Academic literature on the topic 'Dromadaire – Reproduction (biologie) – Régulation'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Dromadaire – Reproduction (biologie) – Régulation"
Ainani, Hassan. "Contrôle central de la reproduction chez le dromadaire : effet des saisons et du facteur inducteur d’ovulation (β-NGF) sur les neurones à kisspeptine et à RFRP-3." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2021.
Full textThe dromedary (Camelus dromedarius), a highly adapted mammal to the desert, is sexually active during short days. This period coincides with food availability and favourable climatic conditions to the survival of the offspring. At this time, females exhibit ovulation induced by neuronal growth factor beta (β-NGF) present in seminal plasma of males. Currently, the mechanisms involved in the central control of breeding and the induction of ovulation remain unknown. During this thesis we showed that Kp and RFRP-3 neurons, two RFamides involved in the control of seasonal breeding, are present in the hypothalamus of dromedaries. These two neurons present opposite seasonal variations suggesting a role of these RFamides in the seasonal regulation of dromedary reproduction with probably different physiological effects. Furthermore, we have shown that the ovulatory effect of β-NGF is induced by activating mainly the neurons that are directly involved in reproduction, namely Kp, GnRH and RFRP-3
Bilal, Hamzeh. "Biologie de la reproduction chez callosobruchus maculatus f. (coléoptère, bruchidae), formes voilières et non voilières : application à la protection des stocks." Tours, 1987.
Full textVandenhoudt, Nathalie. "Etude du rôle des sites de liaison AP-1 intragéniques dans la régulation de l'expression du HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1)." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2009.
Full textAu cours de notre thèse, nous avons poursuivi la caractérisation de ces sites de liaison AP-1 et avons montré que les facteurs c Fos, JunB et JunD interagissent in vitro avec ces motifs. Pour chaque site, nous avons identifié des mutations qui abolissent la liaison des facteurs AP-1 sans altérer la séquence en acides aminés sous-jacente de la transcriptase inverse. Par des expériences de transfection transitoire, nous avons démontré que les sites AP 1 intragéniques sont entièrement responsables de l’activité enhancer PMA-dépendante du fragment 5103. De plus, l’activité PMA-inductible du fragment 5103 est inhibée par le mutant dominant négatif A-Fos à condition que les sites ne soient pas mutés. A l’inverse, l’expression ectopique de dimères forcés AP-1 affecte positivement l’activité enhancer du fragment 5103. Enfin, nous avons étudié le rôle biologique des sites AP-1 intragéniques dans la réplication virale et avons montré que ces sites contribuent positivement à l’infectivité du virus.
Durant la seconde partie de notre thèse, nous avons entamé la caractérisation physique et fonctionnelle du fragment 5105. Nos résultats de transfection transitoire montrent que l’activité PMA inductible du fragment 5105 est localisée dans le dernier tiers de ce dernier :le sous fragment 5105.3. L’analyse bioinformatique de cette région a permis de mettre en évidence un site de liaison pour les facteurs AP-1 in vitro. Des mutations ponctuelles permettent d’abolir la liaison des facteurs à leur site mais altèrent la séquence en acides aminés sous-jacente codant pour les protéines Tat et Rev. Nous avons montré que ce site est impliqué dans l’activité transcriptionnelle de ce fragment. L’expression ectopique du mutant dominant négatif A-Fos inhibe l’activité transcriptionnelle PMA-inductible du fragment 5105. Une analyse bioinformatique plus large nous a ensuite permis d’identifier in vitro, par retard de migration sur gel, 5 sites de liaison pour le facteur YY1 et 2 sites de liaison pour le facteur PU.1 dont les implications pour le virus restent encore à déterminer.
Doctorat en Sciences
Fontaine, Emmanuel. "Maitrise de la folliculogenèse chez la chienne a l’aide d’agonistes de la GnRH." Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2012.
