Academic literature on the topic 'Droit des télécommunications'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit des télécommunications"
Ibn Amar, Idriss. "Blaise TCHIKAYA (1998), Le Droit international des télécommunications." Communication, no. 19/2 (February 15, 2000): 200–206.
Full textBlandin, Annie. "Du droit des télécommunications au droit des communications électroniques: quel changement de modèle?" annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 61, no. 7-8 (August 2006): 759–72.
Full textThysen, Arnaud. "Les principes de « bonne gouvernance » dans le domaine des services d'intérêt général : Le cas de la nouvelle directive de service universel en matière de télécommunications." Études internationales 36, no. 1 (April 18, 2005): 83–99.
Full textGeradin, Damien. "Book Review: Droit européen des télécommunicationsNihoulPaul, Droit européen des télécommunications, 1999, Bruxelles: Larcier, 384 pp." Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1, no. 2 (June 2000): 245–48.
Full textL’Heureux, Nicole. "L'harmonisation du droit dans les transferts de fonds internationaux par télécommunications interbancaires." Harmonisation du droit 32, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 937–70.
Full textHenry-Rousseau, Yvette, Fethy Mili, and Sylvie Cournoyer. "Télédéchargement et création de bases de données locales : communication, conversion et droit d’auteur." Documentation et bibliothèques 32, no. 4 (October 17, 2018): 117–34.
Full textOtis, Ghislain, and David Robitaille. "L’inapplicabilité de la Charte québécoise des droits aux entreprises fédérales : mythe ou réalité?" Revue générale de droit 47, no. 1 (July 13, 2017): 77–117.
Full textAchilleas, Philippe. "La bataille de la 5G et le droit international." Annuaire français de droit international 66, no. 1 (2020): 709–31.
Full textTrichereau, Romain. "Les enjeux du passage au CSE à La Poste : l’action sociale dans une entreprise en transition (1991-2024)." Entreprises et histoire 113, no. 4 (February 14, 2024): 76–92.
Full textDelamberterie, Isabelle. "LE GOUËFF, Stéphan (dir.). Droit des télécommunications, des techniques de l'information et du multimédia. Vers un cadre commun. Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1999, 256 p." Études internationales 32, no. 2 (2001): 375.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit des télécommunications"
Valcroze, Nathalie. "L'évolution des télécommunications et le droit communautaire." Aix-Marseille 3, 1997.
Full textFuentes-Camacho, Teresa. "L'application du droit communautaire au secteur des télécommunications." Paris 2, 1992.
Full textIn the context of the internal market of 1993, the authorities of the european community have started a progressive action tending to open up the competition of the telecommunications sector. This action appears as the consequence of the international process of technological revolution and deregulation. Given the state of advancement of european legislation, the common application of european law is seen as necessary
Anghel, Alina. "Le Service Universel en droit roumain et français des télécommunications sous l'influence du droit européen." Nice, 2003.
Full textIn this dissertation we study the impact/evolution of Universal Service inFrench/Romanian and EU telecommunication-related legislation. We will also address the issue of institutional/financial support of such service during its evolution. The Universal Service legislation is a compromise between two different views; (i) the concept of public monopoles and (ii) the influence of EU regulations that provide equal access to the resources and the competition for the existing and future members. In order to better explain the concept and the current status of such service, first an introductory presentation of the EU-related legislation (telecommunications) will take place. We will focus on the following aspects; the general conditions of liberalization of the telecommunication market, the notions of public service and the need of maintaining a service of general interest within the legislation of EU members while being consistent with the EU legislation. Then, we will explore the mutual relation between universal and public service and demonstrate that such service was initially developed under the strong influence of public monopolies legislation. At the same time we will demonstrate that the evolution of such service had a direct impact on the national legislation. It has led in abandoning one of its core characteristics, the strong and direct relation with the public administration. We will also study the influence of EU Universal Service legislation to a candidate/future member of EU, the Republic of Romania that is still in the process opening the public services (like the telecommunication) to the competition. Such public/service structure reflects on the related legislation. We will focus on the telecommunication-related legislation and discuss the consequences of such opening/liberalization process
Mettoudi, Robert. "Les fonctions quasi-juridictionnelles de l'autorité de régulation des télécommunications." Nice, 2004.
Full textKyriazi, Kléopatra. "L'apport du droit europeen a l'abolition du monopole des telecommunications en grece. (1987-1997)." Paris 5, 1998.
Full textThe eec's liberalisation policy was crucial for the telecommunications law system in europe. The public monopolies dominant untill the begining of the 1990's are progressively abolished and the telecommunications' markets are formed on the basis of the competion european law. The object of this study is to present the evolution of the eec's regulation in this sector and the rectifications that it involves on the greec law in order to etablish a european telecommunications market
Hond, Jean Tobie. "Service public et efficacité : la réforme des télécommunications en France." Paris 2, 1993.
Full textThe importance of the administrative reform can be appreciated in this sentense : the administration is for the state what the blood is for the human body. A poorly administration is the sign of a state that operates bad. All that explain the interest of the permanent reform of the administration, in oder to make it more effcient and adapted to the exigences of it environment. This affirmation is defendable, because every administration (public or private) is first of all an organisation, that means a system of missions and of structures which can be looked like instruments that permit to carry out the missions. Now, the missions of an administration change regularly at the rhythm of the mouvement of it environment. So, in oder to still efficient, every administration must adapt its structures to its missions that can change regularly
Tchikaya, Blaise. "Le développement contrôlé des télécommunications par satellites : droit international et développement." Paris 10, 1992.
