Academic literature on the topic 'Dynamic service-oriented architecture'
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Journal articles on the topic "Dynamic service-oriented architecture"
Sadeghi, Kianoosh. "Virtualization and encapsulation dynamic e-business services in a service-oriented architecture." International Academic Journal of Science and Engineering 05, no. 01 (June 1, 2018): 163–69.
Full textIlahi, Rahmat, Novia Admodisastro, Norhayati Mohd Ali, and Abu Bakar Md Sultan. "Dynamic Reconfiguration of Web Service in Service-Oriented Architecture." Advanced Science Letters 23, no. 11 (November 1, 2017): 11553–57.
Full textWu, Qing, Shi Ying, You Cong Ni, and Hua Cui. "The Architecture Framework with Exception Handing in SOA." Applied Mechanics and Materials 20-23 (January 2010): 992–97.
Full textMuqsith, Mohammed A., Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Dazhi Huang, and Stephen S. Yau. "Simulating adaptive service-oriented software systems." SIMULATION 87, no. 11 (October 11, 2010): 915–31.
Full textSchmidt, Rainer, Michael Möhring, and Alfred Zimmerman. "Dynamic Capabilities of Decision-oriented Service Systems." International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector 10, no. 3 (July 2018): 41–63.
Full textSutherland, Susan. "Convergence of Interoperability of Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architecture and Enterprise Architecture." International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation 4, no. 1 (January 2013): 43–51.
Full textValverde, Beatriz Jiménez, Miguel Sánchez Román, Francisco L. Gutiérrez Vela, and Patricia Paderewski Rodríguez. "A Service Oriented Architecture for Coordination in Collaborative Environments." International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach 4, no. 1 (January 2011): 79–92.
Full textMahadevan and Kettinger. "Service Oriented Architecture as a Dynamic Enabler of Customer Prioritization." e-Service Journal 7, no. 2 (2011): 28.
Full textDi Modica, Giuseppe, Orazio Tomarchio, and Lorenzo Vita. "Dynamic SLAs management in service oriented environments." Journal of Systems and Software 82, no. 5 (May 2009): 759–71.
Full textJarma, Yesid, Keerthana Boloor, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Yannis Viniotis, and Robert D. Callaway. "Dynamic Service Contract Enforcement in Service-Oriented Networks." IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 6, no. 1 (2013): 130–42.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Dynamic service-oriented architecture"
Giese, Holger, and Basil Becker. "Modeling and verifying dynamic evolving service-oriented architectures." Universität Potsdam, 2013.
Full textService-Orientierte Architekturen erlauben die dynamische Zusammensetzung und Rekonfiguration komplexer, offener IT Landschaften durch Bindung von Service Contracts zur Laufzeit, starten neuer Komponenten und beenden von veralteten. Die Evolution dieser Systeme ist nicht auf den Austausch von Komponenten-Implementierungen bei Beibehaltung der Service-Contracts beschränkt, sondern das Hinzufügen neuer Service-Contracts wird ebenfalls unterstützt. Aktuelle Ansätze zur Modellierung und Verifikation Service-Orientierter Architekturen unterstützen diese wichtigen Eigenschaften, wenn überhaupt, nur unvollständig. In diesem Bericht stellen wir eine Erweiterung des aktuellen OMG Vorschlags zur Service Modellierung mit UML - SoaML - vor, die diese Einschränkungen aufhebt. Unser Ansatz erlaubt die Modellierung von Service Contracts auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsniveaus, besitzt eine fundierte formale Semantik für alle eingeführten Modellierungskonzepte und erlaubt die Verifikation kritischer Eigenschaften. Unser kompositionaler und inkrementeller Verifikationsansatz erlaubt die Verifikation komplexer Eigenschaften einschließlich Kommunikationsparameter und Zeit und deckt neben der dynamischen Bindung von Service Contracts sowie dem Austausch von Komponenten auch die Evolution des gesamten Systems durch das Hinzufügen neuer Service Contracts ab. Die Modellierungs- als auch die Verifikationsfähigkeiten unseres vorgestellten Ansatzes werden durch ein Anwendungsbeispiel aus dem Bereich des Lieferkettenmanagements veranschaulicht.
Alqahtani, Ali. "Leveraging service-oriented business applications to a rigorous rule-centric dynamic behavioural architecture." Thesis, De Montfort University, 2010.
Full textSheng, Quanzheng Computer Science & Engineering Faculty of Engineering UNSW. "Composite web services provisioning in dynamic environments." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. Computer Science and Engineering, 2006.
Full textLi, Wenbin. "Towards a resilient service oriented computing based on ad-hoc web service compositions in dynamic environments." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2014.
