Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Droit du recours à la force'
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Thielen, Ophélie. "Le recours à la force dans le cadre des opérations de maintien de la paix contemporaine." Paris 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA010319.
Full textHuet, Véronique. "Le recours unilatéral à la force armée en droit international : étude de la pratique récente." Aix-Marseille 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX32021.
Full textSome States had recourse to unilateral armed force by the sending of military troops as in Kosovo, in Afghanistan and in Iraq these last years. Firstly, we will analyse international system of recourse to force by means of expressly and implicitly authorization and the enlargement of self-defense after the afghan case in 2001. Secondly, we will look into the political and juridical involvements of unilateral recourse to force in international relations as for the commitment of international liability of intervening forces, as well as the necessary reconstruction of the peace making system
AMORIN, JOSE. "Le recours a la force a des fins humanitaires." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EVRY0011.
Full textThe thesis analyses the possibility to use force for humanitarian assistance in consideration of the principles of the international law. It tries to establish a relation between the humanitarian assistance and the use of force and to explain how the humanitarian action can be implemented by the united nations forces. It concerns mainly the humanitarian interventions organized in iraq, ex- yugoslavia, somalia and rwanda. During these conflicts, the force is put into pratice to serve the interests of the populations. All the persons in difficulty have a right to be protected. A humanitarian assistance can be given by the united nations in the context of the peace-keeping operation or the peace enforcement operation. The international community takes the necessary measures to assist the populations. The security council has the possibility to organize humanitarian operations on the basis of a strict or large interpretation of the norms of the chapter vii of the charter. The security council can strengthen his action and give to the united nations forces or the multinationales forces the possibility to use all the necessary means to provide the humanitarian assistance and to protect the populations within the protected humanitarian spaces. The use of force for humanitarian assistance prove a real determination of the international community to eradicate the sufferings imposed to the vulnerable populations. The military humanitarian action in ex-yugoslavia, somalia and rwanda is more or less a efficient mean for the united nations to implement the humanitarian assistance and to protect the fundamental human rights. Sometimes, the united nations have to take military means to resolve the humanitarian crises
Kim, Taek Su. "Le recours à la force par un agent de la force publique : étude de droit français et coréen-du-sud comparés." Nancy 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NAN20004.
Full textBouacha, Mohammed. "De la legitimation de la conduite de politique exterieure des etats a la lumiere de certains cas de recours a la force armee." Paris 5, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA05D016.
Full textLegitimization processes in the contemporary era reflect the tension between order and justice, tension which can be perceived in the united nations charter and which is persistent under contemporary international law "divided between legitimacy and legality". States which have used force in international relations expressed the will not to depart from the united nations charter paradigm relating to the jus ad bellum for justifying their actions. However, although they proved loyal to this paradigm, states took advantage of the ambiguities of article 2$$4 as well as of the exceptions to this rule, hence eroding the prohibition of the recourse to force. In the same time, states have shown they were interested in promoting "justice". The preference for "justice" over peace has been, in the post war era, the problem that most undermined charter norms on the use of force although. Article 2$$4 has been interpreted in such a way as to justify nearly all kind of recourse to force, there is no common definition of what constitute a "just" cause. States have had recourse to force in order to promote various "just" causes. The end of cold war consecutively to the collapse of communism in eastern countries fortold the emergence of a consensus around "just" causes. In particular, use of power to promote internal self-determination was found to be permissible. Such an evolution foretells a growing international consensus around what constitute an "illegitimate" regime. Legitimacy is normative, it refers to the international covenant on civil and political rights. This consensus is the premise of an emerging belief that it is becoming permissible to use force in order to remove "illegitimate regimes". Some authors refer to the emergence of a "new legal obligation", a new "paradigm", the " pro-democratic" pardigm
Delorge, Jeanne-Marie. "L'évolution du jus ad bellum : du droit de recourir à la force armée." Paris 5, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA05D009.
Full textThis work relates to the evolution of the right to resort to force. With through times, the recourse to armed force, which is a particular form of war, was limited. But prohibition to employ the sovereign right to recourse to force in international relations is a very recent conquest of the Humanity which allows the States to live in a world of peace today. So that is remains, peace supposes that the war becomes an illicit act in international law and that there is an institutional framework in which the collective security can exists. The recourse to the force remains: either centralized in the hands of a restricted body or within the framework of the self-defence. Although all the States accepted this system, some of them, most powerful, try to escape from the rules while trying to justify and legitimate their actions in comparison with the international law
Pacreau, Xavier. "La légitime défense préventive." Paris 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA020077.
Full textStelter, Christian. "Gewaltanwendung unter und neben der UN-Charta /." Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb412291402.
Full textBenzaquen, Bélinda. "Primauté et recours." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO30015.
