Academic literature on the topic 'Economie diverse'

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Journal articles on the topic "Economie diverse"


Bertell, Lucia. "Lavoro agricolo nelle economie diverse: giovani contadini capaci di innovazioni." SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO, no. 147 (August 2017): 183–200.

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Busato, Alessia, and Giancarlo Corň. "I distretti nella crisi: declino, adattamento o innovazione?" ARGOMENTI, no. 32 (September 2011): 71–93.

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Questo articolo propone un'analisi sulle tendenze dell'economia dei distretti italiani, fornendo riferimenti empirici e teorici a sostegno di una precisa tesi interpretativa: il modello italiano di organizzazione locale della produzione č ancora oggi vitale, ma ha bisogno di accelerare il processo di evoluzione verso assetti organizzativi, tecnologici e istituzionali piů moderni. In tale prospettiva, l'articolo effettua una rassegna di alcuni contributi recenti di ricerca e presenta inoltre i risultati di una analisi econometrica che documentano la capacitŕ di tenuta ma anche le diverse linee di trasformazione in corso nei distretti italiani. In particolare, vengono evidenziati i processi di formazione delle imprese leader, di crescita dei servizi e di evoluzione delle economie di specializzazione in economie di varietŕ. Nelle conclusioni si mette in luce l'utilitŕ di integrare l'approccio tradizionale dell'analisi marshalliana ai contributi di tipo neo-schumpeteriano sull'economia dell'innovazione e dell'imprenditorialitŕ.
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Salmoni, Fiammetta. "SOVRANITÀ DEI TECNOCRATI, MECCANISMO EUROPEO DI STABILITÀ E L’EMERGENZA DA COVID-19." Novos Estudos Jurí­dicos 25, no. 3 (December 31, 2020): 546–70.

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Il 9 aprile 2020, a Bruxelles, l’Eurogruppo ha raggiunto l’accordo sintetizzato nel Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic, nel quale si dichiara che “è necessaria una strategia coordinata e globale per far fronte alle esigenze dell’emergenza sanitaria, sostenere le attività economiche e preparare il terreno per la ripresa”, una strategia che “dovrebbe combinare iniziative a breve, medio e lungo termine, tenendo conto delle ricadute e delle interconnessioni” tra le diverse economie degli Stati dell’Eurozona, considerando altresì la “necessità di preservare lafiducia e la stabilità”. Tra queste iniziative, si distingue, per la sua rilevanza, ma anche per la sua problematicità e la conflittualità che ha scatenato tra le forze politiche nazionali e finanche all’interno della stessa maggioranza di governo, il ricorso al Meccanismo europeodi stabilità (MES) sotto la forma di una speciale linea di credito, denominata Pandemic Crisis Support (PCS), che dovrebbe basarsi sull’esistente Enhanced Conditions Credit Line (ECCL) e “adjusted in light of this specific challenge, as a relevant safeguard foreuro area Member States affected by this external shock”.
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Van Frederikslust, R. A. I., and R. A. Van Der Geest. "Rendementsontwikkeling van private equity onder­ steunde beursintroducties." Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 74, no. 9 (September 1, 2000): 403–14.

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Private equity is gedefinieerd als risicodragend vermogen voor investeringen in niet-beursgeno-teerde ondernemingen. De investeringen vinden plaats door een combinatie van deelname in het eigen vermogen en het verstrekken van vreemd vermogen. Met private equity wordt zowel venture als non-venture capital bedoeld. Private equity vindt zijn oorsprong in de Verenigde Staten en is sinds de tweede helft van de jaren tachtig ook in Europa tot ontwikkeling gekomen. De lage rente-stand, het grote vertrouwen in de economie, de professionalisering van de kapitaalmarkt en de oprichting van diverse nieuwe aandelenbeurzen in Europa hebben ertoe geleid dat de Europese private equity-markt de laatste tien jaren een aanzienlijke groei heeft doorgemaakt.
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Dragomir, Ionuţ-Marian, and Ionuţ-Marian Ştirbu. "A VI-a ediție a Sesiunii Naționale de Comunicări Științifice Studențești, pe teme de Silvicultură și Protecția Mediului, online, 28 mai 2021." Bucovina Forestiera 21, no. 1 (June 30, 2021): 129–30.

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Cea de-a VI-a ediție a Sesiunii Naționale de Comunicări Științifice Studențești pe teme de Silvicultură și Protecția Mediului s-a desfășurat în data de 28 Mai 2021 în format online. La acest eveniment au participat 28 de studenți, afiliați la 3 universități de profil; Universitatea ”Transilvania” din Bașov, Universitatea ”Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava și Universitatea din Oradea. Subiectele prezentărilor au fost diverse, tratând diferite aspecte legate de Silvicultură, Entomologie, Dendrometrie, Economie forestieră, Management cinegetic, Botanică, Dendroclimatologie precum și altele discipline ce țin de domeniul silvic. Prezentările au fost susținute online, sub formă de videoconferință, fiind transmise în timp real pe o binecunoscută rețea de socializare. Putem afirma că această sesiune a avut un rol multiplu, precum îmbunătățirea abilităților de comunicare a studenților participanți, oportunitatea de a-și disemina rezultatele cercetărilor, de a creea o legătură de comunicare între studenții celor 3 universități și nu în ultimul rând de a-i stimula să rămână activi în cercetarea silvică.
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Cristini, Guido. "Unificazione di insegne e sostituzione della marca commerciale in un gruppo distributivo leader: ricadute di ordine economico, strategico e gestionale." MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ, no. 4 (November 2010): 121–44.

