Academic literature on the topic 'Educative power'

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Journal articles on the topic "Educative power"


Gámez, Rafael A. Jiménez, Mayka García García, and Manuel Cotrina García. "Educative Assimilation as a Process of Exclusion: The Case of Immigrant Students and ATALs in Cadiz, Spain." Power and Education 4, no. 2 (January 2012): 173–84.

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Toner, Jean, and Michele Rountree. "Transformative and Educative Power of Critical Thinking." Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23, no. 1 (2003): 81–85.

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Johnson, David W., Roger T. Johnson, and Karl A. Smith. "Constructive Controversy: The Educative Power of Intellectual Conflict." Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 32, no. 1 (January 1, 2000): 28–37.

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Jjuuko, Robert, Cuthbert Tukundane, and Jacques Zeelen. "Reclaiming the educative power of vocational placements: Experiences from agriculture education practice in Uganda." International Journal of Training and Development 25, no. 2 (May 6, 2021): 144–59.

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Bogotch, Ira E. "“Enmeshed in the Work”: The Educative Power of Developing Standards." Journal of School Leadership 12, no. 5 (September 2002): 503–25.

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The purpose of this study is to illustrate empirically the educative power associated with developing leadership standards in contrast to the miseducative dispositions associated with both implementation and policy-making. Those leaders “enmeshed in the work” experienced the joys of learning, yet when their task was completed, they foresaw a predictable, if not cynical, future for the standards. Specifically, standards’ development was characterized by a fluidity of local and contextualized meanings. Once written, however, the standards became fixed and distant, to be folded into current practice.
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Quigley, Gabriel. "Justice, Law, and the Educative Power: Revisiting ‘Force of Law’." Derrida Today 14, no. 2 (November 2021): 186–206.

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This paper examines Jacques Derrida's analysis of Walter Benjamin's ‘Critique of Violence’ in the context of their respective theories of the university. Whereas Derrida foregrounds the complex ways that the university and law are intertwined, Benjamin claims that the ‘educative power’ stands removed from the law by identifying the university with ‘divine violence’. ‘Force of Law’ not only questions the possibility of a neutral, pre-legal space that Benjamin's theory warrants, ‘Force of Law’ also draws attention to the laws structuring the colloquia that gave rise to Derrida's text. This paper claims that Derrida's analysis of justice, law, violence, and justesse is thus informed by a theory of the university, and that the ways in which Derrida's theory of law stands opposed to Benjamin's parallels the ways in which Derrida's theory of the university questions Benjamin's understanding of the ‘educative power’. This paper concludes by drawing attention to the demand posed by the absence of justice in the academy. Although the laws of the academy produce justesse in the present, this negatively affirms justice in the future, which cannot wait.
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Yang, Kai-Lin, Hui-Yu Hsu, Fou-Lai Lin, Jian-Cheng Chen, and Ying-Hao Cheng. "Exploring the educative power of an experienced mathematics teacher educator-researcher." Educational Studies in Mathematics 89, no. 1 (January 24, 2015): 19–39.

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Murakami, Juliana Kelli, José Fernando Petrilli Filho, and Paulo Celso Prado Telles Filho. "Talking about sexuality, STI and AIDS with poor adolescents." Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 15, spe (October 2007): 864–66.

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This study aimed to report an educative action experience on sexuality/STI/Aids in an adolescent group living in a poor context. The study site was a Family Health Unit located in a city in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. Six female adolescents participated in the educative actions, and each of the five meetings took 70 minutes on the average. The educative action allowed for knowledge/action based on a network of interlaced gestures, words and affections, permeating new constructions. Thus, new meanings emerged, not only for the adolescents, who discovered the power of being in the group, but also for the researchers, who managed to visualize other horizons for the work with highly vulnerable groups in society.
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Hernández Méndez, Mtra Griselda. "El ejercicio del poder del maestro en el aula universitaria." CPU-e, Revista de Investigación Educativa, no. 2 (November 14, 2012): 181–200.