Full textThe mode of action of desloréline implants (Suprelorin®4,7mg, Virbac, Carros, France) allows activation and inhibition of the estrous cycle, with both clinical applications (from estrus induction to chemical sterilization). From a scientific background however, data concerning these different uses were mainly restricted to experimental bitches (Trigg et al. 2001) and yet no clear guidelines concerning the use of this product in females has been edicted. 173 bitches (including 24 experimental beagles) were includes in 6 different experiments to assess the use of these implants from the two perspectives. When used for estrus induction, the implant was administered during anœstrus and removed just after occurrence of ovulation (defined as progesterone level >5-6 ng/mL). All 64 bitches included in these experiments expressed an induced oestrus. For 32 of them, it occurred 4,3±1,4 days [2 to 7 days after] following implant administration. Anovulatory cycles were reported in 14 of these 64 bitches, but no statistical difference could be enlightened to discriminate the ones that ovulated and the ones that did not. When the implant was administered in early anoestrus, 2 out of 22 (9.1%) bitches carried their pregnancy to term while, when implanted in late anoestrus, this concerned 16 out of 23 (69.6%) bitches. Mean litter size obtained was 6.7±3.5 puppies. Luteal failure was suspected in 5 cases: 2 bitches were not pregnant at the time of pregnancy diagnosis and one gave birth 58 days post-ovulation as the owner refused supplementation. The two remaining bitches were supplemented with oral progresterone and gave birth normally. These implants were also used in 109 bitches in the purpose of chemical sterilization. The clinical response was depending of the stage of the cycle. The same features than for oestrus induction were obtained when administering the treatment in anoestrus. Oestrus induction also concerned 3 out of 15 bitches implanted in diestrus. When this was observed, implants were removed, as concomitant high levels of progesterone and estrogens may favored occurrence of uterine disorders. In one of these diestrous bitches, oestrus was induced with progesterone levels >60 ng/mL, which was different from the threshold proposed by Trigg et al (2001), who did not experience oestrus induction when bitches were above 5 ng/mL. In 15 bitches, the induced oestrus lead to side effects that required to stop the treatment: 3 bitches in diestrus, 7 bitches presenting persistent heats which lasts more than 30 days and 5 bitches presenting persistent lactation. Therefore, implanted bitches should be controlled after 30 days to ensure that heats are over and if not, ultrasound examination of the genital tract is advised to rule out the presence of ovarian cysts. Development of medical protocols to avoid the induced oestrus may change this. We tried different strategies to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon. The use of the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole and the anti-estrogen clomifen did not give satisfying results (3/3 induced oestrus with anastrozole, 5/8 induced oestrus with clomifen). Better results were obtained with the progestagen osaterone acetate: 11 out of 16 bitches did not express induced oestrus, but the phenomenon was not completely prevented. The best results were obtained when implanting prepubertal bitches: none of the 24 animals exhibited oestrus after implant administration. Further data are still required to determine at which frequency the treatment should be administered in order to maintain its effect. However, with one implant administration, bitches, the contraceptive effect lasted less than 180 days in 5 bitches, between 180 and 365 days in 15 bitches and more than 365 days in 19 bitches
Ouedraogo, Patouin Albert. "Le déterminisme du polymorphisme imaginal chez callosobruchus maculatus (fab), coléoptère bruchidae : son importance sur la biologie des populations de ce bruchidae." Tours, 1991.
