Academic literature on the topic 'Droit de la santé au travail'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit de la santé au travail"
Lerouge, Loïc. "Le droit à la santé: un droit fondamental aussi au travail?" Revista Estudios Jurídicos. Segunda Época, no. 20 (December 10, 2020): 223–33.
Full textLerouge, Loïc. "Le droit du travail français confronté aux « nouveaux risques ». Quelle prise en compte de la santé mentale en droit du travail?" Revue multidisciplinaire sur l'emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail 5, no. 2 (November 1, 2010): 21–38.
Full textDesjardins, Annick, and Céline Giguère. "Santé mentale au travail : l’échec du droit à épouser une approche systémique." Les Cahiers de droit 54, no. 2-3 (August 5, 2013): 359–88.
Full textFantoni-Quinton, Sophie. "L’insuffisance du droit de l’inaptitude à maintenir en emploi les salariés victimes de souffrances au travail." Les Cahiers de droit 54, no. 2-3 (August 5, 2013): 439–59.
Full textLippel, Katherine, and Nathalie Lanctôt. "La violence physique au travail et la santé : le droit québécois régissant l’indemnisation et la prévention." Articles 69, no. 4 (January 21, 2015): 785–812.
Full textMalenfant, Romaine, Anne Renée Gravel, Normand Laplante, and Robert Plante. "Grossesse et travail : au-delà des facteurs de risques pour la santé." Revue multidisciplinaire sur l'emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail 6, no. 2 (October 13, 2011): 50–72.
Full textLedoux, Élise, Pierre-Sébastien Fournier, Danièle Champoux, Pascale Prud’homme, Marie Laberge, Chantal Aurousseau, Sylvie Ouellet, and Céline Chatigny. "Les conditions de travail au Québec." Articles 68, no. 4 (February 24, 2014): 590–607.
Full textLaflamme, Anne-Marie. "Le droit de retour au travail et l’obligation d’accommodement : le régime de réparation des lésions professionnelles peut-il résister à l’envahisseur ?" Les Cahiers de droit 48, no. 1-2 (April 12, 2005): 215–47.
Full textClément, Michèle, and Éric Gagnon. "Le comité d’éthique, la vie privée et l’intimité. Interpréter les droits des usagers." Les ateliers de l'éthique 8, no. 1 (September 10, 2013): 70–90.
Full textMariem, Khaili. "Sante et securite en Droit Social marocain: état des lieux et défis." Lex Social: Revista de Derechos Sociales 9, no. 2 (July 9, 2019): 604–17.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit de la santé au travail"
Jover, André-Franck. "Les métamorphoses des services de santé au travail - entre santé au travail et santé publique." Thesis, Paris 2, 2015.
Full textHealth and security at work, occupational risk prevention (road risk, psychosocial risks), intensification of labor conditions… A number of questions that the enterprise has to take into account. Answering them assumes a variety of points of view and skills. Occupational health services, that have the exclusive mission to prevent any worker health alteration occurring from their work, contribute to this debate. Due to their unique position, as a field actor, they should be the master piece of the occupational health system ; these services are, however, victim of a collective disaffection. The delicate combination of the “medical fitness for work” concept and the occupational risk prevention concept contributes to this disaffection. Since 1942, the institution has seen deep metamorphoses, a number of them appearing from the combination (sometimes being a cause for tension) of the labor law and the public health law. After the Liberation, the incorporation of the institution to the Ministry of Labor, sealed a long domination of the Labor law. The growing power of the Public Health has been jeopardizing progressively this domination. The reform dated 20th July 2011 illustrates this change of balance. The analysis of the links between the Labor Law and the Public Health Law suggests to propose a new paradigm for the sake of the workers’ health, based upon the idea – which is also a fact – that the occupational health service cannot be compared to other providers : this service contributes to the general interest
Lerouge, Loïc. "La reconnaissance de la santé mentale en droit du travail." Nantes, 2004.
Full textDue to the representation it reflects to, work is of major importance for the person. But for sure, the forcing conditions keep evolving. The intensification of the activity, tanks even more mental, the stress are so many factors which can beget in the labourer psychic disorders. The law for social modernisation is an important turn for the right to health at the workplace. The Labour Code expressly recognizes now the mental health of labourers. However, the recognition in itself is not enough to institute a system suitable to resale the mental health at work. We must focus on attack risk prevention to the psychic health of labourers and salaries'. The psychology fragile one will be the first to benefit from it. Likewise the physical health right at work, labourer must be able to enjoy a right of protection of his mental health right at work and he must be replaced in the heart of the contractual relationship
Dias, Marisa. "Santé et travail : le principe de précaution." Paris 8, 2005.