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Nel processo di concentrazione tra gruppi distributivi a livello nazionale ed internazionale in corso da diversi anni, uno degli aspetti piů ricorsivi č costituito dalla stra- tegia di unificazione delle insegne. Tale strategia si traduce nell'analisi del valore delle insegne acquisite e, di norma, nell'eliminazione di quelle che operano ad una scala dimensionale inferiore e/o che manifestano una brand equity minore. In tale contesto, non č infrequente rilevare come l'obiettivo perseguito dal gruppo distributivo acquisitore sia quello di disporre di un'unica insegna in grado di generare economie di scala non solo esterne (sul versante della contrattualistica con i fornitori), quanto interne (comunicazione, logistica, marketing, etc.), propedeutiche al raggiungimento di gradi piů elevati di efficienza. In realtÀ, in diverse occasione, la cancellazione di una determinata insegna a favore di un'altra si č tradotta, nel breve termine, in una perdita di valore per il gruppo driver, in particolare sul versante delle vendite di marca commerciale in offerta. Nel quadro appena richiamato, obiettivo del presente articolo risulta quello di verificare se i vantaggi derivanti dall'adozione di una marca privata di Gruppo, pur in presenza della storica insegna di canale, risultino superiori a quelli ottenuti disponendo di una private label consolidata, rispondente in termini di immagine a quella caratterizzante la situazione pre-esistente. In particolare, interessa comprendere, se nel processo di cambiamento in atto non solo se il trade off risulti positivo, ma anche se i tempi e le risorse investite nel processo di conversione siano, nel complesso, da considerarsi accettabili per il distributore driver in relazione ai vantaggi raggiunti ex post.
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Lombardi, Mauro, and Nicolň Bellanca. "Le traiettorie reticolari dell'innovazione territoriale." SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO, no. 122 (June 2011): 17–30.

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I sistemi socio-economici locali (Ssl) sono stati interpretati dalle tradizioni di studi risalenti a Marshall, Porter e Krugman principalmente considerando la prossimitŕ spaziale degli attori. Era l'ancoraggio territoriale a far lievitare forme peculiari di economie esterne, di vantaggi competitivi e di dinamiche endogene. Negli ultimi decenni, tuttavia, questi sistemi hanno attraversato cambiamenti multi-dimensionali a molteplice scala. Le nuove connotazioni strutturali - tra cui la prossimitŕ cognitiva, la, la complementaritŕ di contratti formali e accordi informali nelle collaborazioni tra imprese, le reti translocali - richiedono un differente quadro teorico e comportano diverse implicazioni di policy. Il quadro teorico pone al centro la co-evoluzione di tecnologie, modelli organizzativi, culture e istituzioni. Entro la molteplicitŕ di traiettorie rese possibili da tale co-evoluzione, ciascun Ssl è sia correlato ad un sistema socio-tecnico che ne limita le dinamiche di mutamento, sia inserito in percorsi lungo i quali puň accedere in modi discontinui ad orizzonti tecno-economici lontani. Le implicazioni di policy debbono pertanto riferirsi alle traiettorie innovative che l'attuale transizione socio-tecnica globale rende possibili ad uno specifico gruppo di Ssl, che è nel nostro caso la Toscana. Sul piano strategico operativo - considerando i limiti politici e civili della societŕ in oggetto - tentiamo di cogliere alcuni cruciali "colli di bottiglia" che bloccano la percezione e il perseguimento degli interessi collettivi di lungo periodo. Questi blocchi riguardano la miopia cosě degli imprenditori come delle istituzioni pubbliche nei riguardi del potenziale tecnico-scientifico effettivamente accessibile e dei percorsi evolutivi che converrebbe imboccare; l'inadeguatezza delle forme istituzionali entro cui vengono prodotti e gestiti i beni comuni o; la carenza di appropriati modi per capitalizzare le imprese innovative. Per ognuno di tali lock-in avanziamo proposte costruttive percorribili.
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Krueger, Robert, Christian Schulz, and David C. Gibbs. "Institutionalizing alternative economic spaces? An interpretivist perspective on diverse economies." Progress in Human Geography 42, no. 4 (February 27, 2017): 569–89.

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This article offers an approach that helps geographers and others to carefully and critically reexamine prospects for diverse economies. We propose an interpretative institutionalist perspective is useful for elucidating overlooked opportunities for creating alternative economic visions and practices by revealing the process of ‘meaning making’ undertaken by actors in the process of developing policy responses to various dilemmas. We explore this notion in the context of de-growth or post-growth. De-growth is a way of thinking about the economy in ways that are not growth oriented, or fixated on GDP, but on the redistribution of wealth and living within the Earth’s ecosystems.
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Leyshon, Andrew. "Introduction: Diverse Economies." Antipode 37, no. 5 (November 2005): 856–62.

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LUPU, Gabriel-Stănică. "Dileme și provocări în sprijinirea cursurilor de etică, deontologie și integritate academică." Revista Etică și Deontologie 2021, no. 1 (October 20, 2021): 44–51.

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Societatea informațională și globalizarea aduc, precum orice tendință și schimbare majoră în istoria umană, avantaje și dezavantaje pentru individ și pentru întreaga societate. Odată cu circulația extrem de rapidă a informației, cu creșterea accesului la baze de date uriașe, cu apariția mijloacelor de comunicare la distanță care permit părților implicate să interacționeze în timp real, să transfere volume mari de date, au apărut și situații în care persoane individuale sau grupuri, au abuzat de aceste facilități și le-au exploatat în scopuri lipsite de responsabilitate etică, afectând instituții, specialiști din mediul academic, indivizi din diverse zone profesionale, atât din punct de vedere al imaginii, cât și patrimonial. Formarea și integrarea viitorilor specialiști pe piața muncii, în economie, în educație, în sănătate sau în administrație, necesită nu doar bagajul de cunoștințe aferent domeniului de studiu. Este nevoie de formarea unor comportamente, caractere și atitudini adecvate privitoare la integritate, etică, deontologie profesională. Acest lucru se obține prin educarea, conștientizarea și stimularea tinerilor, în vederea construirii valorilor morale până la virtuți, astfel încât să aibă un aport crescut la performanța unității în care își desfășoară activitatea, concomitent cu îmbunătățirea culturii organizaționale din care fac parte. Nu toți studenții vor activa în cercetare sau în educație. Acest lucru nu este relevant atunci când vorbim de necesitatea formării unor comportamente etice pe termen lung. Studentul de azi, viitorul profesionist, poate fi un serios element de influență pozitivă și formare adecvată a generațiilor următoare, de la catedră, din mediul de afaceri, dintr-o întreprindere sau dintr-o instituție publică.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Economie diverse"


Taylor, Myfanwy Mary. "Contested urban economies : representing and mobilising London's diverse economy." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2017.

