Academic literature on the topic 'Droit du recours à la force'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit du recours à la force"
Ryniker, Anne. "Position du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge sur l'«intervention humanitaire»." International Review of the Red Cross 83, no. 842 (June 2001): 521–26.
Full textDelcourt, Barbara. "Usage de la force et promotion des valeurs et normes internationales." Études internationales 34, no. 1 (September 8, 2003): 5–24.
Full textYounes, Carole. "Le Recours collectif québécois: Les Réalités collectives à travers le prisme du droit." Canadian journal of law and society 15, no. 1 (April 2000): 111–43.
Full textHoffman, Michael H. "Peace-enforcement actions and humanitarian law: Emerging rules for “interventional armed conflict”." International Review of the Red Cross 82, no. 837 (March 2000): 193–204.
Full textOvalle Diaz, Nelson Arturo. "L’accord de paix en Colombie à la lumière du droit international interaméricain." Revue générale de droit 49 (January 15, 2019): 159–86.
Full textSachariew, Kamen. "Les droits des Etats en matière de mesures de mise en œuvre du droit international humanitaire." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 71, no. 777 (June 1989): 187–207.
Full textHaug, Hans. "Instruments de droit international public pour lutter contre la torture." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 71, no. 775 (February 1989): 9–27.
Full textVilleneuve Ménard, Francis. "L’infraction d’attroupement illégal dans la régulation de la manifestation : un embarras pour la théorie pénale." Revue générale de droit 47 (July 17, 2017): 149–76.
Full textRösler, Hannes. "Hardship in German Codified Private Law – In Comparative Perspective to English, French and International Contract Law." European Review of Private Law 15, Issue 4 (August 1, 2007): 483–513.
Full textTchotourian, Ivan, Valérie Deshaye, and Romy Mac Farlane-Drouin. "Entreprises et responsabilité sociale : évolution ou révolution du droit canadien des affaires ?" Les Cahiers de droit 57, no. 4 (December 7, 2016): 635–83.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit du recours à la force"
Thielen, Ophélie. "Le recours à la force dans le cadre des opérations de maintien de la paix contemporaine." Paris 1, 2010.
Full textHuet, Véronique. "Le recours unilatéral à la force armée en droit international : étude de la pratique récente." Aix-Marseille 3, 2008.
Full textSome States had recourse to unilateral armed force by the sending of military troops as in Kosovo, in Afghanistan and in Iraq these last years. Firstly, we will analyse international system of recourse to force by means of expressly and implicitly authorization and the enlargement of self-defense after the afghan case in 2001. Secondly, we will look into the political and juridical involvements of unilateral recourse to force in international relations as for the commitment of international liability of intervening forces, as well as the necessary reconstruction of the peace making system
AMORIN, JOSE. "Le recours a la force a des fins humanitaires." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 1998.
Full textThe thesis analyses the possibility to use force for humanitarian assistance in consideration of the principles of the international law. It tries to establish a relation between the humanitarian assistance and the use of force and to explain how the humanitarian action can be implemented by the united nations forces. It concerns mainly the humanitarian interventions organized in iraq, ex- yugoslavia, somalia and rwanda. During these conflicts, the force is put into pratice to serve the interests of the populations. All the persons in difficulty have a right to be protected. A humanitarian assistance can be given by the united nations in the context of the peace-keeping operation or the peace enforcement operation. The international community takes the necessary measures to assist the populations. The security council has the possibility to organize humanitarian operations on the basis of a strict or large interpretation of the norms of the chapter vii of the charter. The security council can strengthen his action and give to the united nations forces or the multinationales forces the possibility to use all the necessary means to provide the humanitarian assistance and to protect the populations within the protected humanitarian spaces. The use of force for humanitarian assistance prove a real determination of the international community to eradicate the sufferings imposed to the vulnerable populations. The military humanitarian action in ex-yugoslavia, somalia and rwanda is more or less a efficient mean for the united nations to implement the humanitarian assistance and to protect the fundamental human rights. Sometimes, the united nations have to take military means to resolve the humanitarian crises
Kim, Taek Su. "Le recours à la force par un agent de la force publique : étude de droit français et coréen-du-sud comparés." Nancy 2, 2003.
