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Capelo, Ana, Conceição Santos, and Maria Arminda Pedrosa. "Education for sustainable development in East Timor." Asian Education and Development Studies 3, no. 2 (May 6, 2014): 98–117.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the relevance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in East Timor and proposes a set of ESD indicators to be implemented in the formal education sector. Design/methodology/approach – A detailed analysis of relevant literature concerning national development plans (Republica Democrática de Timor-Leste, 2011), literature centred in East Timor and international perspectives about ESD principles, policies and values (UN reports) was carried, in order to examine the relevance of ESD in East Timor and to assist the selection of a set of ESD indicators. These indicators are proposed in order to assess and monitor if the current national policies, educational programmes, secondary school content, learning goals and activities in formal education express concerns related with ESD promotion in terms of specific curricular themes, learning characteristics, learning resources, skills, values and attitudes. Findings – This paper argues that the East Timor government has intentions in ESD promotion and implementation. Thus, ESD indicators could be helpful in assessment of new curricular practices. However, even though ESDI may indicate that secondary school programmes, content, learning goals or activities are aligned with ESD principles, it is also important to assess if they then contribute effectively to sustainable development. Originality/value – The case study of East Timor adds to the literature about the current interests of young countries such as this in progressing towards a sustainable future, starting from the selection and implementation of ESD indicators in the current curriculum reform. If it is successful, ESD will contribute to transforming not only education but also the quality of life of the East Timorese.
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Margarida Ramos, Ana. "From occupation to independence: contemporary East Timorese history and identity in Portuguese picturebooks." Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji 34, no. 3 (September 30, 2016): 58–68.

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In Portugal, the suffering and struggle of the East Timorese people for independence started a social movement of solidarity with strong repercussions in the arts, namely music and literature. Children’s Literature depicted the theme of this period of oppression in East Timor, as well as the recognition of its independence and its right to freedom, in a picturebook selected for the White Ravens List in 2003 called East Timor – Island of the Rising Sun (2001), by João Pedro Mésseder and André Letria. This unusual picturebook, characterised by a very simple and sparse, almost poetic, text combined with large-format pictures, depicts this chapter of the contemporary history of East Timor in very specific way, resembling fairy tales or legends. The text and images are combined in order to promote symbolic readings, suggesting a magical/mystical environment that impresses readers. More than a decade later, recent struggles and stories from East Timor are still present in Portuguese picturebooks such as Lya/Lia (2014), by Margarida Botelho. The social change, path to democracy and educational development, as well as daily life and children’s pastimes are now the centre of a narrative that establishes the similarities and differences between modern-day Portugal and East Timor. Our aim is to analyse both the political and ideological perspectives present in these picturebooks aimed at very young readers, offering a broad vision of different realities and contexts, even when they deal with war, death and suffering, as was the case of the East Timorese fight for independence.
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Baxter, Alan N. "Notes on the Creole Portuguese of Bidau, East Timor." Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 5, no. 1 (January 1, 1990): 1–38.

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This paper discusses a variety of Southeast Asian Creole Portuguese (henceforth SACP) formerly spoken in Bidau, Dili, East Timor. An outline of the sociohistorical setting of the language is followed by a discussion of data sources and references to Bidau Creole Portuguese (BCP) in the literature on Timor. Included is a discussion of an unpublished letter from the Vigário Geral of Timor to Hugo Schuchardt, containing a comparative list of sentences in "corrupt Portuguese," Metropolitan Portuguese, and Tetum. The body of the paper is concerned with the analysis and description of a limited and fragmentary corpus that was tape recorded in the early 1950s by the Missao Antropológica de Timor. These materials, together with the available written sources, permit a preliminary account of certain aspects of the phonology (the sequence V + [ng], palatal affricates, [r], and reflexes of Old Portuguese /ei/ and /l/) and the morphosyn-tax of the creole (the NP, the genetive possessive construction, the predicate, the negators and TMA system, and clause structure). Comparisons are made with other varieties of East Asian Creole Portuguese and SACP throughout. It is found that the language of Bidau is closely related to the creoles of Malacca and Macao.
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McWILLIAM, ANDREW. "Harbouring Traditions in East Timor: Marginality in a Lowland Entrepôt." Modern Asian Studies 41, no. 6 (July 18, 2007): 1113–43.

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Drawing on the literature of networks and marginality, this paper explores the social history of the small trading port of Com on the northeast coast of Timor. Com's marginality, as I define it, is constituted as a remote outpost of inter-island and trans-local trade networks of the Indonesian archipelago, and reproduced in its contemporary isolation from centres of economic power and processes of the global market. The paper draws on narrative traditions and documentary evidence to chart Com's fluctuating historical fortunes and contemporary cultural practices. In the fragile post-independence environment of Timor Leste, the resident population of Com is once again looking towards a creative engagement with external others in the hope of renewed prosperity.
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FORTIER, Jacob. "EAST TIMOR: WHEN STATE REPRESSION MAKES SECESSION EASIER (1975-2002)." Conflict Studies Quarterly 35 (April 2021): 18–36.

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Why does state violence sometimes fail to crush a secessionist movement and instead facilitate international support for the separatist cause? Based on the literature on the international recognition of secessionist entities and on the impact of state repression against social movements, this paper develops an argument according to which the timing of certain repressive events make them more likely to generate an international backlash and thus facilitate external support for secessionists. To backfire internationally, state violence must occur at the right time—that is, when the secessionists have gained sufficient media attention, put in place an appropriate organizational structure, and have abandoned violent tactics for a nonviolent campaign. Using the secession process of East Timor as a case study, this paper shows how the international moral outrage that followed the Dili massacre (1991),combined with a changing geopolitical context, have boosted the foreign support of the secessionist movement in East Timor and allowed it to obtain important concessions from Jakarta. Keywords: State repression, Secession, East Timor, Political violence, International Relations
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Suwartiningsih, Sri, and Daru Purnomo. "Harmoni Sosial Berbasis Kearifan Lokal “Doa Arwah” pada Masyarakat Perbatasan Indonesia-Timor Leste." Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) 5, no. 2 (January 6, 2020): 170.

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Indonesian citizens in the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste, particularly in Humusu-Wini village, NTT and the Sakato-Nepane district Oecusse, East Timor. Although these two areas are separated by different status of the country, the communities there always interact and visit each other. This research aims to explain local wisdom which motivates social harmony in the Indonesian border community of Timor Leste. To achieve these objectives, this study prioritizes methods such as participant-observation or direct participatory observation, interviews, literature review, and documents. The conclusions in Humusu Wini village, Insana Utara district, East Nusa Tenggara. From the results of the study, it was obtained that the local wisdom "Doa Arwah" as one of the ties of kinship between citizens who are now in different countries or across countries, so as to create social harmony
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O presente ensaio examina o romance A última morte do coronel Santiago (2003), do escritor timorense Luís Cardoso, tomando como referência as categorias da memória, da história e do exílio. Com base nos estudos de Paul Ricoeur, desenvolve-se as noções da memória. Em relação aos aspectos que envolvem a condição do sujeito exilado, a análise recorre às reflexões de Edward Said. O texto discorre sobre o percurso da personagem principal, um jovem escritor nascido no Timor-Leste exilado em Lisboa, realçando as memórias do mesmo em relação ao seu país de origem, bem como chama atenção para as lembranças do escritor para com seu pai, um defensor do salazarismo.Palavras-chave: Memória. Exílio. Literatura do Timor-Leste. Luís Cardoso.ABSTRACTThis essay examines the novel A última morte do coronel Santiago (“The Last Death of Colonel Santiago”) (2003), by the Timorese writer Luis Cardoso, taking as reference the categories of memory, history and exile. The notions of memory are developed based on the studies of Paul Ricoeur. For the analysis of the aspects involving the exiled subject condition, Edward Said’s reflections are used. The text discusses the course of the main character, a young writer born in East Timor exiled in Lisbon, whose memories related to home country are highlighted, and attention is drawn to the writer’s memories of his father, a defender of Salazarism.Keywords: Memory. Exile. East Timor literature. Luís Cardoso.
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Kusuma, Ardli Johan. "Pengaruh Norma HAM Terhadap Proses Kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia." Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan 7, no. 1 (April 14, 2017): 1.

