Academic literature on the topic 'Droit des biens – Koweït'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit des biens – Koweït"
Chevallier, Françoise. "Droit des biens." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 9, no. 1 (1996): 131–33.
Full textChevallier, Françoise. "Droit des biens." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 10, no. 1 (1997): 111.
Full textPree, Helmuth. "Droit canonique des biens." ARCHIV FÜR KATHOLISCHES KIRCHENRECHT 182, no. 2 (November 24, 2013): 653–54.
Full textSorbara, Jean-Gabriel. "Droit administratif des biens." Société, droit et religion Numéro 1, no. 1 (2011): 105.
Full textVincent, Julien. "Le cas français Le grand transfert révolutionnaire." L'Histoire N° 513, no. 11 (November 1, 2023): 38–43.
Full textRamaekers, Eveline. "The Development of EU Property Law." European Review of Private Law 23, Issue 3 (May 1, 2015): 437–58.
Full textEmerich, Yaëll, and Alexis Hudon. "Les assises conceptuelles du droit de l’environnement en droit des biens : entre patrimoine collectif et relation fiduciaire." Revue générale de droit 47, no. 2 (January 24, 2018): 519–61.
Full textBarret, Olivier. "Chronique de droit des biens." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 2, no. 2 (1989): 257–67.
Full textCorlay, Paul. "Chronique de droit des biens." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 3, no. 3 (1990): 413–29.
Full textCorlay, Paul. "Chronique de droit des biens." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 4, no. 3 (1991): 385–90.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit des biens – Koweït"
Almutairi, Thmer. "La propriété indivise : étude comparative entre le droit français et le droit koweitien." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2025.
Full textSince 2006, joint ownership has undergone significant adjustments. The reforms of the joint ownership regime have naturally given rise to lively doctrinal debates. Some authors maintain that they have contributed to personifying joint ownership in that they have abandoned the rule of unanimity for certain acts, which would bring joint ownership closer to the company. For other authors, these reforms simply aim to facilitate the management of joint property, and have no particular theoretical impact. In any case, it seems that there is a legislative trend, even indirect, towards a personification of joint ownership. The rapprochement would have taken place in two phases: first, the 1976 law established conventional joint ownership, and secondly, the 2006 law completed the movement with new legislative contributions. According to Professor ZENATI-CASTAING, there would thus be a natural tendency of the law to personify all forms of co-ownership, which would make it possible to make them individual properties more in line with the French conception of property law. Indeed, the personification of joint ownership can resolve the problem posed by the principle of exclusivity of the right of ownership between joint owners, since a legal entity would become the exclusive owner. Comparative law. The Napoleonic conquests carried out in Egypt had an impact on Kuwaiti law. Indeed, Egyptian law, which was inspired by the French Civil Code of 1806, strongly influenced Kuwaiti law in the creation of its legal rules. Despite the influence of the Napoleonic Code on Kuwaiti law, manifestations of the personification of joint ownership, including the majority rule that appeared in France in 2006, already existed in Kuwaiti law when civil law was introduced into the state legal system in 1980. But this inclination of Kuwaiti legislation towards a personification of joint ownership has ended. While joint ownership has been the subject of numerous reforms in France that have given it a modern regime, Kuwaiti law relating to joint ownership has, on the contrary, remained stable since the 1980s. The objective of this thesis is therefore to analyze the position of the French legislator and its Kuwaiti counterpart on the issue of the personification of joint ownership. In short, is personification the future of joint ownership ?
Almane, Adel. "La conception musulmane des peines et le droit koweitien." Poitiers, 1998.
Full textAlenezi, Mordhi. "Contrat électronique et protection du consommateur en droit français et en droit koweïtien." Strasbourg, 2010.
Full textThe interest which dresses the e-commerce in a globalized economy makes no more doubt. Rules applicable to the electronic contract are henceforth known. However when the notion of electronic contract is evoked, it is impossible to neglect the protection of the cyber consumer. He is all the more vulnerable as he is going to make a commitment in a dematerialized and international environment. The guarantee of legal security which owes datum to the cyber consumer gets free throughout the contractual process. The consumer protection has to be made during the offer and the electronic acceptance in particular by the obligation of information and the proof of the consent of the consumer. Secondly, it is made during the execution of the mutual obligations of the parties and during the birth of disputes. These disputes have an international vocation due to the absence of any physical contact of the parties on the Internet network, where from the importance of the determination of the applicable law and that of the competent jurisdiction
Rayna, Thierry. "Les biens numériques comme biens publics durables." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007.
Full textThe last decade has seen the advent and growth of two strongly linked phenomena which have led to important changes in the worldwide economy. The first is the development of the digital economy, based on the digitalisation of previously existing goods and on the development of new purely digital goods. The second is the development and generalisation of consumer piracy. The link between these two phenomena is clear, since nowadays consumer piracy is almost entirely related to digital goods. Since the issues of digital goods and piracy cannot be dissociated, this thesis has a dual objective. The first aim is to investigate the nature of digital goods and the impact of this nature on the economy. The second aim is to understand the cause of consumer piracy and the effect of piracy on the economy. It is shown that the digital nature of digital goods gives them the following economic characteristics: they are public goods, durable goods and experience goods. It is also be demonstrated that consumer piracy is a direct result of the public characteristic of digital goods and that, as such, piracy is also an economic characteristic of digital goods. The goal is, then, to analyse how the decisions of the economic agents – consumers, firms and governments – are affected by the different economic characteristics (including piracy) of digital goods and how these decisions may, in turn, change these characteristics
Al-Anzi, Abdul Aziz. "Présent et avenir de la prison dans le système des peines au Kowei͏̈t." Poitiers, 1998.