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El texto visualiza al aula como un micromundo en donde ambos actores del proceso educativo, maestro y alumno, ejercen el poder como una red compleja de relaciones de fuerzas, en la que el poder del maestro se manifiesta de múltiples formas, como control, subordinación, dominación, represión, sujeción… De esta manera, partiendo del supuesto de que el docente ejerce mayor poder que los alumnos a través del empleo de técnicas disciplinarias, y que el uso desmedido de ese poder afecta de alguna manera la relación que establece con los alumnos, el presente trabajo analiza, desde un enfoque microfísico, los dispositivos o técnicas normalizadoras que emplearon dos maestros dentro del aula universitaria: el discurso, la disciplina, la vigilancia y el castigo. Bajo esa directriz, el propósito de este artículo es analizar las técnicas o dispositivos de poder que los maestros emplean, y reflexionar en torno a los efectos que causa en los alumnos tal uso.AbstractThe text visualizes to the classroom like a microworld in where both actors of the educative process, teacher and student, exert the power like a complex network of force ratios, in which the power of the teacher is manifested of multiple forms, like control, subordination, domination, repression, subjection... In this way, starting off of the assumption that the teacher exerts more power than the students through the use of disciplinary techniques, and the excessive use of that power affects in any way the relation that he establishes with the students, the present work analyzes, from a microphysical approach, the devices or normalization techniques that used two teachers within the university classroom: the speech, the discipline, the monitoring and the punishment. Under that directive, the intention of this article is to analyze the techniques or devices of power that the teachers use, and to reflect around the effects that it causes in the students.
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ROBERTS, M. "Emotional intelligence, empathy and the educative power of poetry: a Deleuzo-Guattarian perspective." Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 17, no. 3 (April 2010): 236–41.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Educative power"


Schirato, Maria Aparecida Rhein. "O percurso do jovem executivo na arquitetura do poder das organizações sob o ponto de vista psicanalítico." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.

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O objetivo desta tese é analisar, a partir de um ponto de vista psicanalítico, a vida de jovens executivos: sua educação, sua formação cultural, sua inserção no mercado de trabalho e seu acesso a altos níveis de poder dentro das organizações. Para tanto, foi necessária como referência a teoria de Sigmund Freud e de alguns de seus seguidores. Imaginamos como seria uma visita de Freud às organizações atuais: qual seria sua leitura e compreensão sobre o jovem tendo acesso aos vários níveis de poder e quais as suas conseqüências. O desenvolvimento desta tese demandou algumas considerações relativas: a administração de empresas, com relação às Políticas de Recursos Humanos e Qualidade, e à Educação, com relação à intervenção dos pais e educadores nas escolhas dos jovens. Entrevistas com 4 jovens executivos sobre suas carreiras profissionais comprovam a validade da teoria psicanalítica contida nesta tese.
The scope of this essay is to analyze, from a psychoanalytic point of view, the life of young business men and women: their education, their cultural formation, their insertion in the market and their access to high levels of power in organizations. Therefor I had as reference Sigmund Freud\'s theories and some of his disciples. I imagined how a visit of Freud to a currently existing organization would be: which his comprehension and interpretation would be about the young business men and women upon access to the different levels of power and the consequence thereof. The development of essay required some certain considerations regarding: business administration, with respect to Human Resources and Quality Policies, and Education, with respect to the intervention of parents and educators in the choices of the students. Interviews with 4 (four) young businessmen and women about carrier evidenced the validity of the psychoanalytic theory contained in this essay.
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McKeever, Mary Geraldine. "Workers' education for workers' power." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2001.

