Academic literature on the topic 'ECONOMY AND DIGITALIZATION'

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Journal articles on the topic "ECONOMY AND DIGITALIZATION"


Tigari, Mr Harish. "Digitalization - A Step towards Cashless Economy." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-2 (February 28, 2018): 913–17.

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Kochura, Tetiana. "DIGITALIZATION OF MILITARY ECONOMY." European Journal of Economics and Management 7, no. 1 (2021): 64–70.

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Goncharenko, L. P., and S. A. Sybachin. "Digitalization of national economy." Vestnik Universiteta, no. 8 (September 24, 2019): 32–38.

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Tsirenshchikov, Vadim. "Digitalization of European Economy." Contemporary Europe 3, no. 89 (May 1, 2019): 104–13.

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Francesco,, L. M., Sh N. Abdikul, and S. K. Ahmetkalieva. "DIGITALIZATION OF KAZAKHSTAN'S ECONOMY." Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 6, no. 1 (April 12, 2020): 45–53.

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Mislavskaya, N. "Digitalization and Accounting." Auditor 7, no. 2 (March 5, 2021): 33–38.

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Th e article attempts to investigate and establish the relationship and mutual infl uence of the digitalization process in the economy and the accounting system. Th e author, based on a detailed analysis of the process of analog-todigital conversion and on the prevailing approaches to the defi nition of the concept of «digital economy» today, draws certain parallels with accounting. Digitalization is considered as a prerequisite for synthesizing new methodological and methodological approaches to solving the problems of refl ecting economic reality in the accounting system.
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Kaldybayeva, D. O. "The efficiency of the agricultural economy digitalization." BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY. ECONOMY SERIES 107, no. 3 (February 6, 2023): 45–55.

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Kenzhin, Z. B., A. U. Tulegenova, A. L. Zolkin, O. V. Kosnikova, and I. A. Shichkin. "Labour market under economy digitalization." E3S Web of Conferences 311 (2021): 08007.

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The main problems of current labour market under economy digitalization caused by COVID-19 pandemic are reviewed in this article. Current economy system is based on factors of innovative development that effects on labour market and, therewith, reducing employment of population and increasing of structural unemployment. Therefore, the problems of labour market studies are becoming actual according to structural development of economy system itself in the age of economy globalization. Methodological framework has defined against the background of developed procedures and regulatory settings for regulation of labour market and labour power in Kazakhstan. The assessment, composition and statistical analysis methods were used for studies.
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Karapaev, Oleg V., and Rustem M. Nureev. "Economy Digitalization and Labour Productivity." Journal of Economic Regulation 10, no. 3 (September 30, 2019): 076–91.

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HANUSHCHAK, Tetiana, and Vladyslav KARIMOV. "Digitalization at the enterprise as the factor for the development Ukrainian’s economy." Economics. Finances. Law, no. 4/2 (April 29, 2021): 5–8.

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Introduction. An important step in the development of our country's economy and world activity in general is the digitalization of production and economic processes. Historically, we live in a digitalization`s period. It is necessary to take into account the company`s scope, including the financial capabilities. The purpose of the paper is to study the digitalization`s development in the enterprise and its impact on the economy. Results. In the article presents the main software products for processing financial and accounting information in an enterprise. The computers structure use by Ukraine`s industry is given. An example of digitalization management of leading foreign companies is given. The author's vision of solving the problem of the digitalization`s development at the enterprise is presented. It is global and inclusive. Enterprises working on the introduction and development of digitalization of the following software products:ITSM 365, IntraService, vsDesk, OMNITRACKER, OTRS, Alloy Navigator, Alloy Navigator, ITMan, Pyrus Service Desk, 1С:ITIL. Foreign and large Ukrainian companies use: SAP, Project Expert, EViews. The highest mobile average of employees using computers, in% of the total number of employees in 2019 compared to 2018 in the transport`s scope, households, postal and courier activities increased оn 33 267 people or 6,5 %. Conclusions. Summarizing the results of the digitalization's study of the enterprise, we can following conclusions, namely: today's transformation processes are a driving force in the development of innovation and strategic planning. Of course, enterprise`s situational management with the use of the latest technologies is the development not only an individual enterprise, but also the whole of the country`s economy. The important factor in economic`s development is digitalization, which has penetrated into all spheres of the public life. On the digitalization`s development in our country are influencing hostilities and pandemic. These factors lead to a reduction in expenditures from the state budget. The government and local authorities need to seek help from developed countries, grants.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "ECONOMY AND DIGITALIZATION"


Listrovoi, Ruslan. "Transformation of accounting in the conditions of digitalization of the economy." Thesis, National Aviation University, 2021.

