Academic literature on the topic 'Droit électoral – États-Unis – États'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit électoral – États-Unis – États"
Ihl, Olivier. "Une démocratie irrégulière ? Sur la dénonciation des fraudes électorales aux États-Unis." Politique américaine N° 42, no. 1 (July 8, 2024): 23–51.
Full textHarouel, Jean-Louis. "De la légitimité de la peine de mort." Revue française de criminologie et de droit pénal N° 17, no. 2 (October 1, 2021): 37–54.
Full textSéguin, Hugo. "États-Unis 2020. Changements climatiques : enjeu électoral ?" Le Climatoscope, no. 1 (2019): 71–76.
Full textBehrent, Michael C. "États-Unis : l’avortement et le droit des États." Esprit Juillet-Août, no. 7 (July 1, 2022): 10–13.
Full textFassassi, Idris. "Droit constitutionnel étranger États-Unis." Revue française de droit constitutionnel 112, no. 4 (2017): 977.
Full textNadeau, Richard. "Solde budgétaire et cycle électoral au Canada et aux États-Unis." Politique, no. 18 (December 11, 2008): 63–81.
Full textCastel, J. G. "Unitary Taxation in the United States of America." Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 25 (1988): 369–77.
Full textCohen-Tanugi, Laurent, and Nicolas Grabar. "L'enseignement du droit aux États-Unis." Commentaire Numéro41, no. 1 (1988): 372.
Full textMoore, Richard. "Le droit comparé aux États-Unis." Revue internationale de droit comparé 46, no. 3 (1994): 757–59.
Full textAlland, Denis. "États-Unis : la machine impériale." Droits 67, no. 1 (2018): 117.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit électoral – États-Unis – États"
Langlois, Deschamps Paul. "Le droit de vote aux États-Unis : Un droit subjectif à l'épreuve de la complexité fédérale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textFor the last two decades, the right to vote in the United States has been the focus of intensifying controversies. Exercising this right is yet fundamental in contemporary representative regimes claiming to be democratic. In these regimes, the people, as an electoral body, selects its representatives through the vote. In this work, we investigate whether the right to vote, as guaranteed today in U.S. federal law, allows for the rotation of parties in power, which, through a minimalistic lens, we see as the ultimate democratic characteristic. We then use the concept of subjective public right, as coined by Georg Jellinek, to shed light on the right to vote. We point to two essential aspects of the right to vote in its democratic function: to guarantee that individual voters are able to cast their vote, but also that these votes, through their aggregation, generate tangible electoral effects. It is therefore paramount to examine all the steps of the electoral process in the light of the subjective public right concept, from voter registration to the redistricting of constituencies. In doing so, we demonstrate the centrality, in a ‘representative democracy', of guaranteeing subjective electoral rights at every step of election organization. We chose to focus on the United States as we see several interesting elements in the American context: federalism, a constitution lacking textual protections for the franchise and the wealth of caselaw regarding the right to vote. Due to the complex normative architecture of the American electoral system, the role of judicial review is key. Indeed, the legitimacy of judicial review for guaranteeing the democratic process is widely acknowledged. If we confirm this intuition, we show that the right to vote is nonetheless in peril when judges perceive it as a second-class right
Castillo, Vaquera Jorge Galileo. "Administrer et judiciariser la gestion des conflits électoraux au sein des institutions électorales : Etats-Unis 2000-Mexique 2006." Thesis, Paris 3, 2009.
Full textThe intervention of the judiciary power to solve a ballot in last resort, arise several problems concerning the progress of the representative democracy, and even a paradox: the principle of the democratic representation by an indirect vote of the citizens can be put forward by the judiciary interpretation on the meaning of the ballot's votes. At the same time, the intervention of the judiciary as an independent power constitutes a guarantee of impartiality for the political resolutions, seeking to reinforce the trust of the main social and political protagonists about the electoral administration. We are also faced with the problem of the political rationality versus the legal rationality, constantly put forward during electoral conflict contemporary processes as essential protagonists but nearly antagonistic ones, by the fact that they pursue close but distinct interests
Gliozzo, Thomas. "L'Etat fédéré américain." Paris 5, 2002.
Full textThe constitutional and political organization of the American States is not well-known in France. In comparaison to the very high number of studies focusing on the legal system of the United States, this lack of interest toward the States can not be justified. Once independent in 1776, the thirteen former English colonies directly inspired the Philadelphia delegates who, eleven years later, would give birth to the united States of America. Since then, Americans are governed much more under state law than under federal law. It makes sense that a knowledge of state law should then be a prerequisite to the learning of federal law. Meanwhile, the main difficulty to understand state law comes from the diversity of the American States. Despite similar administrative and constitutional frameworks, the states are much more different than close, and it would be unrealistic to attempt the description of a model State. However, facing a federal government whose tendancy to centralization is always alive and the consequences of direct democracy legislations that threaten their representative democracy, the States have reacted in the same direction : a resfusal to admit the slightest right to an effective self-local governance and, since the seventies, a professionalization of their respective legislatures and governors
Turcon, Rémi. "L'investissement direct étranger aux États-Unis : aspects juridiques." Aix-Marseille 3, 1989.
