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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'DRUGS LTD'

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Siff, Stephen I. "Glossy Visions: Coverage of LSD in Popular Magazines, 1954-1968." View abstract, 2008.

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Dyck, Erika Wright David. "Psychedelic psychiatry: LSD and post-World War II medical experimentation in Canada /." *McMaster only, 2005.

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Wong, Lai-har Teresa. "Drug dependency and the experience of young offenders in a residential drug treatment institution." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998.

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Šmitaitė, Eglė. "Narkomano kelias: nuo pirmosios dozės iki apsisprendimo gyventi be narkotikų." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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SANTRAUKA Narkomanija – opi ir sunkiai išsprendžiama visuomenės problema, kurios sprendimui būtini įvairūs tyrimai ir analizė. Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas narkomano kelias nuo pirmosios dozės iki apsisprendimo gyventi be narkotikų. Siekiant išsamiai atskleisti šį kelią, darbe aptariamos pagrindinės narkotinių medžiagų savybės, remiantis įvairių autorių požiūriais perteikiama narkomanijos samprata, ją sąlygojantys veiksniai, analizuojami subkultūros bruožai ir atskleidžiama narkomanijos prevencijos reikšmė. Narkotinių medžiagų vartojimas nėra priimtina ir toleruojama elgesio norma, todėl narkomanija traktuojama kaip deviacija, o narkotikų vartojimas suvokiamas kaip elgesys, laužantis standartus ir griaunantis bendrumo jausmą visuomenėje. Narkomanai suvokiami kaip nuo konvencionalių normų nukrypę visuomenės nariai, kurie stigmatizuojami, jiems priskiriamos etiketės, kurios nenulipdomos ir gyvenant be narkotikų. Etikečių klijavimas formuoja diskomfortą, didina paženklintųjų atskirtį, mažina resocializacijos efektyvumą. Darbe taip pat apžvelgiami narkomanijos aspektai Lietuvoje. Empirinėje darbo dalyje remiantis David Matza neutralizacijos ir dreifo teorija analizuojami kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai, gauti apklausus į narkomaniją įsitraukusius (vartojančius, praeityje vartojusius) asmenis ir su jais dirbančius ekspertus. Remiantis tyrimo duomenimis, galima teigti, kad narkomanija- blogąja linkme žmogaus gyvenimą keičiantis reiškinys, kuris įtakoja nerealaus gyvenimo su iškreiptu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
SUMMARY Drug addiction is a sore problem. Various researches and analyses are needed to solve it. The way of drug addict from the first dose till the decision to live without drugs is analyzed in this master work. In order to reveal the way, the main characteristics of drugs, the different author’s views explaining the phenomenon of drug addiction, the main features of the subculture, and the mean of the prevention are discussed. Drug addiction is not an acceptable way of behavior, so the addiction is understood as deviance. Drug use is indicated as the form of behavior, that destroys the standards of the population and the feeling of community. Drug addicts are defined as the members of population, that are deviated from the conventional norms. They are stigmatized and labeled even when not using drugs. The fact of being labeled creates the feeling of discomfort and makes the resocialization less effective. What is more, the main aspects of drug addiction in Lithuania is discussed. According the Neutralization and drift theory of David Matza, the qualitative research results are discussed in the empirical part of the work. The people who use drugs or used them in the past and the experts of drug addiction were questioned using half- structured interview method. According to the research results, drug addiction is the phenomenon that makes person’s life worse. Drug addiction creates unreal life with distorted point of view. Drug users belong to the subculture with unique... [to full text]
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Šiaudkulytė, Ieva. "Augalinių preparatų asortimento kitimo tendencijos Lietuvos vaistinėse." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Lietuvoje daugiausiai buvo užregistruota virškinimo sistemą veikiančių augalinės kilmės preparatų. Dažniausiai registruojamos augalinių vaistinių preparatų vaistų formos yra tabletės, lašai, tirpalai bei arbatos. Tarp augalinių preparatų Lietuvos vaistų registre vyrauja savo produkciją įregistravusios Lietuvos, Vokietijos bei Lenkijos įmonės. Tarp įmonių įregistravusių savo produkciją lyderiauja Lietuvos įmonės „Acorus Calamus“, „Švenčionių vaistažolės“, Lenkijos įmonė „Herbapol“ (iki 2000m.) bei Lietuvos įmonė „Valentis“ (2010m. ir 2013m.).
1994 – 2013 there were mainly registered drugs for digestive system. The most common herbal medicines registered drug forms are tablets, drops, solutions and tea. In Lithuania main drug companies are from Lithuania, Germany and Poland. Since 1994 most succssefull companies who had registered their products were Lithuanian companies “Acorus Calamus”, “Švenčionių vaistažolės”, Polish company “Herbapol” (until 2000) and Lithuanian company “Valentis” (2010 - 2013).
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Jenvey, Michelle Catherine. "Structure led drug design for the pentraxins." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2006.

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Walker, Alex J. "Anti-cancer actions in commonly used drugs : epidemiology led by laboratory science." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2011.

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Despite considerable research on cancer treatments and preventatives, poor outcomes in cancer patients are common. The vital search for effective cancer drugs often begins in the laboratory, where unfortunately the effects of a drug in humans cannot be perfectly modelled. Epidemiology can play a vital role in determining the real world efficacy of a drug currently used for other purposes before clinical trials begin. This thesis therefore used primarily laboratory evidence to identify potential anti-cancer uses for existing common drugs. The drugs and cancers studied were; tricyclic antidepressants and both incidence and survival in a number of cancer types, particularly glioma; aspirin and colorectal cancer survival; and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence. A series of studies using The General Practice Research Database as a data source assessed any potential associations: A case-control study for tricyclic antidepressant use and cancer incidence; cohort studies to examine mortality in colorectal cancer and glioma in relation to tricyclic use, and for colorectal cancer mortality in aspirin users; and a case-control study in relation to ACE inhibitor use and HCC. A strong, cancer type specific, dose and time dependant protective effect was found for the incidence of glioma and colorectal cancer. This led to a further study examining mortality for these cancer types in tricyclic users. While no significant protective effects in all-cause mortality of tricyclic users were found, a larger study could still find such an effect in glioma. For aspirin and colorectal cancer mortality, a small but significant reduction in mortality was observed, though these effects were not entirely consistent throughout the study. There were no significant associations found between ACE inhibitors and HCC. These findings contribute to the knowledge of the anti-cancer effectiveness of these drugs, and may assist in designing future clinical studies.
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Schooler, Edward Webb. "The War on Drugs in Latin America: How Misinterpretation Led to Failed Policy." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2012.

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The War on Drugs in Latin America: How Misinterpretation Led to Failed Policy investigates how and why United States counternarcotics policy failed abroad, specifically in the northern Andean region. This work examines the entire history of the US waged War on Drugs abroad beginning with President Richard M. Nixon and concluding with current President Barack Obama. After this thorough examination alternative counternarcotics policies are examined.
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Delmanto, Júlio. "História social do LSD no Brasil: os primeiros usos medicinais e o começo da repressão." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.

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Depois de apresentar as origens históricas da contracultura, no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, e contextualizar um pouco das relações entre os integrantes destes movimentos e o uso de drogas, sobretudo maconha e ácido lisérgico, esse trabalho traça, através principalmente da análise de trajetórias individuais que se cruzam de uma forma ou de outra, uma história social da chegada do LSD ao Brasil. O trabalho investiga, com profundidade, o primeiro processo judicial por tráfico e porte da substância, iniciado em janeiro de 1970, em São Paulo, estudando a trajetória dos principais réus, a repercussão midiática, os relatos feitos a posteriori e as formas de ação da polícia e da justiça, em um momento em que não só a ditadura militar vivia sua fase mais violenta, após o AI-5, como também vigorava a lei de drogas mais dura que o país já teve. Analisando os autos de dito processo, e também uma ampla variedade de outras fontes, orais e documentais, apresenta-se como se desenrolou o começo da repressão ao LSD no Brasil, e recupera-se também como foi a chegada da substância ao país, que se deu pela via medicinal na virada dos anos 1950 para os 1960.
After presenting the historical origins of the counterculture in Brazil and in the United States, and also after contextualizing some of the relations between the members of these movements and the use of drugs, especially marijuana and lysergic acid, this work traces, mainly through the analysis of individual trajectories which intersect in one way or another, a social history of the arrival of LSD in Brazil. This thesis investigates in depth the first judicial process for trafficking and possession of the substance, begun in January 1970, in São Paulo, studying the trajectory of the main defendants, the media repercussion, the reports made a posteriori and the forms of action of the police and the justice system, at a time when not only the military dictatorship was experiencing its most violent phase, after the \"AI-5\", but the hardest drug law in the country\'s history was also in force.By analyzing the files of this process, as well as a wide variety of other sources, both oral and documentary, the beginning of the repression of LSD in Brazil is described, as well as the medical origins of the substance\'s arrival in the country.
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Virbalis, Jonas. "Narkotikų vartojimas ir prevencija mokykloje: mokinių, mokytojų, tėvų ir policijos pareigūnų vertinimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Darbo tema. Pastaraisiais metais vis dažniau susiduriama su narkomanijos problema, narkotikų paplitimu ir jų vartojimu jaunimo tarpe. Tai glaudžiai susiję su kitomis socialinėmis problemomis – smurtu, patyčiomis, savižudybėmis, nusikalstamumu. Nepaisant to, kad problema plačiai nagrinėjama globaliu mastu, reikia ieškoti atsakymų į klausimus: kodėl narkotikų paplitimas sparčiai didėja, kokiose socialinėse terpėse labiausiai vyrauja, kokios prevencinės priemonės yra taikomos, kaip jos veikia. Verta pabrėžti, kad būtent mokykloje moksleiviai susiduria su daugeliu socialinių veiksnių ir problemų: alkoholizmas, rūkymas, narkomanija, nusikalstamumas, mokyklos nelankymas, fizinė ir psichologinė prievarta bei kitomis. Moksleiviai apie narkotikus žino daugiau, nei suaugusieji - mokytojai ir tėvai. Moksleiviai domisi šiuo klausimu, žino daug narkotinių medžiagų pavadinimų, turi pažįstamų, vartojančių narkotikus, būna kompanijose, kuriose jie vartojami. Taigi narkotikų kontrolės ir narkomanijos prevencijos politikos įgyvendinimas turi būti grindžiamas aiškiais prioritetais, vertinimu, koordinavimo užtikrinimu, racionalių išteklių skirstymu ir naudojimu. Norint efektyviai kovoti ar racionaliai kontroliuoti šį reiškinį, pirmiausiai reikia jį tinkamai išnagrinėti visais pjūviais, pradedant nuo narkotikų rūšių, jų vartojimo priežasčių, pasekmių iki prevencinių programų, kooperuoto atsakingų institucijų bendradarbiavimo. Daug mokslinių darbų parašyta ir ne vienas tyrimas atliktas šia tema... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Thesis theme. Drug abuse and prevention in school: School childrens’, teachers’, parents’ and police officers’ opinion evaluation. Thesis author. Jonas Virbalis, a master student of sociology education program, Social education faculty (social work and sociological branch) at Vilnius Education University. Thesis tutor: Prof. Habil. Dr. Valdas Pruskus. Research problem. In recent years, more and more young people have drug addiction problems. This is closely related to other social problems - violence, bullying, suicide , crime. Despite the fact that the problem of extensively researched globally, it is necessary to look for the answers to the questions: Why is the prevalence of drugs is growing rapidly, what social media the most dominant, what preventive measures are applied, how they operate. It is well known that it is the school, students are faced with many social factors and problems: alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, crime, school absenteeism, physical and psychological abuse, and others. Students know more about drugs than adults - teachers and parents. Students interested in this subject, knows a lot of names of drugs have acquaintances whose use drugs. Because of these facts thus, drug control and prevention policies must be based on clear priorities, evaluation, coordination ensuring rational distribution and use. In order to effectively fight or rational control this phenomenon, it must first be properly examined all sections, of this problem - starting with... [to full text]
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Schierenbeck, Thomas. "Illicit recreational drugs and sleep a systematic review covering cocaine, ecstasy, LSD and cannabis /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2007.

