Academic literature on the topic 'Edible meal'
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Journal articles on the topic "Edible meal"
Al-Othman, Abdullah A., and Fawzy M. Hewedy. "Dietary Assessment of Male Students: a Study of what they wasted while in Residence." Nutrition and Health 11, no. 3 (January 1997): 197–206.
Full textNoetzel, Davi, and Beck Sheets. "Seedcorn Maggot Control in Edible Dry Bean, 1989." Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 17, no. 1 (January 1, 1992): 78.
Full textGaykani, R., M. Zaghari, and M. Shivazad. "Effects of different levels of canola meal on egg quality." Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science 2009 (April 2009): 210.
Full textLee, Hanna, and Sea C. Min. "Antimicrobial edible defatted soybean meal-based films incorporating the lactoperoxidase system." LWT - Food Science and Technology 54, no. 1 (November 2013): 42–50.
Full textTesfay, Gebrekidan, Berhan Tamir, and Gebreyohannse Berhane. "Carcass and non-carcass characteristics of Tigray highland lambs fed mulberry (Morus alba) leaf meal at different supplementation levels." Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 6, no. 3 (September 30, 2017): 104–9.
Full textGetachew, Addis G., Z. Asfaw, V. Singh, Z. Woldu, JJ Baidu-Forson, and S. Bhattacharya. "Dietary values of wild and semi-wild edible plants in southern Ethiopia." African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 13, no. 57 (April 25, 2013): 7486–503.
Full textKelley, K. M., B. K. Behe, J. A. Biernbaum, and K. L. Poff. "496 Consumer Preference of Edible Flower Color, Container Size, and Price." HortScience 35, no. 3 (June 2000): 480B—480.
Full textLaroche, Perreault, Marciniak, Gravel, Chamberland, and Doyen. "Comparison of Conventional and Sustainable Lipid Extraction Methods for the Production of Oil and Protein Isolate from Edible Insect Meal." Foods 8, no. 11 (November 13, 2019): 572.
Full textNehmeh, Mohamad, Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis, Alexandre Cavaco-Soares, Philippe Evon, Vincent Gerbaud, and Sophie Thiebaud-Roux. "Bio-Refinery of Oilseeds: Oil Extraction, Secondary Metabolites Separation towards Protein Meal Valorisation—A Review." Processes 10, no. 5 (April 24, 2022): 841.
Full textGravel, Alexia, Alice Marciniak, Manon Couture, and Alain Doyen. "Effects of Hexane on Protein Profile, Solubility and Foaming Properties of Defatted Proteins Extracted from Tenebrio molitor Larvae." Molecules 26, no. 2 (January 12, 2021): 351.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Edible meal"
Johansson, Hanna, and Johanna Gustafsson. "How do edible insects fly among Swedish consumers? : Exploring consumers’ evaluation of edible insects as a meat substitute." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2018.
Full textДобрунов, Дмитро Євгенійович. "Технологія комплексної переробки соняшникової макухи з безлушпинного ядра." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for a candidate of technical sciences degree. Speciality 05.18.06 − fats, essential oils and perfume-cosmetic products technology − National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to the basis of technology of complex processing of sun-flower cakes obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels. During the work it was ascertained that sunflower oil and chlorogenic acid extraction rates depend on solvent type, temperature, and extraction time in the cavitation facility. The regression equations for the abovementioned processes were derived. Antioxidant properties of solids extracts obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels (SE) were discovered. It was shown that all of the investigated SE terminate the chain reactions during the propagation step. Complex technology of sunflower cakes processing obtained from dehulled sunflow-er kernels was designed. This technology allows obtaining of extracted oil, sunflower meal (or proteinrich flour), and fat-soluble antioxidant. The results of the work are adopted at "New Energy-Efficient Technologies", LLC, "Kharkiv Biscuit Factory", OJSC, and implemented in the educational process at the Department of Technology of Fats and Fermentation Products of NTU "KhPI".
