Academic literature on the topic 'East Timor literature'

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Journal articles on the topic "East Timor literature"


Capelo, Ana, Conceição Santos, and Maria Arminda Pedrosa. "Education for sustainable development in East Timor." Asian Education and Development Studies 3, no. 2 (May 6, 2014): 98–117.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the relevance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in East Timor and proposes a set of ESD indicators to be implemented in the formal education sector. Design/methodology/approach – A detailed analysis of relevant literature concerning national development plans (Republica Democrática de Timor-Leste, 2011), literature centred in East Timor and international perspectives about ESD principles, policies and values (UN reports) was carried, in order to examine the relevance of ESD in East Timor and to assist the selection of a set of ESD indicators. These indicators are proposed in order to assess and monitor if the current national policies, educational programmes, secondary school content, learning goals and activities in formal education express concerns related with ESD promotion in terms of specific curricular themes, learning characteristics, learning resources, skills, values and attitudes. Findings – This paper argues that the East Timor government has intentions in ESD promotion and implementation. Thus, ESD indicators could be helpful in assessment of new curricular practices. However, even though ESDI may indicate that secondary school programmes, content, learning goals or activities are aligned with ESD principles, it is also important to assess if they then contribute effectively to sustainable development. Originality/value – The case study of East Timor adds to the literature about the current interests of young countries such as this in progressing towards a sustainable future, starting from the selection and implementation of ESD indicators in the current curriculum reform. If it is successful, ESD will contribute to transforming not only education but also the quality of life of the East Timorese.
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Margarida Ramos, Ana. "From occupation to independence: contemporary East Timorese history and identity in Portuguese picturebooks." Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji 34, no. 3 (September 30, 2016): 58–68.

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In Portugal, the suffering and struggle of the East Timorese people for independence started a social movement of solidarity with strong repercussions in the arts, namely music and literature. Children’s Literature depicted the theme of this period of oppression in East Timor, as well as the recognition of its independence and its right to freedom, in a picturebook selected for the White Ravens List in 2003 called East Timor – Island of the Rising Sun (2001), by João Pedro Mésseder and André Letria. This unusual picturebook, characterised by a very simple and sparse, almost poetic, text combined with large-format pictures, depicts this chapter of the contemporary history of East Timor in very specific way, resembling fairy tales or legends. The text and images are combined in order to promote symbolic readings, suggesting a magical/mystical environment that impresses readers. More than a decade later, recent struggles and stories from East Timor are still present in Portuguese picturebooks such as Lya/Lia (2014), by Margarida Botelho. The social change, path to democracy and educational development, as well as daily life and children’s pastimes are now the centre of a narrative that establishes the similarities and differences between modern-day Portugal and East Timor. Our aim is to analyse both the political and ideological perspectives present in these picturebooks aimed at very young readers, offering a broad vision of different realities and contexts, even when they deal with war, death and suffering, as was the case of the East Timorese fight for independence.
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Baxter, Alan N. "Notes on the Creole Portuguese of Bidau, East Timor." Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 5, no. 1 (January 1, 1990): 1–38.

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This paper discusses a variety of Southeast Asian Creole Portuguese (henceforth SACP) formerly spoken in Bidau, Dili, East Timor. An outline of the sociohistorical setting of the language is followed by a discussion of data sources and references to Bidau Creole Portuguese (BCP) in the literature on Timor. Included is a discussion of an unpublished letter from the Vigário Geral of Timor to Hugo Schuchardt, containing a comparative list of sentences in "corrupt Portuguese," Metropolitan Portuguese, and Tetum. The body of the paper is concerned with the analysis and description of a limited and fragmentary corpus that was tape recorded in the early 1950s by the Missao Antropológica de Timor. These materials, together with the available written sources, permit a preliminary account of certain aspects of the phonology (the sequence V + [ng], palatal affricates, [r], and reflexes of Old Portuguese /ei/ and /l/) and the morphosyn-tax of the creole (the NP, the genetive possessive construction, the predicate, the negators and TMA system, and clause structure). Comparisons are made with other varieties of East Asian Creole Portuguese and SACP throughout. It is found that the language of Bidau is closely related to the creoles of Malacca and Macao.
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McWILLIAM, ANDREW. "Harbouring Traditions in East Timor: Marginality in a Lowland Entrepôt." Modern Asian Studies 41, no. 6 (July 18, 2007): 1113–43.