Full textDue to the distributed and asynchronous nature of Web services, the Web service composition process plays an important role in achieving SOC. In dynamic environments by which contextual information such as Web service properties and composition requirements often change, the composition process is thus affected and, consequently, should be able to adapt composite applications to changes at design time and runtime. Un-fortunately, current Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web service composition approaches lack of the ability to deal with continuous and un-predictable changes. Building resilient service-oriented architectures that are adaptable to endogenous and exogenous changes in dynamic environments reveal a drastic challenge to current composition processes. In addition, current composition processes provide a limited support for business users to specify their requirements in business languages to automatically compose business processes (i.e., composite services). By such, the gap be-tween business requirements and composition requirements related to Web services increases the complexity of developing adaptable SOA-based ap-plications and processes in dynamic environments. To overcome these challenges, we introduce the concept of Resili-ent Service-Oriented Computing (rSOC) to construct resilient SOA-based applications driven by business requirements in dynamic environments. To this end, the resilient SOA is defined as a set of models that affect and are affected by each other, and relies on a model-to-model transformation ap-proach to ensure SOA adaptability and evolution. In this thesis, we particu-larly focus on two models: a three-level composition requirement model and a Web service composition model, to establish the foundation for a re-silient SOA as follows: firstly, composition requirements are modeled in three levels, i.e., business-centric, capability-focused and rule-driven. Par-ticularly the business-centric requirement model provides business users with a structured natural language to specify requirements; secondly, a two-phase requirement transformation process builds the rule-driven Web ser-vice composition requirement model from the business-centric requirement model as set of composition rules, expressing multi-objective constraints that affect the composition process and its dynamic environment; thirdly, an ad-hoc Web service composition approach is introduced to flexibly con-struct composite services without predefined composition plans. Particularly, composition rules generated in composition process may affect other model(s) in the resilient SOA, such as composition requirement model, and recursively invoke the model-to-model transformation approach to replan the ad-hoc Web service composition approach
Adjoyan, Seza. "Describing Dynamic and Variable Software Architecture Based on Identified Services From Object-Oriented Legacy Applications." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016.
Full textService Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural design paradigm which facilitates building and composing flexible, extensible and reusable service-oriented assets. These latter are encapsulated behind well-defined and published interfaces that can be dynamically discovered by third-party services. Before the advent of SOA, several software systems were developed using older technologies. Many of these systems still afford a business value, however they suffer from evolution and maintenance problems. It is advantageous to modernize those software systems towards service-based ones. In this sense, several re-engineering techniques propose migrating object-oriented applications towards SOA. Nonetheless, these approaches rely on ad-hoc criteria to correctly identify services in object-oriented legacy source code.Besides, one of the most distinguishing features of a service-oriented application is the ability to dynamically reconfigure and adjust its behavior to cope with changing environment during execution. However, in existing architecture description languages handling this aspect, reconfiguration rules are represented in an ad-hoc manner; reconfiguration scenarios are often implicit. This fact hinders a full management of dynamic reconfiguration at architecture level. Moreover, it constitutes a challenge to trace dynamic reconfiguration description/management at different levels of abstraction.In order to overcome the aforementioned problems, our contributions are presented in two axes: First, in the context of migrating legacy software towards SOA, we propose a service identification approach based on a quality measurement model, where service characteristics are considered, refined to measurable metrics in order to measure the semantic correctness of identified services. The second axis is dedicated to an Architecture Description Language (ADL) proposition that describes a variant-rich service-based architecture. In this modular ADL, dynamic reconfigurations are specified at architecture level. Moreover, the description is enriched with context and variability information, in order to enable a variability-based self-reconfiguration of architecture in response to context changes at runtime
Full textAdams, Michael James. "Facilitating dynamic flexibility and exception handling for workflows." Queensland University of Technology, 2007.
Full textFredj, Manel. "Reconfiguration dynamique des architectures orientées services." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2009.
Full textPereira, Carlos Eduardo da Silva. "Dynamic evaluation for reactive scenarios." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2016.
