Journal articles on the topic 'Eco-citizen'
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Grace-McCaskey, Cynthia A., Briana Iatarola, Alex K. Manda, and J. Randall Etheridge. "Eco-Ethnography and Citizen Science: Lessons from Within." Society & Natural Resources 32, no. 10 (April 1, 2019): 1123–38.
Full textVerstraeten, Guido JM, and Willem W. Verstraeten. "From Citizen to Cytizen. How to Escape from Cyberstates?" International Journal of Social Science Studies 6, no. 1 (November 23, 2017): 7.
Full textLee, Elsa Ukanyezi. "The eco-club: a place for the becoming active citizen?" Environmental Education Research 23, no. 4 (February 25, 2016): 515–32.
Full textMakuch, Karen E., and Miriam R. Aczel. "Eco-Citizen Science for Social Good: Promoting Child Well-Being, Environmental Justice, and Inclusion." Research on Social Work Practice 30, no. 2 (December 11, 2019): 219–32.
Full textHeggen, Marianne Presthus, Barbara Maria Sageidet, Nina Goga, Liv Torunn Grindheim, Veronica Bergan, Inger Wallem Krempig, Tove Aagnes Utsi, and Anne Myklebust Lynngård. "Children as eco-citizens?" Nordic Studies in Science Education 15, no. 4 (November 26, 2019): 387–402.
Full textvan den Burg, Sander W. K., Arthur P. J. Mol, and Gert Spaargaren. "Consumer-Oriented Monitoring and Environmental Reform." Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 21, no. 3 (June 2003): 371–88.
Full textSkarzauskiene, Aelita, and Monika Mačiulienė. "Citizen Science Addressing Challenges of Sustainability." Sustainability 13, no. 24 (December 17, 2021): 13980.
Full textGuo, Jingfu. "A Study on the Strategies of Eco-civilization Construction." Journal of Social and Development Sciences 2, no. 3 (September 15, 2011): 147–52.
Full textFitzpatrick, Caroline, and Spencer S. Stober. "Close Encounters of the Natural Kind: Eco-Composition, Citizen Science, and Academe." International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review 2, no. 1 (2006): 9–16.
Full textMAEDA, Mizuki, Norihiko ITAGAKI, and Ayano FUKUJU. "Operation incorporating citizen science in the roof garden eco-museum at Futakotamagawa Rise." Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 47, no. 4 (May 31, 2022): 453–56.
Full textYang, Xin, Xiaohe Zhou, Shuwen Cao, and Anlu Zhang. "Preferences in Farmland Eco-Compensation Methods: A Case Study of Wuhan, China." Land 10, no. 11 (October 29, 2021): 1159.
Full textHillbur, P., M. Ideland, and C. Malmberg. "Response and responsibility: fabrication of the eco-certified citizen in Swedish curricula 1962–2011." Journal of Curriculum Studies 48, no. 3 (January 8, 2016): 409–26.
Full textAli, Rozaina, Ahmad Shaharudin Abdul Latiff, and Sazali Abdul Wahab. "A Systematic review of ontology-based approach and decision-making (DM) to improve public service delivery (PSD)." Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies 6, no. 2 (June 20, 2020): 629–40.
Full textChitakira, Munyaradzi, Luxon Nhamo, Emmanuel Torquebiau, James Magidi, Willem Ferguson, Sylvester Mpandeli, Kevin Mearns, and Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi. "Opportunities to Improve Eco-Agriculture through Transboundary Governance in Transfrontier Conservation Areas." Diversity 14, no. 6 (June 8, 2022): 461.
Full textWenk, Michael. "The European Union's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS): Still a Viable Entity or a Concept Spiraling Towards Obscurity?" Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 6, no. 1 (2009): 37–50.
Full textWijaya, Karto, Heru Wibowo, and Asep Yudi Permana. "IDENTITAS KAWASAN KAMPUNG PARALON DI PERMUKIMAN PADAT MELALUI KONSEP ECOVILLAGE Studi Kasus: Kampung Paralon Desa Bojongsoang Kabupaten Bandung." Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI 2, no. 3 (October 19, 2019): 193.