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Mgijima-Msindwana, Mirriam Miranda Nomso. "Implementing Educational Innovations: The case of the Secondary School Curriculum Diversification Programme in Lesotho." University of the Western Cape, 1991.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
Between 1974 and 1982 the MOE introduced in two phases the diversification programme [SSCDP] which sought to establish practical subjects in the secondary school curriculum. This study examines the sustainability of implementation efforts beyond project expiry. It was hypothesised that SSCDP is not working as originally intended. The broad research problem was framed thus: What implementation response arises from an open-ended innovation policy? Subsidiary questions are: 1. How far have the policy-makers communicated the meaning of SSCDP and what factors account for mismatches between policy intentions and innovation practice? 2. What is the response of Project schools and what factors explain variation in response? 3. What is their significance for the sustainability of SSCDP? The analysis draws key concepts from the innovation literature on models and strategies of planned change; relationships in the implementation hierarchy; determinants of and orientations to the implementation process. Centred around qualitative research methods, the investigation utilises data from project documents, semi-structured interviews and from observations during school visits. Findings show an overall low level of implementation that varies among project schools. This is attributed to: Poor interpretation of SSCDP goals; Deficiencies in the implementation management; Idiosyncratic school behaviours. The study concludes that the 'practitioner-policy-maker' discrepancy is significant, hence the gap between policy intents and innovation practice. The gap is not regarded so much as an ultimate failure of the programme but as a necessary condition that allows for mutual adaptation between the innovation and its setting. This is reflected in the varied patterns of implementation response, classified as the: faithful; negotiators; selective adaptors; expansionists; and reductionist. As a policy-oriented study aiming at providing an 'improvement value', the findings lead to a proposal of improvements in the strategies of managing change in three areas: shifting focus from an adoption to an implementation perspective. Recognising implementation as a process dependent on a mutual linkage relationship among participants. Recognising schools as important bearers of change. These three are crucial factors in the implementation-sustainability relationship.
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Pascual, Medina Javier. "Relaciones de poder y empoderamiento docente para la innovación educativa." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019.