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This paper discusses about the reasons of Indonesia which provides a referendum to East Timor which resulted in East Timor being independent from Indonesia. This paper is analytical descriptive, using qualitative methods, with the data collection techniques, using "librarian research" where data to support arguments are obtained by collecting such data from various sources such as books or literature, journals, newspapers, Magazines, as well as data sourced from the internet. The results of the discussion in this paper indicate the fact that the process of independence of Timor Leste from Indonesia because of the influence of human rights norms that at that time developed and became the international world agenda. So that, with using the human rights norms, Timor Leste and the international community succeeded in intervening in Indonesia to provide a referendum to Timor Lesete as the embodiment of human rights enforcement in Indonesia. Tulisan ini membahas tentang alasan Indonesia yang memberikan referendum kepada Timor Leste yang mengakibatkan Timor Leste merdeka dari Indonesia. Tulisan ini bersifat diskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data, menggunakan teknik librarian researchdimana data-data untuk mendukung argumen diperoleh dengan cara mengumpulkan data tersebut dari berbagai sumber seperti buku-buku atau literatur, jurnal, surat kabar, majalah, maupun data-data yang bersumber dari internet. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan adanya fakta bahwa proses kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia karena adanya pengaruh dari norma HAM yang saat itu berkembang dan menjadi agenda dunia internasinal. Sehingga dengan menggunakan norma HAM tersebut, Timor Leste bersama masyarakat internasional berhasil mengintervensi Indonesia untuk memberikan referendum kepada Timor Lesete sebagai perwujudan penegakan HAM di Indonesia.
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Nenohai, Jear. "Implikasi Pedagogi Paulo Freire dan Antonia Harder Terhadap Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Manusia di Nusa Tenggara Timur." BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual 4, no. 1 (June 28, 2021): 71–89.

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Current research on human trafficking in the Christian Evangelical Church in Timor (GMIT) does not currently involve an educational approach to analyze the problem. So, the aim of this article is to contribute ideas about the pattern of contextual education for GMIT in countering human trafficking cases in East Nusa Tenggara. This study is based on a literature study comparing the critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire and Antonia Harder. After that, the authors uses this pedagogy to analyze the praxis of the mission of the Christian Evangelical Church in Timor and the contextual education practices of an alternative school named Lakoat.Kujawas. Through the mission and education dialogue, the authors see that the resistance base of GMIT has not involved culture and nature as a basis for resistance. Through the critical pedagogical analysis of Freire and Antonia Harder, the author shows the relevance of Lakoat.Kujawas’s liberation pedagogy and contextual education model for the resistance process undertaken by GMIT. Finally, this research is limited to the exploration of critical pedagogy for cases of human trafficking and not involve further politic of education, intercultural theological and practical studies on the pedagogy of liberation. AbstrakPenelitian tindak pidana perdagangan orang oleh Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor sejauh ini belum melibatkan pendekatan pendidikan di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan artikel ini ialah membedah perdagangan orang dari sudut pandang pendidikan dan memberikan kontribusi pendekatan pendidikan terhadap pengembangan perlawanan Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor kasus perdagangan orang di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada studi pustaka dengan mengandalkan pendekatan pedagogi pembebasan Paulo Freire dan Antonia Harder. Ide kedua tokoh tadi penulis pakai untuk menganalisa praksis misi perlawanan yang dikerjakan oleh Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis menunjukan bahwa dengan mengembangkan praktik pendidikan, Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor mampu mengembangkan perlawanan yang berciri membebaskan, dan berdimensi multi keilmuan dengan mengandalkan konteks warga Gereja agar Gereja Masehi Injili di Timur mampu mendidik warga Gereja agar tidak lagi menjadi pelaku perdagangan orang.
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Blum, P. G., and D. Stephens. "Severe Falciparum Malaria in Five Soldiers from East Timor: A Case Series and Literature Review." Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 29, no. 4 (August 2001): 426–34.

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Cavalcante, Marcia Vandineide. "Interlocuções literárias: resistência timorense e parcerias internacionais." Cadernos CIMEAC 11, no. 1 (June 25, 2021): 74.

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Este trabalho, por meio de uma pesquisa histórico-documental, apresenta uma descrição a respeito de diversas iniciativas da frente diplomática do Timor Leste, no decorrer do período de domínio indonésio, fase em que a literatura timorense teve um papel fundamental como elemento de denúncia e de conscientização política, tanto em seu território como nas outras ex-colônias portuguesas. Compreendendo a importância dessas articulações históricas, políticas, literárias e culturais, na segunda parte deste texto, apresenta-se uma descrição do Curso de Literatura Brasileira realizado no Departamento de Língua Portuguesa da Faculdade de Educação, Artes e Humanidades da Universidade Nacional de Timor Lorosa’e (FEAH-UNTL), realizado durante o ano de 2014, no âmbito da Cooperação Internacional entre Brasil e Timor-Leste, como uma das frentes do Programa de Qualificação Docente, executado pela CAPES, sob a coordenação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. A partir dessas descrições, fica evidenciada a importância de se pensar em um projeto de educação literária nesses diferentes contextos, de forma que se levem em consideração essas importantes inter-relações, possíveis de serem estabelecidas, e que contribuem para um crescimento cultural e científico no campo dos estudos linguísticos e literários. Teoricamente, recorre-se principalmente aos estudos de Candido (2004), Eco (2003), Guinzburg (2001) e Belintane (2017).Palavras-chave: Literatura e resistência timorense. Cooperações internacionais. Abstract: This work, based on a historical-documentary research, presents a description of several initiatives of the diplomatic front of East Timor during the Indonesian domination, a period in which Timorese literature played a fundamental role as an instrument of denouncement and political awareness, both in its territory and in the other former Portuguese colonies. Understanding the importance of these historical, political, literary and cultural linkages, the second part of this text presents a description of the Brazilian Literature Course held at the Department of Portuguese Language of the Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities of the National University of Timor Lorosa'e (FEAH-UNTL), in 2014, within the scope of International Cooperation between Brazil and Timor-Leste, as one of the working fronts of the Teacher Qualification Program, carried out by CAPES, under the coordination of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. From these descriptions, it is clear the importance of thinking about a literary education project in these different contexts, in order to take into consideration these important interrelationships, which can be possibly established, and which contribute to a cultural and scientific growth in the field of linguistic and literary studies. Theoretically, this work has as mainly references the studies of Candido (2004), Eco (2003), Guinzburg (2001) and Belintane (2017).Keywords: Timorese literature and resistance. International cooperation.
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Nadhifah, Ainun, Lars Söderström, Anders Hagborg, Eka Aditya Putri Iskandar, Ida Haerida, and Matt von Konrat. "An archipelago within an archipelago: A checklist of liverworts and hornworts of Kepulauan Sunda Kecil (Lesser Sunda Islands), Indonesia and Timor-Leste (East Timor)." PhytoKeys 180 (August 3, 2021): 1–30.

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The first ever liverwort and hornwort checklist is provided for the Kepulauan Sunda Kecil (Lesser Sunda Islands) of Indonesia and Timor-Leste (East Timor). We report 129 accepted taxa, 12 doubtful taxa and three rejected taxa previously reported for the Lesser Sunda Islands. The list is based on over 130 literature references, including monographs, regional studies, and molecular investigations. It is clear that bryophytes from this region have been overlooked historically, and under collected, compared to seed plants, birds, and other organisms, forming a remarkable gap in the flora of Indonesia. Publications dealing with liverworts of Lesser Sunda Islands are few and scattered. We predict that further fieldwork, in addition to collections unveiled from regional herbaria, will uncover a number of new records that remain to be reported, especially considering that regionally widespread species have been recorded elsewhere.
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Kehi, Balthasar, and Lisa Palmer. "Hamatak halirin: The cosmological and socio-ecological roles of water in Koba Lima, Timor." Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 168, no. 4 (2012): 445–71.

