Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Économie du rituel'
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Grando, Válečková Šárka. "Signification économique, sociale et symbolique du bœuf dans la Préhistoire récente de l’Europe moyenne." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020STRAG039.
Full textThe appearance of animal husbandry in Neolithic societies was immediately linked to the need to meet the nutritional needs of the population. This traditional view reflects the interpretation according to which the animal is viewed in a utilitarian dimension as a supplier of protein, especially meat and secondary products, as well as a supplier of manual aid. However, many examples in ethnology give us a different image where the animal is charged with a symbolic dimension, and to which an important role is granted in the framework of the majority of social and religious rituals. In this situation, we can ask ourselves what status did domestic animals enjoy, especially cattle, and what was their breeding used for in recent prehistoric societies ? This issue is addressed through a comparison of data from archaeozoology and the results of ethnological research in the spirit of the comparative method. The analysis is carried out through the breeding of the first agro-pastoral communities in Europe belonging to the culture with linear ceramics, the LBK (5600 - 4900 BC)
Zemmour, Samir. "L' incertitude sur la qualité et les biens ethico-alimentaires : le marché de la viande halal en France." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010VERS022S.
Full textThe thesis analyzes the issues of halal meat certification at various levels of the value chain. It reveals that the process of qualification halal represents a process of qualification of ethical-food goods which are connected with the constitution of Potemkin attributes. In the historical absence of an agreement on a shared definition of halal quality and ritual slaughter, the thesis leads to an against-intuitive result: the limits and the failures of the process of qualification halal are the requirements of its operation. For a low level of acceptability of a compromise of the actors, the transition towards a new mode from coordination of the industrial type is nevertheless possible. Correspondent with a certification of the intention and belief, the creation of an imperfect sign of halal quality would lead to the satisfaction of the need for quality and the request for religious ethics of a young French Muslim population
Nne'e, Onna Valérie. "Croyances magico-religieuses, imaginaire collectif et commerce : itinéraires de petits commerçants à Yaoundé (Cameroun)." Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0692.
Full textThis work focuses on small vendors belonging to the Beti-Fang community. From their perspective, a successful business is a prerequisite for personl fulfillment. This achievment, demonstrated by the recognition of the pre-eminent status of "man not", is a condition and a manifestation of "mvoe" (absolute form of welfare and the ultimate horizon of existence). Material and social peace is unattainable without a favorable relationship with the invisible world. In fact, they perceive the universe as separated in two worlds: "visible" world (in which evolves all living beings) and an "invisible" world (restricted to those with supra-human powers). The universe is also divided into "good" and "evil" fields according to their propensity to favor or harm the "mvoe". In order to protect themselves from witches and other "Satan's agents", the vendors have to get the support of powerful allies found in the "divine field", particularly in the Pentecostal churches. Despite its hrmfulness, the invisible world is a place of opportunities as well, especially for underprivileged groups. Prosperous alliances with invisible forces are supposed to ensure well-being and success in the visible world. This constitutes what we have called the "magical and religious capital", referring to the ability of an individual to mobilize agents with supra-human powers to effectively act on the intangible aspects of his life
Bugallo, Lucila. "Pachamama en fleur : modalités de relations et de productions à la Puna de Jujuy (Argentine)." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0642.