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La demanda pel canvi i educatiu la millora educativa mai s’havia posicionat tan fortament a la història de Xile com ho ha fet durant la darrera dècada. El sorgiment de la Societat del Coneixement, sumat a les nombroses revoltes estudiantils i socials, han posat a l’educació en el punt de mira de l’opinió pública i l’agenda política. La Innovació Educativa – entesa com qualsevol canvi en els processos d’ensenyament-aprenentatge orientat al millorament educatiu – es situa com un concepte fonamental en el qual els docents es converteixen en peça clau com a agents de canvi. Paradoxalment, el sistema educatiu ha avançat cap a un model de reformes basades en estàndard que, mentre explícitament es plantegen com un mecanisme que intenta donar major autonomia a les comunitats educatives convertint-les en protagonistes de la seva pròpia millora, en realitat, es consoliden com a mecanismes rígids que pressionen als establiments i als docents a desenvolupar el seu treball sota una racionalitat instrumental. En aquest context, la dificultat d’innovar es torna evident, perquè el canvi requereix de professionals apoderats que aconsegueixin superar les barreres imposades pels estàndards educatius. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és identificar, des d’un paradigma sociocrític i transformatiu, la influència que tenen les relacions de poder que s’exerceixen sobre els docents d’escoles i liceus a Xile i l’apoderament docent en els processos d’innovació educativa. Entenem les relacions de poder com a intents d’una persona o institució per controlar les accions d’uns altres – en aquest cas, l’acció pedagògica dels docents – i l’apoderament com el procés dels docents per a recuperar el control sobre les pròpies accions. Per a complir amb els objectius, desenvolupem una metodologia mixta seqüencial i transformativa en dues fases. En una primera fase hem elaborat Produccions Narratives amb nou docents, mitjançant les quals coneixem innovacions educatives pròpies del seu treball, les relacions de poder associades i les seves formes d’apoderament i resistència. Construïm sobre la base d’elles les categories d’anàlisis per a la segona fase, una enquesta aplicada en escoles i liceus a Xile, rescatant i enaltint així la veu dels docents. Els resultats indiquen que el rol exigit als docents pel sistema educatiu i les seves institucions dista del que els professors consideren com a ideal. El currículum educatiu, les avaluacions estandarditzades d’aprenentatge i els estàndards d’acompliment docent s’han convertit en mecanismes de pressió constant per als docents, i els establiments i els seus directius han format estructures per a transmetre i reproduir aquesta pressió. Així, els docents consideren la innovació educativa com una resistència o fugida d’aquestes obligacions, la qual aconsegueixen apoderant-se individual i col·lectivament. Les diverses relacions de poder i processos d’apoderament docent incideixen en com es desenvolupen les innovacions educatives, en els seus orígens, objectius, objectes de canvi i sostenibilitat.
La demanda por el cambio y el mejoramiento educativo nunca se había posicionado tan fuertemente en la historia de Chile como lo ha hecho recientemente. El surgimiento de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, sumada a las numerosas revueltas estudiantiles y sociales, han puesto a la educación en el punto de mira de la opinión pública y la agenda política. La Innovación Educativa – entendida como cualquier cambio en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje orientado al mejoramiento educativo – se sitúa como un concepto fundamental en el que los docentes se convierten en pieza clave como agentes de cambio. Paradójicamente, el sistema educativo ha avanzado hacia un modelo de reformas basadas en estándares que, mientras se plantean como un mecanismo que intenta dar mayor autonomía a las comunidades educativas convirtiéndolas en protagonistas de su propio mejoramiento, en realidad, se consolidan como mecanismos rígidos que presionan a los establecimientos y a los docentes a desarrollar su trabajo bajo una racionalidad instrumental. En ese contexto, la dificultad de innovar es evidente, pues el cambio requiere de profesionales empoderados que logren superar las barreras impuestas por los estándares educativos. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar, desde una perspectiva sociocrítica y transformativa, la influencia que tienen las relaciones de poder que se ejercen sobre los docentes de escuelas y liceos en Chile y el empoderamiento docente en los procesos de innovación educativa. Entendemos las relaciones de poder como intentos de una persona o institución por controlar las acciones de otros – en este caso, la acción pedagógica de los docentes – y el empoderamiento como el proceso de los docentes para recuperar el control sobre las propias acciones. Para cumplir con los objetivos, desarrollamos una metodología mixta secuencial y transformativa en dos fases. En una primera fase hemos elaborado Producciones Narrativas con nueve docentes, mediante las cuales conocimos innovaciones educativas propias de su trabajo, las relaciones de poder asociadas y sus formas de empoderamiento y resistencia. Construimos en base a ellas las categorías de análisis para la segunda fase, una encuesta aplicada en escuelas y liceos en Chile, rescatando y enalteciendo así la voz de los docentes. Los resultados indican que el rol exigido a los docentes por el sistema educativo y sus instituciones dista del que los profesores consideran como ideal. El currículum educativo, las evaluaciones estandarizadas de aprendizaje y los estándares de desempeño docente se han convertido en mecanismos de presión constante para los docentes, y los establecimientos y sus directivos han formado estructuras para transmitir y reproducir esta presión. Así, los docentes consideran la innovación educativa como una resistencia o fuga de esas obligaciones, la cuál logran empoderándose individual y colectivamente. Las diversas relaciones de poder y procesos de empoderamiento docente inciden en cómo se desarrollan las innovaciones educativas, en sus orígenes, objetivos, objetos de cambio y sostenibilidad.
Social demand for change and educational improvement had never positioned itself in Chilean history as strongly as it has during the past decade. The emergence of Knowledge Society and the numerous student and social revolts have put education in the spotlight of public opinion and political agenda. Educational innovation – meaning any change in the teaching-learning processes aimed to improve them – turned into a fundamental concept, and teachers have become a key piece as agents of change. Paradoxically, Chilean educational system has advanced towards a model of standards-based reforms. While explicitly has been considered as a mechanism that aims to give grater autonomy to educational communities, making them protagonists of their own improvement, in reality, they are consolidated by rigid accountability mechanisms, pressuring schools and teachers to develop their work under an instrumental rationality. The difficulty of innovating becomes evident, since change requires empowered professionals who need to overcome the barriers imposed by educational standards. The main goal of this study is to identify, from a socio-critical and transformative perspective, the influence that power relationships exercised over teachers and teachers’ empowerment have in educational innovation processes in schools and high schools in Chile. We understand power relationships as attempts by one person or institution to control the actions of others – in this case, the pedagogical action – and teacher empowerment as the process of teachers to regain control over their own actions. We developed a sequential and transformative mixed methodology in two phases. In a first phase, we developed Narrative Productions with nine teachers, through which we learn their educational innovations, the associated power relationships and their forms of empowerment and resistance. We built on them the analysis categories for the second phase, a survey applied in schools and high schools in Chile, thus rescuing and exalting the voice of teachers. Results show that the teachers’ role demanded by the educational system and its institutions is far from what teachers consider as the ideal role. The educational curriculum, standardized tests for students and teacher performance standards have become mechanisms of constant pressure for teachers. Schools and their principals have formed structures to transmit and reproduce this pressure. Thus, teachers consider educational innovation as a resistance or an escape from these obligations, which they achieve by empowering themselves individually and collectively. The various power relationships and teacher empowerment processes influence how educational innovations develop, in their origins, goals, objects of change and sustainability.
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Darne, Sophie. "Pas sans l’obéissance : nouages du sujet dans le lien social." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022.