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1. Kraus NM, Goloborodko OP, Kraus KM Digital economy: trends and prospects of avant-garde nature of development. Efficient economy. 2018 № 1. URL: http://www.economy.nayka. (accessed 05.12.2021) 2. Comember IV, Palyukh MP Accounting in the digital economy. Institute of Accounting, Control and Analysis in the context of globalization. 2019. Issue 1-2. Pp. 83-96. URL: (accessed 05.12.2021) 3. Ukraine 2030E is a country with a developed digital economy. Ukrainian Institute of the Future. URL: cifrovoyu-ekonomikoyu.html (accessed 05.12.2021)
The process of digitalization of accounting is described as an objective consequence of the information transformation of the economy. The peculiarities of the transformation of domestic accounting in the direction of digitalization are outlined.
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Boboshko, Alyona, and Anastasiia Simakhova. "Current state of digitalization in Ukraine: trends and risks." Thesis, National Aviation University, 2021.

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1. Simakhova A. Social economy and digital development. Проблеми формування та розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури: Матеріали V Міжнар наук.-практ. конф., 23–25 травня 2019 р. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. С. 31. 2. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Concept of development of the digital economy and society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and approval of the action plan for its implementation" dated January 17, 2018 No. 67-r. URL: 3. Digital Agenda of Ukraine - 2020. Conceptual principles. Priority areas, initiatives, projects of digitalization of Ukraine until 2020. / HITECH office. December 2016. 90 p. URL: 58e78ee3c3922.pdf. 4. World Economic Forum (2019), “The Global Competitiveness Report 2019- 2020”, URL: Report2019–2020.pdf (Accessed 15 Sept 2019). 5. [Electronic resource]: 5g/29947298.html
The trend of digitalization in the global dimension is obvious. This process is the basis for a new stage of ""technological"" race, which should result in geopolitical and geoeconomic leadership. At the same time, it is a chance for both developed and developing countries to improve their national socio-economic situation. Today, the main agenda for most countries in the world is digital transformation and the creation of a competitive digital economy. The article considers what place Ukraine occupies in the conditions of digitalization, what trends follow digitalization and what are the main risks and advantages of digitalization development for Ukraine.
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Krause, Jessica Denise. "A economia digital em Portugal." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2019.

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Mestrado em Economia Internacional e Estudos Europeus
A Economia Digital está cada vez mais presente nas nossas vidas, seja pessoal ou profissional. Portugal destaca-se neste ponto como um dos países mais evoluídos da União Europeia, no que respeita à digitalização, podendo vir a ser uma referência. Neste trabalho pretendemos perceber como Portugal tem evoluído e como se destaca neste ponto. O crescimento da utilização do Smartphone também tem mostrado muita relevância dentro desta nova Economia, levando empresas a definir novas estratégias para estudar o consumidor e assim prever o seu comportamento. O próprio Governo apoia e incentiva a transformação digital, já a tendo aplicado aos serviços da sua Administração Pública. No final do trabalho pretende-se ter um enquadramento de toda esta problemática e assim fazer uma melhor análise do país neste novo impulso dado pela Economia Digital.
The Digital Economy is increasingly present in our lives, whether personal or professional. Portugal save on this point as one of the most developed countries in the European Union, without respecting digitalization, and may become a reference. In this paper we intend to understand how Portugal has evolved and how it is at this point. The growth of ssmartphone use has also shown a lot of relevance within this new economy, leading companies to define new strategies to study the consumer and thus predict their behavior. The government itself supports and encourages digital transformation, having already applied to the services of its Public Administration. At the end of this paper, you should draw a picture of all this problem and make a better analysis of the country in this new impetus given by the Digital Economy.
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Чубко, Юлія, and Yuliia Chubko. "The role of the digital economy in the development of new world centers of economic growth." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2020.

