Academic literature on the topic 'Écriture et savoirs'
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Journal articles on the topic "Écriture et savoirs"
Chastang, Pierre. "Écriture et savoirs taxonomiques : quelques remarques." Questes, Journée d'étude 1 - Trier, (January 31, 2022): 258–65.
Full textde Laat, Marianne, Sophie Boyer, Catherine Hudon, Émilie Goulet, and Christine Loignon. "Le croisement des savoirs et des pratiques avec des personnes en situation de pauvreté. Une condition nécessaire pour une société du savoir inclusive." Globe 17, no. 2 (May 3, 2016): 69–91.
Full textVanhulle, Sabine. "Écriture réflexive et subjectivation de savoirs chez les futurs enseignants." Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 8, no. 1 (August 26, 2013): 41–63.
Full textCanizares, Aurélie, and Cécile Gardiès. "D’un registre sémiotique à l’autre : analyse de la circulation des savoirs dans une classe inversée en information-documentation." Approches Théoriques en Information-Communication (ATIC) N° 7, no. 2 (February 7, 2024): 81–99.
Full textChauveau, Gérard, and Eliane Rogovas-Chauveau. "De l'accompagnement scolaire." Migrants formation 99, no. 1 (1994): 35–48.
Full textBenaboura, Wahiba. "Lecture-écriture du discours scientifique pedagogique en français langue étrangère : savoirs et savoir-faire mis en jeu." Revista do GEL 14, no. 3 (December 31, 2017): 100–118.
Full textSebastiani, Silvia. "L’Amérique des Lumières et la hiérarchie des races." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 67, no. 2 (June 2012): 327–61.
Full textLentz, François. "Lecture, écriture et communication orale : l’exemple du résumé de texte*." Articles, essais 18, no. 1 (October 1, 2008): 59–80.
Full textRivard, Léonard. "Écrire dans les cours de sciences de la nature au secondaire : pourquoi et comment?" Orientations et mise en oeuvre 21, no. 1-2 (January 14, 2011): 179–210.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Écriture et savoirs"
Lemarchand, Xavier. "Audiovisuel numérique et différAnce : Nouvelles conditions techniques de réception des objets temporels. Nouvel espace pour les savoirs." Compiègne, 1998.
Full textLinking several approaches to the issue, this dissertation aims at underlining the fact that digital technologies when applied to audiovisual data enable the conception of user devices in which the user/receptor relationship to the audio-visual data is akin to that we have to language when writing is available. Grounded in philosophical theory, the first part focuses on the relationship between technology, anthropology and cognition. It notebly refers to several concepts derived from Derrida's work (differAnce, archi-script, trace, logo centrism, logic of supplement) and transfers them to the audiovisual field. Thus, the thesis relies on the philosophical trends that relate technique and memory, time, space and trace, mainly via the work of B. Stiegler (phenomenological analysis of time based objects) and Leroi-Gourhan (technical externalization of memory) From a semio-pragmatical perspective, the second part then places the digital audiovisual revolution in the context of memory related technologies. An analysis of alphabetical script casts light on how its orthothetical and spatial (Goody) attributes have fostered a new intellectual dynamics. Therefore even though analogical audiovisual data has specifie features, the digitization of images and sounds allows for the transformation of the way time base flows are received (possible questioning of knowledge, stock and store logic, possibility to single items out, to spacialize and manipulate them) ln the third part, the discussion is based on Auroux's theories and the relationship between technology and metalinguistics knowledge is reconsidered ; it presents an alternative to soma semiological dead ends when considering audiovisual data. The digital era is presented as providing a technical vector for a grammatization of audiovisual material and enabling the possible rise of a critical culture for users/receptors
Merlos, Lucas. "L’Espagne face à son passé : écriture romanesque et stratégies documentaires." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.