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This thesis builds on the growing interest in the diversity of urban economies as a starting point for more inclusive approaches to urban economic development by exploring the mobilisation of diverse economic actors. Its central innovation is to use the notion of economic performativity and Gibson-Graham’s notion of economic politics to open up the politics of diverse urban economies. By combining activism with research, this thesis not only reveals and explores but also contributes to and strengthens some of London’s emerging economic alliances at metropolitan level and in Tottenham and the London Legacy Development Corporation area, located within two of the ‘Opportunity Areas’ earmarked to play a special role in accommodating London’s growth. The thesis finds that the global city growth model embedded in London’s metropolitan governance arrangements was stretched to its limits under Boris Johnson’s Mayoralty. It suggests that Johnson’s use of London’s low-cost workspace as a release valve for London’s escalating housing crisis accelerated its extension into a workspace crisis. The thesis argues that while the growing pressure on workspace poses a threat to the diversity of London’s economy, it has also mobilised small businesses, industrial firms, migrant and ethnic retailers, market traders and community enterprises and their allies to challenge and develop alternatives to plans and development proposals that ignore, marginalise or threaten to displace them. Through a collaborative action research method inspired by Gibson-Graham’s work, the thesis explores the generative and unfolding process through which diverse economic actors built common ground and solidarity, shared their knowledge and experience and developed visions and propositions for alternative, more inclusive approaches to urban economic development. It reveals that the economic evidence underpinning London’s metropolitan and local plans not only plays a role in supporting dominant approaches but has also become a terrain of contestation and struggle for alternatives.
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DELPIAZZO, ELISA. "La partecipazione del Mozambico al SADC. Un processo di liberalizzazione attraverso diversi modelli e diverse chiusure." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011.

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La scelta del modeller riguardo alla chiusura del modello CGE influenza i suoi risultati finali e le sue prescrizioni di policy. In questa tesi, lo scopo è l’analisi e l’identificazione del problema, sia attraverso una discussione teorica che un’ applicazione pratica. Dall’articolo del 1963 di Amartya Sen in poi, la letteratura ha presentato vari articoli sull’argomento. Attualmente, il problema delle chiusure del modello non appare più centrale nel dibattito. Dopo una breve introduzione su cosa siano i CGE, il loro sviluppo e la loro struttura, è presentata una serie di esemplificative maquette con lo scopo di introdurre al concetto di chiusura, come essa influenzi i risultati e come questa scelta del modeller sia intimamente connessa ai fondamenti macroeconomici del sistema. Dopo la teoria, ci si sposta nel mondo reale analizzando con differenti modelli (Neoclassico, “Bastardo Keynesiano”, Strutturalista/Post- Keynesiano) e diverse chiusure per gli aggregati macroeconomici (risparmi privati, pubblici, e stranieri) l’impatto dell’accordo regionale SADC sull’economia mozambicana. I modelli CGE per il Mozambico sono calibrati su una SAM del 2003 e sono svolti con l’ausilio di GAMS/MPSGE. I risultati dimostrano che la chiusura influenza i risultati stessi del modello per cui ognuno presenta una serie di raccomandazioni politiche per l’applicazione dell’accordo SADC.
Modellers’ choice on closure rules affects a CGE model results and consequently its policy prescriptions. In this thesis, the aim is to detect and assess this issue, both through a theoretical discussion and an empirical application. Starting from Amartya Sen’s 1963 paper, literature presents many contributions on this topic. Currently, the closure rule problem is not central in the CGE debate. After a brief introduction on CGEs, their development and their structure, a series of simple maquette is presented. They have the exemplary role of introducing the concept of closures, explain how they affect final outcomes and how this modeller’s choice is strictly connected to the macroeconomic foundation of the economic system. After theory, we move into the real World analyzing through different models (Neoclassical, “Bastard Keynesian”, and Structuralist/ Post- Keynesian), and through different closure rules for macro- aggregates (private, public and foreign savings) the impact of the Regional Trade Agreement of SADC with respect to the Mozambican economy. The Mozambican CGE models are calibrated on a 2003 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and they are performed using GAMS/ MPSGE. Outcomes show that closure rules affect them and each model presents a set of policy prescription to implement the SADC agreement.
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DELPIAZZO, ELISA. "La partecipazione del Mozambico al SADC. Un processo di liberalizzazione attraverso diversi modelli e diverse chiusure." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011.

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La scelta del modeller riguardo alla chiusura del modello CGE influenza i suoi risultati finali e le sue prescrizioni di policy. In questa tesi, lo scopo è l’analisi e l’identificazione del problema, sia attraverso una discussione teorica che un’ applicazione pratica. Dall’articolo del 1963 di Amartya Sen in poi, la letteratura ha presentato vari articoli sull’argomento. Attualmente, il problema delle chiusure del modello non appare più centrale nel dibattito. Dopo una breve introduzione su cosa siano i CGE, il loro sviluppo e la loro struttura, è presentata una serie di esemplificative maquette con lo scopo di introdurre al concetto di chiusura, come essa influenzi i risultati e come questa scelta del modeller sia intimamente connessa ai fondamenti macroeconomici del sistema. Dopo la teoria, ci si sposta nel mondo reale analizzando con differenti modelli (Neoclassico, “Bastardo Keynesiano”, Strutturalista/Post- Keynesiano) e diverse chiusure per gli aggregati macroeconomici (risparmi privati, pubblici, e stranieri) l’impatto dell’accordo regionale SADC sull’economia mozambicana. I modelli CGE per il Mozambico sono calibrati su una SAM del 2003 e sono svolti con l’ausilio di GAMS/MPSGE. I risultati dimostrano che la chiusura influenza i risultati stessi del modello per cui ognuno presenta una serie di raccomandazioni politiche per l’applicazione dell’accordo SADC.
Modellers’ choice on closure rules affects a CGE model results and consequently its policy prescriptions. In this thesis, the aim is to detect and assess this issue, both through a theoretical discussion and an empirical application. Starting from Amartya Sen’s 1963 paper, literature presents many contributions on this topic. Currently, the closure rule problem is not central in the CGE debate. After a brief introduction on CGEs, their development and their structure, a series of simple maquette is presented. They have the exemplary role of introducing the concept of closures, explain how they affect final outcomes and how this modeller’s choice is strictly connected to the macroeconomic foundation of the economic system. After theory, we move into the real World analyzing through different models (Neoclassical, “Bastard Keynesian”, and Structuralist/ Post- Keynesian), and through different closure rules for macro- aggregates (private, public and foreign savings) the impact of the Regional Trade Agreement of SADC with respect to the Mozambican economy. The Mozambican CGE models are calibrated on a 2003 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and they are performed using GAMS/ MPSGE. Outcomes show that closure rules affect them and each model presents a set of policy prescription to implement the SADC agreement.
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Gibran, Nogueira Denise. "The sharing economy: Contributions to food security in Australia." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2019.