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Innovation and technological changes inherent are actively interfering with all spheres of human life, which leads to a change of the traditional way of production in the 21st century. Everyday life in such conditions includes terms: "digital economy", digitization , IT technologies, innovations.
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Kukharuk, A. "Competition 4.0: the new age of business transformation." Thesis, National Aviation University, 2021.

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1. Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine. Industry 4.0 development strategy. 78 p. 2. Kubiv, S., Minich, O. et al. (2016). Digital Agenda for Ukraine. Priority areas, initiatives, "digitization" projects Of Ukraine until 2020. 90 p. Retrieved from: 3. Fishchuk, V., Matyushko, V., Chernev, Ye., Yurchak, A., Lavrik, J. and Amelin, A. (2019). Ukraine 2030E - a country with a developed digital economy. Retrieved from: 4. Zmitrovych, D. and Kukharuk, A. (2020). Standardization as a tool to impact the international competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises. Economic bulletin of NTUU KPI. Vol. 17. pp. 228-238.
A competition is the rivalry between economic subjects selling (exporting) similar products and services with the goal of achieving revenue (domestic income) and market share growth. This is a core of the success or failure of a particular economic system. A competition may exist not only between companies. It may also exist between countries (the global competition); products (to reach a consumer’s “basket”); proactive and reactive business models; ideas or projects (for better funding); people (at the labor market); people and machines (in the new age of automation and digitalization of many business processes). Today, as many years ago, an important component of commercial success is the value created. However, the system of factors influencing the value created is becoming wider. The ratio of the costs of the main activity and the supporting activity comes to the fore.
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Garnyk, Liudmyla Petrivna, A. Shvetz, and V. Sherstyuk. "Halal food industry: digital trends and Ukrainian reality." Thesis, Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет, 2020.

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Ordenov, Pavel, Lina Abu-Sbiekh, and Anton Boiarshinov. "How to add value to products: the experience economy perspective : A research on how companies could add value to their products using the experience economy." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för organisation och entreprenörskap (OE), 2020.

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Nowadays the world is on the verge of another significant migration of value, the value for corporate world is shifting from providing services to staging experiences for customers. Since it is vital to understand the main characteristics and components of the impending environment, this research is carried out. It is aimed at determining the main elements of the experience economy that could add value to products and the way modern retail companies apply these instruments within their strategies. The purpose of this paper is sufficiently fulfilled by qualitative analysis of three companies from the clothing industry - Benetton Group, Nike, Louis Vuitton. In the paper co-creation, gamification and digitalization are identified as the main instruments of the experience economy that could lead to greater value of the products and additionally contribute to other companies’ brand performance criteria as brand loyalty and brand awareness. Furthermore, the study provides discrepancies between retail companies from the clothing industry in terms of implementing experience economy instruments depending on their market segment, strategy and specialization.
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Сабадаш, Віктор Володимирович, Виктор Владимирович Сабадаш, Viktor Volodymyrovych Sabadash, and В. В. Сабадаш. "The security challenges of hybrid work formats in a digital economy." Thesis, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», 2021.

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Досліджено ключові виклики безпеки гібридних форматів роботи у цифровій економіці
Исследованы ключевые вызовы безопасности гибридных форматов работы в цифровой экономике
The key security challenges of hybrid work formats in the digital economy are investigated
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Мельник, Леонід Григорович, Леонид Григорьевич Мельник, Leonid Hryhorovych Melnyk, Олександр Миколайович Дериколенко, Александр Николаевич Дериколенко, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Derykolenko, Олександр Васильович Кубатко, et al. "Business Models of Reproduction Cycles for Digital Economy." Thesis, CEUR-WS, 2019.