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L’obéissance rebute. Associée au courage dans la Grèce antique, recherchée comme un état à l’époque des monastères, moralement soupçonnée suite aux exactions de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’obéissance apparaît complexe. Souvent associée au champ de la passivité, elle relève pourtant d’une action du sujet aux prises avec le social. L’obéissance apparait comme caractéristique d’un positionnement général du sujet dans le lien social, en butte à des énoncés formulés avec autorité ou domination dans un certain rapport au pouvoir. Elle se manifeste de façon spécifique pour des éducateurs ayant en charge des adolescents dans un foyer de la protection de l’enfance. Elle se dessine donc comme une notion ambiguë, que nous tenterons de conceptualiser grâce à la traversée, par le discours psychanalytique, des discours historiques, philosophiques et sociologiques en cours de l’antiquité à nos jours. Elle pourra alors être un élément d’exploration de la complexité de positionnements de professionnels au travers des quatre discours de Lacan. Paradigme du lien social, la dimension de l’obéissance nous introduit aux nouages possibles du sujet entre sa position subjective, la conjoncture qu’il trouve dans le monde et le rapport au pouvoir qu’il s’octroie. Ce nouage d’obéissance peut déboucher soit sur une soumission, soit sur une décision. Et quand il n’est pas possible, des manifestations symptomatiques tentent de remettre en route le sujet. Il n’est donc pas possible de ne pas obéir comme il n’est pas possible d’être hors lien social. Il est en revanche nécessaire de faire choix de l’un des modes de nouage d’obéissance, choix incontournable, complexe et dynamique s’il en est
Obedience puts us off. Associated with courage in Ancient Greece, seeked as a permanent frame of mind in the age of monasteries, and morally suspicious since the atrocities of World War II, obedience is, to say the least, infinitely complex. Although often likened to passivity, obedience veritably is an action on the part of the subject in its dealings with the social. It is one aspect of the subject’s general positioning within the social and the various utterances it involves, with the latter coming from a place of authority or domination in certain power dynamics. However, obedience works in specific ways for the educators responsible for teenagers in a children’s care home. It reveals itself as an ambiguous notion that this thesis attempts to conceptualise through a psychoanalytic exploration of the historical, philosophical, and sociological, discourses, from Antiquity to this day. I mobilise the notion of obedience to investigate the complex positionings of social education professionals. Being the paradigm of social relations, obedience brings us face to face with the question of the individual’s knotting together of its subjective position, the contingencies of the outside world, and the relationships the subject creates with authority and power. As at once a knotting in itself and that with which the subject has to negotiate, obedience either leads to a position of submission or to a choice, a decision. When this knotting does not happen, symptoms irrupt and set the subject in motion again, putting it to work. We could therefore say that it is as impossible not to obey as it is to be outside of any social rapport. It is, however, necessary to choose from the various subjective knottings of, and with, obedience; an inescapable, complex, and dynamic, choice, if ever there was one
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Saville, Marco. "Power playground." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2017.