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This research explores the contributions of the sharing economy to food security in Australia by examining how the sharing economy promotes access to food to a population that is unable to acquire enough healthy quality food to meet their needs. The findings of this research offer a range of sharing economy approaches to address food insecurity and provide evidence of the contributions and constraints of the sharing economy to access to food, core element of food security. The study identifies practices and policies that can be developed to achieve food security in a more meaningful way in Australia.
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Newaz, Shegufta. "Reversing the Iceberg : Making ‘diverse economies’ visible in the context of migration and gender discrimination." Thesis, KTH, Stadsbyggnad, 2016.

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The term ‘Economy’ is often framed in relation to money, GDP, industries, businesses, waged labor and market etc. This narrow portrayal of economy excludes all the diverse activities and practices that people perform in everyday life as a part of the economy. J.K Gibson- Graham reframes economy in the book ‘Take back the Economy’ by presenting it as an ‘Iceberg’. While the tip of the iceberg is the visible capitalistic economy, the base underneath is formed with wide range of activities, places and people. These activities ranges from household works, bartering, sharing, recycling, self-employments, social co-ops, volunteering, peer to peer production, reproduction to different forms of local transactions and exchanges which takes place within families, neighbors and communities. In spite of seeing economy as a self-regulating machine the authors introduce the concept of ‘diverse economies’ in which people participate and influence economic actions.The predominant focus on capitalistic economy can be seen in the practice of urban design as well. Urban spaces are designed to foster economic growth as higher GDP rather than socio-environmental wellbeing. The insatiable growth has not only depleted the nature but also created power hierarchy and inequalities in different geographical and temporal level. The diverse economies are often undervalued and obscured eventhough it contributes a great deal in socio-environmental wellbeing. Focusing on the diverse economic activities can help to understand the local practices and resources, and can open up the possibility to empower the community.The thesis explores the theory of ‘diverse economies’ in relation to migration and gender discrimination. In the crisis of mass migration, unemployment, constraints in social welfare different forms of diverse economic practices help the society to sustain well. This thesis investigates the area Hovsjö in Södertälje which is often discussed for its unemployment, segregation, unrest and lack of democratic participation. The aim of the project is to make the diverse economies in Hovsjö visible and scale it up to perform collectively for socio-environmental wellbeing.4| reversing the 'icberg' | 5KTH- sustainable urban planning & design
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Leon, Catherine. "The Effects of Connectivity on GDP per Capita Across Diverse Economic Landscapes." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2019.

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This paper quantifies the direct relationship between GDP per Capita and Connectivity variables such as mobile phone per 100 inhabitants, broadband per 100 inhabitants, and individual internet use percentage across Resource, Innovation, and Efficiency Driven countries. In order to complete this analysis, the study utilizes a fixed effect model, inspired by a previous indirect study by Shamim, published in 2007. The regression outputs find a statistically significant, positive relationship between all three connectivity variables and GDP per Capita in all types of countries. These results could have important policy implications regarding governmental infrastructure investment and future economic development.
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Means, Vivian Fowler. "Improving Literacy for Diverse Low Socio-Economic Status Middle School Students." ScholarWorks, 2017.

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In an urban district, Surfside School personnel were concerned that student literacy proficiency levels were low during 2011-2014 and teachers had not been able to close the achievement gap despite a focus on literacy practices and literacy professional development (PD) provided by the district. The purpose of this case study was to explore the perceptions of teachers and administrators in relation to the best instructional practices for increasing self-efficacy when teaching literacy skills and related literacy PD for teachers. Knowles' andragogy theory and Vygotsky's social learning theory formed the theoretical foundation of this study, which hold that PD should provide teachers with explicit instruction and opportunities for collaboration. The research questions focused on how PD helps teachers improve instructional practices. The purposeful sample consisted of 4 middle school teachers and 3 administrators and was collected through surveys, observations, semi-structured interviews, and archival documents. Data analysis consisted of an inductive approach of axial coding and categorizing the interview and observational data to derive themes. Themes supporting the findings indicated targeted PD and instructional coaching (IC) focused on evidence based literacy practices for low-income students using culturally relevant pedagogy were needed to improve teacher self-efficacy and student learning. Findings also indicated that the PD trainings could work more effectively if the teachers had more time to collaborate with the IC. Thus, the resulting project provides collaborative PD and IC targeting literacy practices using culturally relevant pedagogy. Teacher use of these practices will promote social change by improving the students' literacy support in the target district.
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Carniato, Martina <1987&gt. "La storia della Ragioneria italiana: le diverse Scuole italiane." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013.

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Con il presente lavoro di ricerca si intende analizzare l’evoluzione della Ragioneria in Italia. L’analisi sarà impostata a livello geografico, verranno analizzate le diverse Scuole Italiane, studiate attraverso i contributi dei più importanti Maestri italiani di Ragioneria. Si analizzeranno i concetti cardine della materia in esame allo scopo di individuare le innovazioni attribuibili a ciascuna Scuola di Ragioneria.
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FERRARI, LINDA. "Attitude toward gene-edited food: and economic analysis from diverse stakeholders’ viewpoint." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2021.