Full textTalyzina, Elena Viktorovna. "“A CITIZEN OF THE EARTH”: EDWARD THOMAS AS A LINK BETWEEN “ROMANTIC ECOLOGY” AND ECO-CRITICISM." Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice, no. 7 (July 2019): 92–96.
Full textKim, Jaewan, Tae Yong Jung, and Yong Gun Kim. "Multilevel Analysis of Civic Engagement and Effectiveness of Energy Transition Policy in Seoul: The Seoul Eco-Mileage Program." Sustainability 12, no. 23 (November 26, 2020): 9905.
Full textLi, Huifeng, and Martin de Jong. "Citizen participation in China’s eco-city development. Will ‘new-type urbanization’ generate a breakthrough in realizing it?" Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (September 2017): 1085–94.
Full textLeong, Misha, and Michelle Trautwein. "A citizen science approach to evaluating US cities for biotic homogenization." PeerJ 7 (April 30, 2019): e6879.
Full textIshmuhametova, K., O. Spirina, and A. Desyatkina. "CLUSTER MODEL OF THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC ECO-SPACE OF THE UFA CITY." Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov 7, no. 6 (March 1, 2022): 57–69.
Full textE, Weimann,. "Citizen Research Highlights: Blue Flag Beach is not a Reliable Eco-Label to Protect Bathers in Cape Town." Journal of Environment and Ecology 9, no. 2 (November 25, 2018): 1.
Full textCullen, Alexander. "Transitional environmentality – Understanding uncertainty at the junctures of eco-logical production in Timor-Leste." Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 3, no. 2 (March 3, 2020): 423–41.
Full textALVISI, FRANCESCA, ELISA BALDRIGHI, SILVIA MERLINO, MARINA LOCRITANI, MONICA PANFILI, SABRINA COLELLA, SIMONA BRONCO, FRANCESCA CICOGNA, SERENA COIAI, and EMILY H. KING. "Walking on the Sea Traces: Developing a platform to bring Ocean Literacy and Citizen Science at Home." Mediterranean Marine Science 23, no. 2 (March 31, 2022): 389–404.
Full textCaldevilla-Domínguez, David, Almudena Barrientos-Báez, and Graciela Padilla-Castillo. "Twitter as a Tool for Citizen Education and Sustainable Cities after COVID-19." Sustainability 13, no. 6 (March 22, 2021): 3514.
Full textShved, Vadym. "Chinese social credit system: key features and possibility of using in Ukraine." Socio-Economic Research Bulletin, no. 2(77) (June 30, 2021): 41–53.
Full textSu, Yuan, Ziyu Miao, and Chanjuan Wang. "The Experience and Enlightenment of Asian Smart City Development—A Comparative Study of China and Japan." Sustainability 14, no. 6 (March 17, 2022): 3543.
Full textProcesi, Monia, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Marco Corirossi, and Alessandra Valentinelli. "Science and Citizen Collaboration as Good Example of Geoethics for Recovering a Natural Site in the Urban Area of Rome (Italy)." Sustainability 14, no. 8 (April 8, 2022): 4429.
Full textSantaoja, Minna. "Social media in learning on nature: case Finnish amateur mycologists." On the Horizon: The International Journal of Learning Futures 30, no. 2 (March 28, 2022): 122–30.
Full textvon Hellermann, Pauline. "From Ecophany to Burnout? An Anthropologist’s Reflections on Two Years of Participating in Council-Citizen Climate Governance in Eastbourne." World 2, no. 4 (December 17, 2021): 521–37.
Full textPurwendah, E. K., Rusito, A. Awaludin, and I. D. S. Triana. "Public Participation in Environmental Protection: Citizen Law Suits in the Indonesian Civil Justice System." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1030, no. 1 (June 1, 2022): 012022.
Full textKloeckner, Jane. "The power of eco-labels: Communicating climate change using carbon footprint labels consistent with international trade regimes under the WTO." Climate Law 3, no. 3-4 (2012): 209–30.