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The intensive use of non-renewable resources and torn technological cycles is the cause for the total destruction of the planet’s ecosystems. The transition of production systems to renewable resources and closed circular cycles can ensure long-run sustainability of economic activities. Circular technologies as the basis of business processes guarantee sustainable transformation of the usual economy to digital one. The reproduction of economic activities in the closed integral cycle “production-interfacing-consumption-recyclingproduction” is the principal condition for the successful functioning of business processes. The scientific grounding, design and practical implementation of reproductive circular business processes create the platform for building a digital economy and ensures ecosystems sustainability. The research focuses on the modeling, design and practical implementation (introduction, testing, refinement, and adaptation to specific conditions) of reproductive circular business processes. The research models economic activity and communication of the economic agents in the main areas of the digital economy.
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Axelsson, Birger, and Ari Saleh. "Low utilization on the office market – are digital services for subleases the solution?" Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2016.

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This work raises the question if the digitalization on the office market today, is the solution to the low utilization during office hours on workplaces in Stockholm by increasing subleases. To answer this question, two interviews, two surveys and a literature review were completed and have been the basis for the obtained results that have gotten compiled and analyzed. The interviews took place with a tenant advisor and a third-party service on office rentals. The surveys were sent to both first tenants and property owners. The results section is based on a presentation of the responses received from each interview and survey. Finally, the conclusion on subleases via third-party service, which is a result of the digitalization on the office market, is that more subleases will increase and therefore utilization during office hours will increase in Stockholm. We believe that the current third-party service has answers to many of the problems that so far have hampered the development of further use of subleases.
Detta arbete ställer frågan om digitala tjänster för andrahandsuthyrning på kontorsmarknaden idag är lösningen på den låga nyttjandegrad, som finns under kontorstid på arbetsplatserna i Stockholm. För att besvara denna fråga har två intervjuer, två enkäter och en litteraturstudie genomförts och legat i grund för de resultat som erhållits och som även har analyserats. Intervjuerna skedde med en hyresgästrådgivare och en förmedlingstjänst för kontorsuthyrning. Enkäterna skickades ut till förstahandshyresgäster och fastighetsägare. Resultatdelen bygger på en presentation av de svar som erhållits från varje intervju och enkät. Slutligen pekar slutsatsen på att andrahandsuthyrning via förmedlingstjänst, som är ett resultat av digitaliseringen på kontorsmarknaden, kommer att leda till fler andrahandsuthyrningar och därför en högre nyttjandegrad under kontorstid i Stockholm. Vi anser att dagens förmedlingstjänst för kontorsuthyrning som exempelvis Workaround, erbjuder lösningar på många av de problem som hittills har hämmat utvecklingen för ytterligare andrahandsuthyrning.
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Herberger, Tim A., and Jörg J. Dötsch, eds. Digitalization, Digital Transformation and Sustainability in the Global Economy. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Puplampu, Korbla P., Kobena T. Hanson, and Peter Arthur, eds. Sustainable Development, Digitalization, and the Green Economy in Africa Post-COVID-19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Adamchuk, Natal'ya, Rustam Azimov, Tamara Belousova, Denis Bryzgalov, Ekaterina Bryzgalova, Tat'yana Verezubova, Zeynegul' Esymhanova, et al. Insurance in the digital economy: science, practice, education. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2022.

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The monograph deals with the transformation of the insurance business in the conditions of digitalization. The logic of scientific analysis is based on the impact of digitalization on all environmental systems of the insurance business, which, in turn, require the transformation of all aspects of the insurer's activities. The scientific analysis of the usefulness of insurance services is given, the influence of digitalization on the formation of information flows and business processes in the insurance business is considered. The experience of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey in the development of digitalization of the insurance market is summarized, development problems are formulated and a number of practical recommendations are given. A significant block of material is devoted to the analysis of social aspects of the insurance business, including the tasks and opportunities of insurance organizations in the formation of sustainable development. The problems of ensuring the quality of insurance services in the conditions of digitalization, regulatory activities in this area, protection of the interests of the consumer of insurance services are considered. New approaches to training personnel for the insurance market are considered, domestic and foreign experience is summarized. The results of a study of the use of digital technologies at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and partner universities are presented. For a wide range of readers interested in insurance problems. It can be useful for students, postgraduates and teachers of economic universities.
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The monograph presents the results of a study of the digital economy as a new paradigm of economic development, a system of economic relations implemented through the use of digital information computer technologies. It is noted that the main problem in the formation of sustainable economic growth and the successful introduction of digital technologies are the challenges of digitalization of the economy. New digital technologies, innovative business models penetrate into all spheres of the economic life of society, influencing the very essence of the economy, forming qualitative structural changes in it. As a result, a digital economy is being formed as a subsystem of the traditional economy, characterized by the active use of digital technologies and the circulation of specific electronic goods. The monograph is intended for researchers, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, as well as a wide range of readers interested in topical issues of digitalization of the economy.
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Agamagomedova, Saniyat, Ol'ga Bakaeva, and Ol'ga Grechkina. Control and supervisory activities of customs authorities in the context of digitalization and integration of the economy. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2023.

