Academic literature on the topic 'Écocitoyen'
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Journal articles on the topic "Écocitoyen"
Berthelot, Karl. "Du mythe de l’habitant-écocitoyen à l’optimisation des modes de vie : vers une subjectivation néolibérale des conduites ?" Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique LVIII, no. 1 (2020): 49.
Full textGramaglia, Christelle, and François Mélard. "Looking for the Cosmopolitical Fish: Monitoring Marine Pollution with Anglers and Congers in the Gulf of Fos, Southern France." Science, Technology, & Human Values 44, no. 5 (July 14, 2019): 814–42.
Full textGranchamp, Laurence, and Sandrine Glatron. "Tous écocitoyens ?" Revue des sciences sociales, no. 55 (September 13, 2016): 10–17.
Full textTastet, Claire. "Écrire pour entrer dans les débats écocitoyens." Administration & Éducation N° 172, no. 4 (December 6, 2021): 107–12.
Full textGinsburger, Maël. "De la norme à la pratique écocitoyenne." Revue française de sociologie 61, no. 1 (2020): 43.
Full textCarry, Dominique. "Louer ou acheter l'usage, une interprétation écocitoyenne de l'offre de service – Cas des biens en partage." Management & Avenir 73, no. 7 (2014): 93.
Full textKOUSSE, Kizito Tioro. "Éducation environnementale et enculturation." Territoires, Populations Vulnérables et Politiques Publiques : culture de paix et droits de l'homme et défense des droits des populations vulnérables dans le monde au XXI° siècle, December 22, 2022.
Full textMartinez, Marie-Louise, and Frédéric Poydenot. "Finalités, valeurs et identités pour fonder une éducation écocitoyenne." Éducation relative à l'environnement, Volume 8 (December 20, 2009).
Full textJeziorski, Agnieszka, and Geneviève Therriault. "Identité de lieu et agency écocitoyenne de jeunes de la fin du secondaire à l’égard des enjeux sociaux et écologiques associés au fleuve Saint-Laurent au Québec : quels rapports au paysage ?" Éducation et socialisation, no. 51 (March 15, 2019).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Écocitoyen"
Hily, Sandrine. "Les commissions de quartier à l’heure de l’engagement écocitoyen, à Dijon : entre communication stratégique publique locale et construction d’un espace public restreint morcelé." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Full textThis doctoral thesis in Information and Communication Science explores the question of eco-citizen commitment in the neighborhood commissions of Dijon. Many academic or more popular publications in different fields of research (Information and Communication Science, social and environmental psychology, political science, law, philosophy, ecology, etc.) have addressed this issue in recent years. Once the actors of the question had been defined (the inhabitants, elected officials, technicians, representatives of structures and associations, etc.), it was possible to study different instances of participatory democracy in Dijon. The following question ensued : "How are the neighborhood commissions of Dijon stretched between the information-communication implementations of local public communication and fragmented, limited public space?" How does eco-citizenship emerge or not from this split? The methodology used by the author was inductivist with observant participation, research-action as field researcher since she is both a researcher and a municipal councilor of Dijon, the Delegate to local democracy (2014-2020)
Eya'a, Obame Daisy Fabiola. "Pour une réflexion écocritique postcoloniale : lecture de Petroleum de Bessora, Les neuf consciences du Malfini de Patrick Chamoiseau, The Conservationist de Nadine Gordimer et la trilogie postcoloniale de Kate Grenville (The Secret River, The Lieutenant, Sarah Thornhill)." Thesis, Brest, 2021.
Full textThe imperialist and anthropocene logic has given rise to practices whose traces are to be found in an environmental type of hegemonism and a difficult apprehension of the connection to the living, to this different, human or non-hum another, who nevertheless participates in the relation. A postcolonial ecocritical analysis shows that these exploitations which are perpetuated in the contemporary world have a link with the ecological crisis. A comparatist approach to the works of Bessora, Patrick Chamoiseau, Nadine Gordimer and Kate Grenville highlights this state of crisis: it guides the reader to wards new realities and announces the evolving contours of a changing natural environment. These works also teach humans to look at the surrounding nature in a different way and convey cultural values that are likely to enrich the relationship with the living. In this sense, literature shows that reconciliation cannot be achieved without man’s awakening to an environmental conscience, that is to say the modelling of the interaction between humans and the environment to preserve nature. Reconciliation means that the working together of the literary imagination and the inclusion of socio-cultural realities will lead to a sensitive poetics of inhabiting the world. Since the cultural trajectory of a group is linked to the earth, ecological awareness must first be developed by local cultures to then influence global cultures. In other words, it is necessary to decolonize ecological know ledge in order to restore the natural environment and the relationships between the different forms of life. The goal is therefore to identify the elements that enable a reconciliation between anthropocentric requirements and environmental ethics
Dzamayovo, Mensan Azadzi. "Obstacles à l'adoption de comportements écocitoyens en milieu scolaire au Togo : analyse des valeurs environnementales de l'école primaire." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Full textThe present research aims at analyzing and understanding obstacles to the development of eco-citizenship behavior in primary schools in Togo. Thus, several methods were mobilized for the research. First, it is about exploring the educational curriculum present in textbooks, in order to analyze formal education programs. Then, survey by questionnaire of 358 primary school teachers help to collect the data relative to teachers' predisposition to the preservation or use of the environment. Finally, observation of 21 classes during environmental education courses followed by in-depth individual interviews with each teacher were made to appreciate the implemented curriculum.Thus, research shows that the formal curriculum advocates to educate the pupils using two fundamental environmental values. On the one hand, it is about tolerance, being aware of threats to the environment and, on the other hand, the autonomy that is involving in the actions of fight for the preservation of the environment. As for teachers, they are in favor of preserving the environment; however, this predisposition of the teachers in the environmental protection decreases when the satisfaction of human immediate needs comes in play. Concerning the implemented curriculum, it is limited to educating pupils to tolerance (to be aware of the danger).The environmental educational offer in the primary school in Togo remains ineffective and inadequate, hence the need of taking measures to develop the environmental skills in primary schools
Books on the topic "Écocitoyen"
La guerre du pochon: Paradoxes pour un écocitoyen. [Paris]: Éd. Yago, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Écocitoyen"
Weiss, Karine, and Fabien Girandola. "Chapitre 16. Qualité environnementale et comportements écocitoyens." In Introduction à la psychologie positive, 243. Dunod, 2014.
Full textSauvé, Lucie. "Chapitre 5. Quels fondements pour une éducation écocitoyenne ?" In Education au développement durable, 119. De Boeck Supérieur, 2014.
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