Full textBarrigue, de Montvalon Luc de. "La charge de travail : pour une approche renouvelée du droit de la santé du travail." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2018.
Full textThe notion of workload appeared in the Labour Code in order to protect the employees’ health against risks stemming from an excess of work implied by flexible working time organizations. This work analyses this link between health protection and workload, by determining the conditions of existence of such a link, but also by considering the uses and misuses that may result of it in Labour Law. The restrictive approach of workload focused on excess and overload results in a limited use of this notion and thus an imperfect prevention of the resulting risks. This thesis aims to propose a renewed approach towards occupational health law, based on the notion of reasonable workload. A change is going on in the field of occupational health: the logic of health protection against risks is giving way to a logic of health promotion through work. Looking for a reasonable workload is part of this new logic, as it makes it possible to think of work not solely in terms of risks and to encourage the search for healthy work organizations. By systematizing the requirement of a reasonable workload, companies would be encouraged to integrate man into the decision-making process and to conceive differently the work organization as well as its effects on employees’ health
Salmon, Bertrand. "Le droit de la sante et de la securite du salarie : vers un droit au travail sur." Nantes, 2000.
Full textSiharath, Christine. "L'évolution des services de santé au travail depuis la loi de modernisation sociale du 17 janvier 2002 : enjeux juridiques d'une politique de santé au travail." Aix-Marseille 3, 2010.
Full textThe interest from the public opinion regarding health and labor safety issues is certainly not new, but these problems have been highlighted recently. Brought to question because of the sanitation affairs linked to the utilization of asbestos by some companies, the occupational health has been the object of reforms introduced by the "Law of Social Modernization" from January 17th, 2002. This translates on shortage of occupational physicians and, at the same time, must address a new set of risk (aging population, musculo-skeletal problems, psychosocial risks and risk related to the use of carcinogenic agents, mutagenic and toxico-reproductive issues). The evolution of the occupational health towards the Health Labor Services promises a renewed administration and organization, implying the definition of the place and role of the occupational physician within the labor medicine's multidisciplinary team. This evolution calls also for a reassignment of the time devoted to medical supervision at a personal level towards collective and global actions on the labor environment and the promotion of the primary prevention. The reform movement was accompanied by strong opposition coming from occupational physicians and their unions, who saw this as a mean from the government to solve the declining demography of the profession at a lower cost. The possibility of having their responsibility engaged because of the delivery, to the employee, of a notification of non contraindication to be exposed to carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxico-reproductive agents was equally criticized. All these problems provide then, an interest for analyzing the reform of the labor medicine
Tarhouny, Nina. "Les risques psychosociaux au travail : Droit et prévention d’une problématique de santé publique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textThe misnamed psychosocial risks at work reflect the expression of contempt for the absolute fundamental norm and matrix of human rights : the dignity of the human being. As a manifestation of suffering at work, indecent working conditions and organizations (as defined by the UN) lead to the commodification of humankind as a means of productionat the expense of worker’s fundamental rights, such as the right to health at work. Psychosocial risks at work, which are threats to public health, exempting them from the rule of law on which social order is based, and whose consequences of damage to the physical and mental health of workers affect society as a whole, break the social contract between individuals and the State. The legal obligations laid down by international, European and French texts, require the State and companies to exercise active and not only reactive prevention. The State, as guarantor and protector of respect for dignity and human rights, can use its prerogatives as a public authority to better protect workers’ health.Sociovigilance is then required as a new vigilance resulting from occupational health safety. Combined with the creation of an independent authority in charge of occupational health issues, sociovigilance is accompanied by a new proposal for the organisation of occupational risk prevention in France
Faucher, Baptiste. "La santé du sportif professionnel salarié." Nantes, 2013.
