Academic literature on the topic 'Écrevisses – Conservation des ressources'
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Journal articles on the topic "Écrevisses – Conservation des ressources"
Avon, Laurent. "CONSERVATION DES RESSOURCES GENETIQUES BOVINES." Animal Genetic Resources Information 7 (April 1990): 35–43.
Full textEngelman, Florent. "Biotechnologies et conservation des ressources phytogénétiques." Cahiers Agricultures 18, no. 6 (November 2009): 481–85.
Full textMARTIN, B. "Conservation et gestion des ressources génétiques." Revue Forestière Française, S (1986): 240.
Full textTakforyan, Ani. "Conservation et développement local au Niokolo Koba." Politique africaine 53, no. 1 (1994): 52–63.
Full textGarand, Denis J., and Bruno Fabi. "La conservation des ressources humaines en PME." Revue internationale P.M.E. 7, no. 1 (February 16, 2012): 85–126.
Full textDemeulenaere, Élise. "Savoirs paysans et conservation des ressources génétiques." Anthropologie et Sociétés 43, no. 3 (2019): 167.
Full textCudennec, Annie. "La genèse de la Politique commune de la pêche (1960-1990)." Relations internationales 198, no. 2 (June 24, 2024): 19–33.
Full textTEISSIER DU CROS (Eric). "Gestion et conservation des ressources génétiques de Hêtre." Revue Forestière Française, no. 2 (2005): 217.
Full textManning, Edward W., and Diane Lamoureux. "La gestion et la conservation des ressources foncières." Cahiers de recherche sociologique 5, no. 1 (1987): 41.
Full textJolivet, Simon. "Conservation de la nature et des ressources naturelles." Revue Juridique de l'Environnement 38, no. 2 (2013): 369–71.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Écrevisses – Conservation des ressources"
Rutz, Christelle. "Assembly of the giant genome of the noble crayfish and genome evolution of Decapoda." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textCrayfish are decapod crustaceans that play a decisive role in freshwater ecosystems, but many European species, particularly the noble crayfish Astacus astacus, are threatened by the crayfish plague. I took on the challenge of assembling the giant A. astacus genome (17 Gb) and obtained a preliminary genome of 21.8 Gb. This first European crayfish genome is one of the largest invertebrate genomes available. I also explored the evolution of decapod genomes. I was able to show the central contribution of repeated elements to the expansion and diversification of decapod genomes. A comparison of proteomes revealed a core-proteome of 7,000 proteins and the diversity of the evolutionary histories of their genes. My work paves the way for the sequencing and comparison of new crayfish genomes to identify markers of resistance to the plague and support strategies for reintroduction and sustainable aquaculture
BERTRAND-DESBRUNAIS, ANNA. "Conservation in vitro des ressources genetiques des cafeiers." Paris 6, 1991.
Full textFadlaoui, Aziz. "Modélisation bioéconomique de la conservation des ressources génétiques animales." Université catholique de Louvain, 2006.
Full textTrommetter, Michel. "Rationalisation économique de la conservation des ressources génétiques végétales." Grenoble 2, 1993.
Full textThis work analyses the economic consequences of the loss of biodiversity, more precisely of genetic resources (rg). This loss of diversity prooves the necessity of in-situ (natural park) and ex-situ (gene banks) conservation. The focus is on this second type of conservation that is used for the gr conservation. The final objective is to define a conservation organisation compatible with the maximisation of collective utility. If it's clear that there is an interest increasing, some questions still remain : what should be conserved and how ? what financing should be chosen ? to answer these questions, this work is shared in three parts : 1. We present an introduction of the conservation as it is now. The combination cost advantage risk is one of the most important factor of decvision. So it's necessary to analyse the economic analyses of decision in uncertain future. 2. We study thoroughly the "option value" models developed by c. Henry in 1974 and we propose a more general model. It is prooved that the irreversibility concept is too limitative. This might involve mistakes in the decision's rule. 3. These results constitute the base of a sequential model of decision to explain the organisation of gr conservation. We make some simulations to define the good interval for conservation and what type of conservation is recommended as well as
Rodary, Estienne. "Les espaces naturels : l'aménagement par la participation ? : mise en réseau et territorialisation des politiques de conservation de la faune en Zambie et au Zimbabwe." Orléans, 2001.
