Academic literature on the topic 'Écrit électronique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Écrit électronique"
Cabrales, Myriam. "Interacción exolingüe mediatizada por el computador y adquisición del francés como lengua extranjera." Lenguaje 36, no. 1 (June 25, 2008): 139–68.
Full textLiénard, Fabien. "TIC, Communication électronique écrite, communautés virtuelles et école." Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée 166, no. 2 (2012): 143.
Full textPoirier-Bisson, Joannie, Pasquale Roberge, André Marchand, and Rachel Grégoire. "Les études de coûts-efficacité des traitements pharmacologiques et psychologiques des troubles anxieux : une recension des écrits." Santé mentale au Québec 35, no. 1 (October 26, 2010): 129–52.
Full textFrancis, Véronique. "LE PARENT BIOGRAPHE. ÉTUDE DES ECRITURES PARENTALES ET JOURNAUX DE NAISSANCE." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 5, no. 2 (November 23, 2011): 192–213.
Full textFeneyrou, Laurent. "Seuils. Autour du triptyque …auf… de Mark Andre." Circuit 21, no. 1 (March 11, 2011): 23–35.
Full textAlberts, Inge, and Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy. "Différences individuelles lors de la navigation dans les espaces virtuels : impact sur le design des systèmes." Documentation et bibliothèques 49, no. 3 (May 1, 2015): 111–22.
Full textBailly, Florence. "Pratiques des écrits électroniques, entre cognition et communication. Une monographie des usages d'Internet/intranet dans un centre hospitalier universitaire." Réseaux 18, no. 104 (2000): 207–23.
Full textعیش, ایمن فاروق سعد. "Efficacité d´emploi dʹun weblog électronique pour développer quelques compétences de l'expression écrite créative en français chez les étudiants du cycle secondaire dans les écoles expérimentales de langues." مجلة جامعة الفیوم للعلوم التربویة والنفسیة 16, no. 8 (September 1, 2022): 527–84.
Full textDucharme, Léo. "Le nouveau droit de la preuve en matières civiles selon le Code civil du Québec." Revue générale de droit 23, no. 1 (March 13, 2019): 5–80.
Full textJilmar Gustavo Comas Piñere. "La huerta escolar bajo un enfoque agroecológico de sostenibilidad ambiental y el conocimiento nutricional estudiantil." GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, no. 43 (September 30, 2022): 221–37.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Écrit électronique"
Boissière, Philippe. "Vitipi : un système auto-organisationnel pour faciliter le dialogue écrit homme-machine." Toulouse 3, 1990.
Full textCoindreau, Jonathan. "Analyse comparée de l’équivalence des supports papier et électronique au regard de l’évolution du droit civil de la preuve par écrit en France et au Québec." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023.
Full textWith the emergence of information technology, the era of dematerialization has spread to all areas of society. The legal framework was forced to evolve and to regulate these new practices in order to establish a climate of trust. In this context, this study analyzes the influence of dematerialization on French and Quebec civil evidence law. These two legal systems have rapidly taken measures in order to regulate evidence in electronic form. As it turns out, the French and Quebec legislative choices differ noticeably, both in substance and in form, in fact, a similar purpose appears, that of functional equivalence between tangible and intangible media. In both cases, it is a question of achieving equality of media, not based on the form of the means of media, traditional or electronic, but on its function, such as integrity, intelligibility, identification, durability etc. To this end, the French and Quebec laws have succeeded to recognize an equivalent probative force, provided that the functional criteria have been duly fulfilled and it is possible to demonstrate it. Indeed, it appears that the fulfillment of the functional criteria does not have the same level of diligence between the medium. Therefore, if the same function differs from one medium to another, the admissibility of the electronic evidence becomes dependent on greater legal risk than the traditional means of evidence. Could it be the case that the law did not succeed in ensuring the equivalence between the mediums ? Through a theoretical comparison between French and Quebec law, this analysis shows that trust in digital tools does not inevitably depend on the rigor of its framework, but to the contrary, on a subtle balance between sufficient legal reliability and necessary practical use
Poupa, Christine. "Document écrit, sur papier ou électronique et enseignementContribution à l'analyse de ses statuts et usages dans l'enseignement supérieur postgradué, pour des étudiants adultes, dans troisétablissements d'enseignement supérieur lausannois entre 1998 et 2003." Paris 2, 2004.
Full textBinois, Fanny. "Consensualisme et formalisme à l'épreuve de l'électronique, étude de droit civil." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textIf the study of formalism and consensualism can constitute a classical theme of French law, a comparison of these great notions of private law with electronics is less common. However, the electronic transmission of wills invites to think about the challenge to the conventional principles of contract formation. A challenge partially raised by the legislator who, because of the abolition of paper support, had to adapt these notions. Wills, expressed by free or imposed forms, had to be able to circulate online. Without consensualism being explicitly targeted, the meeting of supply with acceptance has been adapted to electronic constraints. Nevertheless, the result is a regulation with an unclear terminology and regime. For the offer, the profusion of informative formalism, without sanction, and the denial of its written form are particularly bothersome. For acceptance, the scope of the double-click, or the acknowledgment of receipt, are still uncertain. Concerning formalism, the transposition of the act under private signature and the authentic act inevitably contributed to the denaturation of these forms. For the first, the traits are weighed down: how could handwritten mentions, assuming an irremediable physical link between the author's hand and the writing, be realized online without a technical consolidation? For the second, paradoxically, its future seems conditioned by the relaxation of the mystical character of authenticity, to give way to a new electronic authenticity. Hence the need to perfect the adaptation of notions.It actually causes a deeper movement. Once transposed to electronics, consensualism and formalism seem unfaithful to their traditional conceptions. Also, the notions would be exposed to a real transformation. This can not be neutral in common law contracts. Concerning consensualism, the hierarchy created between forms and the discrimination of non-electronic forms suggest a renewal of its classical approach. The development of a neo-consensualism is envisaged, bringing out a new duality of consensualism in common law. As for the formalisms ad validitatem and ad probationem, the impact of the electronics focuses on their mutual relations. Online, their dissociation becomes impossible. In addition to a textual assimilation, there would be a substantial fusion between the writings, whatever their legal role. However, such a union revives the colors of a unifying phenomenon known in the common law of contracts. There is then only one step towards the unity of formalism.Far from an abolition of notions, their testing by the electronics finally invites to rethink the principles of the formation of the contract
Buard, Pierre-Yves. "Modélisation des sources anciennes et édition numérique." Caen, 2015.