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The monograph is devoted to the implementation of the control and supervisory functions of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation in the context of digital and integration agendas. The theoretical foundations of the construction of control and supervisory activities of customs authorities are investigated, the author's methodology of its doctrinal positioning is proposed, the correlation of various types of state control and supervision in the activities of customs authorities is substantiated. It is of interest to consider the control and supervisory activities of customs authorities in the context of the introduction of digital mechanisms, the use of artificial intelligence, as well as the development of integration processes on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. For teachers, researchers, postgraduates and practitioners interested in the activities of customs authorities.
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Morozko, Nina. Technologies of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2023.

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In the monograph, in the process of studying the problems of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in modern conditions, factors affecting the conditions of business financing, the shortage of financial resources of Russian companies are identified. The analysis of the financial instruments of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the digital environment is carried out. The current directions of development of financial instruments of business lending are considered. Based on a systematic approach to the issues under study, technologies for lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the digital environment are proposed, including increasing the financing potential of small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of platformization and digitalization of business through: the use of the business model of the sharing economy; the use of crowdsourcing features; expanding the capabilities of decentralized large-scale public platforms. It is intended for relevant ministries and departments to develop approaches to lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of digitalization of the economy, as well as for graduate students and students studying in the areas of training and specialties "Economics" and "Management".
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Bogdanova, Marina, Irina Voblaya, Nataliya Garazha, Svetlana Danilova, Tat'yana Drugova, Irina Zayarnaya, Anatoliy Izhboldin-Kronberg, et al. Economy and finance of the region: current trends. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2023.

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The monograph is devoted to the analysis of trends, problems and prospects for the development of the regions of the Russian Federation. The main attention is paid to the border territories, the Altai Territory is chosen as an example. The features of the border regions, the principles of their local production specialization, the importance for the country's economy are characterized. The economic aspects and some trends of digitalization are investigated, the main financial mechanisms of regulation of the region's activities are studied. It is intended for researchers, managers and specialists of organizations and enterprises, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of universities, students of the faculties of retraining and advanced training of specialists.
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The monograph presents the results of a study of the digital economy as a new paradigm of economic development, a system of economic relations implemented through the use of digital information computer technologies. It is noted that the main problem in the formation of sustainable economic growth and the successful introduction of digital technologies are the challenges of digitalization of the economy. New digital technologies, innovative business models penetrate into all spheres of the economic life of society, influencing the very essence of the economy, forming qualitative structural changes in it. As a result, a digital economy is being formed as a subsystem of the traditional economy, characterized by the active use of digital technologies and the circulation of specific electronic goods. The monograph is intended for researchers, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, as well as a wide range of readers interested in topical issues of digitalization of the economy.
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Mamychev, Aleksey, Daria Petrova, Yana Gaivoronskaya, Olga Miroshnichenko, Yulia Karimova, Aleksandr Alekseenko, Valeria Anikeeva, et al. THE WORLD IN THE DIGITAL AGE: POLITICS, LAW, AND ECONOMICS IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2020.