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The cosmological and socio-ecological roles of water, in particular spring water, have not been the subject of sustained analysis in the anthropological literatures of the eastern archipelago. Taking as our starting point the central role of water in the origin narratives and ritual practices of Koba Lima, a coalition of five ancient kingdoms located across the division of East Timor and Indonesian West Timor, we explore the profound cosmological meanings and many layered understandings of life and death associated with water. We argue that in this nuanced socio-ecological world, water is the blood and milk of the mother transformed into life itself through father fire. It is through these transformative capacities connected to water that the boundaries separating the visible and invisible worlds can be permeated, enabling the living access to matak malirin or good health and productive life force. The paper is both a contribution to the literature on archipelagic socio-cosmic dualisms and a unique ethnography which presents new material on the significance of water in this region.
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Fuah, Asnath Maria, Ahmad Yani, Rudy Priyanto, Bagus Priyo Purwanto, Jefirstson Richset Riwukore, and Fellyanus Habaora. "Analysis of the Development of Bali Cattle Population in Agriculture Ecosystem of Timor Island using System Dynamics." ANIMAL PRODUCTION 22, no. 2 (December 16, 2020): 105–17.

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Developing Bali cattle population in Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara province carries a potential issue regarding cattle population. The objective of this research was to conduct an analysis and projection of the development of Bali cattle population in the agricultural ecosystem in Timor Island using system dynamics. The research was conducted from January to September 2018. The research location was determined purposively based on the characteristics of the agricultural ecosystem located in Kupang Regency and Kupang City. The research used 60 Bali cattle and involved 102 rancher respondents. Interviews and field observations were conducted to obtain primary and secondary data. Data analysis was done by building a system dynamics using Powersim and interpreting the simulation results for the next 30 years. The analysis results of the system dynamics showed that a declining population of Bali cattle over the next 19 or 25 years due to the ranchers' current behavior. The contributing factors included calf mortality that reached 29.6% per year; Bali cow mortality was up to 14.1% per year; calving interval was 22 months; traditional farm management that it is not economical; and the rate of livestock export reached 29.5% per year of the total population. Rancher management interventions and farm policies to reduce the inhibiting factors of cattle productivity are needed to maintain the population of Bali cattle in Timor Island, especially in the agricultural ecosystem.
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Menzies, JI. "A Taxonomic Revision of Papuan Rana (Amphibia, Ranidae)." Australian Journal of Zoology 35, no. 4 (1987): 373.

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A program of stepwise discriminant analysis was used to distinguish seven groups of Papuan Rana believed, on ecological and behavioural characters, to constitute distinct species. Following the use of this method, four of these groups were associated with specific names in the literature, whereas three others could not be associated positively with any literature names and so are described as new species. Small samples from the eastern Indonesian islands and the east Melanesian islands made possible a comment on the identity of Rana occurring there. A synopsis of all species of Rana occurring in the area extending from the Indonesian islands of Timor and Seram to the Solomon Is is presented, and means of identifying species on the New Guinea mainland (by multivariate analysis or by dichotomous keys) are provided. A note on the chromosomes of some species is included.
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Sumanto, Slamet E., and Mariana Takandjandji. "Identifikasi Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan oleh Masyarakat: Upaya Konservasi Sumber Daya Genetik dan Sosial Budaya." Buletin Plasma Nutfah 20, no. 1 (October 12, 2016): 27.

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<p>Utilization of Forest Products by the Society at the Time Have Been Amended Due to Changes in Tastes and Consumption Levels of Society and Increase Social Dynamics of Society. Slamet E. Sumanto and Mariana Takandjandji. This study aims to determine patterns of utilization of forest products by communities and the pattern changes and the influence on forest management. Research conducted in Timor Tengah Selatan regency of East Nusa Tenggara. Methods of data collection using direct interview techniques, field documentation and library literature. The results showed that the general public has long recognized and use forest products for housing construction, energy and wood fences, craft materials and traditional musical instruments, a dye, and the use of other (honey bees, forest products followup likes as tamarin and walnut, as well as handicrafts). Local knowledge and utilization of local plant species should be a consideration in forest management policy in the future.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pemanfaatan hasil hutan oleh masyarakat pada saat ini telah mengalami perubahan karena perubahan selera dan tingkat konsumsi masyarakat serta peningkatan dinamika sosial masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pemanfaatan hasil hutan oleh masyarakat dan pola perubahannya serta pengaruhnya terhadap pengelolaan hutan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara langsung, dokumentasi lapang serta beberapa literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara umum masyarakat telah lama mengenal dan memanfaatkan hasil hutan untuk keperluan pembangunan rumah, kayu energi dan pagar, bahan kerajinan dan alat musik tradisional, bahan pewarna kain, serta pemanfaatan lainnya (lebah madu, hasil hutan ikutan asam dan kemiri, kerajinan tangan). Pengetahuan lokal dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan lokal seyogianya dapat menjadi pertimbangan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan di masa depan.</p>
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McWilliam, Andrew. "Looking for Adê: A contribution to Timorese historiography." Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 163, no. 2-3 (2008): 221–38.

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In the centuries-old and turbulent history of Portuguese colonialism in East Timor, place names such as Lifao, Mena, Manatuto, Kupang and Dili (after 1769) are redolent of the early record of contact and trading relationships that fuelled the colonial desire for sandalwood, slaves and Christian souls in equal measure. Another name of similar antiquity and significance, also widely reported in the collective Portuguese archive, is the trading entrepôt of Adê (sometimes written as Adem). However, whereas most of these former ports of Portuguese engagement have retained their emplaced identity both within the historical record and as sites of contemporary settlement, the significance of Adê has faded with time. It rarely features in the contemporary Portuguese literature, and much uncertainty now surrounds its physical location beyond a general idea that it lay somewhere along the north coast of the island east of the current capital of Dili. In this brief communication I attempt to shed some light on the whereabouts of this curious and otherwise obscure fragmenta of Timorese historiography.
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Moro, Francesco N., and Marco Mayer. "Intervento umanitario e scienza politica: un'agenda di ricerca e alcune osservazioni preliminari." TEORIA POLITICA, no. 3 (February 2009): 151–78.

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- The article seeks to provide a general framework to interpret humanitarian intervention with the "tools" of political science. It focuses on intervention where military force is directly applied and a phase of stabilization and reconstruction follows military operations. As such, it deals with six major cases: Kurdistan, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, East Timor and Kosovo. The central argument of the article is that a thorough understanding of humanitarian interventions is possible only by recurring to approaches and branches of political science that have been traditionally left out from the analysis of such phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to provide a first-cut but comprehensive approach to the analysis of humanitarian interventions, bringing in sometimes overlooked tools provided by literature political science, and to provide the basis for more thorough theoretical and empirical work on the subject. It should also shed light on relevant changes in the global security environment after the Cold War, focusing on the new opportunities, but also on the often overlooked constraints, to foreign intervention.
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Durand, Frédéric. "Christopher J. Shepherd, Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters. Ethnography and Animism in East Timor, 1860-1975. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, Southeast Asia Publication Series, 2019, xxiii-326 p. ISBN: 978-8-776942-67-0." Archipel, no. 99 (July 15, 2020): 307310.

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Roy Jaya Saragih, Wiwin, I. Made Sendra, and I. GPB Sasrawan Mananda. "KARAKTERISTIK DAN MOTIVASI WISATAWAN EKOWISATA DI BALI (STUDI KASUS DI JARINGAN EKOWISATA DESA)." Jurnal IPTA 3, no. 1 (January 18, 2015): 17.

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This study discusses about tourist characteristic and motivation in Pelaga, Badung Regency, Sibetan, Karangasem Regency, and Tenganan, Karangasem Regency. These three villages were developed into ecotourism village by JED (Village Ecotourism Network). Ecotourism is a community- based tourism, enviromentally sound, and responsible for sustainability. By seeing the number of visitor in Pelaga Ecotourism Village which has yet to reach the target, this is the impact of marketing system is still very common conducted without regard to the characteristics and motivations of tourists. This research purposes is to know the tourist characteristic and motivation who visit Pelaga, Sibetan, and Tenganan Ecotourism Village. Data collection in this research is done by direct obeservation to Pelaga Village, Sibetan Village, and Tenganan Village. Deep interview with the manager of JED and then deep interview with the coordinator of JED in every village, and also deep interview with the tourist to know their motivation visit Pelaga Ecotourism Village. While also using literature study and documentation. The result of this research show that in term geographic characteristic the visitor in Pelaga, Sibetan, and Tenganan Village is come from various country namely USA , Australia, Thailand, Japan, Germany, Canada, Netherland, England, France, Norway, Belgium, Philippines, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, China, Poland, East Timor, Finland, Korea. In term socio- demographic characteristic the tourist who visit Pelaga and Sibetan dominated by man and in productive age, while in Tenganan is dominated by women and in older age. The whole tourist in three villages are work in private or public sector, and high educational background. Most of tourists who visit, have the motivation to know the culture in three villages.
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Liem, Yoseph, and Rilia Rigina Mahagarmitha. "HABITAT PERKOTAAN DI KOTA KUPANG." ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur 5, no. 1 (June 10, 2020): 31–40.