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The fast-growing global population is increasingly confronted with the need to produce enough food, while coping with growing environmental challenges. To address this issue, gene technologies are more and more put forward as a potential solution to help reaching a more sustainable food system. Recently, new genetic engineering techniques such as gene editing (GE) have been proposed as valuable solutions to overcome people’s concerns about GMOs. GE includes several tools, and one of the most prominent is CRISPR/Cas9. Nevertheless, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in July 2018 that products derived from new genetic modification techniques must be considered as GMOs (i.e. they must be subject to the same safety assessments and require the same label, thus they must undergo the European Commission Directive 2001/18). Europe is currently experiencing a heated debate on GE food at political and scientific level, with many researchers calling for a revision toward a two-fold regulation. Beyond these regulatory challenges, public acceptance of GE food needs to be further explored, as there has been little research on this subject to date. This doctoral dissertation examines attitude toward GE food among different stakeholders, namely farmers and consumers. This dissertation contributes to the ongoing literature on gene-edited acceptance in several ways. First, it examines farmers’ attitude toward CRISPR/Cas9 blast resistant rice, which represents a particular application of the GE technology. Secondly, it examines consumers’ attitude toward GE food and GE labelling preferences. Both studies identify the key determinants of attitudes toward GE food. In more detail, the study conducted on farmers offers valuable insights on a hypothetical application of CRISPR/Cas9 blast resistant rice. Then, the analysis investigates the effect of a non-cognitive skill (NCS), namely the locus of control (LOC) on farmers attitude toward CRISPR rice. It represents an empirical research and the analysis was based on primary data. The study conducted on consumers aims to explore attitudes toward GE food and preferences for GE food labelling. In addition, the study addresses young adults, that is Millennials and Generation Z. These population segments include young adults who are expected to play a key role in the debate on agricultural biotechnologies of the next future. Results provided in the doctoral dissertations suggest an overall positive attitude toward gene-edited food. Farmers generally showed a positive tendency toward CRISPR rice resistant to blast. Subjective knowledge, prior farming experience, and a low perception of risk on the agri-food business caused by CRISPR/Cas9 positively affected their attitude. Notably, having an external LOC improved attitude toward CRISPR rice. This result is surprisingly, but it has to be contextualised in the EU policy scenario, where the cultivation of CRISPR plants is not allowed. Young consumers, i.e. Millennials and GenZers, generally showed a positive attitude toward GE food. Key determinants were objective knowledge, which positively affected attitude, and environmental concern, which negatively affected it. Regarding GE food labelling preferences, key determinants were educational background, objective knowledge of EU GMO regulation (positive), and attitude toward GE food (negative). Moreover, the preference for applying a similar labelling policy to both GM and GE was negatively linked to objective knowledge. Results suggest several policy interventions. First, more information regarding new plant breeding techniques should be provided to improve knowledge on breeding technologies, particularly among farmers. Policy should also highlight the positive outcomes that NPBTs could generate on the environment and on the economy. Finally, a revision of the current EU GM policy should be rethought to meet the needs of the population.
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Stella, Ilaria <1988 821595&gt. "Processi di internazionalizzazione in diversi contesti culturali." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2014.

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La tesi diparte dal concetto di globalizzazione come fenomeno culturale per giungere al concetto di internazionalizzazione. Nell'analisi di tale fenomeno si concentra l'attenzione su un approccio culture-bound per lo studio e la comprensione del mercato estero, da cui deriva la standardizzazione o l'adattamento delle politiche del marketing mix. Tale studio presenta l'elaborazione di questionari sul processo di internazionalizzazione delle aziende italiane.
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Books on the topic "Economie diverse"


Nigro, Giampiero, ed. I prezzi delle cose / The Prices of Things. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2017.

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La dinamica dei prezzi è uno degli argomenti classici della storia economica. L’attenzione per questo tema fu particolarmente viva a partire dagli anni Trenta del Novecento, in tutti i paesi europei. I materiali raccolti e pubblicati a quell’epoca continuano a costituire una base documentaria importante per ogni ricerca sull’andamento economico delle economie pre-industriali. L’interesse per i prezzi si ridusse dagli anni Settanta agli anni Novanta. È ripreso, tuttavia, negli ultimi quindici-venti anni come conseguenza della rinnovata attenzione per il tema della crescita e per i cambiamenti di lungo periodo nelle economie del passato. Il confronto fra i livelli di sviluppo di economie diverse, come quella europea e quella asiatica, insieme con l’uso di strumenti statistici più avanzati nel campo della storia economica, ha rafforzato l’interesse per i prezzi. I contributi presenti in questo volume si articolano intorno a due macro-temi: La formazione dei prezzi nelle economie e società pre-industriali durante i secoli dal XII all’inizio del XIX e il movimento dei prezzi nel lungo periodo, nonché il rapporto esistente con quello di altre variabili economiche e non-economiche, quali la popolazione, la massa monetaria, il prodotto, la produttività, la velocità di circolazione della moneta, i cambiamenti nelle istituzioni.
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Diverse paths of economic development. New York: Prentice Hall, 1992.

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Pomfret, Richard W. T. Diverse paths of economic development. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.

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Casey, Emma, and Yvette Taylor, eds. Intimacies, Critical Consumption and Diverse Economies. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.

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Favreau, Louis. Economie sociale, développement local et économie plurielle. Sillery, Qu: Presses de l'Université du Québec., 1999.

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Kenichi, Ohno, and Ohno Izumi, eds. Japanese views on economic development: Diverse paths to the market. London: Routledge, 1998.

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United States. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service, ed. The diverse social and economic structure of nonmetropolitan America. Washington, D.C.]: United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1985.

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1930-, Bender Lloyd Dale, and United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Economic Research Service., eds. The Diverse social and economic structure of nonmetropolitan America. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1985.

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Anne, Broussard C., and Joseph Alfred L, eds. Family poverty in diverse contexts. New York: Routledge, 2008.

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Fischer, Tammie. The economics of our diverse society: Lesson plans on economic and social issues for grades 9-12. St. Louis, MO: Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education, University of Missouri - St. Louis, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "Economie diverse"


Richardson-Ngwenya, Pamela, and Andrea J. Nightingale. "Diverse ethics for diverse economies." In Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care, 131–61. 1 Edition. | New York: Routledge, 2019. | Series: Routledge studies in ecological economics: Routledge, 2018.

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Guo, Rongxing. "Economic Growth in Culturally Diverse Nations." In Intercultural Economic Analysis, 103–29. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Cave, Jenny, and Dianne Dredge. "Regenerative tourism needs diverse economic practices." In Global Tourism and COVID-19, 49–59. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Liboiron, Max. "Using art to research diverse economies." In Subverting Consumerism, 37–52. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.

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McCann, Dermot. "Diverse Europe Under Stress." In Political Economy of 21st Century Europe, 8–36. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2017.

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Marjit, Sugata, and Rajat Acharyya. "Diverse Trade Pattern, Complementarity and Fragmentation." In Contributions to Economics, 95–111. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD, 2003.

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FitzHerbert, Stephen. "Making a diverse Māori economy market." In Markets in their Place, 29–48. London: Routledge, 2021.

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"The diverse economies approach." In Handbook of Alternative Theories of Political Economy, 329–42. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.

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Clement-Couzner, Megan. "Paid and unpaid labour: feminist economic activism in a diverse economy." In The Handbook of Diverse Economies, 146–53. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.

