Academic literature on the topic 'Eccesso'
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Journal articles on the topic "Eccesso"
Sitá, Michele. "Hans Jonas: responsabilitá ed eccesso." Verbum 5, no. 2 (November 2003): 397–408.
Full textCangini, A., P. Folino Gallo, and G. Rasi. "Sovraconsumo di antibiotici ed eccesso di spesa farmaceutica." PharmacoEconomics Italian Research Articles 12, no. 3 (November 2010): 133–41.
Full textArgentin, Gianluca, Gabriele Ballarino, and Sabrina Colombo. "Accesso ed esiti occupazionali a breve del dottorato di ricerca in Italia. Un'analisi dei dati Istat e Stella." SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO, no. 126 (May 2012): 165–81.
Full textSbraccia, Paolo, Monica D’Adamo, and Valeria Guglielmi. "Obesità: malnutrizione per eccesso o vera e propria malattia?" L'Endocrinologo 21, no. 1 (January 23, 2020): 35–41.
Full textFioritti, Angelo, Daniela Lipparini, and Vittorio Melega. "Mortality of long-term psychiatric inpatients. Retrospective study on a cohort of long-term patients in the psychiatric hospital of Bologna, Italy." Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 3, no. 2 (August 1994): 107–14.
Full textTonutti, Sabrina. "Imo e Ogotemmeli: eccesso di personalità Una riflessione attorno a soggettività, informatori, cultura, persone." La Ricerca Folklorica, no. 54 (October 1, 2006): 115.
Full textLorenzi, F. "Breve Storia del Metodo Gemellare." Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae: twin research 46, no. 4 (October 1997): 231–39.
Full textBoudreaux, Don. "Rent Seeking and Legal Barriers to Entry*." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 6, no. 1 (April 1, 1988): 63–68.
Full textPoliti, Pierluigi, Cristina Montomoli, and Cesare Fratti. "Mortalità di una coorte di pazienti ricoverati in un Servizio Psichiatrico di Diagnosi e Cura (SPDC)." Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 2, no. 3 (December 1993): 199–204.
Full textCirlŕ, Mario. "Auri sacra fames." COSTRUZIONI PSICOANALITICHE, no. 21 (April 2011): 45–57.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Eccesso"
Felici, Federica <1994>. "Karōshi e diritto: le conseguenze legali della morte da eccesso di lavoro in Giappone." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020.
Full textBRIAMONTE, ANNAMARIA. "L'eccesso di potere del giudice amministrativo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2021.
Full textThe research is focused on the excess of power of the administrative judge, one of the reasons of jurisdiction that can be reviewed before the Court of Cassation according to Article 111, paragraph 8, of the Italian Constitution. The historical matrix, which finds its basis in the law on conflicts of 1877, its evolution across the legislation, its dogmatic elaboration within the scientific debate and its development by case law are explored, coming up to its most recent applications. The core of the figure, which corresponds to the trespassing by the court on the prerogatives belonging to the legislator or the administration, is explored in its essence. On the one hand, about the relationships between jurisdiction and administration, the analysis is structured around concepts such as discretion (also technical), merit, legitimacy review and merit review. On the other hand, with respect to the hypothesis of the encroaching on legislative power - whose analysis is included in an ad hoc section, considering the peculiarities of the hypothesis - the reflection essentially revolves around the acknowledgment of its almost purely theoretical importance, due to the broad meaning granted to the judicial interpretation of the norms which precludes the qualification of the activity of the judge as an exercise of normative creation. The trespassing by the administrative judge on the powers belonging to the administration - which constitutes the chosen field of the work - is investigated not only from a dogmatic point of view but also from the perspective of its concrete review by the Court of Cassation, in relation to all forms of the jurisdiction of the administrative judge: from the general jurisdiction of legitimacy to the merit jurisdiction (with specific regard to the judgment of compliance) and to the exclusive jurisdiction. The crucial point of the discussion is the attempt to identify a clear boundary between the excess of jurisdictional power and the homonymous flaw affecting the administrative act, being aware of their common dogmatic foundation. Such an interpretative key appears especially useful in relation to the objectives of a survey essentially aimed at identifying and enhancing the function of the excess of power of the administrative judge in the context of the Italian judicial system, and, in this way, the (guarantor) role of the Court of Cassation as judge of conflicts.
GRECO, Roberto. "Studio, sintesi e caratterizzazione di nuovi materiali microporosi funzionalizzati per la realizzazione di processi reattivi e separativi in sistemi dinamici." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2015.
Full textCACIOLLI, Lorenzo. "Progettazione e preparazione di nuovi materiali per applicazioni sostenibili in chimica organica e ambientale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2014.
Full textCarini, Ilaria <1988>. "Eccessi, metafore e sublimazioni del cibo nella letteratura cinese post-maoista." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2014.