Full textLanigan, Richard L. "Netizen communicology: China daily and the Internet construction of group culture." Semiotica 2015, no. 207 (October 1, 2015): 489–528.
Full textKhuc, Quy Van, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Tam-Tri Le, Truc-Le Nguyen, Thuy Nguyen, Hoang Khac Lich, and Quan-Hoang Vuong. "Brain Drain out of the Blue: Pollution-Induced Migration in Vietnam." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 6 (March 18, 2022): 3645.
Full textCho, Hyoun-Ah, and Gyu-Min Lee. "The Effect of Eco-Friendly Activities of Food Delivery Apps on Pro-Environmental Attitude and Customer Citizen Behavior-Focusing: On the Moderating Role of Self-Monitoring." Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research 34, no. 9 (September 30, 2022): 257–78.
Full textWojtyszyn, Bogusław. "Sustainable Development of Urban Spaces towards Climate Protection and Adaptation to its Changes." Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 30, no. 3 (September 1, 2020): 122–33.
Full textYang, Yixi, and Mark C. J. Stoddart. "Public Engagement in Climate Communication on China’s Weibo: Network Structure and Information Flows." Politics and Governance 9, no. 2 (April 28, 2021): 146–58.
Full textBendell, Jem. "Replacing Sustainable Development: Potential Frameworks for International Cooperation in an Era of Increasing Crises and Disasters." Sustainability 14, no. 13 (July 5, 2022): 8185.
Full textWard, Sue. "Dirtgirlworld: Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Consumption in the World of Children's Television Programming." Media International Australia 145, no. 1 (November 2012): 29–38.
Full textGodoy Junior, Ederaldo, José Rui Camargo, João Lucio Mariano Da Silva, Ricardo Osmar De Jesus, José Luz Silveira, and José Roberto Bertoncello Danieletto. "Rational Use of Residential Digesters for Sewage Treatment with Carbon Credits." Advanced Materials Research 608-609 (December 2012): 286–97.
Full textGómez-Carmona, Oihane, Diego Casado-Mansilla, and Diego López-de-Ipiña. "Multifunctional Interactive Furniture for Smart Cities." Proceedings 2, no. 19 (November 1, 2018): 1212.
Full textMalysh, E. V. "Mechanisms of Green Development of Urban Agricultural Production in a Large Industrial City." Economics and Management 26, no. 8 (September 27, 2020): 823–29.
Full textZ. Karvalics, László. "Okos városok: a dekonstrukciótól a hiperkonstrukcióig." Információs Társadalom 16, no. 3 (April 10, 2017): 9.
Full textErmolaeva, Polina, Yulia Ermolaeva, and Olga Basheva. "Digital Environmental Activism as the New Form of Environmental Participation." Sotsiologicheskoe Obozrenie / Russian Sociological Review 19, no. 3 (2020): 376–408.
Full textLõhmus, A. "The role of citizen science in ornithology." Estonian Journal of Ecology 60, no. 2 (2011): 83.
Full textMetalkova-Markova, Milena. "Micro-Design Intervention as a Method for Social Acupuncture to Stimulate Environmental Design Consciousness in Bulgaria." South East European Journal of Architecture and Design 2016 (January 10, 2016): 1–8.
Full textGanzevoort, Wessel, and Riyan van den Born. "The Thrill of Discovery: Significant Nature Experiences Among Biodiversity Citizen Scientists." Ecopsychology 11, no. 1 (March 2019): 22–32.
Full textKlavina, Aneka, Maija Kalpisa, Linda Paegle, Lasma Akulova, and Ivars Vanadzins. "Perceptions, Choices and Usage of Ecological Household Chemicals: Results from an Online Citizen Survey in Latvia." Environmental and Climate Technologies 26, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 1055–66.
Full textMetalkova-Markova, Milena. "Micro-Design Intervention as a Method for Social Acupuncture to Stimulate Environmental Design Consciousness in Bulgaria." South East European Journal of Architecture and Design 2016 (January 10, 2016): 1.
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