Full textThis thesis is in fact a pratical guide for the foreign owner of an entreprise who wants to invest in the united states; the goal of this thesis is to describe the principal judicial mecaniums in relation with foreign direct investments. The principal topies studied are : 1) restriction on foreign investments (in the field of communication; transportation; energy; banking activities). 2) reporting and disclosure requirements of foreign investments. 3) legal structures adapted to foreign investments. 4)the tax regime of foreign investments. 5) state and local incentives to foreign investments. 6) laws regulating investments in general (antitrust contraints on foreign investments; labor law; environmental law). 7) specific problems of immigration law (non-immigrant visa and immigrant visa)
Merchant, Jennifer. "L'intimité publique : Etat et procréation aux Etats-Unis, : 1965-1994." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1997.
Full textBerte, Oumar. "La CEDEAO face aux changements anticonstitutionnels de pouvoir en Afrique de l'Ouest." Thesis, Normandie, 2019.
Full textThe Economic Community of West-African States is a sub-regional organization that was created in 1975, initially with a purely economic purpose. Since its inception, the organization has observed a clear principle of non-interference in its member-states” internal affairs. But since then, the recrudescence of coups that affected political stability in various member-states and economic development for the sub-region, have led the organization to operate a change in its doctrine and missions. Indifferent to the political regimes of its member-states, and their effect on Human rights protection, ECOWAS has been increasingly involved in conflict prevention and anti- constitutional changes in power. For ECOWAS, coups fall under its mission to promote and preserve sub-regional collective security. Since the 1993 revision of the Lagos Treaty that saw its creation, ECOWAS pays close attention to the inner working of its member-states” institutions, the legality and constitutionality of power transfers as well as the protection of Human rights. This dissertation deals with the instruments developed by the sub-regional organization to prevent and counter anti- constitutional power transfers. It pays attention to the progresses made as well the tools missing from ECOWAS’ legal arsenal. At last, this dissertation offers a set of proposals designed to improve the organization’s capacity to prevent and respond to coups threatening its member- states political stability and the region’s security
Chaïb, Linda. "Citoyenneté, droit de vote local et immigration : les expériences nord-américines et françaises." Paris 4, 2005.
Full textThis dissertation compares the political debates around the proposal to grant local voting rights to foreign residents –that is to say to new immigrants – in France and in the United States. The first part retraces the historical evolution of the legislation on citizenship and nationality in each country, then introduces their respective model of political participation. In both cases, the attribution of citizenship has become with time a prerogative essentially of the central State (in the American case, of the federal government), but in America it has remained formally within the policy remit of States. The French model of local participation is more strongly centered than the American one on the notion of representative democracy, and tends to leave little place to civil society in decision-making mechanisms. The thesis then analyses the contemporary claims for local voting rights of foreign residents in the two countries. While most American cities remain closed to this type of demands, some have seized on the legal possibility that still exists in their State to grant local voting rights to their foreign residents. French cities, deprived of this possibility, have at best attempted to set up limited experiments in consultation and direct democracy for their foreigners. The last part also presents the comparison of two local cases, Boston and Paris. Boston has been markedly more successful than Paris, reflecting the greater opening of the American system towards civil society and towards the figure of the “immigrant”
Montagne, Sabine. "Les métamorphoses du trust : les fonds de pension américains entre protection et spéculation." Paris 10, 2003.
Full textDoes the trust structure play a role to match the two antagonist goals of pension funds, a goal of protection and a goal of speculation ? Our answer is the following : trust law is one of the factors shaping the organization of pension industry, according to a specific pattern which we call «procedural delegation». This pattern has interesting typical features which allow the combination of protection and speculation. According to trust law, trustee must justify his decisions not only in terms of performance but in terms of organization. This type of constraints furthers the use of « procedures » within firms, in order to be able to prove that the right decision was made through appropriate means. On one hand, this organization adresses the requirement of the trust : it protects the wealth of the beneficiary hy a typical control over trustees and investment managers. On the other hand, it closes investment decision making within financial specialists community and allows speculation
Chamorel, Patrick. "Réforme à San Francisco : le système électoral comme enjeu politique, 1970-1980." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1986.
