Academic literature on the topic 'Dual pov'
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Journal articles on the topic "Dual pov"
Subramanian, Shalini, Deepa Shetty, Poornima Shivanna, Priyanka Das, and Medha Phadke. "Post-operative vomiting after pediatric strabismus surgery: A comparison of propofol versus sevoflurane anaesthesia." Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 40, no. 2 (April 2024): 305–11.
Full textOgunleye, R. I., F. A. Bankole, G. Olaoye, and O. B. Fawole. "Assessment of cross compatibility in three strains of Pleurotus species and yield attributes of the surviving progenies." Agrosearch 19, no. 2 (July 21, 2020): 1–15.
Full textWang, Jun, Yanbin Liu, and Zhiyuan Zhang. "Compound control of rail pressure in dual common rail injection system based on a dual regulating valve." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2591, no. 1 (September 1, 2023): 012015.
Full textGeschwindner, C., K. Westrup, A. Dreizler, and B. Böhm. "Pulse Picking PIV: A Single-Cavity Fiber Laser System For Highly Flexible Repetition Rates And Pulsing Schemes." Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics 20 (July 11, 2022): 1–15.
Full textLiu, Zhi Rong, Jun Wei Wang, and Rui Zhu. "Fluid Experimental Research on Dual-Vortex Interaction Instability." Advanced Materials Research 459 (January 2012): 195–98.
Full textDu, Shuang, and Chun Cheng Zuo. "The Simulation Study of Pure Electric Vehicle with Dual-Energy Storage System Based on Matlab/Simulink." Applied Mechanics and Materials 437 (October 2013): 213–16.
Full textFarquharson, G., W. N. Junek, A. Ramanathan, S. J. Frasier, R. Tessier, D. J. McLaughlin, M. A. Sletten, and J. V. Toporkov. "A Pod-Based Dual-Beam SAR." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 1, no. 2 (April 2004): 62–65.
Full textDavenport, John J., Michelle Hickey, Justin P. Phillips, and Panayiotis A. Kyriacou. "Dual pO2/pCO2fibre optic sensing film." Analyst 142, no. 10 (2017): 1711–19.
Full textHirayama, Tetsu, Mamoru Tanahashi, and Toshio Miyauchi. "E214 Development of Time-Resolved Dual-Plane Stereoscopic PIV." Proceedings of the Thermal Engineering Conference 2006 (2006): 351–52.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Dual pov"
Domingues, Nissandro. "Soldabilidade por centelhamento do aço Dual Phase 780." Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2013.
Full textFoi avaliada a soldabilidade por centelhamento do aço dual phase 780, como tira laminada a quente e com microestrutura ferrita e perlita. Investigou-se a influência na microestrutura, nas propriedades mecânicas e no desempenho das juntas soldadas durante laminação a frio e recozimento contínuo dos seguintes parâmetros de soldagem: tempo de aplicação de tensão elétrica, tensão elétrica no segundo estágio, comprimento de recalque, extensão inicial, tempo de aplicação de corrente elétrica no recalque e tempo de pós-aquecimento. Nas condições estudadas, alterações nos parâmetros de soldagem modificam a microestrutura, a dureza e o comprimento da ZAC, sendo a extensão inicial e o tempo de pós-aquecimento os parâmetros que mais influenciam essas características. O desempenho das juntas, por sua vez, é muito dependente da quantidade de óxidos aprisionados na linha de solda e mostrou-se bastante influenciado pela aceleração da mesa móvel. Nenhuma das condições de soldagem avaliadas, no entanto, resultou em juntas isentas de trincas na linha de solda após laminação a frio.
Martínez, Luna Nieves Gudelia. "Comorbilidad psiquiátrica y evolución de pacientes con trastorno por consumo de sustancias y trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019.