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Drawing on the literature of networks and marginality, this paper explores the social history of the small trading port of Com on the northeast coast of Timor. Com's marginality, as I define it, is constituted as a remote outpost of inter-island and trans-local trade networks of the Indonesian archipelago, and reproduced in its contemporary isolation from centres of economic power and processes of the global market. The paper draws on narrative traditions and documentary evidence to chart Com's fluctuating historical fortunes and contemporary cultural practices. In the fragile post-independence environment of Timor Leste, the resident population of Com is once again looking towards a creative engagement with external others in the hope of renewed prosperity.
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FORTIER, Jacob. "EAST TIMOR: WHEN STATE REPRESSION MAKES SECESSION EASIER (1975-2002)." Conflict Studies Quarterly 35 (April 2021): 18–36.

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Why does state violence sometimes fail to crush a secessionist movement and instead facilitate international support for the separatist cause? Based on the literature on the international recognition of secessionist entities and on the impact of state repression against social movements, this paper develops an argument according to which the timing of certain repressive events make them more likely to generate an international backlash and thus facilitate external support for secessionists. To backfire internationally, state violence must occur at the right time—that is, when the secessionists have gained sufficient media attention, put in place an appropriate organizational structure, and have abandoned violent tactics for a nonviolent campaign. Using the secession process of East Timor as a case study, this paper shows how the international moral outrage that followed the Dili massacre (1991),combined with a changing geopolitical context, have boosted the foreign support of the secessionist movement in East Timor and allowed it to obtain important concessions from Jakarta. Keywords: State repression, Secession, East Timor, Political violence, International Relations
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Suwartiningsih, Sri, and Daru Purnomo. "Harmoni Sosial Berbasis Kearifan Lokal “Doa Arwah” pada Masyarakat Perbatasan Indonesia-Timor Leste." Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology) 5, no. 2 (January 6, 2020): 170.

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Indonesian citizens in the border of Indonesia and Timor Leste, particularly in Humusu-Wini village, NTT and the Sakato-Nepane district Oecusse, East Timor. Although these two areas are separated by different status of the country, the communities there always interact and visit each other. This research aims to explain local wisdom which motivates social harmony in the Indonesian border community of Timor Leste. To achieve these objectives, this study prioritizes methods such as participant-observation or direct participatory observation, interviews, literature review, and documents. The conclusions in Humusu Wini village, Insana Utara district, East Nusa Tenggara. From the results of the study, it was obtained that the local wisdom "Doa Arwah" as one of the ties of kinship between citizens who are now in different countries or across countries, so as to create social harmony
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O presente ensaio examina o romance A última morte do coronel Santiago (2003), do escritor timorense Luís Cardoso, tomando como referência as categorias da memória, da história e do exílio. Com base nos estudos de Paul Ricoeur, desenvolve-se as noções da memória. Em relação aos aspectos que envolvem a condição do sujeito exilado, a análise recorre às reflexões de Edward Said. O texto discorre sobre o percurso da personagem principal, um jovem escritor nascido no Timor-Leste exilado em Lisboa, realçando as memórias do mesmo em relação ao seu país de origem, bem como chama atenção para as lembranças do escritor para com seu pai, um defensor do salazarismo.Palavras-chave: Memória. Exílio. Literatura do Timor-Leste. Luís Cardoso.ABSTRACTThis essay examines the novel A última morte do coronel Santiago (“The Last Death of Colonel Santiago”) (2003), by the Timorese writer Luis Cardoso, taking as reference the categories of memory, history and exile. The notions of memory are developed based on the studies of Paul Ricoeur. For the analysis of the aspects involving the exiled subject condition, Edward Said’s reflections are used. The text discusses the course of the main character, a young writer born in East Timor exiled in Lisbon, whose memories related to home country are highlighted, and attention is drawn to the writer’s memories of his father, a defender of Salazarism.Keywords: Memory. Exile. East Timor literature. Luís Cardoso.
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Kusuma, Ardli Johan. "Pengaruh Norma HAM Terhadap Proses Kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia." Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan 7, no. 1 (April 14, 2017): 1.

