Academic literature on the topic 'Droit des affaires – Unification internationale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit des affaires – Unification internationale"
Tilo, Dionlaltarel. "La Relativite Du Principe De Non-Ingerence Dans Les Affaires Essentiellement Etatiques." Global Journal of Politics and Law Research 10, no. 5 (May 15, 2022): 35–50.
Full textMaison, Rafaëlle. "Oligarchies et prédation internationale à partir des affaires dites des « biens mal acquis »." Droits 69, no. 1 (2019): 113.
Full textDoswald-Beck, Louise. "Le droit international humanitaire et l'avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de Justice sur la licéité de la menace ou de l'emploi d'armes nucléaires." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 79, no. 823 (February 1997): 37–59.
Full textVerdon, Christiane. "Le Canada et l’unification Internationale du droit privé." Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 32 (1995): 3–37.
Full textLando, Ole. "Unification of Patrimonial Laws Governing International Trade." European Review of Private Law 24, Issue 3/4 (June 1, 2016): 501–12.
Full textChurch, William. "Information warfare." International Review of the Red Cross 82, no. 837 (March 2000): 205–16.
Full textKalshoven, Frits. "Impartialité et neutralité dans le droit et la pratique humanitaires." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 71, no. 780 (December 1989): 541–62.
Full textMichaud, Marc. "La participation du Parlement européen au contentieux communautaire: indice de sa position institutionnelle." Les Cahiers de droit 31, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 191–225.
Full textKioko, Ben. "The right of intervention under the African Union's Constitutive Act: From non-interference to non-intervention." International Review of the Red Cross 85, no. 852 (December 2003): 807–26.
Full textPundziute-Gallois, Emilija. "Cultures diplomatiques contemporaines des pays baltes : entre sécurité et idéalisme." Connexe : les espaces postcommunistes en question(s) 6 (February 12, 2021): 51–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit des affaires – Unification internationale"
De, Dravo-Zinzindohoue Marie-José. "La mise en place d'un droit uniforme du travail dans le cadre de l'OHADA." Reims, 2009.
Full textThe birth of the OHADA (Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of the Corporate law) reflect an awareness of the member states of the stake which represents the globalization, which is translated by the intensification of the exchanges and by the greater opening of the state economies in the international competition. It implies to go out of the archaism and the legal outdatedness by the harmonization of the corporate law around rules sure, stable, foreseeable and known to found a climate of trust favourable with the investments and to facilitate the line of business. Legal order OHADA rests on the legislative and jurisprudential unification: the secreted common right is of immediate application and uniform in all the States, left and a single jurisdiction controls and takes care of its correct and uniform application. Thanks to the celerity of the production process normative, eight (08) uniform acts are in the active of the OHADA, which contributed to improve the environment of the businesses in the countries of space OHADA even if it remains still remote regions when to the method of development, application and control of the uniform right. If one can be satisfied economic assessment, it is advisable to wonder about the slowness which the result of a uniform right knows on the l labour’s law whose project has been initiated for one decade (1999)… Yes, the fact of including the law of labour in the matters of the right of the businesses is well justified, but remains the equation of the method and the institutional framework appropriate to the “sensitivity” of the labour’s law. The reading and the spirit of the text of the preliminary draft do not let show through a social model which would be specific to the OHADA. This document rather seems to fall under the prolongation of the reforms started in the nineties, pennies the crook of the basic financial backers and marked for the ones by the primacy of the interests of the company and for the others by the “die-protection” of the rights of the employees; moreover, the OHADA runs up against kingly competences of the States like certain prerogatives of managements and labor as regards the labour’s law. However the construction of a African social model remains possible apart from the rigid framework of the OHADA. The UEMOA, which pursues the same objectives of harmonization of the legislations by taking for model the European Union which gradually builds a European social right based on the principle of freedom of movement for the workers, could be a new track to be explored: the method adopted by the UEMOA is softer and envisages the creation of consultative institutions, managements and labor could feel implied in the process of standardization of the labour’s law
Tchantchou, Henri. "La supranationalité judiciaire dans le cadre de l'OHADA : étude à la lumière du système des communautés européennes." Poitiers, 2008.