Full textAbsolute primacy of Community law or supremacy of constitutional provisions ? Devoted to the analysis of the conflicts born or to be born between EU law and constitutional standards, this doctoral study focused on analysis of the link between the terms of primacy or preemption rule and jurisdictional actions to raise that in this kind of litigation disputes a unreported legal syllogism is applied. It's one that cumulatively preserves the hierarchical criterion characterizing the domestic legal systems of the Member States, at its peak the principle of supremacy of the Constitution over all others and the effective application of the material primacy of Union law ; recent developments in internal law of the Union converge in this sense : in a dispute litigation, primacy is no longer a problem of constitutional legality, the conflict is circumvent. Concerning this matter, the debate on the authority and the force of traditional international law on constitutional law no longer arises. It has been separated between the force and the effect of the treaties of international law of the Union. Yet in terms of principles, even within a federal State, the definitional content and especially the handling of the constitutional text have not been revisited ; the Constitution is the legal basis without being the content validity of the primacy of Union law, the supreme text operates as a reference technique, it fits two types of fields based on the criterion of the contentious issue. Supremacy and rule are two different legal nature principles which do not compete. The prevalence of the material primacy of Union law sets no supremacy at the top of the pyramidal hierarchy of standards of each of the acceding States
Alassani, Zéinatou. "L'évolution du droit de recourir à la force : vers une reconnaissance de l'« autorisation implicite »." Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMR076/document.
Full textThe purpose of this research on the evolution of the right of States to use force in international relations is to show, following a historical approach based on international law, that State practice in this area has changed. Indeed, from the right to "make war" recognized as a sovereign right, passing through the first attempts of its leadership in the nineteenth century, the significant rupture came in 1945 with the creation of the UN; the United Nations Charter has enshrined the principle of the prohibition of the use of force,except for the self-defense and the authorization of the Security Council. However, since no details were given as to the form this authorization of the Security Council should take, as early as 1966, as in the Rhodesian case, the latter explicitly authorized the use of "force". From 1990, he gained confidence with the technique of authorization and retained the implicit formulation of "authorizes Member States to use all necessary means". Though, sometimes a resolution is neither explicit nor implicit, but states intervene,arguing the existence of an implied authorization because of the emergence of theories like"preventive war","war on terror" or "humanitarian intervention". Cases of interventions in 1992 in Liberia, 1999 in SierraLeone and Kosovo and in 2003 against Iraq are illustrators. So, based on the interpretation of Council resolutions, implied authorization tends to become the rule in the maintenance of international peace and security. Therefore, to avoid reducing the jus ad bellum to excessive unilateralism, and by demonstrating the conformity of the implied authorization with the established legal regime of the use of force in international law, we invite the redefinition of this one
Mulier, Thibaud. "Les relations extérieures de l'État en droit constitutionnel français." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA01D026.
Full textThis study presents constitutional law as an ideal framework to analyze the foreign relations of the State. Through a double standpoint, it examines these relations from the State’s perspective and through the action of the empowered organs of the State. In this way, the study aims to highlight the institutional and normative specificities of State’s foreign relations. When the State establishes diplomatic and military relations at the outer-limits of its borders, it assumes a singular role compared to other political non-state unities. It performs a political function (fonction-fin), as defined by Charles EISENMANN, which belongs to the field of foreign relations. This political function is hold by the State in order to fulfill one basic need of the sovereign collectivity : to establish and to maintain “good relations” outside its boundaries – irrespective of the conflictual or cooperative nature of these relations. Because law and politics are intertwined, the function of foreign relations do not pre-define the distribution of powers within the State. Nevertheless, it exerts some influence on the constituent’s choices and on the practices of the empowered organs. At the interface between the State’s interior and exterior, constitutional analysis enables therefore to reexamine many elements usually taken as evident. This study assesses them and observe its effects. For example, it is possible to nuance the State’s monopoly on foreign relations and, through a historical perspective, to moderate the governmental concentration of the direction of foreign affairs
Beal, Arnaud. "Pauvreté, (non-) recours aux droits sociaux et représentations sociales." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE2146/document.