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This paper discusses about the reasons of Indonesia which provides a referendum to East Timor which resulted in East Timor being independent from Indonesia. This paper is analytical descriptive, using qualitative methods, with the data collection techniques, using "librarian research" where data to support arguments are obtained by collecting such data from various sources such as books or literature, journals, newspapers, Magazines, as well as data sourced from the internet. The results of the discussion in this paper indicate the fact that the process of independence of Timor Leste from Indonesia because of the influence of human rights norms that at that time developed and became the international world agenda. So that, with using the human rights norms, Timor Leste and the international community succeeded in intervening in Indonesia to provide a referendum to Timor Lesete as the embodiment of human rights enforcement in Indonesia. Tulisan ini membahas tentang alasan Indonesia yang memberikan referendum kepada Timor Leste yang mengakibatkan Timor Leste merdeka dari Indonesia. Tulisan ini bersifat diskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data, menggunakan teknik librarian researchdimana data-data untuk mendukung argumen diperoleh dengan cara mengumpulkan data tersebut dari berbagai sumber seperti buku-buku atau literatur, jurnal, surat kabar, majalah, maupun data-data yang bersumber dari internet. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan adanya fakta bahwa proses kemerdekaan Timor Leste dari Indonesia karena adanya pengaruh dari norma HAM yang saat itu berkembang dan menjadi agenda dunia internasinal. Sehingga dengan menggunakan norma HAM tersebut, Timor Leste bersama masyarakat internasional berhasil mengintervensi Indonesia untuk memberikan referendum kepada Timor Lesete sebagai perwujudan penegakan HAM di Indonesia.
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Nenohai, Jear. "Implikasi Pedagogi Paulo Freire dan Antonia Harder Terhadap Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Manusia di Nusa Tenggara Timur." BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual 4, no. 1 (June 28, 2021): 71–89.

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Current research on human trafficking in the Christian Evangelical Church in Timor (GMIT) does not currently involve an educational approach to analyze the problem. So, the aim of this article is to contribute ideas about the pattern of contextual education for GMIT in countering human trafficking cases in East Nusa Tenggara. This study is based on a literature study comparing the critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire and Antonia Harder. After that, the authors uses this pedagogy to analyze the praxis of the mission of the Christian Evangelical Church in Timor and the contextual education practices of an alternative school named Lakoat.Kujawas. Through the mission and education dialogue, the authors see that the resistance base of GMIT has not involved culture and nature as a basis for resistance. Through the critical pedagogical analysis of Freire and Antonia Harder, the author shows the relevance of Lakoat.Kujawas’s liberation pedagogy and contextual education model for the resistance process undertaken by GMIT. Finally, this research is limited to the exploration of critical pedagogy for cases of human trafficking and not involve further politic of education, intercultural theological and practical studies on the pedagogy of liberation. AbstrakPenelitian tindak pidana perdagangan orang oleh Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor sejauh ini belum melibatkan pendekatan pendidikan di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan artikel ini ialah membedah perdagangan orang dari sudut pandang pendidikan dan memberikan kontribusi pendekatan pendidikan terhadap pengembangan perlawanan Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor kasus perdagangan orang di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada studi pustaka dengan mengandalkan pendekatan pedagogi pembebasan Paulo Freire dan Antonia Harder. Ide kedua tokoh tadi penulis pakai untuk menganalisa praksis misi perlawanan yang dikerjakan oleh Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis menunjukan bahwa dengan mengembangkan praktik pendidikan, Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor mampu mengembangkan perlawanan yang berciri membebaskan, dan berdimensi multi keilmuan dengan mengandalkan konteks warga Gereja agar Gereja Masehi Injili di Timur mampu mendidik warga Gereja agar tidak lagi menjadi pelaku perdagangan orang.
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Blum, P. G., and D. Stephens. "Severe Falciparum Malaria in Five Soldiers from East Timor: A Case Series and Literature Review." Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 29, no. 4 (August 2001): 426–34.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "East Timor literature"


Correia, Damares Barbosa. "Roteiro da literatura de Timor-Leste em língua portuguesa." Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.