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The monograph covers various areas of influence of digitalization on the legal, economic and political system of society. Fundamental, sectoral, and interdisciplinary aspects of the transformation of law in the digital age are considered. Special attention is paid to the interaction of law, politics and the digital economy, which is reflected in the legal policy of modern Russia. The content of the work allows us to show the multidimensional nature of digitalization. The monograph will be useful for legal scholars, legal practitioners, students and postgraduates studying in the field of "Jurisprudence", as well as all those interested in the digital transformation of society, law and the state.
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Etuev, Khazhmukhamed, Natalya Babajan, Olga Frolova, and Maria Maximova. The concept of forming a competency matrix for the higher education faculty for the digital economy. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2023.

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The concept presents the results of the research work of the Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Employees of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. This publication contains an analysis of the legal regulatory aspects of regulating the higher education faculty for the digital economy, an analysis and generalization of scientific approaches to the formation of a competency model/matrix, as well as the author’s method for structuring competencies and their scopes, including assessment criteria, competency level and their indicators. The results of the study presented in the concept may be of interest to researchers of the problems of digital transformation of society and digitalization of higher education, representatives of public authorities, heads of higher education and structural units for personnel management and development.
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Book chapters on the topic "ECONOMY AND DIGITALIZATION"


Pazim, Khairul Hanim, Yosuke Uchiyama, Fumitaka Furuoka, Beatrice Lim, and Jingyi Li. "Digitalization and the Gig Economy." In Digitalization and Development, 173–88. London: Routledge, 2023.

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Schou, Jannick, and Morten Hjelholt. "Cultural Political Economy." In Digitalization and Public Sector Transformations, 21–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Marszałek, Paweł, and Katarzyna Szarzec. "Digitalization and the Transition to a Cashless Economy." In Digitalization and Firm Performance, 251–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Paraschiv, Anca Maria, Narcisa Alexandra Panie, Tamara Maria Nae, and Laura Ciobanu. "EU Countries’ Performance in Digitalization." In Digital Economy and New Value Creation, 11–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Konina, Natalia Yu, Victor S. Efremov, and Irina G. Vladimirova. "Digitalization of the Post-COVID Economy." In Post-COVID Economic Revival, Volume I, 39–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Marszałek, Paweł, and Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek. "Introduction: Digitalization as a Driver of the Contemporary Economy." In Digitalization and Firm Performance, 1–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractMilena Ratajczak-Mrozek and Paweł Marszałek discuss how digitalization and digital technologies are impacting markets, firms and financial institutions. They stress the need for adopting the interdisciplinary (taking into account not only economic, but also legal and social dimensions) approach in research on digitalization, as such approach provides a comprehensive view of the process, its manifestations, features and impact. The authors also identify six channels through which digitalization has had an impact on the economy. They argue that digitalization may be considered in the context of both challenges and opportunities set by digital technologies for business models and business operations and markets, as well as the main driver of growth and competitiveness for markets and firms/businesses. In this context, the authors introduce 10 chapters of the book and present the links between different level of analysis—micro, mezzo and macro.
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Pradhan, Rudra P., Mahendhiran S. Nair, Mak B. Arvin, and Mohamed Sami Ben Ali. "Intertemporal Linkages between Government Expenditure and Corruption in a Digital Economy." In Digitalization and Economic Development, 1–27. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Semenyuta, Olga G., and Irina E. Shapiro. "Risks of Banking Transformation in Digitalization." In Technological Trends in the AI Economy, 357–62. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Kalateh, Sepideh, Sanaz Nikghadam Hojjati, Luis Alberto Estrada-Jimenez, Terrin Pulikottil, and Jose Barata. "Open Innovation Association with Feeling Economy." In Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization, 26–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Dibirov, Abusupyan, and Khapsat Dibirova. "Prospects and Problems of Digitalization of the Agricultural Economy." In Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production, 207–18. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Conference papers on the topic "ECONOMY AND DIGITALIZATION"


Yarkeeva, O., Andrey Yakovlev, Nadezhda Bukhonova, and Yu Popova. "PROSPECTS OF DIGITALIZATION OF WOODEN HOUSING CONSTRUCTION." In GREEN ECONOMY: IFOREST. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.

