Academic literature on the topic 'E cologie des montagnes'
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Journal articles on the topic "E cologie des montagnes"
Héritier, Stéphane. "La nature et les pratiques de la nature dans les montagnes canadiennes : le cas des parcs nationaux des montagnes de l'Ouest (Alberta et Colombie Britannique)." Annales de géographie 649, no. 3 (2006): 270.
Full textGaudot, �douard. "Europe�: �cologie�?" Esprit Mars, no. 3 (2019): 29.
Full textLavignotte, St�phane. "De l��cologie politique�� la polis de l��cologie." EcoRev' N�42, no. 1 (2015): 15.
Full textBuxton, Richard G. A. "Montagnes mythiques, montagnes tragiques." Ktèma : civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 15, no. 1 (1990): 163–72.
Full textPichon, Adrien. "�cologie de l�intervention � domicile." Rhizome N�68, no. 2 (2018): 18.
Full textGollain, Fran�oise. "L'�cologie comme mouvement culturel." EcoRev' N�43, no. 2 (2015): 8.
Full textZin, Jean. "L'�cologie dans la mondialisation." EcoRev' N�46, no. 1 (2018): 41.
Full textDeneault, Alain, and Emmanuel Dessendier. "Les multinationales asservissent l��cologie." EcoRev' N�46, no. 1 (2018): 49.
Full textRic�ur, Paul, �dith Del�age-Perstunski, and Jean-Paul Del�age. "L��thique, le politique, l��cologie." Ecologie & politique N�56, no. 1 (2018): 35.
Full textA�t Menguellet, Lilya. "La librairie Meura une �cologie du bonheur." Nord' N�69, no. 1 (2017): 49.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "E cologie des montagnes"
Turgeon, Genevi??ve. "Influence de l'anthropisation sur l'??cologie du raton laveur (Procyon lotor)." Mémoire, Universit?? de Sherbrooke, 2013.
Full textBoulet, François. "Les montagnes françaises 1940-1944 : des montagnes-refuges aux montagnes-maquis." Toulouse 2, 1997.
Full textThree chronologies, topographies and morals emerge from this "geohistory" (Fernand Braudel) of the french mountains between 1940 and 1944. First, Marshall Petain's mountains from 1940 to 1942, where the local way of life or "temperament" (André Siegfried) can be found in the traditional values. "Petinophile" patriotism, different from "vichysme" prevails, particulary in the eastern border mountains, with anti-german and anti-italian feelings symbolised by the Marshall Petain Peak (3507 m. ) and the novel "Premier de cordée" by patriot writer Roger Frison-Roche. The time of withdrawal and "shield" begins after the defeat, with a new feeding and attractive mountain. Then, from 1941 to 1943, mountains become "swiss", like a proverb. They openly reject the policy of collaboration with the Germans and stand in favour of a pro-allied neutrality. Black or grey markets flourish mainly in luxury tourist villages, thus giving rise to anti-tourist and anti-jew feelings - not to be confounded with anti-semitism. On the other hand, protestant mountain appears morally and spiritually with the welcome of jewish population. At last, and from the days of the STO law (16/02/1943), mountains become "balkanic" (Winston Churchill) with the heroic time of "maquis". In 1943, the mountains shelter 100,000 young "refractaires" supported by the local farmers whom they eventually help. By the end of 1943, warlike passions prevail : mountains become terrifying with early "maquis" of Haute-Savoie and Correze, up the capital's maquis, Grenoble and the famous meeting of 1944 : Glières, Mont Mouchet and Vercors. Local villagers fear the false maquis and german reprisals. To conclude : the "beautiful" refuge-mountain for Jews and "refractaires" and the "sublime" maquis-mountain of maquis are to be distinguished the one from the other ; marginal mountain can be seen in the center of the history of occupied France
Boulet, François. "Les Alpes françaises, 1940-1944 : des montagnes-refuges aux montagnes-maquis /." Bordeaux : les Presses franciliennes, 2008.
Full textCorval, Brieuc. "Météoropathologie du mal des montagnes." Paris 5, 1988.
Full textRicard, Daniel. "Les montagnes fromagères en France." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1993.