Full textIn 1993, 16 African States concluded a Treaty called OHADA in other to simplify and standardize their business law. The normative unification was accompanied by a judicial harmonization supported in the principle of judicial supranationality. This rule holds that excepting supreme courts, the national jurisdictions of the member states should enact in first and second ressorts, under the control of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration, which ultimately sits as third degree of jurisdiction. The system therefore overtakes the existing relationship between the CJEC and the jurisdictions of the member states of the European Union, which essentially consists in a dialogue through the mechanism of the prejudicial return in interpretation of the community norms. Nevertheless, the consistency of the OHADA system sometimes appears problematic. It is why, while explaining and criticizing the OHADA judicial supranationality, the present thesis tried to elaborate a general theory of it
Sarr, Amadou Yaya. "L'intégration juridique dans l'union économique et monétaire Ouest africaine (UEMOA) et dans l'organisation pour l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique (OHADA)." Aix-Marseille 3, 2006.
Full textThis doctorate thesis is as study of the law integrated within the West African Economic and Monitory Union and the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa. The study analyses, in the first part, the coexistence between the two law orders in the Zone Franc. The coexistence has been studied under the dual specificity of the primary and secondary sources and the institutional systems. In the second part, the study analyses the interactions between the two law order and demonstrates the structural coherency in the functioning of the systems as well the place of the different rules in the law hierarchy. The study shows the complementarily between the two orders which should be improved by preventive and careful solutions
Ndzuenkeu, Alexis. "Le système OHADA et l'intégration juridique en Afrique." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2022.
Full textThe Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), as it is based on a transfer of legislative and jurisdictional powers from the Member States to the joint organization, is seen to be a tool for legal integration. Indeed, OHADA combines both supranational and national norms and institutions. However, the operation of this system has not yet been comprehensively assessed. This study therefore aims to assess the ability of the OHADA system to achieve the desired integration of the African continent. To this end, it is necessary to review how the relationships between the bodies and norms of domestic law and those resulting from the Treaty establishing the supranational organization are articulated. Highlighting the features of legislative policy and legal technic that structure the OHADA Community construction will enable to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system, and hence, to formulate proposals for improving this legal integration tool
Mikponhoue, Hervis Igor Cariol. "L’ordre juridique communautaire ‘’ohada’’ et les enjeux d’integration du droit des affaires." Thesis, Perpignan, 2016.
Full textFollowing their accession to independence in the 1960s, the countries of Francophone Africa were equipped with a system of private law closely derived from that of the former colonial power. During about two decades, these States have separately evolved their legislation in accordance with the expression of national sovereignty even if the desire to unify law in Africa was marked by sub regional attempts little successful. Today, the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), created 1993 since in Port Louis works for business law harmonization in Africa. With the adoption of its various uniform acts, it has managed to harmonize or standardize at community level the essential areas of business law, including business law, corporation law and reliability law. In its perspective of integration, it is also considering consolidation sites in order to expand its community in other States which still reluctant to a loss of sovereignty for the benefit of an instance of integration and harmonization of business law. Let us remember that this OHADA integration perspective still raises huge questions regarding the purpose of the Organization's objectives, which fits more in a perspective of standardization over harmonization as its name would suggest; added to this sensitive issue of offenses criminalization in Business Law in Africa. Also, other important points and various issues related to African integration, which do not portent a glorious future for the Organization
Bayo, Bybi Blandine. "Le rôle de la Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage dans la sécurisation de l’espace O. H. A. D. A." Caen, 2009.
Full textN'Guessan, Donald Jean-Marc. "Développement et intégration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest : analyse des contributions de l'OHADA et de l'UEMOA." Reims, 2010.
Full textThe legal integration thus seems promising one locomotive of the economic integration. The trust which law OHADA should arouse at the economic operator's, by proceeding gradually to the legal and judicial reassurance of the common market of the UEMOA, should incite them to create there and to develop economic activities. It, in that we wonder to know in the business law OHADA can arouse the deprive direct investment foreign or national, considered in the third millenium as the engine of the growth, in the space UEMOA, freedom of circulation. In the optics of this security and impulsive approach, the OHADA and the UEMOA are going to participate in the construction of this community legal framework through a device conceived around four axes, namely : a device of organization safety capable of guaranteeing the solidty and the autonomous and long-lasting functioning of the community institutions asked to lead the project of integration to its realization ; the consecration of a legal integration relative to the business, as fundamental tool of consolidation of the economic integration ; the construction of community structures asked to defend this law the application of which is determining in the safety in business connections ; finally, the institution of the freedom of circulation in all the community space to facilitate the intra-community exchanges, indispensable to the regional juridico-economic dynamics ; and which the analysis should allow to estimate the level of realization and the feature of this plateform OHADA-UEMOA
Da, Allada Eustache S. "Le traitement des contrats d'affaires par le droit OHADA." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019.