Full textThe thesis, Pachamama en fleur. Modalités de relations et de productions à la Puna de Jujuy (Argentine) [Pachamama In Flower : Forms of Relations and Productions in the Jujuy Puna, Argentina] deals with the modes of production and domestic economies of a sector of the Argentine altiplano [high plateau], more precisely the east-central part of the Jujuy Puna. The emphasis is on the relations of production, taking into account a great variety of operating agents : people, plants, animals, stones and tutelary beings; all participants in a powerful relational ontology, the axis of the Puneños’ perspective on the world. The experience of space and the relationship between places and beings are presented, with special interest in the mediations that have taken place. The generative relations developed by this people, which imply transformations and translation are also dealt with. Great attention is given to rituals, taking as given that these are a central part of economic activities and processes. Some of these rituals are presented in a detailed manner and analysed in depth : as in the case of the corpachada intended for Pachamama, and in the festivals around marking livestock, the señaladas, two central moments in the ritual and agricultural calendar of the Puna. Other instances that have become part of the ritual productive cycles are also discussed, in particular the collective rituals devoted to patron saints, many of these latter being the protectors of the animals that have been reared. To show both animal rearing and agricultural practices, there is a description of the activities of domestic units in a number of locations on the western flank of the Sierra de Aguilar and on the eastern side of the lake of Guayatayoc. What is discussed then is forms of production and the techniques associated with them, the diversity of economic activities and the form of labour, and activities involved in harvesting and hunting, intertwined with the former, showing that what is involved is a productive model with multiple actors and activities. Modes of exchange of productions through travel and fairs, involving products, circuits and pack animals are presented in great detail. The ways in which products are wrapped and arranged, and lofts are filled, and the ways foodstuffs are stocked and with what storage life, are considered from an analogical perspective. In these practices of arranging and stocking, the notion of pirgua is central. Productive activities and their relation to the surrounding space are considered over time, indicating the changes that have taken place in the 20th century, but also in previous periods, possible causes for these being offered. In addition, certain conceptual categories are discussed : as in the case of the notion of domesticity, introducing the Andean category of uywaña or crianza, and other local categories that deal with resources, production and stocking, like that of suerte and multiplico. These topics are treated principally on the basis of a considerable corpus of ethnographic data and in a very detailed manner, conveying the complexity of local economic conceptions and practices and showing the Jujuy Puna to be a non-homogeneous social and cultural space
Basset, Célia. "Des confluences à l'estuaire : modalités d’occupation des territoires du bassin versant de la Seine en aval de Paris au cours de l’âge du Fer : environnement, économie et société." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2019. https://ecm.univ-paris1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/19703d3d-6e01-44ca-b3e9-74941e60493d.
Full textFrom confluences to estuary, this research traces the major occupation, organization and exploitation processes of the drainage basin of the Seine River, downstream of Paris, over the whole Iron Age. The interactions between human beings and their environment are easier to grasp on the drainage basin scale and are explored in a dynamic and systemic relationship evolving throughout the millennium. Along the water, a multi-scale study of the domestic, funerary, ritual and urban spheres is conducted through a critical approach on data representativeness. The body of this investigation, including 970 phases of occupation resulting from 705 archaeological entities, provides a document review across six French departments (Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Yvelines, Val-d’Oise, Eure and Seine-Maritime) where archaeological research is especially developed in relation to today’s many existing facilities. These analyses define the mechanisms of progressive land appropriation. Occupations in the beginning of the Early Iron Age (8th and the 7th century BCE) stay moderate and must be considered in the wake of Final Bronze Age indicators. A first development of mainly open settlements characterizes the eastern part of the region, between the 6th and the 5th century BCE in the valleys, later expanding on the plateaus, between the 4th and the beginning of the 3rd century BCE. Such earliest settlements of a strong agricultural kind account for a multipolar space. The 3rd century BCE attests fundamental visible changes in the following spheres of activity: funerary (weapons or chariot burials, gradual generalization of incineration), ritual (deposits within the housing) and domestic (drop of the number of open settlements followed by the emergence of enclosed settlements). This transitional period carries the premises of the deep mutations of the 2nd and the 1st century BCE, marked by an increase of agropastoral settlements overall the topographic contexts as well as the emergence of sites with a broader reach, such as aristocratic settlements, agglomerations, oppida and sanctuaries. A change in scale is attested in the production, consumption and redistribution of agropastoral and craft commodities involving local, regional and long-distance trade networks. The densification process of the territorial meshing and the gradual specialization of settlements depend on factors that ought to be searched at the very heart of how societies are organized and fostered by the interactions within trade networks of goods, skills and people, across western Europe
Mauné, Stéphane. "Les campagnes du biterrois nord-oriental dans l'antiquité (IIe s. Av. J. -C. /VIe s. Ap. J. -C. ) : Peuplement et occupation du sol, économie, pratiques culturelles et funéraires)." Besançon, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BESA1014.