Full textThe tradition agriculture of french mountains have a long time, been known for the large number of cheese productions specific of this damp surrondings. Today, this legacy is symbolised by the numerus aoc, which guarantee the gunuinenees of this products. This districts in altitude are nevertheless marked by a true variety deriving from the intensity of the cheese tradition, andthe management of this inheritence by local interveniers. Generaly speeking, one might contrast the cheese traces of the jura and savoie, dedicated to local and high quality products : with thowses of the massif central, more diversified and more widely industrialised, with cheeses which to some extent tend to a certain vulgarisation
Pineda, Murillo Rogelio. "La cuestión territorial, la planificación y las políticas públicas en el análisis de la vulnerabilitad y la resilencia socio-ambiental : el caso de la extracción de material de arrastre en la cuenca del río Chinchiná, Colombia." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textThe present thesis deals with a general problem for many developing countries and in particular for Latin America, related to the fight for the survival of the communities of workers who work in informal economies but subject to market rules. the absence of public policies and territorial planning processes that materialize in their favor and lead to a strong inter-institutional dislocation in the territory. The problem is more complex because of the inherent fragility or intrinsic or endogenous vulnerability of the populations themselves, because of the lack of a minimum vital to lead a dignified life, in terms of well-being and quality of life .The research addresses a specific case in a Colombian Andean watershed (the Chinchiná River in the Central Cordillera Range), where a social group extracts river materials (sands, gravels and rocks) for the industry of construction. Although this analysis focuses on the vulnerability factors and the resilience of the social group to global changes and, more particularly, on the dynamics of governance; The thesis focuses on the study of the entire economic production system, as a unit of analysis. The overall objective is to analyze the vulnerability factors and the socio-environmental resilience capacity of poor communities who extract dredged material in the Chinchiná River basin to contribute to the consolidation of planning and sustainable development processes registered in territorial public policies
Lebart, Luce. "Une contribution à l'histoire du paysage : les photographies des services de restauration des terrains de montagnes, 1867-1931 /." Paris : L. Lebart, 1997.
Full textRinaldi, Samuele. "Analisi biostratigrafica a conodonti della sezione stratigrafica di Concours Le Haut (Montagne Noire, Francia)." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Full textPuscas, Mihai. "Phytoécologie et phylogéographie des pelouses alpines à Carex curvula des montagnes carpatiques : Comparaison avec les autres montagnes du système alpin." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2008.
Full textThe alpine meadows dominated by the sedge Carex curvula are among the most emblematic plant communities of the alpine vegetation of the European mountains. This work aims at exploring the spatial patterns of genetic diversity within C. Curvula and the spatial patterns of species diversity in the meadows where C. Curvula is dominant. This comparative study has been conducted throughout the whole distribution area of this type of alpine ecosystem in Europe. First, this work examines the floristic variability of the C. Curvula communities and tries to identify the most important drivers for the species distribution within the European alpine belt. The results show an important variation in the spatial distribution of species diversity among mountain ranges. The floristic boundaries match only partly the geographical limits. The current species distribution in the alpine belt of the high mountains in Europe has to be related primarily to large-scale, historical drivers and only secondarily to local-scale, ecological determinants. Then, we study the phylogeographical patterns of C. Curvula using nuclear and chloroplastic molecular markers. The spatial distribution of genetic diversity highlights a contrasting impact of Quaternary glaciations in the Eastern and Western part of Europe. Based on genetic data, we infer a large East-West recolonization wave in the Alps and local, upward migration events in the Carpathians after ice retreat. We hypothesize recent long-distance dispersal from a secondary glacial refugium located in the South-Western Alps to explain genetic diversity observed within Pyrenean populations. Finally, we explore the relationships between genetic and floristic diversity. Our result support a lack of positive correlations between the two levels of diversity, contrary to what is suggested by several theoretical works. We explain this situation by a contrasting history of genes and species in response to the spatial range dynamics driven by temperature fluctuations during the Quaternary. To conclude, we call for further multidisciplinary studies (including species distribution modelling) to investigate the biogeography of these alpine meadows in a context of global change
Puscas, Mihai. "Phytoécologie et phylogéographie des pelouses alpines à Carex curvula des montagnes carpatiques : Comparaison avec les autres montagnes du système alpin." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2008.
Full textDans un premier temps, ce travail examine la variabilité floristique des pelouses dominées par C. curvula et tente d'identifier les forces qui ont joué le rôle le plus important dans la structuration des espèces de l'étage alpin acidiphile européen. Les résultats des analyses montrent qu'il existe une variabilité importante pour la distribution de la diversité interspécifique et seulement une correspondance partielle entre la position des barrières biogéographiques de l'étage alpin et les grandes distances géographiques qui séparent les massifs montagnards. Il ressort nettement que les forces qui ont joué le rôle le plus important dans la structuration floristique de l'étage alpin acidiphile européen sont de nature historique et dans une moindre mesure de nature écologique.
