the subject can cange his condition as the fields of his particular experiences in the historical events he can produce and in which he is involved themselves change: from subjection to the experiences of self-constitution. Thus issues will be made of the matter of which are the feasible channels to go beyond the normative, disciplinary, reproductive, and domination-oriented power that pervade the experiences of human formation. The possibility for subjects to change their position through such experiences is connected with the questioning of certain historical positions of the subjects involved in education. In that way an attempt will be made to developed the idea of the role of educator as a reversible indicator of the working dynamics in which two or more subjects are confronted and whose formation approach preponderates. The educator-function will make issues of certain perspectives which can be taken as channels for creation and the production of desubjectizing experiences starting from the field of education. To that end an analysis will be conducted of the part played by the truth games present in the historical experiences of subject building; the processes and fields of subjectivity implied in some relations of power whose knowledge-power domains, when questioned, open channels for the subjects who are involved in educational experiences to start building relations with themselves, that is, new subjectivities. The perspective of a parrhysiastic educational relation, or a position taking as a specific, infamous, and critical intellectual on the part of the educator will be decisive in this context.
Psicologia Educacional
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