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Čipkienė, Erika. "Narkotikų prevencijos, organizuojant ugdymo procesą, teorinis ir empirinis pagrindindimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Erikos Čipkienės magistro darbo Narkotikų prevencijos, organizuojant ugdymo procesą, teorinis ir empirinis pagrindimas objektas yra prevencinės veiklos vaidmuo organizuojant ugdymo procesą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Darbe analizuojama mokslinė literatūra apie narkomanijos problemą bei galimus jos prevencijos būdus, organizuojant ugdymo procesą, aptariama narkotikų vartojimo problema Lietuvoje ir Europos šalyse bei narkotikų plitimas mokyklose. Darbe taip pat nagrinėjami būdai, kaip įtraukti į prevencinę veiklą mokinius, mokytojus, mokinių tėvus. Empirinėje darbo dalyje siekta atskleisti pedagogų ir pačių mokinių požiūrį į prevencinės veiklos organizavimą mokykloje, išryškinant šios veiklos būdus bei efektyvumą lemiančius veiksnius. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Q tipo duomenų rinkimo metodu – anketine apklausa bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų bei gimnazijų mokiniams ir mokytojams. Anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 124 pedagogai ir 246 mokiniai iš Vilniaus miesto mokyklų. Tyrimas parodė, kad pedagogų ir mokinių požiūris į prevencinės veiklos poreikį ir jos prioritetus mokyklose skiriasi: prevencinės veiklą svarbesne laiko pedagogai. Tyrimas parodė, kad prevencinės veiklos mokyklose galimybių bei šios veiklos formų yra daug, bet ne visos jos efektyvios: ir mokiniai, ir mokytojai efektyvesniais laiko aktyvius prevencijos metodus, akcijas bei renginius. Daugiausia dėmesio prevencijai skiriama lietuvių kalbos, biologijos ir dorinio ugdymo pamokose. Apklausti mokytojai ir mokiniai sutinka, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The object of the master Degree paper, ”Drug Abuse Prevention in Education process, Theoretical and Empirical Foundation”, written by Erika Cipkiene, is the role of preventive activity when organizing the teaching process in secondary co-educational schools. The work analyses the resources that deal with the information on drug addiction issue and the possible prevention means when organizing educational process; the issues of drug abuse and the spread of drugs at schools in Lithuanian and other European countries are also analyzed the work also aims to find the ways how students, teachers and students’ parents could be involved in the prevention program. The empirical part of the work is dedicated to reveal teachers’ and students’ attitude towards prevention activity organization at school, highlighting the possible preventative actions and factors that determine success. The research was carried out collecting the a type data-a questionnaire was given to secondary school and gymnasium students and teachers. The respondents included 124 teachers and 246 students from various schools in Vilnius .the research revealed the difference between students’ and teachers’ attitude towards the need and priorities of prevention activity in secondary schools. Prevention activity is considered to be more significant by teachers. The research showed a wide variety of preventive means and opportunities, however, not all of them prove to be highly effective-both, students and teachers... [to full text]
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Callon, Cody Terry. "Evaluation of a drug user-led safer injecting education campaign." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011.

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Background: Unsafe injection practices remain a significant source of morbidity and mortality among people who inject drugs (IDU), this thesis sought to: review the literature outlining the ways in which people inject unsafely, the health consequences associated with unsafe practices, the factors that influence injection practices, and the interventions that have been designed to address these problems; describe a drug user-led safer injecting education campaign; and finally, examine the facilitators’ and participants’ perceptions of a unique user-led intervention. Methods: Qualitative data was derived from semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with eight members of the Injection Support (IS) Team who developed and facilitated a series of safer injecting education workshops and 20 individuals who participated in these workshops. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and a thematic analysis was conducted. Results: A literature review identified numerous specific unsafe injection practices, which are associated with negative health outcomes, including HIV, hepatitis C, bacterial infections, and venous damage. Research demonstrates that various individual, physical, social, and structural factors influence injection practices, and has identified a number of interventions (e.g. syringe distribution, education) that reduce negative health consequences. Results indicate that IDU typically learn about injecting by watching or sharing experiences with other IDU and that significant gaps in knowledge regarding safer injecting practices persist. Accounts of IDU suggest that the unique process and structure of IS Team workshops enabled effective communication of information about safer injecting practices, while targeting the unsafe practices of workshop participants. Facilitators’ identity as IDU enhanced their ability to relate to workshop participants, most of whom expressed that they prefer user-led interventions to other approaches. Facilitators reported gaining knowledge, skills, and positive feelings about themselves from their involvement in the campaign, while many participants reported that they acquired new knowledge that would alter their future injecting practices. Discussion: The IS Team education campaign focuses on health issues relevant to IDU that are not being adequately addressed by existing public health programs. This study demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of involving IDU in educational initiatives targeting unsafe injecting. Increased involvement of IDU in interventions designed to address unsafe injecting is urgently required.
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Bogušis, Evaldas. "Antimikrobinių vaistų vartojimo atitikimo racionalaus vaistų vartojimo rekomendacijoms analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.

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Background and Objective: To evaluate non-adherence to guideline on rational antibioticotherapy, proportions of hospital infections and empirical treatments in antibioticotherapy, and the need for making intervention to non-rational antibiotics prescriptions. Design: Observational study of non-adherence to guidelines on rational antibioticotherapy. Analysis of antibiotics prescriptions in tertiary hospital settings. Setting: 34 wards in tertiary hospital - University hospital at Kaunas University of Medicine. Main Outcome Measures: Proportions of non-rational treatment. Results: 331 (29,82%) patient of 1110, received antibiotics prescription. 166 (50.15%) rescriptions for treatment and 165 (49.75 %) for prophylaxis. Empiric treatment 279 (84.29%) cases, 52 (15.71%) treatment cases based on bacteriological analysis. Community infections 111 (67.27%) cases. 206 (62,24%) prescriptions were non-adherent to guidelines rational antibioticotherapy. Correlation of non-adherence with rational antibioticotherapy for hospital and community infections was found as r = 0.43 (P < 0.05) and 0.64 (P < 0.01), correspondingly; and for empiric treatment and treatment based on bacteriological analysis as r=0.8 (P < 0.01) and 0.06 (P > 0.05), correspondingly. Conclusions: Empirical treatments in hospital settings comprise high (84%) proportion of cases of antibioticotherapy. Hospital infections comprise high (33%) proportion of infections in hospital settings. Prescription analysis has shown... [to full text]
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Feigelman, Leonid. "PATTERNS OF USING ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS IN OUTPATIENT SETTINGS." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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We did not know the patterns of using antihypertensive drugs in outpatient settings in Israel that is why we raised a research aim to analyze the pattern of use of HBP in outpoint setting. In order to meet this aim we raised several research objectives:. 1) Does lifestyle modification is important for the patient for blood pressure control? 2) Do the patients need to change their medication at set of time until BP goals reached? 3) Does the use of more than one drug would help achieving better HBP results? Does the use of single doses combination would have better affect then using fixed dose combination? 4) How often noncompliance take in HBP control? 5) How many patients suffer from side effects? Methods: a questionnaire composed of 36 questions and qualitative statistical analysis.
Mes nežinojome, kad naudojant antihipertenzinių vaistinių preparatų ir ambulatorinėmis Izraelyje, kuris yra, kodėl mes iškėlė Tyrimo tikslas išanalizuoti naudojimo HBP Išėjo taško nustatymo modelį modelius. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą, mes iškėlė kelis mokslinių tyrimų tikslams:. 1) Ar gyvenimo būdo pakeitimas yra svarbus kraujospūdžio kontrolės pacientui? 2) Ar pacientai turi pakeisti savo vaistą esant rinkinį, kol pasiekė BP tikslai? 3) Ar iš daugiau nei vieno narkotiko naudojimas padėtų pasiekti geresnių HBP rezultatus? Ar vienos dozės deriniu būtų geriau veikia tada naudojant fiksuotų dozių derinys? 4) Kaip dažnai nesilaikymo imtis HBP kontrolės? 5) Kiek pacientų kenčia nuo šalutinio poveikio? Metodai: Klausimynas sudarytas iš 36 klausimų ir kokybinio statistinę analizę.
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Sacono, Nancy Tomoko [UNESP]. "Uso do LED vermelho em mucosite induzida por quimioterapia." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2007.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:15:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 sacono_nt_me_arafo.pdf: 2803802 bytes, checksum: 8bad6c0c05a91cc99e6f3a68c0020209 (MD5)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A mucosite é uma das complicações orais mais incidentes relacionadas à quimioterapia, que provoca ulcerações, dor, dificuldade de alimentação e pode levar à interrupção do tratamento antineoplásico. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar o efeito do LED (Ligth Emitting Diode) no tratamento da mucosite induzida por quimioterapia em hamsters. Os animais do grupo experimental (G1) e do grupo controle (G2) receberam injeção de 5-fluoruracila nos dias 0 e 2 do experimento e tiveram as mucosas direita e esquerda arranhadas nos dias 3 e 4. O G1 recebeu tratamento com LED (630 nm, 160 mW, 12 J/cm2) durante 37,5 segundos nos dias 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 e 14. A mucosa jugal foi evertida e fotografada a cada dois dias a partir do dia 4 até o dia 14. As fotografias foram classificadas por meio de uma escala de acordo com o grau de severidade da mucosite (0 a 5). O G2 não recebeu tratamento. O grupo controle negativo (G3) não foi submetido à indução de mucosite. Nos dias 5, 9, 13 e 14, as mucosas de 8 animais (G1 e G2) foram removidas para avaliação histopatológica. A análise estatística demonstrou haver diferenças significantes entre o grupo tratado com LED e o grupo não tratado (p<0,05) quando se comparou a severidade da mucosite, apesar de a avaliação histopatológica ter demonstrado degeneração muscular em aproximadamente 18% da amostra (G1). A aplicação do LED nos parâmetros utilizados neste estudo foi efetiva na redução da severidade da mucosite oral e na cicatrização das lesões, embora não tenha prevenido completamente o surgimento das mesmas.
Mucositis is the most common oral complication of cancer chemotherapy that causes pain and impairs patient's ability to eat, swallow and may determine interruption of the treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of LED (Ligth Emitting Diode) therapy on chemotherapy-induced mucositis in hamsters. The animals of both experimental (G1) and positive control group (G2) received intraperitoneal injections of 5-fluorouracil on days 0 and 2. All animals had right and left oral mucosa irritated by superficial scratching on days 3 and 4. The G1 received LED irradiation (630 nm, 160 mW, 12 J/cm2) during 37,5 seconds at days 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. The cheek pouches were everted and photographed from day 4 until 14 at 2-day intervals. Photographs were randomly scored according to the severity of induced mucositis (0 to 5). The G2 received no treatment. The negative control group (G3) received no mucositis induction. The cheek pouches of 8 animals (G1 and G2) were dissected for histopathological examination on days 5, 9, 13 and 15. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between treated and non-treated groups (p<0,05), although histopathological findings have demonstrated muscular degeneration in 18% of the sample (G1), approximately. These results pointed out that LED therapy protocol established for this study was effective to reduce the severity of oral mucositis and accelerated the healing process, although it has not completely prevented the appearance of oral lesions.
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Kulšienė, Janina. "Injekcinių narkotikų vartotojų socialinė demografinė charakteristika ir socialinių – medicininių paslaugų poreikiai." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.

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Šiame magistro darbe yra nagrinėjamos injekcinių narkotikų vartotojų socialinės ir demografinės charakteristikos bei socialinių ir medicininių paslaugų poreikiai. Darbo uždaviniai – atskleisti injekcinių narkotikų vartotojų, kaip specifinės socialinių paslaugų gavėjų grupės, socialinį bei demografinį statusą Lietuvoje; jį apibūdinančius kokybinius bei kiekybinius kriterijus; apibrėžti pagrindinius injekcinių narkotikų vartotojų socialinius bei medicininius poreikius; įvertinti socialinių paslaugų teikimo siekiant padėti injekcinių narkotikų vartotojams patenkinti socialinius ir medicininius poreikius galimybes bei problemas Lietuvoje. Rašant darbą naudoti įvairūs teoriniai (loginis, lyginimo, istorinis, sisteminis) bei empiriniai (dokumentų analizė, profesinės praktikos apibendrinimas, anketavimas) mokslinio tyrimo metodai.
This final work of postgraduate studies is committed to the analysis of socio-demographics characteristics of intravenous drug users and their needs for social and medical services. The goals of this work is to describe socio-demographics status of intravenous drug users in Lithuania; to analyze its quantitative and qualitative criterions; evaluate main social and medical needs of intravenous drugs users; to lay down concepts, forms and means which is necessary in order to organize effective social services in Lithuania which could help intravenous drugs users to satisfy their basic medical and social needs. The main scientific methods which were used to complete this work were both theoretical (logical, comparative, systemic, historical) and empiric (analysis of documents, generalization of professional experience, inquiry of intravenous drugs addicts who are registered in Lithuanian HIV center). It is necessary to mention that the main results of this work are that it describes addiction to intravenous drugs as a social problem, reveals essential social and demographics features of intravenous drugs users, analyze problems, which are related with functioning of social and medical services system for such persons. On this aspect this study also evaluates possibilities for the improvement of social and medical services in Lithuania. One part of this work describe results of practical survey (inquiry) which was carried out between 122 intravenous drug users who are... [to full text]
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Ditto, Andrew. "DNA-LPEI complexes encapsulated in LTP nanospheres as a non-viral gene therapy vector." Akron, OH : University of Akron, 2006.

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Thesis (M.S.)--University of Akron, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, 2006.
"December, 2006." Title from electronic thesis title page (viewed 12/31/2008) Advisor, Yang Yun; Committee members, Stephanie Lopina, Steven Schmidt; Department Chair, Daniel Sheffer; Dean of the College, George K. Haritos; Dean of the Graduate School, George R. Newkome. Includes bibliographical references.
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Sacono, Nancy Tomoko. "Uso do LED vermelho em mucosite induzida por quimioterapia /." Araraquara: [s.n.], 2007.