Full textMore and more, French society is faced with the necessity and/or possibility to resort to the social welfare system because of increasing social inequality and poverty. At the same time, an opposing phenomenon baffles authorities: no take-up of social rights (Warin, 2010). Our doctoral thesis focused on understanding this phenomenon in relation to poverty, from the perspective of social representations (Moscovici, 2013; Jodelet, 2015). Through methodological triangulation (Apostolidis, 2006), combining qualitative and quantitative methods, we observed and collected social representations that describe, explain and organize these legal practices and what makes them difficult.Several themata in particular contribute to the interpretation of experiences and guide action. First, the complex-simple themata describes and explains legal practices, referring to the objectification process specific to the operation of social thought. The simplification of access to rights and their familiarization, which are necessary to be able to benefit from them, are possible because of knowledge gained through the experience of poverty and law, and through shared experiential, scholarly, cultural and expert knowledge.These experiences also bring out the strength-weakness themata. As a social virtue linked to courage and will-power, strength prevents weakness, which is associated with collapse and “letting oneself go”, and helps to cope with socioeconomic difficulties and accessing social rights. Paradoxically, weakness is also a way to be recognized legally, putting pressure on the search for recognition. Hence, both aspects of the anchoring process are present simultaneously: recognition and stigmatization.These experiences also fit into the social representations of Justice and into dynamics of loyalty or defiance regarding law and instituted justice. Hence, they shape different uses of the social welfare system and contribute to weakening the social representations of justice. We show that the latter are part of the donation/counter-donation exchange and take different forms depending on who is identified as the donor and the recipient.Finally, through these three themata (simple-complex, weakness-strength, justice-injustice) and in social contexts, we highlighted the pervasiveness of social representations that organize individuals’ experiences, views of the world and of themselves, their reliance on social benefits and their social participations. In each themata, the issue of recognition (symbolization) and non-recognition (stigmatization) structures the social representations and practices of relatively poor subjects who benefit from social welfare rights
Bernadskaya, Elena. "La sentence arbitrale internationale : contribution de droit processuel comparé (droit français et droit russe)." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO30084.
Full textThe arbitral award is a complex legal notion, sharing characteristics with the contract, the jurisdictional act and the judicial decision. Indeed, the jurisdictional dimension of the arbitral award has now been admitted, though, because of its contractual source, it is still considered as a private legal act. The legal regime of this jurisdictional act is therefore influenced by a contractual bias – as from the arbitrators’ appointment up to the enforcement of the arbitral award. A comparative approach shows that the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime are differently considered in French and Russian laws. The differences lie mainly in the interpretation of the legal qualification criteria, though the latter are similar in the two legal systems. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the said differences through the study of the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime in French and Russian laws, which might lead to consider that the specificity of the arbitral award should be preserved instead of considering the award as a judicial decision
Davant, Jérôme. "Les incidents liés à la protection juridique des investissements étrangers en Chine : effectivité des voies de recours." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON10050.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to bring insights into the understanding of the evolution of business law in China and in particular on the tools of investment protection used by foreigners in this country. This paper analyses the events related to the protection of foreign investments as well as the efficiency of arbitrative solutions in the case of problems
Holeindre, Jean-Vincent. "Le renard et le lion : la ruse et la force dans le discours de la guerre." Paris, EHESS, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EHES0023.
Full textThis dissertation is an in-depth study of the cunning /strength dialectics in the war discourse. The approach is that of a genealogy. The research probes into the Greek, Roman, Hebraic and Christian foundations of the strategic thought, then focuses on the way the mastery of cunning at war gradually infiltrated political science (Machiavelli), the law of war (Grotius), and modem strategy (Clausewitz). The dissertation unfolds as a long history of the strategic thought and highlights the fact that it has always acknowledged the contribution of cunning. , which counters the theory according to which there is a "western way of war"(V. D. Hanson) exclusively based on strength, which is to be opposed to an "eastern" model relying on cunning. Indeed, denouncing the enemy’s cunning appears as one essential element in the discourse on "just war" which was inherited from the Romans, in so far as it has always worked as a mighty tactics to legitimize strength. Labelling the enemy a cunning perfidious fighter is a way of turning one's own army into the embodiment of legitimate strength. Both in the political and military arena, cunning and strength are to be regarded as Iwo inseparable essential factors in a strategy grammar, whatever the culture. Cunning and strength are complementary from a tactical, strategic and political point of view; cunning being a multiplying factor for the effects of strength and also a major trait of strategic intelligence. The study naturally leads to an analysis of the contemporary forms of war (wars between nations, irregular wars, civil wars). In today's world, cunning, beside strength, still provides both attack and defence solutions, and it is used both by the "strong" and the "weak"
Détais, Julien. "Les nations unies et le droit de légitime défense." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00346398.
Full textAbuhamoud, Alshiabani. "L'ingérence pour la démocratie en droit international." Thesis, Tours, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOUR1002.
Full textThe 2003 war against Iraq has focused attention on a problem that has been latent since the French Revolution in 1789. It is about the question whether international law allows states to intervene in the internal affairs of one another in order to overthrow non-democratic regimes and to establish democratic regimes in their place. The emergence of the United States as a superpower has led to a boost in the practice of this kind of intervention called the pro-democratic intervention. In believing that it has a manifest destiny and in believing in the universality of its principles, the United States has, since its creation, an interventionist foreign policy based on the right- supposedly universal- to intervene against despotic regimes. The war against Iraq is the latest example of a long list of American interventions in the internal affairs of other states considered as non-democratic states
Ketari, Leïla. "Le fondement du recours à la force à la lumière des conflits impliquant l'Irak en 1991 et 2003 : entre autorisation et légitime défense." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA111024.