Full textAchkar, Roger. "Les relations politique et économique du Liban avec les descendants des immigrés Libanais au Brésil." Thesis, Paris 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA030118.
Full textThis thesis is situated between the fields of history, politics and the shifts of population and is thus placed in the general field of geopolitics. It endeavours to propose a solution to the problem of disappearance of a great part of the Christians of Lebanon, notably the Maronites, further to the massacre of the Christians of Lebanon and Syria in 1860 and the Lebanese civil war [1975-1990]. The search for a solution is crucial for the survival of Christians and Christianity in Lebanon as well as the survival of the Lebanese consensual system based on the balance between Muslims and Christians, a central objective in the Lebanese Constitution of 1926 and in the Taef agreement of 1989. Efforts of the Maronites in Lebanon and the world, particularly in Brazil, must therefore be consolidated and their message unified in order to spread the wealth of the Lebanese heritage throughout all Churches, the Embassy and Consulates, reinforce the foundations of belonging to Lebanon; preserve and defend the rights and the interests of the Maronite community, and the social, cultural and political influence it enjoys in Lebanon and the world ; naturalise all descendants of Lebanese emigrants in the world, in particular in Brazil, where the majority of the descendants of Lebanese persons not having Lebanese nationality are to be found, most of whom are Maronites; work so that the Maronites enjoy their vitality and occupy the place that belongs to them in all fields, in a State of law that works for the safeguard of the coexistence, defend the national understanding and devote justice, consensual democracy, freedom and equality before the law of all Lebanese citizens; promote Christian-Muslim dialogue in the framework of constructive communication established between religions, civilizations, and peoples of the world; and pursue the promotion of the Arab culture whose renaissance and exploits have been made possible thanks to the pioneer role played by the Maronites
Hu, Shen. "Esquisse d’une théorie de l’encastrement thermo-économique du social : d’une enquête empirique sur la consommation d’alcool des Han à un renouveau épistémologique de la socio-anthropologie." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA080106.
Full textThis work is based on an investigation commissioned by a cognac manufacturer. Heavily hit by the anti-corruption campaign launched by Chinese top leaders at the end of 2012, this manufacturer was seeking to develop a cognac product dedicated to the Sinophone (Chinese, Singaporean and Taiwanese) market of nightclubs and bars. Using an approach that subjects the marketing problem to the ethnographic method, we first performed an ethnography of the alcohol consumption of young Sinophone people in nightclubs and bars. This investigation was then supplemented by another one on the consumption of alcohol by the Chinese in general. The inductive method which we have employed has allowed us to use these ethnographic materials as a generator of research questions which we had not expected. Thus, apart from the descriptive part that synthesises the different modes of alcohol consumption that we have observed, this thesis is also composed of another theoretical part. On the basis of the questions raised by the first descriptive part, this theoretical part aims at sketching a theory of the “economic” embedding of the “social”, which runs counter to the sociologist trends characterising the postwar anthropology. In order to break with both the evolutionist and anti-evolutionist excesses of anthropological history, this thesis consists, among other things, in a revision of the monetary theory, the function of which would be to account for the geopolitical synergy between the “one-party China” and the “multi-party West” at present
Wane, Abdoulaye. "Risque, danger de sinistre et sinistre dans un programme international pour le développement : enjeux stratégiques et intérêts spécifiques autour d'un projet de réforme institutionnelle au Sénégal." Paris, EHESS, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007EHES0098.
Full textWe want, in this Ph. D dissertation, to give rise to the process of social construction of the risk in the international co-operation for development. Our approach consists, while going from the analysis of the World Bank as an institution (social category, culture, speech, approach, management of intercultural) towards the operation (the project "Trade reform and competitiveness" on the ground), progressively to draw up a cartography of the "locations" of production of the danger of loss which influence in the project. The loss, it is the mechanism by which the project tends towards a disconnection of its objectives in relation to the field reality. The cartography of the risk is based on two aspects of the production of the danger of loss. Initially, there are two "departures of fires" which combined lead to the loss. On a side there is the problem of the management of intercultural within a mixed team and other there are the reactions to the perceived risk/with the feeling of danger
Nyama, Abraham. "Les villages des régions de Ndendé (Gabon) et Divenié (Congo) : essai d'étude comparée de 1934 à 1995." Paris 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA010568.