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Resumo: A mucosite é uma das complicações orais mais incidentes relacionadas à quimioterapia, que provoca ulcerações, dor, dificuldade de alimentação e pode levar à interrupção do tratamento antineoplásico. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar o efeito do LED (Ligth Emitting Diode) no tratamento da mucosite induzida por quimioterapia em hamsters. Os animais do grupo experimental (G1) e do grupo controle (G2) receberam injeção de 5-fluoruracila nos dias 0 e 2 do experimento e tiveram as mucosas direita e esquerda arranhadas nos dias 3 e 4. O G1 recebeu tratamento com LED (630 nm, 160 mW, 12 J/cm2) durante 37,5 segundos nos dias 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 e 14. A mucosa jugal foi evertida e fotografada a cada dois dias a partir do dia 4 até o dia 14. As fotografias foram classificadas por meio de uma escala de acordo com o grau de severidade da mucosite (0 a 5). O G2 não recebeu tratamento. O grupo controle negativo (G3) não foi submetido à indução de mucosite. Nos dias 5, 9, 13 e 14, as mucosas de 8 animais (G1 e G2) foram removidas para avaliação histopatológica. A análise estatística demonstrou haver diferenças significantes entre o grupo tratado com LED e o grupo não tratado (p<0,05) quando se comparou a severidade da mucosite, apesar de a avaliação histopatológica ter demonstrado degeneração muscular em aproximadamente 18% da amostra (G1). A aplicação do LED nos parâmetros utilizados neste estudo foi efetiva na redução da severidade da mucosite oral e na cicatrização das lesões, embora não tenha prevenido completamente o surgimento das mesmas.
Abstract: Mucositis is the most common oral complication of cancer chemotherapy that causes pain and impairs patient's ability to eat, swallow and may determine interruption of the treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of LED (Ligth Emitting Diode) therapy on chemotherapy-induced mucositis in hamsters. The animals of both experimental (G1) and positive control group (G2) received intraperitoneal injections of 5-fluorouracil on days 0 and 2. All animals had right and left oral mucosa irritated by superficial scratching on days 3 and 4. The G1 received LED irradiation (630 nm, 160 mW, 12 J/cm2) during 37,5 seconds at days 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. The cheek pouches were everted and photographed from day 4 until 14 at 2-day intervals. Photographs were randomly scored according to the severity of induced mucositis (0 to 5). The G2 received no treatment. The negative control group (G3) received no mucositis induction. The cheek pouches of 8 animals (G1 and G2) were dissected for histopathological examination on days 5, 9, 13 and 15. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between treated and non-treated groups (p<0,05), although histopathological findings have demonstrated muscular degeneration in 18% of the sample (G1), approximately. These results pointed out that LED therapy protocol established for this study was effective to reduce the severity of oral mucositis and accelerated the healing process, although it has not completely prevented the appearance of oral lesions.
Orientador: Fabio Cesar Braga de Abreu e Lima
Coorientador: Carlos Alberto de Souza Costa
Banca: Elisa Maria Aparecida Giro
Banca: Rosane de Fátima Zanirato Lizarelli
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Rego, Filipe Ferreira de Almeida. "Fatores genéticos e clínicos relacionados à infecções pelo HIV-1 e HTLV-1." reponame:Repositório Institucional da FIOCRUZ, 2014.

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Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio ( on 2016-04-04T18:19:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Filipe Ferreira de Almeida Rego Fatores....pdf: 6473179 bytes, checksum: 008855484cf612885a04f114f51214ba (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio ( on 2016-04-04T18:20:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Filipe Ferreira de Almeida Rego Fatores....pdf: 6473179 bytes, checksum: 008855484cf612885a04f114f51214ba (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:20:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Filipe Ferreira de Almeida Rego Fatores....pdf: 6473179 bytes, checksum: 008855484cf612885a04f114f51214ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Ba, Brasil
Nesta tese foram realizados três trabalhos distintos sendo que todos envolvem identificar possíveis fatores genéticos ou clínicos relacionados com a infecção pelo HIV-1 ou pelo HTLV-1 ou por ambos. No primeiro trabalho nós objetivamos identificar mutações que poderiam estar relacionadas com o desenvolvimento da TSP/HAM ou carga proviral. Para isto sequenciamos a região LTR5’ do HTLV-1 por Ion Torrent para verificar mutações com baixa frequência. Nós encontramos mutações em 52 posições que estavam presentes em mais de um indivíduo, porém apenas 11 destas estavam presentes em TFBS previamente descritos. Três mutações que não estavam presentes em TFBS previamente descritos foram estatisticamente significantes quando comparadas entre os grupos," sendo" que" estes" sítios" podem" ser" importantes" para" a"mediação" da" transcrição" viral."No" segundo" estudo" nós" objetivamos determinar a prevalência do genótipo selvagem em Hlabisa, Kwazulu-Natal na África do Sul além de identificar possíveis fatores associados a presença deste genótipo em 220 pacientes submetidos a ART. O genótipo selvagem foi detectado em 28 amostras (12,7%). Selecionamos 11 pacientes para realizar o sequenciamento pelo Ion Torrent, nove confirmaram não ter mutações de resistência aos antirretrovirais em alta frequência. Foi encontrada uma alta contagem de CD4+ no início da terapia associado a falha terapêutica assim como uma alta carga viral antes da genotipagem e não foi encontrado associação entre aderência a terapia auto-reportada e a presença do genótipo selvagem. Aproximadamente um em cada oito adultos que falham a terapia possuem o genótipo selvagem sendo este dado confirmado através de sequenciamento de nova geração. Devido ao alto número de genótipos selvagem encontrados, o teste de resistência genotípica deve ser solicitado para se obter um melhor desfecho clinico em níveis individuais e populacionais. No terceiro estudo nós analisamos as diferenças na contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ entre indivíduos infectados apenas com o HIV-1 e indivíduos coinfectados HIV-1/HTLV-1 com falha terapêutica, além de analisarmos a soroprevalência do HTLV-1 em indivíduos infectados pelo HIV-1. Foram encontrados oito pacientes coinfectados (2,1%) dos 381 pacientes analisados. Nós não observamos nenhuma diferença estatística quando analisamos transversalmente os dados clínicos dos pacientes, exceto na primeira contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ após o início do tratamento que estava maior nos indivíduos coinfectados (p=0.03). A análise multivariada longitudinal mostrou que a media de linfócitos T CD4+ ao longo do tratamento, foi estatisticamente maior nos pacientes coinfectados levando em consideração características demográficas, carga viral, fatores relacionados a terapia, entre outros. Nos pacientes coinfectados também não foram encontrados marcadores de HLA relacionados com os supressores de elite do HIV-1. Os dados deste trabalho sugerem que os pacientes coinfectados em terapia antirretroviral deveriam ter um acompanhamento clínico diferenciado dos indivíduos apenas infectados pelo HIV-1, pois a coinfecção poderia estar levando ao aumento do número dos linfócitos T CD4+ sem um possível ganho de resposta imune.
We performed three studies to analyze risk factors associated with retroviruses infections. In the first study we attempted to analyze mutations related to TSP/HAM development or proviral load. For that purpose we have sequenced the LTR 5’ region of HTLV-1 by Ion Torrent. We found that mutations in 52 positions were present in more than one individual, but only 11 were present in the previously described TFBS. Three mutations that were not present in the previously described TFBS were statistically significant comparing groups. Despite the absence of previously described TFBS, these sites might be important for the viral transcription. In the second study we analyzed the prevalence of HIV-1 wild type genotype in adults failing first-line ART. A total of 220 adults were included. The wild type genotype was detected by population sequencing in 28 (12.7%). No major drug resistance mutations were detected by deep sequencing for 81.8% (9/11) of those sampled. Higher baseline CD4+ cell count was associated with a greater likelihood of wild type genotype as was a higher viral load prior to resistance testing but there was no evidence of an association between selfreported adherence and the presence of wild type genotype. Approximately one in eight adults failing first-line ART had wild type genotype and this result was confirmed trough deep sequencing in some samples. Access to genotypic resistance testing may be required in this region to achieve optimal individual-level and population-level outcomes. In the third study we proposed to verify the prevalence of HTLV-1 and to statistically assess differences in CD4+ counts between HTLV-1/HIV-1 co-infected and HIV-1 mono-infected patients living in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The HTLV-1 seroprevalence was 2.1% (8 out 381 patients). The patients were grouped by HTLV-1/HIV-1 co-infected and HIV-1 mono-infected status for the statistical analysis. There were no cross-sectional differences between the groups regarding CD4+ count before therapy, CD4+ count at genotype, age, gender, viral load, duration of ART, immunological failure, ART failure and first ART regimen. However, the first CD4+ count after treatment was higher in the co-infected group (p=0.03). A multivariate, longitudinal model showed that the mean CD4+ count over time for the HTLV-1/HIV-1 coinfected group was significantly higher than the HIV mono-infected group (p<0.05) when adjusting for demographic characteristics, viral load and ART treatment factors. This finding was independent of expression of HLA Class 1 genotypes previously associated with HIV-1 infected elite suppressors. This study suggests that the increase of CD4+ count after therapy suggests a differential clinical management for the HTLV-1/HIV-1 co-infected patients should be implemented.
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Lasinskas, Marius. "Trends in the consumption of analgesic drugs in Lithuania in 2005 – 2007." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Objective: To evaluate the consumption of analgesics in Lithuania in the year 2005 – 2007. Material and methods: The data on sales of analgesics drugs in Lithuanian over a 3-year period (2005 – 2007) were obtained from Softdent database. Data were calculated by defined daily dose (DDD) methodology and expressed in DDDs per 1000 inhabitants per day. Results: The total analgesic drugs consumption increased by 16.55% in a 3-year period (2005 – 2007): from 58.37 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day to 68.03 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day. Diclofenac (ATC M01A) seemed to be the most highly consumed drug in Lithuania in the three-year period. Diclofenac (M01A) price/DDD is only 0.28 Lt. For these reasons diclofenac was more often used than other painkillers. The second most used agent for pain control was glucosamine (6.38 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day in 2005), which is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis and, along with new products, its popularity increased sharply. Its consumption grew by 29.80% and achieved 8.28 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day in 2007. Glucosamine value (Price/DDD) is 1.39 Lt, while paracetamol - 0.59 Lt. Glucosamine is OTC drug so people can buy it easily without control. Maybe for this reasons the usage of glucosamine is enough high. Ibuprofen has regained its popularity after the problems with coxibs. In 2005, the consumption of ibuprofen (4.42 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day) grew rapidly once again, reached 7.26 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day in 2007 and showed 64.25% increase... [to full text]
Tikslas. Įvertinti analgetikų vartojimo tendencijas Lietuvoje 2005 – 2007 m. Metodai. Duomenys apie analgetikų pardavimą Lietuvoje 2005 – 2007 metais rinkti iš UAB „Softdent" duomenų bazės. Vaistai buvo klasifikuojami pagal anatominę terapinę cheminę (ATC) klasifikaciją. Vaistų suvartojimas buvo vertinamas pagal apibrėžtos dienos dozės (DDD – angl. defined daily dose) metodiką, o duomenys pateikiami apibrėžta dienos doze tūkstančiui gyventojų. Rezultatai. Lietuvoje per trejus metus (2005 – 2007) analgetikų vartojimas padidėjo 16.55%: nuo 58.37 iki 68.03 DDD/tūkstančiui gyventojų. Daugiausiai buvo suvartojama diklofenako (ATC grupė M01A), tai galėjo būtų dėl tam tikrų priežasčių: diklofenako vieno DDD kaina tik 0.28 lito. Antroje vietoje pagal suvartojimą – gliukozaminas, kuris vartojamas osteoartritui gydyti. Jo suvartojimas išaugo 29.80% ir 2007 m. pasiekė 8.28 DDD/tūkstančiui gyventojų. Gliukozamino vieno DDD vertė 1.39 Lt, kai paracetamolio – 0.59 Lt. Gliukozaminas yra bereceptis vaistas, taigi žmonėms jis legvai prieinamas. Galbūt dėl šių priežasčių gliukozamino suvartojama gana daug. Ibuprofenas susigrąžino savo populiarumą: 2005 metais jo suvartojimas pradėjo vėl sparčiai didėti, 2007 metais pasiekė 7.26 DDD/tūkstančiui gyventojų, ir parodė 64.25% augimą. Nimesulido vartojimas dramatiškai išaugo ir 2007 metais pasiekė 4.91 DDD/tūkstančiui gyventojų. Jo vieno DDD vertė 1.69 Lt, kai paracetamolio ir kitų analgetikų ši vertė nesiekė 1 Lt. Airijoje nimesulidas buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Kroker, Katja [Verfasser], and Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Lenter. "Establishment and validation of hippocampal LTP for characterization of memory enhancing drugs as potential treatment of Alzheimer’s disease / Katja Kroker. Betreuer: Martin Lenter." Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2012.

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Lyon, P. C. "Targeted release from lyso-thermosensitive liposomal doxorubicin (ThermoDox®) using focused ultrasound in patients with liver tumours." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016.

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Hogan, Elizabeth. "A Comparison of Pharmacist Led Collaborative Drug Therapy Management to Standard Physician Provided Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus." The University of Arizona, 2005.