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Digitalization of wooden house construction will make it possible to make and implement operational management decisions based on real and objective information about the parameters of the production process, which will strengthen technological discipline and inevitably optimize production costs. The current state of digitalization of the stages of wooden house construction and house operation systems as a result of this production process determines the possibility of complete digitalization of house-building production with the prompt solution of a number of organizational and technical tasks of house builders.
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Zinoveva, Irina, A. Balayanc, and Черных А. "DIGITALIZATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ECONOMY." In Manager of the Year. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.

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Modern technologies are relevant in almost all spheres of activity, including economic. The formation of the digital economy is one of the most important areas of development in many countries, since it is the effective use of digital technologies that will determine the level of competitiveness of organizations, campaigns and countries. This work is devoted to the development of digitalization of the economy in the territory of the Russian Federation and its prospects.
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Arslanov, Shamil, Muradgadji Omarov, and Viktoriya Stofarandova. "Economy Digitalization: An Experimental Legal Regime." In VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Current problems of social and labour relations' (ISPC-CPSLR 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Ustinovich, E. S., S. V. Mamontova, and M. V. Kulikov. "Digital Economy and Digitalization of AIC." In International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Potryvaieva, N. V., L. A. Kozachenko, and O. I. Luhova. "Adaptation of accounting to economy digitalization." In Accounting, taxation, analysis and audit: current state, problems and prospects for development. Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, 2020.

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Osipova, Elena, and Elena Shirikhina. "Society and Economy in Digitalization Era." In Proceedings of the International Conference Communicative Strategies of Information Society (CSIS 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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Nikolaev, P. P. "Digitalization Of The Economy And Its Impact On Economic Development." In Global Challenges and Prospects of The Modern Economic Development. European Publisher, 2021.

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Zhevnyak, Oxana, and Elena Shablova. "Digitalization in Services." In SPBPU IDE '19: International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy 2019. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.

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Khalimon, E. A. "Digitalization Of The Russian Economy: First Results." In GCPMED 2018 - International Scientific Conference "Global Challenges and Prospects of the Modern Economic Development. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019.

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Beksultanova, A. I., N. N. Ivanskaya, and P. G. Isaeva. "“Smart city” and digitalization of urban economy." In II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM ON COMPUTER AND ENERGY SCIENCES (WFCES-II 2021). AIP Publishing, 2022.

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Stankovic, Mirjana, and Nikola Neftenov. Cross Pollination and Digitalization of Public Sector Data: Opportunities and Challenges. Inter-American Development Bank, August 2022.

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This report aims to aid governments in Latin America and the Caribbean in embracing the opportunities public sector data utilization and artificial intelligence (AI) deployment can provide in achieving a circular economy model and the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For such purpose, the report provides a novel concept of sharing data between key players that we have named data cross-pollination. Drawing on this concept, it considers four SDGs, i.e., energy, sustainable food systems, reducing pollution, and smart cities. Building on case studies and initiatives, the report highlights the main challenges and opportunities of utilizing data to achieve a circular economy model and sustainable development. It also looks into the potential of AI to enrich such data cross-pollination and focuses on potential applications of AI in circular innovation that can be transposed in the public sector.
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Ovcharov, A. V., and A. V. Kozlov. Criminal-legal and organizational means of countering the restriction of competition in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. DOI СODE, 2022.

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Ovcharov, A. V. Criminal-legal and organizational means of countering the re- striction of competition in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. DOI СODE, 2022.

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Sergeevich, Shpinev Iurii. Legal regulation of investments in agriculture. DOI CODE, 2020.

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The article deals with current problems of legal regulation of investment relations in the agricultural sector of the national economy, including leasing of agricultural machinery, agricultural territories with a special regime of business activity, as well as issues of regulation of digitalization of the agroindustrial complex.
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Strutynska, Oksana V., Grygoriy M. Torbin, Mariia A. Umryk, and Roman M. Vernydub. Digitalization of the educational process for the training of the pre-service teachers. [б. в.], June 2021.