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Communities on the Cape Flats of the Western Cape have become synonymous with 'overcrowding, poverty, and squatters' (Pinnock, 2016: 12). Segregation under the apartheid regime forcibly placed Black and Coloured citizens in these areas. These areas have since become eclectic linguistic platforms where many languages form part of the daily liveliness. One of the registers used, is sabela. This is a register born in the prison gangs that has filtered out into the streets, and schools within the surrounding areas. This study, conducted in a school on the Cape Flats, follows the linguistic resources deployed by two Grade 9 boys, as they negotiate their way through different interactions within the informal school setting. The study is based on Linguistic Ethnography (Rampton, 2004), and draws on a view of language as a social practice (Fairclough 1989/ 2001), with particular focus on the contexts (Blommaert, 2005) that inform interactions. The important influence of different discourses in the linguistic marketplace (Bourdieu, 1977) frame the analysis of interactions, and evidence of performativity (Butler, 1990) and footing (Goffman, 1981) are seen as an important factors when investigating abilities to perform particular identities. Hence my research question is: How does sabela function within the linguistic repertoires of two boys in informal spaces at a School on the Western Cape Flats? The data collected consists of audio recordings made over the period of five days, during the two interval sessions of each day, as well as interviews conducted with research participants. The findings showed that the boys had a wide linguistic repertoire that could be strategically deployed. They drew on many different resources from their repertoires with different effects, sabela was drawn on as a signifier of power both in the informal school space and in interactions.
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Martinez, Pedro Plaza. "Language, education and power in Bolivia : bilingual education classroom practices." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1998.

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Raimzhanova, Aigerim [Verfasser]. "Hard, Soft, and Smart Power – Education as a Power Resource / Aigerim Raimzhanova." Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2018.

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Cripps, Sandra Florence. "The influence of language as a tool for policy implementation : further education after the 1988 Education Reform Act." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1999.

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The task of this work is to show that the use of language can be an important tool in any attempt to use power. In view of the complexity of the subject the span of investigation has specifically focused on the changes brought about by the Conservative Government expressed in the Education Acts in 1988 and 1992 during the period 1991-1996, tracing their effect on three further education colleges in the public sector and one in the private sector. In order to test the hypothesis, that there has been a significant change in the value system within which further education policy has been expressed, a selection of all direct guidance given to further education colleges for the period 1944-1997 is analysed. By exploring the panoramic of the narrative it is argued that policy failure for the average student is found not to be uncommon and at odds with the vision which drove the Education Act 1944. In order to offer some explanation of these outcomes the narrative is analysed. This reveals several themes representing a journey towards modernising democracy and underlying themes which consistently tempers attempts towards radical change. Further it reveals a paradigm shift from the pursuit of educational effectiveness, based on equality and the notion of social responsibility, to the pursuit of educational efficiency did take place. It is argued that the Government's language themes challenged and altered the professional's language thus their right to decide but rendered the newly incorporated colleges less able to manage the high risk environment in which it was placed by them. In contrast, it is suggested that the private college which operates with professional autonomy as key to its success demonstrates that professional autonomy and commercial success are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, this approach has much in common with new trends in management discourse.
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Kay, Brent William. "Education directors' perspectives on power and value." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Books on the topic "Educative power"


Apple, Michael W. Education and power. Boston: Ark Paperbacks, 1985.

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Education and power. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.

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Education and power. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 1995.

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Reconstruction, Society for Educational, ed. Education as power. San Francisco, Calif: Caddo Gap Press, 2000.

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Kupfer, Antonia, ed. Power and Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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1927-, Willie Charles Vert, ed. Black power/white power in public education. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1998.

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Power, Colin. The Power of Education. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015.

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Foucault, power, and education. New York, USA: Routledge, 2012.

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Presidential education: Prelude to power. Milwaukie, Or: Joyous Pub., 2009.

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Feeling power: Emotions and education. New York: Routledge, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "Educative power"


Webb, Michael, and Clint Bracknell. "Educative Power and the Respectful Curricular Inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music." In The Politics of Diversity in Music Education, 71–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThis chapter argues for the full, respectful curricular inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music in order to promote a more balanced and equitable social and cultural vision of the nation-state in Australian schools. It challenges views that claim Indigenous cultures have been irretrievably lost or are doomed to extinction, as well as the fixation on musical authenticity. We propose that the gradual broadening of Indigenous musical expressions over time and the musical renaissance of the new millennium have created an unprecedented opportunity for current music educators to experience the educative power of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music. This means that culturally nonexposed music teachers can employ familiar musical-technical approaches to the music even as they begin to more fully investigate the music’s cultural-contextual meanings. The chapter considers issues that impinge on the music’s educative power, especially those relating to its definition, its intended audiences, and pedagogies. It aims to help clear the way for the classroom to become an environment in which students can sense the depth and vitality of contemporary Australian Indigenous music.
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Cairns, Kate. "Partnering Power." In Canadian Education, 37–56. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2012.