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Class of 2005 Abstract
Objective: To determine the effect that a pharmacist run diabetes mellitus (DM) care clinic has on glycemic control, as measured by glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. The baseline comparison group is the current standard of care consisting of physician only treated DM patients. Methods: This project is a retrospective cohort analysis of clinical data obtained from patient charts, patients were matched on age. The pharmacist treated group, from a community health center clinic with a collaborative care agreement for the treatment of DM (Group 1), provided comprehensive DM treatment based upon a prearranged treatment protocol with clinic physicians. The physician treated group, is from an outpatient clinic situated at a community hospital (Group 2). The primary outcome was change in HbA1c over at least a 6 month period of time. Patients from both groups were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, >18 years of age, and enrolled in an Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Medicaid insurance program. Patients could be treated with oral antidiabetic medication, an insulin product, or a combination of both. Results: A total of 321 patients were included in the study, Group 1 n=161, Group 2 n=160. Ages were similar, mean age=57.7 (SD=12.2) for Group1 and mean age=57.4 (SD=12.3) for Group 2. Gender (male=33.5% and 37.5% respectively) and ethnicity were also similar (p>0.45). The average HbA1c levels at baseline and at the end of treatment were as follows; Group 1 (9.8 and 7.8), and Group 2 (8.8 and 8.9) p<0.001 for post treatment comparison. Implications: This study indicates that physician pharmacist collaborative care improves glycemic control, as shown by significantly lower HbA1c levels than the physician treated group.
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Minkutė, Rima. "Klinikinės farmacijos paslaugos poreikio tyrimas stacionarinio gydymo įstaigose optimizuojant siauro terapinio indekso vaistų vartojimą." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Siauro terapinio indekso vaistų vartojimas ir farmakokinetikos tyrimų interpretavimas reikalauja specialių farmakokinetikos žinių. Mokslinės literatūros šaltiniuose teigiama, jog gydymo procese dalyvaujant klinikiniams vaistininkams vaistų vartojimas yra optimizuojamas. Lietuvoje panašios vaistininkų veiklos nėra, todėl tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti siauro terapinio indekso vaistų vartojimo racionalumą ir nustatyti klinikinės farmacijos paslaugos poreikį stacionarinio gydymo įstaigoje. Darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti ir įvertinti farmakoterapinių problemų, siejamų su siauro terapinio indekso vaistų (vankomicino, ciklosporino, digoksino, gentamicino) vartojimu, paplitimą tretinio lygio ligoninėje; kiekybiškai ir kokybiškai įvertinti nustatytų farmakoterapinių problemų rizikos veiksnius; įvertinti vankomicino farmakokinetikos stebėsenos praktiką ligoninės skyriuose; įvertinti farmacininko konsultacijos įtaką vankomicino farmakokinetikos stebėsenai. Tyrimui pasirinktų siauro terapinio indekso vaistų farmakokinetikos tyrimų analizė atskleidė klinikinės farmacijos paslaugos poreikį optimizuojant tokių vaistų vartojimą Lietuvos ligoninėse. Nustatytų farmakoterapinių problemų rizikos veiksnių analizė identifikavo praktikoje dar visuotinai nepripažintą padidintą inkstų klirensą ir jo reikšmingą įtaką vaistų veiksmingumui.
The prescription of narrow therapeutic index drugs (NTID) and interpretation of pharmacokinetic measurements require special pharmacokinetic knowledge. Scientific publications report that active participation of clinical pharmacists in the treatment process results in optimization of the drugs use. In Lithuania, there are no similar services provided by pharmacists up till now. Aim of the study: to evaluate the rationality of the use of NTIDs and to determine the demand for clinical pharmacy services in hospitals. Objectives of the study: to identify and evaluate the prevalence of drug-related problems associated with the use of NTIDs (vancomycin, cyclosporine, digoxin, and gentamicin) in the tertiary-level hospital; to perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of risk factors for the identified drug-related problems; to evaluate the practice of pharmacokinetic vancomycin monitoring in hospital departments; to evaluate the influence of pharmacist intervention on pharma¬cokinetic vancomycin monitoring. The analysis of pharmacokinetic measurements of NTIDs selected for this study revealed the demand for clinical pharmacy services while optimizing NTIDs use in the Lithuanian hospitals. The analysis of risk factors associated with the identified drug-related problems identified augmented renal clearance, which is not widely acknowledged in practice, and its significant impact on the effectiveness of drugs.
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Sanches, Fatima Aparecida Castriani. "Um fotômetro LED-NIR duplo feixe microcontrolado e portátil para análise screening e quantitativa de medicamentos injetáveis de forma não invasiva." Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba, 2013.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T13:21:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4300715 bytes, checksum: 6618808ff4fc3b330190a5a4b7fe14f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-27
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
In this work, a portable LED - NIR double beam micro-processor controlled photometer for non-destructive/non-invasive screening and quantitative analysis of injectable medicines was developed to assess conformity with values established by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The product analyzed was injectable dipyrone (1g/2 mL) sold in amber colored vials of 1.1 cm outer diameter, and 6 cm in height. Initially, spectroscopic studies were carried out employing a commercial spectrophotometer to assess the best NIR spectrum regions that might be used. The instrument developed used two twin LEDs with NIR radiation emissions rated at 1050 ± 50 nm. Two InGaAs photodiodes (also identical), and a PIC18F455 microcontroller were used as well. The output of the instrument used a PIC microcontroller coupled to a 20x2 liquid crystal display which communicated with a PC by USB 2.0 for communication. The instrument evaluated commercial dipyrone injection samples using absorbance measurements made directly from ampoules of the injectable medicines. The photometer was calibrated with standard solutions of dipyrone, and its performance was evaluated by an analysis of 620 of the commercial dipyrone injection samples, where 320 were expired. The instrument had a high success rate for screening analysis (91%). For quantitative determination of the active dipyrone, a linear response was obtained [R2 = 0.9964, A = 0.0068 + 0.0043 C (% w/v)] in the concentration range of 5 to 60% m/v. We also obtained a low relative error of 0.40%, and good accuracy in the analyses with a relative standard deviation of 2.13%.
Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um fotômetro LED-NIR duplo feixe microcontrolado e portátil para análise screening e quantitativa de medicamentos injetáveis de forma não destrutiva/não invasiva, visando investigar a conformidade desses com os valores estabelecidos na Farmacopéia Brasileira. O medicamento analisado foi a dipirona sódica injetável 1g/2mL, comercializados em ampolas de coloração âmbar. Foram realizados inicialmente estudos espectroscópicos empregando um espectrofotômetro comercial para avaliar quais as melhores regiões do espectro NIR que poderiam ser empregadas para a determinação da espécie de interesse. O instrumento desenvolvido utiliza dois LEDs-NIR com emissão de radiação nominal em 1050 ± 50 nm gêmeos (de mesmas especificações técnicas), dois fotodiodos de InGaAs também idênticos e um microcontrolador PIC18F455. Como dispositivos de saída do instrumento foram empregados o microcontrolador PIC acoplado a um display de cristal líquido 20x2, o qual também se comunica com um microcomputador portátil por comunicação USB 2.0. O instrumento foi avaliado com amostras comerciais de dipirona sódica injetável por medidas de absorbância efetuadas diretamente nas ampolas dos medicamentos injetáveis. O fotômetro foi calibrado com soluções padrão de dipirona e seu desempenho foi avaliado na análise de 620 amostras comerciais de dipirona injetável, das quais 320 apresentavam prazo de validade expirado. O instrumento obteve elevado índice de acerto para a análise screening (91%). Para determinação quantitativa do princípio ativo dipirona, uma resposta linear foi obtida [R2 = 0,9964, A = 0,0068 + 0,0043 C (% m/v)] na faixa de concentração de: 5 a 60 % m/v. Também foi obtido um baixo erro relativo conjunto (0,40 %) e boa precisão nas análises (desvio padrão relativo conjunto = 2,13%).
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Modolo, Fabiana Duarte Mendes e. 1973. "Estudo de biodisponibilidade comparativa de uma formulação teste (Lipless [ciprofibrato] - comprimido - 100 mg; Biolab Sanus Farmacêutica Ltda.) versus uma formulação referência (Oroxadin [ciprofibrato] comprimido - 100 mg; Sanofi-Aventis) em voluntários sadios de ambos os sexos." [s.n.], 2012.

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Orientador: Gilberto de Nucci
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T11:09:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Modolo_FabianaDuarteMendese_D.pdf: 4445677 bytes, checksum: 5d3f6fadf0884c24742741c6059792dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Resumo: Método rápido, sensível e específico foi desenvolvido para quantificar ciprofibrato no plasma humano, utilizando bezafibrato como padrão interno (SI). O analito e o padrão interno foram extraídos do plasma, por extração líquido-líquido, usando um solvente orgânico (éter etílico/diclorometano 70/30 (v/v)). Os extratos foram analisados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massa (HPLC-MS/MS), do tipo eletrospray. A cromatografia foi realizada com coluna Gênesis C18 4?m analítica (4,6 x 150mm id) em fase móvel composta de acetonitrila/água (70/30, v/v) e 1 mM de ácido acético. O método teve um tempo de corrida cromatográfica de 2,7min e curva de calibração linear no intervalo de 0,1 - 60 ?g/mL (R2> 0,99). O limite de quantificação foi de 0,1?g/mL. Os valores de acurácia e precisão intra-corrida e inter-corrida foram inferiores a 13,5%. Os testes de estabilidade não indicaram degradação significativa. A recuperação do ciprofibrato foi de 81,2%, 73,3% e 76,2% para as concentrações de 0,3, 5,0 e 48,0 ?g/mL, respectivamente. Para o ciprofibrato, os parâmetros otimizados da energia declustering, energia de colisão e energia de saída foram -51 (V), -16 (eV) e -5 (V), respectivamente. O método também foi validado sem o uso do padrão interno. Este procedimento HPLC-MS/MS foi usado para avaliar a bioequivalência de duas formulações de comprimidos ciprofibrato 100mg, em voluntários sadios de ambos os sexos. Os seguintes parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram obtidos das curvas de concentração plasmática de cipofibrato versus tempo: ASCULTIMO, ASC0-168h, CMAX e TMAX. A média geométrica com intervalo de confiança correspondente a 90% (CI) para a razão de Teste / Referência foram: 93,80% (IC 90%= 88,16 - 99,79%) para CMAX, 98,31% (90% CI = 94,91-101,83%) para ASCULTIMO e 97,67% (90% CI = 94,45-101,01%) para ASC0-168h. Uma vez que o intervalo de confiança de 90% para a razão geométrica de CMAX , ASCÚLTIMO e ASC 0 -168h estavam dentro do intervalo de 80% -125% proposto pelo FDA dos EUA, concluiu-se que ciprofibrato (Lipless® 100mg comprimido) formulação fabricado pela Biolab Sanus Farmacêutica Ltda. é bioequivalente à formulação Oroxadin® (100mg comprimido) para a velocidade e a extensão da absorção
Abstract: A rapid, sensitive and specific method for quantifying ciprofibrate in human plasma, using bezafibrate as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma, by liquid-liquid extraction using an organic solvent (diethyl ether / dichloromethane 70/30 (v/v)). The extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Chromatography was performed using Genesis C18 4?m analytical column (4.6mm x 150mm i.d.) and a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile/water (70/30, v/v) and 1mM acetic acid. The method had a chromatographic run time of 2.7 min and a linear calibration curve over the range 0.1-60 ?g/ml (R2>0.99). The limit of quantification was 0.1?g/ml. The intra and interday accuracy and precision values of the assay were less than 13.5%. The stability tests indicated no significant degradation. The recovery of ciprofibrate was 81.2%, 73.3% and 76.2% for the 0.3, 5.0 and 48.0?g/mL standard concentrations, respectively. For ciprofibrate, the optimized parameters of the declustering potential, collision energy and collision exit potential were -51 (V), -16 (eV) and -5 (V), respectively. The method was also validated without the use of the internal standard. This HPLC-MS/MS procedure was used to assess the bioequivalence of two ciprofibrate 100mg tablet formulations, in healthy volunteers of both sexes. The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the ciprofibrate plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUCLAST, AUC0-168h, CMAX and TMAX. The geometric mean with corresponding 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference percent ratios were 93.80% (90% CI= 88.16 - 99.79%) for CMAX, 98.31% (90% CI= 94.91 - 101.83%) for AUCLAST and 97.67% (90% CI= 94.45 - 101.01%) for AUC0-168h. Since the 90% CI for AUCLAST, AUC0-168h and CMAX ratios were within the 80-125% interval proposed by the US FDA, it was concluded that ciprofibrate (Lipless® 100 mg tablet) formulation manufactured by Biolab Sanus Farmacêutica Ltda. is bioequivalent to the Oroxadin® (100mg tablet) formulation for both the rate and the extent of absorption
Clinica Medica
Doutora em Clínica Médica
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Bagužaitė, Lina. "Ergoterapijos poveikio vertinimas priklausomų nuo alkoholio ir narkotikų asmenų veiklai, interesams bei pomėgiams." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Priklausomybė - tai sveikatos sutrikimas, liguistas polinkis kartoti tą patį veiksmą ar vartoti tą pačią medžiagą pakartotinai daug kartų. Priklausomybių nuo įvairių medžiagų rodikliai visame pasaulyje auga. Dažniausiai vartojami narkotikai bei alkoholis. Šio darbo tikslas yra įvertinti asmenų, priklausomų nuo alkoholio ir narkotikų, užimtumą, interesus bei nustatyti ergoterapijos efektyvumą. Darbo uždaviniai: Įvertinti asmenų, priklausomų nuo alkoholio ir narkotikų, veiklą; nustatyti asmenims, priklausomiems nuo alkoholio ir narkotikų, interesus bei pomėgius ir įverinti ergoterapijos poveikį tirtų asmenų veiklai, interesams bei pomėgiams. Tyrimas atliktas priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos dienos centre. Tirti pacientai - turintys problemų dėl alkoholio ar narkotikų vartojimo. Tyrimas atliktas nuo 2007 04 mėn. iki 2008 03 mėn. Tyrime dalyvavo 24 (22 – 62 metų amžiaus) pacientai - 10 moterų ir 14 vyrų. Priklausomų nuo alkoholio buvo 14, nuo narkotikų – 10 asmenų. Iš tyrime dalyvavusių pacientų, reabilitacijos programą baigė 19. Tirti 5 asmenys reabilitacijos programos nebaigė. Pacientai buvo tirti 2 kartus (reabilitacijos pradžioje ir pabaigoje). Tyrimo (reabilitacijos) metu vyko grupiniai ergoterapijos užsiėmimai bei individualios konsultacijos. Reabilitacijos metu, tirtiems pacientams vidutiniškai teko po 14 konsultacijų ir 8 grupinius užsiėmimus. Priklausomiems nuo alkoholio ir narkotikų asmenims buvo atliktas veiklos atlikimo (funkcinio užimtumo) įvertinimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Addiction - is a health disorder, sick tendency to repeat same action or use the same substance repeatedly. The addiction to substances rate is increasing for all levels of society. The most often are used drugs and alcohol. The purpose of the research is to assess occupation and interest for persons, addicted to alcohol and drugs, and to identify effectiveness of occupational therapy. The goals of the research: to assess the occupation for persons, addicted to alcohol and drugs, to identify interest and hobby for persons addicted to alcohol and drugs and to assess effect of occupational therapy for persons occupation, interest and hobby. The research is made in day center of addiction diseases. The assessed patients are addicted to alcohol and drugs. The research is made from 2007 04 till 2008 03. The contingent consisted of 24 (22 – 62 year old) patients – 10 women and 14 men. Addicted to alcohol were 14, to drugs – 10 persons. The rehabilitation program finished 19 patients. Assessed 5 persons did not finished the rehabilitation program. The patients were assessed two times ( in the beginning and in the end of rehabilitation). During the research (rehabilitation) there were occupational group therapy and individual counseling. During the rehabilitation each patient had 14 consultations and 8 group therapy’s. For persons addicted to alcohol and drug were made assessment of occupational functioning and interest checklist. According to these tests, were assessed occupation... [to full text]
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Juozaitienė, Ina. "Moterų, įveikusių priklausomybę nuo narkotikų, sėkmingos blaivybės patirtys." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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Moterų narkomanija gana nauja ir mažai tyrinėta tema socialinių mokslų srityje. Pastaruoju metu vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas narkotinės priklausomybės vystymuisi lyties aspektu, daug diskutuojama apie priklausomybę nuo narkotikų sergančių moterų poreikių specifiškumą, reikiamos pagalbos užtikrinimą.
Women’s drug addiction is quite a new and little investigated theme in the field of social sciences. Recently, more and more attention has been given to the development of drug addiction in respect to gender, and such themes as drug addiction, drug-addicted women’s specificity of needs and provision of help have been discussed a lot.
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Stankūnaitė, Eglė. "Pharmacoepidemiological study and costs analysis of oral antidiabetic drugs and insulins in Lithuania on 2006-2009 year." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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Objective: To perform pharmacoepidemiological study of the use of oral antidiabetic drugs and insulins in Lithuania on 2006-2009 year and cost-minimization and reference price analysis enabling more rational use of financial resources of national health system. Material ans methods: The search for all literature relating to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic chareacteristics of drugs for diabetes mellitus was done in MEDLINE database. The data on total sales of oral antidiabetic drugs and insulins in Lithuania over a four-year period (2006-2009) were obtained from Softdent, Lithuania data base. Drugs were classified according to the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical system. Data were calculated by DDD methodology and expressed in DDDs per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/TID). Calculations of drug prices and total expenditures for antidiabetic drugs were made by using retail prices from the National Patient Funds Price List on 2006- 2009 years. Pharmacoeconomic calculations were done according to cost minimization and reference price methodologies. Results: The total consumption of hypoglycaemic drugs (incl. insulins) increased by 33.33% from 21.54 DDD/TID in 2006 to 28.72 DDD/TID in 2009. The utilization of insulin increased by 30% reaching the value of 9.43 DDDD/TID, similarly the utilization of oral antidiabetic drugs increased by 35% reaching the value of 19.29 DDD/TID in 2009. In comparison with antidiabetic drug consumption in other countries, this meaning was about... [to full text]
Tikslai: Įvertinti geriamųjų antidiabetinių vaistų ir insulinų suvartojimo tendencijas Lietuvoje 2006–2009 m. ir atlikti farmakoekonominę analizę kaštų mažinimo ir referentinės kainos metodu siekiant racionaliai panaudoti sveikatos apsaugos lėšas cukriniam diabetui gydyti. Medžiaga ir metodai: Duomenys apie antidiabetinių vaistų farmakokinetines ir farmakodinamines savybes buvo surinkti iš MEDLINE elektroninių duomenų šaltinių. Duomenys apie antidiabetinių vaistų pardavimą Lietuvoje 2006–2009 metais gauti iš UAB SoftDent duomenų bazės. Vaistai klasifikuoti pagal anatominę terapinę cheminę (ATC) klasifikaciją. Vaistų suvartojimas buvo vertinamas pagal apibrėžtos dienos dozės (DDD – angl. defined daily dose) metodiką, o duomenys apskaičiuoti pagal DDD skaičių, tenkantį 1000 gyventojų per vieną dieną.Vaistų kainų skaičiavimai atlikti remiantis mažmenine kaina iš „Kompensuojamų vaistinių preparatų kainynų“. Antidiabetinių vaistų farmakoekonominei analizei atlikti taikytas kaštų mažinimo bei referentinės kainos nustatymo metodas. Rezultatai: Bendras antidiabetinių vaistų suvartojimas padidėjo 33,33% nuo 21,54 DDD/TID 2006 metais iki 28,72 DDD/TID 2009 metais. Insulinų suvartojimas padidėjo 30% ir siekė 9,43 DDDD/TID 2009 metais, o geriamųjų antidiabetinių vaistų suvartojimas pakilo 35% iki 19,29 DDD/TID 2009 metais. Palyginus su kitų Europos šalių duomenimis, Lietuvoje antidiabetinių vaistų suvartojimas buvo du-tris kartus mažesnis, nepaisant to, jog sergamumas cukriniu diabetu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Miknevičiūtė, Kristina. "Interactions of biodegradable drug carriers with hydrophilic medium." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2007.