Full textThis thesis aims to outline a new way of dealing with the past that has appeared in Spanish letters at the beginning of the 21st century: the documentary novel of memory. A significant number of realistic, and sometimes factual, literary narratives deal with the past of contemporary Spain, generally in its most traumatic aspects - Civil War, Francoism, violence during the Transition -. To access and represent this past, they mobilize the document and documentary forms such as the archive document or the testimony. We propose the hypothesis that this mobilization and staging of historical sources in a literary context amounts to constructing narratives on the origin of contemporary Spain capable of participating in the elaboration of a common memory narrative and, in the same movement, to question and claim the place of literature in the constitution of knowledge. In this perspective, documentary novels of memory would constitute the place of a tension between document and monument, between knowledge and recognition. To test this double identity hypothesis of a reconfiguration of memory and an expansion of the field of literature, we analyze the various documentary strategies at work in four documentary novels of memory that represent the ideological and aesthetic diversity of this narrative subgenre (Isaac Rosa, El vano ayer, 2004 ; Benjamín Prado, Mala gente que camina, 2006; Javier Cercas, Anatomía de un instante, 2009; Andrés Trapiello, Ayer no más, 2012). We first describe and interpret the documentary modalities at work in these narratives under the prism of the notion of document effect. We see that novels mobilize the document and mobilize factual narrative codes to create memorable documents. We then turn to the figure of the narrator-investigator, who, animated by an “archive fever”, return to the sources of contemporary Spain and engage the reader to identify with their quests and the narratives they induce. Finally, we show in a third step how these texts, through documentary montages and the partial or total reuse of codes from the roman à thèse , are integrated, in a counter-discursive mode, in a broad interdiscourse and thus question the place of literature and the writer in the discursive field on reality
Vinérier, Anne. "Réapprentissage des savoirs de base avec des personnes en situation d'illettrisme et tensions transitionnelles : à partir d'une Formation-Recherche-Action avec des apprenants." Tours, 2007.
Full textBarely 2 % of illiterate adults make the effort to return to further education to learn to read, write and count since their first learning experience ended in failure. By identifying obstacles and solutions, we explore here the tensions to which these "remedial" students are subject in respect to themselves, others and their environment as laid out in the tripolar theory on training (G. Pineau). Using the archetypes and symbols of the caveman myth (Plato) we study the route these people take between mental acceptance and refusal, and the time-scale necessary. We shall try to understand the role played by third parties in encouraging the acquisition of basic skills, and underline the importance of interpersonal relations (R. Barbier's theory of sensitive listening). We shall place the question of retraining in a scenario of "level crossings", one problem symbolically being that of moving country
Racheboeuf, Sam. "L’histoire au risque de la littérature : Vers une histoire expérimentale à la française (1979-2024)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2024.
Full textIn the long chronicle of the relationship between history and literature, the last twenty years in France have been a time of intense and sometimes heated debate. Debates have often focused on the need to cross or protect borders, without it always being clear which spaces these borders were intended to separate. Much attention has been paid to writers: accused of poaching on historians’ territory, plundering their expertise, or mimicking their discourse, they have come to compete with them and undermine their authority. The problem with such a reading is that it locks history into a defensive posture, turning it into a kind of literary rearguard, condemned to follow or reject the paths opened up by others. This thesis seeks to reverse this division by focusing on the work of historians themselves. Without claiming to provide an exhaustive map, we examine a few exceptional but revealing cases of the connections they are likely to have with literature. Is literature merely a hostile, foreign territory, or can it become a partner in intellectual inquiry, if not the very space where knowledge is developed? These are not new questions. However, the current configuration of scientific, academic, and literary fields offers the conditions for a fresh dialogue between history and literature. While acknowledging the legacies and lingering effects that shape the contemporary moment, this work aims to identify some of the defining characteristics of the current historiographical landscape.Since the seminal works of Régine Robin and Arlette Farge, and in the tradition of the Essais d’ego-histoires directed by Pierre Nora or the Essais d’histoire expérimentale led by Alain Bourreau and Daniel S. Milo in the late 1980s, some historians have been attempting to write history differently, engaging in a more or less explicit dialogue with forms of expression or activities usually considered literary. From literature, with it or against it, historians explore other ways of conducting their research and presenting its results. These practices of reading and writing allow them to test themselves, their knowledge, their discipline, and their method. Whether in the form of isolated attempts or long-term projects, these ventures into the realm of literature have multiplied since the end of the twentieth century. They represent what might be called an experimental moment in French historiography. Our aim is to outline the key features and provide an initial approach to these contemporary historiographical essays, caught between literary experience and scholarly experimentation
Richard-Bossez, Ariane. "La construction sociale et cognitive des savoirs à l'école maternelle : entre processus différenciateurs et moments de démocratisation : le cas des activités relatives à l'écrit en grande section." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.