Full textNicolè, Florence. "Biologie de la conservation appliquée aux plantes menacées des Alpes." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2005.
Full textThrough concrete examples of endangered plants chosen in the flora of the French Alps, this work presents the application of three main aspects classically used in conservation biology: the study of genetic variation, the study of reproductive performance and reproductive system and the study of population dynamics. First, we show that molecular markers are a useful tool to resolve taxonomic ambiguities and verify the status of conservation unit in the case of Potentilla delphinensis Gren. And Godron. They also allowed us to establish a strategy for population reinforcement of Dracocephalum austriacum L. Then, we show that the reproductive performances and the reproductive system are good indicators of population viability (Androsace septentrionalis L. And Cypripedium calceolus L. ). We also demonstrate the relevance of population matrix models and population viability analyses to understand better the biology and the ecology of an endangered species and to estimate its vulnerability (Cypripedium calceolus L. And Astragalus alopecurus Pallas). The combination of the different approaches on Dracocephalum austriacum indicate that genetic and demographic aspects interact and should be considered together to predict the viability of the populations. Finally, we propose theoretical and methodological recommendations, especially on the application of demographic approaches to endangered plants. Pragmatic applied management guidelines are proposed to enhance the protection of the flora
Kjaergaard, Thorkild. "Den danske Revolution 1500-1800 : en økohistorisk tolkning /." Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1991.
Full textTorri, Maria Costanza. "La conservation et l'utilisation durable des ressources naturelles et la gestion participative, le cas de la région de la réserve naturelle des tigres de Sariska, Rajasthan, Inde /." Montpellier : CIHEAM-IAMM, 2005.
Full textBibliogr. p. 210-215. Résumé en français et en anglais. CIHEAM = Centre international des hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes. IAMM = Institut agronomique méditerranéen de Montpellier.
Chansigaud, Valérie. "Des facteurs sociaux et culturels influençant la biologie de la conservation : l'exemple des invertébrés." Orléans, 2001.
Full textNarat, Victor. "Interactions bonobos-habitats-humains : habituation, écologie,santé et conservation." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2014.
Full textA better understanding of the interactions between great apes, habitats and humans is critical for the conservation of these threatened primate species. The purpose of this PhD work is to analyze the interactions between bonobos (Pan paniscus) and a particular socio-ecological system (SES) – a forest-savanna mosaic habitat, unusual for bonobos, in a community-based conservation created by an ethnic group with an eating-taboo on this species. The study site, inhabited by the Batéké people, is located in the Territoire de Bolobo at the southwestern most extent of the bonobo distribution area and only 300 km from the capital city, Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo). This work is based on an interdisciplinary approach linking primatology, ecology, parasitology and ethnoecology. We have analyzed the evolution of the habituation process and have shown how the features of the SES could influence it. Baseline data on the diet of this bonobo community were collected highlighting the role of filler fallbackfood of fruits of Klainedoxa gabonensis and the importance of pioneer species. Whereas bonobos and humans share a common area butavoid direct encouters, we did not find frequent intestinal helminths cross-species transmissions between these two species. Finally, we have shown how the community-based conservation project was unusual and used the conservation dynamics to reach local development goals. This dynamics changes local representations toward bonobos, which have become a driving force of local development. Each of these disciplinary approaches has improved current knowledge on free-ranging bonobos, and the confrontation of the different results was used to assess this new bonobo study site as a long -term study one
Books on the topic "Écrevisses – Conservation des ressources"
Noiville, Christine. Ressources génétiques et droit: Essai sur les régimes juridiques des ressources génétiques marines. [Paris]: Pedone, 1997.
Find full textArbez, Michel. Les Ressources génétiques forestières en France. Paris: Institut national de la recherche agronomique, 1987.
Find full textCanada. Ministère des pêches et des océans., ed. Aperçu des ressources halieutiques marines canadiennes. Ottawa, Ont: Ministère des pêches et des océans, 1994.
Find full textMagny, Edmond. Ressources naturelles, environnement: Une nouvelle approche. Port-au-Prince, Haïti: Editions H. Deschamps, 1991.
Find full textJean, Dupuy René, Piquemal Alain, and Vignes Daniel, eds. Espaces et ressources maritimes. Paris: Pedone, 1998.