Full textIn today's context of constant assessment of international corporate life, corporate law has become a powerful instrument of the economic growth and investment efficiency. In this context, cohesive African corporate law is an ambitious regulation which is inspiring for Africa. Building on its strenghts, OHADA law is meant to be attractive and competitive on the now very competitive global law market, in order to attract foreign investors and strengthen national investments by facilitating and securing exchange and investment operations.Nonetheless, despite strong will and a fully assumed choice to make cohesive law a sort of synthesis of several legal systems, after two decades of existence outcomes remain far from expectations. Whether regarding the promotion of African arbitration law on business disputes or the rise of foreign investment on which the OHADA had high hopes, cohesive business contract law achieves limited success. Moreover, it sees its horizon darkened.These findings elicit a fundamental issue inherent to the pillars of the OHADA contractual temple. Through the prism of business contract processing, one may legitimately question the ability of cohesive law to actually facilitate the course of business, by assuring the security and efficiency of these contracts: does OHADA law theoretically and empirically address contemporary contractual issues inherent to African business life? Should some traditional legal concepts be reconsidered nowadays in African corporate law?By emphasising its strengths, weaknesses and current turmoil, via a critical, prospective and compared approach, the analysis of business contract processing aims to thoroughly rethink the African codification of law
Madaleno, Jose Miguel Ferreira. "The European Union and the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa : comparative perspectives on their institutional frameworks and legal orders." Thesis, University of Macau, 2011.
Full textSall, Bigué. "L'harmonisation OHADA des contrats : contribution à la méthode légistique des contrats dans l'espace OHADA." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019.
Full textThe legal framework is important for improving the economic situation ; it defines progress or decline of the business climate in a country or space. Thus the Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law has set itself goal in a more or less long term economic development of Africa in general and of its member states in particular. Therefore, it must have rules contributing to the establishment of legal and judicial security in order to promote business investment in the Africa area.It is in this context that OHADA has adopted rules that can framed the development of business in this area. These rules, known as uniform acts, are currently ten, but not one of these uniform acts refers to general contract law. While general contract is fundamental basis of business development of business. Its uniformisation or harmonization must be considered for efficient contracts in OHADA zone and Africa in general. Furthermore, member states of OHADA do not have standardized general contractuel field. This clearly shows how urgently reform is needed!However, it should be notified that a number of projects steps towards the harmonization of contract law have been abandoned or not completed, in particular the preliminary draft OHADA Uniform Act on Contract Law and the project relating to the general law of obligations. These abandonments raise many questions that we will try to solve during our developments through historical, critical and comparative approach
Books on the topic "Droit des affaires – Unification internationale"
Issa-Sayegh, Joseph. OHADA: Harmonisation du droit des affaires. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2002.
Find full textOrganisation pour l'harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires. Actes uniformes de l'Organisation de l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique (OHADA). [Dakar]: CREDILA, 1998.
Find full textSéminaire d'information sur l'Organisation pour harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique (OHADA) (2000 Dakar, Senegal). Séminaire d'information sur l'Organisation pour harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique (OHADA). [Dakar]: République du Sénégal, Ministère de la justice, Centre de formation judiciaire, 2000.
Find full textMamadou, Koné. Le nouveau droit commercial des pays de la zone OHADA: Comparaisons avec le droit français. Paris: L.G.D.J., 2003.
Find full textL'exécution forcée: Législation béninoise et droit ohada. Cotonou, Bénin]: Editions Juris Ouanilo, 2006.
Find full textYvette, Kalieu, ed. Introduction critique à l'Organisation pour l'harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires. Yaoundé, Cameroun: Presses universitaires d'Afrique, 2008.
Find full textCôte d'Ivoire & zone OHADA: Gestion immobilière et droit foncier urbain. Paris: Harmattan, 2007.
Find full textJalons d'une habilitation à diriger des recherches: Un expérience à partir du droit issu du traité OHADA. Paris: Harmattan, 2007.
Find full textJosé Ma Cueto Álvarez de Sotomayor. La armonización del derecho mercantil en África impulsada por la OHADA. Madrid: Ministerio de Justicia, 2006.
Find full textL'intégration juridique dans l'Union économique et monétaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) et dans l'Organisation pour l'harmonisation du droit des affaires en Afrique (OHADA). Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit des affaires – Unification internationale"
Kronke, Herbert. "Financial Leasing and Its Unification by UNIDROIT." In General Reports of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law/Rapports Généraux du XVIIIème Congrès de l’Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé, 321–33. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.
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