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"Domesticating Economies: Diverse Economic Practices, Households and Social Reproduction." In Domesticating Neo-Liberalism, 58–80. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

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Conference papers on the topic "Economie diverse"


Lutzoni, Leonardo. "Paesaggi in divenire: la territorialità attiva dei nuovi abitanti: il caso di Luogosanto in Alta Gallura." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Roma: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2014.

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Il paesaggio urbano contemporaneo, governato dal movimento e dalla trasformazione, produce disorientamento. La velocità delle reti assorda la città, lacera e segmenta la campagna e il binomio oppositivo urbano/rurale non si presenta più in quanto tale. In diverse aree del nostro paese, però, in particolare lì, dove la rete dei flussi e delle infrastrutture, del mercato e dell'economia globale, che alterano la fisionomia locale della città e del territorio, si dirada, si nascondono dei territori meno illuminati, spazi aperti, di rallentamento, di silenzio, di sopravvivenza di campagna e agricoltura, di resistenza alla crescita lineare e senza senso dell'urbanizzazione (Lanzani, 2011, pag. 20). Sono territori densi di natura e di storia nei quali si stanno verificando fenomeni emergenti, indizi, che disegnano le traiettorie per una prospettiva di cammino differente, ormai necessario, anche per la pianificazione urbanistica contemporanea: nuove forme dell'abitare, dinamiche di insediamento neo rurali, nuove economie legate alla terra, processi di riterritorializzazione, rielaborazione del rapporto tra uomo e natura, una vera e propria svolta etico-culturale. Partendo dalla consapevolezza di vivere ed agire in un delicato equilibrio “sistema-mondo” a cui ogni realtà locale è connessa, nell’articolo si analizza il fenomeno dei nuovi abitanti a Luogosanto, piccolo Comune dell’Alta Gallura, in Sardegna. Fenomeno che richiede un'impostazione metodologica basata sull'osservazione attenta, infatti, si tratta, in buona sostanza, di associare un’analisi più generale a un’indagine di dettaglio che può arrivare addirittura alla ricerca della singola esperienza di vita, necessaria a tracciare le linee per il progetto di territorio.
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Ahmed, Faez, John P. Dickerson, and Mark Fuge. "Diverse Weighted Bipartite b-Matching." In Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2017.

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Bipartite matching, where agents on one side of a market are matched to agents or items on the other, is a classical problem in computer science and economics, with widespread application in healthcare, education, advertising, and general resource allocation. A practitioner's goal is typically to maximize a matching market's economic efficiency, possibly subject to some fairness requirements that promote equal access to resources. A natural balancing act exists between fairness and efficiency in matching markets, and has been the subject of much research.In this paper, we study a complementary goal---balancing diversity and efficiency---in a generalization of bipartite matching where agents on one side of the market can be matched to sets of agents on the other. Adapting a classical definition of the diversity of a set, we propose a quadratic programming-based approach to solving a submodular minimization problem that balances diversity and total weight of the solution. We also provide a scalable greedy algorithm with theoretical performance bounds. We then define the price of diversity, a measure of the efficiency loss due to enforcing diversity, and give a worst-case theoretical bound. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our methods on three real-world datasets, and show that the price of diversity is not bad in practice. Our code is publicly accessible for further research.
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Gerni, Mine, Ömer Selçuk Emsen, Dilek Özdemir, and Özge Buzdağlı. "Determinants of Corruption and their Relationship to Growth." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2012.

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Corruption defined as the exploitation of the public institute for personal benefit has displayed itself in many societies in different ways throughout the history. Lack of information regarding presence and pervasiveness of corruption in central planning economies has been removed as a result of a transition to free market economies and the phenomenon of corruption has begun to be examined through diverse angles. Thus, in this study, the determinants of corruption were investigated and corruption-growth relationship was examined between 2002 and 2010. As for the parameters believed to determine corruption, openness of economy, size of the public, economic freedom, political stability, GDP per capita, urbanization growth rate, inflation, EBRD and HDI index regarding education and health were taken into consideration. Investigation of the relationship between the CPI (Corruption index) and the aforementioned variables and corruption-growth relationship were analyzed by means of panel data analysis.
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Liang, Annie, Xiaosheng Mu, and Vasilis Syrgkanis. "Dynamically Aggregating Diverse Information." In EC '21: The 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.

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Tomar, Anand Singh, Hari Mohan Dubey, and Manjaree Pandit. "Spider Monkey Optimization for Economic Dispatch with Diverse Cost Function." In 2019 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). IEEE, 2019.

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Roy, Joyashree, Joyashree Roy, Satabdi Datta, Satabdi Datta, Preeti Kapuria, Preeti Kapuria, Indrila Guha, et al. "COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS AND CHANGING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES: CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITION." In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017.

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The wide variety of economic activities, which prevail along the coasts, has either direct or indirect connectivity with the coastal ecosystems through its provisioning of a diverse range of goods and services. However, these systems are permanently under pressure due to natural and anthropogenic threats. This field based study documents the changing pattern of economic activities along selected coastal stretches in South Asia at Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Economic activities vary with coastal ecosystem types and service flows there from. Field study sites were identified based on multiple meetings and discussions with the policy makers in each of the countries and they continued to be the part of scientific discussions within ecology-economy framework through the project lifetime. In depth enquiry and analysis were carried out to understand perception of various economic stakeholder groups to natural and anthropogenic threats in the coastal regions and resultant vulnerability and risks. Often threats get intensified by rapid urbanization triggered by changing pattern of coastal economy due to tourism expansion and modernization of traditional activities.
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Roy, Joyashree, Joyashree Roy, Satabdi Datta, Satabdi Datta, Preeti Kapuria, Preeti Kapuria, Indrila Guha, et al. "COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS AND CHANGING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES: CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITION." In Managing risks to coastal regions and communities in a changing world. Academus Publishing, 2017.

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The wide variety of economic activities, which prevail along the coasts, has either direct or indirect connectivity with the coastal ecosystems through its provisioning of a diverse range of goods and services. However, these systems are permanently under pressure due to natural and anthropogenic threats. This field based study documents the changing pattern of economic activities along selected coastal stretches in South Asia at Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Economic activities vary with coastal ecosystem types and service flows there from. Field study sites were identified based on multiple meetings and discussions with the policy makers in each of the countries and they continued to be the part of scientific discussions within ecology-economy framework through the project lifetime. In depth enquiry and analysis were carried out to understand perception of various economic stakeholder groups to natural and anthropogenic threats in the coastal regions and resultant vulnerability and risks. Often threats get intensified by rapid urbanization triggered by changing pattern of coastal economy due to tourism expansion and modernization of traditional activities.
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Amaro, Louise Chiarello, and Elvira Maria Vieira Lantelme. "Análise da colaboração no planejamento." In XII SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO. Antac, 2021.