Full textMeunier, Marjorie. "Aspects économiques des pratiques religieuses taoïstes contemporaines entre temples et monde séculier (Chine, Europe)." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL12010.
Full textThe rapid growth of Daoism in the Chinese world and beyond questions the economic model at play in these religious organisations. This thesis analyses the economic aspects of this contemporary monastic daoism through the study of basic economic elements, their interactions with each other and with the laity. Results point to an economy based on a religious lineage system, where is transmitted a specialised approach to the master's role of medium between worlds. Those lineages are affiliated to an order organised to promote mobility and networking between them, which oppose each other on their specialised religious activity. Lay ressources on which temples and lignages are funded, depend on the adequacy of the masters’ response to the laity's needs through their services and teachings
Angé, Olivia. "Dar un buen cambio: ethnographie des foires de troc dans les Andes argentines." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210074.
Full textDoctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation anthropologie
Lajeunesse, Maude. "Les lois funéraires dans le monde grec du VIIe au IIIe siècle A.C. : analyse des motivations des législateurs." Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26013/26013.pdf.
Full textDussol, Lydie. "Feux et forêts mayas : usages et gestion des combustibles ligneux dans les Basses Terres centrales mayas à la période Classique : le cas du site de Naachtun, Petén, Guatemala : approche anthracologique." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01H072.
Full textThe rise and development of ancient Maya societies in the tropical forests of the Maya Lowlands, a demanding environment, have raised important questions, most of which remain unanswered due to a lack of empirical data. Models describing Maya forest exploitation, landscapes impact and adaptation to environmental changes over three millennia of occupation mostly rely on palynological and sedimentological data. Archaeological or archaeobotanical data has conversely very rarely been used to test these models. Specifically, no attempt has been made to reconstruct systematically the global wood economy of ancient Maya cities. Wood was an indispensable resource for the Maya, as for all pre-industrial societies, and thus constitutes a key economic and ecological indicator for understanding socio-environmental interactions over time. This doctoral study therefore aims to conduct a systematic and diachronic anthracological study at a Maya site, in order to reconstruct domestic firewood collection strategies and analyze cross relations between human activities and woodland changes throughout the whole length of the occupation. This research has been carried out at the site of Naachtun, a Classic period city (AD 250-950) located in northern Petén, Guatemala. The development of the city over eight centuries≈ ( AD 150 -950/1000), with non-linear population dynamics, and its resilience during the Terminal Classic crisis, made the site of Naachtun a relevant candidate for the study of the interactions between the ancient Maya and the forest on a long-term scale. This required beforehand the compilation of a wood reference collection for the Central Maya Lowlands, which now comprises 231 taxa belonging to 52 families, physical and numerical materials included. Two other lines of research have been developed in this project. The first focuses on the impact of taphonomic processes on the preservation of archaeological charcoal at Maya sites, by means of an experimental study of the combustion of five tree species of the Maya forest. The second one deals with the use of fire and ashes in the ritual practices of the ancient Maya. Ash and charcoal deposits resulting from ritual actions are examined through a spatial approach in order to reconstitute the human gestures that are responsible for their formation. These three interdependent lines of research allow us to demonstrate the usefulness of anthracology in the study of the socio-environmental dynamics and human behaviors in the Maya Lowlands
Finoulst, Laure-Anne. "Les sarcophages du haut Moyen Âge en Gaule du Nord: production, diffusion, typo-chronologie et interprétations." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209712.
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Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie
Romanova, Liubomira. "Évolution de l'alimentation et de l'économie chez les Iakoutes du XVIIe au début du XXe siècle : confrontations des données biologiques et culturelles." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021TOU30017.