Full textAmerican municipal institutions often stand as political issues, for most localities have the capacity to choose their institutional arrangements, which as a result show a great diversity. For the last 15 years, minority groups, eager to increase their representation on city councils, have questioned the at-large (city wide multi-member district) system of election they think is discriminatory, and have tried to replace it with district (multi-member) elections. Because of their social make up and the very kind and mere cost of the electoral campaings they require, small districts allow minorities to score gains in terms of representation. Electoral reform can be granted by the courts, as a means toward fairer representation, or achieved through political devices, such as ballot initiatives. During the 70's, the electoral issue has created a deep and bitter conflict in San Francisco, between a leftist and minority coalition and conservative groups. Only between 1976 and 1980 was the district system in vigor. In 1977 and 1979, numerous militant candidates campaigned at the grass-roots level and reflected their constituencies social profiles and concerns. At-large candidates used to owe their victories to business and media support. As a reflection of new demands by the emerging political groups and leaders, local legislation became more diversified and innovative in content and more open and conflictual in the making. A new kind of relationship between city councilmen and their constituencies altered the way local government functions. The recent thrust toward electoral reform can be best understood through the strategies adopted by urban minorities and their goal of neighborhood government. Previous electoral arrangements also suited the interests of dominant groups in the machine and reform eras
Remy-Goutard, Axelle. "La communication entre actionnaires en droit américain : réglementation fédérale de 1992." Paris 1, 1997.
Full textThe SEC's october 16th, 1992 actions were far reaching and represent a permanent change to the fabric of registrant-shareholder communications and to the traditional rules of the annual meeting process. However, since shareholders still may not solicit a proxy without a definitive proxy statement, it is doubtful that the proxy rule amendments will convert institutional activism into election contests across the board of directors. The ability to commence a solicitation prior to the delivery of a proxy statement, better access to the shareholder lists or mailings, and more flexibility on the use of solicitation materials, however, should give institutional shareholders the coordinated ability to act as a critical player in the event an insurgent commences a proxy contest. Consequently, the proxy rule amendments encourage a new hard look at this form of a control contest
Books on the topic "Droit électoral – États-Unis – États"
A, Levasseur Alain, and Louisiana State University Systems Law Center., eds. Droit des États-Unis. 2nd ed. Paris: Dalloz, 1994.
Find full textUniversité libre de Bruxelles. Centre de droit public. Les élections dans tous leurs états: Bilan, enjeux et perspectives du droit électoral : colloque organisé les 22-23 septembre 2000 par le Centre de droit public de l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2001.
Find full textZoller, Elisabeth. Le droit des États-Unis. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2001.
Find full textZoller, Elisabeth. Le droit des États-Unis. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2001.
Find full textfrançaise, France Documentation, ed. Les institutions des États-Unis. Paris: La Documentation française, 2006.
Find full textZoller, Elisabeth. Grands arrêts de la Cour suprême des États-Unis. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2000.
Find full textHoughwout, Folsom Ralph, and Levasseur Alain A, eds. Pratique du droit des affaires aux États-Unis, 1995. Paris: Dalloz, 1994.
Find full textCanada. Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada. Les affaires indiennes au Canada et aux États-Unis. Ottawa, Ont: Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, 1998.
Find full textCanada. Bibliothèque du Parlement. Service de recherche. Les subventions et les lois commerciales des États-Unis: Le cas du Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit électoral – États-Unis – États"
Slama, Serge. "Les cliniques juridiques aux États-Unis : un modèle reproductible ?" In Les cliniques juridiques, 21–35. Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2015.
Full textHerman, Edward. "Chapitre 4. Les médias et les marchés aux États-Unis." In Le droit d'informer, 85–112. De Boeck Supérieur, 2005.
Full textMengin, Christine. "Deux siècles d’architecture judiciaire aux États-Unis et en France." In L’art et le droit, 203–24. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2010.
Full textSimon-Ekovich, Francine. "Recherches sur la nature des machines politiques aux États-Unis." In Droit, institutions et systèmes politiques, 445. Presses Universitaires de France, 1988.
Full textSingh, Kishore. "Annuaire français de relations internationales." In Annuaire français de relations internationales, 859–68. Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2024.
Full textMastor, Wanda. "La Cour suprême des États-Unis et la Première Guerre mondiale." In Sur le front du droit, 129–40. Presses de l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2019.
Full textZiegler, Edward H., and Pauline Abadie. "États-Unis : étalement urbain, zonage et croissance intelligente (Smart Growth)." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2005, 141–61. GRIDAUH, 2005.
Full textHurtado Paz y Paz, Juan José, and Priscilla Caspar. "Droit à la migration et politique anti-migratoire des États-Unis." In Fuir l’Amérique centrale, 103–9. Éditions Syllepse, 2022.
Full textMercat-Bruns, Marie. "L'influence de la Convention sur le droit des (in)capacités aux États-Unis." In Choisir et agir pour autrui ?, 97–103. Doin, 2018.
Full textJeanne, Nicolas, and Vanessa Maquet. "Chapitre V. « Jacob, Megan, Adam... ». Les nouvelles figures juridiques de la dangerosité aux États-Unis." In La dangerosité saisie par le droit pénal, 220. Presses Universitaires de France, 2011.
Full textReports on the topic "Droit électoral – États-Unis – États"
Rousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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