Full textKuagbenu, Afi Akpe. "La libéralisation des télécommunications en Afrique à travers le cas du Togo." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007.
Full textTelecommunications have a lot to do with technical innovations that were discovered in Western countries during the 19 century. African counties, notably Togo, have gained access to telecommunication by means of colonization which had introduced a public monopoly or an exclusive control by Metropole governments as a plan to exploit the colonies. This type of exploitation has started during the colonization period, and has even continued after the independence of African nations until the 1990’s when the first reforms that lead to the liberalization of the telecommunication industry started to appear. In fact, under the impulsion of international organizations, global investors and for other technical reasons, African, and particularly Togolese authorities have begun to initiate changes in the telecommunication sector in order to comply with the new regulations adopted on a worldwide scale. These reforms create a new regulatory framework quite particular in the sense that they conciliate concurrence (the notion of private law) with for example the practice of a universal service of telecommunication (the notion of public law). This study enables us to examine the situation wherein the liberalization of telecommunication sector has occurred, and the practices of regulatory concurrence that we are assisting nowadays have taken place in African nation and in Togolese country in particular
Beaurain, Christophe. "Action privée, action publique : le libéralisme à l'épreuve de l'intérêt public : la législation dans le secteur des télécommunications en France et aux Etats-Unis entre 1840 et 1930." Paris 13, 1993.
Full textThis thesis aims at showing how, in the setting up of a telecommunications legislation between 1840 and 1930, liberal co ncerns to insert services in the market economy adapted to the protection of the public interest. Then it is proved that in the setting of a affirmation of individual liberty, the action supporting the widest access to the services offered was continuously refered to the impulse given by the society as a whole to set up a public regulation respecting nationa l modalities of the affirmation of individual rights. A comparative approach conducted on the basis of arguments put forward by some economists on the subject of public regulation of the means of communication enables us to measure the differences which exist in the national modalities of such an arrangement. The positions of a. T. Hadley and r. T. Ely in united states, those of the "french liberal school" and those of l. Walras and c. Colson in france, are successively analysed. This analysis also reveals us that the decisive contribution to the setting up of a long-lasting regulation lies in the ability of each models of public action to use elements of a foreign model
Popović, Dušan. "Le droit communautaire de la concurrence et les communications électroniques." Paris 10, 2007.
Full textIn the last twenty years, the electronic communications sector in the European Union has undergone a remarkable transformation: a series of national monopolies has been replaced by a system based on competition. This has been accomplished by the adoption of liberalization and harmonization measures based on Articles 86 and 95 of the Treaty. However, the fact that competition has been introduced to the electronic communications markets does not exclude the possibility of anti-competitive behaviour of enterprises. An analysis of those markets is therefore needed. This could be done by applying both sector-specific and general competition rules. As regards sector-specific regulation, although market analysis is based on the principles of competition law there are certain specificities since that analysis is always prospective: sector-specific rules aim at preventing an abusive behaviour and not at sanctioning it. On the other hand, the application of general competition rules in the electronic communications sector is also particular since the dynamic development of the sector as well as the convergence of technologies influence the analysis undertaken by the competent authorities
Books on the topic "Droit des télécommunications"
Tshiyembe, Mwayila. Droit international des espaces et des télécommunications. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014.
Find full textAlter, Susan. La protection de la vie privée et les télécommunications. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1996.
Find full textBlouin, Chantal. Le commerce des services de télécommunications: Les résultats de l'Accord de l'OMC sur les télécommunications de base. Ottawa, Ont: Ministère des affaires étrangères et du commerce international, 1999.
Find full textCanada. Bureau de la politique de concurrence. La loi sur la concurrence et l'industrie canadienne des télécommunications: Allocution de George N. Addy prononcée au Congrès des télécommunications, Institute for International Research, Montréal, le 31 mars 1994. Ottawa, Ont: Industrie Canada, 1994.
Find full textRyan, Michael H. Canadian telecommunications law and regulation. Scarborough, Ont: Carswell, 1993.
Find full textRyan, Michael H. Canadian telecommunications law and regulation. Scarborough, Ont: Carswell, 1993.
Find full textCanada. Groupe d'étude sur le cadre réglementaire des télécommunications. Groupe d'étude sur le cadre réglementaire des télécommunications, rapport final, 2006. Ottawa: Groupe d'étude sur le cadre réglementaire des télécommunications, 2006.
Find full textDunsmuir, Mollie. Culture et communications: Le contexte constitutionnel. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1991.
Find full textThibault, Verbiest, and Zgajewski Tania, eds. Introduction au droit de la société de l'information: Synthèse en droits belge et européen, convergence télécoms, audiovisuel, internet. Bruxelles: Larcier, 2007.
Find full textWalter, Sapronov, ed. Telecommunications and the law: An anthology. Rockville, Md: Computer Science Press, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit des télécommunications"
Curien, Nicolas. "Enchères et télécommunications." In Droit et économie de la régulation. 2, 94–100. Presses de Sciences Po, 2004.
Full textRolin, Élisabeth. "Les règlements de différends devant l'Autorité de régulation des télécommunications." In Droit et économie de la régulation. 1, 149–73. Presses de Sciences Po, 2004.
Full textMettoudi, Robert. "L'expérience du règlement des différends par l'Autorité de régulation des télécommunications." In Droit et économie de la régulation. 3, 197–210. Presses de Sciences Po, 2005.
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