Full textSimler, Christel. "Droit d'auteur et droit commun des biens." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2008.
Full textTraditionally, ownership and possession are presented as being reserved for tangible things. Real rights are in limited number. A thing is not supposed to be the object of simultaneous appropriations. A study on authors and property laws allows to deny these assertions. The rights confered by the Intellectual Property Code upon the author of a work are the attributes of the property such as defined in the article 544 of the Civil Code. This property, as any property, manifested itself by its possession, possession which has probation effects and acquisition effects of rights. The property right of the author is capable of multiple divisions. The work may be subject of simultaneous appropriations. A work is a thing object of ownership such as defined in the Code civil. Therefore, some rules of property law are applicable and can complete the special law. However, the application of property law should not be systematic. Some rules of the special law or the immateriality of the work justifie that article of the Civil Code can not be applied
Alkandari, Abdulkarim. "Droit de la gestion collective de l'épargne : approche comparative entre droit Français et droit Koweitien." Strasbourg, 2011.
Full textThe Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directives represents in France and in Kuwait an important and increasing role in savings. France is located at the forefront of the European and world wide industry of collective management, while Kuwait is considered to be one of the largest financial markets in the Middle East. This thesis discusses the differing approaches of the SICAV and FCP in France and of FILK in Kuwait, citing the roles of different parties such as, the financial management team, the Financial Markets Authority, the custodians and the auditors. It describes their operating rules in regulations applicable to mutual funds for collective management. The "Subprime" financial crisis resulted, in essence, in a legal movement that participate in the development of the field of UCITS. It allows us to uncover, through this research, the essential changes introduced by this new legislation
Papandreou-Deterville, Marie-France. "Le droit anglais des biens /." Paris : LGDJ, 2004.
Full textAl-Hamoud, Ibrahim. "La phase administrative du contentieux de l'imposition au Koweit." Limoges, 1989.
Full textIt should be noted that this phasis represents the first stage of finance trial. For this reason it is natural to think that the tax payer and the administration authority have to respect the proceedings established by the taugiver kuwaiti. It has also been noted that this period of contentious is the major link of communication between administration and tax payer. Tax payer benefit depended more on len, on his participation in this phasis
Thebault, Déborah. "Les biens publics en droit anglais." Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2019.
Full textAgainst the backdrop of French public law with its separate administrative and ordinary courts, French lawyers often assume that English law does not have a system of public law. This is inaccurate. This thesis aims to demonstrate the existence of a substantive public law in the English legal system. It does so by identifying a number of public assets. Substantive public law should be distinguished from judicial review, which is not substantive but procedural public law. The substance of English public law lies in a multitude of rules that deviate from the rest of the legal system. These rules are found not only in common law and equity, but also in statute and in delegated legislation. From the analysis of these derogative rules, it appears that public assets enjoy privileged legal treatment. This is triggered either by the "publicness" of the asset, such as the Crown or the public itself, or by the pursuit of the public interest, regardless of the public nature of the owner. My research reveals two sets of substantive public law rules applying to public assets. The first comprise adverse possession when applied to Crown lands and town or village greens. The second set encompasses charities, and assets owned by privatised services
Books on the topic "Droit des biens – Koweït"
Snow, Gérard. Les biens: Biens réels. Moncton, N.-B: Centre international de la common law en français, Université de Moncton, 2000.
Find full textUniversité de Ouagadougou. UFR/Sciences juridiques et politiques, ed. Droit des biens et droit foncier. Ouagadougou]: PADEG, 2008.
Find full textNghenda, Lukombe. Droit civil: Les biens. Kin [i.e. Kishasa]: Publications des Facultés de droit des universités du Congo, 2003.
Find full textTekilazaya, Jean-Pierre Kifwabala. Droit civil: Les biens. Lubumbashi [Congo]: Presses universitaires Lubumbashi, 2004.
Find full textGuettier, Christophe. Droit administratif des biens. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit des biens – Koweït"
Laurent, Julien. "NFT et Droit des biens." In NFT et Droits, 53–69. Toulouse: Presses de l’Université Toulouse Capitole, 2023.
Full textTorre-Schaub, Marta. "Les biens communs et le droit." In Les biens communs en perspectives, 217–32. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021.
Full textBessy, Christian. "Le droit des brevets : entre exclusivité et partage." In Les biens communs en perspectives, 59–72. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2021.
Full textGidrol-Mistral, Gaële, and Alexandra Popovici. "La québécitude du droit des biens." In La culture juridique québécoise, 173–86. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2024.
Full textLhuillier, Jean-Marc. "Chapitre 7. La protection des biens des usagers." In Le droit des usagers, 263–68. Presses de l’EHESP, 2015.
Full textGiacuzzo, Jean-François. "Le renoncement en droit des biens publics." In Le renoncement en droit public, 127–43. Presses de l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2021.
Full textFesta, Daniela. "VI. Biens communs et usages du droit." In L'alternative du commun, 103–14. Hermann, 2019.
Full text"Immunités juridictionnelles des états et de leurs biens." In Annuaire de la Commission du Droit International, 12–64. UN, 1994.
Full text"Immunités juridictionnelles des états et de leurs biens." In Annuaire de la Commission du Droit International, 135–36. UN, 2003.
Full text"Les séparations de corps, les biens des époux et les pensions alimentaires." In Genre, patrimoine et droit civil, 147–80. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019.
Full textReports on the topic "Droit des biens – Koweït"
Breton, Laurence, and Margo Hilbrecht. Les droits des conjoints de fait au Canada. L’Institut Vanier de la famille, November 2023.
Full textRousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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