Full textSituated at the interface of biology and the humanities, the anthropology of food is a privileged field for the study of ancient societies. Reconstructing the food of the past in all its complexity and diversity can only be achieved by combining the various available sources. Traditionally, the diet of past populations has been studied by historians (written sources) and archaeologists (material sources), but today the development of techniques of biological analysis on human samples offers new ways of tackling this issue. We have chosen the case study of Yakutia, as the abundance of historical and ethnographic data provide a solid contextual framework, and tombs discovered in the permafrost allow access not only to artefacts and funeral meals, but also to very well preserved biological samples. The study of the diet of the Yakuts, who are traditionally horse and cattle breeders, is part of European colonial history and therefore illustrates the transition from a traditional way of life to one dominated by a market economy, in a particular environment where the temperature can reach -71° C in winter. The territory of Yakutia, spread over three million square kilometers, includes various biotopes with valleys and lakes rich in pastures in Central Yakutia and Viluy, and mountainous regions in the North less favourable for breeding, where hunting has always remained an important food source. Our objective is to reconstruct the evolution of the Yakut diet, and to determine its regional particularities as well as those of its social (as determined by artefacts found in the tombs) and sexual categories. To achieve these objectives, we compared data from several sources: 1. The synthesis of historical sources, documents of Russian administration -- some of them unpublished --, as well as ethnographic descriptions from the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century, which attest that the diet of the Yakuts was mainly based on the products of horse and cattle breeding, while hunting, fishing, and gathering served as a source of supplementary food, in a variable way depending on the region. They attest to the diversity of dairy products and the consumption of various plants. A profound transformation of society after the arrival of the Russians is due to the sedentarization of the Yakuts, with the development of cattle breeding and a decline in the number of horses. Trade also introduced new products. Finally, the agriculture instituted by the Russians gradually replaced the gathering and preparation of the cambium of trees, used until then as flour. 2. The study of archaeological artefacts (food remains, dishes and smoking accessories), deposited in more than 150 tombs during the period extending from the 15th century to the beginning of the 19th century, highlights the important role of food offerings (meat and dairy products) in funeral rites prior to mass Christianization in the 19th century. 3. The analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen on the bone collagen of 61 buried subjects and 19 fauna samples (including 11 archaeological and 8 modern) distinguishes meat and fish consumption. It reveals differences of diet by geographic region, and a stable diet among the wealthier Yakuts. [...]
Tarbouni, Younasse. "THE ARAB CENTURY opposing trajectories of Arab activism in MENA What has changed? the case of the Moroccan movement of February 20, 2011." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH014.
Full textWith the MF20 as the major Case Study , I argue against the claims of the newness, uniqueness, success and failure or finality of these Arab movements. I revisit the first decade of the 21st century and the declaration of War on Terrorism (2003) as one trigger of sociopolitical conflicts that were already entrenched in the MENA region. What we witnessed in the second decade of this century is that the Arab uprisings only exposed transgressions in human rights and atrocities in the Middle East to the world. These uprisings were hurriedly reduced to seasonal uprisings. The third decade unfortunately looks to be in the hands of right-wing ideologues standing against multiculturalism and stressing the fear of religious extremism to change the focus from social issues and force the narrative of us-against-them on the forefront. For these reasons, I claim, there is no finality to the Arab uprisings, they have just begun and they are not in a state of thaw as Davis (2013) depicts them, but they are in slumbering phase recouping for a stronger come back. The close analysis in the project of the saga of struggles of these Arab movements with the Arab autocratic regimes who engineered nothing but preemptive reforms, requires our close attention for the remaining decades in this 21st century. Even the so-called successful cases, Tunisia and Morocco, indicate that what is celebrated is a state of temporary stability with major and alarming short comings in social change and social justice; two of the main reasons of the so called Arab Spring. Thomas Friedman suggests great historical details, in his great piece for the New York Times, calling for the expression “Arab Spring” be retired and be replaced by Anthony Cordesman’s the “Arab Decade” or “Arab Quarter Century” . I claim we are beyond that, and that we are witnessing an Arab Century in movement.If the recent political changes around the world are any indication, social change in the Arab world will be overlooked for at least another decade. The rise of the extreme right to power in the US and in Europe has already shifted the focus from the social injustices in the Arab world to the everlasting issue of Islam and extremism in the West. This is proving to be a big break for Arab autocratic regimes, who are using this rise of Islamophobia in the West as a unifying argument that distracts from the social injustices within their republics and kingdoms. Thus, the struggle of Arab citizens within the Arab states for social dignity will be overlooked until the revived narrative of the clash of Islam and the West dies down
Bourgeois, Roy. "La commercialisation de la mort à Moncton, 1856-1914." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape9/PQDD_0017/NQ47557.pdf.