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Title: Urban Habitat in Kupang City The issue of urban space clash in Indonesia is not only in the level of space occupation but also in the loss of habitat-driving force in the city. It is also happening in the city of Kupang as capital of East Nusa Tenggara Province, and also as the border region with the state of Timor Leste. The city of Kupang developing at this time, continues to carry out the growth to the coastal areas . It is in fact contradictory to the regulations that have been made before. The area in this case study of the research is Pasir Panjang Beach - Kelapa Lima, where it is locate in previously a habitat for fishermen colonies in the coastal area of Kupang City. Next to this location is a public space. This study aims to determine the conflict of interest in the space utilization in the city of Kupang. The descriptive research methods will be used, through literature studies, Kupang City government documents, observations, and interviews with local communities. Based on the results of the analysis, there are deviations in the function of urban space, which initially is a public space, then turned into a commercial area. Thus, in this study, it can be concluded that urban space can be assessed in terms of its function and role within the city in reallity can be influenced through the process of adaptation, negotiation, and power play. Changes in function of the urban space can cause various kinds of urban problems, including social issues, the environment, and unbalanced city growth.
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KITLV, Redactie. "Book reviews." Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 168, no. 4 (2012): 519–72.

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Tony Day and Maya H.T. Liem (eds), Cultures at war: The Cold War and cultural expression in Southeast Asia (Manneke Budiman) Fox, Richard, Critical reflections on religion and media in contemporary Bali (Martin Ramstedt) Faisal S. Hazis, Domination and contestation: Muslim bumiputera politics in Sarawak (Gerhard Hoffstaedter) Liesbeth Hesselink, Healers on the colonial market: Native doctors and midwivesin the Dutch East Indies (Leo van Bergen) May Ingawanij and Benjamin McKay (eds), Glimpses of freedom: Independent cinema in Southeast Asia (Katinka van Heeren Laura Jarnagin (ed.), The making of the Luso-Asian world: Intricacies of engagement (Hans Hägerdal) J.J.P. de Jong, Avondschot: Hoe Nederland zich terugtrok uit zijn Aziatisch imperium (William H. Frederick) Eben Kirksey, Freedom in entangled worlds: West Papua and the architecture of global power (Pieter Drooglever) Lev, Daniel S., No concessions: The life of Yap Thiam Hien, Indonesian human rights lawyer (Gerry van Klinken) Rémy Madinier, L’Indonésie, entre démocratie musulmane et Islam intégral: Histoire du parti Masjumi (1945-1960) (Chiara Formichi) Rod Nixon, Justice and governance in East Timor: Indigenous approaches and the ‘New Subsistence State’ (Hans Hägerdal) Philippe M.F. Peycam, The birth of Vietnamese political journalism: Saïgon 1916-1930 (Pierre Brocheux) Harry Poeze, Madiun 1948: PKI bergerak (Avsi Warman Adam) Ronit Ricci, Islam translated: Literature, conversion, and the Arabic cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia (William Cummings) Sokhieng Au, Mixed medicines: Health and culture in French colonial Cambodia (Leo van Bergen) Kobkua Suwannathat-Pian, Palace, political party and power: A story of the sociopolitical development of Malay Kingship (A.J. Stockwell) G. Teitler, Op het koloniale oorlogspad; De strijd tegen Moslim-fundamentalisten ter Westkust van Sumatra (1817-1838), vergeleken met de Russische verovering van Tjetsjenië en Dagestan (1817-1859) (Joshua Gedacht) Gerard Termorhuizen, Realisten en reactionairen: Een geschiedenis van de Indisch-Nederlandse pers 1905-1942 (Pieter Drooglever) Tjien Oei (ed.), Memoirs of Indonesian doctors and professionals 2; More stories that shaped the lives of Indonesian doctors (Vivek Neelakantan) Tomomi Ito, Modern Buddhism and Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu: A social history (Justin McDaniel) Geoff Wade and Li Tana (eds), Anthony Reid and the study of the Southeast Asian past (Henk Schulte Nordholt) Roxana Waterson and Kwok Kian-Woon (eds), Contestations of memory in Southeast Asia (Kevin Blackburn)
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Utomo, Imam Budi. "Kerusakan Alam Kalimantan Timur Di Mata Sastrawan Lokal." ATAVISME 17, no. 1 (June 30, 2014): 17–28.

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This study aims to identify and expose the opinion of local writers of East Kalimantan on various environmental devastations and their causes in East Kalimantan. Using sociology of literature, it can be identified that the writers of East Kalimantan are closely related to and care about their neighborhood environment which is now suffering from devastation. Those writers actually hold a truly crucial role in publicizing that environment may turn into a ”hell” for a human being if it is not well taken care and preserved. This study aims to identify and expose the opinion of local writers of East Kalimantan on various environmental devastations and their causes in East Kalimantan. Using sociology of literature, it can be identified that the writers of East Kalimantan are closely related to and care about their neighborhood environment which is now suffering from devastation. Those writers actually hold a truly crucial role in publicizing that environment may turn into a ”hell” for human being if it is not well taken care and preserved. Key Words: environmental devastation; writers of East Kalimantan; sociology of literature Abstrak: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengungkapkan pandangan sastrawan lokal Kalimantan Timur terhadap berbagai kerusakan alam dan penyebab kerusakan alam di Kalimantan Timur. Dengan menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra dapat diketahui bahwa sastrawan Kalimantan Timur sangat akrab dan peduli dengan lingkungan hidup di sekitar mereka yang pada saat ini tengah mengalami kerusakan. Para sastrawan Kalimantan Timur tersebut sesungguhnya mempunyai peran yang sangat vital dalam mengampanyekan betapa lingkungan hidup dapat menjadi “neraka” bagi umat manusia jika tidak dipelihara dan dilestarikan.
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Latief, Imam Nazarudin. "EVALUASI KAPABILITAS AUDIT INTERNAL PADA PERWAKILAN BPKP PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR." Research Journal of Accounting and Business Management 2, no. 1 (June 26, 2018): 59.

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This study aims to determine (1) To know the understanding of the enhancement of APIP capability by using Internal Audit Capability Model (IA-CM) (2) To know the internal audit capability level at the BPKP Representative of East Kalimantan Province and the efforts to be taken to improve and maintain it. This research was conducted at BPKP Representative of East Kalimantan Province. Period assessed by the author's internal audit capability is the period of 2016.This research is conducted by field research and literature research by reading the literature related to the problem under study. The data used to evaluate internal audit capability at BPKP Representative of East Kalimantan Province is data of internal audit capability condition of BPKP Representative of East Kalimantan Province. The analytical tool used in this research is Head of BPKP Regulation No. 16 of 2015 on Technical Guidelines for Capacity Improvement of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus.The result of this research is internal audit capability of BPKP Representative of East Kalimantan Province on elements of Role and Service, Professional Practice, Accountability and Performance Management, Organizational Relations and Culture, The Governance Structure is at level 3 (integrated), while the element of Human Resource Management is at level 2 (infrastructure). Based on the evaluation of the six elements, the internal audit capability of BPKP Representative of East Kalimantan Province is at level 3 (integrated) with the record.
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Dzulfaroh, Ahmad Naufal. "STATUS SOSIAL NON-MUSLIM DI TIMUR TENGAH." Jurnal Penelitian Agama 20, no. 1 (June 4, 2019): 1–23.