Full textThis thesis examines the construction of knowledge in French preschools and the schools’ differentiations between pupils that can occur in this process. Based on a sociology of the curriculum, crossing sociology of education and sociology of knowledge, this study considers school knowledge in its double dimension, at the same time social and cognitive, and underlines how these two dimensions weave mutually. On an empirical level, this work draws on a field study of observations in six classes of grande section, situated in various social backgrounds and is most notably centred on written language learning. The data analysis shows that if during school activities social and cognitive differentiating operations can be repeated, moments of revision of these operations can also be discerned, thus opening up possibilities of learning democratization. More widely, this research highlights the relational nature of the knowledge building process, by showing how this process is coproduced in situations from elements internal and external of these situations
Laplace-Treyture, Danielle. "Le genre régional : écriture et transmission du savoir géographique." Pau, 1998.
Full textTavares, Rui. "Le censeur éclairé (Portugal 1768-1777)." Paris, EHESS, 2014.
Full textThe kind of censorship that is the focus of this dissertation took shape in an institution founded in 1768 in Portugal, the Real Mesa censoria, with which the rights of censorship of the Inquisition and the bishops were abolished and the jurisdiction of the Roman Index of banned and purged books terminated. A small group of censors, hired and paid by the state, was charged to examine ail the texts either manuscript or printed, in the kingdom and its dominions. These censors, whom we will follow until the end of the reign of José I and the of the mandate of the Marquis de Pomba as minister of the king in 1777, usually finished their reports with a démonstration of whether the text in analysis was "worthy" [digno] or "unworthy of the public Light". This is an extremely revealing expression as it carries an important historié signifîcance, which involves the triad "dignity", "Enlightenment" and "public", so paradoxical in the pen of a censor, using the more significant words that the eighteenth century bequeathed to posterity. Which warrants a rather disturbing question: we have become accustomed to think that the censors were the greatest enemies of the Enlightenment and now we meet them also as its builders ? The history of censorship is also the history of régimes of power and knowledge. Censorship dépends to a large extent, not only on power, but also on knowledge, sharing with the knowledge of its time information, concepts, mental forms and intellectual practices. Would it be possible that the censorship of the eighteenth century has shared with the Enlightenment so many key elements that it could be regarded more as an enlightened censorship than as an anti-Enlightenment censorship ?
Haberl, Hildegard. "Écriture encyclopédique - écriture romanesque : représentations et critique du savoir dans le roman allemand et français de Goethe à Flaubert." Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Full textBased on an analysis of two experimental novels of the 19th Century -The Elective Affinities ( 1809) by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Bouvard et Pécuchet (1880/81) by Gustave Flaubert, this dissertation aims at making a contribution to both existing research on fiction al encyclopaedias and, more largely, to the study of the complex relationships between literature, science and knowledge. The first chapter introduces current theoretical debates on the relationships between literary theory and the history of science. It discusses existing theoretical approaches to encyclopaedic literature at hand as well as their attempts at giving a definition of an encyclopaedic novel. The second chapter traces the social and intellectual history of encyclopaedia from its roots in the baroque era to the late 19th Century. It offers a detailed analyses of a specific discourse that reflected the human strive to collect, order and systematize knowledge. Analysing in detail the reception of Goethe by Flaubert shows that Goethean universalism and his objective writing have strongly influenced the reception of the German writer in the late nineteenth century France. Focusing on the figures of the knowing subject, encyclopaedic spaces, themes and motifs, my analyses of both texts reveals how both authors take similar formal decisions when addressing encyclopaedic issues in the novel. Among the various fields of knowledge that are embraced in both novels, I focus on three areas of knowledge chemistry, education and botany, that embodied the new scientific spirit of the 19th Century, as well as three different forms of reflection on and criticism of the encyclopaedic project
Meloni, Dino. "Cuisine, écriture et savoir : transmissions et renaissance de la cuisine médiévale anglaise (XIe-XVe siècles)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.