Full textAncient sources present a very complex text organization that guides to define dedicated patterns. Beginning with the study of practices in the fields of preservation, analyze and edition of ancient texts, this thesis gives a general work pattern to organize circulation of information on objects and on texts carried by these objects. Paying attention to the cultural dimension of skills envolved in ancient sources facing both digital convergence and global networking guides us to rethink the document in the larger fields of flows and fragments. We propose to organize all informations used in text flows marked up by scholars. Based on many experimentations lead in institutional publishing, we propose a general organisational pattern to manage highly annotated textual resources in order to easily build editorial or research exploitations
Courtin-Vincent, Pascale. "La preuve du paiement d'une somme d'argent (de l'écrit à la télématique)." Paris 1, 1989.
Full textThe proof of the payment of a sum of money is subject to the clauses of the code civil. As stated in section 1341, the debtor is required to establish his full discharge in writing. With the advent of the use of plastic money, which constitutes a new means of payment, the rules which govern the law of evidence no longerapply. The statute of July 12, 1980 constitutes the current law of evidence but it still insists on the notion of the written document whose supremacy it asserts. The use of these new means of payment calls for an adaptation of the law of evidence. This "adapted" law cannot be laid down by any contract nor by a judge but requires legislation
Volckaert-Legrier, Olga. "Le courrier électronique chez les adolescents : un nouveau registre de la langue écrite." Poitiers, 2007.
Full textThis study was aimed at demonstrating, from a pragmatic point of view, that the electronic mail (EM) constitutes a full linguistic register, and that it combines, in an original way, some characteristics of written language, spoken language, and computer-mediated communication (CMC). Two communication situations were proposed to teenagers aged 11 to 15 years. .
Souafi-Bensafi, Souad. "Contribution à la reconnaissance des structures des documents écrits : approche probabiliste." Lyon, INSA, 2002.
Full textThis thesis turns on reserve-engineering of documents "recurrent and rich in typography" which is based on typographical tags to be identified directly from document images. Our purpose is to conceive a recognition system for logical structures that has to fit the problems brought by these documents complexity and variability. An original hybrid (structural and probabilistic) approach is proposed which combines a bayesian network classifier and a probabilistic automata that are integrated into a tree hierarchical representation of logical structure. For each part of the model, we used supervised learning that includes a new method using genetic programming for bayesian networks learning. This approach has been applied to tables of contents in periodical documents and has provided interesting results that open up different perspectives and especially for developing the interactivity aspect between the recognition system components
Bailly, Florence. "Les pratiques professionnelles des écrits électroniques entre technologie cognitive et technologie de communication." Rouen, 2001.
Full textAfter having been pressed into clay, inscribed on papyrus and printed on paper writing, which dates back to about 3000 B. C. Has now found a new medium thanks to computer technology. The study of usages by staffs in tertiary industries leads to a dual approach. On one hand what is generally known as cognitive technology deals with the impact of electronic writing on the mechanics of learning and thinking, interacting with the development of professional knowledge. On the other hand communication technology deals with temporal and spatial issues, directly interacting with work environment
Salles, Chloë. "Mutations d'une presse "de référence" : évolution des stratégies d'acteurs à partir de représentations et de pratiques journalistiques sur l'internet : les blogs au coeur des repositionnements de la presse écrite, le cas du journal Le Monde." Grenoble, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "Écrit électronique"
Hoebeke, Stéphane. Le droit de la presse: Presse écrite, presse audiovisuelle, presse électronique. 2nd ed. [Louvain-la-Neuve]: Academia-Bruylant, 2005.
Find full textMieux rédiger vos écrits personnels: Lettres, messages électroniques, comptes rendus, rapports, analyses et synthèses. Paris: Éditions d'Organisation, 2004.
Find full textAutié, Dominique. De la page à l'écran: Réflexions et stratégies devant l'évolution de l'écrit sur les nouveaux supports de l'information. Montréal: Elaeis, 2000.
Find full textAlphabet to email: How written English evolved and where it's heading. London: Routledge, 2000.
Find full text1944-, Reiss Donna, Selfe Dickie 1951-, and Young Art 1943-, eds. Electronic communication across the curriculum. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English, 1998.
Find full textBaron, Naomi S. Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It's Heading. Routledge, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Écrit électronique"
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois. "Réflexions sur la musique électronique." In Écrits, 216–22. Éditions Contrechamps, 2010.
Full textBlanc, Martine, and Catherine Peyrard. "Pratiques professionnelles et écrits professionnels : que font les écrits électroniques ?" In Le courrier électronique dans les pratiques professionnelles, 61–84. Champ social, 2013.
Full textFeuillette, Nelly. "La communication par des écrits électroniques en contexte de travail interculturel." In Langue, économie, entreprise. Gérer les échanges, 97–110. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2011.
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