Ensuite, nous explorons la distribution de la diversité génétique dans les populations de C. curvula dans un contexte phylogéographique. L'impact des glaciations quaternaires correspond à deux histoires différentes pour les flores alpines dans les montagnes de l'ouest et de l'est du continent européen. Chez C. curvula, les mécanismes de recolonisations postglaciaires auraient impliqué un large vague de migration est-ouest dans les Alpes et une migration verticale beaucoup plus locale dans les Carpates. Les Pyrénées auraient été colonisé plus récemment, à partir d'un refuge secondaire localisé dans les Alpes du Sud-Ouest.
Enfin, dans un troisième temps, nous nous intéressons au problème des relations entre la diversité génétique et floristique, en analysant la diversité locale des espèces dans les pelouses à C. curvula et la diversité génétique de l'espèce dominante. Le manque de corrélation positive entre les deux niveaux de la diversité est expliqué par des réponses différentes des gènes et des espèces aux grands changements climatiques qui sont intervenus au cours du Quaternaire.
Nous concluons sur les perspectives de biogéographie comparative ouvertes par ce travail, en particulier sur l'articulation souhaitée entre les efforts de modélisation de la distribution biologique, la phylogéographie et l'écologie évolutive.
Books on the topic "E cologie des montagnes"
Roux, Jean-Paul. Montagnes sacrées, montagnes mythiques. [Paris]: Fayard, 1999.
Find full textTajahmady, Ayden. Gyne cologie obste trique. Paris: Ellipses, 2003.
Find full textMirail, Université de Toulouse-Le, ed. Les montagnes françaises 1940-1944: Des montagnes-refuges aux montagnes-maquis. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1997.
Find full textEscach, Amédée. Montagnes catalanes. Mont-Louis (France): A. Escach, 1988.
Find full textDonaldson, Chelsea. Animaux des montagnes. Toronto: Éditions Scholastic, 2008.
Find full textChristopher, John. Les montagnes blanches. Paris: École des Loisirs, 1986.
Find full textSamuel, Roberts, and Charlebois Johanne 1954-, eds. Découvrons les montagnes. Saint-Laurent, Québec: ERPI, 2006.
Find full textLyon-Caen, Jean-François. Montagnes, territoires d'inventions. Grenoble: Ecole d'architecture de Grenoble, 2003.
Find full textAlain, François, and Fréon Mathieu, eds. Montagnes et ressources. Nairobi: Institut français de recherche en Afrique, 2004.
Find full textFaubert, Michel. Mers et montagnes. Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, Québec: Éditions Trois-Pistoles, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "E cologie des montagnes"
Burtscher-Bechter, Beate. "Bey, Maïssa: Entendez-vous dans les montagnes." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2023.
Full textMorrison, Lucy. "Ephemeral Entertainment: Montagnes Russes and Movement in Paris." In Continental Tourism, Travel Writing, and the Consumption of Culture, 1814–1900, 15–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full text"Les auteurs." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 4. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full text"Introduction." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 7–12. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full text"Construction d’un imaginaire." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 13. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full textVierne, Simone. "Montagnes réelles, montagnes imaginaires dans la littérature française (XIXe-XXe siècle)." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 15–43. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full textShinoda, Chiwaki. "La montagne dans la littérature japonaise." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 45–60. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full textSun, Chaoying, and Gilbert Durand. "Du côté des montagnes de l’est (taï shan). Imaginaire chinois de la montagne." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 61–80. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full textPelletier, Philippe. "Le Japon : territoire insulaire ou montagnard ?" In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 81–99. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full text"Du sublime au mysticisme." In Montagnes imaginées, montagnes représentées, 101. UGA Éditions, 2000.
Full textConference papers on the topic "E cologie des montagnes"
Scherrer, Camille, Julien Pilet, Vincent Lepetit, and Pascal Fua. "Souvenirs du monde des montagnes." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Art Gallery. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009.
Full textCorrêa, Felipe da Silva. "Williem Roelofs e a cor na paisagem novecentista holandesa." In Encontro da História da Arte. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "E cologie des montagnes"
Bédard, M. P., M. G. Houlé, R. Hébert, and J. Goutier. Étude pétrographique de l'intrusion ultramafique chromitifère du lac des Montagnes, Baie-James, Québec. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2017.
Full textTurner, B., M. Quat, R. Debicki, and P. Thurston. Killarney : les fameuses montagnes blanches et côtes de granite rose du Bouclier canadien. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2015.
Full textRécits du corridor Sea to Sky : l'origine des montagnes. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2010.
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