Full textThe twelfth-century renaissance in England is characterized by the hegemony of the Plantagenets as well as Anglo-Norman intellectual thriving. However, no study has yet defended the thesis of an Anglo-Norman culinary renaissance. This dissertation aims at highlighting the connexity between power, knowledge and cuisine and at demonstrating how the mechanism of translatio imperii et studiorum also sets in motion a dynamic of translatio coquinæ. While an elaborate system of governance supports the flourishing of elite cuisine, gastronomy is itself a legitimizing attribute of Anglo-Norman political strategy and influence. In the twelfth century, the enthusiasm for recently discovered Greco-Arabic culture and knowledge establishes a sense of classical culinary revival and stresses the will to break from Anglo-Saxon heritage. Recovering and improving a glorious past echoes in the concept of "renaissance". The promotion of writing as a receptacle of knowledge is equally fundamental. From the twelfth century onwards, the first Western medieval recipes inherited from Greco-Arabic tradition, reveal a new relationship between writing and cooking. Through the depreciation oral culture and memory, considered unreliable, this renaissance establishes and passes down a strong belief in the civilizing gastronomic progress generated by cookbooks, while in contrast, the absence of recipes involve less sophisticated cooking and a less civilized society. Born from the conception of translatio imperii et studiorum, the translatio coquinae has produced a mythomoteur and a gastronomic myth now firmly rooted in Western culinary heritage and in historiographic methodology dogma
Bihan, Alain-Christophe. "De l’anthropos : se savoir humain, entre foi et savoir." Thesis, Paris 10, 2013.
Full textThe secularization phenomenon, which in our western societies seeks to free itself from the sacred, has contributed to the emergence of a human figuration at the centre of the universe. Despite this progress, traces of the sacred that induce tensions between faith and knowledge continue to prevail today within secularization. These two universal concepts, which legitimately attract and repel each other, fundamentally question the human, to the point of putting into question the human’s underlying ontology. An observation that poses its own diagnosis. In fact, the question of the anthropos continues to articulate itself within the tradition of religion. If modernity, initiated by Kantian anthropology, poses the first attempts of an emancipation of the sacred by advocating the autonomy of reason, this idealized secular human does not renounce the world of God. And with good reason, as it is always represented as secular in contrast with the human of the religious sphere. Seeking to overcome all forms of resistance regarding the divine dimension, I propose letting the human emerge and come to be represented by means of a thought experiment that extends beyond the interpretative gesture imposed by the institutionalization of religion. I will go back to the first traces of the human that persist in early documents and texts that precede the concept of human as we understand it. This legacy may have been forgotten, but it was not lost. In the manner of an archaeologist of languages, I return to the first moments of naming in writing that takes place in Genesis. In these writings, which recall the event of Babel that plunges the human into the dissemination of its proper name, emerges the need for the human being to translate itself anew, as a work, in its own language, just to survive. Translate itself in order to know itself as human rather than as "anthropos". To understand the modalities of this task, I’ve brought together the ancient thinkers Paul of Tarsus, Seneca, and Clement of Alexandria. In analyzing these writings, I have scrutinized and cross-referenced the nominations of the human from the occurrences of the words "anthropos" and "homo", while avoiding as much as possible the interpretive prism imposed by the institutionalization of religion. I sought inspiration from a stoic interpretive framework deriving from Epictetus to create, through dialogue with these three ancient thinkers, the translation of the secular human. A translation that stems from the anthropology of happiness based on the coherence of the disciplines of judgment, desire and action. A translation, has ultimately led to thinking that, avant la lettre, before writing, there is a way to think the emergence of anthropos, neither profane, sacred, religous or secular, that there is a way to "know oneself" as anthropos
Books on the topic "Écriture et savoirs"
Laplace-Treyture, Danièle. Le genre régional: Écriture et transmission du savoir géographique. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1998.
