Academic literature on the topic 'EDP paraboliques'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "EDP paraboliques"
Menozzi, Stephane. "Discretisations associees a un processus dans un domaine et schemas numeriques probabilistes pour les EDP paraboliques quasilineaires." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2004.
Full textJoly, Romain. "Dynamique des EDP dissipatives." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2013.
Full textMenozzi, Stéphane. "Discrétisations associées à un processus dans un domaine et Schémas numériques probabilistes pour les EDP paraboliques quasi-linéaires." Paris 6, 2004.
Full textTahraoui, Yassine. "Problèmes paraboliques à contraintes, déterministes et stochastiques." Thesis, Pau, 2020.
Full textIn this thesis, our aim is to study elliptic and parabolic problems with constraints in theframe of deterministic and stochastic se3ngs. More precisely, we are interested in theexistence of solutions and the associated Lewy-Stampacchia (L-S) inequalities.In the 1rst chapter, we are interested in the proof of L-S inequalities associated with abilateral elliptic problem governed by a pseudomonotone operator in the frame of Sobolevspaces with variable exponents, we prove a result of existence of solutions sa sfying L-Sinequalities by using a technique of perturbation of the operator. In the second chapter, westudy a parabolic varia onal inequality with constraint where we prove a result of existenceof a solution sa sfying L-S inequalities; by a method of penalization of the constraint and atechnique of perturbation of the operator. In the last chapter, we are interested in astochas c parabolic obstacle problem governed by a T − monotone operator in the presenceof a stochastic reaction where we prove a result of existence and uniqueness of the solutionsa sfying L-S inequalities; by using a method of penalization of the constraint andperturbation of the stochastic reaction. Finally, we present some numerical illustrations ofthe previous problems in the one- dimensional space se3ng
تعتبر المتباينات التغايرية من المواضيع المهمة في الرياضيات و لها عدة تطبيقات, في هذه ا$طروحة سنهتمبدراسة بعض المسائل الناقصية و المكافئة في ا طارين الحتمي و التصادفي. بعبارة أدف, سندرسوجود الحلول و متراجحات لوي-ستامباكيا المرفقة بهافي الفصل ا$ول نقوم بدراسة مسألة ناقصية ذات حاجزين في اطار فضاءات سوبو ف بأس متغيرحيث المؤثر الرئيسي من نوع لوراي-ليونس و يتم اثبات وجود حل يحقق متراجحة لوي-ستامباكياباستعمال تقنية ارباك المؤثر, هذه النتيجة تعمم النتائج و تقلص الفرضيات الموجودة في ا$عمال السابقة.في الفصل الثاني، ندرس مسألة مكافئة مع حاجز في اطار فضاءات سوبو ف حيث المؤثر الرئيسي مننوع لوراي -ليونس ثم نثبت وجود حل يحقق متراجحة لوي- ستامباكيا باستعمال طريقة الجزاء و طريقةارباك المؤثر المستعملة في الفصل ا$ول. في الفصل ا$خير نثبت الوجود, الوحدانية و متراجحة لوي-ستامباكيا المرفقة ببعض المسائل المكافئة التصادفية مع حاجز و مؤثرات رتيبة, للوصول الى النتيجةحق بعض النتائج u المذكورة نقوم باستعمال تقنية ارباك رد الفعل التصادفي. في ا$خير عرضنا في مب اضافة الى اثبات بعض النتائج المستعملة في دراسة المسائل محل uالدراسة.العددية باستعمال برنامج سي
Tort, Jacques. "Problèmes inverses pour des équations paraboliques issues de modèles de climat." Toulouse 3, 2012.
Full textThis work aims at solving inverse issues in semilinear parabolic equations derived from the Budyko-Sellers climate model, which represents the evolution of the Earth's surface temperature during a long time period. A first step consists in studying an inverse problem in a one dimensional degenerate model on a meridian. In order to understand the consequences of boundary degeneracies, we have first investigated a one dimensional linear degenerate equation. We prove various Lipschitz stability results in the determination of a source term and a diffusive constant. We also solve an approximate controllability issue, putting a control at the degenerate boundary point. Eventually, we prove two Lipschitz stability results in the determination of the so-called insolation function, in both cases of the semilinear model on a meridian and the general semilinear equation posed on the Earth's surface
Gati, Yousra. "Analyse mathématique et simulations numériques d'un modèle de fluides complexes." Phd thesis, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2004.
Full textKitsos, Constantinos. "Synthèse des observateurs grand gain pour des systèmes d' EDP." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Full textThis thesis introduces some non-trivial extensions of the classical high-gain observer design for finite-dimensional nonlinear systems to some classes of infinite-dimensional systems, written as triangular systems of coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), where an observation of one coordinate of the state along the spatial domain is considered as system's output. To deal with this problem, depending on a property of the differential operator associated to each system of PDEs, direct and indirect observer design is proposed. First, via direct observer design, solvability of this high-gain observer design problem is proven for a class of systems of quasilinear hyperbolic partial integro-differential equations of balance laws with a single characteristic velocity. Then, for the case of distinct velocities, indirect observer design is proposed for a class of 2x2 quasilinear and a class of nxn linear inhomogeneous hyperbolic systems. This design is also applied to semilinear reaction-diffusion systems of 2 and 3 equations. The indirect design introduces infinite-dimensional state transformations of the considered systems to target systems of PDEs and this leads to the injection of spatial derivatives of the output in the observer dynamics. The convergence of the proposed observers in appropriate regularity space norms is based upon various introduced Lyapunov tools. The thesis also addresses the application of the proposed theoretical results to epidemic models, chemical reactors, and diffusional Lotka-Volterra systems. Finally, the proposed observer designs are applied to the output feedback stabilization of a cascade system of linear Korteweg-de Vries equations, where two different boundary control problems are considered
Garnier, Jimmy. "Analyse mathématique de modèles de dynamique des populations : équations aux dérivées partielles paraboliques et équations intégro-différentielles." Phd thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, 2012.
Full textAlriyabi, Ali. "Analyse de quelques équations différentielles à retard et EDP modélisant les instabilités de surfaces." Thesis, Poitiers, 2013.
Full textThis thesis is divided into two main parts: The first part relates to the plastic deformation of a constrained material. We begin this part by physical introduction on the dislocation and its role in the study of plastic deformation. We also present two types modelling for the plastic deformation, which leads to two delayed differential equations of Mecking-Lücke-Grilhé. We present a complete mathematical analysis of linear and nonlinear models. We conclude this part by numerical tests and a comparison of the two models. The second part of the thesis treats the Rayleigh-Plateau instability. This study focuses on the surface instabilities of a cylindrical pore without constraints. We are interested in a nonlinear parabolic PDE of fourth order, obtained from an evolution equation model of thin films. The main result is the global existence of the solution and the convergence to the average value of the initial data in long time. Numerical validation of the theoretical results is also presented in this part
Saint-Macary, Patrick. "Analyse mathématique de modèles de diffusion en milieu poreux élastique." Phd thesis, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2004.
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