Full textThe recent conflicts that involved Iraq in 1990 and 2003 are both conflicts fought primarily by the United States of America against Iraq. If the first is based, despite theright of collective self-defense, on an authorization of the Security Council, in accordancewith an evolutionary interpretation of the Charter, the second is based on a liberal interpretation of the Charter: the implied authorization and preventive and anticipatory self defense to eradicate a threat This research attempts to analyze the arguments put forward bythoroughly vetting the United States of America’s rationale based on its national securitystrategy to act in the international order. Beyond exploring the relationship of the 2003conflict to the new theories which attempt to extend the authorization and self-defense and therehabilitation of old concepts of "just war" or "auto-protection" in force in the NineteenthCentury, the impact of these new theories on the principle of the prohibition of the use offorce was also analyzed. These same theories are neither accepted as lege lata nor acceptableas lege ferenda. Accordingly, the principle of the prohibition of the use of force has in no waybeen breached. Instead of accepting these theories, a way to deal with threats should besought through the strengthening of the role of the UN (both its political and judiciaryorgans)
Metangmo, Véronique Michèle. "Le crime d'agression : recherches sur l'originalité d'un crime à la croisée du droit international pénal et du droit international du maintien de la paix." Phd thesis, Université du Droit et de la Santé - Lille II, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00790864.
Full textMichaloudi, Roumpini. "La justification de l'intervention armée unilatérale dans la cadre des conflits intra-étatiques." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019STRAA002.
Full textThis thesis examines the arguments and the modalities of justification of the military interventions of States, of the coalitions of the willing and of the regional organizations in the internal conflicts of other States by virtue of the international law, when these interventions take place outside the framework of the UNO. This type of intervention is current nowadays given that the intra-state conflicts constitute the overwhelming majority of world conflicts and taking into consideration the multidimensional crisis of the UNO. The justifications invoked by States as well as by the doctrine aim to legalize or at least to legitimize what would be considered at first sight as an illegal use of force under the law of the United Nations and in particular under the principle of non- intervention in civil wars
Al, Hadad Ibrahim. "Le droit international à l'épreuve des grandes puissances : légalité et illégalité des interventions militaires." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100042/document.
Full textThe end of the cold war, marked by the agreement between the five major permanent member states of the United Nations Security Council, instead of a decline in their external military interventions, has, on the contrary, increased in number, which detracted from the general rule, considered as an imperative norm Qus cogens), that of the prohibition of the use of force in international relations. Despite the attempts to justify the various large-scale interventions carried out in the name of collective security (interventions authorized by the Security Council) or unilaterally, they have departed from the requirements of international law and the United Nations Charter. As a result, they appear to be in varying degrees to illegal actions. Indeed, they have been based on extensive interpretations of the Charter or on the breach of it or even in violation of the resolutions of the Council Security itself, as can be seen from the major interventions carried out in IRAK by the allies in 1991, those of NATO in KOSOVO in 1999, the US in AFGHANISTAN, through the US and British occupation of IRAQ in 2003, the intervention of Russia in GEORGIA (2008), NATO in LIBYA (2011) and that of FRANCE in MALI (2013). This did not fail to revive the debate, recurrent in the international bodies concerned, on the need to reform the Security Council (enlargement of its composition and regulation of the veto) as well as to establish a real contrai of legality on its acts
Finn, Shaun Émery. "Étude d'un recours évolutif: Redéfinir la procédure Sui Generis du recours collectif québécois." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28134/28134.pdf.
Full textGatheron, Sandrine. "Les recours en interprétation en droit." Lyon 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LYO33016.
Full textNoray, Espeig Jérôme. "Le droit au recours juridictionnel en droit administratif français." Toulouse 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001TOU10051.
Full textThe exercice of an appeal in front of administrative jurisdictions is, in fact, vague or unpredictable. It depends on the almost discretionary of the legislator and administrative judge. In view of these various elements, it can exist a gap between the abstract or formal assertion of the right for the appeal and its concrete reality such as it can be observed in the practice
Jebran, Elie. "Le recours au tiers, mandataire commun." Montpellier 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MON10036.
Full textBréna, Stéphane. "Les recours en contribution." Montpellier 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON10045.
Full textCazet, Safia. "Le recours en carence en droit communautaire." La Réunion, 2008. http://elgebar.univ-reunion.fr/login?url=http://thesesenligne.univ.run/08_10-caset.pdf.