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A presente pesquisa tem como escopo reunir e comentar a Literatura de Timor-Leste em língua portuguesa, tendo como base seus principais representantes. Das lendas às narrativas de viagem, da poesia dos escritores politicamente engajados aos romances escritos na diáspora, o presente estudo procura identificar as principais questões que estiveram no horizonte dos timorenses em diferentes momentos de sua história, assim como delinear a imagem que o conjunto desses textos acabou por produzir de Timor na contemporaneidade.
This research has the objective to gather and review the literature of Timor-Leste in Portuguese, based on its main representatives. The legends to travel narratives, poetry politically engaged writers of the novels written in the diaspora, this study seeks to identify the key issues that were on the horizon of the East Timorese at different times in its history, as well as outline the image that all these texts eventually produced the Timor nowadays.
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Ferreira, Priscilla de Oliveira. "Que Timor é este na literatura de Luís Cardoso?" reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2014.

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O escritor timorense Luís Cardoso reconta, a partir de sua obra, os principais acontecimentos históricos de Timor-Leste. Em seus romances, aborda também o drama dos exilados (condição que conhece bem, por viver longe de sua terra natal desde 1974) e insere ainda em suas narrativas diversos elementos identitários, culturais e tradicionais do seu país. Esta tese estuda os cinco livros do autor publicados até o momento – a trilogia Crónica de uma Travessia (1997), Olhos de Coruja, Olhos de Gato Bravo (2001) e A Última Morte do Coronel Santiago (2003); Requiem para o Navegador Solitário (2007) e O ano em que Pigafetta completou a circum-navegação (2013) – e analisa como se dá o diálogo entre história e literatura; bem como quem são os personagens que construíram esta jovem nação. Cardoso revisita o passado e ilumina pontos obscuros da história timorense, escolhe como protagonistas aqueles que nem sempre receberam destaque nas versões oficiais. A história do país, em seus romances, serve como ponto de partida para reflexões sobre o futuro da jovem nação. Seus textos são dialógicos e intertextuais, repletos de referências múltiplas, sejam literárias, musicais ou mesmo cinematográficas. Através de seus romances, os leitores são convidados a vivenciar as crenças e tradições do Timor-Leste, onde a força dos espíritos ancestrais faz parte das experiências de vida dos seus cidadãos. A riqueza de sua obra está justamente no diálogo entre os dois mundos: o tradicional e o moderno, o passado e o futuro, o ontem e o hoje.
Timorese writer Luís Cardoso retells, from his work, the major historical events of East Timor. In his novels, he adresses the drama of the exiles (condition he knows well, by living away from his homeland since 1974) and he also inserts in his narratives several identity, cultural and traditional elements of his country. This thesis studies the author’s five books published so far – the trilogy Crónica de uma Travessia (1997), Olhos de Coruja, Olhos de Gato Bravo (2001) and A Última Morte do Coronel Santiago (2003); Requiem para o Navegador Solitário (2007) and O ano em que Pigafetta completou a circumnavegação (2013) – and analyzes how the dialogue between history and literature occurs; as well as who are the characters who have built this young nation. Cardoso revisits the past and illuminates dark corners of Timorese history, chossing as protagonists those who have not always been emblazoned on the official versions. The country's history, in his novels, serves as a starting point for discussions on the future of the young nation. His texts are dialogical and intertextual, filled with multiple references, whether literary, musical or even cinematographic. Through his novels, readers are invited to experience the beliefs and traditions of East Timor, where the strength of the ancestral spirits is part of its citizens’ life experiences. The richness of his work lies precisely in the dialogue between the two worlds: the traditional and the modern, the past and the future, yesterday and today.
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Fernandes, Elda. "Desenvolvimento das competências de leitura na aula de português no ensino básico em Timor-Leste: um estudo aplicado ao 3º ciclo do ensino básico." Master's thesis, 2019.

