Academic literature on the topic 'Economically most advantageous tender'
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Journal articles on the topic "Economically most advantageous tender"
Marcarelli, Gabriella, and Andrea Nappi. "Multicriteria approach to select the most economically advantageous tender." Journal of Public Procurement 19, no. 3 (September 2, 2019): 201–23.
Full textONISHI, Tomoki, Kazuaki MIYAMOTO, and Takashi GOSO. "CALIBRATION OF PRICE AND QUALITY POINTS IN MOST ECONOMICALLY ADVANTAGEOUS TENDER." Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F4 (Construction and Management) 78, no. 1 (2022): 70–80.
Full textParikka-Alhola, Katriina, and Ari Nissinen. "Environmental impacts and the most economically advantageous tender in public procurement." Journal of Public Procurement 12, no. 1 (March 2012): 43–80.
Full textStilger, Przemyslaw S., Jan Siderius, and Erik M. Van Raaij. "A comparative study of formulas for choosing the economically most advantageous tender." Journal of Public Procurement 17, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 89–125.
Full textLehtonen, Juha-Matti, and Kai Virtanen. "Choosing the most economically advantageous tender using a multi-criteria decision analysis approach." Journal of Public Procurement 22, no. 2 (March 10, 2022): 164–79.
Full textLahdenperä, Pertti. "Determining ‘the most economically advantageous tender’ based on capability and fee-percentage criteria." Journal of Public Procurement 13, no. 4 (March 2013): 409–46.
Full textONISHI, Tomoki, and Kazuaki MIYAMOTO. "ISSUES OF ECONOMICALLY MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TENDER IN PROCURING PFI PROJECTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT." Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F4 (Construction and Management) 73, no. 4 (2017): I_76—I_87.
Full textPerng, Yeng-Horng, Yi-Kai Juan, and Sheng-Fen Chien. "Exploring the Bidding Situation for Economically Most Advantageous Tender Projects Using a Bidding Game." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 132, no. 10 (October 2006): 1037–42.
Full textNemec, Peter, and Peter Džupka. "DETERMINANTS OF SME ACCESS TO PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE VISEGRAD GROUP COUNTRIES." Proceedings of CBU in Economics and Business 2 (October 24, 2021): 75–80.
Full textPellegrini, Laura, Mirko Locatelli, Silvia Meschini, Giulia Pattini, Elena Seghezzi, Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue, and Giuseppe Martino Di Giuda. "Information Modelling Management and Green Public Procurement for Waste Management and Environmental Renovation of Brownfields." Sustainability 13, no. 15 (August 1, 2021): 8585.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Economically most advantageous tender"
Stiti, Karim, and Shih Jung Yape. "Bid Forecasting in Public Procurement." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019.
Full textOffentliga upphandlingar utgör en signifikant del av Sveriges BNP. Trots detta är det en förbisedd sektor som karakteriseras av låg digitalisering och ineffektiv konkurrens där bud läggs baserat på intuition snarare än matematiska modeller. Denna avhandling ämnar skapa ett strukturerat tillvägagångssätt för budgivning inom städsektorn genom att bestämma faktorer som påverkar deltagande och prissättning. Vidare undersöker vi prisprediktionsmodeller genom att jämföra multipel linjära regressionsmodeller med en maskininlärningsmetod benämnd support vector regression. I enlighet med tidigare forskning i byggindustrin finner vi att flera faktorer som typ av kontrakt, projekttid och kontraktsplats har en statistisk signifikant påverkan på deltagande i kontrakt i städindustrin. En anmärkningsvärd skillnad är att kontraktsvärdet inte påverkar prissättning som tidigare forskning visat i andra områden. För prisprediktionen är det överraskande att den enklare linjära regressionsmodellen presterar jämlikt till den mer avancerade maskininlärningsmodellen. Stokastisk dominanstest visar att erfarna företag har en bättre precision i sin budgivning än mindre erfarna företag. Därtill lägger företag överlag mer konkurrenskraftiga bud i kontrakt där kvalitetsaspekter tas i beaktning utöver priset. Vilket kan indikera att budgivare upplever dessa kontrakt som mindre strukturerade. Däremot finner vi ingen signifikant skillnad mellan större och mindre företag i denna bemärkning.
Charouli, Angeliki. "Les considérations sociales et environnementales dans la passation des marchés publics." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2013.