Full textPoidatz, Juliette. "De la biologie des reproducteurs au comportement d’approvisionnement du nid, vers des pistes de biocontrôle du frelon asiatique Vespa velutina en France." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textThis CIFRE thesis deals with the biology, the behavior and the biological control of aninvasive predator of bees, the hornet Vespa velutina. Since its introduction in France, this hornet isnow invading most countries in occidental Europe, dealing damages both to the environment and thebeekeeping activity. In order to limit its proliferation, a good strategy could consist in disrupting itscolony development at different levels, explored in this work. The first axis deals with V. velutinareproductive biology, exploring the different paths to prevent colonies creation. First we describedthe sexual maturation of males in V. velutina, and second we compared different traits linked tofertility between foundresses of V. velutina and the European hornet, thus highlighting V. velutinahigher precocity and fertility potential. The second axis explored the biology of colonies, fromresource collection to resource distribution in the nest. Using RFID technic, we assessed the actionrange and its boundaries in V. velutina workers. We also labelled food and observed its distribution inV. velutina colonies in function of the colony size and structure. The third axis deals with V. velutinabiocontrol, using entomopathogenic fungi. We evaluated the efficiency of different isolates anddifferent application methods on V. velutina, and described a wild fungus found naturally parasitizingV. velutina. This work brought knowledge on biology behavior and physiology of this invasive hornet,and also proposed options that could be assayed for a durable control of V. velutina
Thierry, Anne-Mathilde. "Statut endocrinien et effort de reproduction chez un oiseau marin longévif, le manchot Adélie, dans un environnement changeant." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013.
Full textSallon, Céline. "Implication des Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) hypophysaires dans la régulation de la synthèse et de la libération de l'hormone folliculo-stimulante (FSH) ?" Thesis, Tours, 2010.
Full textBMPs inhibit FSH synthesis and release in ewe. The detection of BMP mRNAs in the pituitary as well as the colocalisation of the two types of BMP receptors on gonadotrope cells suggest that these BMPs can exert paracrine/autocrine actions on FSH production. The aim of this thesis work was to determine the importance of pituitary BMPs in the regulation of FSH production in the ewe. We showed that the level of mRNAs for BMP-4 system, analyzed by real-time RT-PCR, did not vary across the oestrous cycle or in vitro whatever the incubation period (6h-48h) and the treatment (GnRH, oestradiol, activin) of pituitary cells. By using a bioactivity test based on embryonic mesenchymal cells transfected with an expression construct containing a BMP-responsive element fused to firefly luciferase reporter gene,we detected no BMP activity within conditioned media from pituitary cells whatever the incubation period (6h-48h) and the treatment (GnRH, oestradiol, activin) of the pituitary cells. However, we detected a BMP inhibitory activity which is increased by GnRH and oestradiol suggesting the implication of BMP inhibitor(s) in FSH regulation. In conclusion, the results are not in favor of a role for pituitary BMP-4 in the regulation of FSH synthesis in adult ewe. An endocrine action of BMPs at pituitary level can be evoked since BMP bioactivity was detected within ovine serum. BMP inhibitors that remain to be identified can modulate the bioavailability of BMPs reaching the pituitary by the blood way
Maisonnasse, Alban. "Communication chimique et régulations sociales dans la colonie d’abeilles (apis mellifera L.)." Thesis, Avignon, 2010.
Full textIn the honeybee colony (Apis mellifera L.) studies of the chemical communication are essential to understand social regulations. In the honey bee colony more than 50 chemical substances with releaser and primer effects have been identified. Despite years of research on this type of communication, significant work remains to be done.In this thesis, the aim is to characterize the dynamics of a major pheromone: ethyl oleate (EO), which optimizes the balance between nurses and foragers in the colony. In addition, we initiated research on the queen and brood chemical communication in which only two pheromones have been identified in the colony.We have demonstrated that EO production by workers varies under different colony environment. EO production can also be modified by stress; honey bees parasitized by the Nosema spp. have abnormally high EO production. In addition, we identified that EO is transmitted from foragers to nurses by contact (cuticle and pollen).For the queen, our results indicate that the queen uses multiple redundant pheromones (QMP and other unknown compounds), that affect wax construction, retinue behaviour and worker ovary inhibition.For the brood we have identified a volatile pheromone E-ß-ocimene produced mostly by the young larvae to inhibit the development of workers ovaries and accelerate workers’behavioural maturation.With these studies we clarify some aspects of what is known about chemical communication in the honey bee colony. Then we try to explain the role of complexity and redundancy of pheromones in the honey bee colony by two theories