Full textThe prevalence of ADHD in patients with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is high, with an average of 14%, depending on the frequencies, with the DSM-5 criteria can vary by 9-33%, depending on the country and the diagnostic methods used, much higher figures compared to the presence of ADHD in the general population 1-7.3% (Crunelle, Van Den Brink, et al., 2018; van de Glind, et al., 2014; Van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen et al., 2014). Both the SUD and ADHD, as well as other psychiatric comorbidities very prevalent in this group, are important in the diagnostic process. The objective of this study is to evaluate differences in psychiatric comorbidity and severity of addiction between patients with ADHD and TUS, as well as their evolution. The evolution assessment was based on two variables: abstinence from the substance that was the reason for consultation and the time of follow-up in the outpatient treatment center. Methods: Two studies have been carried out, a first 6-month follow-up study in which the variables of psychiatric comorbidity, severity of consumption, abstinence and follow-up time in an outpatient treatment were evaluated, depending on the presence or not of ADHD. A second study assessed the severity of addiction, ADHD and psychiatric comorbidity in patients diagnosed with ADHD and with cannabis, cocaine or cannabis / cocaine use disorder. Semi-structured questionnaires and interviews will be used to measure the variables, among these are: EuropASI, CAADID, SCID-I and SCID-II; and ASRS, WURS, BIS-11 and FIDI questionnaires were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed for single and multiple variables, comparison of two or more of two groups (Chi square, Man Whitney U, t-student), as well as multivariate linear regression analysis; for the assessment of evolution, the Kaplan-Meyer survival analysis was considered. Results: Study 1: A total of 406 patients were evaluated in a follow up periedo on 1, 3 and 6 months. The ADHD group reported youngest age, cannabis as the most commonly used drug, earlier age for the beginning of problematic substance use, more prevalence of personality disorders of both cluster A and cluster B, as well as more presence of conduct disorder in childhood. The ADHD group presented less abstinence time and less months of retention or follow-up time in outpatient treatment. ADHD was associated with greater impulsivity at all scales, mainly those related to dysfunctional impulsivity. In study 2, a total of 1538 patients were evaluated, of which 239 fullfielld criteria for ADHD diagnosis; the mean age was 32.9 ± 10 years, mainly men. The combined presentation of ADHD was the most frequent (64.2%). Anxiety disorder throughout life, work skills, consumption of polysubstances and the evolution of substance use throughout life were variables with statistic significance in the multivariate analysis when were compared the groups of patients (cannabis, cannabis / cocaine and cocaine SUD). The most affected groups were those with cannabis use as a common factor. It is concluded that patients with ADHD and SUD, have more seriousness in terms of consumption, more prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity, less abstinence time and less retention in an outpatient treatment; the drug of consumption identified as more prevalent in this group is cannabis. The significant variables in both studies were: Earlier age at start of drug consumption or dependence, worst punctuation on the drug scale in the EuropASI, earlier relapse in consumption and in drop out for ambulatory drug treatment, more prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity; all of these variables inferred high risk for present more severity and worse prognosis in patients with SUD and ADHD. The diagnosis and comprehensive therapeutic approach of SUD and ADHD patients as well as other psychiatric comorbidities is important.
Amorim, José Pedro Paiva de Sá. "Soldadura laser do aço dual-phase 1000." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2016.