Full textThe health of the salaried professional sportsman is a deciding factor for the execution of a working service, which consists of the preparation and the realization of a sports performance. The articulation of sports rules and labour law has to end in the construction, within the clubs, of a specific device of protection allowing each athlete reaching an optimal level of health. The relation between the various rules is however complex. The labour law is sometimes confronted with the sports rules which force its application. The health's protection of the sportsmen is thought out in the short term, in the emergency scheduling of competitions and with the aim of maximizing to use the resources during the time under contract. The labour law is applied only as much as it does not hamper the realization of the sports performance. The right of working time fades before the competitive requirements. The sports activity carries on with imposing its own rhythms, its own organization and exerting all its influence on the body of the athletes. The intensive practice of sport causes wearing out, tiredness and accident. Sportsmen are regularly confronted with injury during their professional career. Social law goes nevertheless to their rescue when their health is impaired. It's necessary to mitigate the sanitary, financial and contractual consequences of the injury
Moustié, Jean-Baptiste. "Droit et risques psychosociaux au travail." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.
Full textThe concept of "psychosocial risks at work" gathers several work-related suffering risks. These risks are, at the same time, related to the generating acts of pain and to the expressions of suchpain on employees’ health. Despite its formulation, this concept refers to events affecting both mental and physical health of workers. Such affecting events share the same social ground. Indeed, psychosocial risks are mainly caused by the companies’ organization themselves, management methods or harmful relationships. Even though the expression of psychosocial risks was formerly developed out of the legal environment, it is now generally used in law to deal with issues of health and safety at work. However, the comprehensive understanding of such risks is not yet obvious from a legal perspective. These are complicated to define and delimit, tinged with subjectivity and unlikely to be understood in light of the employment law history. However, law is increasingly taking into account the different dimensions of the workers’ individuality. Also, if the psychosocial risks fail to be recognized, so far, as an independent and entire legal concept, both laws (domestic and international) and case law are more and more referring to it. Therefore, measures and legal solutions applicable to the working relationships in private companies enable to prevent such risks, punish or compensate them. As such, a wide range of people, whether related or not to the company, are able to duly face these factors
Wailly, Jeanne-Marie. "Risques industriels, travail et environnement : contribution du droit de l'environnement à la protection de la santé au travail et ses conséquences sur l'entreprise polluante." Littoral, 2008.
Full textThis thesis objective is to review the situation, concerning the state of health at work at the beginning of the twenty-first century in France. The matter of the study is more particularly about the health of workers in companies but also about people who live near industrial plants. . . The emphasis is put on the methodology followed, which combines the contribution of law (work, social,. . . ), economy, history and sociology. . . This thesis demonstrates through time and space, the confrontation between health at work and environment. It also shows how the law and other elements have allowed a parallel and then a collaboration. Owever the gap is Hobvious at the end of the 19th Century (with the Industrial Revolution), and the environment law which appears approximatively a century later (in 1970, with the economical crisis). This thesis is illustrated from an empirical point of view by a study realised inside Dunkerque area, whose aim was identify the consequences of air pollution on individuals. The research was led so as to retranscribe as well as possible the feeling or the disorders experienced by the people pollued, and then to translate them, during the analysis on effects on health, and also on social economic effects
Books on the topic "Droit de la santé au travail"
Junker, James. Sécurité et santé en droit du travail luxembourgeois. Luxembourg: Editions Paul Bauler, 2010.
Find full textDelemotte, Bernard. Santé au travail en milieu agricole. Paris: Masson, 2004.
Find full textMalingrey, Philippe. Droit de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. Paris: Gualino éditeur, 2003.
Find full textcoordination, Canada Conseil du trésor Direction des communications et de la. Guide sur la sécurité et la santé au travail. 5th ed. Ottawa, Ont: Conseil du trésor du Canada, 1994.
Find full textPlasse, Micheline. Santé et sécurité du travail: De la confrontation à la concertation. Montréal, Qué: Agence d'ARC, 1988.
Find full textOntario. Ministère du travail. Division des opérations. Guide de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Toronto, Ont: Ministère du travail, 2002.
Find full textetc, Canada Lois statuts. Code canadien du travail, partie II: Règlement concernant la sécurité et la santé au travail pris en vertu de la partie II du Code canadien du travail ; Règlement concernant les comités de sécurité et de santé et les représentants à la sécurité et à la santé. Ottawa, Ont: Développement des ressources humaines Canada, 2006.
Find full textLe stress au travail: L'indemnisation des atteintes à la santé en droit québécois, canadien et américain. Cowansville, Québec: Éditions Y. Blais, 1992.
Find full textOntario. Ministère du travail. Division des opérations. Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail: Lois refondues de l'Ontario de 1990, chapitre O.1, tel qu'il est modifié. Toronto, Ont: Ministère du travail, 2002.