Full textThe action for failure to act seeks to challenge the unlawful inaction of Community Institutions. Although this remedy has been rarely under consideration and has been resorted to on few occasions, it still remains an important remedy in the system of litigation. The research focuses on its effectiveness, compared with the french and german remedies (ie. The action against an implied decision of refusal and die Untätigkeitsklage). Examining this remedy reveals its major specificity : its object is a behaviour and an inaction. The action for failure to act is autonomous in the system of litigation, and is the only direct remedy against the omission of Community Institutions. Its functions reveals its specificities. Complementing the system of judicial review, it is a mean to challenge the unlawful inaction on European Community law
Al, Hendyani Khaled Jassem. "Le recours de l'assureur en droit français et en droit koweitien." Nancy 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995NAN20024.
Full textOn the basis of the simple observation that the insurer finances the indemnity that is paid to victims from the premiums paid by the insured party, the notion that, in certain cases, recourse can be instigated by the insurer against the perpetuator of the damage may appear somewhat curious. However, for numerous reasons, this recourse is permitted in both French and Kuwaiti law. It has even been on the increase, and can be instigated not only against responsible third parties but, on occasion, against the insured party itself. Nevertheless, doubtless because it reflects a rather conflicting conjunction of insurance law and liability law, the recourse of the insurer, in spite of the enshrining in law in both legal systems, gives rise to a great many difficulties. These can be grouped and discussed under three main headings: the principle of recourse itself, its scope, and, finally, its practical application. To undertake a comparative analysis of these questions as regards French and Kuwaiti law requires enlarging upon and detailing the legal nature of the recourse of the insurer as well as its framework. Although both legal systems are very similar to each other, the differences observed take on an even greater significance and call for explanations. The comparison can therefore be considered as beneficial, in some cases as regards the interpretation and appreciation of French law, but more importantly for the development of Kuwaiti insurance law as certain insufficiencies have come to light since its recent creation
Khiar, Yazid. "L'autorisation implicite en matière de recours à la force." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1038.
Full textIraq 2003: a coalition led by the United States and the United Kingdom undertook military action based on a legal authorization to use force implicitly contained in Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002). This argument was also highlighted in Kosovo (1999), and Liberia (1992).These three cases illustrate the application of a practice known as the implied authorization for use of force. While the authorization for use of military force must result from explicit Security Council Resolution, the implied authorization is based on an interprÉtation between the lines of Security Council Resolutions in order to highlight such an authorization. The States that had recourse to it made it abundantly clear that a precedent cannot result of this practice on the sidelines of international legality. However, despite its controversial nature, it tends to become the privileged support of the State in the absence of an explicit authorization.Hence a paradox of the implied authorization which we will assess the legality, by examining the modalities of its elaboration and its application. The difficulties by resolving the question of its validity under international law will lead us to overcome this particular standard of legality by substituting it for that of conformity, more flexible, in an original legal framework: the legality of exception. We shall finally see that the teleological approach of the implied authorization suffers substantial gaps so that we will reaffirm the dual requirement of the clear mandate and the control within the Security Council Resolutions authorizing use of force
Arnoux, Yann. "Le recours à l'expert en matière pénale /." Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb392010575.
Full textGaboriau, Benoît. "L'action collective en droit processuel français." Paris 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA020118.
Full textRanouil, Marine. "Les recours entre coobligés." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010358.
Full textRecourses between co-obligors appear to fail prey to disorder. Every rime several debtors undertake an obligation towards the same creditor, similar issues constantly arise if one of them pays the debt. Is he entitled to have recourse? What is the nature of this recourse? Against who? At what amount ? Positive law only provides US with disparate solutions. The diversity of recourses - personal, bill of exchange and subrogation recourses - and an extremely broad scope of application - civil law, commercial law, insurance law, and social security law - only increase these uncertainties. The necessities of predictability and legal certainty can upon the systemizing of contribution remedies. This task requites shifting the ground from contribution to the debt towards obligation to the debt: recourses are a mere consequence of the degree and terms of engagement of their beneficiaries. The present thesis highlights the system of recourses based on a dual category of co-obligors. The co-obligor, in the strict sense of the term, is entitled to a personal recourse and to a subrogation. The identification criteria of co-obligors reside in any binding obligation and in lack of funding for such an undertaking. The co-obligors are co-debtors of joint liability, in solidum and indivisible obligations. Quasi-obligors arc only entitled to a single subrogation; risk socialization and funding for their undertaking are the elements that characterize them. This category includes insurers, guarantee funds and Social Security
Juvénal, Jacqueline. "Les recours non juridictionnels dans l'ordre juridique communautaire." Aix-Marseille 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AIX32054.
