Books on the topic 'Economic development Effect of education on'
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Hanson, E. Mark. Economic development, education and transnational corporations. Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge, 2007.
Find full textInstitute, Economic Policy, ed. Smart money: Education and economic development. Washington, D.C: Economic Policy Institute, 2004.
Find full textLopez, Ramon. Addressing the education puzzle: The distribution of education and economic reforms. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1998.
Find full textLittle, Angela. Education, learning, aid and development. Tokyo: Sophia Univ., Institute of Comparative Culture, Advanced Development Management Program, 1995.
Find full text1951-, Morris Paul, and Sweeting Anthony, eds. Education and development in East Asia. New York: Garland Pub., 1995.
Find full textAmerican Association of State Colleges and Universities., ed. Issues in higher education and economic development. Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 1986.
Find full textAnsari, M. M. Education and economic development: Perspectives for policy planning. New Delhi: Association of Indian Universities, 1987.
Find full textWithem, Ron. Interim study on education and economic development, LR 190. Lincoln, Neb. (7th Floor, State Capitol, Lincoln 68509): Nebraska Legislative Council, Legislative Research Division, 1987.
Find full textLittle, Angela. Education and development: Macro relationships and microcultures. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 1992.
Find full textNational Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium, ed. The career pathways effect: Linking education and economic prosperity. Waco, Tex: CORD Communications, 2012.
Find full textPritchett, Lant. Where has all the education gone? Washington, DC: World Bank, Policy Research Dept., Poverty and Human Resources Division, 1996.
Find full textBartsch, Charles. Education and economic development: Partners in growth : a sourcebook. Washington, D.C: Northeast-Midwest Institute, The Center for Regional Policy, 1989.
Find full textEducation, training, and economic performance, 1944 to 1990. Manchester [England]: Manchester University Press, 1992.
Find full textAntwi, Moses K. Education, society, and development in Ghana. Accra-North: Unimax, 1992.
Find full textChong-chʻŏl, Kim. Education and development: Some essays and thoughts on Korean education. [Seoul]: Seoul National University Press, 1985.
Find full textJ, Saha Lawrence, ed. Education and national development: A comparative perspective. 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989.
Find full textJ, Saha Lawrence, ed. Education and national development: A comparative perspective. 2nd ed. Oxford: Pergamon, 1989.
Find full textProject, Generic Skills/Economic Development. Generic skills/economic development: Final report, pilot phase. [Toronto, Ont: s.n, 1987.
Find full textE, Becker William, and Lewis Darrell R, eds. Higher education and economic growth. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
Find full textGuevara, Pablo Ceballos. Economic and educational development in Latin America: Past and present trends. Stockholm: Institute of International Education, Stockholm University, 1993.
Find full textThe contribution of formal education to economic development and economic underdevelopment Ghana as paradigm. Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1995.
Find full textTalla, Ngarka, ed. Education for sustainable development in Nigeria. Niger State, Nigeria: Faculty of Education and Arts, IBB University, 2010.
Find full textZumeta, William Mark. Increasing higher education's contribution to economic development in Washington. Olympia, Wash: Washington State Institute for Public Policy, 1987.
Find full textSkill development for socio-economic progress. New Delhi: New Century Publications, 2014.
Find full textKatsinas, Stephen G. Community colleges and economic development: Models of institutional effectiveness. Washington, D.C: American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, 1989.
Find full textAlladin, Ibrahim M. Education and neocolonialism: A study of educational development in Mauritius. New York, N.Y: P. Lang, 1996.
Find full textObwona, Marios. Development impact of higher education in Africa: The case of Uganda. Kampala, Uganda: Economic Policy Research Centre, 2007.
Find full textSenaratne, Ranjith. Articles and speeches related to higher education and national development. Navinna, Maharagama: Tharanjee Prints, 2014.
Find full textMaureen, Woodhall, ed. Education for development: An analysis of investment choices. New York: Published for the World Bank [by] Oxford University Press, 1985.
Find full textTemple, Jonathan. Growth effects of education and social capital in the OECD countries. Paris: OECD, 2000.
Find full textE, Pilcher Daniel, Schwoch Sharon, and National Conference of State Legislatures., eds. Education and economic growth: A legislator's guide. Denver, Colo: National Conference of State Legislatures, 1988.
Find full textElchanan, Cohn, and Johnes Geraint 1958-, eds. Recent developments in the economics of education. Aldershot, Hants, England: E. Elgar Pub., 1994.
Find full textMagagula, Cisco M. Education for development in Swaziland in the Twenty-First century: An occasional paper. Kwaluseni, Swaziland: University of Swaziland, 1994.
Find full textDubbeldam, L. F. B. Het onderwijs in ontwikkelingslanden vanuit een Nederlands perspectief. [Hague]: Centrum voor de Studie van het Onderwijs in Ontwikkelingslanden (CESO), 1986.
Find full textL'éducation formelle: Contrainte ou levier au développement de l'Afrique subsaharienne? Yaoundé: Presses universitaires de Yaoundé, 2011.
Find full textTask, Force on Education Equity and Economic Competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean. The future at stake. [Santiago, Chile?]: PREAL, 1998.
Find full textPsacharopoulos, George. Paideia kai anaptyxē stēn Hellada: Koinōnikē kai oikonomikē meletē tēs tritovathmias ekpaideusēs. Athēna: Ethniko Kentro Koinōnikōn Ereunōn, 1985.
Find full textCambridge), CRAC Enterprise Education Conference (1988. Enterprise education: Economic development through education and development : report of a national conference organised to explore policy, practice and potential. Cambridge: Hobsons, 1989.
Find full text1931-, Gumbert Edgar B., ed. Patriarchy, party, population, and pedagogy: Essays on education and development. Atlanta, Ga: Center for Cross-cultural Education, College of Education, Georgia State University, 1986.
Find full textBenavot, Aaron. Curricular content, educational expansion, and economic growth. Washington, D.C: Education and Employment Division, Population and Human Resources Department, World Bank, 1991.
Find full textNigerian universities and high-level manpower development. Akoka: Lagos University Press, 1985.
Find full textSaldanha, Denzil. Participation of higher education institutions in national development in India: A research study sponsored by UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Regional Co-operative Programme in Higher Education for Development in Asia and the Pacific. Bombay, India: Unit for Research in the Sociology of Education, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, 1986.
Find full textArun, Bose. Theories of development of material and human resources and education: Requiem or rethinking. Calcutta: K.P. Bagchi, 1989.
Find full textFrancis, Green, ed. Education, training, and the global economy. Cheltenham, UK: E. Elgar, 1996.
Find full textMacIntyre, Gertrude Anne. Active partners: Education and local development. Sydney, N.S: University of College of Cape Breton Press, 1995.
Find full textIoschpe, Gustavo. O que o Brasil quer ser quando crescer?: E outros artigos sobre educação e desenvolvimento. São Paulo, Brazil]: Paralela, 2012.
Find full textESEA reauthorization: The importance of a world-class K-12 education for our economic success : hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session ... March 9, 2010. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2011.
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