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Marshall, James D. "Education and Power." In Michel Foucault: Personal Autonomy and Education, 111–36. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.

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Sherr, Lorraine. "Women and Power." In AIDS Education, 103–12. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Hodgson, Naomi. "Researching Power and the Power in Research." In Power and Education, 88–108. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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Risku, Michael, and Letitia Harding. "Language and Power." In Education for Tomorrow, 89–98. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2013.

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Veck, Wayne. "Arendt, Power and Education." In Power and Education, 13–25. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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Mayo, Peter. "Gramsci, Education and Power." In Power and Education, 41–57. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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Ivinson, Gabrielle. "Gender, Power and Education." In Power and Education, 111–27. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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Rueda, María Alicia. "Education for Power or Revolutionary Education." In The Educational Philosophy of Luis Emilio Recabarren, 43–72. New York, NY : Routledge, 2021. | Series: Routledge studies in education, neoliberalism, and Marxism ; 1: Routledge, 2020.

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Conference papers on the topic "Educative power"


Paviet, Patricia. "Generation IV International Forum Education and Training Webinars: Education Tools for the Next Generation Workforce." In 2018 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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The Gen IV International Forum (GIF) Education and Training Task Force was created to respond to the challenge of not only forming, training and/or retaining qualified Gen IV workforce but also educating and informing a more general public, policy makers on topics related to Gen IV reactor systems and cross-cutting subjects. The task force serves as a platform to enhance open education and training as well as communication and networking in support of GIF, and its objectives are to maintain the know-how in this field, to increase the knowledge of new advanced concepts, and to avoid the loss of the knowledge and competences that could seriously and adversely affect the future of nuclear energy. While many countries are either ramping up or developing nuclear power production as an important step towards economic development and environmental protection, a decrease or uncertainty of the fiscal year budgets have left organizations and agencies looking for new avenues for training and educating a qualified workforce. This has led to an increase in those looking for readily available education and training resources. Using modern internet technologies, the GIF Education and Training Task Force has launched a webinar series on Gen IV systems in September 2016, which is accessible to a broad audience and is educating and strengthening the knowledge of participants in applications to advanced reactors. This achievement is the direct result of partnering with university professors and subject matter experts who conduct live webinars on a monthly basis. The live webinars are recorded and archived as an online educational resource to the public from the GIF website ( In addition, the webinars offer unprecedented opportunities for interdisciplinary crosslinking and collaboration in education and research. The GIF webinars, with their expansion of topics, targets a large spectrum of those that do not know but are desiring to learn about the many aspects of advanced reactor systems. The details and examples of the GIF webinar modules will be presented in our paper.
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Khan, N., N. Mariun, and A. A. Mirza. "Power engineering education scenario." In 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. IEEE, 2006.

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Chen, Daniel. "SOLAR POWER FOR EDUCATION." In International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2016.

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"Education." In 2016 IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC). IEEE, 2016.

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Hosny, W. "Power engineering mobile education technology." In 2007 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference. IEEE, 2007.

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Zhang, Weiping, Xiaohan Guan, and Dongyan Zhang. "Education Reforming for Power Electronics." In 2007 7th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems. IEEE, 2007.

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Batarseh, I., and D. A. Kemnitz. "Undergraduate education in power electronics." In Proceedings of SOUTHCON '94. IEEE, 1994.

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Nazarov, D. M., A. D. Nazarov, and I. S. Kondratenko. "Digital Education Competencies: Power Query." In International Scientific Conference “Digitalization of Education: History, Trends and Prospects” (DETP 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Woolley, Tom. "Architectural Education and Community Power." In 1995 ACSA International Conference. ACSA Press, 1995.