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A colaboração, entre as diversas pessoas e processos envolvidos nos empreendimentos da construção civil, é essencial para o planejamento. Há diversos conceitos sobre colaboração na literatura, sendo necessária maior compreensão sobre ela no contexto do planejamento de obras da construção. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a colaboração que ocorre no Planejamento e Controle da Produção (PCP) de uma obra. Foi realizado um Estudo de Caso em uma obra residencial multifamiliar de uma empresa de grande porte, cujas fontes de evidência foram entrevistas, análise de documentos e observação direta. A análise dos dados consistiu na análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do software ATLAS.ti. A transparência foi o constructo de colaboração mais citado, isso pois a empresa implementa diversos dispositivos de gestão visual e de compartilhamento de informações. O segundo constructo mais associado à colaboração foi o comprometimento, que envolve o engajamento dos envolvidos e a execução das tarefas pelas equipes de produção com qualidade e no prazo estimado. A principal contribuição do trabalho foi a síntese, com base na literatura, dos diferentes constructos e aspectos de colaboração e, a partir dos dados obtidos no estudo de caso, de evidências que exemplificam na prática o conceito de colaboração.
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Mirkouei, Amin, and Kamran Kardel. "Enhance Sustainability Benefits Through Scaling-Up Bioenergy Production From Terrestrial and Algae Feedstocks." In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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The techno-economic analysis outcomes of bioenergy production compared with traditional energy indicate that the existing production technologies are not promising, however environmental analyses demonstrate that bioenergy products support cross-cutting sustainability and strategic analysis efforts. Therefore, utilization of bio-products, such as bio-oil and biofuels, is expected to increase in the near future due to environmental pressures. The overarching goal is to balance the primary dimensions of sustainability using both distributed and centralized conversion technologies. To this end, this research proposes a conceptual decision making framework to examine biomass-derived energy production system infrastructures and process-level operations. This framework encompasses three phases (i.e., 5-ton study, 50-ton study, and 500-ton study), using techno-economic, financial risks, cross-cutting assessments to scale-up bioenergy production, foster technology commercialization, and enhance sustainability benefits. The motivation behind the proposed framework lies in inherent limitations of the existing bioenergy conversion technologies and production systems. As an application of this research, a sustainable bioenergy economy fueled by innovative conversion technologies is examined in the state of Georgia to produce (at least one billion gasoline gallon equivalent) hydrocarbon biofuels from underutilized feedstocks (e.g., terrestrial and algae). The outcomes can address national priorities: promote energy security and reduce dependence on imported oil, promote the use of diverse domestic and clean energy resources, establish advanced bioindustries and rural economies, and mitigate environmental impacts from fossil fuel production and consumption.
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Reports on the topic "Economie diverse"


Gerry, Christopher J. Targeting Introduction to Economics at a diverse range of students. Bristol, UK: The Economics Network, June 2003.

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McGregor, Lisa, Sarah Frazer, and Derick Brinkerhoff. Thinking and Working Politically: Lessons from Diverse and Inclusive Applied Political Economy Analysis. RTI Press, April 2020.

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Political economy analysis (PEA) has emerged as a valuable approach for assessing context and the local systems where international development actors seek to intervene. PEA approaches and tools have grown and adapted over the last 40 years through innovations by donor agencies and practitioners. Our analysis of nine PEAs reveals the following findings: PEAs can make positive contributions to technical interventions; engaging project staff in PEAs increases the likelihood that they will be open to a thinking and working politically mindset and approach; inclusion of gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) in PEAs helps to uncover and address hidden power dynamics; and explicitly connecting PEA findings to project implementation facilitates adaptive management. Implementation lessons learned include careful consideration of logistics, timing, and team members. Our experience and research suggest applied PEAs provide valuable evidence for strengthening evidence-based, adaptive, international development programming. The findings highlight the promise of PEA as well as the need for ongoing learning and research to address continued challenges.
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Aked, Jody. Supply Chains, the Informal Economy, and the Worst Forms of Child Labour. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), July 2021.

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As a cohort of people, ‘children in work’ have become critical to the everyday functioning of diverse supply chain systems. This Working Paper considers diverse commodity chains (leather, waste, recycling and sex) to explore the business realities that generate child labour in its worst forms. A review of the literature finds that occurrence of the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) in supply chain systems is contingent on the organising logics and strategies adopted by actors in both the formal and informal economies. Piecing together the available evidence, the paper hypothesises that a supply chain system is sensitive to the use of WFCL when downward pressure to take on business risk cannot be matched by the economic resilience to absorb that risk. Emergencies and persistent stressors may increase risk and reduce resilience, shifting norms and behaviour. There is a need for further work to learn from business owners and workers in the informal economy.
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Hearn, Greg, Marion McCutcheon, Mark Ryan, and Stuart Cunningham. Australian Cultural and Creative Activity: A Population and Hotspot Analysis: Geraldton. Queensland University of Technology, August 2020.

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Grassroots arts connected to economy through start-up culture Geraldton is a regional centre in Western Australia, with 39,000 people and a stable, diverse economy that includes a working port, mining services, agriculture, and the rock-lobster fishing industry (see Appendix). Tourism, though small, is growing rapidly. The arts and culture ecosystem of Geraldton is notable for three characteristics: - a strong publicly-funded arts and cultural strategy, with clear rationales that integrate social, cultural, and economic objectives - a longstanding, extensive ecosystem of pro-am and volunteer arts and cultural workers - strong local understanding of arts entrepreneurship, innovative business models for artists, and integrated connection with other small businesses and incubators
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Abuya, Timothy, and Wangari Ng'ang'a. Report: Getting it Right! Improving Kenya’s Human Capital by Reducing Stunting—A Household Account. Population Council, 2021.