Full textA Humanidade enfrenta uma das piores crises ambientais de toda a sua história – o aquecimento global. Este fenómeno, causado essencialmente pela queima de combustíveis fósseis, tem provocado um aumento considerável na temperatura média da Terra, originando alterações significativas nos demais ecossistemas e, consequentemente, colocando em risco a existência da própria vida. Tem-se vindo a desenvolver soluções menos poluentes mas estas são, muitas vezes, dispendiosas e de difícil implementação. A forma mais rápida e acessível de diminuir as emissões dos veículos tem sido o desenvolvimento de novos materiais, que tendem a ser cada vez mais leves e resistentes, para assim reduzir o peso dos automóveis e, daí, diminuir o consumo de combustível e, consequentemente, reduzir as emissões de dióxido de carbono. O conhecimento insuficiente àcerca da soldabilidade destes novos materiais e a ténue experiência da recente tecnologia laser aumenta o interesse do estudo destas temáticas. Neste trabalho pretende-se mostrar a influência dos parâmetros laser na penetração da soldadura do aço dual-phase 1000 e determinar os parâmetros laser que permitem obter uma boa soldadura deste aço. Para isto, foi realizado um estudo experimental que envolveu as principais tarefas: maquinação de provetes, soldadura laser, corte, polimento, ataque químico, retificação, ensaios de tração, nanoindentação e, através de microscopia ótica e eletrónica, a visualização da penetração, da microestrutura e da zona termicamente afetada. Este trabalho de investigação revelou-se notável pois determinou com rigor a influência dos demais parâmetros laser na penetração do aço dual-phase 1000. Mais ainda, alcançou-se o conjunto de parâmetros laser que conferem boas caraterísticas à soldadura deste mesmo aço. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com trabalhos semelhantes de referências de renome, tendo-se encontrado divergências nalgumas conclusões obtidas. Novos trabalhos devem ser desenvolvidos para que não se comprometa o propósito desta investigação - contribuir para o aligeiramento das estruturas, mantendo ou até melhorando a resistência mecânica do produto final
Humanity is facing one of the worst environmental crisis in its history – the global warming. This phenomenon, caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels has led to considerable increase in Earth’s average temperature resulting in changes in the ecosystems endangering the existence of life. It has been developed less polluting solutions but these are often costly and difficult to implement. The easiest and most affordable way to reduce vehicle emissions has been the development of new materials that tend to be less heavy and resistant so reduce the weight of the cars and hence fuel consumption and therefore reduce the emissons of dioxide carbon. Insufficient knowledge of the weldability of these new materials and tenuous experience of recent laser technology increases the interest in the study of these issues. This work aims to show the influence of laser parameters on penetration welding of the steel dual-phase 1000 and determine the laser parameters needed to obtain a good welding of this steel. For this, an experimental study was carried out. This study consisted in the following main tasks: machining of samples, laser welding, cutting, polishing, chemical etching, grinding, tensile testing, nanoindentation and, through optical and electron microscopy, the examination of the penetration, microstructure and heat affected zone. This research work has proved to be remarkable as determined rigorously the influence of the laser parameters on the penetration of steel dual-phase 1000. Moreover, it was reached the laser parameters that give good characteristics to the welding of the same steel. The results were compared with similar works of renowned references and it was detected some different conclusions. New researches should be developed to seek the purpose of this investigation - to contribute to the improving of the mechanical strength of the final product.
Fischer, Rico. "Parallel memory retrieval in dual-task situations?" Lengerich Berlin Bremen Miami Riga Viernheim Wien Zagreb Pabst Science Publ, 2006.
Full textPardini, Andréa Cristina de Lima. "Adaptabilidade de respostas posturais reativas em função de restrição imposta por tarefa voluntária: efeito do envelhecimento e da doença de Parkinson." Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.
Full textThis study assessed the effect of stability constraints imposed by a voluntary task on the adaptation of postural responses to an external perturbation in healthy adults and in elderly individuals with Parkinsons disease (PD). In Experiment 1 subjects with PD and age-matched controls were perturbed through a backward translation of the support surface while standing and performing two versions of a voluntary task: holding a tray with a cylinder placed with the flat side down (LC) or with the rolling round side down (HC). Participants performed alternating blocks of low and high constraint trials. Parkinsons disease participants accomplished the voluntary task as well as controls, showing slower tray velocity in the high, as compared with the low, constraint context. Latency of postural responses was longer in the high constraint context only for control subjects. Control subjects presented different patterns of hip-shoulder coordination as a function of task constraint, whereas PD subjects had a relatively invariable pattern. These results suggest that Parkinsons disease impairs the capacity to adapt postural responses to constraints imposed by a voluntary task. Experiment 2 aimed at comparing postural reactive responses between healthy young and elderly individuals in response to unexpected load release. Results showed that while the young group adapted muscular latency, muscular magnitude, coactivation level and interjoint coordination according to task-constraint sequence, the elderly group was more sensitive to the current context of voluntary task constraint. These results suggest that aging lead to more specific postural reactive responses adaptation
Mejía, Vélez María del Pilar. "¿Por qué enseñar español? The experiences of bilingual teachers under the leadership of monolingual principals: an ethnographic case study." Diss., Kansas State University, 2017.