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Dissertação de mestrado em Português Língua Não Materna (PLNM) - Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) / Língua Segunda (LS)
Tendo em conta a importância da leitura na aprendizagem de uma língua, este trabalho pretende descrever o funcionamento da atividade de leitura na aprendizagem do português dos alunos do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, em Díli, Timor-Leste. Além disso, este trabalho também pretende saber qual ou quais são as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores e pelos alunos no ato de realização da atividade de leitura na sala de aula e dar algum contributo para consciencializar os professores e os alunos sobre a importância da leitura. A metodologia utilizada na realização desta pesquisa incluiu o método qualitativo e quantitativo e análises estatísticas descritivas. Os elementos que participam nesta pesquisa são os professores e alunos do 3º ciclo do ensino básico em Díli, Timor-Leste. Os professores que participam são os de Língua Portuguesa. O trabalho baseia-se nas respostas dadas pelos inquiridos, pretendendo sugerir alguns procedimentos que servem para o melhoramento do sistema educativo em Timor-Leste, principalmente no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos processos de leitura do português. Através dos dados obtidos a partir desta pesquisa, tiramos algumas conclusões, as quais podem ser estudadas e analisadas de forma mais aprofundada por futuros investigadores.
Bearing in mind the importance of reading in language learning, this study seeks to describe how reading activities are carried out within the context of Portuguese language learning undertaken by 7th to 9th graders (3rd Cycle of Basic Education) in Dili, East Timor. Furthermore, it aims at ascertain what difficulties both teachers and students face when conducting reading activities in the classroom and make a contribution towards raising teachers’ and students’ awareness of the importance of reading. The methodology used in the research includes the qualitative and quantitative method as well as descriptive statistical analyses. Participants in the study are 3rd Cycle of Basic Education teachers and students in Dili, East Timor. The participating teachers teach Portuguese Language. The study is based on the answers provided by the respondents and suggestions are made to improve the education system in East Timor, particularly with regard to the teaching and learning process of reading in Portuguese. The data collected gave rise to some conclusions which may be object of further in-depth study and analysis by future researchers.
Haree husi sasurak ba importánsia husi leitura iha ba aprendizajen dalen nian, traballu ida-ne’e iha objetivu atu deskreve funsaun husi atividade leitura iha aprendizajen ba lian portugés husi alunu sira iha siklu da-3 husi Ensinu Báziku iha Dili, Timor-Leste. Aleinde ida-ne’e, traballu ne’e mós iha objetivu atu buka hatene difikuldade saida de’it mak manorin ho kanorin sira hasoru bainhira hala’o atividade leitura iha sala hanorin no hodi fó mós kontribuisaun ruma ba manorin ho kanorin sira, hodi nune’e, sira bele konxiente ba importánsia husi leitura ne’e. Metodolojia ne’ebé utiliza iha peskiza ida-ne’e mak métodu kualitativu no kuantitativu ho téknika ba análize no interpretasaun dadus nian mak análize estatístika deskritiva. Elementu sira ne’ebé hola parte iha peskiza ida-ne’e mak manorin sira ne’ebé hanorin unidade kurikular dalen portugés no kanorin sira husi siklu da-3 iha Ensinu Báziku nian iha Dili, Timor-Leste. Traballu ida-ne’e bazeia ba lia hatán-filak husi mahata sira, ho intensaun atu fó hanoin pontu importante balun ne’ebé bele fó kontribuisaun ba prosesu hadia sistema edukasaun iha Timor-Leste, liuliu iha prosesu promove leitura nu’udar atividade importante ida iha prosesu ensinu ho aprendizajen ba dalen portugés. Liuhusi dadus sira ne’ebé iha, ami foti konkluzaun balun ne’ebé bele sai hanesan baze ba investigadór sira iha tempu oin mai, atu nune’e sira bele halo estudu no análize ne’ebé kle’an liutan.
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Books on the topic "East Timor literature"


Trouble in East Timor. Kansas City, Mo: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 2010.