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This study aims to find detailed data on non-muslim social status in the Middle East, particularly the social status of Coptic Christian groups in Egypt, Christian Maronites in Lebanon, Christian in Sudan as well as Jewish communities in Egypt, Iraq and Iran. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative through literature review. The authors analyzed matters relating to the existence of groups, social and political status of non-muslim communities in the Middle East. As for the results of this analysis is first, non-muslim existence in the Middle East as a whole occupies a position as a minority group. This is due to the long history of the Islamic journey that has captured the entire Middle East region and the diaspora of the non-muslim population to the West. Second, in general, non-muslim groups in the Middle East are able to co-exist well with the majority. However, in certain situations minority groups are often subjected to several acts of terror, such as killing and assaulting houses of worship. Third, judging from the right received by non-muslim groups in the Middle East as citizens, only Sudanese Christian groups, Jewish Communities in Iraq and Iran are received discriminatory treatment. Fourth, politically, only the Egyptian and Christian Copts of Sudan received discriminatory treatment from the government, both political and parliamentary. Keywords: Social Status, Non-muslim, Middle East
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Kurniawan, Andi. "Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia dan Thailand terhadap Pasar Timur Tengah." Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik 17, no. 3 (September 21, 2016): 254.

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Economic diplomacy as an instrument has been employed by Thailand to boost its export performance topartner countries, including to the Middle East region. Unlike Thailand, Indonesia the region’s largestMoslem country remains unable to capitalize on friendly relation with Middle East to boost its foreign trade.This study brought these facts into a research aimed at enriching the literatures of Indonesia’s economicrelations with Middle East. Research method used in the study was qualitative approach. It concluded thatdespite cultural diff erences, Thailand is relatively successful in conducting economic diplomacy to promoteits top commodities to this market.
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Machsum, Toha. "KEPENGAYOMAN TERHADAP SASTRA PESANTREN DI JAWA TIMUR (The Nurture of Pesantren Literature in East Java)." METASASTRA: Jurnal Penelitian Sastra 6, no. 1 (March 14, 2016): 90.

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Penelitian ini mengkaji kepengayoman sastra pesantren di Jawa Timur pada tahun 2000— 2011. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang keberadaan para pengayom sastra pesantren di Jawa Timur dan bentuk kepengayomannya pada tahun 2000—2011. Hal tersebut sangat bermanfaat dalam rangka penyusunan sejarah sastra pesantren di Jawa Timur. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori makro sastra yang dikembangkan oleh Tanaka. Teori makro sastra adalah sebuah teori yang lebih menekankan perhatiannya pada hubungan antara sastra dan masyarakat pendukungnya. Dari pembahasan dapat diketahui bahwa para pengayom sastra pesantren di Jawa Timur dilakukan oleh lembaga- lembaga pemerintah dan oleh lembaga-lembaga swasta. Sementara itu, pengayom dari penerbit, terutama penerbit-penerbit yang beranggotakan IKAPI masih sangat terbatas. Pemuatan dan penerbitan karya sastra pesantren oleh para pengayom bersifat kultural. Bentuk kepengayoman yang dilakukan oleh penerbit, baik dari lembaga pemerintah maupun dari lembaga nonpemerintah berupa pemberian hadiah kepada sanggar sastra yang tumbuh dan hidup di pesantren, pendiskusian kesasteraaan dengan melibatkan santri, dan penerbitan hasil-hasil karya sastra.Abstract:This study focuses on the nurture of literature of pesantren (Islamic boarding school) in East Java from the years 2000 to 2011. The aim of the study is to obtain the description of the existence of the pesantren-literature nurturer in East Java and the forms of the nurture from the years 2000—2011. It is a significant part in the effort of compiling the pesantren-literature history in East Java. This study uses literary macro-theory developed by Tanaka. Literary macro-theory is a theory emphasizing its focus on the relationship between literature and its supporting community. The discussion has found that the nurturers of pesantren literature in East Java are state and private institutions. Meanwhile, there is a very limited number of nurturers from publishers, especially those which are the members of IKAPI (Association of Indonesian Publishers). The nature of the pesantren literary work publication by the nurturers is cultural. The forms of nurture by publishers, either governmental or nongovernmental, are giving awards to sanggar sastra (literary workshops) which grow and exist in pesantren, literary discussions involving santri (Islamic boarding school students), and the publication of the literary works.
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Utomo, Zahratul Hayati, and A. Syifaul Qulub. "BAZNAS JAWA TIMUR DAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DISABILITAS PONOROGO." Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 7, no. 3 (June 25, 2020): 544.

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This study aims to find out how the East Java BAZNAS is in the empowerment of disability communities in Sidoharjo Village, Jambon District, Ponorogo, East Java, and to look at the problems that exist to find a solution together. The descriptive qualitative approach with the case study method is the research method used. Using interviews with informants, namely, people who are trusted by BAZNAS to distribute and monitor what is needed by the community and he is also an officer of the Kesra sub-district in Sidoharjo Village. The secondary data comes from journal articles, textbooks and other literature. The results of the study were that the BAZNAS program was very instrumental in helping the community in Sidoharjo Village. Assistance is given aiming to empower people with disabilities; in reality, it fails in the middle of the road. For this reason, community participation is needed considering that human resources are vital to assist them because they can still be empowered as long as they are patient, especially those with mild and moderate disabilities.Keywords: East Java Baznas, Community Empowerment, Disabled Persons, Disability Community Empowerment
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Priambodo, Dhimas Akbar, Ahmad Zafrullah Tn, and Bambang Budiarto. "PERKEMBANGAN EKSPOR NON-MIGAS PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR PERIODE 2013-2017." Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 23, no. 2 (July 11, 2019): 67–74.

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This study aims to analyze the development of non-oil and gas exports in East Java Province, seen from the value of non-oil exports and the 10 main commodities of non-oil and gas exports over a period of 5 years (2013-2017) and also seen from the intense competition in the international market. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that describes the conditions of non-oil export in East Java Province. The data used in this study are East Java Province non-oil and gas export data from 2013 to 2017 obtained from existing sources, such as government agencies and various literatures. The results showed that the development of East Java province’s non-oiland gas exports in the 2013-2017 period showed a large increase, as did the exports of the 10 main non-oil and gas export commodities also tended to increase for 5 years. The obstacles that occur in the non-oil exports of East Java Province are mostly due to the sluggish international market and other obstacles that occur in the export areas of East Java Province. Opportunities to increase non-oil and gas exports can be done by maximizing natural resources and human resources as well as government policies of East Java Province.
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Asmoro, Agung Yoga, and Firdaus Yusrizal. "POTENSI POLA PERJALANAN EKOWISATA JAWA TIMUR PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19." Jurnal IPTA 9, no. 1 (July 19, 2021): 11.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the tourism sector. Tourism industries have ceased operations in line with travel restrictions imposed by most countries. With various considerations, the tourism sector must be reopened. Kemenparekraf said ecotourism has the potential to survive in the post-COVID period. East Java with a variety of ecotourism destinations has the potential to become a leading destination. On the other hand, a pandemic caused changes in tourist behavior. Government policies that prioritize ecotourism; the advantages of East Java's ecotourism attractions; as well as a shift in the tourists' behavior who tend to travel to locations close to home, had an impact on changing tourism patterns in East Java. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach case study to reveal tour patterns in East Java, especially in the cities of Surabaya, Tuban, Batu, Malang City, Malang Regency, and Banyuwangi which contributed to 50% of East Java’s domestic tourist visits. This research was conducted in two phases, where the first stage (literature studies) guides the next phase of qualitative data in the form of interviews with tourism stakeholders. Our findings are that the majority of East Java tourists conduct tours in the regency/city where they live, ecotourism has not become the main choice of domestic tourists, local governments need to further develop potential natural attractions as ecotourism attractions, and existing ecotourism travel patterns are not yet optimized.
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Hanum, Irma Surayya, and Dahri Dahlan. "MAKNA MITOS CERITA BURUNG ENGGANG DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR." CaLLs (Journal of Culture, Arts, Literature, and Linguistics) 4, no. 1 (June 25, 2018): 31.

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This research will analyze the folklore of East Borneo in the form of myth about the hornbill descended down by Dayak Kenyah people associated with its relevance to the development of nation character. The theory used is the theory of 'layers of social reality'. The theory will reveal five layers of meaning contained in a system or symbol contained in culture and tradition. Starting from the meaning of layers of empirical meaning, to the meaning of the layer of world view at the level of ideas that store local wisdom. These findings will be formulated in the form of recommendations to specific parties, for example for the preparation of curriculum, especially local content subjects at the school level, and or for East Kalimantan Literature courses at the university level.
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Murtadlo, Muhamad. "Situs Menanga Solor Flores Timur: Jejak Islam di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)." Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan 15, no. 1 (May 10, 2018): 97.