Full textThe non-judicial actions proposed in Community legal system are not well known by European citizens. However, these mechanisms of protection - the complaint to the European Commission, the petition to the European Parliament and the complaint to the European Ombudsman - have a real importance. Their aim is to offer to private persons a way of resolving problems linked to the enforcement of Community Law or to express an opinion concerning European Union activity. In particular, they allow citizens to invoke grounds which could not be brought out in front of a national or community court, either because going to court, either because going to court would be too complicated or long or because the grounds could not be valid in a court. The goal of this study is to present these actions through a global analysis essentially in order to determine the extent and the effectiveness of the community non-judicial protection. .
Jacquemart, Isabelle. "Le recours volontaire à la règle déontologique." Orléans, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ORLE0005.
Full textLe, Chêne Christophe. "Les rapports du droit social et du droit de la responsabilité civile." Grenoble 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001GRE21001.
Full textFathally, Jabeur. "Les principes du droit international musulman et la protection des populations civiles en cas de conflits armés : de la binarité guerrière au Droit de Genève. Histoire d’une convergence." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20696.
Full textJeannin, Laure. "Le droit au recours juridictionnel des personnes privées en droit public comparé franco-allemand." Paris 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA010325.
Full textSi, Ali Abderrahim. "Le recours des personnes morales de droit public à l'arbitrage." Dijon, 1998. https://nuxeo.u-bourgogne.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/83b4ea72-ffab-414e-9b81-8ff812895b17.
Full textExcepted during the revolutionary period, arbitration is not in agreement with public law. The old civil procedure code prohibited arbitration (articles 1003 and 83). The paragraph 2060 of civil code has not changed this prohibition. However, arbitration is allowed by some international conventions, legal acts and case-law. So, it's hoped to introduce some flexibility to prohibition in order to allow legal persons of public law the right to arbitration. Today, an arbitrator is an alternative to a public judge. It can reduce overloaded jurisdictions, in particular, administrative ones. Moreover, arbitration is suitable for economic litigation considering its advantages. However, it is necessary to determine the juridical regime of arbitration before its application. The legislator, with the exception of act 1906, has not been informed of the rules which the arbitrator has to comply. It is necessary to study the possible applications of the ordinary common law. Although public law and arbitration are different, the common ordinary law can be applied to legal persons of public law. However, these rules cannot be applied if they are against the general principles of public law. In international matters, the problem concerns the partiality of national law of the contracting state. To avoid this partiality, the application of international public law and lex mercatoria are suggested. We note that in arbitration, common ordinary law is applied and, if necessary, adapted for community interests
Guigou, Marie-Sophie. "Le droit aux voies de recours hiérarchiques en matière civile." Aix-Marseille 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX32023.
Full textThe appeal's right suffer about his constitutional and european aknowlegement absence. Nevertheless, this aknowlegement is temperated. In fact, the right of appeals can be considered like a fondamental right, through the “nullity appeal”. Consequently, how conciliate the right of appeals in civil law which protect the justiciable rights but, also delay the processe issue and effect the justice celerity? Can we do find a just stability between the respect of justiciable rights and the good performance of justice?
Faugère, Guillaume. "L'accès des personnes détenues aux recours : étude de droit administratif." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU10007/document.
Full textBruand, Colette. "Les recours "des tiers payeurs"(loi du 5 juillet 1985)." Paris 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA010255.
Full textThe lawyer on the occasion of the reform of the indemnification for victims of traffic accidents has grabbed this opportunity to clarify the issue raised by the compensation from insurance companies for the expenses spent by social security debtors on the account of victims of accidents caused by third parties. The july 5 1985 law respects the principle according to which the bodies wich have brought financial or sanitary indemnity to the victims have a right to take proceedings against the tortfeasor to obtain full repayement of indemnity for wich this third party is liable. The fundamental originality of this text is to remedy the situation of anarchy originating from the great number of social debtors and the wide gamut of benefits by building up a general system of appeals on the part of the social security debtors as regards bodily injury. However the law has not realized fully that construction. Efforts will have to be endeavored to resolve the problems raised by the coordination of indemnities payable by the third party in compensation for bodily injury with the benefits coming from other sources. As far as this problem issue is concerned the development of agreements between public insurances and liability insurances is the best solution ever for the time being
Brisson, Jean-François. "Les recours administratifs en droit public français : contribution à l'étude du contentieux administratif non juridictionnel /." Paris : LGDJ, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35824828d.
Full textSayegh, Sélim el. "La crise du golfe, etude d'un cas de recours a la force." Paris 11, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA111002.