Full textDepartment of Educational Leadership
Kakali Bhattacharya
Bilingual education has a long history in the United States, although the support for bilingual education through, which students preserve their culture and heritage language, has not been consistent throughout the years. While there is clear evidence that aligns students’ academic, emotional, and economic successes are aligned when they learn English through their native language, there is a paucity of research regarding bilingual principals as leaders of dual-language programs. This study explores issues of challenges and essential support structures within dual-language programs. The results may be used to improve leadership in bilingual programs. The purpose of this ethnographic case study was to explore the lived experiences of two Latinas who taught in Spanish within dual-language programs that were run by monolingual principals. This qualitative study was informed by two different sampling procedures, purposeful and criterion-based. The participants selected needed to be Latina (self-identified), Spanish dual-language teachers who worked with a monolingual principal as their leader within Midwestern U.S. schools, during the 2012-2013 school year. Narrative inquiry grounded the study in order to elicit stories that would represent the experiences of the teachers as they negotiated their path when their leader was monolingual and they taught in Spanish. Findings indicate that teachers who taught in Spanish within an Anglo-majority educational context, experienced palpable manifestations of inequity and discriminations. The participants had strong self-worth, self-confidence, and self-awareness, which led them to persevere through the instances of judgment and imbalance. The finding also demonstrate that the participants developed coping mechanisms to empower themselves, and established newly-found and increased resourcefulness as an attempt to provide the students with the education they deserved. The participants relied on alternative resources, long hours of research and re-planning, creativity, and resolve to function in an environment that was set out to demean them. The study raised implications about the amount of support teachers in bilingual programs who teach in Spanish receive while led by monolingual principals. Another implication is that there is marginalization of certain languages that are not English. Lastly, this study raised implications regarding ways in which bilingual programs can become more just and egalitarian.
Dias, Rigoleta Dutra Mediano. "Modelagem do padrão TISS por meio do enfoque dual da Fundação openEHR." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2011.
Full textIn 2005 the Brazilian National Healthcare Agency (Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), in Portuguese) published the TISS standard, a mandatory electronic exchange claims between the health insurance (approximately 1500 registered at ANS) and healthcare providers (approximately 200 000) about the healthcare events provided to the beneficiaries. The TISS standard was developed following the structure of the ISO/TC215 Committee for Health Informatics and is divided into four parts: data structure that encompasses the forms; semantic content that refers to the vocabularies and terminologies; data interchange that includes the electronic messages; and security issues in healthcare information following a recommendation of the Federal Council of Medicine (Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM), in Portuguese). To improve the TISS standards evolution, this study analyses the levels of interoperability in accordance with ISO 20514 (ISO 20514, 2005) and the dual model of the openEHR Foundation, which proposes open standards for Electronic Health Records (EHR) architecture and healthcare information. The dual model of the openEHR Foundation specifications is composed, on the first level, by a generic reference model and on the second by an archetype model that details the concepts and attributes. Two studies were conducted in this thesis: the first one refers to a set of demographic archetypes developed as a proposal representation of the demographic information, based on the reference model of the openEHR Foundation. The second study proposes a generic reference model, as an improvement of the openEHR specifications, to represent the concept of submission of claims, as well as a set of archetypes. Finally, a new architecture for building the TISS standard is proposed based on the dual model of the openEHR Foundation and envisioning a patient-centered EHR
Benito, Delegido Ana María. "Eficacia de la Terapia Psicoeducativa Motivacional Breve Dual (TPMB-D) en pacientes hospitalizados con trastorno por uso de sustancias y patología dual." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 2015.