Find full textIII, Université de Paris, and Maison de l'Italie (Paris, France), eds. Ambassades et ambassadeurs en Europe (XVe-XVIIe siècles): Pratiques, écritures, savoirs. Genève: Droz, 2020.
Find full textMadeleine, Griselin, ed. Guide de la communication écrite: [savoir rédiger, illustrer et présenter rapports, dossiers, articles, mémoires et thèses]. Paris: Dunod, 1992.
Find full textJean-Paul, Simard, ed. Guide du savoir-écrire. Montréal: Les Éditions de l'Homme, 1998.
Find full textEtévé, Christiane. L'accès des enseignants aux savoirs en éducation à travers l'information écrite: Le cas des minorités lectrices dans les lycées et les collèges. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1993.
Find full textCharest, Marie-Josée, Marie-Ange Croft, Marc-André Marchand, and Roxanne Roy. Imaginaires, écritures, savoirs: Une traversée du littéraire : actes du 5e colloque biennal (Université du Québec à Rimouski, 14-15 avril 2011) des programmes conjoints de la maîtrise et du doctorat en lettres UQAC/UQAR/UQTR. Rimouski, Québec: Tangence éditeur, 2013.
Find full textFrank, Fox Mary, ed. Scholarly writing & publishing: Issues, problems, and solutions. Boulder: Westview Press, 1985.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario 11e et 12e année: Affaires et commerce. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 2006.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario 11e et 12e année: Affaires et commerce. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 2000.
Find full textOntario. Le curriculum de l'Ontario 11e et 12e année: Sciences humaines et sociales. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Écriture et savoirs"
Boffy-de Bouteiller, Hedwige. "De l'exégèse et du mépris du savoir mondain au Moyen Âge. Les Écritures comme repos du chrétien face aux inquiétudes de l'investigation humaine, à travers l'exégèse de versets spécifiques du Psautier." In Études d'exégèse médiévale offertes à Gilbert Dahan par ses élèves, 185–209. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2012.
Full textSegal, Charles. "Vérité, tragédie et écriture." In Les savoirs de l’écriture en Grèce Ancienne, 330–58. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2010.
Full textBalcou-Debussche, Maryvette. "Chapitre 3. Écriture et appropriation des savoirs." In Écriture et formation professionnelle, 55–88. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2004.
Full textLawson-Hellu, Laté. "Écriture littéraire et discours social dans le contexte africain : éléments d’un paradigme postcolonial." In Littératures, savoirs et enseignement, 59–67. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2008.
Full textMaffi, Alberto. "Écriture et pratique juridique dans la Grèce classique." In Les savoirs de l’écriture en Grèce Ancienne, 188–210. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2010.
Full textCabane, Célia. "Les maîtres écrivains : acteurs méconnus de la transmission des savoirs." In Écriture et transmission des savoirs de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2020.
Full textLaurent, Sébastien-Abel. "Poésie et enseignement de la courtoisie dans le duché d’Aquitaine aux xiie et xiiie siècles : examen de quatre ensenhamens." In Écriture et transmission des savoirs de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2020.
Full textHallot-Charmasson, Mathilde. "Savoir-vivre et savoir être dans les romans de T. Trilby : éléments d’une stratégie éducative." In Écriture et transmission des savoirs de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2020.
Full textBergès, Louis. "Littérature de jeunesse et métier des armes : la formation de l’esprit militaire chez Alexandre de Saillet, maître de pension et pédagogue (1812-1866)." In Écriture et transmission des savoirs de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2020.
Full textBriffaz, Florentin. "Le « savoir-être » noble : étude sur les facteurs et les modalités de transmission d’un savoir valorisé de part et d’autre des Alpes au Moyen Âge." In Écriture et transmission des savoirs de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2020.
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