Full textA natureza dinâmica de cenários como Ambient Assisting Living e ambientes pervasivos e ubíquos criam contextos de avaliação exigentes que não são completamente considerados pelos métodos existentes. Esta tese defende que são possíveis avaliações que tenham em consideração a natureza dinâmica e heterogénea de ambientes reactivos, integrando aspectos como percepção e dependência de contexto, adaptabilidade ao utilizador, gestão de eventos complexos e diversidade de ambientes. O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma solução que forneça aos avaliadores a possibilidade de definir e aplicar avaliações a utilizadores suportadas por um modelo de avaliação flexível, permitindo a criação e reutilização de instrumentos e especificações de avaliação sem modificar a infraestrutura geral. Para atingir este objectivo foi seguida uma abordagem de engenharia envolvendo: a) definição de requisitos; b) conceptualização de uma solução geral contendo um paradigma, uma metodologia, um modelo e uma arquitectura; c) implementação dos componentes nucleares; d) desenvolvimento e teste de provas de conceito. Como resultado principal obteve-se uma solução de avaliação dinâmica para ambientes reactivos integrando três partes essenciais: um paradigma, uma metodologia e uma arquitectura de suporte. No seu conjunto, esta solução permite a criação de sistemas de avaliação escaláveis, flexíveis e modulares para concepção de avaliações e aplicação em ambientes reactivos.
The dynamic nature of scenarios such as Ambient Assisting Living and Ubiquitous and Pervasive environments turns them into challenging evaluation contexts not properly addressed by existing methods. We argue that it is possible to have evaluations that take into consideration the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of reactive environments by integrating aspects such as context-awareness, user adaptability, complex event handling, and environment diversity. In this context, the main objective of this work was to develop a solution providing evaluators with the ability to de ne and apply evaluation tests to end-users supported by a exible evaluation model allowing them to create or reuse evaluation instruments and speci cations without changing the infrastructure or the need for other logistical necessities. To pursue this goal, we adopted an engineering approach encompassing: a) requirements de nition; b) conceptualization of a general solution comprising paradigm, methodology, model, and architecture; c) implementation of its core components; and d) development and deployment of a proof of concept. The result was a dynamic evaluation solution for reactive environments based on three major parts: a paradigm, a methodology and its model, and a support architecture. Altogether, they enable the creation of scalable, exible and modular evaluation systems for evaluation design and application in reactive environments. Overall, we consider that the proposed approach, due to its exibility and scope, widely surpasses the goals considered on the onset of this work. With a broad range of features it establishes itself as a general purpose evaluation solution, potentially applicable to a wider range of scenarios, and fostering the creation of ubiquitous and continuous evaluation systems.
Zuñiga, Prieto Miguel Ángel. "Reconfiguración Dinámica e Incremental de Arquitecturas de Servicios Cloud Dirigida por Modelos." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017.
Full textLa computación cloud representa un cambio fundamental en la manera en la que las organizaciones adquieren recursos tecnológicos (p. ej., hardware, entornos de desarrollo y ejecución, aplicaciones); en donde, en lugar de comprarlos adquieren acceso remoto a ellos en forma de servicios cloud suministrados a través de Internet. Entre las principales características de la computación cloud está la asignación de recursos de manera ágil y elástica, reservados o liberados dependiendo de la demanda de los usuarios o aplicaciones, posibilitando el modelo de pago basado en métricas de consumo. El desarrollo de aplicaciones cloud sigue mayoritariamente un enfoque incremental, en donde la entrega incremental de funcionalidades al cliente cambia - o reconfigura - sucesivamente la arquitectura actual de la aplicación. Los proveedores cloud tienen sus propios estándares tanto para las tecnologías de implementación como para los mecanismos de gestión de servicios, requiriéndose soluciones que faciliten: la construcción, integración y despliegue de servicios portables; la interoperabilidad entre servicios desplegados en diferentes proveedores cloud; y la continuidad en la ejecución de la aplicación mientras su arquitectura es reconfigurada producto de la integración de los sucesivos incrementos. Los principios del enfoque de desarrollo dirigido por modelos, del estilo arquitectónico de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios y de la reconfiguración dinámica cumplen un papel importante en este contexto. La hipótesis de esta tesis doctoral es que los métodos de desarrollo dirigido por modelos brindan a los desarrolladores de servicios cloud mecanismos de abstracción y automatización para la aplicación sistemática de los principios de la ingeniería de modelos durante el diseño, implementación y despliegue incremental de servicios cloud, facilitando la reconfiguración dinámica de la arquitectura orientada a servicios de las aplicaciones cloud. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es por tanto definir y validar empíricamente DIARy, un método de reconfiguración dinámica e incremental de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios. Este método permitirá especificar la integración arquitectónica del incremento con la aplicación cloud actual, y con esta información automatizar la derivación de los artefactos de implementación que faciliten la integración y reconfiguración dinámica de la arquitectura de servicios de la aplicación cloud. Esta reconfiguración dinámica se consigue al ejecutar los artefactos de reconfiguración que no solo despliegan/repliegan los servicios del incremento y servicios de orquestación entre los servicios del incremento con los servicios de la aplicación cloud actual; sino también, cambian en tiempo de ejecución los enlaces entre servicios. También se ha diseñado e implementado una infraestructura software que soporta las actividades del método propuesto e incluye los siguientes componentes: i) un conjunto de DSLs, con sus respectivos editores gráficos, que permiten describir aspectos relacionados a la integración arquitectónica, implementación y aprovisionamiento de incrementos en entornos cloud; ii) transformaciones que generan modelos de implementación y aprovisionamiento; iii) transformaciones que generan artefactos que implementan la lógica de integración y orquestación de servicios, y scripts de aprovisionamiento, despliegue y reconfiguración dinámica específicos para distintos proveedores cloud. Esta tesis doctoral contribuye al campo de las arquitecturas orientadas a servicios y en particular a la reconfiguración dinámica de arquitecturas de servicios cloud en contextos de desarrollo iterativo e incremental. El principal aporte es un método bien definido, basado en los principios del desarrollo dirigido por modelos, que facilita elevar el nivel de abstracción y automatizar por medio de transformaciones la generación de artefactos que real
La computació cloud representa un canvi fonamental en la manera en què les organitzacions adquirixen recursos tecnològics (ej., maquinari, entorns de desplegament i execució, aplicacions) ; on, en compte de comprar-los adquirixen accés remot a ells en forma de servicis cloud subministrats a través d'Internet. Entre les principals característiques de la computació cloud els recursos cloud són assignats de manera àgil i elàstica, reservats o alliberats depenent de la demanda dels usuaris o aplicacions, possibilitant el model de pagament basat en mètriques de consum. El desenrotllament d'aplicacions cloud seguix majoritàriament un enfocament incremental, on l'entrega incremental de funcionalitats al client canvia - o reconfigura - successivament l'arquitectura actual de l'aplicació. Els proveïdors cloud tenen els seus propis estàndards tant per a les tecnologies d'implementació com per als mecanismes de gestió de servicis, requerint-se solucions que faciliten: la construcció, integració i desplegament de servicis portables; la interoperabilitat entre servicis desplegats en diferents proveïdors cloud; i la continuïtat en l'execució de l'aplicació mentres la seua arquitectura és reconfigurada producte de la integració dels successius increments. Els principis de l'enfocament de desenrotllament dirigit per models, de l'estil arquitectònic d'arquitectures orientades a servicis i de la reconfiguració dinàmica complixen un paper important en este context. La hipòtesi d'esta tesi doctoral és que els mètodes de desenrotllament dirigit per models brinden als desenvolupadors de servicis cloud mecanismes d'abstracció i automatització per a l'aplicació sistemàtica dels principis de l'enginyeria de models durant el disseny, implementació i desplegament incremental de servicis cloud, facilitant la reconfiguració dinàmica de l'arquitectura orientada a servicis de les aplicacions cloud. L'objectiu principal d'esta tesi doctoral és per tant de definir i validar empí-ricamente DIARy, un mètode de reconfiguració dinàmica i incremental d'arquitectures orientades a servicis per a aplicacions cloud. Este mètode permetrà especificar la integració arquitectònica de l'increment amb l'aplicació cloud actual, i amb esta informació automatitzar la derivació dels artefactes d'implementació que faciliten la integració i reconfiguració dinàmica de l'arquitectura de servicis de l'aplicació cloud. Esta reconfi-guración dinàmica s'aconseguix a l'executar els artefactes de reconfiguració que no sols despleguen/repleguen els servicis de l'increment i servicis d'orquestració entre els servicis de l'increment amb els servicis de l'aplicació cloud actual; sinó també, canvien en temps d'execució els enllaços entre servicis. També s'ha dissenyat i implementat una infraestructura programari que suporta les activitats del mètode proposat i inclou els següents components: i) un conjunt de DSLs, amb els seus respectius editors gràfics, que permeten descriure aspectes relacionats a la integració arquitectònica, implementació i aprovisionament en entorns cloud dels increments; ii) transformacions que generen models d'implementació i aprovisionament específics de la plataforma a partir dels models d'integració d'alt nivell; iii) transformacions que generen artefactes que implementen la lògica d'integració i orquestració de servicis, i scripts d'aprovisionament, desplegament i reconfiguració dinàmica específics per a distints proveïdors cloud. Esta tesi doctoral contribuïx al camp de les arquitectures orientades a servicis i en particular a la reconfiguració dinàmica d'arquitectures de servicis cloud en contextos de desenrotllament iteratiu i incremental. La principal aportació és un mètode ben definit, basat en els principis del desenrotllament dirigit per models, que facilita elevar el nivell d'abstracció i automatitzar per mitjà de transformacions la generació d'artefactes que r
Zuñiga Prieto, MÁ. (2017). Reconfiguración Dinámica e Incremental de Arquitecturas de Servicios Cloud Dirigida por Modelos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Books on the topic "Dynamic service-oriented architecture"
Dynamic SOA and BPM: Best practices for business process management and SOA agility. Upper Saddle River, NJ: IBM Press, Pearson, 2009.