Full textOnce the concept of crisis defined, the thesis analyses the use of force, in the framework of a case study after the invasion of kuwait on the 2 nd of august 1990. The analysis has demonstrated at first how international law has been sollicited by parties : iraq, by calling upon historical rights, and so called economic agression and a call for help from a friendly government; other states acting for the security council and within system of "alliances", thier economic, strategic, political interests being endangered. Afterwards, the juridical escalation in the crisis has been examined : after having condamned the agression, secutity council has decreed a naval and aerial blockade. Iraq has riposted by the "diplomacy of hostages". In reaction, the international coalition dispatched troops ot saudi arabia. Because iraq has ignored sanctions, security council has authorized the states to resort to force against iraq. A political pause will follow before the break up of the gulf war. The defended thesis demonstrates how the crisis has developed in the jus ad bellum while iraq and kuwait already are in jus in bello, and the action of states and uno is studied along international law and un charter
Suleiman, Lourdes. "Le rôle du droit international dans l'émergence d'un Etat palestinien. Difficultés et limites." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO30041.
Full textThe international community and the international law are facing a great challenge: find the solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in light of international law shows many difficulties related to the emergence of a Palestinian state. Indeed, this conflict is a source of violation of international law specifically a violation of human rights that continues to strike in this area. Violations against international law go back to the time of the British mandate and are finally characterized by the impunity towards the entities that have committed them. Therefore, this allows us to highlight the weaknesses of international law, more specifically those of the United Nations that is confronted with the constant breach of its principles and decisions. We have tried to overcome this infernal situation by using the techniques offered by the international law that aims to put an end to a conflict. There is a technique that seems to be the most appropriate for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict known as the negotiation. However, the peace process that began in 1990 is now almost forgotten.Despite all this, the creation of a Palestinian state is the base to the solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This present study aims to demonstrate, based on the definition of the State under international law, that Palestine has, on one hand, confirmed elements/components that are imperfect, allowing the latter to constitute a State under international law, and on the other, that it can’t achieve statehood to the extent that certain elements necessary for statehood remain questionable. What Palestine is missing is effectiveness
Aldmour, Abdullah Mahmoud. "Le recours à l'arbitrage dans le contentieux des contrats internationaux de construction." Paris 5, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA05D011.
Full textWhen examining construction contracts and managing construction contract claims and disputes arising under them one notes a number of features which distinguish them from other types of contracts and disputes. If not all these features are found exclusively in constructions contracts and disputes it is at least their combination which gives rise to the particular problems in construction arbitration. This thesis analyses the legal and financial structuring of the international huge projects used for some years in both industrialized and developed countries. It deals with two majors aspects related to state contracts and the huge projects realized by private sector. It examines also the methods of rising disputes from these contracts. Issue based on ADR -Alternative Dispute Resolution- methods, mainly DAB -Dispute Adjudication Board- and DRB -Dispute Review Board. Attention is also given to International Commercial Arbitration and international investment arbitration, how an arbitration concerning an international construction contract is constituted, points related to the appointment of arbitrators, how preliminary objections and questions as to jurisdictions may be dealt with, how the proceedings are conducted, what an arbitral tribunal should do (or not) and how the award should be expressed and executed
Cepko, Aurélie. "L'exception de recours parallèle en contentieux administratif francais." Thesis, Toulon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOUL0078.
Full textThe objection of parallel proceedings, judge-made law created by the Council of State from the middle of the Second Empire, is traditionally explained like an absolute bar to proceedings devoted to misuse of powers. Indeed, the action is inadmissible if the applicant may bring another action, the parallel proceedings, with similar effect. This primary version has been modeled with a synthesis of notion characteristics. A standard model was produced and the judge can settle other situations of parallel proceedings. This second version of the objection of parallel proceedings is adapted to new proceedings like emergency proceedings or the implementation of European Union law. The practice of the objection of parallel proceedings is not theorizable. The judge is using this notion intuitively as a method for leading his judicial policies
Boisgibault, de Bryas Amélie. "L'organisation de la succession par le recours au droit des sociétés." Paris 9, 2001. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2001PA090040.
Full textTezcan, Ercüment. "Le recours en manquement et la mise en responsabilite des etats membres en droit communautaire." Paris 5, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA05D004.
Full textThe function of the recourse against breach is to operate the execution and the respect of treaties -creating the european communities - by the members states. Besides this function meant to regularize the behaviours of the states towards the communities, the recourse against breach is endowed with another function which is to secure damaged people with a breach of the community law committed by the members states, with an effective protection. This function has been made effective thanks to the power of the commission and of the court of justice, since they use their given powers as part of recourse against the breach. Nevertheless, the authority of making law concerning the damaged people pertains to the national judge. Contrary to what happens regarding the community institutions (namely the commission and the court of justice), the national judge is not always endowed with all the necessary means to sanction in the right way the members states within the frame of the recourse against breach. In the eventuality when it becomes impossible for the judge to sanction the breach in the right way, this becomes unbearable, and in such a case, a solution will have compulsorily to be found at the level of the community
Vannes, Viviane. "Concilier le droit à l'action collective et les autres droit fondamentaux: recours au principe de proportion." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210492.