Full textBouacha, Mohammed. "De la legitimation de la conduite de politique exterieure des etats a la lumiere de certains cas de recours a la force armee." Paris 5, 1997.
Full textLegitimization processes in the contemporary era reflect the tension between order and justice, tension which can be perceived in the united nations charter and which is persistent under contemporary international law "divided between legitimacy and legality". States which have used force in international relations expressed the will not to depart from the united nations charter paradigm relating to the jus ad bellum for justifying their actions. However, although they proved loyal to this paradigm, states took advantage of the ambiguities of article 2$$4 as well as of the exceptions to this rule, hence eroding the prohibition of the recourse to force. In the same time, states have shown they were interested in promoting "justice". The preference for "justice" over peace has been, in the post war era, the problem that most undermined charter norms on the use of force although. Article 2$$4 has been interpreted in such a way as to justify nearly all kind of recourse to force, there is no common definition of what constitute a "just" cause. States have had recourse to force in order to promote various "just" causes. The end of cold war consecutively to the collapse of communism in eastern countries fortold the emergence of a consensus around "just" causes. In particular, use of power to promote internal self-determination was found to be permissible. Such an evolution foretells a growing international consensus around what constitute an "illegitimate" regime. Legitimacy is normative, it refers to the international covenant on civil and political rights. This consensus is the premise of an emerging belief that it is becoming permissible to use force in order to remove "illegitimate regimes". Some authors refer to the emergence of a "new legal obligation", a new "paradigm", the " pro-democratic" pardigm
Delorge, Jeanne-Marie. "L'évolution du jus ad bellum : du droit de recourir à la force armée." Paris 5, 2007.
Full textThis work relates to the evolution of the right to resort to force. With through times, the recourse to armed force, which is a particular form of war, was limited. But prohibition to employ the sovereign right to recourse to force in international relations is a very recent conquest of the Humanity which allows the States to live in a world of peace today. So that is remains, peace supposes that the war becomes an illicit act in international law and that there is an institutional framework in which the collective security can exists. The recourse to the force remains: either centralized in the hands of a restricted body or within the framework of the self-defence. Although all the States accepted this system, some of them, most powerful, try to escape from the rules while trying to justify and legitimate their actions in comparison with the international law
Pacreau, Xavier. "La légitime défense préventive." Paris 2, 2008.
Full textStelter, Christian. "Gewaltanwendung unter und neben der UN-Charta /." Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2007.
Full textBenzaquen, Bélinda. "Primauté et recours." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2015.
Full textAbsolute primacy of Community law or supremacy of constitutional provisions ? Devoted to the analysis of the conflicts born or to be born between EU law and constitutional standards, this doctoral study focused on analysis of the link between the terms of primacy or preemption rule and jurisdictional actions to raise that in this kind of litigation disputes a unreported legal syllogism is applied. It's one that cumulatively preserves the hierarchical criterion characterizing the domestic legal systems of the Member States, at its peak the principle of supremacy of the Constitution over all others and the effective application of the material primacy of Union law ; recent developments in internal law of the Union converge in this sense : in a dispute litigation, primacy is no longer a problem of constitutional legality, the conflict is circumvent. Concerning this matter, the debate on the authority and the force of traditional international law on constitutional law no longer arises. It has been separated between the force and the effect of the treaties of international law of the Union. Yet in terms of principles, even within a federal State, the definitional content and especially the handling of the constitutional text have not been revisited ; the Constitution is the legal basis without being the content validity of the primacy of Union law, the supreme text operates as a reference technique, it fits two types of fields based on the criterion of the contentious issue. Supremacy and rule are two different legal nature principles which do not compete. The prevalence of the material primacy of Union law sets no supremacy at the top of the pyramidal hierarchy of standards of each of the acceding States
Alassani, Zéinatou. "L'évolution du droit de recourir à la force : vers une reconnaissance de l'« autorisation implicite »." Thesis, Normandie, 2019.