Добрунов, Дмитро Євгенійович. "Технологія комплексної переробки соняшникової макухи з безлушпинного ядра." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textThesis for a candidate of technical sciences degree. Speciality 05.18.06 − fats, essential oils and perfume-cosmetic products technology − National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The dissertation is devoted to the basis of technology of complex processing of sun-flower cakes obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels. During the work it was ascertained that sunflower oil and chlorogenic acid extraction rates depend on solvent type, temperature, and extraction time in the cavitation facility. The regression equations for the abovementioned processes were derived. Antioxidant properties of solids extracts obtained from dehulled sunflower kernels (SE) were discovered. It was shown that all of the investigated SE terminate the chain reactions during the propagation step. Complex technology of sunflower cakes processing obtained from dehulled sunflow-er kernels was designed. This technology allows obtaining of extracted oil, sunflower meal (or proteinrich flour), and fat-soluble antioxidant. The results of the work are adopted at "New Energy-Efficient Technologies", LLC, "Kharkiv Biscuit Factory", OJSC, and implemented in the educational process at the Department of Technology of Fats and Fermentation Products of NTU "KhPI"
Drewett, Anne. "Women, Animals and Meat : A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Approach to Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman and Michel Faber's Under the Skin." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för språkstudier, 2016.
Full textSimonsson, Clara. "Konsumenters attityder till att äta insekter och odlat kött : En intervjustudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för arbets- och folkhälsovetenskap, 2016.
Full textEnligt FN och FAO måste matvanorna i västvärlden ändras eftersom de inte är hållbara. Jordbruket orsakar utsläpp av stora mängder växthusgaser, och köttproduktionen står för den allra största delen av dessa. Ätbara insekter och odlat kött kan vara alternativa proteinkällor till exempelvis kött, de är mer miljövänliga med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp, vattenförbrukning, markanvändning och energiåtgång. För att livsmedlen ska fylla sin funktion som hållbara proteinkällor så krävs det att de konsumeras av befolkningen. Syftet med denna studie var att studera svenska konsumenters attityder till att äta insekter och odlat kött, samt att undersöka vad konsumenterna själva tror att de kommer att äta i framtiden. Studien är kvalitativ med en fenomenologisk ansats. Data insamlades med hjälp av intervjuer. 15 personer i olika åldrar deltog i studien, varav 8 kvinnor och 7 män. Resultatet visade att det finns en blandad attityd till att äta insekter och odlat kött. Insekter upplevdes som främmande och äckligt, och odlat kött som alltför onaturligt för att ätas. Det fanns både en tveksamhet och en nyfikenhet hos respondenterna till dessa alternativa proteinkällor. Hos de som hade en positiv attityd till att äta livsmedlen uppgavs miljövinsterna som främsta anledning till att konsumera dem. Hos de som hade en negativ attityd angavs känslor av äckel som främsta anledning till att inte konsumera insekter och odlat kött. Om insekterna eller det odlade köttet var dolt såsom i korv kunde vissa respondenter tänka sig att äta. Faktorer som ett fördelaktigt pris, god tillgänglighet och att produkter baserade på odlat kött och insekter är godkända enligt livsmedelslagstiftning, påverkade respondenternas villighet att konsumera dessa. Respondenterna trodde framförallt att de kommer att äta mindre kött, mer grönsaker och mer vegetariskt protein i framtiden. Slutsatsen är att det finns både positiva och negativa attityder till att äta insekter och odlat kött. Viljan att konsumera produkter baserade på dessa livsmedel verkar öka om livsmedlet är dolt, såsom i korv. Detta gäller både för insekter och odlat kött.
Maia, Michelle de Oliveira. "Efeito da adição de diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal na dieta de ovinos sobre o desempenho, a composição e o perfil de ácidos graxos na carne e no leite." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.