Full textAs a fundamental driving force of public economy, public procurement has traditionally been an area of diverse and often competing interests. Such contradictory interests are the efficiency of budgetary management and transparency in public life within national legal systems, free competition and open access of financial stakeholders in award procedures within the European regulatory framework. At the same time, the instrumentalisation of public procurement in order to serve political goals not directly linked to it has triggered considerable debate. The attempt of conciliation of social and environmental considerations with the financial requirements of public procurement law aims at enhancing this legal and financial instrument. The role and the legal means for the integration of social and environmental considerations in public procurement, which serve general interest purposes and overriding European law objectives, have not yet been clarified. The regulatory interventions of the Member States, on the one hand, and the harmonization attempts of the European Union, on the other, create a constantly changing political climate. In that context, the role of social and environmental policies is redefined both within the framework of primary objectives of public procurement law, as well as outside this regulatory framework which is used as a policy tool in this context
Charouli, Angeliki. "Les considérations sociales et environnementales dans la passation des marchés publics." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textKu, Bi-Hung, and 古碧鴻. "Cases Study for economically most advantageous tender evaluation." Thesis, 2005.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
Prior to conducting procurement on the basis of awarding to the most advantageous tender, an entity shall justify that the subject matter of procurement concerns heterogeneous constructions works, properties or services, and thus it is inappropriate to award contract to the lowest tender. Due to the looseness of laws and policies concerning government procurement, there are more entities have been preferred to adopt Economically Most Advantageous Tender (EMAT) corresponded with design-build (DB) as contracting strategies since the Government Procurement Law (GPL) went into effect in 1999. The number of cases and the amount of procurement value for government procurement projects adopted the EMAT has increased annually. However, the fairness and reasonableness of evaluation process in EMAT setting are uninterruptedly doubted. Related regulations have been steadily corrected for several times recently. It is expected that the EMAT evaluation would be deserved further research attentions. This research collects twenty public construction projects adopted the EMAT procedure and thus generalizes the common problems from these projects. The problems arose from the inexact policies, defective evaluation process, and misunderstood laws are analyzed and discussed as follows. First, the supplier who offers the most advantageous tender that satisfies the requirements of the tender documentation may become a candidate of negotiation and evaluation or selected as the winning supplier. Second, it is suggested that each committee member is required to give all suppliers the same score weights to reduce the discrepancy of the influences from these members. Third, overall evaluated score method corresponded with ranking method is better evaluated procedure. Fourth, it is feasible that examines the differences between the overall evaluated score method and overall evaluated score with ranking method. If there is a difference for the first-three rank, the chairperson shall present it to the committee for resolution or there shall be a re-evaluation according to the decision of the committee. Fifth, supplier presentation and on-site questioning and answering are not negotiation processes. If they are required to promise some extra services or presume to correct their tender documentation, it will be regarded as the differential treatment without due cause.
Chou, Chun-Ho, and 周君和. "A Decision Support System for Preparing Economically Most Advantageous Tender Bid Proposal." Thesis, 2004.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
Economically Most Advantageous Tender (EMAT) has become more and more popular in the world nowadays. Bidders must modify bidding strategies for traditional lowest tender to increase the probability of winning project. This study adopted Porter’s differentiation strategy as a basis for systematically analyzing EMAT bidding strategy. A decision support system from Genetic Algorithm (GA) was proposed to simultaneously consider the characteristic of committee, long-term performance of bidders, and the costs, scores and threshold of differentiation strategies. This model could be useful in helping bidders for EMAT bidding preparation and decision of strategies. The result showed that the competitive strategies for EMAT bidding of construction project should include the identification of real buyer (committee), giving consideration to all evaluate criteria, control cost of strategies, and paying more attention to enterprise’s long-term performance.
Yeh, Jea-Jin, and 葉佳錦. "Study on improving efficiency of EMAT (Economically Most Advantageous Tender)-Example of engineering purchasing." Thesis, 2004.
Full text國立中央大學
This study is on improving the government purchasing of EMAT (economically most advantageous tender). The whole in the study, except a lot of things can not be postponed, reduce manpower, the more important thing is that reduces purchase risk that manpower increasing and dispute happening. The purpose is hoping the EMAT without doing again. It can be avoided the waste of above-mentioned meaningless situations by analysing and arranged positively in detail. First, definiens the purchasing of efficiency: (1) Time, (2) manpower, (3) risk, etc. three faces and analyse this procedure by reviewing the paper. Second, interview the purchase the unit. Third, feedback it to the procedure and improve its practicability. Propose finally that a set of procedure in handling purchases. Lessening organ manpower, reducing risk of dispute could be taken place or manpower might be increasen, and time wasting, etc. Then, it lets handling more smooth the work of purchasing really.
Kong, Derick Teh-Lung, and 康德龍. "The Award Mechanism of The Economical Most Advantageous Tender." Thesis, 2005.