Full textDifficile équilibre entre efficacité du droit de grève et respect des autres droits fondamentaux
Viviane Vannes
L’objet de la thèse est de vérifier si le principe de proportionnalité, entouré de certains critères fixes et cohérents, permet au juge de justifier de manière plus rationnelle une décision portant sur l’exercice du droit de grève. La proportionnalité est en effet de plus en plus invoquée dans la matière des conflits collectifs du travail soit pour admettre son exercice soit pour le limiter voire le sanctionner.
La première partie de la thèse entend identifier le concept de proportionnalité: notion, champ d’application, critères, limites, avantages et inconvénients. Elle est, aujourd’hui, l’instrument de référence comme mode de résolution des conflits de droit, à un point tel qu’elle est érigée au rang des principes de droit. C’est, la raison pour laquelle nous avons voulu déterminer les tenants et aboutissants du concept. Son inconvénient majeur est de s’appuyer, le plus souvent, sur des critères subjectifs :le raisonnable en droit, l’éthique du comportement et la morale sociale. Nous avons, alors, recherché des critères plus objectifs qui seraient susceptibles d’écarter le risque de subjectivité du juge. Nous avons observé qu’en droit européen, la Cour de Justice apprécie la validité d’un acte communautaire ou d’une mesure nationale en vérifiant s’il répond des critères précis :l’aptitude de l’acte à atteindre l’objectif poursuivi, la nécessité de l’acte en vue de l’atteindre et la proportionnalité intrinsèque de l’acte analysée dans ses rapports à l’égard de son ou ses destinataires. Ces critères sont également appliqués par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dans la matière portant sur l’application de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales. L’analyse de cette jurisprudence permet d’affirmer qu’ils présentent une meilleure cohérence et plus d’objectivité que le raisonnable en droit.
La deuxième partie de la thèse s’attache à fixer le statut du droit de grève en Belgique. Compte tenu de l’absence de réglementation générale belge, nous avons, d’abord, pris en considération le droit international et européen. Nous en avons retiré des lignes directives de l’exercice normal du droit de grève. L’analyse de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence belge a, ensuite, permis de fixer les éléments suivants du droit de grève :notion, contours, conditions d’existence, de légalité, de légitimité; compétence du juge du fond et des référés en cas de litige portant sur l’exercice du droit de grève.
La troisième partie de la thèse identifie, dans la matière des conflits collectifs du travail, les droits susceptibles d’être soumis au raisonnement de proportionnalité et ceux qui ne le sont pas. Car, la proportionnalité ne résout pas tous les conflits. Elle ne s’applique pas lorsqu’il s’agit de juger de la légalité de la grève, de sa régularité et dans les situations de grève spontanée déclenchée en réaction aux violations par l’employeur de ses propres obligations. Elle concerne celles où le juge est amené à juger de la légitimité du moment de sa mise en œuvre, des buts poursuivis ou des atteintes que ses modalités causent aux droits subjectifs d’autrui. C’est, alors, le conflit entre des droits de même valeur juridique qui met en œuvre le jugement de proportionnalité :droit de grève et droit de propriété et liberté d’industrie des employeurs ;droit au travail des travailleurs non grévistes ;liberté d’industrie des tiers en relation commerciale avec l’entreprise en grève, fournisseurs, clients, usagers, d’exercer leur commerce, leur industrie ;liberté d’aller et venir des usagers d’un service public.
Dans les situations où elle s’applique, la thèse propose d’inviter le juge à appliquer des critères précis pour juger de la proportionnalité de la grève. Les demandes actuelles du justiciable de rationalité et de compréhension de la décision de justice l’exigent. C’est, dans son application comme mode de résolution des conflits de droit, que notre questionnement est de savoir si, les critères contenus dans le principe de proportionnalité de droit communautaire de l’aptitude, de la nécessité et la proportionnalité de l’acte, peuvent fixer une ligne de conduite destinée à établir les règles de l’exercice normal de la grève ?La réponse donnée est, selon nous, positive.
La thèse n’entend nullement porter atteinte au droit de grève. Il appartient au socle des droits sociaux fondamentaux. La reconnaissance du droit de grève aux travailleurs ou à leurs organisations syndicales est l’un des attributs essentiels des régimes démocratiques. Il n’est donc pas question de remettre en cause un droit fondamental durement acquis. Toutefois, l’essence même d’une société démocratique repose sur le respect d’autres droits, l’intérêt général, la sécurité, la propriété, la liberté au travail, la liberté d’entreprendre. C’est la raison pour laquelle, la thèse s’attache à la difficile question de la conciliation entre, d’une part, droit de grève et efficacité de la grève et, d’autre part, droits d’autrui.
Doctorat en droit
Martinez-Mehlinger, José. "Le recours pour excès de pouvoir en matière fiscale /." Paris ; Budapest ; Torino : l'Harmattan, 2002. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38927254m.
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