Full textThe objective of this study was to evaluate the performance, milk composition, meat and milk fatty acid profile of ewes and lambs fed diets containing canola oil, sunflower oil or castor oil. Additionally, two metabolism trials were conducted to determine the effects of the diets on nutrient digestibility and ruminal measures. Experiment I: 44 Santa Inês ewes with lambs were allotted in a randomized complete block design and fed a control diet (no oil) containing 50% roughage or diets with the addition of 3% of canola oil, sunflower oil or castor oil. The addition of oil decreased DM intake and increased ether extract intake. However, there was no effect on milk production and lamb performance. The percentage of milk fat and milk total solids increased with castor oil. Diets with canola and sunflower oils decreased short chain fatty acids (FA), medium chain, saturated FA and atherogenicity index; and increased C18:0, C18:1-9, C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 (CLA), C18:1 trans-11, long chain and monounsaturated FA. In addition, these diets increased polyunsaturated:saturated (PUFA:SFA) ratio compared to the control diet. Experiment II: Four ruminally cannulated ram lambs were assigned to a 4 x 4 Latin Square design to determine the effects of the diets used in Experiment I on intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal measures. There was no difference (P>0.10) on DM intake and nutrient digestibility. The oil addition increased pH values and decreased short chain FA. Experiment III: the objective was to evaluate the performance of 36 crossbred Dorper x Santa Inês lambs fed diets with 90% concentrate hay with 3% canola oil, sunflower oil or castor oil. There was no difference on DM intake, average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion, with average across diets of 957.7 g, 326.4 g and 3.0 kg DMI/kg ADG, respectively. These diets were also evaluated in four ruminally cannulated ram lambs in a 4x4 Latin Square design. There was no difference in DM intake, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen metabolism and ruminal measures, with the exception for ammonia concentration that decreased with oil addition. In the Experiment IV were determine: carcass characteristics, Longissimus dorsi fatty acid profile and physical-chemical composition of the lambs used in Experiment III. The diet with castor oil increased meat ether extract. Sunflower diet decreased C18:1-9 and increased concentrations of C18:1 trans. Castor oil decreased the concentration of C18:2 and PUFA:SFA ratio compared to canola and sunflower oils. Canola and sunflower decreased the concentration of C16:0, increased the concentration of C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 (CLA) and C18:3 -6. Canola oil increased the concentration of C18:3 -3 and sunflower oil increased 6:3 ratio compared to castor oil.
Belemlih, Abdelhamid. "Etude physico-chimique et microbiologique des principaux produits de charcuterie - salaison d'origine marocaine (viandes et poissons). Propositions de normes de controle. Mise au point de nouvelles fabrications." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1986.
Full textChiao, Pi-Ying, and 焦碧瑩. "Studies on chemical composition and heavy metal contents in commercial edible seaweeds." Thesis, 2017.
Full text國立臺灣海洋大學
The purpose of this study is to analyze proximate compositions, free amino acids (FAA), minerals, trace elements and heavy metals in edible seaweed samples. They were 6 kinds of red seaweed and brown seaweed, and 2 kinds of green seaweed samples which were collected from the market. There are significant differences in proximate composition among seaweeds. The moisture in 14 kinds of seaweed ranged from 7 to 44%¸ ash 2 to 28%, and crude protein 2 to 28%. Trace amounts of crude lipid were found in all samples. The pH value in the seaweed products was between 5.78-10.21. Red seaweed was in a weakly alkaline ranged from 6.67 to 10.21, and brown and green seaweed were in a weakly acidity from 5.78 to 7.00. Some seaweeds had much higher pH value. It might due to wash and clean seaweeds with alkaline solvent during processing. There is remarkable difference in the content of free amino acid (FAA) among species. Saccharina japonica and Durvillaea antarctica had high levels of FAA with 1716-2671 mg/100g, but those of Eucheuma denticulatum, Eucheuma serra and Undaria pinnatifida were lower than 100 mg/100 g. Porphyra dentata had more kinds of FAA among samples. Brown seaweeds possessed higher amounts of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine. For Ulva lactuca, it had much more taurine than any other seaweeds. There is remarkable difference in the contents of minerals in seaweeds. The amount of sodium ranged 706-91975 ppm, potassium 991-88191 ppm, calcium 1847-29453 ppm, and magnesium 1170-37915 ppm were found in seaweeds. For the trace elements in the seaweed products, the amount of iron was 36-927 ppm, manganese 0-5.76 ppm, chromium 0-0.04 ppm, copper 0.8-21.4 ppm, and zinc 1.28-23.13 ppm. The amounts of trace elements showed significant difference in different species of seaweeds expect for chromium. Even the same species of Ulva lactuca, the contents of iron and manganese in different samples also showed remarkable difference. There was 3.46 ppm of lead in Gelidium amansii, but other seaweeds has less. The average amount of lead in red seaweed was higher than those of brown and green seaweed. According to food sanitary standards, all samples meet the regulation limit as calculated the moisture of seaweed with 85% of moisture such as fresh one. Cadmium was found in samples, but all are under the limit. The contents of mercury ranged from 0.02-0.04 ppm which was in compliance with the limit. The high levels of aluminum were found in Gelidium amansii (809 ppm), KappapHycus alvarezii (461 ppm) and PorpHyra dentate (357 ppm). The use of aluminum as leaveners in those seaweeds may result in high levels of aluminum in the products. The amount of arsenic in the seaweed products was between 0.84-46.36 ppm. Inorganic arsenic As2O3 and NaAsO3 of the samples do not exceed the regulation limit 1 ppm after converting the moisture of seaweed to 85%. The results could provide the information regarding basic nutrient substances, flavor compounds, trace elements, minerals and heavy metals in seaweeds. It also could be a reference for consumers to purchase edible seaweed and for government agency to set the limit standard of seaweed.