Full text國立臺北科技大學
The use of the Most Economical Advantageous Tenders on government procurement is to eliminate the Abnormally Low Tenders which was used in the past on public contractors. According to the Ministry of Audit, Jan. 2005, there were over 870 cases used under the benefit of the Most Economical Advantageous Tenders within the year of 2001 and 2003. Because of this, the total tenders cost has gone over 80 billion NT Dollars, and it is still escalating, 140% in 2003. On the contrary, the Award Mechanism on the Most Economical Advantageous Tenders gradually shows its disadvantage. This study was based on Multivariate Statistical Analysis by using Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis method. It is to calculate a better way to construct the Most Economical Advantageous Tenders and select the most qualified contractors during the process of government procurement. As the study found, after the real analysis, the method the researcher used was the most ideal method for the Most Economical Advantageous Tender during government procurement at this point. It could be standardized as a method to be used in the future for our government, in gaining the satisfaction in contracting the best contractors during the process.
Lin, ChunWei, and 林群為. "On Economically Most Advantageous Tenders for Build to Detailed Design Projects." Thesis, 2003.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
Economically most advantageous tender (EMAT) is a means that proposed by international community to prevent adverse effects caused by abnormal low tenders (ALTs) from the root. To comply with the requirement of the Government Procurement Agreement in accessing the World Trade Organization, the Government Procurement Law (GPL) of Taiwan was passed by the Legislative Yuan and went into effect on May 27, 1999. In addition to the traditional low bidding procurement process, the EMAT clauses were included in current GPL of Taiwan. A comprehensive literature survey is performed in this research to identify the problems relating to the EMAT practices after GPL of Taiwan went into effect. Types of construction projects suitable for EMATs are examined. Procurement document preparation is addressed. Evaluation criteria including qualification of tenders, as well as, quality, safety, duration, environmental protection issues and prices for build to detailed design projects are carefully studied in this research. Mechanisms to promote innovations and malpractice prevention are also proposed.
Blahová, Alexandra. "Analysis of the effect of lowest price criterion in the selection process of public procurement." Master's thesis, 2015.
Full textSahánková, Barbora. "Hodnocení veřejných zakázek dle ekonomické výhodnosti." Master's thesis, 2020.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Economically most advantageous tender"
Sebastian, Bobowski, Gola Jan, Przybylska Monika, and Szydło Wojciech. "The Most Economically Advantageous Tender in the Public Procurement System in the European Union." In Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, 403–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textDobrić Jambrović, Dana, and Eva Ružić. "Applying the Principles of Good Governance to the Regulation of Public Procurement with Special Reference to Croatia." In Regional Law Review, 169–86. Institute of Comparative Law, 2023.
Full textPervez, Rashid, and Raj Kumar. "Nematode Pests of Plantation Crops." In Industrial Applications of Soil Microbes, 205–9. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2022.
Full textRowlandson, Jane. "Money Use Among The Peasantry Of Ptolemaic And Roman Egypt." In Money And Its Uses In The Ancient Greek World, 145–46. Oxford University PressOxford, 2001.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Economically most advantageous tender"
Keršulienė, Violeta, and Jūratė Butkienė. "CHOOSING THE MOST ECONOMICALLY ADVANTAGEOUS SOLUTION TO THE DECISION OF THE ISSUE." In Business and Management 2018. VGTU Technika, 2018.
Full textBexten, Thomas, Tobias Sieker, and Manfred Wirsum. "Techno-Economic Analysis of a Hydrogen Production and Storage System for the On-Site Fuel Supply of Hydrogen-Fired Gas Turbines." In ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.
Full textSzczukiewicz, Sylwia, Nicolas Lamaison, Jackson B. Marcinichen, John R. Thome, and Peter J. Beucher. "Passive Thermosyphon Cooling System for High Heat Flux Servers." In ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems collocated with the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textWang, Ting, and Henry A. Long. "Performance and Economic Analysis of Biomass/Coal Co-Gasification IGCC Systems With Supercritical Steam Bottom Cycle: Part 1 — Post-Combustion Carbon Capture." In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Full textFarahat, Mohamed A., Shahd ElNaggar, Ahmad M. Kader, Shehab Ahmed, and Muhammad I. Rashad. "Experimental Investigation of Radiative Cooling Potential in Mediterranean Basin Countries." In ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.
Full textPuffer, Raymond H., and Glen H. Hoppes. "Development of a Flexible Pilot High Temperature MEA Manufacturing Line." In ASME 2004 2nd International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. ASMEDC, 2004.
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