Full textThe Provincial Hospital of Castellon has adapted Brief Motivational Psychoeducational Therapy (effective in substance use disorder (SUD) patients in the Hospital's Detoxification Unit) for Dual Diagnosis (DD) patients (D-BMPT). This double-blind experimental study used two randomized groups with the objective of assessing the efficacy of D-BMPT compared to occupational therapy (OT) in patients hospitalized with SUD and with DD. One hundred and sixty three patients completed the study, of which 68.7% presented with DD and 31.3% with SUD. Their level of knowledge about drug addictions and DD (ad hoc questionnaire) and their motivation for change (Miller and Tonigan's SOCRATES 8D questionnaire) were evaluated pre- and post-treatment, and their satisfaction with the therapy received (Marsden et al.'s Treatment Perceptions Questionnaire) was evaluated post-treatment. D-BMPT increases motivation for change and the knowledge about drug addictions and DD more than OT, also generates higher levels of satisfaction.
Lanza, Marcos Daniel Septimio. "Avaliação da influência do tipo de cerâmica e protocolo de ativação no grau de conversão de cimentos resinosos por meio da espectroscopia Raman." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Full textThere is a growing application of resin-based cements in ceramic prostheses for displaying aesthetic and biomechanical properties superior to conventional cements. The present study aimed to evaluate the degree conversion (DC) of four resin cements, one with physical curing mode (ChoiceTM 2/Bisco Inc), two dualcuring mode (DuolinkTM / Bisco Inc; VariolinkII® / Ivoclar-Vivadent) and one chemical curing mode (C&BTM / Bisco Inc) employed in the cementation of crowns made of ceramic. We used 42 human premolars were prepared to receive full crowns made with two ceramic systems: lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS eMaxPress/Ivoclar- Vivadent®) and Yttrium oxide stabilized zirconia (IPS e.maxZirCAD / Ivoclar - Vivadent®) for the fabrication of copings, with a ceramic veneer as fluorapatite based (IPS e.maxZirPresss / Ivoclar-Vivadent). For cementation, teeth/crowns/cement were randomly divided, and the photo activation of dual cements and physical, was performed with two protocols: photo-activation in the buccal, occlusal and lingual, with an exposure time of 20s in each face and photo-activation only by occlusal for 60s. The cement chemical was maintained for 15 minutes without stunning. After cementation, specimens were stored in deionized water in an oven at a temperature of 37°C and sectioned after 7 days in three regions : cervical, in the center of the crown and 2 mm below the occlusal surface. The degree of conversion was determined along the cement line in the buccal, mesial, lingual and distal by micro- Raman spectroscopy. The results were submitted to statistic analysis by ANOVA which showed that the DC of cements with activation in three sequentially faces depends on the relationship by ceramic composition and cement trademark; the DC under lithium dissilicate ceramic is greater than in the zirconia; regarding the faces and thirds, DC proved to be material dependent. In conclusion, curing protocol and ceramic composition has a influence on DC of the cements analyzed.
Teixeira, Leonardo Rodrigues de Lima. "Controlador em Modo Dual Adaptativo Robusto Indireto (IDMARC)." PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM ENGENHARIA EL?TRICA E DE COMPUTA??O, 2016.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva ( on 2017-03-17T22:07:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRodriguesDeLimaTeixeira_TESE.pdf: 6182637 bytes, checksum: c0f128df6a82ac1c65297b549b093019 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-17T22:07:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRodriguesDeLimaTeixeira_TESE.pdf: 6182637 bytes, checksum: c0f128df6a82ac1c65297b549b093019 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-27
Neste trabalho, ? proposto o Controlador em Modo Dual Adaptativo Robusto Indireto (IDMARC), o qual une as boas caracter?sticas transit?rias e de robustez t?picas dos Sistemas a Estrutura Vari?vel, mais especificamente do Controlador Adaptativo por Modelo de Refer?ncia e Estrutura Vari?vel Indireto (IVS-MRAC), com um sinal de controle suave em regime permanente, t?pico dos Controladores Adaptativos convencionais, como o Controlador Adaptativo por Modelo de Refer?ncia Indireto (IMRAC). Por fazer uso da abordagem indireta, ele proporciona uma maneira mais intuitiva de realizar o projeto do controlador, baseado nos par?metros f?sicos da planta, tais como: resist?ncias, momentos de in?rcia, capacit?ncias, dentre outros. An?lises de estabilidade, baseadas na Teoria de Lyapunov, s?o apresentadas tanto para o caso ideal quanto considerando perturba??o limitada na entrada da planta, al?m de resultados de simula??o. Adicionalmente, neste trabalho tamb?m ? proposto o Controlador Adaptativo Bin?rio por Modelo de Refer?ncia Indireto (IB-MRAC), o qual foi precursor da ideia de um controlador que pode atuar tanto como IMRAC quanto como IVS-MRAC, a partir de ganhos adaptativos fixos definidos na fase de projeto.