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The aim of this thesis “Interactions of biodegradable drug carriers with hydrophilic medium” is the study of polymer-hydrophilic medium interactions from the point of view of swelling, erosion and glass transition. In the theoretical part attention was paid to basic information about polyester amides and polyesters with molecule linear, branched, and chain extended. In this part, some basic relations were used, concerning various aspects of biodegradation of polymers, thermal analysis of amorphous phase of polymers and pharmaceutical particulate systems. The main part of the thesis is focused on experiment. Fifteen recently synthesized oligomeric and polymeric carriers were studied in the aspect of their swelling and erosion course. Some of these oligoesters with molecular linear constitution were evaluated during in vitro degradation process via glass transition tested by DSC method measurements. No correlation signs between swelling kinetics and glass transition temperature values course were found. These two molecular relaxation parameters are the manifestations of different mechanism. Swelling extent is influenced by osmotic phenomena, whilst glass transitions by molecule polarization effects. This work is one of the first steps examining these drug carriers. The results of this work will be used in choosing perspective drug carriers and in further researches.
Šio darbo „Biodegraduojančių vaistų nešėjų sąveika su hidrofiline terpe“ tikslas ištirti polimero bei hidrofilinės terpės sąveiką atsižvelgiant į brinkimą, eroziją bei stiklėjimo temperatūros pokyčius, galimą ryšį tarp polimero brinkimo ir stiklėjimo temperatūros, apžvelgti nano ir mikro dalelių paruošimo bei įvertinimo teoriją. Literatūros apžvalgoje dėmesys skiriamas informacijai apie poliesteramidus ir linijinius, šakotus ar praplėstos grandinės poliesterius. Šioje dalyje aptariami įvairūs polimerų biodegradacijos, amorfinės fazės polimerų terminės analizės aspektai, taip pat nano bei mikrodalelės kaip vaisto forma. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai yra ištirti penkiolika neseniai susintetintų oligomerinių bei polimerinių vaistų nešėjų atsižvelgiant į jų brinkimą bei eroziją, įvertinti kai kurių linijinių oligoesterių degradacija in vitro atsižvelgiant į stiklėjimo temperatūrą matuojant diferencinės skenuojančios kalorimetrijos metodu. Atkreiptas dėmesys į galimą ryšį tarp stiklėjimo temperatūros ir brinkimo kinetikos, kurio nepastebėta; manoma, kad dėl to, jog molekulės grandinės atsipalaidavimas pasireiškia dėl skirtingų mechanizmų. Brinkimo laipsnis priklauso nuo osmotinių reiškinių, o stiklėjimo temperatūrai įtaką daro molekulės poliarizacija. Šis darbas yra pradinis etapas tiriant šiuos polimerus. Šio darbo rezultatai padės atrenkant perspektyvias medžiagas tolimesniems tyrimams, prognozuojant galimas jų panaudojimo galimybes.
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Dapkūnas, Justas. "Computational modeling of cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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The main objective of this study was the development of QSAR models for drug metabolism-related properties. Novel GALAS (Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity) modeling method was used, which is a combination of baseline global QSAR model and local similarity based corrections. GALAS modeling method allows forecasting the reliability of prediction thus defining the model applicability domain. Models predicting CYP3A4 inhibition and regioselectivity of metabolism in human liver microsomes were developed and validated using external test sets. In all cases the baseline models already showed acceptable results, and the overall accuracy of predictions increased after the similarity based corrections. Moreover, the numbers of mispredictions reduced significantly when only results of higher reliability were taken into account. However, the original models are applicable only for less than a half of external datasets. Since the similarity correction procedure of GALAS modeling method allows simple model training, the possibility to expand the applicability domain has been tested. The CYP3A4 inhibition model was successfully adapted to PubChem data and compounds with a novel chemical scaffold. After training the regioselectivity model new metabolism sites could be identified in compounds of new chemical class. Moreover, this model was adapted for human cytochrome P450 isoform profiling.
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas buvo kiekybinio struktūros ir aktyvumo ryšio modelių, prognozuojančių su vaistų metabolizmu susijusias savybes, kūrimas. Modeliai, prognozuojantys CYP3A4 slopinimą ir žmogaus kepenų mikrosomų katalizuojamo metabolizmo regioselektyvumą, buvo sukurti naudojant GALAS (angl. Global, Adjusted Locally According to Similarity; Globalus, lokaliai pakoreguotas pagal panašumą) modeliavimo metodą, kuris geba įvertinti prognozės patikimumą, taip apibrėždamas modelio pritaikymo sritį. Sukurtų modelių prognozės buvo tikrinamos naudojant eksperimentinius naujų cheminių junginių duomenis. Visų globalių modelių prognozės gerėjo po korekcijų pagal panašumą, o neteisingų spėjimų skaičius buvo ženkliai mažesnis tarp aukšto patikimumo prognozių. Visgi daugiau nei pusė išorinių duomenų nepatenka į šių modelių pritaikymo sritį. GALAS modeliai gali būti gana paprastai apmokomi, pridedant naujus duomenis į lokalią modelio dalį ir apskaičiuojant reikiamą korekciją. Po tokios apmokymo procedūros CYP3A4 slopinimo modelis prisitaikė prie PubChem duomenų bazės cheminių junginių ir taip pat prie vaistų, turinčių naują cheminį karkasą. Pridėjus naujų junginių ir apmokius regioselektyvumo modelį, jis pradėjo prognozuoti naujas metabolizmo vietas. Pastarasis modelis taip pat buvo pritaikytas atskirų fermentų katalizuojamo metabolizmo prognozavimui.
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Miller, Morven I. "Evaluation of a nurse-led intervention (SNA↔P) to improve patients' experiences of chemotherapy-related nausea and fatigue." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2008.

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Despite a rise in breast cancer incidence, mortality rates have fallen. This improvement in mortality is due to the success of anti-cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Such treatments, however, are known to be associated with a range of symptoms. A number of studies exploring patients’ chemotherapy-related symptom experiences have shown that patients consistently rate nausea and fatigue highly, not only in relation to severity, but also in relation to the associated distress they experience. The subjective and non-observable nature of both nausea and fatigue complicates their assessment. While a range of assessment tools exists to evaluate patients’ experiences of these two symptoms, there is currently no gold standard assessment tool for assessing either symptom. Moreover, while a range of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions have been developed for both symptoms, further evaluation is often needed to provide the level of evidence required to recommend their implementation in real life clinical environments. The SNA↔P (structured nursing assessment into practice) study arose in response to this clinical situation. The SNA↔P study was a longitudinal study that evaluated the impact of a complex evidence-based intervention, incorporating structured multidimensional symptom assessment and multiple symptom management techniques, on patients’ experiences of nausea and fatigue during a course of chemotherapy for breast cancer. Using complementary quantitative and qualitative research methods not only allowed in-depth understanding of patients’ experiences and patterns of nausea and fatigue during a course of chemotherapy, but also facilitated a rounded evaluation of the intervention, incorporating both statistical elements and those of personal significance. The use of these methods showed that the implementation of the SNA↔P intervention in routine clinical practice has significant potential for improving patients’ symptom experiences during a course of chemotherapy. In so doing, it also highlighted a number of areas in which clinical practice can be influenced, and research conducted, to further improve patients’ symptom experiences.
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Rudienė, Giedrė. "Jaunuolių, turinčių klausos negalę, žalingų įpročių prevencija." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2007.