Full textThe purpose of this research on the evolution of the right of States to use force in international relations is to show, following a historical approach based on international law, that State practice in this area has changed. Indeed, from the right to "make war" recognized as a sovereign right, passing through the first attempts of its leadership in the nineteenth century, the significant rupture came in 1945 with the creation of the UN; the United Nations Charter has enshrined the principle of the prohibition of the use of force,except for the self-defense and the authorization of the Security Council. However, since no details were given as to the form this authorization of the Security Council should take, as early as 1966, as in the Rhodesian case, the latter explicitly authorized the use of "force". From 1990, he gained confidence with the technique of authorization and retained the implicit formulation of "authorizes Member States to use all necessary means". Though, sometimes a resolution is neither explicit nor implicit, but states intervene,arguing the existence of an implied authorization because of the emergence of theories like"preventive war","war on terror" or "humanitarian intervention". Cases of interventions in 1992 in Liberia, 1999 in SierraLeone and Kosovo and in 2003 against Iraq are illustrators. So, based on the interpretation of Council resolutions, implied authorization tends to become the rule in the maintenance of international peace and security. Therefore, to avoid reducing the jus ad bellum to excessive unilateralism, and by demonstrating the conformity of the implied authorization with the established legal regime of the use of force in international law, we invite the redefinition of this one
Books on the topic "Droit du recours à la force"
Calogeropoulos-Stratis, Aristidis S. Le recours à la force dans la société internationale. Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1986.
Find full textLe droit contre la guerre: L'interdiction du recours à la force en droit international contemporain. Paris: Pedone, 2008.
Find full textRecourse to force: State action against threats and armed attacks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Find full textInternational law and the use of force. 2nd ed. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Find full textInternational law and the use of force. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Find full textInternational law and the use of force. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Find full textMartin, Jean-François. Droit des procédures collectives. Paris: Masson, 1991.
Find full textMémento des voies et délais de recours. 7th ed. Paris: Sofiac, 1997.
Find full textGerber, Philippe. La nature cassatoire du recours de droit public: Mythe et réalité. Bâle: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1997.
Find full textAbdellah, Boudahrain. Les voies de recours en matière civile: Droit et sociologie judiciaires. Casablanca: Société d'édition et de composition euro-africaine, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit du recours à la force"
Charpentier, Élise, and Nathalie Vézina. "Les effets exercés par les crises financières sur la force obligatoire des contrats: certitudes et incertitudes du droit québécois en matière d’imprévision." In Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, 59–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textvan der Burg, Martijn. "Conquest and Incorporation: Pays Conquis or Pays Réunies?" In Napoleonic Governance in the Netherlands and Northwest Germany, 45–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full text"12. La contribution des règles d’engagement au droit du recours à la force." In Unité et diversité du droit international/Unity and Diversity of International Law, 275–97. Brill | Nijhoff, 2014.
Full text"Recours à la force dans des situations spécifiques." In Lignes directrices des Nations Unies basées sur les droits de l’homme portant sur l'utilisation des armes à létalité réduite dans le cadre de l'application des lois, 26–30. United Nations, 2021.
Full text"Principes généraux sur le recours à la force." In Lignes directrices des Nations Unies basées sur les droits de l’homme portant sur l'utilisation des armes à létalité réduite dans le cadre de l'application des lois, 5–9. United Nations, 2021.
Full textPellet, Alain. "Le recours à la force, le droit et la légitimité – Notes sur les problèmes posés par le principe de l’interdiction du recours à la force armée en cas de carence du Conseil de sécurité." In Frieden in Freiheit - Peace in liberty - Paix en liberté, 261–80. Nomos, 2008.
Full textCorten, Olivier. "La référence au droit international comme justification du recours à la force : vers une nouvelle doctrine de la « guerre juste » ?" In La guerre et l’Europe, 69–94. Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis, 2001.
Full textGhérari, Habib. "Les recours contentieux délaissés." In L’inapplication du droit, 201–15. DICE Éditions, 2020.
Full text"I Le recours interne." In Le droit des agents internationaux à un recours effectif, 23–137. Brill | Nijhoff, 2016.
Full textLhuillier, Jean-Marc. "Chapitre 2. Le recours à une personne qualifiée." In Le droit des usagers, 207–12. Presses de l’EHESP, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Droit du recours à la force"
Álvarez Gallego, Isabel, and Silvia Blanco Agüeira. "Estrellas sobre fondos cambiantes: convocando la luz." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textТуркаева, Л. В. "PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF A VALUE ATTITUDE TOWARDS LEGAL NORMS AMONG STUDENTS OF A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY AS A FUNDAMENTAL TASK OF MODERN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION." In Образование будущего: Материалы II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. Crossref, 2021.
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