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Solor Island, East Flores considered as one gate of the presence of three major religions (Islam, Catholicism, Christianity) in East Nusa Tenggara. The existence of Lohayong fort built by Portuguese (1566) became the beginning discussionabout history of religion in that area. This study was formulated to answer the question: whether Islam first present on the Solor Island? What kinds of evidencesthat prove of existence Islam on this island? Using archaeological and literature studies, the study concluded that there is some evidence like the presence of ulama Joe Pattiduri in Menanga at 13th century, the Fort of Menanga and the alliance of the five royal beach (Solor Watanlema). This facts also shows that Islam has been present before the Portuguese presence in the island. Keywords: Sites, Menanga, Watanlema Pulau Solor, Flores Timur menjadi saksi penting masuknya tiga agama besar (Islam, Katholik, Kristen) di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Keberadaan Benteng Lohayong yang dibangun Portugis (1566) menjadi awal diskusi masuknya agama di NTT. Penelitian ini dirumuskan untuk menjawab pertanyaan: apakah Islam lebih dahulu hadir di Pulau Solor? bukti apa saja yang bisa kita saksikan tentang Islam di Pulau Solor ini? Pendekatan kajian menggunakan studi arkeologi dan pustaka. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada beberapa bukti seperti hadirnya ulama Joe Pattiduri di Menanga abad 13, keberadaan Benteng Menanga dan Aliansi 5 kerajaan pantai Solor Watanlema. Fakta ini juga menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Agama Islam telah hadir sebelum Portugis hadir di Pulau Solor. Kata-kata Kunci: Situs, Menanga, Watan Lema
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Edwardus Iwantri, Goma. "Manusia yang Dijadikan Komoditas: Fenomena Human Trafficking di Provinsi Nusa Tengggara Timur." Populasi 28, no. 1 (September 9, 2020): 30.

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The phenomenon of human trafficking that makes humans as a commodity of trade is something that very alarming. In recent years since 2014 to 2018 the number of human trafficking cases in East Nusa Tenggara province has increased more than in other regions in Indonesia. In 2017, East Nusa Tenggara Province was ranked first of all Provinces in Indonesia related to human trafficking cases, where from January to August there were 137 cases of human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This fact is certainly very alarming for all the people and the East Nusa Tenggara government. This article aimed at finding out 1) reality of the human trafficking case in East Nusa Tenggara Province, 2) human trafficking factors in East Nusa Tenggara Province, and 3) a solution to overcome human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This article used literature study method by utilizing secondary data from various relevant sources. Human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province have increased from year to year, it was reported that during the period of 2015 to mid-2016 there were 1,667 female migrant workers of human trafficking victims in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Low human resources as a result of low level of education and economic problems such us poverty and high unemployment are that main causes of human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province. To overcame this, it is necessary to have concrete solutions like preventive action, empowerment, and improvement of the labor system.
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As one of the gates of development in eastern Indonesia, East Kalimantan Province consists of 14 regencies/ cities with commodity timber, palm oil and coal is a high per capita income of the province and the sixth largest contributor to GDP (6.08%) in Indonesia. The road network has not been able to reach the economic activity in the north and west, not all meet the requirements of the technical feasibility of such strength that resulted in damage to roads and major loss is a problem.The research objective is to formulate recommendations for the development of road transport anticipate growth in East Kalimantan province.Data collection through literature review, the results of research and related scientific publications. Descriptive analyzes were conducted to propose solutions evaluative transportasai development of effective road.Result of the research is to improve road transport services in the North East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan Central Kalimantan South East, the construction and upgrading of roads to reach districts in accordance with the carrying capacity of the traffic load, increase the accessibility index, the construction of freight and passenger terminal and bridge weigh in the order of priority locations, increasing support for MP3EI, KEK and KPI.
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Walidin, Muhammad. "Pendampingan Pemasaran Potensi Pariwisata Pagaralam Untuk Kawasan Timur Tengah." BIDIK: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 1, no. 2 (April 26, 2021): 7–19.

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Community Service with the theme Marketing the Potential Tourism of Pagaralam for the Middle East people is aimed to advocate the public to be aware of tourism and to become independent tourism ambassadors for their own region. The team from the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program collaborated with the community represented by the academic community of the Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School to develop a social media-based tourism marketing pattern (Youtube). This process begins with brainstorming, composing a narrative text, translating text into Arabic, taking pictures and video, editing, and downloading video to Youtube. The result of the program is the appearance of a short video in Arabic as a form of marketing the potential tourism of Pagaralam to the Middle East people.
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Fudholi, Moh. "Relasi Antagonistik Barat-Timur: Orientalisme vis a vis Oksidentalisme." Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam 2, no. 2 (October 16, 2015): 389.

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Encounter of the East and the West due to such various interests as economic, political, scientific, cultural has been a major factor in the study of western scientists (Orientalists) about the East that produces a variety of works in the fields of archeology, history, literature, environment, customs, and Islamic studies. Meanwhile, resistance against Orientalism in the form of Occidentalism, as initiated by Hasan Hanafî, seems to be closely related to ‘obsession’ and hopes of someone who frustrated and dissatisfied with the condition of the world he has dealt with as the project of civilization he offered seemed to be too theoretical to be applied into the form of well established science. This is a fact that, unlike Orientalism that has born from strength, power, and has been then smoothly formed, Occidentalism was created by the East that was defeated and suffered from weakness and at the same time merely has an obsession. In spite of the impression, apparently, what has been attempted in Occidentalism is dismantling the text, another interpretation, and building a new, more proportional context.
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Ashaf, Mohammad Arifullah. "AKAR EPISTEMIK HEGEMONI POLITIK BARAT TERHADAP NASIONALISME DI TIMUR TENGAH." Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan 24, no. 2 (December 15, 2016): 225.

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<p class="IIABSBARU">Nationalism in the Middle East until now have not been able to create an atmosphere of peace in the life of the nation. This spawned the thesis that the nationalism that developed there really is not free from the influence of Western Europe to split the power of Islamic world power. This paper is directed to probe the roots of Western European political epistemic hegemony on nationalism in the Middle East by applying the method of literature study. Hegemony of colonialism in Middle East supported the rise of nationalism. Nationalism made Islam no longer used as the basis of unity of nations in the Middle East as is in the caliphate system. Nationalism is an imported product that is inseparable to modernization with the effect of disrupting the unity of the Islamic world, especially in countries of the Middle East.</p><p class="IIABSBARU"> </p><p class="IIABSBARU">***</p>Nasionalisme di Timur Tengah hingga saat ini belum mampu menimbulkan suasana damai dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Hal ini melahirkan thesis bahwa Nasionalisme yang berkembang di sana sebenarnya tidak lepas dari pengaruh atau bahkan sketsa Eropa Barat untuk memecahbelah kekuatan dunia Islam. Tulisan ini diarahkan untuk menelisik akar epistemik hegemoni politik Eropa Barat atas Nasionalisme di Timur Tengah dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur. Kolonialisme yang menghegemoni Timur Tengah mendorong lahir­nya Nasionalisme. Nasionalisme membuat Islam tidak digunakan lagi sebagai dasar persatuan bangsa-bangsa di Timur Tengah sebagai mana pada sistem khilafah. Nasionalisme merupakan produk impor yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan modernisasi, yang mengakibatkan kekacauan bagi persatuan di dunia Islam khususnya di negara-negara Timur Tengah.
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Faisal Reza, Adisty Shabrina Nurqamarani,. "ANALISIS DAMPAK PEMBANGUNAN SAMARINDA BARU (BSB) TERHADAP PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR." Research Journal of Accounting and Business Management 2, no. 2 (December 20, 2018): 161.

