Academic literature on the topic 'Dynamique thermo-fluide'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Dynamique thermo-fluide"
Azevedo, Cardoso Ivan. "Lois d'échange lors du refroidissement d'un fluide non newtonien thermo-dépendant." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1993.
Full textGnambode, Sourou. "Simulation des grandes échelles des transferts thermo-convectifs dans les écoulements turbulents d'un fluide non-Newtonien en conduite cylindrique." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015.
Full textThis thesis is a numerical contribution of momentum and heat transfer of turbulent pipe flows of non-Newtonian fluids. The apparent viscosity of the fluid is modelled by a power-law (Ostwald de Waele model). Two models subgrid of LES were considered: the dynamic model of Germano et al. (1991) and model Smagorinsky non-Newtonian. They are used to describe the physical mechanisms involved in the isothermal flow of these complex rheology fluids. Heat transfer are simulated with the model of non-Newtonian Smagorinsky. These are processed in two parts. The first concerns the heat exchange without affecting the velocity distribution. This is non-thermo dependent flow or isothermal flow. The second part concerns the resolution of thermo dependent flows that focus on changes induced by the temperature-velocity coupling. The turbulent fields are analyzed statistically by averaging over time and space (according to the periodic directions) the instantaneous field of velocity and temperature to establish the average profiles of velocity and temperature, the root mean square of turbulent fluctuations (rms), Reynolds stress, the heat flow, the moments of higher order (skewness and flatness), the pdf (probability density function), the jpdf (attached probability density function), the coefficient of friction, the number of Nusselt ... These differents variables are analyzed for various parameters governing the problem: the Reynolds and Prandtl flow index and the number of Pearson
Thomas, Sébastien. "Modélisation numérique du comportement thermo-aéro-dynamique des garnitures d'étanchéité pour gaz réels hautes pressions." Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2006.
Full textL'étude bibliographique révèle que peu de travaux sur les garnitures pour gaz à hautes pressions ont été réalisés. Les caractéristiques d'un écoulement à haute pression sont examinées et les points-clefs du modèle sont définis : gaz réels, effets d'inertie, effets thermiques, écoulement bloqué. A hautes pressions, le comportement du gaz diffère de celui d'un gaz parfait, un modèle de gaz réel est donc développé. L'équation de Reynolds pour un fluide compressible est modifiée afin de prendre en compte les effets d'inertie. Les effets thermiques dans l'écoulement sont également introduits dans le modèle. L'écoulement bloqué à la sortie du film fluide est résolu grâce à une méthode originale. Les déformations des solides et le couplage thermique sont pris en compte par la méthode des coefficients d'influence. La méthode des éléments finis est utilisée pour la discrétisation des équations et un algorithme itératif permet la détermination des champs de pression et de température. La comparaison avec une solution analytique et des données expérimentales permet de valider le modèle. L'influence du modèle du gaz est présentée. L'étude paramétrique menée avec le modèle numérique permet d'étudier l'influence des effets d'inertie sur l'écoulement par rapport au cas purement visqueux. Finalement, le couplage fluide-solides est étudié. Cette analyse montre que les déformations des faces influencent notablement le comportement des garnitures.
Aubernon, Corentin. "Evolution de la perméabilité du béton : influence de la température, du chargement mécanique et du fluide percolant." Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2011.
Full textThe study of sealing containment vessels of nuclear power station (1300 and 1450 MWe) is a major challenge to ensure the safety of the population. During a Accident with Loss Of Coolant, the containment is subjected to a pressure of 5 bar, 141 ° C temperature and relative humidity close to 100%. Under these extreme conditions, it should remain sealed. To ensure this protection, it is necessary to study the material that makes up these containments: concrete. Today, many studies are used to characterize the permeability of concrete using dry nitrogen as fluid percolating with mechanical loading (compression) up to 150 ° C. However, we know little about the evolution of the nitrogen permeability of concrete with different water contents coupled with mechanical loading. More, the gas used for the measurement of permeability is not steam as accident conditions described above. To be closer to accident conditions, we measure the nitrogen permeability of hollow cylindrical tubes 11 * 22 made of concrete with different percentages of water subjected to compression at ambient temperature. Then we designed an experimental bench to submit concrete cylindrical specimens coupling thermo-hydro-mechanical mixtures by injecting different nitrogen and water vapor, controlled pressure and measuring leakage rates in nitrogen and steam. These tests are performed under mechanical loading compression in pre and post-peak
Saigre, Thomas. "Modélisation mathématique, simulation et réduction d’ordre de flux oculaires et leurs interactions : construire le jumeau numérique de l'oeil." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textThe human body is a complex system, and the human eye is no exception. Despite medical advances, many pathological questions remain. Mathematical and computational models complement clinical studies by revealing complex pathophysiological mechanisms.The eye, which can be accessed non-invasively, offers useful biological markers for diagnosing diseases. Understanding its behavior, pathologies and associated treatments is therefore essential.This thesis explores the modeling and simulation of ocular flows, notably heat transfer and aqueous humor flow. These approaches require rigorous clinical validation and take into account numerous parameters, both patient-specific and external. A global sensitivity analysis assesses their impact to guide clinicians. These computationally-intensive analyses benefit from certified model reduction methods, enabling accurate and faster simulations, favoring the integration of models into clinical practice