In this work the Indirect Dual Mode Adaptive Robust Controller (IDMARC) is proposed, which combines the good typical transient and robustness properties of Variable Structure Systems, more specifically of Indirect Variable Structure Model Reference Adaptive Controller (IVS-MRAC), with a smooth control signal in steady-state, typical of conventional Adaptive Controllers, as Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller (IMRAC). Due to use the indirect approach it provides a more intuitive controller design, based on physical plant parameters, as resistances, inertia moments, capacitances, etc. Lyapunov-based stability analysis and simulation results are presented for the ideal case and considering bounded input disturbance. Furthermore, in this work it is also proposed the Indirect Binary Model Reference Adaptive Controller (IB-MRAC), which introduced the idea of such mixed controller, whose behavior as IMRAC or IVS-MRAC can be selected depending on fixed adaptive gains defined in the design.
Books on the topic "Dual pov"
Douglas, Penelope. Misconduct. London: Piatkus, 2015.
Find full textDouglas, Penelope. Falling away: A Fall Away novel. New York: NAL, New American Library, 2015.
Find full texthua, Miao. Ren ti duan ceng jie pou xue. Bei jing: Ren min wei sheng chu ban she, 1997.
Find full textZhen'guo, Yan, Li Ding 1929-, Wu Shaode, and Zhang Zhaofeng, eds. Jing xue duan mian jie pou tu jie. Shanghai: Shanghai ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 1986.
Find full textAllan, Poe Edgar. Pude duan pian xiao shuo: Tales by Edgar Allan Poe. [Beijing: Beijing zhong xian tuo fang ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si, 2012.
Find full textAllan, Poe Edgar. Pude duan pian xiao shuo: Tales by Edgar Allan Poe. Beijing: Beijing zhong xian tuo fang ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si, 2007.
Find full textHui, Li, and Li Fengrong. Zhong Xing Qi You Che Gu Zhang Pou Xi Yu Ying Ji Chu Li. Bei jing: Bing qi gong ye chu ban she, 1999.
Find full textRoxo, Maria José. Rendas "por música" de duas agulhas feitas a mão: Recolha de Maria José Roxo. [Portugal]: Livraria Editora Civilizacão, 1986.
Find full textAllan, Poe Edgar. Ailun Po duan pian xiao shuo jing xuan: The best short stories of Allan Poe. Changchun Shi: Jilin chu ban ji tuan you xian ze ren gong si, 2013.
Find full textBeautiful Beloved. Simon & Schuster, Limited, 2015.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Dual pov"
Böckmann, Roman. "Das duale Versicherungssystem – Unterschiede zwischen GKV und PKV." In Quo vadis, PKV?, 45–68. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011.