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Žalingų įpročių paplitimo mastai tampa didžiausią grėsmę visuomenės raidai ir gyvenimo kokybei keliančia prioritetine sveikatos ir socialinės politikos dalimi. Lietuvoje atlikta nemažai tyrimų, nagrinėjančių sveikų jaunuolių požiūrį ir polinkį į narkotines medžiagas. Ta��iau tam tikrų grupių jaunuolių, šiuo atveju jaunuolių, turinčių klausos negalę, pozicija žalingų įpročių atžvilgiu beveik nenagrinėta .
The spread of addiction is becoming a priority in the health and social policy, as it poses a threat to the development of the society and the quality of life. Quite a few studies have been carried out in Lithuania analysing the attitude and inclination of healthy young people to drugs. However, the position of certain youth groups, in this case – the position of youth with hearing disability, regarding addiction remains hardly ever analysed. As a result, it is quite difficult to get an idea about the specific character and maladies of life led by this group of young people.
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Petreikis, Vytautas. "2,5-pakeistų-4-tiazolinono darinių sintezė ir antimikrobinio aktyvumo įvertinimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Darbo tikslas. Susintetinti naujus 2,5-pakeistus-4-tiazolinono junginius ir ištirti jų antimikrobinį aktyvumą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Susintetinti 2,5-pakeistus-4-tiazolinono junginius. 2. Ištirti gautų junginių poveikį tyrimais in silico ir in vitro. 3. Susieti gautų junginių struktūros ryšį su jų aktyvumu. Metodai. Junginiai buvo sintezuoti mikrobangų metodu. Junginių aktyvumas buvo tiriamas in silico. Atliktas pirminis mikrobiologinis tyrimas in vitro užnuodytos lekštelės metodu. Rezultatai. Buvo susintetinti 8-uoni 2,5-pakeisti-4-tiazolinono dariniai. Atlikus tyrimus in silico, buvo nustatytas preliminarus poveikis S. aureus esančiam baltymui fabI. Atlikus pirminius tyrimus in vitro buvo pastebėtas trijų junginių su 5-nitrofurano pakaitu (VIP-41), 5-para-brombenzaldehido pakaitu (VIP-42), 5-dimetilamino (VIP-47) galimas priešmikrobinis poveikis prieš tirtus mikroorganizmus. Išvados. Atlikus tyrimus in vitro nustatyta, jog aktyviausi junginiai yra: VIP-41 ir VIP-47. Rodanino darinių propilo pakaitu 2-oje padėtyje priešmikrobinis aktyvumas mažesnis nei su alilo pakaitu. Taip pat nustatyta, kad rodanino darinių, su nitrofurolo pakaitu didesniam antimikrobiniam veikimui reikalinga nitro grupė. Pats alilo pakaitas junginiams reikšmingo aktyvumo nesuteikia, o svarbesnis aktyvumui aldehido pakaitas 5-oje padėtyje.
The aim of research. Synthesize new 2,5-substituted-4-thiazolinone derivatives and evaluate their antimicrobial activity. Tasks of research: 1. Synthesize new 2,5-substituted-4-thiazolinone derivatives. 2. Evaluate antimicrobial activity of newly synthesized 2,5-substituted-4-thiazolinone derivatives. 3. Evaluate compounds structure-activity relationship. Methods. Compounds were synthesized with microwave method. Their activity was evaluated in silico. Synoptic research in vivo was accomplished by a poisoned plate technique. Results. 8 2,5-substituted-4-thiazolinone derivatives were synthesized. After in silico research was evaluated preliminary bactericidic compounds activity against S. aureus, acting on fabI protein. Synoptic research in vitro has shown antimicrobial activity of three compounds: 5-nitrofuran substituted (VIP-41), 5-para-brombenzaldehyde substituted (VIP-42), 5-dimethylaminebenzaldehyde substituted (VIP-47). Conclusions. Research in vitro has shown that the most active compounds are: VIP-41 and VIP-47. Evaluated, that 4-thiazolinone derivatives with propyl substituent in a 2-nd position antimicrobial activity is less than with allyl substituent. For better anctimicrobial activity nitro group is necessary in 4-thiazolinone derivatives with nitrofurfural substituent. Allyl substituent does not provide significant antimicrobial activity itself, more important is aldehyde substituent in 5-th position.
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Objective of work: the aim of this study was to conduct a retrospective, quantitative, descriptive survey accompanied with a comparative statistical research, in which cases of patients with augmented renal clearance were examined and analyzed regarding the similarities and differences between them and their relevance for possible under-dosage of predominantly renally excreted drugs. Tasks: 1. to detect all cases of lower than 50 µmol/L Scr measurements and calculate possible ARC using Cockcroft-Gault equation in a defined period of time in a Lithuanian hospital in Kaunas. 2. To compare the performance of 3 different equations to distinguish the ARC as assessed by Cockcroft-Gault equation from non-ARC cases. 3. To analyze possible reasons associated with these ARC cases. 4. To search for the cases when predominantly renally excreted drugs were prescribed to these patients.
Tikslas darbo: Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo atlikti a posteriori, kiekybinį aprašomąjį tyrimą Kartu su lyginamosios statistinių tyrimų, kuriais atvejais pacientai, sergantys inkstų papildyta klirensas buvo išnagrinėti ir išanalizuoti apie panašumus ir skirtumus tarp jų ir jų svarbą galimo nepakankamo dozę daugiausia išsiskiria pro inkstus narkotikų. Uždaviniai: 1. Aptikti bet mažesnis negu 50 mmol / l SCR matavimų bylas ir apskaičiuoti galimą ARC naudojant Kokrofto-Gault lygtis nustatytą laiką, Lietuvos ligoninę Kaune. 2. Norėdami palyginti iš 3 skirtingų lygčių atskirti ARC, įvertintas Kokrofto-Gault lygtį kokybės iš ne ARC atvejais. 3. Išanalizuoti galimas priežastis, susijusias su šių ARC atvejais. 4. Norėdami ieškoti atvejai, kai daugiausia išsiskiria pro inkstus narkotikų buvo nustatyta, kad šiems pacientams.
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Jasilionis, Rolandas. "Priklausomybės ligų kaip socialino reiškinio valdymo galimybės." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti narkomanijos kaip socialinės problemos valdymo galimybes. Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti priklausomybės nuo narkotikų atsiradimo prielaidas ir aplinkybes, siekiant nustatyti pagrindines socialinės rizikos zonas. 2. Identifikuoti psichoaktyvių medžiagų vartojimo sukeliamas problemas. 3. Nustatyti esmines prielaidas efektyviam narkomanijos kaip socialinio reiškinio valdymui. Tyrimo metodika: anketinė anoniminė Priklausomybės ligų centrų, žalos mažinimo programose dalyvaujančių pacientų apklausa (n = 114). Rezultatų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 17.0. Rezultatai: 78 proc. respondentų turi vidurinį išsilavinimą ir 74 proc. niekur nedirba. 53 proc. respondentų per mėnesį jie uždirba iki 1000 Lt. 42 proc. respondentų mėnesio pajamos yra nuo 1000 iki 2000 Lt. 12 proc. respondentų buvo atleisti iš darbo dėl narkotikų vartojimo. 34 proc. respondentų yra nevedę ir 28 proc. išsiskyrę. 76 proc. respondentų šeimų pajamos yra mažesnės nei 2000 Lt per mėn. Dauguma respondentų šeimų (86 proc.) žino apie narkotikų problemą ir 73 proc. šeimų padeda su ja kovoti. 80 proc. respondentų jaučia neigiamą narkotikų vartojimo poveikį šeimai. 47 proc. respondentų narkotikų pirmą kartą pabandė būdami iki 19 metų amžiaus, 44 proc. būdami 20-29 metų amžiaus. 30 proc. respondentų reguliariai vartoti pradėjo būdami iki 19 metų amžiaus, 54 proc. būdami nuo 20 iki 29 metų amžiaus. Vartojimo priežastys pasiskirstė sekančiai: 33 proc. pabandė dėl smalsumo, 17 proc. prikalbino... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Aim of the study: Analysis of the management possibilities of drug addiction as social problem Objectives: 1. Research of drug addiction coming consumption and factors and to identify the main social risk areas. 2. To identify problems determined by use of psychoactive substances. 3. To ascertain the fundamental consumptions of management of drug addiction as social phenomenon. Methods: The anonym questionnaire research at the Dependency disease center among Harm reduction program participants (n=114). The statistical analysis of the results was carried out exploitive SPSS 17.0. Results: 78% of respondents have secondary education and 74% are unemployed. 53% of respondents salary is till 1000 Lt per month, 42% respondents salary is from 1000 till 2000 Lt. per month. 12% of respondents was dismissed from job because of use of drugs. 34% of respondents are single and 28% divorced. 76% of respondent’s family income is lower than 2000 Lt per month. Most families (86%) know about addiction problem and are helping (73%) to fight against addiction, therefore 80% of respondents fell negative addiction influence to families members. 47% of respondents first time used drugs when they was till 19 years old, 44% when was from 20 till 29 years old. 30% of respondents started regularly use drugs when they was till 19 years old, 54% when was from 20 till 29 years old. The reason of drug use distributed as follows: 33% tried because of curiosity, 17% friend persuade, 15% wanted forget... [to full text]
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Rossbach, Cornelius. "Randomisierter Vergleich von Medikamenten freisetzenden Stents mit minimal-invasiver Bypasschirurgie für isolierte proximale LAD-Stenosen – Ein 7-Jahres-Follow-Up." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2017.