Dyahningtyas, Tri Erny [Verfasser]. "Potential of chitosan as a bioactive edible coating for preservation of meat of common shrimps (Crangon crangon) / Tri Erny Dyahningtyas." 2010.
Full textDeveau, Amy. "Kwakwaka’wakw use of the edible seaweed łәqq’әstәn (Porphyra abbottiae Krishnamurthy: Bangiaceae) and metal bioaccumulation at traditional harvesting sites in Queen Charlotte Strait and Broughton Strait." Thesis, 2011.
Full textGraduate
Books on the topic "Edible meal"
Edible pockets for every meal: Dumplings, turnovers, and pasties. San Leandro, Calif: Bristol Pub. Enterprises, 1997.
Find full textEating wildly: Foraging for life, love and the perfect meal. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014.
Find full textGerman, Donna Rathmell. Edible Pockets for Every Meal: Dumplings, Turnovers and Pasties (Nitty Gritty Cookbooks). 2nd ed. Bristol Publishing Enterprises, 2003.
Find full text(Editor), T. R. Dutson, ed. Edible Meat By-Products (Advances in Meat Research, Vol 5). Elsevier Applied Science, 1989.
Find full textLesnik, Julie J. Edible Insects and Human Evolution. University Press of Florida, 2018.
Full textThe World Market for Homogenized Preparations of Meat and Edible Meat Offal: A 2004 Global Trade Perspective. Icon Group International, Inc., 2005.
Find full textParker, Philip M. The World Market for Homogenized Preparations of Meat and Edible Meat Offal: A 2007 Global Trade Perspective. ICON Group International, Inc., 2006.
Find full textThe World Market for Salted, Brined, Dried, or Smoked Meat and Edible Offal Excluding Flours and Meals Thereof: A 2004 Global Trade Perspective. Icon Group International, Inc., 2005.
Find full textChilled And Frozen Edib The Fresh. The 2000 World Market Forecasts for Imported Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Edible Meat Offals. Icon Group International, 2000.
Find full textSalted, Preserved The. 2000 World Market Forecasts for Imported Salted, Preserved, Dried and Smoked Meat and Edible Offals. Icon Group International, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Edible meal"
Abbasi, Arshad Mehmood, Munir Hussain Shah, and Mir Ajab Khan. "Metal Levels in Wild Edible Vegetables." In Wild Edible Vegetables of Lesser Himalayas, 169–235. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textRuzics, Anna Fábics. "Metal Impurities of Crude and Edible Vegetable Oils." In Biological Role of Plant Lipids, 469–72. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1989.
Full textUstunol, Zey. "Edible Films and Coatings for Meat and Poultry." In Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications, 245–68. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.
Full textSapcanin, Aida, Aida Hasanovic, Mirsada Salihovic, Ekrem Pehlic, and Selma Špirtović-Halilović. "Screening of Heavy Metal Occurence in Edible Plants from Bosnian Market." In IFMBE Proceedings, 635–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textRaspor, Biserka, Jasenka Pavičić, Sonja Kozar, Željko Kwokal, Marina Paić, Nikša Odžak, Irena Ujević, and Zorana Kljaković. "Assessment of metal exposure of marine edible mussels by means of a biomarker." In Metallothionein IV, 629–32. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1999.