Full textThe thesis deals with the delicate issue of self defence exercised in the home, which has been the subject of two reforms in the last fifteen years – first in 2006, then in 2019 –, arousing widespread criticism and conflicting opinions regarding its exact scope. The great public attention for the institute and the two legislative interventions have stimulated the interest and the desire to investigate the origin, the ratio and the evolution of the justification regulated by art. 52 c.p. The purpose of this survey is twofold: on the one hand, an attempt has been made to understand the needs underlying the reforms and, more generally, the foundation of the need so well rooted in contemporary society for a differentiation of treatment for attacks perpetrated inside the house; on the other hand, starting from the study of the discipline currently in force and the concrete application of the same by jurisprudence, an attempt has been made to find a more satisfactory balance between the widespread needs and compliance with the Constitutional Charter and the European Convention of human rights, in short a "sustainable counter-reform". The thesis is divided into three parts, of which the first is dedicated to the historical-comparative analysis of the justification. In particular, the study traces the origins of the institute starting from Roman law up to the present day, trying to highlight the historical precedents capable of explaining the current predisposition of a special figure of self defence in favour of anyone who is attacked in private places, where individuals boasts an ius excludendi alios against the aggressor. The historical research is accompanied by a comparative survey, also set in a historical perspective, which broadens the gaze to the choices made on the subject by the main European systems – notably the French and English ones –, as well as by the US federal system. The second part of the thesis concerns the internal law in force; in particular, the paper first deals with law no. 59 of 13 February 2006 and then the law n. 36 of 26 April 2019, i.e. the reforms that have given prominence to the special figure of home self defence. To this end, both the criminal political context that marked its origin and the content of the reforms in the light of the jurisprudence of legitimacy are considered; in fact, a study was carried out on all the rulings issued by the Court of Cassation regarding home self defence from 1 January 2000 until 1 January 2021. Thanks to this research, it emerged on the one hand how the first reform is substantially devoid of concrete repercussions and, on the other hand, how the second legislative intervention, if not subjected to a corrective interpretation in the light of constitutional and conventional guidelines, is dangerous for system tightness. Along this line, the investigation focuses in particular on the role that the requirement of necessity and the normative presumptions of legitimacy of the reaction should assume. With reference to the case of excess, then, are presented the criteria for detecting the serious disturbance and the conditions of impaired defence to which excuse effects are linked. Finally, the third and last part of the paper deals with the institution from a de iure condendo perspective; specifically, starting from the results achieved through the survey carried out, an attempt was made to put forward a proposal for reorganization of the justification which is divided into three steps, ideally connected to each other. According to this working hypothesis, art. 52 c.p. would gain rationality and effectiveness if, first of all, the paragraphs governing home self defence currently in force were eliminated; furthermore, beside the provision referred to art. 52 c. 1 c.p., there should be an excuse linked to the state of emotional disturbance experienced by the attacked, applicable in cases of excess and error in self defence; finally, an iuris tantum presumption of current danger could be envisaged for the sole safety of those present in the event of aggression perpetrated within the home and business. The coexistence of these amending proposals would seem capable of giving a renewed balance to the justification, first of all giving voice and recognition to the widespread requests, furthermore respecting the principles and values of which the Constitution and the European Convention of human rights are an expression, and lastly still giving a push contrary to the current anti-statist tendency, if not even anti-constitutional, of which the two recent reforms on the subject have become spokesmen.
Azevedo, Fernando Costa de. "O desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo e sua correção por meio da cláusula geral de proibição de vantagem excessiva no Código de Defesa do Consumidor." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2014.
Full textA presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o conceito e as espécies de desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo, bem como a possibilidade de correção de uma das espécies de desequilíbrio excessivo – o exercício abusivo de posição jurídica dos fornecedores – por meio da cláusula geral de proibição de vantagem excessiva, prevista no Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV e §1º). Trata-se, em essência, de um estudo sobre a própria relação jurídica de consumo, razão pela qual se impõe, inicialmente, uma análise acerca de seus pressupostos fático-normativos, elementos constitutivos e característica fundamental (Parte I, Capítulo 1) para, só então, enfrentar o tema dos “desequilíbrios” (estrutural e excessivo) existentes nesse tipo de relação jurídica (Parte I, Capítulo 2), quando se busca demonstrar que o desequilíbrio excessivo não se confunde com o desequilíbrio estrutural (intrínseco), na medida em que este é realidade constitutiva da própria relação jurídica de consumo, sendo, por isso mesmo, reconhecida e tolerável pelo direito; ao contrário, o desequilíbrio excessivo é realidade que ultrapassa os limites do “juridicamente tolerável” – isto é, do estado de desequilíbrio estrutural - e, por este motivo, precisa ser corrigida por meio da ordem jurídica (no caso brasileiro, pelo sistema jurídico de proteção e defesa dos consumidores, centralizado nos valores e normas constitucionais e sistematizado no Código de Defesa do Consumidor – Lei n. 8.078, de 11 de setembro de 1990). E para a correção das situações de desequilíbrio excessivo da relação de consumo geradas pelo exercício abusivo da posição jurídica dos fornecedores o legislador brasileiro, atento à necessidade de compreensão do direito privado como um sistema jurídico aberto (Parte II, Capítulo 3) construiu o Código de Defesa do Consumidor como um microsssistema dotado de normas casuísticas e de normas abertas (as chamadas “cláusulas gerais”), destacando-se, quanto a estas, a cláusula geral de probição de vantagem excessiva, que se entende ser a “cláusula fundamental de correção do abuso nas relações jurídicas de consumo” (Parte II, Capítulo 4), na medida em que seu âmbito de aplicação, fixado pelo próprio legislador (CDC, art. 51, §1º), abarca, por sua grande generalidade, o âmbito das demais cláusulas gerais de correção do abuso, como as de função social e econômica do direito, boa-fé objetiva, bons costumes e lesão enorme, tutelando, enfim, a globalidade dos legítimos interesses dos consumidores – isto é, seus interesses de natureza patrimonial e existencial – lesados pela atuação abusiva dos fornecedores no mercado de consumo.