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OBJECTIVES The aim of this analysis was to assess the 7-year long-term safety and effectiveness of a randomized comparison of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) versus minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) surgery for the treatment of isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions. BACKGROUND Long-term follow-up data comparing PCI by SES and MIDCAB surgery for isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions are sparse. METHODS Patients were randomized either to PCI with SES (n ¼ 65) or MIDCAB (n ¼ 65). Follow-up data were obtained after 7 years with respect to the primary composite endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revas- cularization. Angina was assessed by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification and quality of life with Short Form 36 and MacNew quality of life questionnaires. RESULTS Follow-up was conducted in 129 patients at a median time of 7.3 years (interquartile range: 5.7, 8.3). There were no significant differences in the incidence of the primary composite endpoint between groups (22% PCI vs. 12% MIDCAB; p ¼ 0.17) or the endpoints death (14% vs. 17%; p ¼ 0.81) and myocardial infarction (6% vs. 9%, p ¼ 0.74). However, the target vessel revascularization rate was higher in the PCI group (20% vs. 1.5%; p < 0.001). Clinical symptoms and quality of life improved significantly from baseline with both interventions and were similar in magnitude between groups. CONCLUSIONS At 7-year follow-up, PCI by SES and MIDCAB in isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions yielded similar long-term outcomes regarding the primary composite clinical endpoint and quality of life. Target vessel revascularization was more frequent in the PCI group. (Randomied Comparison of Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents in Patients With Proximal Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery; NCT00299429) (J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2014;-:-–-) © 2014 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
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Petraitytė, Asta. "Utilization and costs of drugs for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment in Lithuania on 2006-2009 year." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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Objective: To evaluate the utilization and cost of drugs for the treatment of asthma and COPD in Lithuania in 2006-2009. Methodology: The data on the sales of drugs for asthma and COPD for the year 2006-2009 was obtained from SoftDent, JSC, database. The utilization of the R03 group (drugs for obstructive airway diseases) of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification was analysed. The utilization was expressed as DDD/1000 inhabitants per day. The pharmacoeconomical analysis was performed implementing cost-minimisation and reference pricing methodologies. Results: The total use of drugs for asthma and COPD increased from 23,70 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day in 2006 to 28,67 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day in 2009. The most significant increase is found in the use of inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2-agonist combinations. The costs for drugs for the treatment of asthma and COPD increased from 59,71 million Litas in 2006 to 80,12 million Litas in 2008 and decreased to 79,25 million Litas in 2009. The use of drugs of the ATC group R03 is about 2 times higher in Norway, Denmark and Finland and about 1,6 times lower in Estonia. The pharmacoeconomical analysis shows marked savings if the lowest of the second lowest prices of one DDD were implemented as the reference price. The most considerable saving is found to be for inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2-agonist combinations – using the lowest basic price of one DDD as the reference price, total 18,04 million Litas would... [to full text]
Tikslas: Įvertinti vaistų, vartojamų astmai ir lėtinei obstrukcinei plaučių ligai (LOPL) gydyti suvartojimą ir išlaidas Lietuvoje 2006-2009 metais. Metodika: Duomenys apie vaistų, vartojamų astmai ir LOPL gydyti pardavimus 2006-2009 metais gauti iš UAB SoftDent duomenų bazės. Analizuojami vaistai yra klasifikuojami R03 grupėje (vaistai obstrukcinėms plaučių ligoms) pagal Anatominę Terapinę Cheminę (ATC) klasifikaciją. Vaistų suvartojimas išreikštas DDD skaičiumi, tenkančiu tūkstančiui gyventojų per vieną dieną. Farmakoekonominė analizė atlikta taikant kaštų mažinimo ir referentinės kainos metodus. Rezultatai: Bendras vaistų astmai ir LOPL gydyti suvartojimas Lietuvoje išaugo nuo 23,70 DDD/1000 gyventojų per dieną 2006 metais iki 28,67 DDD/1000 gyventojų per dieną 2009 metais. Didžiausias suvartojimo augimas nustatytas inhaliuojamų gliukokortikosteroidų/ilgo veikimo β2-agonistų kombinuotų preparatų grupėje. Išlaidos vaistų, vartojamų astmai ir LOPL gydyti augo nuo 59,71 mln. Litų 2006 metais iki 80,12 mln. Litų 2008 metais ir 2009 metais sumažėjo iki 79,25 mln. Litų. Vaistų, klasifikuojamų R03 grupėje pagal ATC klasifikaciją, suvartojimas Lietuvoje yra apie 2 kartus mažesnis nei Norvegijoje, Danijoje ir Suomijoje ir apie 1,6 karto didesnis nei Estijoje. Farmakoekonominė analizė pateikia ženklius galimo taupymo pavyzdžius, jei mažiausia ar antra mažiausia vieno DDD kaina būtų taikoma kaip referentinė kaina. Reikšmingiausi farmakoekonominės analizės rezultatai nustatyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Stankūnaitė, Jurga. "Skubių hospitalizacijų dėl nepageidaujamų reakcijų į vaistą analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Darbo tikslas: ištirti hospitalizacijų dėl vaistų sukeltų nepageidaujamų reakcijų ypatybes bei dėsningumus. Uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti hospitalizacijų dėl NRV dažnumą, sunkumą bei įvertinti pasekmes; 2) identifikuoti vaistų grupes, dėl kurių sukeltų NRV ligonius dažniausiai reikia hospitalizuoti; 3) nustatyti priežastis, kurios galėjo padidinti hospitalizacijų dėl NRV dažnį; 4) nustatyti rizikos veiksnius, kurie gali didinti hospitalizacijų dėl NRV dažnį; 5) paruošti praktines rekomendacijas, kaip sumažinti hospitalizacijų dėl NRV dažnį. Metodika: buvo peržiūrimos pacientų, kurie per 5 mėnesius gydėsi Vidaus ligų diagnostikos skyriuje, ligos istorijos. Įtarus, kad pacientas galėjo būti hospitalizuotas dėl NRV, atvejis būdavo nagrinėjamas. NRV tikėtinumas buvo vertinamas pagal Naranjo tikėtinumo metodą. NRV išvengiamumas buvo nustatynėjamas analizuojant ligos istorijų anamnezes ir kitus paciento duomenis ir vertinamas panaudojant specifinį 10 klausimų klausimyną. Visi duomenys buvo renkami ir apdorojami su statistinės duomenų analizės programos SPSS 20.0 versija. Rezultatai: nustatyta 41 NRV sukelta hospitalizacija (4,4 proc.). 53,7 proc. hospitalizacijų dėl NRV buvo vidutinio intensyvumo (p < 0,05). Nustatyti 3 mirties atvejai (7,3 proc.) dėl NRV hospitalizuotų moterų grupėje. Išgyvenusiems pacientams po NRV sukeltų hospitalizacijų buvo reikalingas papildomas ambulatorinis gydymas (92,8 proc., p < 0,05). 73,2 proc. pasireiškė gretutinių ligų pablogėjimas (p < 0,05), 70,7 proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Objective: To examine characteristics and patterns of hospitalizations caused by adverse drug reactions. Methods: During 5 month period, medical records of Internal Diagnostic section patients were evaluated to determine hospitalizations caused by adverse drug reactions. In case of suspicion that the patient could be hospitalized due to adverse drug reaction, the case was examining. Probability was evaluated according to Naranjo Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale. Preventability was determined while using specific questioniere from 10 questions. Statistical data was collected and evaluated with SPSS version 20.0. Results: 41 hospitalizations occured due to ADR (4,4%). 53,7% of them were evaluated as mild severity (p < 0,05). 3 deaths (7,3%) occured in hospitalized women group because of ADR. Patients who outlived after ADR hospitalizations were in need of additional out-patient treatment (92,8%, p < 0,05). 73,2% experienced worsening of the underlying diseases (p < 0,05), 70,7% were hospitalized for more than 7 days (p < 0,05). Approximate cost of one hospitalization was 3 617,70 Lt, while others, not related to ADE - 2 729,05 Lt. Most of ADR hospitalzitions were caused by anticoagulants (53,7%, p < 0,05): warfarin (41,5%), acetylsalicylic acid (9,8%). Major reasons which might have enhanced hospitalizations due to ADR risks were evaluated as drug interactions (24,4 proc.), overdose (22,0%), drug use to the discretion of the patient's (17,1%), drug prescribing regardless... [to full text]
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Feleni, Usisipho. "Quantum dots-amplified electrochemical cytochrome P450 phenotype sensor for tamoxifen, a breast cancer drug." University of the Western Cape, 2017.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
Breast cancer is regarded as the most common cancer in South Africa and its rate of occurrence is increasing. About one in every 31 South African women are at the risk of developing breast cancer and early diagnosis and treatment guarantee 90% survival rate. Tamoxifen is the drugs of choice for the treatment of all stages of breast cancer. The drug binds with estrogen receptor (ER) to minimize the transcription of estrogen dependent genes. However, nearly 50% of ER-positive breast cancer patients either become resistant or fail to respond to tamoxifen resulting in a serious clinical challenge in breast cancer management. The Grand Health Challenges of South Africa includes the development of cost effective diagnostic systems suitable for early detection of diseases and drug resistivity for timely invention and better patient management.
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Kuchalskis, Klaidas. "Kovos su neteisėta narkotinių medžiagų apyvarta strategija Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.

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Baigiamajame magistro darbe „Kovos su neteisėta narkotinių medžiagų apyvarta strategija Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje” buvo siekiama išanalizuoti narkomanijos plitimo situaciją ir pagrindines tendencijas Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje, nustatyti esmines efektyvios kovos su narkotikais Lietuvoje įgyvendinimo problemas bei numatyti jų sprendimo būdus. Magistrinio darbo tikslas – socialiniu, teisiniu, administraciniu ir politiniu požiūriu įvertinti Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos kovos su narkotikais strategijų/programų efektyvumą, atsižvelgiant į šių dienų narkomanijos ir neteisėtos narkotikų apyvartos didėjimo problemas bei pateikti jų analizę. Tyrimo objektas – veiksniai, darantys poveikį kuriant ir įgyvendinant efektyvią narkotikų kontrolės strategiją.
The final Master's thesis focuses on the analysis of the situation and prevailing tendencies inthe European Union and Lithuania from the point of view of further spread of drug abuse emphasising the identification of major problems faced in the process of implementation of an efficient drug control policy inLithuania with the aim to suggest the ways for improvement of the inplementation of the national drug control policy.
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Kaknevičius, Vitas. "Priklausomybę nuo alkoholio ir narkotikų asmenų sielovada "Pilnų namų" bendruomenėje." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Analizuojama viena aktualiausių šių dienų problemų Lietuvoje – narkomanija, kuri sąlygoja nusikalstamumą, pavojingų ligų plitimą. Remiantis moksline literatūra ir Bažnyčios dokumentais apie narkomanijos plitimą, aiškinami veiksniai, formuojantys polinkį į narkomaniją, apžvelgiamas statistinis Lietuvos narkomanijos vaizdas, aiškinamos prevencinės galimybės, Bažnyčios įtaka. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas.
In this work is analysed one of topical issues in Lithuania – the drug habit, what determine the delinquency, dangerous illness and the like. On the ground of research literature and writing of Church about the spread of drug are explained the factors, what formed it. It is under review the statistical view of drug in Lithuania, are analysed the preventive chances, the influence of Church.
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Galinytė, Daiva. "Antibiotikų vartojimo ir kai kurių mikroorganizmų rezistentiškumo pokyčių analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Santrauka. Didėjantis mikroorganizmų atsparumas antibiotikams yra aktuali visuomenės sveikatos problema. Vienas iš pagrindinių veiksnių, turinčių įtakos atsparumo plitimui, yra antibakterinių vaistų vartojimas. Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti antibiotikų metinio vartojimo pokyčius bei jų galimas sąsajas su mikroorganizmų rezistentiškumo pokyčiais. Metodas. Tretinio lygio ligoninėje atlikta mikroorganizmų atsparumo ir antibiotikų suvartojimo epidemiologinė analizė. Surinkti duomenys apie antibiotikų suvartojimą 2004- 2007 metais tretinio lygio ligoninėje. Vaistų suvartojimas išreikštas DDD skaičiumi, tenkančiu 100 lovadienių. Ištirtas antibiotikų suvartojimo kitimas 2004- 2007 metais. Panagrinėtas chirurginio profilio skyrių antibiotikų suvartojimas ir jo galimos sąsajos su atliekamų operacijų skaičiumi. Nustatytas kelių dažniausiai vartojamų panašaus veikimo spektro antibiotikų suvartojimas ir jo kitimas 2004–2007 metais tretinio lygio ligoninėje. Nustatytas dviejų svarbių mikroorganizmų (Escherichia coli ir Klebsiella pneumoniae) atsparumo kitimas 2004–2007 metais tretinio lygio ligoninėje bei sąsajos tarp panašaus spektro antibiotikų suvartojimo ir šių mikroorganizmų atsparumo kitimo. Duomenys apdoroti aprašomąja ir lyginamąja statistika (Mann–Whithey testas neparametriniams kriterijams bei Spirmano koreliacija). Rezultatai. 2004 – 2007 metais tretinio lygio ligoninėje statistiškai patikimai didėjo šių antibiotikų suvartojimas: piperacilino–tazobaktamo (877,50 proc.)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Summary. Antimicrobial resistance is a serious public health problem worldwide. Irrational use of antibiotics is one of the reasons of increasing resistance to these preparations. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the variation of antibiotics consumption and relation between antibiotics consumption and microorganism resistance. Method. This analysis was performed in one of Lithuanian tertiary hospitals. The DDD analysis was performed to express consumption per every 100 OBD for single units in clinical departments. Average mean of DDD/100 OBD was estimated for 2004- 2007 years and mean values compared among all four years. The relation between the number of surgical operations and antibiotics consumption in surgery departments was analysed. E.coli and K.pneumoniae resistance for the four financial years (2004- 2007) was determined. Moreover the relation between microorganism resistance and variation of antibiotics consumption was determined. Data were analysed by descriptive and comparative statistics (by Mann–Whithey test for non-parametric criteria and Spirman correlation). Results. Comparing the DDD/100 OBD data year-on-year revealed the statistically significant increase of piperacillin and tazobactam (877.50%), metronidazole (114.00%), cefuroxime (77.31%), meroponem (47.55%), cefoperazone and sulbactam (173.11%) use. The increased usage of these antibiotics was determined in surgery department too. However the increased number of surgical operations can’t be... [to full text]
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Adomaitienė, Lina. "Priklausomybių turinčių suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvacijos analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2005.

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Adult addicts learning motivation Master’s degree diploma thesis. The aim of this thesis is to reveal the structure and expression of addicts learning motivation who are being treated in rehabilitative communities, to evaluate learning as a subject of the social integration. 21 addict was involved into the research. All these men are being treated in addict rehabilitation communities “Hope lighthouse” and “Life’s issue”. 29 categories of addicts learning motivation have been determined using the data of the interview. The largest and the most influenced on the learning motivation catgories are ,,expression of participation”, ,,environment maintaining the rehabilitation”, Self-expression and self-realisation”, ,,internal resourses”, ,,actuality of the learning motivation”, a need of information for educational resources. The basic speculation arranged by the author is confirmed that mutual help model of the community encourages addicts to strengthen learningmotivation, to integrale into the learning society.
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Makarevičiūtė, Erika. "Paauglių žinios apie narkotines medžiagas, jų paplitimas bei prevencija." Bachelor's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2013.