Full textFahimirad, Shohreh, and Mehrnaz Hatami. "Heavy Metal-Mediated Changes in Growth and Phytochemicals of Edible and Medicinal Plants." In Medicinal Plants and Environmental Challenges, 189–214. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textCheung, Y. H., M. H. Wong, and N. F. Y. Tam. "Root and shoot elongation as an assessment of heavy metal toxicity and ‘Zn Equivalent Value’ of edible crops." In Environmental Bioassay Techniques and their Application, 377–83. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.
Full textPunetha, Himanshu, Satendra Kumar, Harish Mudila, and Om Prakash. "Brassica Meal as Source of Health Protecting Neuraceutical and Its Antioxidative Properties." In Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 260–83. IGI Global, 2019.
Full text"Edible Fictions: Fictional Food – The Family Meal in Children's Literature." In The Family in English Children's Literature, 105–34. Routledge, 2008.
Full textDurmelat, Sylvie. "Couscous." In Postcolonial Realms of Memory, 383–93. Liverpool University Press, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Edible meal"
Winiger, Evan, Leah Hitchcock, Angela Bryan, and Cinnamon Bidwell. "Cannabis Use and Sleep: A look at the Expectations, Outcomes, and the Role of Age." In 2020 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana. Research Society on Marijuana, 2021.
Full textNaeem, Muhammad, Abdus Salam, Muhammad Yunas Khokhar, Muniba Bashir, and Razia Allah yar. "Trace metal analysis of edible portion of Oreochromis nilotica in relation to growth." In 2010 International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ICCCE). IEEE, 2010.
Full textSoloiu, Valentin, Jose Moncada, Tyler Naes, Martin Muiños, and Spencer Harp. "Indirect Combustion Technology With Renewable Non-Edible Transesterified Oil Feedstock." In ASME 2016 Power Conference collocated with the ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textSun, Jung-Chun, Byeongwook Jo, Yuya Morimoto, and Shoji Takeuchi. "In Vitro Skeletal Muscle Tissue with Edible Hydrogel Toward Fabrication of Cultured Meat in Macroscopic Size." In 2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS). IEEE, 2022.
Full textIdegwu, Chiedu U., Samuel A. Olaleye, Joseph B. Agboola, and Joseph S. Ajiboye. "Evaluation of some non-edible vegetable oils as lubricants for conventional and non-conventional metal forming processes." In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL ESAFORM CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL FORMING: ESAFORM 2019. AIP Publishing, 2019.
Full textNg, Jun Hong Clarence, Tariq Almubarak, and Hisham A. Nasr-El-Din. "Seed Extracts as Natural, Green, Non-Toxic Corrosion Inhibitors." In SPE Trinidad and Tobago Section Energy Resources Conference. SPE, 2021.
Full textPrasad, Lalit, L. M. Das, and S. N. Naik. "Effects of Jatropha Curcas Oil and Alkyl Ester as Lubricity Enhancer for Diesel Fuel." In ASME 2012 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Full textMatovu, Jacob, and Ahmet Alçiçek. "Investigations and Concerns about the Fate of Transgenic DNA and Protein in Livestock." In International Students Science Congress. Izmir International Guest Student Association, 2021.
Full textNaeem, Muhammad, Abdus Salam, Razia Allah yar, and Yunas Khokhar. "To study the metal composition of edible portion of farmed hybrid fish (Catla catla ♂ and × Labeo rohita ♀) in relation to body size and condition factor from Multan, Pakistan." In 2010 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology. IEEE, 2010.
Full textÜnlü, Elif Işılay, and Ahmet Çınar. "Lesion Detection on Skin Images Using Improved U-Net." In International Students Science Congress. Izmir International Guest Student Association, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Edible meal"
Short, Samuel, Bernhard Strauss, and Pantea Lotfian. Emerging technologies that will impact on the UK Food System. Food Standards Agency, June 2021.
Full textChefetz, Benny, Baoshan Xing, Leor Eshed-Williams, Tamara Polubesova, and Jason Unrine. DOM affected behavior of manufactured nanoparticles in soil-plant system. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2016.
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