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According to the Development Concept of the Digital Economy and Society in Ukraine, the priority of this area is to develop a substantial national policy on digitalization of education, as this is the key part of the education reform in Ukraine. For this reason, universities should firstly take into account the particularities of teaching the current generation of students and the needs of the digital society as a whole. This paper considers the process of transition from informatization to digitalization in society, implementation of digital support for the educational process in the university, development of the digital educational environment for the training university teachers, and proposes the digital tools for such an environment. The authors propose several ways to improve the development level of digitalization of the educational environment in the university. This is to take into account the needs of the digital society and the modern generation of students, provide a high level of the digital literacy formation of university graduates and support the development of a new digital security system of the modern university. Aiming to design the digital educational environment for increasing the of educators’ digital literacy level, the authors propose to develop and implement the following computer, multimedia and computer-based learning tools and equipment, which includes blended and distance learning classes, cloud technologies, tools of virtual and augmented reality, tools for gamification of the educational process, educational robotics, tools for learning 3D technologies, MOOCs.
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Abell, Thomas, Husar Arndt, and May-Ann Lim. Cloud Computing as a Key Enabler for Digital Government across Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank, June 2021.

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Governments are responding to rapid change and growing demands by citizens and businesses by accelerating the digitalization of public services. They are updating their e-government capabilities, adding new digital tools and services, augmenting their data analytics capabilities, and putting in place digital economy development plans. Many of these changes are enabled by cloud computing technologies that have become commonplace in the digitally connected world. The rapidly scalable computing resources that cloud computing delivers via the internet bring cost benefits, improve agility, ensure resilience, and provide access to the latest solutions that digital technology can offer.
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Rentería Palomares, Zaira, Jorge Gutiérrez García, and Daniel Perdomo Rodríguez. Digitalization in the Extractive Sector: A Comparative Analysis of the Andean Region. Inter-American Development Bank, December 2022.

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Global efforts to achieve the climate goals specified in the Paris Agreement pose major challenges for the global production system, because demand for clean fuels, metals, and minerals will increase considerably in the coming decades. This trend is the main driver for extractive companies transformations of their production systems to maintain their profitability and operability in the face of an increasingly stringent context in economic, environmental, and social terms. Hence, the adoption of digital technologies appears as a unique opportunity that would enable the industry to meet the challenges posed by the energy transition that is looming. In this challenging context, companies in the extractive sector have started to rethink not only their internal operations, but also the ways in which they interact with communities, the environment, and public opinion.
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The article deals with the problems associated with the formation and implementation of the regional investment policy, which is the main element of economic policy. It is established that the purposeful influence of the authorities and management of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the aspect of their areas of responsibility on the investment process will contribute to digitalization and the transition of regions to an innovative path of development, which is a driver of economic growth.
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Frisancho, Verónica, and Eric Parrado. International Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean amid the COVID-19 Crisis: A Push for Digitalization? Inter-American Development Bank, December 2021.

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Remittances constitute a significant safety net for millions of households in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Consequently, changes in international transfers can be a crucial agent of transmission of the COVID-19 induced economic crisis from richer to poorer nations and from urban to rural areas. Relying on data on queries to the search engine Google between December 2018 and July 2021, this study looks at the evolution of demand for in-person versus digital international transfer services and evaluates if take-up rates of different types of service providers trace the initial drop and subsequent rebound of remittances. The recovery of remittances was accompanied by a modest and temporary increase in the interest in digital mechanisms for sending money to home countries, which is accompanied by lower demand for brick-and-mortar service providers.
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Cabrol, Marcelo, and Cristina Pombo. How Digitalization can Transform Health, Education and Work as Latin America and the Caribbean Emerge from the Pandemic. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2021.

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Like other historic disruptions, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered chain-reactions in innovation, adaptation, and rapid behavioral change. The Latin American and Caribbean Region is no exception. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed a vast, pent-up demand for improvements in the quality, convenience, and cost of basic public services. While the ongoing human and economic toll of the pandemic has overshadowed the potential for dramatic and lasting gains in areas such as health, education, and remote work, it is not too early to ask how these gains might be retained and reinforced. This report highlights opportunities in telemedicine, tele-education, and telework the three areas we think are best positioned to achieve a profound digital transformation in the near-term. For each area, we offer a summary of the status quo, examples of early movers and innovators, and key questions regarding policy actions that can accelerate current trends.
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