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Tyrimo objektas – paauglių žinios apie narkotines medžiagas, narkotinių medžiagų paplitimas bei prevencija. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti paauglių žinias apie narkotines medžiagas, jų paplitimą tarp Kauno X gimnazijos paauglių bei prevencines priemones, taikomas mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti respondentų žinias apie narkotines medžiagas pagal amžių. 2. Nustatyti narkotinių medžiagų paplitimą tarp Kauno X gimnazijos paauglių pagal amžių. 3. Išsiaiškinti Kauno X gimnazijoje taikomas prevencijos priemones. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, statistinė analizė. Išvados: 1. Tiriamieji turi žinių apie narkotines medžiagas ir jų žalą sveikatai, aplinkai, polinkiui į nusikalstamumą. Moksleiviai gerai žino, kad rūkymas kenkia šalia esantiems, nors patys ir nerūko. Didžioji dauguma apklaustųjų žino, kad leidžiantis švirkštu narkotikus galima užsikrėsti mirtina liga. Tik labai maža dalis sutiko su teiginiu, kad rūkymas jauniems ir sveikiems rimčiau nekenkia. Paaiškėjo, kad dauguma moksleivių nežino vietų, kur galima įsigyti narkotinių medžiagų. Daugiausiai informacijos apie narkotines medžiagas moksleiviai gauna iš žiniasklaidos priemonių ir mokytojų. Tačiau statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų tarp skirtingų amžiaus grupių atsakymų nustatyti nepavyko (p>0,05). 2. Alkoholis yra labiausiai paplitusi narkotinė medžiaga Kauno X gimnazijoje, dažniausiai alkoholį vartoja 18 metų moksleiviai, lyginant su 15–17 metų respondentais (p>0,05). Daugiau kaip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Research aim – teenagers knowledge about drug materials, distribution of drug materials and preventive. Research purpose – identify teenager‘s knowledge about drugs material, distribution of drugs material between Kaunas X gimnasium teenagers and preventive measures applied in school. Research objectives: 1. To find out exploratory knowledges about drugs. 2. Assign drug materials distribution between teenagers. 3. To find out preventive tools applied in Kaunas X gimnasium. Research methods: nonfiction literature, questionnaire interview, conversation, statistical analysis. Conclusions: 1. Alcohol is the most widespread drugs material in Kaunas X gimnasium, mostly drink 18 years school children (p>0,05). More than a half of drinking school children show that they drink at least ones in a month. 71,1 per cent school children ones in their life tried to smoke, one third of them smoke everyday, mostly smoke 18 years school children (p>0,05). 21,1 per cent tried to use drugs, mostly 18 year school children (p<0,05). 2. Exploratory know about drug materials ant their damage to health, environment and turn for criminality. School children know that smoking hurts those who are near even they don’t smoke. Majority respondents know that you can be infected with deadly ill by making drug injections with squirt. And only minority accepted that smoking don‘t injure to young and healthy. Most of pupils don‘t know places, where can purchase drugs. Information about... [to full text]
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Lukaševičius, Artūras. "Namų ūkio vaistų krepšelio tyrimas ir vaistų vartojimo patirties vertinimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti namų ūkio vaistų krepšelį ir vaistų vartojimo patirtis. Tyrimo uždaviniai: įvertinti vaistų krepšelio vertę, nustatyti farmakoterapines grupes, vaistų laikymo sąlygas, įvertinti vaistų tinkamumo terminus, vaistų utilizavimo įpročius bei nustatyti vaistų vartojimo patirtis. Metodai. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas: respondentams pateikta anketa sudaryta iš 34 klausimų. Tyrime dalyvavo 148 respondentai. Respondentai buvo lankomi jų namuose: jiems pateikta pildymui anketa, tyrėjas vaistų registracijos lape registravo turimus vaistus. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta, naudojant statistinę programą IBM SPSS Statistics 20 versiją. Statistinių ryšių įvertinimui naudotas susijusių požymių χ2 (chi kvadrato) kriterijus, laisvės laipsnių skaičius ir statistinis reikšmingumas (p). Gautų duomenų tikrinimui pasirinktas statistinio reikšmingumo lygmuo lygus 0,05. Rezultatai. Vaistų krepšelio vidutinė vertė buvo 241,9 Lt. Vidutinė vieno vaisto kaina siekė 14,96 Lt. Įvertinus vaistų krepšelio sudėtį nustatyta, kad vaistų krepšelyje vidutiniškai buvo 16,2 vaisto. 70,25% visų vaistų sudarė nereceptiniai vaistai. Daugiausiai užregistruota kvėpavimo sistemą veikiančių vaistų (24,57%), virškinimo traktą ir metabolizmą veikiančių vaistų (14,63%), nervų sistemą veikiančių vaistų (13,87%), raumenų ir skeleto sistemą veikiančių vaistų (13,83%). Nustatytas receptinių ir nereceptinių vaistų santykis – atitinkamai 1:2,36. Įvertinus vaistų laikymo sąlygas nustatyta, kad 18,92%... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Objective: To evaluate home medication cabinet and to fix drug using experience. Tasks: To evaluate home medication cabinet price, to set pharmacological groups, to estimate drug storage, drug expiry date, to evaluate habits of expired drug utilization and to fix drug using experience. Methods: Was made a qualitative study: questionnaire with 34 questions were given for respondents. Were 148 participants in study. They were visited in their homes: respondents filled in the questionnaire and their home medication cabinet was inventoried. Statistical data analysis was performed using the statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 20 version. Statistical relationships were used to estimate the relevant features χ2 (chi-square) test, degrees of freedom and statistical significance (p). For received data verification chosen statistical significance level of 0.05. Results: An average price of 241,9 Lt were estimated per home medication cabinet. 14,96 Lt was at an average price of one drug package. A mean of 16,2 drug packages were identified per household. Prescription medications accounted 70.25% of all drugs. The most frequently encountered categories of registered medicines were respiratory system drugs (24.57%), alimentary tract and metabolism drugs (14.63%), nervous system drugs (13.87%), musculo-skeletal system drugs (13.83%). Ratio of prescription and non-prescription drug was 1:2.36. In 18.92% of the cases, the drug packages were not stored safely: 18.47% were not stored in... [to full text]
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Raudonikis, Česlovas. "Paauglių požiūrio į narkotines medžiagas ir jų vartojimo individualiųjų veiksnių sąsajos." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Pasirinkta tema yra aktuali todėl, kad narkomanija yra plintantis reiškinys tarp jaunimo. Beveik netirtos ir charakterio savybės, lemenčios narkotinių medžiagų vartojimą. Aktualu pasirinktą temą nagrinėti dėl to, kad žinant paauglių charakterio nukrypimus ir sąsajas su narkotinių medžiagų vartojimu galima būtų efektyviau taikyti narkotinių medžiagų prevencines programas. Tyrimo objektas: Paauglių požiūris į narkotines medžiagas ir jų vartojimą bei paauglių charakterio nukrypimai. Tyrimo tikslas: Išsiaiškinti paauglių žinias apie narkotines medžiagas, nustatyti charakterio nukrypimus bei atskleisti, kiek turimos žinios ir charakterio nukrypimas lemia narkotinių medžiagų vartojimą. Tyrimo metodologija metodai, imtis: Empiriniai: 1. Įvertinti paauglių žinias apie narkotinių medžiagų poveikį sveikatai, narkotikų poveikį paauglių būklei nustatyti naudota anketa. 2. Paauglių charakterio nukrypimams nustatyti naudotas testas. Matematinės statistikos metodais atliktas duomenų įvertinimas. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti 8, 9, 10, 11 klasių moksleiviai. Tiriamieji pasirinkti atsitiktinės atrankos principu. Atrankos vienetas - klasė. Tyrimui pasirinktos miesto mokyklos. Tyrimo metu apklausta 130 moksleivių, iš jų 66 mergaitės ir 64 berniukai. Mokinių apklausa buvo anoniminė. Tyrimui buvo panaudota Verygos A., Sutkutės G., Dūdonio M. (2000) anketa, skirta nustatyti alkoholio, rūkymo ir narkotikų vartojimo paplitimui bei šių faktorių įtaka psichosocialinei būklei, bei G. Šmišeko (2002)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The chosen topic is very important, because drug abuse has become popular among teenagers and personal reasons such as character divergencies when choosing drugs practically have not been investigated. It is important to investigate this topic, because knowing the divergences of teenagers' character and their connection with the consumption of drugs antidrugs prevention programmes can be effectively applied. Subject of investigation: The affect of divergences of teenagers' character and the knowledge about drugs on the consumption of drugs. Aim of investigation: To clarify the teenagers' knowledge about drugs and to identify character divergencies and how much these factors affect drugs consumption. Methods and the scope of investigation: Empyric methods: 1. to assess the teenagers' knowledge about drugs and their affect on health, a questionnaire was used to identify the psychosocial affect of drugs on teenagers 2. A test was used to identify the teenagers' character divergencies. 8, 9, 10, 11 class students were investigated. The respondents were chose at random. The chosen unit is a class of students. The town schools were chosen for the investigation.130 schoolchildren participated in the investigation, among them 66 girls and 64 boys. The questionnaire was anonymous. Questionnaire by A. Veryga, G. Sutkute, M. Dudonis (2000) to identify alcohol, smoking and drugs consumption popularity and affect on psychosocial status and a test by G. Shmishek (2002) to clarify the... [to full text]
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Šimkūnaitė, Agnė. "Psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų vartojimo tarp I – III kurso VU Medicinos fakulteto studentų paplitimas ir jį įtakojantys veiksniai." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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Įvadas. Paskutinio dešimtmečio moksliniais duomenimis, Europoje ir visame pasaulyje didžiąją dalį sveikatos problemų sudaro psichikos ir elgesio sutrikimai. Tai tampa ekonomine našta valstybėms, o psichikos sveikatos apsauga – vienu iš didžiausių rūpesčių. Pastaraisiais metais atliekami psichologiniai ir socialiniai tyrimai bei studijos rodo, kad labiausiai pažeidžiama visuomenės dalis – jaunimas. Taigi šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų vartojimo paplitimą tarp I – III kurso VU Medicinos fakulteto studentų ir jį įtakojančius veiksnius. Metodai. Anoniminė apklausa atlikta 2007 metais. 556 I – III kurso Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto studentai užpildė Tarptautinio alkoholio ir kitų narkotikų tyrimo Europos mokyklose projekto (ESPAD) klausimyną, modifikuotą ir pritaikytą tiriamajam kontingentui. Duomenys apdoroti statistine programa SPSS 15.0. Rezultatai. 18,3 proc. Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto I – III kurso studentų teigė, kad rūko. Didžioji jų dalis rūkė kasdien. Vaikinų statistiškai reikšmingai rūkė daugiau nei merginų (p<0,05). Alkoholį vartojo 77,3 proc. studentų. Dažniausiai vartojami alkoholiniai gėrimai buvo vynas ir alus. 68,7 proc. studentų teigė vartojantys kavą, pusė – energetinius gėrimus. Kofeino turinčios tabletės nebuvo paplitusios tarp studentų. 12,1 proc. studijuojančių buvo bandę narkotikų (vaikinų daugiau nei merginų (p<0,05)), narkotikus pastoviai vartojo apie 3 proc. studentų. Dažniausiai vartojama medžiaga buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Background. According to the scientific material of the last decade major part of health problems in Europe and all around the World are due to psychical and behavioural disorders. It has become an economical burden for the countries whereas psychical health services have become one of the major concerns. The latest psychological and social researches and studies suggest that the most vulnerable part of the society is youth. So, the goal of this study is to determine the prevalence of using psychoactive substances amongst first-third year students of Vilnius University Medicine Faculty and factors influencing it. Methods. Anonymous inquiry was performed in the year 2007. A self-administered questionnaire of The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), which was modified and applied for the exploratory crop, was completed by 556 first-third year students of Vilnius University Medicine Faculty. The data was analysed using the statistical programe SPSS 15.0. Results. In total 18,3% of Vilnius University Medicine Faculty first-third year students reported smoking. The majority of them smoked every day. Boys students reported significantly greater smoking then girls students (p < 0,05). 77,3% of students reported using alcohol. Most often used alcoholic drinks were wine and beer. 68,7% of students used coffee whereas half of them used energetic drinks as well. Caffeine containing tablets were not popular amongst the students. 12,1% of those who studied... [to full text]
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Butkytė, Vitalija. "Antimikrobinių vaistų vartojimo palyginamoji bei probleminių atvejų atitikimo racionalaus vaistų vartojimo rekomendacijoms analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2007.

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Neracionalus antimikrobinių vaistų (AMV) vartojimas didina mikroorganizmų atsparumą, gydymo kaštus ir hospitalizacijos trukmę. Didėjantis atsparumas AMV yra svarbi visuomenės sveikatos problema. Magistro darbo tikslas - kokybiškai ir kiekybiškai įvertinti AMV skyrimo KMU klinikose paplitimą bei jo pokyčius ir atitikimo racionalaus AMV vartojimo rekomendacijoms ypatumus ir dėsningumus. Tyrimas atliktas naudojant „skersinio pjūvio“ metodiką. 2007 m. kovo mėnesį vienmomentinio apžvalginio tyrimo metu (2 savaičių laikotarpyje) atrinktos ir išanalizuotos pacientų, kurie gauna AMV, ligos istorijos ir paskyrimai 32-iuose KMU klinikų skyriuose. AMV vartojimas yra racionalus, jei jų skyrimas atitinka racionalaus AMV vartojimo rekomendacijoms. Peržiūrėta 1213 paskyrimų, AMV buvo skirti 265 pacientams. Rekomendacijų neatitiko pusė (54 proc.) visų AMV paskyrimų. Daugiau kaip pusė (58 proc.) gydymo tikslu skirtų empirinių AMV paskyrimų vertinti kaip neatitinkantys racionalaus AMV rekomendacijų. Vertinant AMV skyrimo atitikimą rekomendacijoms atskiruose skirtingo profilio skyriuose daugiausia neatitikusių paskyrimų nustatyta chirurginio (74 proc.) ir terapinio (55 proc.) profilio skyriuose, atitikusių – pediatrinio (71proc.) ir intensyvios terapijos (60 proc.) profilių skyriuose. Ryšio tarp skyriaus profilio ir atitikimo rekomendacijoms nenustatyta. (r = 0,5387 , p = 0,4613, Spearmano koreliacija). Didžiąją dalį neatitinkančių rekomendacijų paskyrimų atvejų (56,86 proc.) sudarė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Irrational and excessive use of antibiotics increases resistance to these preparations. Antimicrobial resistance is a serious public health problem worldwide. The main goal of our study was to evaluate and to compare the non-adherence (NA) to guidelines (NfG) on rational antibiotic therapy and prophylaxis (ABT/P) in tertiary hospital setting among two years (2006 and 2007). A cross-sectional study was performed in order to collect the data for patients receiving prescriptions for antimicrobial agents in March, 2007. Descriptive and comparative data were processed and evaluated using Graph Pad Prism 4 statistics program. Rationality of antibiotic therapy was evaluated according for adherence to published guidelines. A total of 265 (21%) patients recieved antibiotic therapy. 54% of all events were considered as non-adherent.The majority of NA cases was determined in the departments of therapeutic profile (55%) and in surgical profile (74%). The adherent events - in paediatric profile(71%) and in the intensive therapy profile (60%). No dependence between the type of profile and adherence to guidelines was determined (r = 0,5387, p = 0,4613, Spearman correlation). The main reasons of NA were inapropriate dosage (57%) and choice of drug (43% ). NA case analysis revealed too high dose prescribed in 40/87 (46%) cases, too low dose 47/87 (54%)cases; too broad spectrum in 28/61 (46%) cases, too narrow - in 9/61(15%), 2/61 ( 3 %) case as unsafe and 22/61 (36%) cases... [to full text]
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