Find full textInstituts de recherche en santé du Canada. Recherche sur les cellules souches humaines: La santé dans un cadre éthique : document de travail. Ottawa, Ont: Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit de la santé au travail"
Dedessus Le Moustier, Nathalie. "5. Émergence d’un droit de la santé au travail." In Santé au travail et travail de santé, 65. Presses de l’EHESP, 2008.
Full textThébaud-Mony, Annie. "Mondialisation et santé des travailleurs : des droits à reconstruire." In Les risques du travail, 11–16. La Découverte, 2015.
Full textGosselin, Hervé. "Chapitre IX. À propos de l’office du juge sur la question du rapport entre travail et santé mentale." In Clinique du travail et évolutions du droit, 245–71. Presses Universitaires de France, 2017.
Full textGanem, Valérie. "Chapitre VII. Éléments de compréhension du rapport entre santé mentale et travail à partir des connaissances en psychodynamique du travail." In Clinique du travail et évolutions du droit, 209–18. Presses Universitaires de France, 2017.
Full textVerkindt, Pierre-Yves. "Chapitre II. Pratique du juge et interprétation des normes : regards historique et contemporain sur la construction du droit de la santé au travail." In Clinique du travail et évolutions du droit, 63–90. Presses Universitaires de France, 2017.
Full textMoreau, Marie-Ange, and Rachel Saada. "Chapitre VI (A). Regards croisés sur la construction de l’obligation de sécurité de l’employeur en matière de santé à l’épreuve des suicides au travail." In Clinique du travail et évolutions du droit, 177–94. Presses Universitaires de France, 2017.
Full textGayet-Viaud, Carole, and Anne de Labrusse. "6. Itinéraires de victimes d’accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles. Freins et entraves à la mobilisation pour les droits à la santé et à la réparation." In Risques du travail, la santé négociée, 123–42. La Découverte, 2012.
Full textGarcia de Araújo, José Newton, and Tarcísio Márcio Magalhães Pinheiro. "Santé et travail." In Dictionnaire de sociologie clinique, 564. ERES, 2019.
Full textFaurie, Isabelle. "Santé au travail." In Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 375–79. Dunod, 2016.
Full textFaurie, Isabelle. "Santé au travail." In Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations : 110 notions clés, 386–90. Dunod, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Droit de la santé au travail"
Rodrigues dos Santos, Cecilia. "Le Corbusier et le Brésil : une Synthèse des Arts Majeurs, et aussi des Arts Mineurs." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textCadet, Raulin L., Christophe Providence, and Jean-Baptiste Anténord. "La Pénétration Bancaire et le Développement des Villes d’Haïti." In Sessions du CREGED à la 30e Conférence Annuelle de Haitian Studies Association. Editions Pédagie Nouvelle & Université Quisqueya, 2021.
Full textТуркаева, Л. В. "PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF A VALUE ATTITUDE TOWARDS LEGAL NORMS AMONG STUDENTS OF A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY AS A FUNDAMENTAL TASK OF MODERN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION." In Образование будущего: Материалы II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. Crossref, 2021.
Full textLafont, J., J. H. Catherine, M. Lejeune, U. Ordioni, R. Lan, and F. Campana. "Manifestations buccales de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textLan, R., F. Campana, J. H. Catherine, U. Ordioni, and D. Tardivo. "Nouvelles techniques d’aide au diagnostic des lésions pré-cancéreuses et cancéreuses de la cavité orale : revue systématique et résultats préliminaires." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Droit de la santé au travail"
Dubois, Carl-Ardy, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, and Alexandre Prud'homme. Expérience au travail du personnel des établissements de soins de longue durée lors de la première vague de la pandémie de COVID-19 au Québec. CIRANO, June 2022.
Full textCampbell, Bryan, Michel Magnan, Benoit Perron, and Molivann Panot. Modélisation de règles budgétaires pour l’après-COVID. CIRANO, January 2022.
Full textRapport sur le dialogue social 2022 : la négociation collective pour une reprise durable, résiliente et inclusive. ILO, 2022.
Full textCadre de travail en santé publique axé sur l’action portant sur la tension financière et le bien-être financier – Résumé. Centre for Healthy Communities (CHC), Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE), 2022.
Full textLignes directrices internationales d'éthique pour la recherche en matière de santé impliquant des participants humains. Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), 2016.
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