Find full textFiammante, Marc. Dynamic Soa and Bpm: Best Practices for Business Process Management and Soa Agility. Pearson Education, Limited, 2009.
Find full textSpahn, Michael, Julian Dax, Fahri Yetim, and Volkmar Pipek. Enabling Users of Enterprise Systems to Mash Up Resources and Develop Widgets. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Dynamic service-oriented architecture"
Américo, João Claudio, and Didier Donsez. "Service Component Architecture Extensions for Dynamic Systems." In Service-Oriented Computing, 32–47. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textKoyanagi, Teruo, Mari Abe, Gaku Yamamoto, and Jun Jang Jeng. "Dynamic Policy Management on Business Performance Management Architecture." In Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2007, 539–44. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
Full textFiadeiro, José Luiz, and Antónia Lopes. "A Model for Dynamic Reconfiguration in Service-Oriented Architectures." In Software Architecture, 70–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textvan Steenbergen, Marlies, Jurjen Schipper, Rik Bos, and Sjaak Brinkkemper. "The Dynamic Architecture Maturity Matrix: Instrument Analysis and Refinement." In Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2007, 48–61. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textFalas, Łukasz, and Krzysztof Juszczyszyn. "Dynamic Resource Management Middleware for Modern Service Oriented Systems." In Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2015 – Part III, 37–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textMechitov, Kirill, and Gul Agha. "An Architecture for Dynamic Service-Oriented Computing in Networked Embedded Systems." In Software Service and Application Engineering, 147–64. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textLuthria, Haresh, and Fethi A. Rabhi. "Service-Oriented Architecture as a Driver of Dynamic Capabilities for Achieving Organizational Agility." In The Handbook of Service Innovation, 281–96. London: Springer London, 2015.
Full textChen, Tingbin, Xi Yu, Qisong Zhang, and Jun Wang. "SCM-Oriented Dynamic Service Architecture and Collaborative Application for Internet of Things." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 455–62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textAmiri, Amirali, Uwe Zdun, Georg Simhandl, and André van Hoorn. "Impact of Service- and Cloud-Based Dynamic Routing Architectures on System Reliability." In Service-Oriented Computing, 165–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textStoutenburg, Suzette, Leo Obrst, Deborah Nichols, Ken Samuel, and Paul Franklin. "Dynamic Service Oriented Architectures Through Semantic Technology." In Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2007, 581–90. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Dynamic service-oriented architecture"
Zarghami, Alireza, Mohammad Zarifi Eslami, Brahmananda Sapkota, and Marten van Sinderen. "Dynamic homecare service provisioning architecture." In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). IEEE, 2011.
Full textBai, Xiaoying, Dezheng Xu, and Guilan Dai. "Dynamic Reconfigurable Testing of Service-Oriented Architecture." In 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference - Vol. 1- (COMPSAC 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Full textJureta, Ivan J., Stephane Faulkner, Youssef Achbany, and Marco Saerens. "Dynamic Web Service Composition within a Service-Oriented Architecture." In IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Full textPing Yu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu. "Dynamic software architecture oriented service composition and evolution." In The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'05). IEEE, 2005.
Full textBahrami, Mehdi, and Mukesh Singhal. "DCCSOA: A Dynamic Cloud Computing Service-Oriented Architecture." In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI). IEEE, 2015.
Full textWu-Lee, Chi, and Gwan-Hwan Hwang. "Dynamic policies for supporting quality of service in service-oriented architecture." In 2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010). IEEE, 2010.
Full textTsai, W. T., Qian Huang, Jingjing Xu, Yinong Chen, and Ray Paul. "Ontology-based Dynamic Process Collaboration in Service-Oriented Architecture." In IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA '07). IEEE, 2007.
Full textLeguay, Jérémie, Mario Lopez-Ramos, Kathlyn Jean-Marie, and Vania Conan. "Service oriented architecture for heterogeneous and dynamic sensor networks." In the second international conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008.
Full textKastle, Mathieu, James Lapalme, and El Mostapha Aboulnhamid. "Dynamic proxy generation for a Service-Oriented Architecture simulator." In 2008 Joint International IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS) and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA). IEEE, 2008.
Full text"Service Oriented Model Driven Architecture for Dynamic Workflow Changes." In Joint Workshop on Web Services and Model-Driven Enterprise Information Services. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2005.
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