The present thesis aims to analyze the concept and the species of excessive unbalance of the legal consumption relationship, as well as the possibility of correction of one of the species of excessive unbalance – the abusive use of the legal position of the suppliers – by the inclusion of the general clause of prohibition of unfair advantage, set out in the Consumer Defense Code (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV and §1º). It is, essentially, a study on the legal consumption relationship itself, a reason for which it is imposed, initially, an analysis concerning its phaticnormative presumptions, constitutive elements and key characteristic (Part I, Chapter 1) for, only then, face the topic of “imbalances” (structural and excessive) existing in this type of legal relationship (Part I, Chapter 2), when willing to demonstrate that the excessive imbalance is not confounded with the structural imbalance (intrinsic), inasmuch as this is a constitutive reality of the legal consumption relationship itself, being, therefore, acknowledged and bearable by the law; on the contrary, the excessive imbalance is a reality which overcomes the limits of the “legally bearable” – that is, the structural imbalance status - and, for this reason, it has to be corrected by the law (in the Brazilian case, by the legal system of protection and defense of consumers, centered in the values and constitutional norms e ordered in the Consumer Defense Code – Law n. 8.078, from September 11th, 1990). And for the correction of excessive imbalance situations in the consumption relationship caused by the abusive practice of the legal position of the suppliers, the Brazilian legislator, attentive to the need of understanding of the private law as an open legal system (Part II, Chapter 3) created the Consumer Defense Code as a microsystem with cauistic norms and open norms (the so-called “general clauses”), highlighting, concerning these, the general clause of prohibition of unfair advantage, which is understood as the “key clause of abuse correction in the consumption legal relationships” (Part II, Chapter 4), inasmuch as in its scope of application, set by the legislator (CDC, art. 51, §1º), embraces, due to all things considered, the scope of the other general clauses of abuse correction, such as the law social and economic function, bona fide intentions, good manners and serious harm, tutoring, then, the whole of legitimate interests of the consumers – that is, their interests of property and existential nature – harmed by the abusive practice of suppliers in the consumer market.
CAMBULI, VALENTINA MARIA. "Studio fenotipico e genetico del metabolismo di bambini e adolescenti sardi con eccesso ponderale con particolare riferimento alle alterazioni del metabolismo glucidico." Doctoral thesis, 2011.
Full textBooks on the topic "Eccesso"
Starnone, Domenico. Eccesso di zelo. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1993.
Find full textSantanelli, Manlio. Un eccesso di zelo. Napoli: Guida, 2008.
Find full textUn eccesso di zelo. Napoli: Guida, 2008.
Find full textRaffaele, Florio, ed. Il cibo: Tra eccesso e penuria. Torino: Claudiana, 2005.
Find full textRahola, Federico. Zone definitivamente temporanee: I luoghi dell'umanità in eccesso. Verona: Ombre corte, 2003.
Find full textGiulia, Carluccio, Manzoli Giacomo, and Menarini Roy 1971-, eds. L' eccesso della visione: Il cinema di Dario Argento. Torino: Lindau, 2003.
Find full textBruno, Marco. Nadmiar rzeczywistosci =: Eccesso di realtà : lavoro poematico 2004/2009. Pasian di Prato (Udine): Campanotto, 2010.
Find full textBruno, Marco. Nadmiar rzeczywistosci =: Eccesso di realtà : lavoro poematico 2004/2009. Pasian di Prato (Udine): Campanotto, 2010.
Find full textUn'idea di cinema: Itinerari d'autore fra eccesso e stupore. Alessandria: Falsopiano, 2010.
Find full textPastore, Carlo. L' eccesso di normalità: Per una scienza degli influenzamenti destinali. Milano: F. Angeli, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Eccesso"
Ceccarelli, A. "L’approccio psicodinamico-relazionale con il paziente obeso. Eccesso ponderale o simbolo di una storia da ricucire?" In Clinica psicologica dell’obesità, 85–104. Milano: Springer Milan, 2012.
Full textLim, Alvin Eng Hui. "#Eccess." In Digital Spirits in Religion and Media, 206–18. Routledge, 2018.
Full text"Sanguinamento eccessivo." In Il Manuale Merck dei Segni e Sintomi, 468–73. Milano: Springer Milan, 2010.
Full text"Il dovere di visitare e la correzione degli eccessi dei prelati nel ’400." In La pathologie du pouvoir: vices, crimes et délits des gouvernants, 409–29. BRILL, 2016.
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