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In the last two decades, Kenya has attained middle-income status and established a diverse and private-sector-driven economy. On several socIo-economic indicators, such as education, gender equality, and democracy, Kenya scores much higher than its peers. More than two-thirds of Kenyans are under 35 years of age, thus the country’s development hinges on the quality of its youth—their levels of education and skills, their values and attitudes, and the quality of their health and productivity. While Kenya’s investments in the development of its human capital positions the country well to sustain accelerated growth, the trajectory is threatened by high rates of malnutrition, which contributes to the country’s disease burden and has a large effect on socio-economic development. About 26 percent of children in Kenya are stunted, and evidence indicates that poor nutrition in early life can create consequences for learning and future productivity. Women who were stunted as children are likely to give birth to low-birth-weight babies, which is associated with higher levels of morbidity and mortality. This report analyzes the status of stunting in Kenya from a household perspective and points to pathways for addressing it.
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Ozturk, Ibrahim. On the Political Economy of Populism: The Decline of the Turkish Economy under Erdoğan’s Populist-Authoritarian Regime. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), February 2022.

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Whether it adopts a right- or left-wing ideology or it is embraced as a belief or a set of ideals, and no matter the strategy or tactics, populism, in the final analysis, is a way of seizing power, and differences between the different strands carry significant repercussions. Many diverse economic, political, and cultural factors have been put forward to explain the rise of populism. One leader who has drawn increasing attention on the crest of the most recent wave of populism is Turkey’s incumbent president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. After a period of progressive and democratic leadership through to 2007, Erdoğan’s fundamental beliefs and personality surfaced, and the entire process was reversed, with devastating consequences for Turkey. This article argues that Erdoğan’s Islamist–nationalist populism has been one of the primary triggers of Turkey’s current political and economic meltdown. Moreover, his populist rhetoric has weakened Turkey’s already fragile autonomous institutions and paved the way for reform reversals and incoherent economic policy. Taken together, Erdoğanism has brought a woeful deterioration in macroeconomic indicators, including rampant inflation, mounting national debt, massive unemployment, rising poverty, and a profound currency shock.
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Greenhill, Lucy, Christopher Leakey, and Daniela Diz. Second Workshop report: Mobilising the science community in progessing towards a sustainable and inclusive ocean economy. Scottish Universities Insight Institute, July 2021.

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Across the Blue Economy, science must play a fundamental role in moving us away from business as usual to a more sustainable pathway. It provides evidence to inform policy by understanding baselines, trends and tipping points, as well as the multiple and interacting effects of human activities and policy interventions. Measuring progress depends on strong evidence and requires the design of a monitoring framework based on well-defined objectives and indicators, informed by the diverse disciplines required to inform progress on cross-cutting policy objectives such as the Just Transition. The differences between the scientific and policy processes are stark and affect interaction between them, including, among other factors, the time pressures of governmental decision-making, and the lack of support and reward in academia for policy engagement. To enable improved integration, the diverse nature of the science / policy interface is important to recognise – improved communication between scientists and policy professionals within government is important, as well as interaction with the wider academic community through secondments and other mechanisms. Skills in working across boundaries are valuable, requiring training and professional recognition. We also discussed the science needs across the themes of the Just Transition, Sustainable Seafood, Nature-based Solutions and the Circular Economy, where we considered: • What research and knowledge can help us manage synergies and trade-offs? • Where is innovation needed to promote synergies? • What type of indicators, data and evidence are needed to measure progress? The insights developed through dialogue among participants on these themes are outlined in Section 4 of this report.
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Smith, Roland, Michael Campbell, Sunil Puri, Anand Chandrasekar, and Sophia Zhao. Developing Next-Generation Indian Business Leaders: The Keys to Success. Center for Creative Leadership, 2017.

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"When you ask chief learning officers to list their biggest challenges, “developing next-generation leaders” almost always shows up in the Top 3. The need for a strong cadre of next-generation leaders is further accentuated in India because of hectic economic activity in recent years — activity that has presented large and diverse yet complex business opportunities. The next-generation leader therefore becomes a critical link, not only to fulfill local and global aspirations of Indian companies, but also to help global organizations better understand the Indian market opportunity."
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Kennedy, Marie, Aisha Conner-Gaten, Jamie Hazlitt, Javier Garibay, and Marisa Ramirez. Assessing the Diversity of the E-collection of the William H. Hannon Library; a Phased Project. William H. Hannon Library, 2018.

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The American Library Association’s 1982 statement on Diversity in Collection Development reminds librarians of our professional responsibility “to select and support the access to materials on all subjects that meet, as closely as possible, the needs, interests, and abilities of all persons in the community the library serves. This includes materials that reflect political, economic, religious, social, minority, and sexual issues.” The William H. Hannon (WHH) Library’s vision statementaffirms that the library views itself as Bridge, Gateway, Agora, and Enterprise. To ensure that our materials collection aligns with our institutional vision and meets the research needs of our diverse campus population, the project team proposed an assessment of our electronic collection through the lens of diversity. The assessment was to determine if the library’s online databases (most often the first point of research consultation for our students and faculty) are adequately “bridging disciplines” (Bridge) and “representing diverse topics and perspectives” (Gateway). What the team learns will inform the library collection strategy, to ensure that it builds collections that deliberately and positively contribute to an inclusive campus climate. [1]
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Ruiz de Gauna, Itziar, Anil Markandya, Laura Onofri, Francisco (Patxi) Greño, Javier Warman, Norma Arce, Alejandra Navarrete, et al. Economic Valuation of the Ecosystem Services of the Mesoamerican Reef, and the Allocation and Distribution of these Values. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2021.

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Coral reefs are one of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. The Mesoamerican Reef contains the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere. However, its health is threatened, so there is a need for a management and sustainable conservation. Key to this is knowing the economic value of the ecosystem. “Mainstreaming the value of natural capital into policy decision-making is vital” The value of environmental and natural resources reflects what society is willing to pay for a good or service or to conserve natural resources. Conventional economic approaches tended to view value only in terms of the willingness to pay for raw materials and physical products generated for human production and consumption (e.g. fish, mining materials, pharmaceutical products, etc.). As recognition of the potential negative impacts of human activity on the environment became more widespread, economists began to understand that people might also be willing to pay for other reasons beyond the own current use of the service (e.g. to protect coral reefs from degradation or to know that coral reefs will remain intact in the future). As a result of this debate, Total Economic Value (TEV) became the most widely used and commonly accepted framework for classifying economic benefits of ecosystems and for trying to integrate them into decision-making. This report estimates the economic value of the following goods and services provided by the MAR's coral reefs: Tourism & Recreation, Fisheries, Shoreline protection. To our knowledge, the inclusion of non-use values in the economic valuation of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System is novel, which makes the study more comprehensive.
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