Full textBrindha, R., Vinoth Kumar Balan, Harri Srinivasan, Kartik Rajayria, and Rohit Kumar Singh. "g POD—Dual Purpose Device (Dustbin and Cleaning)." In Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics, 309–27. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textSingh, Manish Pratap, Sanjay, and A. Mishra. "Novel Seed Point Selection Technique for Dual-Pol SAR Images." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 135–43. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textMandal, Dipankar, Avik Bhattacharya, and Yalamanchili Subrahmanyeswara Rao. "Biophysical Parameter Retrieval Using Full- and Dual-Pol SAR Data." In Radar Remote Sensing for Crop Biophysical Parameter Estimation, 107–53. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textJasmi, Amal Al, Abdalla Zarouni, Lalit Mishra, Marwan Bastaki, and Vinko Potocnik. "Concept and Design of DUBAL Pot Start-Up Fuses." In Light Metals 2014, 729–32. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014.
Full textJasmi, Amal Al, Abdalla Zarouni, Lalit Mishra, Marwan Bastaki, and Vinko Potocnik. "Concept and Design of Dubal Pot Start-Up Fuses." In Light Metals 2014, 729–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textCelio, Marco R. "ER calcistorin/protein disulfide isomerase." In Guidebook to the Calcium-binding Proteins, 228–29. Oxford University PressOxford, 1996.
Full text"Dual and Triple Alliance, 1879-82." In Germ Foreign Pol 1871-1914 V9, 47–55. Routledge, 2013.
Full textWarner, Timothy. "‘Jewel’, ‘Duel’ and ‘Jewelled’ by Propaganda." In Pop Music Technology and Creativity, 106–22. Routledge, 2017.
Full textWarner, Timothy. "‘Jewel’, ‘Duel’ and ‘Jewelled’ by Propaganda." In Pop Music Technology and Creativity, 106–22. Routledge, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Dual pov"
"CONSUMO POR NECESIDAD." In 8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders SEPD. SEPD/WADD, 2024.
Full text"PSICOSIS POR METANFETAMINA (SPEED)." In 8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders SEPD. SEPD/WADD, 2024.
Full text""CISTITIS POR KETAMINA Y DEPRESIÓN POSPARTO. "." In 8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders SEPD. SEPD/WADD, 2024.
Full text"TRASTORNO POR CONSUMO DE METANFETAMINAS (SHABÚ)." In 8th World Congress of the World Association of Dual Disorders (WADD) and the 26th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders SEPD. SEPD/WADD, 2024.
Full textRios Landeo, Ana Karina, Rafael Rodríguez García, Mireia Borràs Torralbo, Nuria Planet Nielsen, Isabel Alonso Fernandez, Anna Horta Llobet, Maria Martinez Ramirez, Claudia Bosch Ruiz, Meritxell Anton Soler, and Josep Cañete Crespillo. "Cariprazina y craving por cocaína." In 22° Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Patología Dual (SEPD) 2020. SEPD, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Dual pov"
Horowitz, Kelsey, Vignesh Ramasamy, Jordan Macknick, and Robert Margolis. Capital Costs for Dual-Use Photovoltaic Installations: 2020 Benchmark for Ground-Mounted PV Systems with Pollinator-Friendly Vegetation, Grazing, and Crops. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2020.
Full textMartínez Castro, Natalia, and Banira Roa Yi. Adicciones conductuales: enfoque a uso problemático de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, una mirada desde la patología dual. Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Antioquia, August 2023.
Full textUrquidi, Manuel, Miguel Chalup, and Solange Sardán. Brecha de género en los ingresos laborales en Brasil: un análisis de su evolución en el período 1995-2021. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, November 2023.
Full textMedici, André. Globalização, doenças transmissíveis e desigualdade mundial. Inter-American Development Bank, August 2003.
Full textGrein, Taiana Aparecida Duarte, and Lúcia Rondelo Duarte. Instrumento para avaliação de autopercepção de competências de agentes comunitários de saúde para o atendimento de mulheres em situação de violência doméstica. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde, December 2023.
Full textPareja, Alejandro, Cecilia Fernández, and Flora Tawata. Simplificando vidas: qualidade e satisfação com os serviços públicos: estados do Brasil 2018. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2021.
Full textAraujo, Erika Amorim, Salvador Teixeira Werneck Vianna, and José Roberto Afonso. Carga tributária indireta no Brasil: Análise da incidência efetiva sobre as famílias. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2004.
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