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Architectural Education in the UK has drifted toward an esoteric preoccupation with style and artistic production and is ignoring important issues of society and urban change. Techniques of user participation and involvement of students in real life social problems is on the agenda in only a few schools of architecture. Yet in the real world more emphasis is being placed on tenants and resident participation in social housing programmes. The Community Technical Aid movement is going from strength to strength. However UK schools of architecture are not preparing students for work of this kind. In this paper it is argued that architectural history and theory is largely to blame for placing too much emphasis on precedent studies divorced from social and political context. Progressive movements in CIAM and radical social programmes are ignored in favour of pre-occupation with fashionable but content free stylisms.
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Morales, Melissa, Maria Fernanda Ridoutt, Alec Buttner, Bryn Bernier, Eila Sullivan, and Matthew Viozzi. "The Power of Quality Education." In Conference of the Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education. Michigan Technological University, 2020.

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Reports on the topic "Educative power"


Jones, B. G. Nuclear Power Engineering Education Program, University of Illinois. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1993.

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Lloyd, Cynthia. Summary of New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls. Population Council, 2011.

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Goolsbee, Austan, and Chad Syverson. Monopsony Power in Higher Education: A Tale of Two Tracks. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2019.

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Fox, C., and N. Martin. Minnesota AGRI-Power Project. Task V - community education. Community education. Quarterly report, July 1, 1997--September 30, 1997. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1997.

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Bolton, Laura. Transition to Federal Health and Education Governance. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.

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This report looks at transition from central to federal responsibilities for health and education in Nepal and Indonesia. Federalism is a complex process and it was outside of the scope of this review to investigate the extent to which it has been developed in these countries and the nature of its functioning. Challenges identified in the literature on transition to federalism and decentralisation include ensuring equitable distribution of finances and resources across states, slow transfer of power and lack of coordination between government levels, lack of capacity at local levels and incoherence in capacity building, ensuring continuity of medical supplies and continuity of health services during transition, and training local level health personnel in procurement. This report also notes some recommendation from experience on transition to decentralisation, including the need to put a clear legislative framework, to make a slowly phased transition is needed to allow for changes and adjustments, to consider conditional grants to ensure that health is not de-prioritised in a federal system.
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Epple, Dennis, Richard Romano, Sinan Sarpça, Holger Sieg, and Melanie Zaber. Market Power and Price Discrimination in the U.S. Market for Higher Education. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2017.

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Andrew Frank. Hybrid Electric Power Train and Control Strategies Automotive Technology Education (GATE) Program. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2006.

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Arias Ortiz, Elena, Cecilia Giambruno, Gonzalo Muñoz Stuardo, and Marcelo Pérez Alfaro. Camino hacia la inclusión educativa: 4 pasos para la construcción de sistemas de protección de trayectorias: Paso 1: Exclusión educativa en ALC: ¿cómo los sistemas de protección de trayectorias pueden ayudar? Inter-American Development Bank, August 2021.

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El presente documento constituye la primera de cuatro publicaciones de la serie Camino hacia la inclusión educativa: 4 pasos para la construcción de sistemas de protección de trayectorias. El objetivo de esta serie es constituirse en una guía para ministerios y secretarías de Educación de la región interesadas en el diseño y la implementación de sistemas de protección de trayectorias. La serie consolida el conocimiento existente sobre la protección de las trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes, en un contexto en el que el desafío de la exclusión en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) es cada vez más extenso. Esta primera publicación tiene por objetivo introducir los sistemas de protección de trayectorias, con una exposición que abarca desde su conceptualización y sus objetivos hasta sus dos principales componentes: detección e intervención. Además, presenta un breve panorama de la exclusión educativa en ALC, junto con una revisión de la literatura sobre los principales factores que inciden en la desvinculación de los estudiantes. Por último, detalla lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones para poner en marcha sistemas de protección de trayectorias educativas.
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Venkataramanan, Giri, Bernard Lesieutre, Thomas Jahns, and Ankur R. Desai. Integration of Wind Energy Systems into Power Engineering Education Program at UW-Madison. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2012.

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Jin, Ginger Zhe, and Alex Whalley. The Power of Information: Do Rankings Affect the Public Finance of Higher Education? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2007.

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