Find full textCiccozzi, Elena. Les Galápagos, gouvernance et gestion démocratique des ressources naturelles. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textInstitut français de recherche en Afrique., ed. Gestion des ressources naturelles. Nairobi: Institut français de recherche en Afrique, 2007.
Find full textPollard, D. F. W. Stratégie mondiale de la conservation, Canada: Rapport sur les réalisations dans le domaine de la conservation. Ottawa, Ont: Conservation et protection, Environnement Canada, 1986.
Find full textAlassane, Cisse, Toure Ibrahima Albassadjé, and Renforcement des capacités scientifiques des pays du Sahel dans le domaine agro-sylvo-pastoral (Project), eds. La conservation du milieu et des ressources naturelles au Sahel. [Dakar]: Renforcement des capacités scientifiques des pays du Sahel dans le domaine agro-sylvo-pastoral, 1991.
Find full textFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. La conservation des ressources phytogénétiques en France: Rapport à l'OAA. Paris: Bureau des ressources gént́iques, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Écrevisses – Conservation des ressources"
Flamand-Hubert, Maude, and Nathalie Lewis. "Vous avez-dit conservation ?" In Penser le gouvernement des ressources naturelles, 209–44. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.
Full textMoulette, Pascal, Olivier Roques, and Luc Tironneau. "14. La délivrance et la conservation du bulletin de paie." In Gestion des ressources humaines, 55–57. Dunod, 2019.
Full textBogros, Olivier. "K. La conservation des documents numériques." In Intégrer les ressources d’internet dans la collection, 167–71. Presses de l’enssib, 2000.
Full text"Équateur et Pérou: Le couloir de conservation transfrontière de la Cordillère du Condor." In Ressources Naturelles et Conflits, 111–15. UN, 2018.
Full textClaerr, Thierry, and Jean-François Moufflet. "Gestion de la conservation des collections numéiques." In Intégrer des ressources numériques dans les collections. Presses de l’enssib, 2014.
Full textClaerr, Thierry, and Jean-François Moufflet. "Gestion de la conservation des collections numéiques." In Intégrer des ressources numériques dans les collections, 153–66. Presses de l’enssib, 2014.
Full textFlamand-Hubert, Maude, and Nathalie Lewis. "Vous avez-dit conservation ? Parcours d’une notion dans l’immensité de la forêt québécoise." In Penser le gouvernement des ressources naturelles, 209–44. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2019.
Full textPICART, Ludovic, and Jacques JAUSSAUD. "Le rôle du supérieur hiérarchique dans la prévention du Burnout des cadres." In Revue Education, Santé, Sociétés, Vol. 7, No. 2, 43–62. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textRoy-Malo, Olivia, and Sabrina Doyon. "Planifier une aire protégée : idéation et négociations de la conservation environnementale au Bas-Saint-Laurent (Québec)." In Penser le gouvernement des ressources naturelles, 245–69. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2019.
Full textDe Silva, Naamal, Sheila A. McKenna, Henri Blaffart, Edmond Ouillate, and Ghyslaine Le Nagard. "L'usage Communautaire et la Conservation des Ressources Marine Dans Mont Panié Region." In Une évaluation Rapide de la Biodiversité Marine des Récifs Coralliens du Mont Panié, Province Nord, Nouvelle Calédonie. SPIE, 2008.
Full textReports on the topic "Écrevisses – Conservation des ressources"
Langlais, Pierre-Carl. Données de recherche ouvertes. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textDolby, G. Palynological analysis of Carboniferous outcrop and corehole samples from the 1993–1995 Magdalen Basin NATMAP Project, with updated data files, locality data, and lists of taxa identified, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textRaport de l’atelier: La promotion des droits communautaires dans la conservation par zone. Rights and Resources Initiative, December 2023.
Full textÉtat du financement des droits fonciers et de la conservation des forêts: Financement des bailleurs en faveur des peuples autochtones, des communautés locales et des peuples afro-descendants dans les pays forestiers tropicaux (2011–2023). Rights and Resources Initiative, May 2024.
Full textRenforcer les droits des femmes autochtones et rurales dans la gouvernance des terres communautaires: Dix facteurs de réussite. Rights and Resources Initiative, April 2019.
Full textCadre de travail sur les opportunités 2020: Identifier les opportunités d’investissement dans la sécurisation des droits de tenure collectifs au sein des forêts des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. Rights and Resources Initiative, June 2021.
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