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This is a descriptive research regarding economic impact analysis of APT Pranoto Airport or called “Bandara Samarinda Baru” in East Kalimantan region. The aim of the project was to provide the evidence on the economic benefits resulted from Samarinda Baru airport by applying economic impact analysis. This article primarily focused on expenditure impacts as well as brief information of non-pecuniary impacts of Samarinda Baru airport project during operational phase. At the research stage, the project focused on examining the previous literatures of economic impact studies at the same time as investigating reports on the Samarinda Baru airport. The project involved a strong element of analysis on academic literatures, reports from Dinas Perhubungan Kalimantan Timur and Unit Pengelola Bandar Udara (UPBU) Kalimantan Timur. The methodology applied input output approach based on multipliers and relies on secondary data collection as primary method. The findings showed that there are numerous economic and non economic benefits resulted from the development of Bandara Samarinda Baru, included increase employment of local workers, increase expenditure within the region which impacted to better money circulation within the region, and also increase learning opportunities and create positive image towards cities around the airport location which in turn to economic welfare throughout East Kalimantan province. This finding can be used to emphasize Samarinda Baru airport contribution to East Kalimantan region and support its development in gaining funding and acceptance from local community.
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Muhammad, Achmad Djumlani, and Enos Paselle. "STUDI TENTANG PEMANFAATAN E-PROCUREMENT PADA DINAS PEKERJAAN UMUM KABUPATEN KUTAI TIMUR." Jurnal Paradigma (JP) 8, no. 1 (December 3, 2019): 22.

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This study aims to determine and analyze the use of E-Procurement at the Public Works Office of East Kutai RegencyThis research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data were obtained through interviews, observation and literature review, and analyzed by interactive models. The results showed that in general, the use of E-Procurement at the Public Works Office of East Kutai Regency could facilitate the selection of auction/tender service providers because it was done through electronic websites and the internet so as to save time and costs in the auction process for the procurement of goods and services. Keywords: Utilization, E-Procurement, Procurement, Electronics, Internet.
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Hasibuan, Hamdi Abdullah, and Ernawati Simatupang. "Peran Tradisi Boteng Tunggul dalam Memperkuat Civic Culture Masyarakat Adat Lombok." Jurnal Kewarganegaraan 18, no. 1 (March 30, 2021): 19.

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AbstractBoteng Tunggul is one of the traditions of the East Lombok community which has unique wisdom values. This tradition is always carried out at the traditional ceremonies of the East Lombok people. In the process of implementing the Boteng Tunggul tradition, it becomes a tradition that has elements that can strengthen the civic culture in it. This research will explore the role of the boteng waiting tradition in strengthening the civic culture for the people of East Lombok. This study uses a qualitative approach to literature study methods. In this research, we will use the first data source. The data collection technique is done by using literature studies. In doing data analysis technique is done by reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found the entanglement of the Boteng Tunggul tradition by strengthening the civic culture in the people of East Lombok. In the stump, boteng tradition becomes a culture that can sustain citizens in it as a form of realizing the identity of the indigenous people of Lombok. This tradition is always carried out by the people of East Lombok by instilling the values of togetherness, mutual cooperation, responsibility, and tolerance in it. As well as this has illustrated that the civic culture can be strengthened by preserving and advancing this tradition.---------------AbstrakBoteng Tunggul merupakan salah satu tradisi dari masyarakat Lombok timur yang memiliki nilai-nilai kearifan lokal. Tradisi ini senantiasa dilaksanakan pada upacara adat masyarakat Lombok timur. Dalam proses pelaksanaan tradisi Boteng Tunggul menjadi tradisi memiliki unsur yang dapat memperkuat civic culture didalamnya. Penelitian ini akan mengeksplorasi peran dari tradisi Boteng Tunggu untuk menguatkan civic culture bagi masyarakat Lombok Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan sumber data pertama. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan studi literatur. Dalam melakukan teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi data, display data, verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan keterkaitan tradisi Boteng Tunggul dengan memperkuat civic culture pada masyarakat Lombok Timur. Pada tradisi Boteng Tunggul menjadi kebudayaan yang dapat menopang warga negara didalamnya sebagai bentuk untuk mewujudkan identitas masyarakat adat Lombok. Tradisi ini selalu dilaksanakan masyarakat Lombok Timur dengan menanamkan nilai kebersamaan, gotong royong, tanggung jawab serta toleransi di dalamnya. Serta hal ini telah menggambarkan bahwa budaya kewarganegaraan dapat diperkuat dengan tetap melestarikan dan memajukan tradisi ini.
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Widiastuti, Suryana, Meike Meilan Lisangan, and Ludia T. Wambrauw. "Analisis Kasus Stunting dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan di Kampung Arowi Distrik Manokwari Timur." Cassowary 4, no. 2 (June 27, 2021): 159–71.

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West Papua Province currently ranks 27 out of 34 Provisni in Indonesia with the prevalence of stunting cases. There are 3,141 children in West Papua with nutritional status with stunting in very short conditions, and 329 of them are in Manokwari Regency. East Manokwari District is one of the districts that has high stunting cases in Manokwari Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the number of stunting cases in Arowi Village, East Manokwari District. The research method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method, which is a form of research based on data collected during research systematically regarding the facts, levels of participation and factors that influence in the East Manokwari district in Arowi village which will then be interpreted and tested based on theories and literatures. Based on the research on stunting cases in Arowi Village, it can be concluded that the number of stunting cases in Arowi Village, East Manokwari District reached 18% of the total number of respondents. The highest cases of stunting were found in the respondent population who had low knowledge of nutrition and in children who often experienced infectious diseases.
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Poernomo, Eddy, Rusdi Hidayat, and Rangga Restu Prayogo. "Application of Personal Branding as a Campus “Bela Negara” at UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur." JURNAL ILMU KOMUNIKASI, no. 2 (December 7, 2018): 18–30.

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The application of personal branding has become a central element in new management practices throughout the University. Personal branding plays a role in shaping the differentiation produced by a university. Personal branding is considered important for the sustainability of an organization in introducing brands in the community. Some organizations continue to improve and introduce personal branding, including universities in Indonesia. One of the higher education that has strong personal branding is the East Java National Development University 'UPN' East Java. UPN "Veteran" East Java as a Campus “Bela Negara” that emphasizes the values of defending the country as a good citizen to be applied in universities. Various theories and literature approach, applying positive personal branding can be influenced by institution image, institution reputation, and social media. The purpose of the study was to see how much institution image, institution reputation and social media influence the personal branding owned by UPN "Veteran" East Java. The sample in this study were students who chose to study in the Study Program of FISIP Business Administration UPN "Veteran" East Java as many as 200 respondents, with a sampling technique method that is purposive sampling. Data analysis uses a model structure (PLS-SEM) with smart pls that are used to test the relationship and influence between research variables. The results of this research show that institution image is positively and significantly related to institution reputation but insignificant on personal branding. On the other hand, the institution reputation is positively and significantly related to personal branding and social media owned by universities can influence personal branding.
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Likumahwa, George Marthen, John A. Titaley, and Steve Gaspersz. "KELUAR DARI KEMISKINAN: STUDI PEMBANGUNAN DAN PEMBERDAYAAN JEMAAT DI DUSUN SIAHARI, KECAMATAN SERAM UTARA TIMUR." ARUMBAE: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi dan Studi Agama 2, no. 1 (June 4, 2020): 91–109.

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The people of Siahari, North East Seram Subdistrict, Kobi, experience poverty problems that can threaten their living. The problem covers various aspects of life, namely education, health, economy, and infrastructure which includes transportation, housing, electricity, and living foods. This research uses qualitative methods with interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study techniques. The results of the study found that the people of Siahari, North East Serobi District of Kobi were at an absolute, relative, and structural level of poverty. In addressing these issues, GPM is called upon to carry out acts of empowerment by referring to the theological foundations within them including the spirituality of ugahari. In addition, the church and the government can also build cooperation to conduct empowerment actions so that the people of Siahari can experience holistic and comprehensive transformation.
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Murtala, Murtala. "ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERTUMBUHAN JUMLAH PENDUDUK DI KABUPATEN ACEH TIMUR." Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan 9, no. 1 (December 20, 2018): 23–29.