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East Timor: Island in turmoil. Minneapolis, Minn: Lerner Publications, 1998.

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McGuinn, Taro. East Timor: Island in turmoil. Minneapolis, Minn: Lerner Publications, 1998.

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Harper, Glyn. Mission to East Timor. Auckland [N.Z.]: Reed Pub., 2002.

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Silva, Daniel F. Anti-Empire: Decolonial Interventions in Lusophone Literatures. Liverpool University Press, 2018.

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Anti-Empire explores how different writers across Lusophone spaces engage with imperial and colonial power at its various levels of domination, while imagining alternatives to dominant discourses pertaining to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality, and class. Guided by a theoretically eclectic approach ranging from Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction, Postcolonial Theory, Queer Theory, and Critical Race Studies, Empire is explored as a spectrum of contemporary global power inaugurated by European expansion and propagated in the postcolonial present through economic, cultural, and political forces. Through the texts analysed, Anti-Empire offers in-depth interrogations of contemporary power in terms of racial politics, gender performance, socio-economic divisions, political structures, and the intersections of these facets of domination and hegemony. By way of grappling with Empire’s discursive field and charting new modes of producing meaning in opposition to that of Empire, the texts read from Brazil, the Cape Verde Islands, East Timor, Portugal, and São Tomé and Príncipe open new inquiries for Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies while contributing theoretical debates to the study of Lusophone cultures.
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Connolly, Sean. United Nations (Troubled World). Heinemann Library, 2001.

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Connolly, Sean. United Nations (Troubled World). Heinemann Library, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "East Timor literature"


Lye, Kit Ying. "Where Do the Disappeared Go? Writing the Genocide in East Timor." In The Routledge Companion to Death and Literature, 425–33. Routledge, 2020.

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Wrightman, Stephanie. "Community Development and Faith-Based Organizations." In Advances in Human Services and Public Health, 172–207. IGI Global, 2015.

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This chapter is a reflection of analyses, experiences and research on the opportunities and challenges of working with faith-based organisations (FBO's) in the context of global health. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the important role that FBO's have with state and non-state actors in the development of communities in complex contexts. The role of FBO's in development are demonstrated in reference to the Author's work experience with FBO's, which form case studies in East Africa, and Timor Leste. Further analyses through literature build on these experiences to demonstrate the leading role FBO's can have with state and non-state actors, and the effects on public health. In the case study of Timor Leste, suggestions are proposed to overcome challenges and build on the opportunities of state and non-state actors incorporating the Catholic Church into health programs.
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Silva, Daniel F. "Untranslatable Subalternity and Historicizing Empire’s Enjoyment in Luís Cardoso’s Requiem para o Navegador Solitário." In Anti-Empire: Decolonial Interventions in Lusophone Literatures, 145–72. Liverpool University Press, 2018.

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This chapter follows up on Sylvan’s expository indictment of Empire’s monologicism with an exploration of contemporary East Timorese writer Luís Cardoso’s contributions to decolonial tropes of movement and the making of meaning. Following a brief overview of Cardoso’s larger oeuvre, the chapter examines his 2007 novel, Requiem para o Navegador Solitário [Requiem for the Solitary Sailor], particularly the actions and experiences of its narrator, known only as Catarina. As a teenage girl, born in Batavia, Dutch East Indies, to a Chinese father and Batavian mother, her arranged marriage to a Portuguese port administrator of Dili leads her to move to the then colonial capital of Portuguese Timor. Taking place between the mid-1930s up to the Japanese invasion of the island of Timor during World War II in 1941, Catarina is ensnared by imperial actions both local and global.
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