Full textEschenbrenner-Diemer, Gersande. "Les « modèles » égyptiens en bois : matériau, fabrication, diffusion, de la fin de l’Ancien à la fin du Moyen Empire (env. 2350-1630 av. J.-C)." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO20114.
Full textThe first part focuses on material analysis and process use for the manufacturing of funerary “models”. These wooden objects represent people or everyday scenes of life, used by Egyptian elites for funeral furniture between the end of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom (cir. 2350-1630 BC). In a first part, focused on objects from Saqqara, Assiut and Meir, the stylistic and technical features were examined to define groups of objects and workshops. Then, dating criteria were defined and compared with the funeral furniture discovered in the studied graves. According to one unwound chronological since the end of the Old Kingdom, the second part concentrates on workshops and interregional contacts. A particular attention is worn in the relationship between royal power, elites and craftsmen through the sending of funeral equipment and more particularly bare wooden models of the Memphite area to the Upper Egypt. The third part is interested in the social, economic and religious functions of the models and examines more particularly the narrow relationship which unites this furniture and the funeral practices between the end of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. The second volume presents the corpus of the examined wooden models. The third volume is dedicated to appendices. The examination of wooden models, significant of political and religious deep changes at the origin of new customs and funeral faiths between the VIth and the XIIIth dynasty, specifies the geographical, historic and social context associated with the manufacturing. The analysis of these objects allows refining the perception of the relationship between craftsmen and power, omnipresent in the Egyptian society from the Predynastic period
Dussol, Lydie. "Feux et forêts mayas.Usages et gestion des combustibles ligneux dans les Basses Terres centrales mayas à la période Classique : le cas du site de Naachtun, Petén, Guatemala : approche anthracologique." Thesis, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01H072.
Full textThe rise and development of ancient Maya societies in the tropical forests of the Maya Lowlands, a demanding environment, have raised important questions, most of which remain unanswered due to a lack of empirical data. Models describing Maya forest exploitation, landscapes impact and adaptation to environmental changes over three millennia of occupation mostly rely on palynological and sedimentological data. Archaeological or archaeobotanical data has conversely very rarely been used to test these models. Specifically, no attempt has been made to reconstruct systematically the global wood economy of ancient Maya cities. Wood was an indispensable resource for the Maya, as for all pre-industrial societies, and thus constitutes a key economic and ecological indicator for understanding socio-environmental interactions over time. This doctoral study therefore aims to conduct a systematic and diachronic anthracological study at a Maya site, in order to reconstruct domestic firewood collection strategies and analyze cross relations between human activities and woodland changes throughout the whole length of the occupation. This research has been carried out at the site of Naachtun, a Classic period city (AD 250-950) located in northern Petén, Guatemala. The development of the city over eight centuries≈ ( AD 150 -950/1000), with non-linear population dynamics, and its resilience during the Terminal Classic crisis, made the site of Naachtun a relevant candidate for the study of the interactions between the ancient Maya and the forest on a long-term scale. This required beforehand the compilation of a wood reference collection for the Central Maya Lowlands, which now comprises 231 taxa belonging to 52 families, physical and numerical materials included. Two other lines of research have been developed in this project. The first focuses on the impact of taphonomic processes on the preservation of archaeological charcoal at Maya sites, by means of an experimental study of the combustion of five tree species of the Maya forest. The second one deals with the use of fire and ashes in the ritual practices of the ancient Maya. Ash and charcoal deposits resulting from ritual actions are examined through a spatial approach in order to reconstitute the human gestures that are responsible for their formation. These three interdependent lines of research allow us to demonstrate the usefulness of anthracology in the study of the socio-environmental dynamics and human behaviors in the Maya Lowlands