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kelahiran, kematian, migrasi dari luar dan migrasi dari dalam terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk di Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari BPS Aceh, BAPPEDA, dan Kantor Bupati serta berbagai literatur dan terbitan berkala lainnya yang ada kaitan dengan masalah penelitian ini. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder selama periode 1995-2004 dengan peralatan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini ternyata berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan penduduk di Kabupataen Aceh Timur. Diharapkan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk di Aceh Timur dimasa yang akan datang terus meningkat dengan harapan tingkat kematian semakin berkurang dan perbaikan gizi semakin baik.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of birth rate, mortality, external migration and inward migration to population growth in East Aceh district. The data used in this research are sourced from BPS Aceh, BAPEDA, and Bupati's Office as well as various other literature and periodical publications related to this research problem. The type of data used is secondary data during the period 1995-2004 with multiple linear regression equipment. The results showed that all independent variables in this study turned out to have a significant effect on population growth in Kabupataen Aceh Timur. It is expected that population growth in East Aceh in the future will continue to increase with the expectation of decreasing death rate and better nutrition improvement.Keywords: birth rate, death, migration from outside, migration from within, population
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Permadi, Lalu Adi, Thatok Asmony, Harmi Widiana, and Hilmiati Hilmiati. "Identifikasi Potensi Desa Wisata di Kecamatan Jerowaru, Lombok Timur." Jurnal Pariwisata Terapan 2, no. 1 (May 9, 2018): 33.

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This research aimed to identify potential tourism village in the District of Jerowaru, East Lombok Regency. The data used were the primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained by interviews, while second­ary data obtained from literature related studies, websites, data and information from the local government. The study analysis were included an analysis for the tourism potential in the village and an analysis for the possiblility development of tourist villages in the district. The study found that the potential development of tourist villages in the district was spreading. The identification result showed there were 6 villages that possible for tourist village in district of Jerowaru. The villages were classified into two categories namely the village ready to be a tourism village and pre-release tour village. The villages that ready to be a tourism village in Jerowaru are Sekaroh and Ekas Buana.
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Yoelvan Negong, Yohanes. "POLITIK IDENTITAS DALAM PEMILIHAN GUBERNUR NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR 2013 DI KOTA KUPANG." Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik 8, no. 2 (February 12, 2018): 52.

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Identity politics is a concept and a political movement which the attention focus is difference as a major political category. In Indonesia the identity politics is more related to ethnicity, religion, ideology, and local interests that are generally represented by elites with their respective articulations, respectively. The direct local elections since 2005 have created an interesting phenomenon, when religious and ethnic-based politics are considered the strategic in attracting sympathy and support from the community. This research is aimed to find out the religion influence and ethnic on the voting behavior by Kupang society in the East Nusa Tenggara Governor and Vice Governor Election 2013. In this research is used Ethnic especially primordial theory by the instrumentalist approach, and religion especially religious and voting behavior approach in psychological and rational. The research method used is quantitative research method with multistage random sampling technique, with the primary data collection method using survey and document analyses as well as literature for secondary data. The results showed that religion and ethnic influence on the Kupang people voting behavior in the East Nusa Tenggara Governor and Vice Governor election 2013.
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Hatiningsih, Sayi, Dewa Gde Mayun Permana, and Sony Suwasono. "Perbandingan Cara Pengolahan Kakao Lindak (Bulk Cocoa) pada Perkebunan Besar Negara dan Perkebunan Swasta di Glenmore, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur." Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) 9, no. 2 (June 30, 2020): 230.

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The excellent quality of the cocoa beans is closely related to the processing of cocoa beans. This study aimed to compare the processing of bulk cocoa on the government estate and the private estate on Glenmore, Banyuwangi, East Java. The method use observation, interviews, and literature study to record relevant information, then analyzed with descriptive and qualitative analysis. The result showed that the government estate and the private estate on Glenmore, Banyuwangi, East Java did pay attention to the quality of cocoa beans because of the processing methods of cocoa beans of that two cocoa estates had been good, especially with the fermentation of cocoa beans. The processing of cocoa beans on the government estate on Glenmore, Banyuwangi, East Java comprises receiving raw materials, fermentation, washing or rinsing, drying, tempering, sorting, packaging, and storing. The processing of cocoa beans on the private estate on Glenmore, Banyuwangi, East Java comprises receiving raw materials, pressing, fermentation, drying, sorting, packaging, and storing. Keywords: processing of cocoa beans, Glenmore estate, fermentation.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of regional taxes as a source of Original Regional Revenue, regional strategies in increasing revenue sourced from local taxes, and the status of regional independence in East Kolaka Regency in the era of regional autonomy. This research uses mixed methods with purposive sampling technique. Data collection in this research was carried out through literature studies and field studies and then analyzed descriptively quantitatively using frequency tables. The results showed that in 2016-2018 the tax did not make the slightest contribution to regional income. The strategy of East Kolaka Regency in increasing Local Revenue through local taxes is by issuing local regulations on local taxes, promoting local regulations, intensifying tax collection, imposing sanctions on taxpayers who do not obey taxes, increasing the ability of the implementing apparatus, overseeing tax management officers, optimizing updating local tax potential data and looking for potential new tax types in the region. Other findings, East Kolaka Regency cannot be said to be an autonomous region that is independent in the implementation of regional autonomy because of the low financial capacity of the region and its dependence on central assistance is still quite high.
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Saddhono, Kundharu, and Winda Dwi Lestari. "DONGKREK: AN ISLAMIC LITERATURE AND ARTFORM IN MADIUN EAST JAVA." LITERA 18, no. 2 (July 24, 2019): 196–210.

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Dakwah refers to the spreading of Islam and its teachings through various means. Dongkrek, meanwhile, is a traditional artform with Islamic literary value that has been used as a medium for dakwah. This study seeks to describe and explore dongkrek as an artform with Islamic literary value and its use as a medium for dakwah in Madiun Regency. It is a qualitative study, which takes as its case study a dongkrek troupe from Madiun Regency. The main source of data for this study is the dongkrek performance itself; supporting data has been collected from texts and informants. Data collection involved observations, library research, and in-depth interviews with informants. For this study, data analysis was conducted using content analysis and interactive analysis. This study finds that dongkrek is an Islamic literary artform said to have been created by R. Bei Lo Prawirodipuro in 1910. It may be considered an Islamic artform as the lyrics used in performances convey Islamic teachings; it is through these lyrics that Islamic values are conveyed to audiences as a form of dakwah. It is shown that dakwah and dongkrek are complementary, ensuring both the innovativeness of dakwah and the survival of dongkrek. It may thus be said that dongkrek is both a spectator and guiding medium. Keywords: dakwah media, dongkrek, tradition, traditional performance artDONGKREK: SEBUAH SASTRA ISLAM DAN PERTUNJUKAN SENIDI MADIUN JAWA TIMUR AbstrakDakwah adalah cara menyebarkan agama Islam dengan metode yang beragam. Dongkreng adalah salah satu bentuk kesenian tradisional yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dakwah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan kesenian dongkrek yang digunakan sebagai media dakwah di Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian berbentuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kasus dilakukan pada kelompok kesenian dongkrek yang ada di Kabupaten Madiun. Sumber data utama dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk pementasan dongkrek. Sumber data pendukung adalah teks dan informan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan content analysis dan analisis interaktif. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kesenian dongkrek termasuk dalam sastra Islam yang diciptakan oleh R. Bei Lo Prawirodipuro tahun 1910. Disebut kesenian sastra Islam karena dalam kesenian dongkrek terdapat lirik lagu yang memuat tentang ajaran agama Islam. Kesenian dongkrek digunakan sebagai media dakwah dengan mengajarkan syi’ar kepada masyarakat melalui pementasan seni dan budaya. Hal ini seperti yang dilakukan oleh walisongo. Hubungan antara dakwah dan dongkrek adalah saling menguntungkan yaitu pembaruan dalam bidang dakwah serta pelesarian dalam bidang budaya. Dapat dikatakan dongkrek adalah sebagai media tontonan dan tuntunan.Kata kunci: media dakwah, dongkrek, tradisi, seni pertunjukan tradisional
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This article aims to describe and assess the existence of This article aims to describe and assess the existence of agro-tourism in rural areas with regards to employment opportunities for local villagers around the area. This study used a socio culture approach by observing the supporting elements of tourism activities. This article derived from a research in Poncokusumo village, Malang District, of East Java Province, done in 2011. This village is currently developed as one of the Agropolitan Region in East Java Province including tourism,which expected to create job opportunities for people living around the area. This study used qualitative methods in the form of indepth interviews,observation and literature review.This study indicated that tourism, in particular agro tourism, has not been able to optimally provide employment opportunities for the local community. The problems, among others, were : 1 ) tourism activities are still run under conventional practices, 2) facilities and infrastructure needed to support tourism activities are inadequate, and 3) the absence of support from various stakeholders regarding tourism activity in Poncokusumo
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